tv CNN This Morning CNN April 19, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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treat people well talk to them kind and get after it. don't ask about what are we going to do? if you don't get a bonus? get the $26 million. spend your time and your effort thinking about the $26 million we need and not thinking about what you going to do if we don't get a bonus, alright? how to get some commitment for that. i would appreciate that. i had an old boss who said to me one time you can visit pity city, but you can't live there. so people leave pity city. let's get it done. thank you. okay, so that didn't go over well, miller miller. noel claims the comments are taken out of context and says it hasn't yet decided on bonus payouts. uh owen took home we're told nearly $5 million in compensation. last year, the company's median employee income is less than $45,000. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans, cnn this morning starts right now.
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good morning, everyone evening yesterday for dominion and truth and democracy. yeah except the people who need to hear it won't we'll get into it? get into it. we're glad you're here. caitlin started with five things to know for this wednesday, april 19th 2023 fox news has agreed to settle dominions defamation lawsuit, according to the steel fox will pay dominion. $787 million. also today, the supreme court expected to weigh in on the battle over access to the abortion pill. medford, kristen . of course, ruling could determine whether that will be accessible by mail city investigators trying to figure out what caused a parking garage to collapse and lower manhattan. that was yesterday. one person was killed, five others injured also happening today, a senate armed services committee set to hold a hearing. about ufos, a former navy fighter pilot will join us to talk about his
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encounters. also great news tomorrow. hamlin fully cleared to return to the nfl three months after he was hit, and that sent him into cardiac arrest on the field of buffalo bill star announcing he plans to make a comeback to the league. cnn this morning starts right now. i keep saying it every day. it's very busy, especially in that. we're moving into summer. you know, we have the summer doldrums. there's nothing dull about the news because we have all the stuff we talked about when we get to fox news in just a moment, but we have the alleged leaker is going to be in court today and also the shooter of the 16 year old teenager who was shot and luckily is recovering right now, so a lot to get get you don't we begin to begin where we were talking about that? let's start with that. we're gonna start with fox news has agreed to pay a huge historic price for spreading lies about the 2020 election,
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you said it is the largest the largest publicly known defamation settlement ever by us media company crazy. the network reaching a last minute settlement deal with dominion voting systems for more than $787 million.10. times evaluation of the company in 2018. it happened right before the trial was set to begin. dominions lawyers say it is a victory for truth and democracy. watch this the truth matters. flies have consequences. dominion needed justice. we got into this case with two goals, accountability and justice and we achieved accountability when we exposed everything that had been going on at fox news dominion tells cnn that the settlement deal does not require fox news anchors to apologize or acknowledge on air that they told lies, which is why i said many of the people who need to hear it won't be able to hear it, and they just simply won't hear it. here's what the network said in a statement when the
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news broke watch i do have a statement from fox. neil we're pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute with dominion voting systems. we acknowledge the court's rulings finding certain claims about dominion to be false. the sun won't reflects foxes continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. okay we'll discuss exactly what all that means simply didn't mean that they lied or whatever. we'll talk about it. alimony is here. but standby. here's a small sample of the broadcast and debunked conspiracy theories that got fox news into trouble. sydney we talked about the dominion software. i know that there were voting irregularities tell me about that. electronic voting machines didn't allow people to vote apparently, and that whatever you think of it, the cause of it, it shakes people's faith in the system that is an actual threat to democracy. fox news still facing a multi billion dollar lawsuit from a different company, this one called smartmatic, so let's go through what happened. senior
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legal analyst elie honig is here morning. obviously this was about a whole lot more than money, but it is $787 million. so let's begin there. you want to put it put it in perspective for us. let's start with the bottom l here.his amount of money 787. million just an astonishing figure. no matter how you break it down now, look , you could look at this and say, well, it's only about half of what dominion originally asked for their original $1.6 billion figure, but we need to be realistic about what these figures are. these numbers that plaintiffs put forward are just that their numbers that plaintiffs put forward. there's no guarantee dominion would have won a trial, and even if they had, there's no guarantee they would have gotten anything close. 2 $787.5 million. now, let's put it in some meaningful context. poppy as you just said , this is an unprecedented payout if we look at some of the recent high profile defamation, settlements and judgments, we are seeing dollar amounts in the $222 million 177 million
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dollars. $274 million.33 million dollars. the only higher figure came in the alex jones case. jury awarded $1.4 billion. ever that needs to be split between about 20 different plaintiffs. and realistically, alex jones is not going to pay that money. fox is going to have to pay all $787.5 million. it's also important to keep in mind exactly what dominion voting systems is. it's a modest sized company they're privately held they have about 250 employees. the current total valuation of the entire company is under $100 million. so, poppy and don here they've received more than 10 times the value of the entire company. it's a big big number. so what does what does fox get out of this deal except for a lighter pockets, but still they have enough money. they'll be fine. why would they agree to pay so much here? on the one hand on they could have got hit, theoretically, with an even heavier verdict if this had gone
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all the way to trial, but i think more important, they avoided the nightmare scenario of having some of their most prominent host have to take the stand at this trial, taken oaths and get cross example. we were looking at the very realistic possibility of saying hannity, tucker, carlson and other prominent hosts have to take the stand. and also, maybe even more importantly, some of fox's top executives are now spared having to take the stand and get cross examined, including most importantly, rupert murdoch, the ceo of the entire fox news corporation. and remember, the judge ruled just last week that yes, rupert murdoch did have to testify. i think that was a key moment in drawing fox into the negotiation. can i just speak for folks this morning and don alluded to it? i thought erik wemple put it well in his call him and in the post today that you know it feels a bit empty to some is what he said. because there was not there is as i understand it, oliver darcy is reporting no need or requirement that these personalities get on air and admit that their relies that they spread these lies. that's true. and let's keep in
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mind, though a verdict does not come with an apology, either, even if they had gone all the way through. but let's look papi at what dominion did get in terms of accountability. fox made this statement somewhat ambiguous, somewhat lawyered up , but they say we acknowledge the court's ruling finding certain claims about dominion to be false. so what exactly are the court rulings that they're talking about here? well let's remember last week, the judge in this case made of finding as a matter of law that it is. quote crystal clear, crystal clear that none of the statements relating to dominion about the 20 20 election are true that all caps by the way is the judges that interesting that fox has now admitted, and also poppy. it's really important to keep in mind as a result of this litigation we have now seen behind the curtain at fox news, dominion has exposed the private texts and emails. rupert murdoch , for example, wrote the trump myth trump myth that the election was stolen. tucker carlson talking about sidney
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powell, one of the main purveyors of this fraud, said she is quote lying. laura ingram talking about sidney powell called her a complete nut. that's her words. sean hannity talking about rudy giuliani. another spreader of the big lie, said he is quote acting like an insane person, so no, nobody's going to go on fox news and say, hey, we lied, but this is all in the public record now. very interesting. i'm sure smartmatic is like they're happy about it. smartmatic hit the jackpot. they still have a pending lawsuit against fox news. i can't see fox news paying this much money to avoid trial with dominion and then going to try with smartmatic. i think smart maddox lawyers are rubbing their hands and by the way, dominion is a privately held. so it is it. is it a private equity company is that private equity exactly so they have to protect their bottom 10 times more money than the valuation of their country, their company. into their corporation. they have to think about their employees and their bottom line. interesting thing about them that their lawyers right up is it. um a number of the employees our shareholders in the company, exactly. 215
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places quite end answer anderson cooper last night and he asked all the employees of pressing but they said, well, a lot of the employees our shareholders, hopefully, you know, it goes to some of the employees or most of the employees be interesting if it went to the because their name and who they work for every day was dragged through the mud. thank you. thank you. i appreciate that straight. ahead in our eight am our almost at eight p.m. hour, eight am howard. we're going to speak with justin nelson, the lead counsel for dominion. you see a space right there. up on the screen wise seem ultimately chose to settle and should they have pushed harder for an on air apology from fox news anchors? make sure you stay with us for that. also this morning, the man accused of shooting ralph jarawa black teenager in kansas city. that man is expected to be arraigned today. he has 84 year old andrew lester. he turned himself into authorities yesterday. the sheriff's office has released this booking photo of him, but he was released just hours. later on $200,000 bond. he is facing two felony charges after admitting to shooting y'all. who's who said he went to the wrong address just went to the wrong house to pick up his
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younger brother's lucy calf novice following all of this in kansas city, missouri. good morning, lucy. what are the conditions of this bond pop? poppy you know, this has been a whirlwind 24 hours. when we were on the show yesterday. nobody knew when he returned himself in. andrew lester did finally turned himself in yesterday afternoon to the detention center was almost immediately released. conditions of that $200,000 bond are that he is prohibited from having any type of weapon. he is not allowed to have any direct or indirect contact with charles family, his cell phone. is also subject to monitoring. he is facing two charges as you pointed out assault in the first degree and armed criminal action, but take a listen to how community leaders and the euro family attorney reacted to this. a charge does not mean justice. we don't want him out, but we understand that's part of the process. so we are anticipating a possible arraignment this
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afternoon. cnn's trying to reach out to the prosecution to confirm this. we also know that president joe biden actually spoke to the teenager on monday . he released a photo on twitter yesterday showing that conversation he wrote, and i quote no parent should have to worry that their kids will be shot after ringing the wrong doorbell. we've got to keep up the fight against gun violence. poppy don did that really powerful interview yesterday with with ralphie arrows on it was on. i believe, right. and he and she kept reminding us that he will never be the same. this boy will never be the same. mentally emotionally physically , can you update us on at least his physical condition this morning. do we know we don't know anything as of this morning , but the family attorney did speak yesterday saying that ralph, you know, he bullet traveled less than five ft into his upper temple penetrated his skull. it's sprayed bullet fragments into his frontal lobe on thursday, but on saturday he was apparently home in playing with his dog again, as we've
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been saying the physical wounds will heal the emotional and the trauma recovery is going to take a lot longer. absolutely lucy. thank you so much for that reporting. alright, we now take you to upstate new york. no signs of remorse that from the sheriff in the case involving the young woman in new york, who was shot and killed after her friend accidentally turned into wrong driveway. kevin monahan is accused of killing katelyn polantz on saturday night in a rural area upstate. he is set to appear in court hours from now monahan's lawyer so that they were with a second car and a motorcycle, which made his client thinks something menacing was going on. the sheriff responding to that claim just last night. they weren't in the driveway for a very long time at all before they realized it was the wrong house. and they were in the process of leaving, which makes his case obviously a little different. i don't know how you could medicine someone if you're leaving the property. and her friends did not get out of the car or interact with
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monaghan before he fired two shots. the house speaker kevin mccarthy, tells cnn that monty tell cnn's manu raju that he expects the house gop to back his debt limit deal bill next week. why some republicans say they're still on the fence. it's just an awful story here in new york, that is what happened yesterday afternoon, four story parking garage, collapsing in lower manhattan, leaving one person dead. what officials say may have caused this. hey our stores are having a payment issue. it's hot. the i issue. customers can't make payments. you know, it t doesn't have to e this way right assurance software can find and fix your problems before they become fires. we need that when you really need to sleep, you reach for the rlly good stuff. z equals ult helps you sleep better and longer when y need it most. it's not habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil equal ultra, when you
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look at capitol hill this morning. the sun's already coming up where house speaker kevin mccarthy says that he will have the votes to pass a debt ceiling bill next week. that's what he told cnn's manu raju. that was just yesterday, but the speaker can only lose four gop votes or the bill won't pass, and many of his republican colleagues said that they are still waiting. to see key details before they make a decision on this. congress is not raise the debt ceiling experts say that the us could default on its debt as soon as this summer leading to a crippling recession. cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox live on capitol hill for us this morning. good morning. lauren mccarthy have the votes that he claims he has i mean, it's quite the pronouncement, especially when you consider the fact that a lot of republicans haven't even seen legislative text at this point. we are still waiting to get more details on what republicans will include in this debt ceiling increase that is supposed to be joined with intense spending
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cuts. lawmakers huddled yesterday for republican conference meeting and there was a lot of concern from conservatives that the spending cuts included in the proposal. we're not steep enough and the argument that mccarthy was making to his conference was, this is a about showing the president showing senate democrats that we are united in an effort to get back to the negotiating table. to talk about the debt ceiling, so this is really part of a multi pronged approach for kevin mccarthy. and he has to succeed here if he is going to get back to the negotiating table with the white house. he knows that his conference knows that is that enough to put him over the edge . that's the major question at this moment, and we expect that they could vote on this as soon as next week. that's what leadership is hoping so we'll get to see if kevin mccarthy was right. after all, that he has the votes. the votes will say it all. before you go. we saw what was expected but a formal blocked by republicans in the senate to reject senate majority
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leader chuck schumer's request to put another senator dianne feinstein's place in the judiciary committee. so where does this go because i think it was at least one republican senator, i saw said even if she retires, we're not going to help out. yeah, i think the major question right now is does this start to build some pressure among democratic senators to ask her to step aside to retire or resign? and i think that we have several more weeks before that pressure is going to build, in part because lawmakers do have some judges that they could put on the floor that's going to take some time. a couple more weeks. maybe that buys feinstein sometime. maybe she returns to the senate. that is what democrats are waiting to see right now, because the reality is they don't have options to temporarily replace her on the committee. we saw that yesterday . schumer could always force a vote on the floor. but again, it's just not clear that 10 republicans would back up democrats to help just to be clear in terms of the judges are trying to get confirmed. it's not all of the nominees right that that the republicans take issue with. mcconnell was
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saying, this is just several of them, right. yeah. i mean, there are judges who have bipartisan support and would be able to move through the senate judiciary process. all right. thank you, lauren. thanks, lauren. this. but i want to do something about today. what does that take a blanket whooped your acid. throw him in the cell. i'd run chair. yeah well, it's not like it. definitely mud creek behind them up with the dam broke. but you can do about it there. i got more rocks than we got. and there you go, governor of oklahoma, calling on four county officials to resign after that recording captures him making those racist and threatening remarks. you're more of what they said next. plus one person is dead after four a four story parking garage collapse here in new york city. we're live on the scene with brand new details. did you know there's no
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those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. me, i can overdraft up to $200 fee free. join me today and sign up at chime .com. the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn. we heard a big boom and we thought it hit our building. so we want to check the windows. we immediately saw smoke, and we went on the side and we opened
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the window and it was completely just collapsed, everything was collapsed. all debris, smoke. cars were sinking, and it looked like out of a movie, and it was horrible, terrifying. we do have new details this morning. what may have caused the four story parking garage to collapse in lower manhattan. this happened yesterday. it left one person dead. five others injured. the garage has six open violations, three of which are classified as hazardous, according to the new york city department of buildings, manhattan borough president mark levin says they think everyone is accounted for, but it's gonna be a while before the streets surrounding the collapse are safe to the public group has been a joins us live from the scene. i was just telling don, i used to live like blocks from there? i know exactly where it is terrifying. what more do we know about these violations that were apparently not fixed? yeah probably a pretty terrifying scene chaotic scene here yesterday afternoon shortly after four o'clock. we know that the building was cited several times over the last few years for defective concrete,
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loose concrete that was in danger of falling. what we don't know yet if is whether any of those factors played a role in this collapse now i just want to give you an idea of what things look like here this morning. you can see just beyond halfway down the middle of the block where the park sign is that is where the parking lot is located. and as you can see, the streets here have all been blocked. crews are at work, and that is the location of this collapse. now, this is a very old building. it goes back to the 19 twenties. it's been a parking lot since the fifties, and this is not uncommon around here. a lot of these buildings are very old. so what we don't know yet is whether that played a factor in this collapse. you can see behind it is pace university at dormitory which had to be evacuated following that collapse, and you can see in the video. that cars have just been swallowed up by the building. after the floors just pancakes right on top of each other. i
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want you to listen to mayor eric adams, describing some of the additional help that first responders got here when there were recovering victims and looking for survivors. thank god we had ah, the. ah robotic dog that was able to go in the building. this is ideally what we talked about. not sending a human being inside the building as unstable. we were also able to use the technology of a drone. give a real visualization of what is happening in this building at this time is building is completely unstable. as you mentioned, one person was tragically killed. five others were injured. now the department of buildings here in the city will conduct an investigation to try to get to the bottom of what led to this collapse and to ensure that the other structures on this block are safe for everyone that lives and works in this area. probably sure everyone that does is really scared this morning, gloria thank you for the reporting.
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okay so this one is fascinating. you have to watch the governor of oklahoma. calling on former curtin county officials to resign. the group, which includes the county sheriff allegedly participated in a secretly recorded conversation that included remarks about killing journalists and racist comments about lynching black people. cnn's randi kaye has a story. i don't cook three hitman very quiet guys cut no mercy. officials in curtain county, oklahoma, allegedly talking about hiring hitmen to kill newspaper publisher bruce willingham and his son, reporter chris willingham was complete shock. no. i couldn't believe it . yeah i've been taking it seriously. willingham owns the mccarten gazette, which released the recording he's secretly recorded the county officials following a commission meeting last month left a record or going after i left the room
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officials allegedly heard on the recording arm occurred in county sheriff kevin cloudy district commissioner mark jennings. sheriff's investigator alicia manning. in jail administrator larry hendricks. according to cnn affiliate the willingham have written at least 30 articles alleging corruption involving the curtain county sheriff's office. they were talking about killing me and my son significant in my life. around it on the recording can be heard talking about digging two holes. holes are here. later these are three done. it doesn't stop there on that same audio recording, the people talking shared their dismay that lynching black people is no longer acceptable. today. what does that. black and you're asking him in the cell. i'd run chair. yeah well, it's not like
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no mud creek and hang them up with the rope. yeah. but you can't do anything about it. i got more rocks than we got, oklahoma governor kevin stitt told cnn in a statement. he is appalled and disheartened by the comments in the released audio he's calling on the officials to resign. so is ida belle mayor craig young to know that this is 2023. we still have folks who want to live like a 1921 alcohol phone lifestyle. when you start talking about lynching kill him for randy kaye, cnn. well it's awful. i'm surprised, but not surprised, you know? i also think that it just reinforces how important local journalism is. and those journalists and that man and his son and what they did, and you know what there have been working to expose their communities. they know the people in their communities. they know that
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people have these feelings. so you know, i think a reporter who was from outside of this community may not have had the wherewithal to just leave a recording there because they didn't know them. but still the stuff that they're saying there is just i mean, unfathomable. it sounds like the 19 not even 60 sounds like the 19 forties fifties. terrible, terrible even before the man accused of leaking highly classified pentagon documents set to appear in court today what officials still don't know about the scope of the damage. supreme court hearing a case fascinating case for me, christian postal worker who refused to work on sunday because of his religious beliefs what this conservative majority in the court signaled during oral arguments yesterday. today history i in the making beginnig today we're bringing you the news disturbingg new details. questions stilll, stories at the center of your day all coming in right here is central today at nine eastern.
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make on time payments. 30 point bump in their credit score, on average, download the app today . i'm phil mattingly at the white house, and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we proudly help veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to meso book .com. today the air national guard's been accused of leaking these documents, his private documents classified he's doing court just
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hours from now. a judge is set to decide whether jack to sheriff should remain behind bars while he waits for his trial. last week, heavily armed officers arrested the 21 year old that is home, charged him under the espionage act. our national correspondent jason carroll, is live outside the courthouse, the federal courthouse in boston jason good morning. um, you know, there's what's interesting. in terms of what may happen in court today, as we may learn a little bit more from prosecutors right about what they say he did. we could, and obviously there's going to be a lot during this detention hearing poppy that the judge is going to have to consider here. i mean, but i have to tell you legal experts that we've spoken to say it's really going to be a tall order for jack to share it to get out on bail, given the circumstances, given all that he's accused of, but still the judge. does have much to consider. he could consider, for example, whether or not the defendant in this case is a flight risk. does he present a some sort of danger to himself or to other people in the community? the defense and you
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were talking about the prosecution. we could learn from the defense here as well. what they intend to do. they could, for example, say, look, our client is a candidate for bail with certain conditions such as no access to the internet. no access to social media or computer. these are some of the things that could end up happening as this as this detention hearing gets underway later on this morning, all of this happening, though, as the air force has also announced that it has stripped that air national guard unit in cape cod , where to share with stationed of its intelligence duties, a spokesperson saying for the air force, the mission has been temporarily reassigned to other organizations. within the air force this pending the outcome of an investigation so that happening on that end as we await on this end, that detention hearing should get underway at 11 am poppy. jason will watch closely thank you for the reporting and happening today, the supreme court must make a ruling about access to the abortion drug mifepristone
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before midnight deadline if the court fails to act restrictions go into effect nationwide tonight. an alliance of anti abortion doctors asked the court on tuesday to keep in place a texas judge's ruling that partially reverses and fda approval of the drug. meanwhile the justice department is also expected to file a response blocking the appeals court ruling making the abortion pill available until justice is hand down a decision. christian mail carrier refused to work on sundays because of his religious beliefs. and now his case is before the supreme court. gerald graff sued the u. s postal service and accused it of religious discrimination. he says his boss wanted him to pick up sunday shifts because of a new contract to deliver amazon packages. but he pushed back because it's the day of observance the sabbath. day of worship, rest and worship. graph says that he faced increasing discipline and quit his job during arguments yesterday, the justices seemed to be sympathetic to the ex postal
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worker. let's check in now with cnn supreme court analyst joan biskupic. joan good morning to you. this is a very interesting case here. in this case, what are the justices trying to balance when it comes to religious exemptions? good morning, dan and poppy. you know , this is a court that has been moving to offer more protection to religious conservatives. you remember last year they sided with a coach who wanted to pray on the football field after games, and they also ordered public funds to go to a religious school in maine, so they have been quite sympathetic toward religious conservatives. and you're right, don, that they did seem to think that, uh, that there should be higher burden on employers to make religious accommodations for their religious workers. here, though they're balancing not just the interests of a worker who wanted to take off sunday, but the employer running fairly small shop and rural smile mail station in rural pennsylvania
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and co workers who would have to pick up his shift, so there's a lot to balance with the court. and the question is what would be the undo heart. the law says that an employer must accommodate somebody's religion unless it would be an undue hardship on the employer. and the question was what standard should measure that undue hardship. dan if this changes. the president or what president ? this will set. if you look at total seven of the civil rights act, what would it mean like writ large for companies going forward? because you can imagine what would happen, right? um and sort of what would hit that undue burden bar for a lot of other companies and a lot of other employees. that's right right now. the biden administration, the justice department lawyer said, don't change anything. things are working out. the lower courts are adequately measuring, you know this balance between employer employee and co workers , and it's interesting justice.
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alito had some pushback to that saying, if everything is working so well, why are we hearing so much from? the seven day seven day adventist. why are we hearing from the church of latter day saints? why are we hearing from orthodox jews who say that there isn't enough accommodation? and so that's a very real question, and elaine justice elena kagan said. well, isn't this more of a policy issue that should go to congress rather than the courts? but i have to say, papi, just given the way this conservative court has been going, i would think that they would actually make it tougher for employers to decline a religious workers. request. that's really, really interesting. joan will watch it. thanks very much. sure thank you . pentagon raising with releasing. i should say eyebrow raising video of unidentified flying objects ahead of today's really historic ufo senate hearing what to expect next busses. this event was life changing. but it's not the end of my story. so i'm here to
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announce that i plan on making a comeback to the nfl, all right now in an inspiring comeback, buffalo bill's safety tomorrow. hamlin is fully cleared to play football again after suffering cardiac arrest on the field more on his recovery. that's straight ahead. so good to see that can you was s it january? allergies don't have to be scary. defeat allergy headaches fast withh new felonies, headache and allergy relief to pills relieve allergy headache, pain congestion that causes it. headache and allergy reliefs. all good. hey hey, get away 10. years ago, i invented the ring video doorbell for moments like that and ring security cameras for moments like this video. protect your home away. i do learn more at ring .com.
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the one you just saw in that video right? there is a recording from fighter pilots doing exercises off the east coast of the united states that was back in 2015, the pentagon releasing two other videos of similar incidents, and you see them right here. later today, a senate subcommittee will hold an unprecedented open hearing on what the u. s government calls unidentified aerial phenomena, ddt, ddt or what most people call ufos right. so former fighter pilot, navy fighter pilot and defense contractor ryan graves was one of the first active duty pilots to go public about his personal ufo sightings . his story was highlighted on 60 minutes. watch this so you're seeing it both with the radar and with the infrared, and that tells you that there is something out there pretty hard to spoof that these photographs were taken in 2019 in the same area. the pentagon confirms these are images of objects. it can't identify. lieutenant
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graves told us pilots training off the atlantic coast. things like that all the time every day. every day for at least a couple of years. so ryan graves joins us now he is the founder of a nonprofit called americans for safe aerospace. good morning to you, lieutenant. we're so happy to have you on two questions. i'm sure you will have a lot for these phenomena. what do you want? answered at this hearing today. yeah. thank you for having me here today. and as you said, this hearing is unprecedented. there are a lot of questions. i think that need to be answered right now. the american public is hungry for answers, especially after the recent shootdowns. we had over our national airspace. so some of the questions that come to mind is do we have a domain awareness gap? and if so, what is being done to correct that our pilots in the commercial space in the military comfortable reporting these in order to provide that intelligence to be able to prevent these incidents from happening? and the arrow has
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been tasked with looking back at the historical record in relation to all the way back to 1945. how is that going? have we received testimony from any whistleblowers and has that been properly reported to congress? right because i assume you're pointing to the fact that many of these people may have been discounted. called crazy that couldn't happen, right? and you're saying, look, we have to seriously look at this. yes when we have things flying above our airspace as we've recently seen , it's a serious national security issue. and if we determine that they are not for adversarial spy platforms, and we have something to be scientifically curious about, as we have seen if these objects are floating in our airspace, that's a serious concern to our commercial aviators. and right now they don't have the mechanisms or the comfort to even report. these objects do the stigma that has preceded these events. i wonder if there is i mean, people are people think about that they think
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about you know, little green men . that's martians. that's not necessarily so many of these are. i think with some investigation who could be explained, but i want you to take a look at this and explain. this is another video called the gimbal video, and then we'll talk. here it is. whole fleet of them. look on my essay. oh, my god. going against the wind. the winds 100 west. dude. that's not a s, though. is it? do it on. i said, if there's a motivated. so my question is i look, could it be a helicopter could be a spy balloon. i live in a high rise. sometimes you have, like a plastic bag coming like, what the heck is that? or a mylar balloon will come up. obviously not going 120 miles an hour. how common are these sightings for
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other pilots you've talked to and what are the conversations been like with them? sure so the video that you just played is referred to as the gimbal video and that was recorded during our work up cycle aboard the uss theodore roosevelt and we were as as you heard in the 60 minutes. clip. seeing these objects nearly every day as we were operating off of our working areas off the coast of virginia beach, however, we then left virginia beach boarded the uss theater roosevelt and proceeded for training off the coast of jacksonville, florida and when we got there, these objects were already out there or they followed us, but we were detecting similar objects. however from the video that you just played that was during one of our air to air exercises and an aircrew from my squadron was returning back to the ship after essentially conducting their training and they detected these objects east of the ship as we are already about 400 miles off the coast of florida, and these objects were maneuvering and behaving in a way that isn't familiar to us. as jet pilots. we wouldn't expect a helicopter
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to be forming at these altitudes . we want to expect them to be able to flip up vertically and change directions in an instant. and we wouldn't expect them to have the fuel to be able to hang out in that operation area. um and so as you can hear from the air crew, this was clearly an anomalous event. they had no idea what they were looking at. and these are seasoned pilots with, um, eventually thousands of hours that have been just returning home from an air to air combat mission using these very tools they're using to identify these objects alien in origin. it's not about conclusions right now. we just don't know we don't have enough data. an f 18 isn't the proper scientific tool to be able to investigate this, so we need to figure out the best tool to be able to gather more data, and i think what's going on now with senator kristen gillibrand of the senate armed service, emerging threats and capabilities subcommittee with this hearing that's coming up today. we're going to be able to ask questions or they're going to be able to ask questions of the all domain anomaly resolution office who is tasked with resolving these issues that we're having in our military aerospace is in our training
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spaces and over our military bases as well. totally fascinating will pay close attention today. ryan graves, lieutenant graves. thank you. thank you very much. seventh and 11th hour settlement, fox news, agreeing to pay more than $787 million to dominion voting systems over its 2020 election lies see how fox news covered it and the legal cases they still face ahead. fox news settled there defamation suit with dominion voting systems, averting a trial, dammit! and what? my trials. i want it. you were supposed to provide me six weeks of delicious content. my most important kitchen tool, , y brain choose new areva plus, unlike some others, areva plus is a multitasker supporting six key indicators of brain health. keep me sharp, areva think bigger. this is annie. she
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movement that inspires. sports this morning brought to you by kia movement that inspires. we're going to make you smile this morning with what may be one of the greatest comebacks in the history of sports buffalo bill's safety mart. hamlin has been cleared to resume his football career less than four months after going into cardiac arrest and having to be resuscitated on the field in the middle of a game. hamlin saw many doctors during his road back, and they all agreed that he suffered a rare incident in which a traumatic blow to the heart at a certain time during the heartbeat caused it to stop. i doubt on national tv in front of the whole world. you know what i mean? the biggest blessing of it all is for me to
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still have my people and my people still have me. some people might say that coming back to play might not be the best option. um but that's their opinion. and like i said, i've been being statistics my whole life. certainly has a 25 year old already back at the team's practice facility participating in voluntary offseason workouts . those begin on monday. and can you write the whole new look on life? i am sure it feels like we were just here reporting on the tragedy, waiting for him to wake up to wake up to see what was going to happen. and now your mom my mom. i'm sure the mom is really happy. all right. cnn this morning continues right now. there is a settlement a settlement in the high stakes trial between dominion and fox $787 million and change. this is not over for fox. this is probably just the beginning. all of those decisions will have a huge
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