tv CNN News Central CNN April 19, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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secretary of my office. you just admitted you have no clue about the central strategy of the cartels you've created by your open border. not only have you lied under oath. you just admitted your own incompetence. it's really quite unacceptable. it is my testimony that the border is secure, and we are working every day, day and night to increase its security. today mark up starts on a resolution to defy a biden administration gun rule. weeks after that markup was initially scheduled, then delayed because of a mass shooting. the republican led house judiciary committee plans to roll back an atf rule that would reclassify pistols would stabilizing braces as short barreled rifles. appreciate your time to inside politics. we'll see you tomorrow. cnn new central starts right now.
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supersonic spy drone. china is preparing cutting edge technology that could give beijing and espionage edge over the us this new discovery comes from classified documents leaked online reported in the washington post. lawmakers have plenty of questions understandably and will get a briefing from intelligence officials just hours from now. midnight deadline. the supreme court up against the clock to decide whether to take up a controversial case on medication abortion. this could set the stage for the biggest abortion rights case since the court overturned roe versus wade last year with the future of a commonly used abortion pill at stake. and an innocent mistake leading to two cheerleaders being shot after one of them confused someone else's car for her own. one of those victims is now in critical condition. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news,
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central. today 21 year old suspected pentagon leaker jack to scherer was back in court to waive his right to a preliminary hearing. meanwhile inside the pentagon, the air force unit where he was assigned has now been stripped of the intelligence duties it had as an internal probe ramps up short time from now, all members of the house and senate will be briefed on the extent of the classified league. and it reportedly has yielded another alarming detail about china, according to the washington post . one pentagon assessment shows beijing is about to unveil a high tech spy drone unit. have a look at that right there that would give its surveillance program potentially a significant boost. cnn's oren liebermann, he's at the pentagon organ organ as we know, depending on still trying to come to terms with the extent of
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this on a whole host of national security threats. tell us what specifically, we're learning about this spy drone. jim we have seen this supersonic spy drone before the image we just saw right there. the w z eight spy drone that picture from back in 2019 when china showed it off at a parade, but at the time, it wasn't believed to be operational. it was a sort of prototype or a mock up, but according to the washington post in these leaked documents were seeing come from the pentagon documents that cnn has not been able to obtain or verify that program has come a long way. there's w z eight surveillance spy drone. part of what the u. s believes as part of a chinese surveillance drone unit that's based inland from shanghai. take a look at the capabilities of this drone travels at mach three plus or more than three times the speed of sound at an altitude of 100,000 ft so far higher than commercial aircraft and because of that, because of its speed and its altitude, it's difficult to detect or to
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intercept, making it another potential addition to what we've seen in terms of china's spy capabilities and, of course, nobody here forgets the chinese spy balloon that traveled over much of the united states. what's interesting here is the u. s. has seen this in a bit of a role reversal. if you will, the u. s had its own super supersonic spy drone back in the sixties that called the d 21. it was specifically to spy over china. it conducted four unsuccessful missions. back in the late sixties early seventies time for him before that program was canceled, jim, it looks like the chinese have very different intentions and much broader intentions, which would allow them to spy on, for example, taiwan and parts of south korea . frankly those two planes look a lot alike. interestingly alright. the fact that the shares unit now has been removed, at least temporarily from its intelligence. duties is that a standard step when the pentagon is doing a damage assessment here, in effect to have that union removed, or does it signal that this is worse than we do? well it's certainly
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signals that the air force is taking this very seriously seriously. secretary of the air force frank kendall, removing the one oh second intelligence wings mission from them, they will no longer at least temporarily collect and put together data for combatant commanders and other senior leaders. other wings will do that, as the air force investigates other steps. the air force is taking take a look at this list. within the next 30 days, all of the airports will do a stand down or essentially a review of security procedures and how to handle classified documents also reassess security procedure. eaters around classified documents in the handling of sensitive information. finally everyone who has access to this will be validated for their need to know basis. jim lieberman. good to have you at the pentagon. as i mentioned short time ago, every member of congress will be briefed on the pentagon leak this afternoon. cnn's manu raju is on capitol hill. mine, of course, so this is not the committee that is cleared for this level of intelligence. bit broader, probably a bit more of a general briefing on the extent but what are you hearing from lawmakers in advance of this
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briefing? well there is a lot of concern and they do want to learn more information from senior administration officials led by the director of national intelligence, avril haines, will be in the senate this afternoon and then in the house with the number of other national security officials detailing the extent of this leak, and how exactly a 21 year old air national airmen from the massachusetts air national guard had access to classified information and then talking to senior members in both parties. there is ample concern about how he got this information and what congress would do to prevent this from happening again. me the classification of the documents ought to be reserved for the very most exceptional national security risks and not as broadly as it is now. but as we've seen with classified materials being at president trump's home at the president, pence's office and at the president biden's residents
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there. people are not taking care of class dr materials the way they should how in the heck was there? not some. system in place that said, if this guy was copying this many documents why wasn't there an alarm going off, especially with the security classification? and that second senator there was senator mark warner, who chairs the senate intelligence committee, who also indicated that he is still pushing to get all the access to the classified records that were at the homes of joe biden and donald trump and mike pence. he's expecting another tranche of documents as soon as today as congress grapples with this issue. why all these classified documents appear to be leaking appear to be in the wrong places, including this major leak that happened and deciding what they need to do. next. water. ask such a question there. which is why no tracking of this because i was printing, print it out and then sharing it. manu raju on the hill. thanks so much. boris one of
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many unanswered questions at this point, jim, let's dig deeper now on the case against jack teixeira with bradley moss . he's an attorney who specializes in litigation related to national security and security clearance law. he's also a law partner at the offices of mark zaid bradley. thank you so much for taking time to chat with us today. absolutely so there was a delay the defense asking for the trial to be set back about two weeks. the prosecution supporting that decision. did that surprise you ? not really, you know, look, there's only so much to do right now. with the beginning for this, this would have been a very preliminary hearing. if anything would have been talking about bail, which i don't see happening. he has got a public defender what they are most likely doing given the evidence we've seen both in the indictment in the media reporting, they're likely talking about a plea deal. they're trying to see if there's a viable path. to negotiate something by which this guy gets maybe 10 to 12 years in prison, outlines the entirety of what he did so the government from an intelligence standpoint, can make sure to close up any gaps in its systems and that he can
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go forward with his life once he gets out, because it's hard to imagine what a defense might look like right because the evidence there, there's a clear trail back to him. the evidence and the defense is simply going to be poking holes in the government's case if this went to trial because it would be the government's burden, obviously to 10 minutes straight beyond a reasonable doubt that he had, in fact, done this that he had the access that he took the documents that he posted it on discord they likely could do so, but it would be a little complicated for them because they'll be issues of classified access. there's classified as a statue called the classified information procedures act that would come into play. any number of complicating factors. so if the government complete this out with him, and they get what they need from purposes of a punishment standpoint, they'll be happy with that now, national security council spokesperson john kirby was here in cnn news central yesterday he spoke with my colleague jim sciutto. he acknowledged that some of the classified documents appear to have been manipulated and that some of them had information that was false. could that
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lessen the severity of the charges that to share is facing? it won't lessen the severity, but it's a reason for him to look into a plea deal, because if he can then debrief the government on all the documents he knows he took and they can start to track down which ones were authentic that are out there that are being viewed all over the media and which ones were manipulated, they can clarify for their own damage assessment. what actually got leaked out? where did we have holes in our security protocols ? and what is the extent of the damage to us national security? i'm curious about something at oran talked about and that is that his unit was essentially stripped of its intelligence mission. does that imply to you that other people may be facing potential charges, perhaps supervisors in an oversight role ? that kind of let him get away with this? i think the minimum that was required short term thing. they had this massive breach huge breakdown of security protocols. they had to stop at everything everything there to start doing. initial review whether or not security messed up why he was able to hand transcribe some of this
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stuff, and no one noticed that's at a minimum going to possibly result in personnel actions. i don't necessarily know about criminal charges, but they've got to do a review for that. yeah a story. we will continue to watch bradley. thank you so much for sharing time. brianna. the clock is ticking on a seismic medical abortion case any moment now, the supreme court could decide whether women can have full access to the widely used abortion pill. kristen it's the first drug in a two pill regimen used to terminate pregnancies, pregnancies, and it's used in more than half of abortions. it's also frequently prescribed to treat miscarriages. the fda approved this back in 2000, and about two weeks ago, a federal judge in texas who was appointed by president trump ruled the agency violated the law and how it went about approving it, and appeals court then ruled that women could still have access to the drug but impose significant restrictions last week just to samuel alito put a temporary hold on that decision to give the court more time to review
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the case. the whole paused restrictions on the pill, but it expires at 11 59 tonight and at stake here is what kind of access women will have to this drug, including in states. where abortion is legal. those colored in purple on this map. here we have cnn's jessica schneider with us on this story walk us just through the options that the high court has all eyes are on the supreme court because we are less than 12 hours until they have to make this decision, so there are a number of things that the supreme court could do here. i'll give you the two most probable options. they could extend this stay for a few days for weeks, and what that would do is that would pause the lower court's ruling while this appeals process stays out of that happens. it remains status quo, meaning there would be no restrictions on the abortion pill. women could get it as usual, however. if they do nothing here if they don't move to extend this stay, that would mean big changes in the way the pill is administered, so i'll
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run down for you. what would happen first of all women over seven weeks pregnant, they would not be able to get this pill right now. it's available up to 10 weeks. if the restrictions going to affect it would stop at seven weeks. in addition, women would have to really go more in person to their doctor. right now. they can get this prescribed via telehealth. they can get it in the mail. if these restrictions take effect, all of that would go away. it would no longer be available by the mail. so the fda in their filings to the supreme court, saying let this hold on the lower court ruling. remain there really warning about mass confusion about chaos with doctors, patients just the drug industry as a whole because they're not even sure how they would implement these changes. let alone overnight, so there's a lot of at stake here in the hours that are taking down to midnight. brianna has the court have the justices given any hints as to what direction they may go here. so when we heard on this initial stay, it was solely from justice. conservative
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justice samuel alito. he oversees the fifth circuit, so the question is, if they do another short administrative stay, it's possible it could come from justice alito himself the question is, are more justices writing about this dissenting what's happening behind the scenes? that's something that's unclear, however, in past opinions, many of the conservative justices have talked about deference to the fda because of their scientific knowledge in things just like this and medication, so it's very possible that this court will still keep on hold all of these restrictions while it plays out at the lower courts, the big question might be. does the supreme court step in right away and decided to hear this case in the next few weeks, possibly issuing a decision on this broader case before july 1st. we'll see. we will see. we'll be looking for that. jessica schneider. thank you so much, jim much more ahead. no question. two teenagers arrested for a mass shooting at a sweet 16 party that you'll remember left four people dead. we're going to be
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live in alabama with the latest plus the third time this week. the young people people have gotten shot just for making a mistake. man in texas is under arrest for shooting two cheerleaders after one of them opened the door to a car she just thought was hers. and later, fox news is paying out nearly $800 million to set her settle in massive defamation lawsuit, but the networks legal battles they're not over yet. we're going to discuss just ahead on cnn news, central. cnn news central brought to you by nra for more information, visit for sandra .com. remember the things you loved doing before your ahma got in the way. get back to the things you love with . sandra is an add on treatment for asthma having too many a tape of white blood cell can cause inflammation and asthma symptoms is designed to target
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mccullough and 16 year old travis mccullough, both from tuskegee, alabama. they now face four counts each of reckless murder. cnn's ryan young, he's on the scene in alabama. you know, there was some time before they got suspects. they now have suspects. tell us what the reaction has been in the community there, and what can continuing frustrations are yeah , there are real frustrations here in the community gym because people want to know what the motive is. as reporters, we want to know what the motive could be. but right now, police are saying that's a part of their investigation. they're just not willing to share right now. in fact, you're not even willing to give us the warrant or tell us where they're being housed. what we have been told, though, is that more charges could be coming because obviously when you have 32 other people who were injured in the shooting more charges could be coming for more people are still in critical condition, so this case could change. we're told both young men will be charged as an adult. but you want to know why someone would show up to a sweet 16 party with handguns and opened fire,
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especially when they don't live in this community. this is a small community about less than 3000 people. i believe they only have like 12 officers in the police force here. so you can understand the pain that's rippling through this community as they ask questions about exactly what happened. the police chief sort of addressed the idea of why they're being so strict on this case just a few moments ago. this case is not just about making an arrest. that is not the finish line. if we hurry. if we're careless. and we do make an arrest, but it does not result. in conviction. it does not result in ultimate justice for our victims. we have failed our victims. jim i want to stress how much compassion there was at this news conference. they even shut down the street around this courthouse so that everyone who wanted to walk up to this news
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conference could listen to this debriefing about exactly what happened. these two young men don't live in this community, so there's so many questions about exactly where they were. we know there were taken into custody around eight o'clock last night, but in terms of whether or not mug shots will be released when they will have their first quarter appearance what they figured out and who may be called police to tell them that these two were the suspects. we have none of the information. nation right now, we do know they're still gathering video evidence. at this point, they are asking the public if they have a cellphone video to send it into them because they're trying to close this case. and nail the suspects and figure out what this motive is, jim. ryan young there indeed. ville alabama boris. one commonality things. it's not always clear what the motive is right. you know, we search for them every time but sometimes you just don't know or can't explain it. definitely a good point. and we have another shooting to tell you about this one in texas were a suspect is now charged for allegedly opening fire on a car full of cheerleaders. two of them teenagers that were injured . one of them is peyton washington. she's now in
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critical condition. it happened after one of the girls in their group mistakenly tried to get into the suspect's car in a parking lot after their practice . cnn's adeline mandera joins us now live from texas and ed. we learned in the last hour that this suspect is someone that police were familiar with. yeah we just we don't know many details about that. but in an affidavit court document that we obtained earlier today shows that elgin police are saying that they had some sort of previous contact with the suspect. we don't know much more beyond that. at this point, we're continuing to look into it. but this comes just a day after the suspect 25 year old pedro rodriguez jr. 25 years old , opened fire in the parking lot of a grocery store in the town of elgin. texas just outside of austin, and these four cheerleaders had been commuting back and forth from the austin area to the houston area to practice with their cheerleading squad. they were preparing for a huge competition this weekend.
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they arrived at this parking lot just after midnight tuesday morning, and they started getting into their own cars. one of the girls mistakenly got into a car that she believed was hers when she noticed a passenger and then, according to that young woman. she got back in the other car, and that man came around the side of the car and then quickly opened fire on them, and they were several, but two of them were struck as the car was driving away to get away from the gunman. one of those young women who was treated at the scene and released she was grazed by the bullet on her leg , spoke to her cheerleading team last night in an emotional speech. because we're backing up. i see the guy get out of the passenger. door and i rolled my window down. um and i was trying to apologize. and then here. just halfway. my window is down, just threw his hands up and then here. pulled out a gun. and we
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just started shooting at all of us. and we were told that elgin police say that they will have an update on this case here within the next couple of hours, so we are awaiting that as we mentioned the suspect, 25 year old pedro rodriguez remains in jail there in the elgin area. and tell us about the status of peyton washington, the cheerleader that was in critical condition. how's she doing? she is in critical condition, but we just spoke with the manager of their cheerleading squad who said she's actually alert she had a ventilator removed. this woman is young woman is an incredible story. she's actually had been is committed to perform to cheering be part of the tumbling acrobatics squad at baylor next year, and she's done this despite having been born with just one lung, so there was a great deal of concern when she was being treated about any possible damage to her lung, but
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that appears to be fine. we were told that she's alert. she's actually been face timing with some of her teammates. she has had her spleen removed and there's some other internal injuries. so not out of the woods yet woods yet, but i think people around her are starting to feel a little bit more hopeful. signs of progress. we certainly hope she continues to improve lavandera from texas. thank you so much, brianna. boris the family of tyree nichols is suing the city of memphis after his deadly beating at the hands of police, a member of the memphis city council will be joining us next. plus he was the cfo of the trump organization and spent 100 days at rikers. but today he's set to be a free man. we have details ahead on cnn news, central. car fauna, the company who invented car vendnding machines and buyig a car 100% online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we want to buy your car. so go to carve ana. enter your license
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nana in washington, and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we offer a free book on mesothelioma call for the free book and receive so much more call 1 808 31 37 100. here are some of the headlines. we're following on cnn news central. the detention hearing for the suspect accused of leaking classified pentagon documents has been postponed the attorneys for air national guardsman jack teixeira said they need more time to prepare and the air force unit where the 21 year old was assigned, has now been stripped of its intelligence duties. while the pentagon conducts an internal probe. to share a is accused of posting classified documents in an online chat room popular among video gamers. he's facing charges under the espionage act . meantime sometime between now
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and midnight, the supreme court is going to decide whether women can have access to the nation's most commonly used abortion pill . chris stone has been approved by the fda for the past 23 years. but a federal judge in texas ruled the agency violated the law in the approval process . appeals were filed by multiple parties, including the drug's manufacturer. last week, justice samuel alito put a temporary hold on that texas decision to give the court more time to review the case. but it does expire at 11 59 pm tonight. access to the medication would be immediately restricted. brianna the family of tyree nichols just filed a federal lawsuit against the city of memphis, the memphis police department and the individual officers accused of beating nichols to death. they spoke here moments ago. let's listen to the same circumstances. and that this landmark lawsuit. is not only to get the justice. for
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terry nichols in the civil courts. but it is also a message. that is being set. two cities all across america. who have these police? oppression units. five former officers demetrius haley to darius being emmett martin, the third, justin smith and desmond mills jr faced second degree murder charges and more so far, they've all pleaded not guilty. another two officers were fired, five more suspended , and one retired before hearing could be conducted. you remember the horror of that night graphic body and security camera footage showing the lethal assault and sparking protests across the country? joining us now is nick valencia, nick. this is being touted as a landmark lawsuit.
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hey, there, brianna leading up to this announcement. it was being touted by civil rights attorney ben crump as a landmark lawsuit, and now we know why. just a short time ago, he announced that the family of tyree nichols will be seeking $550 million from the city of memphis, as well as those individual officers who were involved in his beating death and really all those they say that were complicit in the deprivation of tyree nichols. constitutional rights. just listen a short time ago to what civil rights attorney ben crump had to say. we must hole. each and everybody. accountable who had any hand? and torture. there. savagery brutality. the extra judicial killing of terry nichols. each and everyone of them must be held accountable. if we are to create meaningful
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change. the lawsuit alleges that the scorpion unit was responsible for the death of tyree nickels, and that they lack training and hiring standards for the specialized unit were subpar. there was also a decrease in standards they say across the entire department and they were hiring people that really they claim should not have been on the force. trump was joined by his co counsel, antonio revenue chee, as well as a retired memphis magistrate judge. all three attorneys saying that the intentional infliction of emotional distress or grounds for this lawsuit, if you remember brianna, it was shortly after tyree nichols was taken violently taken into custody that the lieutenant that was there at the scene went to nichols mother's home to claim that nichols was a d u i suspect despite having no evidence to back up those claims. in fact, the police report was riddled with inconsistencies and misleading information. you mentioned that those five officers involved in his beating death had been charged with second degree murder. all of them have pleaded not guilty, and this is just continuing the fallout of this violent arrest of tyree nichols. there's been
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multiple police reforms passed by the memphis city council. and remember, we're still waiting. for 20 hours of additional video from the arrest that day, brianna yeah, you can hear on the tape, sort of discussion of details of the arrest what appears to be working out a story between them as well. nick valencia. thank you for that, jim. remarkable factor that story, brianna also what we're following after being forced to pay more than $780 million for spreading election lies fox news not off the legal hook just yet. the latest on another massive defamation lawsuit, headed their way and leave pity city. that is what this ceo told employees concerned about not receiving their bonuses, these stories and more coming up on cnn news, central. i think i'm ready for this. yeah with the trade. you're ready for anything. marriage kids college, moving back in after college. finally
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natasha chen in los angeles. and this is cnn. now to some of the other headlines that were watching this hour. if you happen to be in australia, i'm talking to you, uncle lou, southeast asia or antarctica and about nine hours put on eclipse proof eyewear and take a look up because you might catch a hybrid eclipse, the first of its kind in nearly 10 years. this is a combination of a total and annular solar eclipse. and it occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun. and depending on your viewing angle, you could see a corona or something that looks more like a ring of fire. pretty cool, right? the former chief financial officer of the trump organization, alan weiss. tilburg has just been released from rikers island after serving time for his role in a decades long tax fraud scheme. he was sentenced back in january. 25
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months as part of a plea deal. weisberg pleaded guilty to 15 felonies and testified against his former employer. and the supreme court has cleared the way for a texas death row inmate to try using dna to prove his innocence, rodney reed claims an all white jury wrongly convicted him of killing a 19 year old white woman in texas back in 1998 24 years later, reid says dna evidence will prove that the victim's fiancee was her killer, jim rihanna. ring of fire you mr johnny cash reference there will get that next time. the story. we're following fox news going to pay an unprecedented 78 $787.5 million to settle the defamation case from dominion. and while fox news will not be required to broadcast any corrections or apologies for repeatedly perpetuating election lies, fox is far from off the hook legally, the news channel is still facing a $2.7 billion lawsuit. from another voting
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technology companies. smartmatic usa. let's speak now to cnn media analyst sarah fisher. she's a senior media reporter for axios isman is covering this case closely. good to have you, sarah. good to see you. it struck me that you, of course, have a major financial bill here . $787.5 million. no one should should laugh at that. but what was required from fax to say to own the lies here. one line in a statement nothing on air and then you today speak to a fox spokesperson, and they tell you what, because they seem to double down. yeah, they are. and i think that's because they have a lot of the lawsuits that they're still facing. so smartmatic has a lawsuit against them for $2.7 billion. they have another lawsuit with the former producer, so it doesn't really make sense for fox at this point to try to go the other way. but what i think is notable is what you said, is that this settlement does not require fox to issue an on air apology. it does not require them to issue any corrections or attractions, so this is not something that they're going to be addressing with their audience. just just
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here's what they said to you. there is nothing more newsworthy than covering the president of the united states and his lawyers making allegations of voter fraud. that sounds to me like they were defending their coverage of the election lies that was in response to something earlier that smartmatic has said, but i think they don't have much of a choice but to kind of continue to defend their position here because they're going to be facing these other lawsuits if they were to be pointing at what happened in dominion and say, oh, well, we learned our lesson. we get it like that definitely doesn't give them a strong position. heading into this other litigation. they're also gonna be covering another presidential election and we hope the standard is different going into that. alright dominion. of course not done in court. you've got smartmatic here. you've got newsmax one america news involved as well because they're pushing this similar lies. can they afford a lawsuit of the size that that news corp that fox news corp just paid these other organizations? no probably not. i mean, there are a lot smaller, but i think the most important thing to remember is that
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dominion still wants to prove a point. of course they're saying that accountability has happened because of the dollar amount but if it was really all about dollars and cents do you think they would be pursuing these lawsuits against some of these much, much smaller networks? no i think they really want to figure out how they can hold every single person that defined to account for an observer from the outside. it looks like fox wrote a big check here, which they will make up for in profits this year, based on my understanding of the money they make, and there's one line in the statement that acknowledged falsehoods. nothing on the air. they're not going to say anything to their viewers. but think about it from dominions perspective, they whenever you're going to go face a jury, there's a lot of uncertainty there now they could have gone in and won the actual malice standard. i think most legal experts think that dominion had a small case as strong case there, and then they would maybe be in a position where they couldn't convince the jury to give them much at all. remember dominions of really small company that much money is a big deal. i think what it came down to is, they thought that number was big enough. to be able to
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prove a point of accountability and so that they can concede on some of those other things that they wanted. well we'll see whether it affects truth telling on elections as donald trump continues to tell similar lies, sarah fisher, good to have you on boris outrage today over a ceo who told her employees to leave pity city. those were her marching orders during a conference call, where she told workers to stop worrying about their annual bonuses. cnn's anna stewart is covering the story for us live from london and, uh, this ceo took home more than a million dollars in bonus money last year, and yet she's telling her employees don't worry about your bonuses. yeah. yeah so let's give the slightly tone deaf comments a little bit of context. this was a town hall conducted on zoom for miller null. it's an office furniture making company may not have heard of it. it's pretty big. it's listed and there was a question from an employee to
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andy own the ceo. that was, how should we stay motivated if we don't receive bonuses this year , and the answer starts off with some encouragement from andy owen, focus on the things you can control, treat each other well, but it ended with this. don't ask about what are we going to do? if you don't get a bonus? get the down $26 million. spend your time and your effort thinking about the $26 million we need and not thinking about what you're going to do. if we don't get a bonus, i had an old boss who said to me one time you can visit pity city, but you can't live there so people leave pity city. let's get it done. ouch and to give this further context, as you said, there's also the issue of how much the ceo earned last year. $5 million , just over one million in base, pay the rest on stock options and bonus pay. meanwhile the average worker at this company earns less than $45,000. and let's think of the context right now, with inflation with high
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interest rates, people are understandably concerned about what their take home pay will be this coming year. yeah she says the comments were taken out of context. but what about the broader context that the employees are living in? as you noted inflation? anna stewart from london. thank you so much. brianna over to you can pay each other in kindness for us. still ahead. it's a bird. no, it's a plane. no it's a dead £600 nasa satellite hours away from falling back to earth and the experts they aren't sure about where it could land. next on cnn news, central.. i struggled with cpap every night, but now that i get the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off removing the tattoo of your first wife's name and view important safety information and inspire sleep .com. hi i'm michael lost £70 on goal. oh i spent thousands on oer diets that didn't work solo. i spent a
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invent help. call 1 807 100020 invention idea but don't know what to do. next call invent help today they can help you get started with your idea. call now . 807 100020. m t minus eight hours. a dead £600 satellite will come crashing back into the earth's atmosphere, and apparently nasa isn't sure where it will hit after more than 16 years of capturing invaluable photos like these of the sun, nasa's ruben ramadi, high energy solar spectroscopic imager say that 34 times fast or rusi was decommissioned due to communication failures that was in 2018. and today, the space junk is succumbing finally to earth's crap. rotational pole. so should we take cover and should we have gotten more of a heads up on this? cnn's tom foreman is here. okay we have eight hours. what makes a better bunker this studio or the women's bathroom? over that way?
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i don't know. i wouldn't know about the others. we'll find out. we've had more than 20 years to get ready for this because that's how long it's been up there. look this satellite is an interesting thing about 660. pounds it is currently traveling somewhere around 16 17,000 mph as it heads back towards earth here. the department of defense is monitoring its location and the e t a. is 9 40 pm eastern time in terms of when it will come back to earth where it's going to come back. bigger question. one reason it's a bigger question, because despite that et a they have a plus or minus 16 hours. in terms of what is going to happen, so i'm not sure how much that works. your odds of getting hit by this satellite are one in 2467. i spend a lot of time doing math. i don't know exactly how they calculate that. they say your odds are getting hit by lightning or more like one in 15,300. honestly, the real thing here is there's about a 70 71% chance. it's going to land in the water somewhere, and we went through this before a
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skylab with mirror and there's stuff falling to the ground all the time usually doesn't hurt anybody. okay, but i hate these odds. hate them. those are not good. not great. no i'm not loving that. so i mean, d o. d is monitoring this but you know if come 9 40 plus or minus what 16 hours. whatever it is right. okay, if this is headed towards a certain area, you know? are we going to get a heads up? what what are they going to do? there it is. yeah. what do you mean siren moving, really get a text message. most of it's going to burn up. i mean, honestly, this is the thing most of this is going to burn up as it comes back in. that's the statement that they put out saying that £660 most will burn up there may be a little bit left the odds of it hitting anybody with anything as slim. but remember, there's about 27,000 items. orbital debris, orbital debris. i'm not talking about meteorites, orbital debris about 27,000 of them that are out there that are of a measurable size. there are millions that are not there, all
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traveling at the same speed. some of this stuff is falling to the earth every day. and it doesn't hit us by and large, so i don't think there's any reason to be worried. i think it's just fascinating and the work of this in measuring solar flares and these giant burst of energy coming off the sun. this has been really great because it's told us a lot about how it affects our energy supplies here. radio signals all sorts of things and spacecraft really important work that this satellite did for us. now it's just coming home. all right. well, i hope you're not back here tomorrow to talk about this , tom foreman. thank you, jim. we'll soon the man who shot 16 year old ralph y'all when y'all just went to the wrong house, will face his charges in court. this is y'all's recovery from his injuries has been described as a miracle by his family spokesperson, the latest next on cnn news, central. all acrcross the country. people are working hard t to build a better future,
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