tv CNN This Morning CNN April 18, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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right to take positions on policy and i think that that is going to be something to keep watching and following um, you know, he's made it very clear that companies like disney should just stick to their lane , he says. um but what what exactly does that mean, in an environment where they're giving corporate contributions and political contributions also the antithetical to what the supreme court has ruled right in terms of corporations having a voice. um citizens united. this is going to be fascinating to watch. we're glad to have your perspective. maryland class. thanks. cnn this morning continues now. he went and rang the doorbell and he was supposed to stay outside and his brothers were supposed to run outside in the car, and they and they come home
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and that was what was supposed to happen and why he was standing there. his brothers didn't run outside, but he got a couple of bullets in his body instead of a couple of twins coming up out and giving them my heart. hmm good morning, everyone. thank you so much for joining us at is ralph. yours. mom speaking just moments ago, caitlin is off today. but now we have another mother, who is said who's crying. thankfully her son is still with us. but we're going to speak to her aunt to his aunt just moments from now, and the attorney ralph ja rule. all he did was ring a doorbell. and now prosecutors have announced that they're bringing felony charges against the homeowners who shot him moments from now again, as we said, is an is going to join us live to weigh in on how he is doing plus, after a surprise delay the high stakes fox news defamation trial begins in one hour this morning. moscow courtroom there just denied the appeal of wall street journal reporter evan gorski, which we're following up
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on all of that. in the meantime, we're going to begin with this. take a look. now you're looking at the courthouse. this is where fox news is about to go on trial. this is in wilmington's delaware. look at that line there in one hour, the court is set to reconvene for one of the biggest defamation cases in the history of american media unless there is a last minute settlement deal. dominion voting systems is suing the network for more than $1 billion. the company has accused fox news of spreading lies and conspiracy theories about dominion after donald trump lost the 2020 election, and this could be an agonizing trial for fox network's highest ranking executives, including rupert murdoch, prominent host such as tucker carlson. could take the stand to testify. if fox news loses, it could be one of the largest defamation defeats ever for a u. s media outlets in and senior media reporters. oliver darcy is standing outside the courthouse. good morning to you, oliver understand there's some folks out there. people are lined up. what is the very
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latest? good morning, don. yes it just hours we're going to see opening statements in this $1.6 billion case. this comes after like you said some 11th hour drama in use. you nailed it, it's going to be an excruciating process for fox news. they're going to have people like rupert murdoch, sean hannity, tucker carlson before us to take the stand and testify about why they put election lies on the air, knowing that donald trump's nonsense about the 2020 election was just that nonsense. it's also going to be an uncomfortable position. mission i think for fox news. usually when they are in controversy, they sell through it through a time tested playbook of really distorting what critics are saying and attacking the media. that's not going to work done in a courtroom. the judge is going to force fox news to advance a truth, you know the facts driven true argument in court, and that's an unfamiliar position to some extent for the network because they have often twisted what critics are saying, meet bad faith arguments and just kind of sailed through controversy. not going to work here where judge compels them to
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tell the truth, and also where a judge has removed some other arguments ahead of the court in pretrial hearings that they hope to make, so it's going to be really interesting to see how fox news defends itself in court, knowing that this is a really different situation and uncomfortable position for the network. uh, from where it's used to being. however i don't want you to miss going into the courtroom is credit a crowd behind you and they're going in. now. do you need to go? the horde of people? thank you don yes, i guess that means yes, oliver dorsey and i am with you . if you want to know, we're just what we were trying to point out the number of people who are going into the courtroom and they're lined up as if it's an event to take place in washington. yeah. it's a bit of a media circus out here, don and right now, what you're saying is people lined up behind me. they're going to actually go into the courtroom, and they're finalizing jury selection right now and then, after the jury selection is finalized, it shouldn't take too long. they're going to start opening
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statements. so that's what you're seeing behind me. but like you said, this is a really big trial, and there's a lot of media out here and there's a lot of interest in what happens because the states are so high because this is so important for not only media defamation law before really democracy here, given the election lies told on fox news, it's every waves. right, oliver dorsey. thank you happening moments ago. a moscow court has just denied the appeal of wall street journal reporter evan gersh devic. this appeal was over where he would be held until trial. it was about pretrial detention. and he was hoping to be placed under house arrest. instead of being held in jail. he has been detained in russia for nearly three weeks on espionage charges. he denies them vehemently as the us government. we just learned his legal team says that it offered bail of over $600,000 to the court to release him from detention. still the court denied even that bail. let's get straight to our matthew chance. live in london, matthew what can you tell us? yeah. 50 million rubles is what his legal team offered. that's about just over
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$600,000. as you mentioned. that's the bail they offered to allow evan gush davich to be basically let out of the lefortovo high security pre detention center, the prison in the middle of moscow, where he's currently being held. they also asked separately if his custody could be reduced to house arrest. both of those appeals were rejected outright by the court in the center of the russian capital. afterwards there were remarks from both his lawyers who spoke about the condition of it and also from the u. s ambassador lynne tracy. you said that she could say only say how troubled it was to see evan, an innocent journalist held in the circumstances, she said the charges brought against evan r basis, and she called on russia for his immediate release and the immediate release of another u. s citizen paul whelan , who has been held in custody has been held. having been convicted of espionage in russia since he's been held since 2018
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both men, the ambassador said, deserve to go home to their families now, but it is not looking at this point that there is any progress from the soundings. i've been taken amongst diplomats in moscow any progress at this point towards any kind of deal that's going to get ceviche de paul whelan out of prison anytime soon, poppy wow, matthew chance. we really appreciate the update a lot of significant developments in court there this morning. i don want to go now to kansas city, missouri. that's where an 84 year old man is now facing serious charges in the shooting of a black teenager. the defendant, andrew d. lester is charged with the class a felony assault in the first degree carries with it a range of punishment of up to life. prosecutors say the teen ralph yarborough went to the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers. he accidentally went to the shooter's home on 115th street instead of 115 terrorists. and all ralph did,
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according to officials was ringing the doorbell when he was shot twice once in the head through a glass door. ralph thankfully, was released from the hospital and is recovering at home this morning. it's all happened last thursday. homeowner was charged yesterday . he was taken into custody the night of the shooting, but was released two hours later. so ralph charles, aunt faith spoon more joins us now and you're all the family attorney lee merritt . we're so glad to have both of you on thank you so much for joining us. i really appreciate it. um i know that listen, the mom is on this morning, she talked about the injuries that that he was shot on the top of his left eye shot again in the upper right arm, but that he is doing okay. how is he doing because he was released from the hospital. monday, correct. he was released on saturday. saturday gonna happen? yes um,
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he is doing well, you know? well considering everything that he has been through and what less than a week as a major part of ralph that died on thursday. and basically right now is just recovery and healing and processing and trying to understand everything that is happening. don't just want to make sure that i heard correctly . what you said. you said there was a major part of ralph that died on saturday. what did you say? as a major part in drought that died on thursday. yeah, what went through. like. he lost a part of himself that day. a lot has changed since that happened. the way in which he's going to walk through this word. it's going to be totally different because of what happened. there's a lot of healing that's going to have to happen. after that event, and every single day is a challenge . every hour is a different story, and it's a long road, so
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he's right now he's just healing a lot of physical healing. yes still has a lot of physical healing. a lot of emotions of them. yeah. yes. talk to me about that. okay? that is hard to explain, you know, because there is no worries that you can describe that way right now. there's a lot to process. it's trying to make sense of something that is senseless. you know, you just can't wrap your head around it. you just cannot wrap your head around it from being shop for doing absolutely nothing wrong. to crying out for help and not being able to get help to finally getting help. but having to do something to get that help and then going through surgery. just stay alive. coming home and knowing
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that the person who did this went home to sleep in his bed and seeing your family have to fight. to get the justice and attention that you should have got it from the beginning, so there's a lot there's a lot to process. how do you feel now that the suspect has been arrested and charged? a little better. a little better, but. yeah it's not as simple as turning a page because yeah, it's just not as simple as turning a page. but it is a little better. it's a little bit a little better than he is hopefully gonna get part of what he do first, li you said, um when faith was speaking that he lost his innocence. yeah absolutely the trauma that he experienced by just knocking on
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the door can't be undone and he had to face an ugly reality here in the states that the color of his skin is often seen as a threat in and of itself. the shooter andrew lester said he looked out of the door. he saw a black boy. i need theaters, life. and that's something that we've heard a lot in american jurisprudence and police shootings and shootings of young black boys that their skin in and of itself right. he said. he feared for his size and listen. there's one study, and there are a number of studies that feared for his life because of the size, right. he said he saw a black man he thought he was a black man obviously is only 16 years old. there are studies that show from the american psychological association and beyond the found that people see black men and black youth as bigger, stronger and scarier than white men of the same size. do you think that factored into this? absolutely and this country from decades, hundreds of years of conditioning, we've decided that black and criminal was almost anonymous, black and
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dangerous is almost anonymous. repeated and hollywood has been repeated. and in the laws that we created, and we're just getting to a point in this country where we're trying to break that down when we're trying to adjust the reality of race and racism. but we see teams old vestiges pop your head on a daily basis. what do you think of that? he said he was scared because of ralph size. i don't understand how i really don't understand. hi how you can possibly see someone i doubt ralph is even £170. ralph is not even six. ft like ralph when you see ralph. in all of the pictures that you have seen on social media and everywhere else . i don't see how you see fear. i don't know how you can see fear. when you look at that kick, there's no way you can see fear. when you look at that kid, if you really look at him and
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not just the color of his skin, there is no way you can see here. awesome. your nephew didn't have his cell phone phone with him. he wasn't on gps. he was following his mom's directions. when you look at how close these two addresses are and how similar the names are, and people will say it's a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. but that does not warrant getting shot. no it does not. and then the wrong place at the wrong time. okay how many lines have you gotten a package at your house. that is not yours. you know, like how many times have someone when your doorbell looking for someone else she does people be shot. no. no it should not happen if we don't want to open doors don't open the door. you can close your blinds. you can turn the lights off. but this individual chose the open his
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door. he was not in any danger because there was a glass door between him and my nephew. he shot him through the glass door . yeah say want to talk to you about that, because, according to ralph statement, he says that he did not pull on the door that lester said don't come around here. is that a valid defense? given missouri stand your ground law. no the missouri stand your ground law or even the castle doctrine, which is probably a little more appropriate given where the shooting took place. don't apply to this case for one key reason. those are self defense statutes. those are saying that you have the right to protect yourself against force exerted against you stand your ground. law says you don't have to retreat. the castle castle doctrine says you don't have to retreat back into your homes. but once you're confronted with force, you can respond with equal or even greater force. he was never in front of the force. ralph never even tried to door handle. he rang the doorbell, and he waited and he was open. the door opened and he was confronted with a man with a gun in hostility, and the
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law simply doesn't protect him under these circumstances. yeah i'm wondering faith because i just want to go back to what we talked about. in the beginning, you said there's going to be a lot of physical healing. i don't want to get too specific. uh and be inappropriate here. um but are you saying to us that ralph is not going to be the same person that he was? before is that your concern? is that what doctors are saying to you? in regards to physically. of course , that would definitely changes like he was shot in his arm. that's going to be scar tissues . there's gonna be a lot of things. he's gonna forever have a score on his head. that's going to remind him that i was shot because of the color of my skin. every time he looks in the mirror, he is going to have that reminder. every single time. yes, ralph is mobile. while he's up, he's able to walk. however if we just judge based on physical appearance to decide if someone is injured if someone is
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hurt, that is part of the problem. what do you want? a lot of the pain deal with its internal, emotional, mental, and that's the worst one to hell. what do you want to come out of this? i want justice to look the same across the board. that's what i want. i want justice to look the same. i don't want sympathy. i don't want pity. i don't want the age to be a factor because ralph age should have benefactor. life should be a factor. i don't care that he is in his eighties. no i don't i want equality. and as you look the same all across the board. face spoon morley merit. thank you both. please keep us updated. thank you for having us well, yeah. thank you for that.
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important to hear first time we're hearing here on cnn from his family new data this morning on u. s border officials shows an increase in migrant crossings last month after a few months of a decline. also the expectation is that number is just going to rise. so senator bob menendez has a new immigration plan has given it to the white house and he's here. with us to explain that this morning. for people who are a litittle intense about hydration neutrogena hydro boost .. lightweight clinically proven 48 hour hydration for that healthy skin glow neutrogena for peop with skin did y know there's no tion? skecher talking about fool mr. t is always in skches, tmd sketches , tmd sketches. that's even the t and d sketches. there's no dance catchers. skechers no team. just comfort lauren. i lost £67.12. months on, go low
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grade industrial supplies, real time product availability and fast delivery. click ranger .com or just stop by granger. are the ones who get it done. pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the u. s where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there because you call these communities home and we do to pnc bank. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved. we tried electric unicycles. i got it, okay. doggy paddle. only pay for what you need already. liberty liberty. new this morning. immigration officials have recorded a 25% increase in the number of migrants crossing the mexican us border. this was just in march. the data reveals an upward trend of border crossing since december, and it comes as a covid arab order restriction known as title 42
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will expire in may, and that is prompting a lot of concerns among us officials about an increased surge. migrants crossing the border may have already traveled many thousands of miles fleeing lack of opportunity. often violence at home. a cnn team of journalists made the five day trek in february through the darien gap documenting the horrors of this trail. their full story aired sunday night on the whole story , with anderson cooper joining us now to talk about all of this is senator bob menendez, the chair of the foreign relations committee. he is unveiling a new immigration plan this morning calling for executive action to expand legal pathways to reduce pressure at the border like a parole program for states in need of workers increases to border resources and processing asylum seekers, expanding humanitarian assistance for migrants and refugees across the americas. and he's calling on us to do more to counter human trafficking and smuggling senator good morning. good morning, poppy. good to be with really notable. this is not legislation, right? you're not
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saying congress do it? because they haven't we all remember you were part of the gang of eight. that was a decade ago and still no comprehensive action. this is an ask of the white house. you gave them this on friday. have you talked to them? i did. we had a conference call last evening, and i think it it is a constructive effort to deal with our challenges of the southern border in a way that we haven't we have just been reactive and punitive. and that hasn't worked. people keep coming. the reality is you have to look at this. in terms of the hemisphere. there are 20 million displaced people refugees throughout the southern hemisphere, the un high commissioner of refugees, says 20% of the world's refugee problems are right here in the western hemisphere, but only spends 8% of its money. so if you understand that there are 20 million people already displaced throughout the hemisphere. then you need to deal with the countries in the hemisphere to
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meet part of that challenge to create legal pathways in their countries to incentivize them to the world bank and the inter american development bank to create those legal pathways and at the same time, there are things that we can do that the administration can do like the asylum officer rule that replaces immigration judges and allows an asylum officer at the border to begin the process of determining whether someone has a legal claim. not and if they don't, then they get deported. and finally you have republican governors even who are calling for greater immigration flows for the purposes of dealing with the 10 million jobs in america that are unfulfilled. well, here's an opportunity to meet both challenges. create productivity, economic opportunity for america to provide these people a parole to do some of those jobs that we can't get americans to do. those are just some of the elements of our four pillars and 28 recommendations. so the white house has read through this. you talked to them last night. i read through the whole 16 page plan about 10 pages of it is
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actual actionable things they could do. did they agree to do any of them with you on the phone? well we didn't get to any agreement that they're going to work on our plan immediately, but they are looking of four. you know suggestions that are different than their plans because their plan simply hasn't created any less action at the border. if we continue down the road where we've been, which is reactive and responsive and enforcement only mechanism, we're going to continue to have the same problem that you cited earlier. in terms of the new figures to me like you're saying so i'll ask you are you saying that biden administration has failed? on immigration on the southern border. provide administration had a vision, which i introduced into legislation in the first year of the administration. that was the right vision, but unfortunately it didn't put the pandemic and then other issues. it didn't put the effort behind it necessary
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to realize the goal. and so now it finds itself reacting to what's happening at the border. and instead of having a more broader plan and a vision that actually can embrace dealing with countries so that people don't come to the border in the first place to be able to process those that do come to the border in an efficient manner. and those who don't have a right then have to get rejected and then, lastly, creating new legal pathways that have shown themselves even some of the administration's initiatives have shown themselves to stem the tide from certain countries. when you create a new legal pathway. all of those things would dramatically change the reality of the southern border. i hope that they could take this moment and actually change course in a way that can actually make for a more secure, safer border. ministrations has not called this a crisis. despite repeated asks, i asked secretary of mayor kiss that a few months ago, 60 minutes just asked him. if this
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is a crisis, he does not call it a crisis. do you call it a crisis? well, i don't call it a crisis, but but it can become one if you understand that there are 20 million people in the western hemisphere in latin america and central america who are displaced, who are refugees who are seeking asylum across the hemisphere. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that unless we work with other countries in the hemisphere, they're going to make their march up north, so the numbers we're looking at now would be insignificant compared to 20 million people on the march. time to engage them where they are. you said last month that president biden himself risks becoming, and these are your words, the asylum denier and chief if the administration follows through with plans that they're weighing right now to restart family detention for migrants, they came in. to office, saying we want a more compassionate approach. but now we know from reporting they're
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considering detaining these migrant families. we also know what the science shows about the impact of that on children even if they are detained with their parents. what would biden have to do to have you say that he has indeed become the asylum denier in chief. well, poppy, first of all, thanks for pointing this out. look the reality is that failed all of that. family detention didn't stop people from coming to the border, but it created enormous stresses on children and it didn't result in what we wanted . number one number two is asylum has been part of our history as a nation in our laws that we are a nation of laws. this is one of our laws. it started going back to when jews were turned away during the era and then the united states. congress passed the asylum law. so since then, we have had asylum as an opportunity doesn't mean that you get it automatically. we need to preserve that if the administration continues on its
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transit ban and other elements in which basically it undermines even the opportunity to make a case for asylum that it would fall into that category. i hope it doesn't do that. i think it's looking for a different path. i do want to ask you about just a stunning story. uh on the front page of the new york times this morning, they're reporting that the white house and federal agencies repeatedly ignored warnings that many of these migrant children were working in dangerous jobs that violated child labor laws across the united states, a document many children that were taken all sorts of different states and put into this dangerous work with a real lack of follow up. they couldn't even find some of the children. the white house says. it's unacceptable. the companies would use child labor. they said. they're working on strengthening the system. but what is your level of concern about this? after reading it? well, i think it's outrageous and it's horrific. that when a child comes and ultimately becomes part of our custody that they are released in a way that
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allows them to be exploited in terms of child labor in the 21st century in the united states, child labor, i don't care which child it is. it's horrific. it's unacceptable and we have to do a much better job of ensuring that when a child ultimately comes within our custody before we release them that we are releasing them. into a environment in which there will not be exploited. that is our obligation. when the government detains someone, it is our obligation to make sure that their safety is ultimately preserved. senator menendez before we go. i do want to give you a chance to respond to some new developments. and this is regarding reports of federal prosecutors looking into whether or not you use your role as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, which oversees aid to egypt to help meet company in your state in new jersey, secure contract with the government of egypt have denied wrongdoing. but you recently set up a defense fund for this and in 2015 you were
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indicted on bribery charges, mistrial declared. you were later acquitted, but to any new jersey voters watching right now who may have concerns that again you're facing scrutiny over corruption. what is your response to them? the response to that is simply that number one. ah this inquiry will end up i believe in absolutely nothing . number two. you know the history you just recited. not only did the jurors not believe the government's case at the time, but the judge kicked out the most significant elements of their charges, saying there was no there there and that's unfortunate. that our system of justice work in a way that ended in nothing but nonetheless, that's what it was. and if anyone looks at my history on egypt, they would know that by both denying aid to egypt, denying arms sales to egypt criticizing its human rights record. i'm not in a position to be helpful to anyone. as it relates to egypt. senator fernandez. we appreciate that
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and please come back as you continue these conversations with the white house. this is a critical issue for many, many voters in both parties. thank you, senator. thank you. dan thanks, poppy. thanks, senator. well, guess what. hate to be the bearer of i guess. bad news. it's tax day. the average refund is lower than last year. christine romans standing by with everything you need to know it's tax day. oh, no. when you have auto glass damage trust safelite will replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety systems, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly repair safe, like replace. my most important kihen tool, my brain choose new areva plus, unlike some others, areva plus is a multitasker supporting six key indicators of brain health. keep me sharp, areva think bigger.
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teenager who rang his doorbell in kansas city in new york. a different homeowner has been charged with murder after he allegedly shot a young woman who just pulled into his driveway by mistake. fox news defamation trial is about to kick off. if the network loses the case against dominion, it could be one of the biggest defeat ever for a u. s media outlet. a short time ago, a russian judge rejected an appeal for house arrest from the american on wall street journal reporter who is being held there on espionage charges, which he and the u. s. government deny. the fbi says china was running a secret police station in new york city to crackdown on dissidents to alleged operatives have been arrested five things to know for this morning more on these stories all day right here on cnn and on cnn .com. don't forget to download the five things podcast every morning. well, no. did you do them? yeah a mine are done. honey wait. you're talking to me or you are my other honey. i'm talking to
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hubs. christine romans, our chief business correspondent is here. paying taxes. no one wants to fork out any money, but it's what paves our roads. our military. this is your civic duty. we pay. sometimes we get some back because we paid too much during the year. and this year, the average tax refund you guys is $2900. and it's about 10% less than it was last year. here's why a lot of those complicated but very lucrative tax breaks during covid have expired, so you're going to get a little bit less here. but what might be the good news today is that it's not as hard to talk to the actual i r s. this has been a real problem. the irs has been underfunded for more than a decade. now they have 5000 new workers already working on this tax season. they've received more than 2 6.5 million calls. that's two million more than last year. actually talking to a human person something i haven't been able to do the irs in a few years and the wait time is under two minutes here, so you're seeing some of your hard taxpayer dollars at work folks
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trying to make the tax season a little bit better if you live in one of these areas that's had a disaster declaration. your deadlines have been moved forward for your tax deadlines, so that gives you some more time to figure out your finances here. and if you need to request a six month extension if you're not ready today to finally get it done. you could use the irs free file is formed 48 68, then you can just punt this until until october. 16th if you have to pay a lot if you've gone through, you know the software. you have to pay a lot you might want to think about having more money deducted every paycheck so that you don't get stuck with a big bill next year. that's what i do. i like i like that way. and you know what happens this tax season will depend will determine the debt ceiling when the debt ceiling thing happens because the money coming in from taxpayers sure what we're using to pay the bills right your taxes because we're not. we're not borrowing, you know, in the markets in public markets were moving the money around. and so this money coming in is critical for running the government until they raise, please the debt ceiling and get that all figured
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out. however they get it figured out. you tried. you tried to put a happy face on tax day. you did a good job better than death, death and taxes are the only certain taxes any day. oh, you always make me smile. a new hbo mini series tells the story of a burglary burglary that brought down a president. yes, watergate. going to work chance had begun to prison. wait, what? so good. one of the stars of the white house plumbers. judy career is here in studio. judy you. sunday nights. we're trying something a little different. one whole storory. what's startling is the sheer number of migrants on this track. one whole hour. world's best journalists dig deeper is san francisco have failed city into the stories. they can't ignore the godzilla get mad and go kill that thing. go in depth every sunday night. there are people
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mobile is now available for just $79 order at cardio mobile .com or amazon. i'm natasha chen in los angeles. and this is cnn. it is the stranger than fiction tale of the men behind the burglary that brought down a president. hbo's upcoming miniseries. white house. plumbers takes a satirical look at how the true story of e howard hunt and you go. libby went from investigating the pentagon papers in the nixon white house, the watergate break in, ultimately toppling the presidency. they were so desperate to protect it stars woody harrelson, justin thoreau and judy greer. watch this. have
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been howard this and howard that if howard wasn't a man, i'd be jealous. maybe you should be. so where did you two meet? actually we met in china at work. so you're also i was during the war . i was involved in the recovery of art stolen by the. wow fascinating history nut myself. he is. actually i might have a little artifact that you might find it very giving your line of work. you know, when i met dot she was formidable. carried a gun spoke multiple languages. she was a veritable bond girl suburban house, bro. nothing wrong with that. actress judy greer joins us now she plays fran liddy. okay i've seen one episode sneak peek. phenomenal it's good, right? great and not
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what you expect from a watergate story. it's very new fresh take if you can believe it. i love a good period piece really do this series takes place in the early 19 seventies. um so lets you said it's a different take on it because it's just funny and humor. i remember actually the watergate i was little bit of wee little at various right. so hilarious man. so why? why different? why this contemporary piece? well it's funny. we screened it last night at the 92nd street way, and i heard dave mandela director who directed all five episodes say that this is a drama with funny moments. and i was like, oh, crap because i laughed. the whole thing. i think it's funny . i think it's a fresh take, because what we're really looking at is the four break in attempts that happened before the final one, so they tried four times before the water gate that we know about it like that. we've all been taught about. so this is kind of like the behind the scenes like leading up to and so many of your locks. they messed everything up every
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single time. it was a really it's a it's a very strange and disturbing and hilarious story. like what led up to the watergate break in that then we learned about for the last, however many years i love what your dear friend jennifer garner says about you, she says. it just feels like the rest of the world is finally catching up. but she's always been the main character. so nice. it makes me tear up a little bit. that's really nice about yourself like because you've had all these lived life experiences and in your words flying under the radar for you helped you in being after i really feel like what? uh what serves me is being out and about and meeting people and talking to people and it i steal from people. and if you're you know if you're shut up in an apartment or house and you're not waiting in line at the dmv, like, how are you learning what
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people are like? and how can you ? what do you bring to your role ? i don't know. i feel really strongly about that. but that's not always available to some people, you know? i was just looking at all the things you've done. it's arrested development . just whole hilarity abounds. but i want to ask you about because clearly you're not old enough to have to remember watergate or even be alive in that era, not alive. but what did you learn about that era and filming and filming the series? you know, i think i know knew going into it the basics of watergate and then because i was playing a character who is like happily unaware of what her husband is doing. i used that as an excuse to do no research for my role and enjoy my summer and upstate new york where we shot it. but then, after the fact i went and i started reading the books and watching the documentaries in the movies and all the president's men and everything, and like that was when i started to get to do it after you know a lot of times i
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get cast kind of late in the process. sometimes when you're supporting role there like worrying about their stars, and then they're like, oh, crap. we start shooting in a week. and so we gotta anyway, i had a little bit more time than that. but sometimes you get to set and you have to really like hurry, so i definitely dug in more after the fact. and you know, i think that this story is unfortunately, very timely even though it happened 50 years ago, like we have so much political scandal happening every hour that we really we did. we never noticed . well you guys don't really deal with that here at cnn. so um, you should get on instagram the things you'll learn. um i, uh yeah. so i think that these stories, you know, that's why we have to keep making them. i hope you kept some of the clothes because they're back. i had the boots that justin thoreau had on and i love the seventies staff. that was him through that that was all him back now, judy greer. thank you. pleasure rations. thank you. white house
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plumbers premieres may 1st 9 p.m. on hbo, or should we just say max on hbo? hbo man he thinks we have to say max. yes again. we have to say max do oh, it's great. whatever you call it . honestly it cannot wait to watch the rest of the funny, you guys. i've seen all five episodes. you're going to have it. thanks guys with you. so nice to be here. thank you. now in battle, congressman jorge santos says he is ready to run again, harry antin, but this morning number harriet got your number, buddy. said. harry has jordanan's guys work way back wn . will build freelance teams with more. working is better than me. your 60 ft. i strgled
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are very nice to enjoy a little bit of do you remember? i know my rent. why is this the number because it's the number. it's the money that was contributed to jorge santos says campaign in the quarter one of this year, but here's the funny thing that's less than the $8353 that he refunded. he managed to actually refund more money than he took in not exactly the sign of someone who is particularly strong. some people. i might have asked for their contributions back. i wonder why . here's another sort of thing that gets at it very low, favorable and approval ratings. the good news for jorge santos. as i found, somebody found some politicians who had the equivalent to his 7% the bad news is they were people who either were or became convicted criminals. so robert voinovich at 8% 7% for bob taff, so look similar numbers but again, not exactly history that you want to
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tell us about it. he'll make it to general election. i mean, if he's gone in the primary again and there, yeah. so look at this . his favorite rating among the gop in new york. three again it's equal to joe biden at 11% but joe biden is a democrat. he's a republican. when you have a favorable rating that is equal to a democratic president, that's not exactly publicans in his district among republicans in his district when you look at either the general election of the primary, the numbers not good for jorge santos. thank you , harry. thank you. thank you. thank you. we're going to just keep singing rent 121, and you can watch cnn news central all right after this break, i love rent. why did we choose safefe like we were loading our suv when crack safes like came r rit to us, and we couldld see exacty whwhen they'd arrived with the replacement. we could trust that service the way we want it flat repair. safelite replace is a better wayo remodel your tub,
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