tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 21, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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you know from from your reporting. i understand. experts think this bank may just be the tip of the iceberg. and how big could this crisis really be? well, erin, one professor of chinese business told me that he estimates one third or one quarter of china's small banks are in trouble. but we may not know how this is spreading because the government is getting better at covering up in preventing these kinds of leaks . now, the root problem here is china's slowing economy and ballooning debt. a lot of these small banks relied on financial products tied to the real estate sector, so when the property bubble burst in china's economy slowed well, funds dried up, and experts say what we're seeing is beijing willing to oppress people rather than pay the remaining victims to tell the banking system. they cannot play fast and loose with money. aaron unbelievable. all right. thank you so much selena for that exclusive reporting from china, and thanks for joining us tonight, 3 60 begins now. good
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evening, there's breaking news and a big victory for the biden administration, the fda and the maker but widely used abortion medication that's been taken by millions of women from more than two decades. mifepristone about an hour ago, we learned that a majority of justices on the supreme court decided in effect that the pill will remain legal no restrictions on its usage while an appeal of a lower lower court ruling moves forward that ruling by a federal judge in texas, known as an opponent of abortion, put a hold on the federal approval of the pill by the fda in 2000. and raised questions about the scientific evidence provided by the fda supporting its safety. the fifth circuit court of appeals, then froze parts of that texas judge's ruling but still left significant restrictions on this distribution prohibited pills sent by mail narrowed the window of its availability and blocked healthcare providers who are not doctors from prescribing the pills. this new ruling by the supreme court, requested by the vitamin ist rations removes all restrictions while the appeals process continues. cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider
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joins us now with more so the justices had until midnight. the ruling didn't come down until well into the evening. do we know why well, we've been waiting for this a week. anderson after that initial kind of extension on wednesday as well, and it's likely that justice alito, who is the one who wrote he needed time to maybe write this four page dissent, and it's possible even that during their conference this morning, maybe the justices were also still deciding how to proceed. but what we do know is that at least five of these justices did agree to grant the biden administration stay really keeping things like you said status quo for the way that this abortion pill is administered. but because of the way this order is structured, we actually don't know exactly which justices voted. which way we only know that justice alito and justice thomas dissented from that decision. anderson right. they dissented, and alito wrote several pages to explain his view. what was the crux of his descent? it was all about the stay and justice alito said that the supreme court has really been previously criticized for granting these days in the past
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, or you know these lower court decisions, putting them on hold. so he's asking in his four page dissent why his fellow justices are willing to grant this stay now in the circumstances because he's arguing that there would not be any harm if they let these restrictions go into effect, especially because, as he says the appeals court below his acting so quickly to hear arguments was interesting is, he said there'd be no harm. but the fda said exactly the opposite. they said there would be major harm chaos, confusion. if these restrictions went into effect, women wouldn't be able to fully access the drug. sting that justice alito, saying in his dissent there really wouldn't be harmed here. so is it clear when the fifth circuit court of appeals will hear the case on its merits their fast tracking this so the first briefs are due actually next week, then briefs will roll in over the next few weeks, and in less than a month from now on may 17th the fifth circuit will be hearing arguments on this and then presumably in the weeks or maybe even months after that. the fifth circuit will come up with decision. but this supreme court
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order makes clear that it will remain status quo from kristen beyond the fifth circuit's ruling until maybe this works its way back up to the supreme court and whether they can decide whether or not to take the case as well. anderson all right, jessica schneider, thanks for joining by cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic, author of the new book, nine black robes. inside the supreme court's drive to the right and its historic consequences. so of all the options of the court that they had. was this always the most likely, you know, anderson. i really think it was, but it's hard to predict the court on reproductive rights these days, given what they did last june and reversing roe v. wade but this was the sort of the most sensible approach given the kind of case that the justice department made on behalf of the fda explain the chaos that would come if suddenly there were new regulations. out there on this abortion pill that has been available since the year 2000 and the other thing i want to stress is if the court had done anything different, it would
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have gone back on the premise of its dabs, ruling that abortion would be left to the states and if you undercut the bill, availability of medication, abortion states that make abortion legal right now it would be diminished. the right to obtain an abortion would be diminished in those states. anderson there were two public descents elite. oh, and thomas, as we were saying the order actually, granting this day was unsigned. does that mean the other seven justices all agreed. or could there have been other descents that were not made public the ladder for sure. you know, it takes only five votes to grant the motion and i think that the chief justice probably wanted first of all. he wanted his strong majority vote as he could get because of all the divisions they've heard on these kinds of topics, and i think it was probably in the interests of the majority not to have any other dissenter go public. and you know, we just aren't sure where, for example, you know, just as neil gorsuch or amy coney barrett might be because those two were certainly with
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the majority of the dabs opinion , but only two felt it was important to make clear their dissent in his dissent, alito said, and i want to read part of it, he said the government has not dispelled legitimate doubts that it would even obey unfavorable order in these cases , much less than it would choose to take enforcement actions to which it has strong objections and quote. now there have been democrats, including congresswoman alexandria, ocasio cortez on this program and at least one republican congresswoman nancy mace, who called the administration to just ignore the district court's ruling on mifepristone. um for its part, the administration said that disobeying the ruling would set a dangerous precedent. how remarkable is it that a supreme court justice? was publicly saying the executive branch. i mean, it was he saying they can't be trusted to follow a court order? yes. and as you just acknowledged all the signs from the biden administration were that they were going to follow us. they never. they never said that they were going to buck this. in fact, you know,
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across the board, they were saying, we're going to have to follow what they do. they wanted to wait and see what the litigation did. you know, i think justice alito is clearly angry that he lost this one. and he lost it big and you might feel that the court is going in another direction. and abortion, and i do think the court is really signaling here that as much as they were ready to roll back roe v. wade they want to step back from the abortion issue for now and truly leave it to the states. we're going to talk a little bit later about how this ruling may give moderate republicans kind of a sigh of relief in the short term, but part and parcel of that is the reality that this could very well wind up back in the supreme court. squeezed in at the end. i mean, i don't think at the end of this current term, but during the next term in the heat of the presidential campaign, that's absolutely right. we don't know yet what the fifth circuit is going to do and remember, the fifth circuit is pretty conservative, maybe even more conservative than this current supreme court, which is saying something, and a panel of the fifth already had upheld part of judge matthew kiss
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merrick's rejection of the fda protocols so we could see the fifth circuit rule again against the fda. a and if it does, i am sure that biden administration and fda will be right back at the supreme court, and then they would have to delve more into the actual core merits of this controversy. you're exactly right, john biskupic. i appreciate it. i appreciate it. look forward to reading your new book. thanks so much for being with us after the supreme court's decision was announced, president biden issued a statement reads. in part i continue to stand by fda is evidence based approval of mifepristone and my administration will continue to defend fda's independent expert authority to review a proven regulate a wide range of prescription drugs joined now by dr jane haney, who was the fda commissioner when paper stone was approved back in 2000. doctor doctor haney. what? what's your reaction? first of all, to the ruling by the supreme court tonight. well i think there's clearly good news here in that access and availability. um that fda has
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had through its process will still be in place. i think making this drug not only available, uh for prescription. for those providers, but to patients who need this medication. i think the downside here is that there are elements of this case that will still stay in the court lots to play out here yet. and i think that the pharmaceutical industry providers and patients have expressed concern that what has happened to this product may happen to others. in reaction to the ruling, a lawyer for the group of doctors who brought the lawsuit said that the fda quote must. rules and the rule of law by failing to study how dangerous the chemical abortion drug regimen is. end quote. how do you respond to that? because you were at the fda. you headed
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the fda at the time that this was approved. uh yes, i was. and i must say this approval process was thorough. it was complete. it was rigorous. uh it was done by the professional experts, a scientists and clinicians who work day in and day out at the fda. um the approval was given after every. question that was asked was answered, uh, the safety profile was good. we did put some restrictions in place around the drug. but over time we expected that the usage, um either in clinical trials or in general use would either confirm how safe this product was or cause us to pull back. and what
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has happened is that the safety profile of mythic kristen is even better than we thought. at the time we approved it. it's been used by millions of women. ah safely and it has also been studied extensively, and the process that we used was even reviewed by the g a o and found in every aspect to be, um, absolutely correct. dr. jane haney. i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. get perspective now from two former federal prosecutors, union and currency and a senior legal analyst laura coates and cnn legal analyst jennifer rogers. or what message do you think the supreme court sent with this ruling tonight? but this is more than just about abortion and abortion related to medication. this is a broader discussion about the fda and authorization . they're not making any showing of the hand or the cards of how they will ultimately rule. remember this is premature to
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consider how they will ultimately rule if this were to come before the supreme court, but they're essentially saying, we acknowledge and some small part that a decision like this might in fact, create the kind of chaos that a premature or a out of line in terms of the order of how things should go. ruling would actually happen. let's let this entire thing play out because that's in ever since essence what we should be doing in the long run. but remember, this case is far more than about the one drug of a two drug regimen. it's about what the fda authorization can have. it's about all the different drugs that could actually be authorized. the fda themselves was sued this week by the generic manufacturer of medford , kristen. there are questions about the chilling effect not just medically. but also what it would mean for drugs and innovation. more broadly, i think the court recognized that that this is not the time to have a hasty decision. let it go through the courts and then decide jennifer what stood out to you. about this. well, what's
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interesting to me about this is you know we're going back to the fifth circuit. now there'll be a new panel that won't be the same panel that heard it before. but at least the supreme court is saying we're willing to let it be where it was for these 23 years, right? i mean, the fifth circuit is conservative as it is, did find that the statute of limitations prohibited them going back to 2000, so at least the drug would be available. we don't know what the new panel of the fifth circuit will do but you know, while alito said in his dissent that he wasn't saying anything about the merits of the case when he suggested that he would have gone along with what the fifth circuit did it says to me, maybe there's an appetite at the supreme court, ultimately, to at least find the right way on the statute of limitations. question which would leave the drug in place, at least where i was pre 2016 the laura. do you think this really means or what do you think it means for how the case will play out back at the fifth circuit? the fifth circuit might be looking at this and saying hold on the supreme court of the united states did have the option to essentially side with the lower court judge because
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merrick they have the option to essentially say a number of things and they were a little bit cautious. they were not eager to lean in one way or the other and are allowing it to go back to the pre texas courts decision. you know, i think that bodes for perhaps how the fifth circuit might ultimately read the tea leaves circuit court of appeals is not necessarily bound to always end. this ip eight and try to figure out how the supreme court justices will rule because they will take into consideration the potential to be overruled or whether to be, you know, essentially validated from the supreme court or to be, you know, not have their cases even heard, so i think it does, in a sense, give them a bit of a understanding what the supreme court may do. but again, this is still needing to go through the full course of things, and normally we don't have this sort of friday night by midnight, self imposed deadlines by the supreme in court on a decision of such consequence, but an issue like this did essentially call for it. what do you think? the timing of all this will be?
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so the fifth circuit is moving quickly, but it certainly will take them well into the summer, so even if they will say in the summer or in the early fall, it would get back up to the supreme court, then kind of at the start of their term next year. and if recent history is any guide, they've been deciding all the blockbuster cases after a lot of time, basically, at the end of the term, so i saw the case is heard of the supreme court early in the year. it might not be until this time of the year that they actually mean june even like the very last minute they've been dropping all these blockbuster opinions in the last few years, so i would think we probably won't have a decision from them until this time next year, even later and the potential for one of the concerns of people who support the or against what the texas judge did is the potential of other medications that the fda has already approved and have been on the market that if random federal judges in courts in amarillo or or anywhere else can decide to revoke the fda
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what the scientists have certified as being safe that has a huge ripple effects. this is in some ways of reproductive rights cases in other ways and administrative law case, the notion of where the expertise lies and how much authority these federal agencies who are the experts on the issue of drug safety have to approve drugs. this is the first time in history that a judge has overturned approval of a drug over the objection of the fda. so these drug companies are saying, why are we going to spend millions of dollars developing all these? drugs if someone can just kind of willy nilly say, oh, you know what? we don't like your drug. we think it's dangerous, even though the science and the fda say otherwise. it's off the market in, um laurie. if that was the case, i mean, if suddenly of drugs. you know, we're able to be taken off the market. it could cause havoc in not just the sale of the access to drugs, but also as jennifer was saying that the actual origin there are indeed the research and
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development. of course. i mean, if you are a manufacturer or a researcher investing millions of dollars, and that's a conservative estimate at the front end, trying to get fda approval, and then the millions and millions likely spent to become a profitable company on that drug alone. what incentive do you have to know that there is security in that particular drug, particularly if it's one that has sort of a social or cultural significance in the sense of the political debate and a grand? there are states that are looking right now. you see reports about state that our stock piling certain medication . you have other global entities were looking at this and saying hold on a second. if perhaps an american manufacturer can't do this, maybe there is a vehicle for me to do so on the outside and to providing the drugs and some other former fashions. now you've got international competition to plague and 11 hoping to capitalize in a way and then, of course, ultimately you've got the patient who even beyond the abortion medication scenarios. it's being used for
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other things as well. and this is just one of about 300 drugs that went through that and more rigorous process to figure out the easing up restrictions was appropriate to do so. there are thousands and thousands and thousands of drugs on the market right now, and there are many factors saying hold on, are we next? if some judge says he shouldn't have authorized it in the first place, jennifer rodgers appreciate it. thank you more on the supreme court decision next, including a deeper dive into the political ramifications. harry antin joins us with what polling shows about how american voters think about abortion also type some incredible video of an apparently accidental bombing, according to russian authorities inside russia that was carried out by the russians, plus my conversation with well known investigative journalists. the russia now wants arrested. power through your to do list.
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calling, uh, beautiful. breaking news tonight. the supreme court has removed all restrictions on the widely used abortion pill myth of kristen, while an appeal of a lower court ruling moves forward, in addition to the legal implications are obvious political considerations as well. our senior data reporter harry antin joins us now. so what does the data show about where americans are on abortion are more pro choice and they have been in over 25 years, you know, one of the interesting ramifications of the supreme court overturning roe v. wade was that on the question of whether you're a pro choice or pro life before 2022. it was a fairly you know hard for question, right? pro choice was slightly ahead of pro life. but look what happened in 2022 approach choices. now up 20 points on the pro life question.
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and this to me is important because this was one of the anti abortion activists. best questions right? it was one of the questions that tended to suggest we were 50 50 nation. but on this question now we are no longer a 50 50 nation. we are firmly approach choice nation of pro abortion rights nation. what about mean other supreme court rulings. how has that affected the view? so you know, last year? obviously roby wade was overturned and i think you know, something that goes through the supreme court's mind, right is essentially how how legitimate are we in the minds of the american public, right? and what we saw was that following the overturning of roe v. wade, we saw that this confidence in the supreme court had dropped to its lowest level ever over 50 years. lowest level gallops measuring, you know, used to be in the sixties, the seventies, you know in 1972, and then we've seen this sort of steady decline over the last decade, especially over the last few years and now less than 50% of americans have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the supreme court, the judicial branch and i think that's something that certainly
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factors into the supreme court's decision because at the end of the day, even though they like to claim they're not political there, in some ways a political body govern understand, assigned this six week ban late at night, and there's the medications like mifid per stone, where american it's on restrictions. yes. so you know, i think that's part of the reason why donald trump is you know when he's running his campaign. he's like, what is ron desantis doing? you know, i want to get away from the abortion question. and why? because americans are overwhelmingly opposed to banning the abortion pill, right ? 70% of americans, you look on a six week abortion ban. americans overwhelmingly opposed about 60% but more than that it divides the republican party. in fact, an episodes poll last month found that a slight majority of republicans oppose. uh basically restricting the abortion pill. and more than that, even on a six week ban. there's a significant number a significant minority within the republican party who's against the six week ban. so ron desantis you know who is essentially trying to say, hey, donald trump might not be the most electable guy in the world. to me. this is not the issue.
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you want to run on harry antin appreciate it, thanks with cnn political commentator and democratic strategist paul begala. cnn senior political analyst kirsten powers, the usa today columnist and former clinton administration official and cnn political commentator, of course in soltis anderson, republican strategist and pollster. paul how big of a win is this ruling for the white house and congressional democrats tonight? at least in the short term? well, you saw harry's polling data, a huge win for joe biden and for the democrats, and you can tell who's winning and who's losing by what they're saying, right? it's 8 24 eastern time on a friday night i checked in with the white house communications office. they had a statement from the president. you read part of it within seconds. i haven't heard anything yet, and they're not like top of their mailing list. but rating yet from mr trump speaker mccarthy was about to say, margin taylor green, but it's not it's mccarthy leader mark connell in the senate. republicans aren't talking about this at all. in fact, biden's statement concludes with a clear called to arms politically right, he says. i will continue to fight politically german attacks on
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women's health, but let's be clear the american people must continue to use their vote as their voice in elected congress will pass a law. restoring the protections of roe v. wade, so he's running on this, and i think democrats are going to do that all over the country. chris insulted sanderson. how do you think republicans are viewing this? i mean, do you think at least some of the moderate republicans are breathing a sigh of relief tonight? well, this is kicked the can down the road and as your legal correspondence in the first block talked about this is something that may not be ultimately resolved until next summer, right on the eve of these presidential nominating conventions, so we've got a long way to go for this to be resolved. i think right now, what republicans have been grappling with is the fact that you did have at least in a number of cases, an argument for pro life advocates to make pre overturning of roe versus wade around sort of moderate restrictions, things. is like that there were places where the pro life movement had some opportunities to make an argument to try to build a majority coalition. but getting rid of roe versus wade. it has
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thrown the issue back on the table in the way that you may recall the supreme court decisions in the past. things like, for instance, over rafael in the gay marriage ruling that took a political hot button off the table. suddenly republicans weren't getting asked about that all the time by overturning roe versus wade has put it back on the table, and i think the pro life movement and republicans have been really flat footed and being able to respond to this new political reality. that's why you're seeing them not come out and make statements quite as much. kirsten i mean, how concerned should abortion rights advocates be about what's going to happen in the fifth circuit and possibly back the supreme court? i think very concerned because i think what this is showing is exactly how radical that people are who oppose abortion rights? because this is a situation where where did these judges get off? overturning the fda? this is it's insane, right? like in any normal world. we would recognize that this is this is not normal behavior. what? how could they possibly know more about a drug that was approved in the year?
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2000 then then the fda. so it just shows that they're willing to openly imposed their political beliefs and you know, and just impose their ideas and their you know their ideology on women. and so i think that this is a this should be very scary. i find it very scary. and um, and there's no. you know, there's no knowing where this is going ahead and where this is going to end up. do you think kirsten if the judge had ruled that viagra it was not, uh, effective any longer, anderson, you know, that wouldn't happen if this case ends up back at the cream court in the height of the presidential campaign. i mean, how does that impact the race? how does that impact the court? well, you saw harry's pulling. the court's approval rating continues to drop. i think kristen makes a good point to that, that this well here. here's the when the doctor's decision came down. i wish i had said this, but i didn't i heard
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it. the most prescient comment on this was from my pal cecile richards, longtime head of planned parenthood, she said. this will not age well. right the gay rights, gay marriage decision aged very well because americans thought, okay, that's a good thing. the obamacare bill was terrible for the democrats in the near term, but it has aged very well. you can't oppose it now. politically and win. this will not age. well, cecile was right because we keep seeing case after case judge cares. america by the way, kate files the judge who originally outlawed this this medication in amarilla. he gave an interview, which he did not released to the senate when he was up for the for the court, in which he decried not just a abortion, but gay rights, contraception and even divorce. no fault divorce, which i suspected donald trump with two failed marriages had seen he even he might not have thought that was a good idea. kristen soltis anderson. i mean, ron desantis clearly wants to be to the right of donald trump on on this. that's why he did the
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six week ban. how do you think other gop candidates are going to try to handle this issue? my sense is that ron desantis from my conversations with those who know him personally is that his decision to sign a six week ban is not something that he was doing because he thinks it's politically savvy. it's because that's where he personally is that. meanwhile donald trump has always had a little bit of a complicated relationship with the evangelical part of the party around this issue. i mean , he has said he's had a conversion on it, but it will be fascinating to see what is the set of issues that ron desantis tries to hit donald trump from the right on in the republican party. and to the extent that ron desantis his argument to republican voters is hey, donald trump had his chance. but i'm the more electable version. this may raise some questions if he becomes very closely associated with the position that may be popular among in some quarters of the gop, but is more challenging with swing voters. you think this galvanizes democrats. even more. oh, absolutely. i mean, this. this
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hurts republicans. it is, you know, i think ron desantis like what many republicans are doing are just trying to get as far right as they can on this issue, because that's the only thing that will help them in a primary. and so it's going. anyone who's associated with this and that's republicans. it's not going to be good for them, and we saw it in the midterms. we saw it. you know, we've we've seen it over and over. and you know, and there's a reason for it because this is so extreme and so out of sync with the electorate. kristen kristen paul. thank you appreciate it still ahead massive explosion overnight in russia, but it wasn't attack from ukrainian forces. turns out a russian jet bombed a russian city details on that plus, a moscow court ordered today the arrest of another journalist this time, it's a man who helped expose the plot to poison. alexei navalny, the kremlin critic. i'll speak with the journalist who is now a wanted man. jalisco has a always been t the forefront of mexico's national culture, every iconic
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. sore that and the paycheck. muscles. absolutely free. text f a i r 2321321. ariane de vogue at the supreme court, and this is cnn. we learned today that late last night, a russian warplane dropped a bomb on belgorod close to the border with ukraine. belgorod however, is not a russian is a russian city, not a ukrainian city, and authorities are saying the bombing was mistake. the bomb left at 65 ft crater in a city
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more than 400,000. people explosion damaged buildings, but only two people were reported injured. in moscow today, a court ordered the arrest of well known investigative journalist cristo grows ev grozav, who works with belling cat has an extensive track record of uncovering stories. exposing the kremlin and vladimir putin grows up was a key figure in investigating the plot to kill russian opposition leader alexei navalny and has been on russia's most wanted list since december. he joins me for an exclusive interview. christo thank you very much for being with us to the best of your understanding. why did russia order your arrest? what reason did they give? well, the mystery began about four months ago when i was put on the international wanted list by russia, and they had absolutely no information put out there. why they're looking for me around the world. they just said for breaking the law and today during the arrest hearings in moscow, i found out for the first time that actually the reason why they have been looking for me or want to arrest me and are indicting me is because, apparently in their
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views, i organized the escape from russia. of a persecuted russian colleague, russian journalist from whom they raided the house of and his parents house and he left russia in the middle of the night. one friday about a couple of years ago. so they're saying that i organized all of that. and if that's the charge that i have to live with then i could be happier. is that something you were involved with? well, let's leave it at that that i would gladly have any help any russian journalists get out of the country if there if they could prosecuted or persecuted. there had been this report and that russian investigators had told the court , um, an illegal crossing of the border of the russian federation. that's what that was in reference to correct. there was some misunderstanding by colleagues by media who thought i had crossed the border illegally. i would never dare do that. i mean, i've been black listed by russia since 2016 never crossed into it, but but, yeah, it's a colleague who crossed the border without a
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passport because they had forfeited his passport a couple of hours earlier, and i'm kind of the conspirator or the organizer of that event in their eyes. in terms of your reporting . i mean, obviously you have been in the forefront of some extraordinary work. do you believe there's a particular piece of your reporting that russian authorities have been been singling you out for anderson, take your pick. i mean, i've covered the shutdown by malaysia by russian air forces of malaysian airliner mh 17. i've covered this crippled poisoning the explosions around community villages in europe. the navalny poisoned. i think the navalny poisoning was one that was particularly painful for the russian fsb for the security machine because it not only disclosed that they did it, but put them in a very, very let's say i'm flattering light of bumbling idiot so i would i would take that as my pick has been on russia's wanted list, has it? affected your life. i mean, obviously, you have to
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take that kind of thing very seriously. well, clearly, i cannot travel to certain countries that previously would have traveled to for investigations and for journalistic purposes. um i have to think twice before leaving the country. i mean, at the moment, but i would say that that's not the scariest thing out there because being on the wanted list is one thing. russia always dealt well into sort of lanes. they have the judicial um , sort of pursuit and persecution. and then they have the extrajudicial one and today by the way, in addition to me being put on the on the being arrested virtually which is the crazy russian invention arrest in absentia. i was also put on the what they call the foreign agent list for the first time, which is strange because i'm a foreigner, so i obviously the longer the foreign agent list because otherwise you should be there as well. but together with me, a couple of russian journalists were put on the list, including a very brave young lady who was poisoned in
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the last few months by the same machine, repressive machine. so that's that just gives you an indication that being pursued within the confounds of the law is not the scariest thing. yeah. i mean, obviously we have seen people poisoned in foreign countries by russian by russian agents. that's got to be something. i mean, you are obviously very aware of. it's got to be something that i mean, does it change the way you operate on a daily basis. definitely man. you do have to think twice before touching a door handle and accepting t from a stranger water from a stranger . it does have to become your second nature. and, uh, all of my colleagues at delicate, have kind of had to learn to live with this new escalated risk as many russian colleagues of ours have done for years. crystal grows if i appreciate your time tonight, thank you. very much.
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very brave man much more ahead, including exclusive reporting on the president's son, hunter biden. his lawyers will be meeting with next week and why. to know where you're going. you must know where you've been every mile marks a moment in history. for 75 years, sherm has led a charter drive change. we fight for women at work. shape policy and protections for all we advocate for an inclusive workforce. and endure together during unprecedented times because the beauty of the road is there's always something ahead, join sharm on our journey to drive change. how to gr more vibrant flowers. step one. feed them with mirle gro, shake and feed. that's it. miracle gro, you need to know to grow. when you've tried everything i was getting chemical peels, bleaching cream
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get the building system you need delivered this spring. that's 25 5 64 steel. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning. i want to focus now on a cnn exclusive. cnn has learned new information about the criminal probe into the president's son, hunter biden, cnn's paula reid joins us now. so what can you tell us about what hunter biden's legal team is planning for? next week? we learned anderson that this meeting was arranged at the request of
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hunter biden's legal team. they're seeking an update into the investigation into hunter biden that has been going on since about 2018. now this meeting is being described as routine in attendance is expected to be members of biden's legal team, but also at least one top career justice department official as well as the trump appointed u. s attorney who has been overseeing this investigation now, at least to a lot of questions about what exactly is the status of that federal probe. well we don't expect to get any new answers next week, but we know from our reporting anderson facts. cnn was one of the first report last summer. the investigation had narrowed down to potential tax crime charges and one possible charge of false statements connected to the purchase of a weapon. but anderson have been no public developments in the case. now for nearly a year again. we don't necessarily expect to get any more answers next week, but we have seen hunter biden legal team take a much more aggressive approach to
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his defense, mostly in the court of public opinion, becoming much more litigious, much more forward leaning, but now they have a whole new problem as there is a whistleblower coming to the hill wanting to share his story about how this investigation was handled. i r s agent has reportedly reached out to congress claiming to have information regarding the hunter biden investigation is seeking whistleblower protection. do we know more about that? yeah, it's interesting. this individual claims to be an i r s agent who worked on this case and says that he has information about how this has been a mishandled, claiming that there has been political interference and that this individual also says that they have evidence that would contradict public testimony by the attorney general, vowing that there would be no political interference in this probe. but anderson, i just want to emphasize that this individual has not been granted whistleblower protections. at this point, they have not presented any evidence to support these claims. and there have, of course been other promises or suggestions of whistleblowers related to the biden family and others that
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have not come to fruition. so we'll certainly be watching that both for what this person puts forward potentially what it means for the investigation. and how hunter biden's team response. alright i'll read thanks so much programming no coming up at the top of the hour and cnn primetime public schools in texas one step closer to displaying the 10 commandments in every classroom. brown takes a look at the republican effort to inject more religion into schools across the state. that's tonight at nine o'clock in about 14 minutes next for us. bill weir takes us underwater to explain how whales help in the fight against climate change. lighghting the way for all suvso follow. this is the fully electric highly advanced suv. with digital light led technology. brilliant. inside. and out. senior dealer for
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start under 600 make on time payments of 49 point bump in their credit score, on average, download the app today. i'm priscilla alvarez at the white house, and this is cnn. according to a recent u. n backed report. the world is running out of time to avoid a climate catastrophe, and the secretary general of the un warned that humanity is on thin ice. scientists are now saying cutting back on planet cooking fossil fuels is no longer enough to reverse climate change and that we have to pull billions of tons of carbon dioxide from the air over the next 25 years in this sunday is the whole story. cnn's chief climate correspondent bill were i'm gonna take a look at some of the proposed solutions, including one focused on whale poo. take a look. the plan is called marine
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biomass regeneration. and it starts by spraying the deep oceans with gigatons of artificial whale poop. now the question is, where does the fishies the artificial features come from? right that's one of many questions i have, but let's start with that one. he explains that when people drove baleen whales to near extinction, we lost the oceans biggest fertilizer pumps. one pod can gobble up nutrients from the deep and poop them across hundreds of square miles of ocean surface supercharging the bottom of the food chain. within 3 to 4 days in that area, you might have the whole area covered with fighter plankton. and then within five days of that, that whole area becomes full of fish. and since the biggest can wait 28 tons when they die, they take massive amounts of carbon godzilla to
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the ocean depths and could be doing millions of dollars worth of carbon removal for free. we would say whaling has to stop completely, but you can catch as much fish as you like. because we're going to return. the oceans to billions of fish in this process. bill weir joins me now. god, i mean, stunningly beautiful. can you explain a little bit more about what we just saw? has that been proven to work? well, it's been tried in a sense that is sir david king. he was the uk's top science advisor for almost a decade, and he's now at the center for climate repair at cambridge, and their big ideas involve artificial whale poo, which is basically volcanic ash . it's been tried with iron filings in the past, to sort of see the ocean and created these dead zones. so even now there's skepticism he's working with some south pacific island nations, but others are leery that this could lead to unintended consequences, algae
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blooms or those sorts of things as well. but he also has an idea about refreezing the arctic using these autonomous spritzing yachts that would use just wave power and spray a fine mist into the air and create super white clouds, which would reflect enough sunlight at the top of the world to freeze the arctic and by time because we just don't have enough time and there's this trillion dollar industry of carbon removal machines and natural solutions. that's just getting started. are there enough resources being put into carbon renewed removal? it's just getting going. it's like the early days of henry ford and the model a. there's a million ideas. there's a bunch of companies like stripe, this big e commerce giant. they got bunny and billion dollars they're giving to these companies to kind of get them going. hoping that has new laws are passed. the biden administration wants to crack down on and natural gas emissions from power plants. that could be a market force that puts more legitimate money . a lot of environmentalists have opposed carbon capture because they thought it was a
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fig leaf for big oil to just keep doing business. as usual is saying, yeah, we're kind of catching some of it and burying it. um but the scale of the challenge is incredible. a lot of people would get rich doing it. it's a matter of how fast can we do it and how much it will work. it's fascinating stuff, but we're thank you so much sure to check out the whole story hosted by me this sunday eight p.m. eastern. coming up with the man accused of shooting six year old kinsley white and her parents when a basketball rolled into his yard, made his first court appearance today an update on that story next. booking dot com i'm going to somewhere. anywhere beach house a treehouse. honestly i don't care. hello humidity hotel with a sexy garden architect, tiny home with aggressive leg hair somewhere. anywhere. as long as they have child. nation. booking
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the suspect turned himself into tampa authorities yesterday, according to several of his neighbors. he started shooting at a group of families after basketball rolled into his yard. six year old kinsley, white and her parents were wounded in the shooting. kinsley's mother said doctors had to remove bullet fragments from her daughter's cheek. it's unclear when the suspect will be extradited back to north carolina. been a busy night of breaking news. the abortion medication ruling continues through the evening. have a great weekend. here's pamela brown and cnn prime time. anderson. thank you so much busy friday night and tonight the most highly anticipated abortion ruling since roby wade was overturned, the supreme court has handed down the decision and women in america will continue to have access to a widely used pill to end early pregnancies and also used after miscarriages . that's the point. that's optimist. while an appeals process plays out the conservative leaning high court that tossed out the constitutional right to an abortion has frozen lower court rulings that place restrictions on a drug called crestone. that's a pilld
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