tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 12, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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dramatically multiplies the odds of an overdose. the white house says that drug combination has now been found. in almost all of the 50 states, and it appears senator lindsey graham has had a change of heart tweeting photos of what he called a very productive meeting with the saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman graham once predicted a bipartisan tsunami against the saudis after the murder of journalist jamal cookie. now, though, he cites saudi purchases of boeing jets made in south carolina and says he wants to improve. that relationship. thanks for your time tonight inside politics. we'll see you tomorrow. phillip picks up our coverage right now. hello i'm abby phillip in washington. we begin today in richmond, indiana, where a massive fire at a recycling plant is now spewing a cloud of toxic smoke. the fire chief
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there says it started yesterday in a semi trailer on the site and quickly spread to a building filled with plastics. health officials are urging residents now to evacuate. um these are very fine particles. and if they're breathe, then can cause all kinds of respiratory problems burning in the eyes tightening of the chairs, it could aggravate asthma. ah cause bronchitis and all kinds of things. so we are stressing to the public to honor the evacuation zone. cnn's sanjay gupta is standing by to break down all the possible health risks from this fire. but first , let's go and check in with cnn's omar jimenez, who was on the ground there in richmond, indiana. omar what is the latest about the status of this cleanup effort? yeah i mean, i mean, you can see the fire a little bit behind your the smoke. i should say it's a lot better than it
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was. but it's still does pose that risk. as the indiana state fire marshal has described with fumes that are def definitely toxic, so it's a lot of that smoke going up into the air, and that actually is the primary concern the smoke, and that's partly good news. and i say that because well, one let's let's take a look here. one is that a lot of these toxic fumes are going up into the air, but the tests that have now been taken at the ground level air quality, which is i guess most people here are breathing outside of those in the immediate area there that there are no signs of toxins. however they did find signs of particulates in there so little particles. that oftentimes we see with smoke, so at the very least, smoke inhalation could be an issue for a lot of folks here, which, of course we know can be troublesome around 2000. people are being affected by evacuation orders. this is a town of about 35,000 between indianapolis and dayton, ohio. now these are plastics that are burning
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plastic. recycling factory and officials believe it started with the semi truck trailer burned the fence spread to piles of plastics event spread to the entire compound. and while this specific reason for this or the specific cause we're still trying to figure out, the mayor here says that they've had issues with this property for a long time, particularly about fire hazards that for them talking among officials, it was never a matter of if something like this would happen, but when and it seems like we've gotten to that point now, good news. they've got the flames or the least the smoke contained so it doesn't appear that there will be more flame threats, other homes and things like that around the area. but obviously that major concern is the smoke and toxins that are going up into the air. and the last point they mentioned for something to watch for in the future. as well of those toxins are going up into the air. now as the smoke dies down as they get more under control. a lot of those toxins will end up staying around the
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ground level, and that's something that really watching for, and it's why epa officials told us here on the ground. they are testing air quality constantly to make sure that we're just worried about particulates and not necessarily toxins. yeah that's the major concern. and so we do have dr sanjay gupta here with us. so sanjay, tell us a little bit about what the concerns are here . you heard that health officials telling people take this evacuation order seriously , because you're talking about very fine particles here that could cause health problem right? and the smaller the particles, the bigger the concern. this is a challenging sort of situation, in part because it's an uncontrolled burn, and the impact is sort of measured over space and time, meaning that smoke that omar is describing it obviously will travel that's dependent on the conditions. weather conditions windy, for example, but also over over time right now, if you were to sort of dissect that plume that you're looking at some of the more concerning
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taxes will probably be near the top of that plume. they tend to be lighter, they tend to be more volatile, rise up faster. so it's not as much of a surprise that if you're doing ground level testing or lower level testing, you're not going to find evidence of those toxins. you will find evidence of the particulate matter that omar was describing and that's what the people need to be the most cautious of but over time. some of those volatile organic compounds those some of the things that you worry about, they can rise up, move and then and then eventually fall back down to the ground, and that's why we need to be thinking about some of the longer term testing that happens as high up as you can do it, but also over time making sure you see is this causing contamination. later on , and even in different locations, so it's a lot of work to basically continue to monitor and measure something like this, abby yeah, absolutely. and for the people in that area, what should they be concerned about?
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as it relates to the plastics and if they do have health concerns? what signs would they take on at this point? yes. so with regard to the smoke called the smoke right now. i mean, you see it, you smell it. you feel it that can cause health health issues in just about anybody. even healthy people. i think people who say look, i'm healthy . don't need to worry about it. that's probably not the case. but people who are most at risk of people have underlying heart disease underlying pulmonary disease, lung disease, things like that young children, babies in particular at risk, but i think if you start to look at again, some of these compounds you get this uncontrolled burn. there's all these different things that are spewed into the air, some of the ones that they've talked about earlier today at that press conference, and that you worry about with plastics are things like styrene and benzene, for example. styrene we know less about in the short term, it can cause irritation of eyes and, you know , difficulty with breathing. still, the long term impact of
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that is not as well known benzene. we know more about both in the short term and long term , it can cause people to have headaches. feel confused. it can affect their heart. just like the particulate matter. in severe cases, it can lead to unconsciousness as well. so again, i don't want to unnecessarily alarm people. and as omar mentioned so far, the testing has not shown evidence of this but keep in mind where those toxins potential toxins would be right now, if they are present is near the top of that plume of smoke where it's harder to do that testing. you gotta follow this to see is that start to come down literally down to the ground over time and where most likely falls in some of the lowest lying areas around the community. that testing needs to happen, you know, over the next several days, and even weeks, it could be a long road ahead for the folks living in that community, dr. sanjay gupta and omar jimenez, both of you, thank you very much. and now on to louisville, where investigators are trying to figure out what
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drove a 25 year old bank employee to gun down five of his coworkers. on monday, they recovered items from his residence overnight and the shooter's family broke their silence, saying that he was dealing with quote mental health challenges. we also have newly released body camera footage from police showing officers storming that bank where the attack was in the lobby, where the attacker was in the lobby, and they were and ready to ambush them. and this is that video, and i warn you that it is disturbing. possible. we will in a couple of minutes, speak with the louisville police chief about all of this, but first, let's check in with cnn's adrien brody's who is on the scene there, adrian, what are we learning now? about the shooter ? now that this investigation is very much well underway? well,
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abby overnight, the shooter's family released a statement saying in part that they knew he struggled with depression. and in that statement, the family said they were actively working to address the mental illness he lived with. however they said they saw no signs and they did not know that he was planning. nor that he was capable of such violence. and i want to read to you part of that statement. it says no words can express our sorrow, anguish and horror at the unthinkable harm our son connor inflicted on innocent people and also goes on to say we mourn their loss and that of our son, connor. we pray for everyone traumatized and later this evening at five o'clock here in town, there will be a vigil to honor and recognize and remember the five people who lost their lives. their lives ended here at the bank abbey where they worked. you can see
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now the front of the bank, the windows that were shattered by gunfire are now covered with plywood. abby. adrien brody's thank you very much for that. and now we are joined by the interim chief of the louisville metro police department, jacqueline gwyn via roel chief gwen viral. thank you very much for joining us. we were just discussing that investigators did search the shooter's home. what can you tell us now about anything that was recovered there that might give us some sense of what happened. well thank you. aid abby for actually having me here to just discuss this. um this incident is tragic incident. our investigators, along with additional local partners and federal partners did do a search on the individuals, residents and we did recover. um numerous items, but again, the investigation is
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ongoing and we really want to make sure that everything that we recovered that we're actually going through it, um, detail by detail, so that we're able to provide all of the necessary accurate information. to the family and to the community here in local and into the nation as to why this incident was carried out. um and so the family understands that we want to make sure that any information that we provide there is with accuracy because everybody wants to know why you should have never happened. but the answer of the question needs to we need to know why. yeah i think that that is absolutely, you know, in front of mind for so many families searching for some semblance of closure here, would you be able to say without disclosing any confidential information? are you all learning more about the motive? are you closing in on a motive here? we're learning more about who the individual is, um we're learning more about his
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accordance is, um and so right now, it's just piecing all of this together. and what motivated that individual to intentionally take? um so many lives and, um, but i'm just so grateful that my officers responded. in such a brave manner in order to just, um, bring a stop to that violence and we do want to talk about that bravery that we saw on display there, but i want to ask you another thing about just to clarify some of the information that's been out there. there was some information, conflicting information about whether this gunman who was employed at the bank had either been terminated or was set to be terminated. can you clarify what you know about that? yes thanks for asking that question. we did get clarification. there was no discussion about him being terminated. and of course he wasn't fired. so um, he was an active employee there at all national bank. um but there was no discussion about this
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individual being terminated. so that is with confirmation that i'm able to give you that information to you today. okay and there was, we know, a voicemail that was apparently left by the shooter, saying he was going to kill people. as we look at this situation and try to understand the timeline here . how how soon did line force mint or authorities know about that voice mail? was there any warning time? we didn't receive any initial warning time on that voicemail, but i'm just truly grateful that as soon as the call came in that we had an active shooter, um, situation that was actually occurring within three minutes. my officers were on scene and they were engaging that individual. um so timing is, as we all know , is everything but not having officers to hesitate, but actually, um, really go in and say i need to stop this threat. and that's what you saw in that
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video we saw in that video as you were just saying, the officers really charging up that stair case to a deadly threat. one of those officers, officer wilt a rookie in your department was seriously injured. what is the latest on his condition? he is still in critical but stable condition. um, we're hopeful that he will be able to continue to recover and be stabilized. but right now, the next four or five days, um is critical is critical because of where he got shot. um and the doctors are closely monitoring him and they're giving a course the much needed update on his status and we are getting that up there on his status as well. we're all praying, and we're so concerned and i'm just i'm just hopeful. i'm truly hopeful. um them officer will be able to pull through and we are joining you in our prayers for a speedy recovery for officer will and
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for all the others who are injured there, chief guan gwyn via roel. thank you very much for joining us on. what i know has been an extraordinarily tough week for you and your entire department. thank you very much. thank you for having me and we are now standing by for a major ruling on abortion access nationwide in this country. at any moment, a federal appeals court could decide whether to put on hold a texas judge's order that would halt the sale of an abortion pill. mr preston come friday, cnn's senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic is joining me now, so joan walk us through what could happen when this appeals court makes its ruling and how that could potentially set us up for a another major showdown at the supreme court. yes good afternoon. as of this moment, all the filings are into the fifth circuit court of appeals. it's the regional appellate court that will be handling the arguments from both sides and what to do with judge mesmeric
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order from last week is remember when he invalidated the fda approval of the first pill of this to drug medication abortion . he said that his order should take effect on friday. this at the end of this friday, he gave it seven days and what the department of justice and the drug manufacturer danko have said, is that this this ruling has to be put on hold for a longer period of time so that appeals can work their way through the system if this order were to take effect, so immediately, it would cause substantial harm to women to physicians to pharmaceutical companies to so many different players, because not just would it throw in doubt access to this crucial abortion medication that has become the most common way that women and pregnancies in the early stages. it also cast lots of doubt on the fda is approval of other existing drugs and new drugs, so just so much
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chaos would ensue, the department of justice says again joined by the drug manufacturer now the group that brought the original complaint against the fda, uh, submitted its filing just overnight, saying. look this order should take effect. the judge found that the approval process was flawed. it did not take into account the proper scientific groundings and harms caused by this drug. this is the argument from these challenges these anti abortion doctors and medical groups, so those are the competing views that are now before the 1st 5th circuit court of appeals. i have to say, abby. this is a very conservative fifth circuit. it has a very it's very top heavy with republican appointees and republican appointees, who tend to tip further to the right wing. but this issue right now is not a straight abortion rights one. it has to do with the approval process and most specifically right now, if
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everyone can just wait having what's called administrative stay so that the actual legal arguments can be presented one final thing if the department of justice does not get relief with the fifth circuit. it says it's going to go immediately to the u. s supreme court to try to have the justices put this matter on hold so that the legal case can play out, abby one way or another. it's going to be a very pivotal next couple of days here, joan. i know you'll be on top of it. thank you very much. and still to come for us this hour. how easily these beasts kills strong words from ukrainian president zelinsky after chilling video shows the beheadings of ukrainian soldiers plus supporters of the ousted tennessee lawmaker justin pearson, rallying right now outside of the civil rights museum in memphis. shelby county commissioners vote next hour to determine his political fate. and later, a frightening warning from the biden administration. why the white house's drugs are is now calling a fentanyl
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certified financial planner, cfp professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a cft. ukraine is investigating possible war crimes after disturbing video surfaced appearing to show the beheading of a ukrainian soldier . it is the second video just this week to emerge on social media showing graphic violence against ukrainian soldiers and now ukrainian president zelinsky is vowing to hold those behind those videos accountable. petition the muscle. there are things nobody in the world can ignore. how easily these animals murder. what kind of creatures are they? they don't care about a human being a son, a brother, a husband, someone's child. this video shows russia trying to make it a new normal. cnn senior international correspondent ben wedeman is live in eastern ukraine. so ben what are other ukrainian officials and even the kremlin saying about this video?
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ukrainian officials. abby are not surprisingly very angry about this horrific video in one of the videos, you see two beheaded ukrainian soldiers who also appeared to have there have had their hands cut off in the other. you actually see what appears to be a russian soldier from the white leg band he's wearing actually cutting off using a knife to cut the head off of what we believe is a ukrainian soldier who is alive at the time. time now. we have heard from, for instance, officials with the ukrainian defense intelligence service, saying that this is an illegal execution by terrorists by the occupying state. he said that it's a violation of all the norms and laws of war and, of course, the ukrainians are going to be launching a war crimes investigation. but that's just the latest they their files of
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war crimes by russian forces. since the full scale invasion in february of last year is very thick. indeed as far as the russian reaction we heard dmitry peskov, the spokesman for the kremlin, actually describe the videos as terrible. but he said the veracity the authenticity of these videos still has yet to be determined now. it's widely believed that at least in one of these videos that the perpetrators of the beheadings are forces of the wagner group and the head of that group. you have any precaution, has said that he sees no indication in these videos that his men were involved in the beheadings. abby alright then we'd have been thank you very much. and the second expelled tennessee lawmaker could get his seat back as soon as today. right now supporters have gathered for a rally in memphis and will take you there live next. when you
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chamber. and last week, the gop super majority voted to kick pearson and justin jones out of their seat. so on monday, jones was voted back into his seat, temporary measure until a special election can be held. and in the next hour, we'll find out if democrats can make it a two for to vote to give pearson his job back on his back on the docket in shelby county, cnn's ryan young is right there at the rally in memphis right now, so ryan, what are you hearing amidst the crowd and the people who decided to come out and rally today? abby a lot of energy that's behind all this. they are speaking right out there. now. the tennis 33 just finished talking. you can feel how big this crowd is. this crowd plans to march all the way to the shelby county commission meeting where they all plan to sit inside and try to push justin pearson back in. i'm talking to people who live in this area. they believe justin pearson will get his seat back. this protest has lasted a little
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longer than what they expected. they're now going to march that mile to that commission meetings, so hopefully to get pearson back in then. plan is to take it either by fedex or by hand back to the state capital so we can have the swearing in moment again on the state capitol steps. abby this has played out so unbelievably, in terms of the rocket that these two young men have been on. since this vote happened. you had the vice president show up here, leaders from across the country talk about this movement , and then you had the governor of the state calling for common sense gun laws. and the entire time push has pushed this crowd into being a multi generational , multi colored sort of combination of people. and now you're hearing folks talking about trying to vote to change the supermajority. all this abbey happening at a very historic place. this is the lorraine motel and, of course, with where dr king was killed to the march is getting ready to start. we're gonna walk up. the next half hour or so, maybe even the next hour we'll find out whether justin pearson will get his seat back. abby all right.
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we'll be watching ryan young. thank you very much. and turning to politics. now senator tim scott is in iowa today, meeting with families that homeschool their kids that is notable because earlier today the republican lawmaker launched a presidential exploratory committee, moving one step closer to formally entering the race for the 2024 republican nomination. and in his announcement video, scott said that he will not back down from defending conservative values. i know america is a land of opportunity, not a land of oppression. i know it because i've lived it. that's why it pains my soul to see the biden liberals attacking every wrong of the ladder that helped me climb. and joining us now is cnn political commentator and former special assistant to president george w. bush scott jennings. so, scott, um, you heard there in that video, senator scott tim scott, talking about how america
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is the land of opportunity, not the land of oppression. that really stood out to me, also because he's standing at fort sumter in south carolina, the sight of where the civil war first shots were fired. and he mentioned that in the first words of that statement. what do you make of that choice, positioning himself on this issue of race in a party that i think you would agree, is still predominantly white. well tim scott is one of the most relentlessly optimistic people in politics. certainly in the republican party. he always describes the united states as a land of opportunity. he calls the republicans the gop, the grand opportunity party. that's his disposition, and it's really going to i think to your point stand out in this field where you've got other candidates who are constantly describing america and sort of apocalyptic tones where scott comes from those you know, given where he started and given, you know, he always says he went to from cotton to congress in one generation given where his grandfather started and then where he is wound up and then
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given the fact that he was raised by a single mother, given the fact that he credits getting on track with his education is turning his life around. and it's his life story that i think sort of informs this narrative about america being a land of opportunity, and that's why republicans love tim scott. he's inspiring. he has great communications abilities. he's great retail politician. he's beloved in his home state. so you know, i think he starts pretty low in the polls, but he's got all the skills and the life story and sort of that candidates something to make a go of it, and i'm glad he's in the race. i think it's good for american politics. if he officially gets in which i think we expect that he will, he would be running against another south carolinian nikki haley, also from a diverse background they're both from from the state of south carolina, also both trying to carve out a kind of sensible republican lane, can they both occupy that lane going into 2024? well, i think when you look at lanes in this primary, there's really only two there's trump. and then there's everybody else. and right now,
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tim scott, nikki haley and all the other names are in the everybody else along with ron desantis, and there's no question that ron desantis is in a different polling universe right now, then senator scott or governor haley or anyone else, so i think what the people and that other bucket are trying to do is emerge as the one the one thing that's true is that fragmentation if scott and haley and desantis and pence and pompeo 100 all these people stay in for a long time, that kind of fragmentation almost guarantee donald trump the nomination, he's already going to be difficult to beat, even if it ever gets down to a one on one contest, so i think that other bucket the non trump bucket. they got to get down to one person and you look, tim scott has the kind of message in candidate skills. to make a go of it. but again, ron desantis right now in that bucket is by far and away the leader of it, but that's what campaigns are forwarded to see who can rise up over a period of time. all right , we've got five candidates, potentially more or less in the field right now. we'll see how big it grows. scott jennings, thank you very much for all of
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that. and up next for us a new warning today from the white house about a dangerous new opioid hitting american streets . what biden's drugs are just told cnn about tranq dope. you're doing businesss in an app driven multi cloudud world. thas why you choose vm ware with flexible multi c cloud services that enanable digital innovation and enterprise control helps you keep your cloud options open. hey i'm one more. i think we got it. let's focus on the r v. v okay, everybody look at the rv and smile. this is what you want for your family portra. good point. we bundled the boat with our home and auto first team get on in here. team oh, fun. 24 7 financial protection with progressive 20 financial protection progressive. okay let's get some singles on the on the bike, honey. .com even
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that you've never felt before. experience the difference at moon pod dot co. natasha chan in los angeles, and this is cnn. the white house is sounding the alarm over a frightening new substance being called tranq dope. it's a fentanyl laced with an animal tranquilizer, and this is the first time that any administration has declared an illicit substance and emerging threat in this manner. cnn's health reporter jacqueline howard just talked to the white
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house's drugs are about this. so, jacqueline, what did he tell you? abby dr rahul gupta, the nation's drug czar, told me that we are now seeing fentanyl laced with the tranquilizer zilla seen in almost all 50 states and by declaring this in emerging threat, that means the administration will have a national response. ready in the next 90 days. it means that the president's $46 billion drug budget that he proposed to congress some of that could be used to take a closer look into the roles island scene is playing in the opioid crisis, and dr gupta. also told me that right now, while we're looking at silas in, there could be other contaminants out there. have a listen. zoology is one of the contaminants into fentanyl. but there could be others. so i think with declaration of emerging threat, we're sending a clear message to producers and traffickers of illicit holocene and illicit fentanyl. the
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challenge of evolution of these drugs supply. and then we're gonna protect lives first and foremost be just last year's i lysine was in 23% of fentanyl powder 7% of fentanyl pills, according to the d e a. so this is something that we're watching closely and it's on the rise so we can expect to hear more from the white house in the coming days. abby yeah. very disturbing their jacqueline howard. thank you very much. combining this tranquilizer with fentanyl complicates an already very dangerous situation. cnn's reeve took to the streets of philadelphia to learn more about the impact of this tranq dope on people there. frank says bad. and i did this only one of the first victims out here with this kind of ship. the opioid crisis has been going on for a long time. but in philly, the problem has shifted. most of the street
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fentanyl supply is cut with an animal tranquilizer called psilocybin or tranq. honest i really didn't notice the change . it was just terrible wasn't doing anything for me in the lord. you build a tolerance for everything eventually and never gonna tracking heroin disappear altogether. i made a cheaper easier to get. not just killing everybody, just drink, give you the same feeling. that's it. knowledge no warm and fuzzy from final drink, which is sleep get free. frank was found in over 90% of the dope samples tested in philadelphia, and it's spreading to other cities on the east coast. in 2021. it was detected in 34% of overdose deaths in philadelphia. users did not want silas scene but now they're addicted to it. okay, so someone told me you're a real o g out here was that mean original gangster? okay? yeah.
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i've been out here for a long time. i'm a people know me. i so like he's been here when, like tranq started being in the supply, right? yeah can the whole transition go from real heroin to trying confetti and. it really it really changed a lot of people's habits, styles is a powerful sedative not approved for use in humans can cause users to be motionless for hours, even days in rooms that won't heal and that can become necrotic. doctors don't yet know why removed £7 of flesh and a leader and a half to pass. it's been open for 21 months. that's how it was frank sugars. will not be here. and kensington, the main avenue runs under the elevated train on many of the corners, you can buy drugs. on the side streets and in the park people without homes, live and
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sleep and use illegal drugs. what's up, pop? do you want to get on the list? percocet prescription, let sarah laurel getting addicted to heroin and living on the street and she got sober. she created savage sisters harm reduction organization that offers showers and nurses to treat people's wounds. shower wound care. both are just shower. everybody knows about kensington. it's a tourist location for drugs. a couple of people mentioned that people will come down here for the weekend and never leave. juice get stuck. why go home? this is mcpherson square park, but we call it needle park. i everybody shoots up here. there's a lot of syringes left around one day, and 2019, a friend drove james sherman to kensington to buy fentanyl and he never came back to the car. he spent two years homeless 18 months of them in this park to hustles. i don't know if one is necessarily appropriate talk about on camera, but it's like hitting people. you know people that are injecting if they're not good at themselves. they need. you know what we call a hitter, and then
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my second one is what we call a runner. somebody comes down from the county and they want to know where the good stuff is. you know, some people would say, hey, i need i want a bag of coke. but like i don't want that salts or, you know, somebody would say, hey, i want shrank. but i want a little bit of fentanyl now, and i would just know that from being down here, so i said, hey, i'll take it but you know you're going to have to look out for me. wow kind of like, uh, tourist guide 100% like a tourist guide, a middleman of copping drugs for sure. so now what's the differentiator? if trunks and everything. oh i don't probably just which ones are heavier with the tranq and which ones are least frankie. the nurses at savage sisters used their experience with addiction to care for people who come in my feet. great brains there. maybe a little bit of people come in here where you're like, dude, you gotta go to the hospital all the time. it's really hard. scary you know you're going to the hospital like are you going to manage my withdrawal? are you going to manage my pain are going to treat me like that.
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someone who uses drugs and stigmatize me and turn me back out it really difficult for patients to get into recovery. they're so fearful of the withdrawal. they're fearful that the doctors and nurses don't know what zilla scene is. withdrawal lasts longer than opioid withdrawal, and it can cause intense anxiety. doctors don't know the best way to treat it, and they're trying different drugs to see what works. but d'orazio warns that cracking down on tranquil just push dealers to introduce other more dangerous drugs, he says. what will help is making it easier for users to get health care. but how do you do that? how do you make the access to care? better. better medications so better ability to manage withdrawal, creating more housing access. housing is a major issue in our community, and i think that's something that we're not concentrating on as the prevention of this disorder. and what would that be more mental health care? yes absolutely the same reason that that mom on the main line reaches for a martini glass at noon. is the same reason that i
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reached for a rig and put a needle in my neck. i was in pain. that's it. i was hurting. the people that are out here numbing their pain with substances, whether it's heroin, alcohol, cocaine. we need to address the pain we need to stop isolating the substance and look beyond it. reeve cnn philadelphia. what's this severe regard c collection at america's best, wow, amamazing styles and unbelievable prices. now that's quite the duo get two pairs of severe vergara frames plus a free exam for 89 95 for a limited time in america's past. you got a minute? about all weekend. les go hold on miami hotel. i'm looking for someone who loves art deco elegance,
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she'll be staying in the united states with the couple's two children and last month spokesperson told cnn that the couple had received an invitation to the coronation. but had not yet confirmed their attendance. alright that does it for me here on cnn. but don't go anywhere just yet. there's a lot more news right after this break. doug. hey, man. nice place. clearly you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty neutral. customize your car insurance. are you only pay for what you need. who. we gotta go again. only pay for what you need.
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i'm bianna golodryga. welcome to cnn newsroom and i'm erica hill just minutes from now and ousted tennessee lawmaker may know whether he can actually go back to that job. he was elected to do the voters that needed to reinstate justin pearson the votes rather needed to reinstate justin pearson happening this hour. pearson of course, is one of two tennessee state representatives who were expelled last week after demonstrating on the statehouse floor, demanding gun reform. republicans who hold a super majority voted them out, saying that they broke rules. of the quorum. a third representative gloria johnson avoided expulsion by just one vote. pearson's colleague justin jones, was reinstated two days ago. and now it's pearson's turn. his fate is up to the shelby county board of supervisors. cnn's ryan young is in memphis, the county seat for shelby county. ryan o rally is happno
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