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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  April 28, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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mifepristone should remain available while a case to restrict to plays out in lower courts. it's likely the supreme court will take up the case again in its next term. last fall in its first television interview after retiring, i spoke with former supreme court justice stephen breyer about the decision to overturn roe v. wade. >> how damaging do you think the decision to say that women no longer have a right to abortion, how damaging do you think it's been to the court and the country? >> the court went down in approval ratings, down to 25%. you don't know how long that will be lasting. you don't know. and i say in my dissent it would be damaging. all right. >> how damaging to the country do you think it's been? >> what did i say in the
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dissent? we had three of us writing a dissent. we thought it was for many, many reasons harmful to the court and we thought for many reasons it was generally a harmful decision. we thought it was wrong and five people thought it was right. >> so the truthful answer is, at this moment i don't know exactly. there are people who spend a lot of time on this matter. i can say it is a very important thing, this right to abortion, and i think casey is a better opinion from a legal point of view than roe, and i am very, very, very sorry. >> thank you for watching. you can catch my full interviews with bernie sanders and carol burnett anytime you want on hbo max. and join us here on cnn every friday night to find out who's talking next. good evening, everyone.
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i'm allison, welcome to "cnn tonight." it's friday night. the culture wars are in full swing. there is a plot television. in the republican-controlled state legislatures of south carolina and nebraska restrictive abortion bills were voted down. are republican lawmakers having second thoughts about abortion bans. and then the battle over transgender rights. montana's governor just signed a bill into law tonight banning gender-affirming care for minors even though his own nonbeinary son urged hip to rejiect it. and the bud light transgender brouhaha, an update in a moment. >> i have been offline for a few weeks. a lot has been said about me, some of which is so far from my truth i was like hearing my name and i didn't know who they were talking about sometimes. >> okay. plus, we will have never-before-seen photos from inside the white house situation room the day that bin laden was killed. what do the photos have do with james corden?
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we'll explain in a moment. and if it's friday night, that means it's news quiz night. test your knowledge against our panelists. but we begin tonight with this week's toechlts in the culture wars. you will remember that bud light found itself in the middle of the battle because they decided to send a can of beer to transgender influencer dillon mulvaney, that prompted beer boycotts to kid rock going literally ballistic. and bud light sales have fallen markedly since then. also the battles over abortion with some states trying to pass near total bans. something surprising happened in nebraska and south carolina with three republicans crossing party lines to block abortion bans. there is lots to talk about with the panel tonight. here with me is to serve up his perspective, patrick mcenroe, also host of the conversations with komen podcast and rabbi and
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former law clerk for merrick garland jay michaelson and joining us former specialist to president george w. bush scott jennings. okay. so let's start, i think we should start with the abortion stuff because that's surprising. that's where some surprises have been. so in the republican-led legislatures of south carolina and nebraska let's start in south carolina. three female republican state senators voted down a bill that would have virtually banned abortion. here is how they explained their decisions. >> there are millions of women who feel like they have not been heard. that's why i am standing up here this long. i have if never done this before. >> once a woman became pregnant for any reason, she would now become property of the state of south carolina. >> abortion laws have always been each and every one of them about control.
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>> are we surprised by this? >> i am not surprised. i'm relieved. but the fact is that the majority of americans know want safe access to abortion. and so i am relieved to see republican leaders who aren't looking at this politically, who are taking a stand, who are making themselves heard. when i heard that quote about a woman becoming the property of the government, that is something you don't see in industrialized nations like the united states. and the fact is, by the way, around the world access to safe abortion is only becoming greater. but for us to walk this backwards is a travesty. to answer your question whether i'm surprised, no. i am relieved about it and i think that it's high time that people listen to the majority of americans who made their voices heard. >> yeah. >> one of the things we heard about this particular topic over the years is that the republicans were playing the long game, pulling out all the stops to overturn roe, which
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they were able to do. then it will go back to the states. now you are starting to see the ramifications of playing this long game and going really hardcore on some of these topics, and this is one of them. the trans issue, those other issues, culture war issues, those are important. but this is a big one. as you are hearing from the women around the country. apparently these five senators, especially in south carolina, they have been discussing this for years. they have been knowing that this was going to come and they have been prepared for it and, obviously, they made their voices heard loud and clear. >> as a conservative, how do you see this? is the pendulum swinging back a little bit from the most severe restrictions on abortion? >> well, republicans aren't a monolith on this issue. people want more restrictive, people think 15 weeks, people think it should be less restrictive and you are seeing this play out in the state legislatures. the laboratories of democracy. that was the intention of a lot of conservatives who wanted to overturn roe v. wade was to let
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individual states make these decisions. so i have no problem with these debates and i have no problem with peoplest cassing their votes. this was the point of the movement to get rid of roe in the first place. so, you know, i have thought since roe came down it would take a couple of years for the state laws to settle out and that's, obviously, happening before our very eyes and people have values but they also have politics to look at and they are hearing from constituents and i think ultimately that's going to lead to some interesting shapes on laws out there. but it's not going to be instant. i think it's going to take a few more months or years for these things to settle out even in places you don't expect. >> coleman, how do you see it? >> i think when roe v. wade was overturned a lot of people felt this was going to be the instant end of abortion rights in roughly half the country. i think we are seeing that that turned out not to be true, that as he said, there is more diversity of opinion than i think democrats would caricature among republicans and
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ultimately, you know, our federalist system is that states often get to decides issues and different states come to a different compromise position and we'll see how it shakes out, but i think that in some way the beaut beauty of our system. >> the republican state senator katrina chealey said, i hadn't heard of that framing before, where she said if a woman becomes -- once a woman is pregnant for any reason, she becomes property of the state of south carolina. >> that is a useful framing. one of the ways a lot of us in the pro-choice talked about this issue is forced pregnancy. in our society we don't force people to have their bodies hooked up top some machine or something like that for some period of months and then why are we forcing some bodies to be compelled to have this particular outcome. i think in addition to the conservative argument that overturning roe v. wade would allow the laboratory of democracy, there is also a
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progressive argument that made the same point. i remember in law school having in be decided by the supreme court allowed a lot of the sort of right edge of the republican party, the kind of -- sort of white christian nationalist edge of that party to get away with it and have these politics which are way to the right of where the center is in america and i think we are seeing that play out now. now that sort of the emperor has no cleats. well, we will have some reasonable restrictions here and there. in addition to the states that voted down the restrictions a number put them in place and we have draconian laws in numerous states in the country and i think, hopefully, my optimism is that this will be heard at the polls because this is not where reasonable americans are on this issue. >> there was an interesting lawsuit from a woman in texas who is suing the state of texas because she had basically, you know, complication at 18 weeks of pregnancy, was going to be threatening her life, and she ended the life of her fetus and
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doctors wouldn't actually operate on her until she developed sepsis and almost died. we can play what she said today. >> i wanted to address my senators cruz and cornyn. i nearly died on their watch. and furthermore, as a result of what happened to me, i may have been robbed of the opportunity to have children in the future. and it's because of the policies that they support. >> that was on tuesday, i should say. the point was when there were very restrictive bans, people wondered how long it would be until it threatened women's health and here is an example. >> yeah. i think politically one thing that's really clear wherever you happen to be on the spectrum in the republican party, most people in my opinion want there to be exceptions for the life of the mother, health of the mother, but rape and incest. so whether you come down on 15 weeks or six weeks or whatever,
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you know, whenever you come down on the timing on this, life of the mother, health of the mother ,
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>> this is just not through, there may be a couple of cases out there. folks watching this, trying to get the facts, y-- you need parental consent, pass a battery of tests. it's very rare. a lot of the issues are around surgery is even more difficult and in most states you can't get it at all if you are under 18. this is -- again, there may be edge cases that were the root of this. but i spent a lot of time with this issue. i was an electric vehicle losing streak activist professionally for ten years. i have a lot of trans friends. this is my community. i hate that misinformation is out tlt. it is excruciatingly difficult to enter into these forms of therapy as it should be because exactly for everything we totally free. everything you said, this is
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powerful. this is powerful intervention. but the fact is that a few edge cases are being used to distort this issue and hurt real people. >> i don't know if it is -- i hear you. i don't know if it is because there are no studies that are tracking what are happening in the hundred plus gender -- >> that's not accurate. >> like the -- >> look, this woman -- >> she worked at the children's hospital and there was no accounting for the regret rate or anything like tharngts there is -- >> for years. >> comprehensive studies of egret rates for hormones and surgery. this data is out there. this reminds me a lot of the activism i did practically a generation ago when we were doing same-sex marriage. there are myths grounded in not necessarily hostile ignorance, but ignorance. as a rabbi, we are failing to have the moral conversation that we need to have that meets people where they are, you know.
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if there is some responsibility on the left. i think this became a sort of wokefication process and you are a bad person if you don't have the right ideas. this is not how to enable people to come together. we are failing to have the conversation about trans realities and not fantasies. >> i appreciate you guys ending this conversation here. scott, we are out of time. thank you very much for your perspectives. stick around. next we are going to show never-before-seen photos like this from behind the scenes in the white house the night that bin laden was killed and what that moment has in monday with comedian james corden and what he said on his final show. the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technologygy into people's hand. generation after generatation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers.
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that osama bin laden was killed. let's begin with james corden. he signed off his show for good last night and offered some poignant words about our divided country. >> i have watched america change a lot over these fast few years. i have watched divisions grow and i've seen and i have felt a sense of negativity bubbling, at points boil over and i guess all i really want to say tonight is that i implore you to remember what america signifies to the rest of the world. my entire life it's always been a place of optimism and joy. >> and that cautionary note made us at "cnn tonight" try to remember the last time the country felt united. our memories were jogged by those photos of the night that bin laden's capture 12 years ago. americans came together in collective victory when
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president obama announced bin laden's death as a result of a u.s. military raid by navy s.e.a.l.s. can any of you think of a time -- that was may 1, 2011. is there any time since then we can think of when we felt like kind of a soaring feeling of being united? >> i think covid-19 we felt like we came together in a different way. >> alone. >> by the way -- >> five minutes. >> right, for like one week. >> exactly. >> i am going to tie in a little bit. i thits it's a comment on that topic. can't we just let people be people? that's on the transition. this is tied that this because what has made america so special and i have been lucky enough through most of my career to be able to travel all over the world and feel what other people say about our country. of course, we have our flaws. of course, we hasn't always lived up to what it says in our constitution, but we tried to do that, to be that country, that
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beacon of hope. and i think what james corden was saying there was, you know, be careful. be careful. i feel that now from the people that i know from all over the world that kinda look at us a lirch u little bit differently. i get worried about it. i see signs of positivity. i am seeing a few more recently which is heartwarming. but we still got a lot of work to do. >> when you look at these photos that we have never seen before from inside the situation room, inside the white house that night, they are fascinating. it's fascinating to have this insight into how things worked and the tension. let's look at -- from inside the situation room. we remember that photo of hillary clinton with her hand over her mouth. there are others. so that's, obviously, president obama and he is with air force brigadier general marshall webb. this is where they are looking in real time at this drone footage of the surveillance and the raid, actually happening at
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the abad bad compound. >> and the helicopter crash. >> there is these moments of silence and just kind of studying. leon pineta. you realize when you get -- look it. here he has a, you know, excedrin headache from whatever just happened. and i can look at this all night. i find it so fascinating to get this window into how -- we often see presidents and we see them at these ribbon cuttings or whatever, but this is real stuff. >> i don't want to be the, like, negative nancy on this moment of everything, but of course that's who i am. but even at this time there were the rumblings of the tea party. there were people who were on edge. i wouldn't even say in the mainstream of the republican party. there were mainstream figures, newt gingrich and others. when 2016 rolled around, this is why the sort of conventionalism as well, donald trump will never
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get the nomination because there are reasonable republicans and they are not going to let this crazy wing of the party, this populous nationalist extremist wing of the party take over the party because there are plenty of reasonable conservatives and then that actually happened. and so, yeah, i agree, you know, there was more unity it seems at that time, but those currents were already there. it's just what's amazing when you just go from the short period from 2011 to 2016 is how a movement that was, you know, funded by billionaires, but at least in some way was a kind of populous mass movement, that sort of captured one of the two major parties literally the grand old party in the united states to the point where it's so difficult now -- there is just not -- it's not possible to find that kind of center ground when this extreme wing holds so much sway over a major party. >> hold your thought for a minute. our national security expert, just give us your thoughts. >> i was at the white house. i wasn't part of this working on this raid. i was director for syria and
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lebanon at the national security council. when it happened we found out before they made the public announcement. we were all having to be at a wedding of a colleague. we were so overjoyed and proud and relieved. and i know president obama and his book apparently wrote that there was some regret to the fact that that's what united americans. i don't agree with that. love you, president obama, but i don't agree with that because i think it's fine to have americans unite against a common enemy who caused such harm and show them what the u.s. military is capable of. you didn't see me? >> no, i did not. >> calling the shots. >> i am sure you were. thank you. we are rushed for time. cnn's presentation of hbo's over"time" with bill maher is right after this. i can't mamake this [ bleep up. >> this is 2023, it's not 2017. >> we got to find middle ground. >> you are dealing with potential armageddon.
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>> hbo's "overtime with bill maher" now on cnn next. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloud options open.
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and now let's turn it over to our friends at hbo. every friday after real time time with bill maher, they answer viewer questions. we are excited to bring you this lively discussion every friday night. here is "overtime with bill maher." [ applause ] >> okay, here we are on cnn. and this is our panel. co-host of the fifth column podcast, the author of an immigrant's love letter to the west. thank you, very much. s elon had to go save the world. will russia's bumming of ukraine's capitol city -- >> oh, yeah, i saw that on the news today. horrible.
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saw it on cnn. >> start light. >> yeah. prompt a counteroffensive supported by western allies? >> no, the counter offensive is coming anyway. it's nothing to do with the bombing. ukrainians have been planning this. they have been waiting in that part of the world for mud season to be over and training up their forces with western weapons, tanks, et cetera. so the counteroffensive is coming. the actual -- these bombings of the ukrainians, all they are doing is strength lin the resolve of the ukrainians other than killing and maiming innocent people. the counteroffensive is coming but it's not because of that. >> how does this war end? >> well, i've said from day one i think the likely outcome is that ukraine will make some territorial concessions which will be crimea and parts of the donbas and likely that will be in exchange for what ukraine actually needs, long-term security. in my opinion, there is no other way of providing it other than nato membership or u.n.
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peacekeepers on the border. but i don't think that's going to happen. most likely ukraine has successful counteroffensive, pushes russia as far away as it can, and then makes a settlement that means that what happened in 2014, remember we talked about it earlier, when crimea and parts of the donbas were taken. that can never happen again because ukraine is a part of nato and under that umbrella. >> you see putin ever making concessions? i mean, we talk a lot in this country about how long biden's going to last. i keep reading he is sick, putin. is that a rumor? >> i have relatives in both countries. nobody knows. i don't know if you know this, they take his pooh in a bag and it's separate -- no one can analyze it. the information isn't getting out. let's put it that way. >> how do you know that. you're saying they take the putin pooh? >> they keep it separate. when he goes abroad, they keep a hold of it. >> how could anybody get it?
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it goes down the toilet. >> maybe he [ bleep ] in bag. maybe that's what we're discovering now. >> we are on cnn. you can't say bad words. >> you heard it here first. >> it's not -- >> no, it's not edited either. >> i forgot. this is new to me. on the putin thing, the sickness we saw in those files that were leaked by that 11-year-old kid in the national guard in massachusetts was that the intelligence analysts say he was cancer. his leg shakes all the time. as far as concessions, the only way that most ukrainians see this, from the polling of ukrainians, they don't want to give up any territory. the way this ends is russia loses. and he does pull out. you see that what happened in kyiv. he tried at the very beginning of the war to encircle kyiv and cut off the head of the make and they were routed by an army that didn't have all the weapons that they have now. and these tanks being picked off
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-- >> plainly, he could bomb kyiv much more than he has. that's what we were seeing on the news today. >> you know -- >> it's just pointless -- well, not pointless if you're a terrorist. >> militarily pointless. >> except for the long-range goal of winning the war and making people just say uncle. and that seems -- >> it's terror bombing. the entire point -- look, you know, criticizing -- i mean, what we did in germany in 1943, '44 and '45 bomb and say we were -- publicly said we are going to break their spirit. and that's something that ended in 1945. the russians are doing this today. >> that isn't what's happening on the ground. i remember on the first david war i called up one of my friends in kyiv and said i talked to people, you need to get out. he said -- i remember this conversation. he said, this is different than 2014. we are not -- this is our country. we are not leaving. and what is happening in ukraine
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now with these bombings, it's strengthening their resolve. [ applause ] >> they are brave people. >> they are. >> incredible. all right. what does the panel think of a poll that puts democratic presidential challenger rfk jr., the son of robert kennedy, our former attorney general, at 19%. i saw that today, too. i must say i'm surprised that right off the bat he is polling at 19%. >> kennedy name. yeah. another poll at 17%. they seem to be in line. marion williamson is there are people looking for alternatives. and i really wish it wasn't robert kennedy, but the dnc right now is lining up the troops and going to prevent him from doing any damage. they are not going to have
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debates. there is no primary debates. he is going to be pushed aside. he is running as a democrat. if he decides to run as a third-party -- >> why don't you like him? >> i wish it wasn't game for a variety of reasons. kennedy said something in 2013 that, you know, frequent guests on the show, matt welsh just tweeted about, he thinks that climate deniers should be put in jail, should be regulations against people denying climate change. his past is checkered with this stuff. it's not just the vax stuff. that's not my area of expertise. he said too many nice things about hugo chavez in venezuela as his brother joe has, too. it's a very weird -- and he is becoming more conspiratorial, too. this sort of they are censoring me all the time. you're a kennedy. your last book sold 2 million copies. no one is censoring him. i don't like that kind of instinct. >> but they won't treat what he is saying about covid with --
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>> no, of course not. >> but they should? like many people who wrote about covid, including the u.s. government. they got a lot wrong. he might be getting stuff wrong. >> sure. >> but he is not a nut. >> yeah. >> he is not a nut about covid either, or vaccines. >> the thing is, you know, it's hard to tell these days. it's hard to tell because you could get kicked off of facebook, of youtube, of all this stuff for saying that this came from a lab in wuhan. not from a wet market in wuhan, but the lab that did bad viruses that was down the street. lots of people. no just like one person that was kicked off. no, this was very, very, very common. all these things you couldn't say now which are now conventional wisdom. >> what we know about medicine it's changing on a day-to-day basis. just last year they got me table. wrong. they came out with a report that we thought it slowed down in age
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and it doesn't. that's kind of a basic part of our health. you can read stories like that year to year. they got depression wrong. it wasn't the serotonin. i am not saying it's corrupt, although there is quite a bit of that, too. somehow when it's the sackler family with the opioids, see, corporations, pharmaceutical companies. when it's covid, oh, no, they must have everything on the up and up. say it's not mostly that. they were trying and came up with a vaccine which many people, most people needed and saved millions of lives. that's true, too. [ applause ] >> robert kennedy may not agree with that. >> your point is correct. i think a lot of people have forgotten how we got to be successful is in the west. part of that is freedom of speech and freedom of research. >> especially in science. >> in science. >> especially in medicine. >> we need people to be able to talk about the facts. and when you have some kid who works for twitter in the philippines censoring a nobel
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prize winning scientist speaking in his area of expertise, i think we have lost the plot. [ applause ] >> the number of people wearing t-shirts saying i believe in science, science was the conventional wisdom from the government, from the cdc. i believe this that. you cannot believe in science. science is a process. it's always changing. when people thought i could believe this science, they thought it couldn't move. >> far paranoid covid left talks about science like it's religion. the science- >> yes. >> while they are doing things like wearing masks alone outside. the science. [ laughter ] what does the panel think of steven speilberg saying he regretted replacing guns with -- oh, yes, with walkie-talkies in "e.t."? now he is regretting that. i am so glad he is. he is saying movies were made of a certain time. they were all going to look weird in the future in some way.
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leave them as they are. i think it's terrific. [ applause ] >> amen. >> yeah. i mean, the scary thing is that classic books -- and i think this is what precipitated his tent, raul dahl who was a psycho and anti-semite and a good children's author. they change the most benal thing. >> you can't say fat. >> yeah. he changed it to nicely, shapely, i don't know. >> body positive is what what they probably changed it too. >> all right. this kind of thing is insane. they are changing books. that is literally orwellian. not the abuse of the word. >> we have to make way of commercials. we are here on cnn. thank you again. we will see you next week. [ cheers and applause ] >> you can watch "real time with bill maher" friday nights on hbo at 10:00 p.m. and ""overtime"
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friday nights at 11:30. next, our friday night news quiz. get your paddles ready.
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seats? in one, two, three. it's a. >> yes! >> driving is self would have made sense, right? >> okay. okay. you guys did very well. >> better warm the seats. >> that should be included. >> okay. next question. the global warming is having an affect on a, the price of airline tickets, b, mlb home runs, or c, the effectiveness of penicillin? one, two, three. oh, my gosh, you guys. it's b, mlb home runs. >> oh, come on. >> how did you know that? >> i read the article. >> yeah. that's good. >> and i also knew -- >> that's cheating. >> in depp, the high altitude also affects -- i am a bit of a baseball fan. >> the high altitude. this is new. i need my cheat code.
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>> tennis balls go faster in certain weather? >> absolutely. >> very good. moving on. >> climate change -- >> moving on. what famous couple went to the state dinner this week? was it chip and joanna gaines, ben affleck and jennifer lopez, matthew broderick and sarah jessica parker in one, two, three. >> that's a great guess, but you're all wrong. it was chip and joanna gaines. of course you all thought it was mat matthew broderick and sarah jessica parker. before signing to the new york jets, this a sports question, football star aaron rodgers spent his last days, a, at a spiritual healing center in costa rica, b, at coachella, c, at disneyland? in one, two, three.
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>> you're all right. a. at a spiritual healing. i thought because we talked about the darkness retreat that that was going to throw you guys off. you would think it was coachella. >> i was going to do coachella but i got stuck. i'm not ga lie. >> okay. two students in michigan are suing their school districts after being banned for wearing sweatshirts with which slogan. a, make america great again, b, let's go brandon, or c, guns are good. in one, two, three. >> it's b. let's go brandon. >> oh, okay. >> do get one more? >> we have to go now? >> okay. that was fantastic. who won? i think coleman. >> did i win? how many questions were there? >> i got two wrong. >> okay, one, two, three. coleman won. [ applause ] >> i think i got it. >> well done. >> all right, guys, we'll be
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russia's invasion of ukraine triggered a flood of refugees. many of them pet owners who had to leave their dogs and cats behind for what they hoped would only be days. for two veterinarians who specialized in exotic animal rescue, the situation led them to a new mission, caring for these beloved but abandoned
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pets, anderson cooper shares this week's cnn heroes. >> it's the simple things with the situation in ukraine, it would be three or four days. so a lot of people just closed animals in apartments and houses. and think that everything will be fine. >> reporter: for more than a year now, they have been rescuing and caring for dogs and cats by the hundreds in ukraine. despite the danger, they put their lives at risk, even driving to the front lines to vaccinate and feed animals. >> the russian army a lot of times shooting our car and we have a lot. >> each animal for us is like our family. >> reporter: the vets earn from millions on social media, they say it is all of those encouraging medicine messages that keep them going. >> when people drive past, guys, hold on, your heroes, it
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is a huge support, and we are very grateful. >> to get the full story, go to cnn heroes website and a quick programming note, as the united kingdom prepares the ground king charles iii, what does this moment mean for the monitored world? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at 8:00 p.m. on cnn thank you for spending this friday night with us, our coverage conontinues now. cnn heroes is brought to you by subaru, love, it is what makes subaru subaru. (vo) love is bigger than ever. the three-row subaru ascent. dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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8:59 pm
9:00 pm
good evening, as ukraine continues to prepare. russia lost more missile strikes against civilians, including one of the deadliest race in the war this year, the


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