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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 2, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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right now, students and staff at uc-davis are on high alert after three stabbing attacks near the campus and two of the victims have died, and search for suspect. more than 11,000 hollywood writers are on strike after their union and studios could not make a deal. what it means for your favorite show. and the u.s. could default on the debt if a deal is not struck by june 1st, will the president and house leader kevin mccarthy make a deal? those stories and more are all coming in right here to "cnn news central." police have now lifted a shelter in place notice for the uc-davis community, but the danger is still streaming for the dangers on the campus, it
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happened late last night, and woman is in critical condition after being stabbed and this is after a 50-year-old man was found dead in a park a mile and a half from campus. then on saturday, a uc-davis student was stabbed to death at another park. the police have made no arrests or named suspects. nick watt is joining us with more on this. >> well, kate, as you said, the danger is in place, and the police have lifted that stay in place order. and in downtown davis, and they were able to locate the suspect, and the suspect is located in that stabbing just before monday night, and the woman said that she was stabbed through her tent in a transient camp. she is in the hospital in critical condition, and the suspect, police say that it is a light-skinned man with curly hair and wearing black adidas
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pants and brown backpack. this rash of stabbings has really knocked the city of davis -- this place would normally expect maybe two murders in a whole year. they have had three stabbings, two dead in under a single week. the two people dead, david breaux, 50 years old well known around town, he was an activist, and pushed the message of peace, love and compassion to anyone who would listen. he was found dead thursday in the city park. then a 20-year-old computer science student karim abdul najim was stabbed riding his bicycle through the park saturday night after an awards ceremony, and this is what his father had to say about his now dead son. >> he was just six weeks away from graduating. this was his last quarter. he was so proud and so happy and
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so thankful. he said, thanks, mom and dad, you paid all of my tuition. you did it. >> and he said that the family moved to california from lebmann hoping to find a place of safety, and now in davis, kids are scared to leave their homes and go to class while a murderer or murderers are happening. the things in common is that the murders are brutal and the suspect used a knife. kate. >> we will see what happens with this one today, and they are searching for a suspect and they don't as we know now don't have any leads. john. >> and now we know, andy mccabe,
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they have lifted the stay in order, and what does that tell you about the environment? >> well, john, it is telling me that they have limited information with which to really focus the location of their investigation. a shelter in place is typically only enacted in a very specific location when you know that you have an offender on the loose committing crimes or, you know, hurting people. right now, they have got three separate crime scenes, and we don't know if it is the same perpetrator, and they are spread out across maybe two miles or more across the city of davis. you have three victims very, very differently described. a 50-year-old male, a 20-year-old male and then of course, a female from overnight. so they are in a tough spot to maintain a shelter in place. they have to spread out across the city with very little to work with.
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and it is almost better to have the public circulating to understand the description of the offender, and might be able to provide them with some leads. >> so the fbi was called in pretty quickly and assisting, and anything to read into that? >> only the fact that the local police are somewhat desperate for investigative leads at this point. the fbi is always a great resource to bring in on these issues of kind of the manhunt-sort of investigations, and the times when you are really trying to identify a suspect. they are great to bring in, in terms of logistical locations, and one of the items is the acquisition of video capture and analysis, and you have two that occurred in parks and one in a different location in the city, and maybe you have videos cam churing the people coming and
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going from various time, and the bureau is particularly good at collecting the videos and analyzing them in a way to point you in a particular way, and you have behavioral science folks to put together possible sketches of who might be involved in this type of activity based on the circumstances of the three crime scenes, and there are a number of ways that the fbi can help here. >> what can the law enforcement happen now? and what now? flood the zone with people on the streets? what is the message or should be the message to the public? >> first off, the message to the public is this person is armed an dangerous, and get away. and secondly, get the description out so people can protect themselves and contact the police when they see people who meet the description or maybe it reminds them of something they saw back around the time that these offenses were committed. so you will establish that kind
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of the crowd sourcing of investigative leads. you want all of the information pouring in as quickly as possible. and finally, just, obviously, seeing something, and say something, and keep your with it. s about you. you have a very dangerous person who seems to have struck out randomly and in a violent way against three different victims and the people of the city of davis are rightly concerned. sara. >> severe hardship to american families and harm our global leadership position, and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security position, and those are some of the concerns that our secretary of treasury says that are some of the things that could happen if congress does not raise our debt ceiling. and this is increasing the pressure on president biden and
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speaker mccarthy to reach a deal. the two men have agreed to meet one week from today. manu raja is on capitol hill, and what are you hearing this morning about the debt ceiling? >> the lawmakers are painting a grim picture of the ability to avoid a default, because the democrats and the republicans are on completely opposite sides of how to resolve this, and the negotiations have yet to take place, and we expect a meeting next week of president biden inviting all four congressional members to the white house, and leader mccarthy has accept ed te invitation, and the republicans say that there has to be massive cuts, but the democrats say, a clean debt ceiling increase, and without conditions whatsoever,
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and despite the warning from janet yellen, a default by june 1st, much earlier than lawmakers expected, not much as changed. >> reporter: is you seen any situation where the republicans would come in to cut a deal with the democrats to avoid a default if the white house cannot reach a deal with mccarthy? >> i don't. i just don't. i think that the senate republicans are convicted to the point that this is between the speaker and the president, and without them, there is nothing to talk about. >> reporter: if they don't get a deal, then what? >> then, shame on joe biden for being the president that led the country into default. >> i think it is a dangerous for the country to tie it to paying the country's debt that we have incurred. i don't care who the administration s and whatever this is, it should not be part of it. and the math is just a challenge here in the united states senate. if the democrats would try to
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move a debt creel increase to avoid the default and not include any increases, they would be short of a filibuster attempt, and nine republican senators would have to break ranks, and senator john thune said that would not happen, and any deal of mccarthy's would need an explicit blessing to get there, and they would undercut his position, and so they said that not only would they raise the national debt t limit as t white house has insisted, and how this is going to be managed is unknownment and this is the biggest fear since 1911 whenhe united states' credit was downgraded. and how this is going to be resolved is anyone's guess. unspeakable tragedy in
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oklahoma, seven bodies discover and including two teenaged girls who have been missing. and in hollywood, a strike after no deal was reached of how writers can be paid in the era of streaming videos. and later, it was supposed to be the happiest day of samantha miller, and then the bride was struck by a drunk driver. the live report is coming up. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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on the property of a convicted sex offender. jesse mcfadden was due to be on the property, and his body was found on the body where the teens were found along with five other bodies. and now, there is a primary to be set up after senator cardin says he is going to retire ahead of 2024. a close call for a young man and his son off of the coast of annemaria island in south florida. >> climb up, okay. >> dad, hold on, okay. >> i got him. come here. now, give me this. >> you are fine. you are okay, buddy. he is coming up. he is coming up. >> i got you. i got you. >> they were swimming when they were swept away from a powerful rip current. the sheriff's marine deputies spotted them and pulled them to
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safety. sara. >> this is just into cnn, the labor department has released the jolt report, and it is job openings and new hires and layoffs and the last piece of data to drop before the federal reserve makes the latest policy move and you know what that means? that means that christine romans is going to be here with more, and that is not looking good. >> no, a little bit of worry ahead of the fed meeting. >> what does this report mean? >> there are a number of job openings, and business openings saying that we can't find the workers. last month there were 9.6 million which is a big number, but the smallest in a couple of years, and so that is maybe some relief for the fed that all of the rate hikes is taking some froth off of the labor market, and the job market is a little bit more balanced, and where do we see the fewer job openings in transportation warehouses and utilities and professional and
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business services, and health care services, and places where you didn't have quite so many job openings this time around and again, it is a good sign, and the labor market is not overheating, and the bosses have been frantic to get in enough workers and they have been frantic to get in enough work, and all of the fed hikes are working in the economy to cool it down. >> and as the interest rates are going up, the rates are going down. >> i think that they will hold there to see if the medicine is working. >> it sounds like a football metaphor. >> or tv banter. >> it could be. kate. >> the biden administration is faces questions after a new jersey mayor who is muslim was blocked from attending a meeting after saying that he was celebrating ramadan. he was invited from elected officials from across the country.
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and arlette seanez has more on this. we know that the mayor has spoken to cnn this morning and what is he saying? >> well, the mayor says that he has not received an explanation from the white house or secret service for why he was denied entry into the eid18thibration yesterday. he has told cn, the mayor who is muslim that he believes that the racial profiling prevented him from attending this event. typically when somebody is invited tohe, they have to submit their credentialing information into a system known as the waez system, and the mayor says that he submitted the information, but it was not until 30 minutes before he was set to arrive that he learned that he could not attend the event. this is more of what he had to say on cnn this morning. >> at this point, we did not receive any explanation or what happened is that i received that call as i entered d.c.
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i was told by a staffer from the white house social events department that the secret service advised them that i cannot attend the event, and that the secret service did not provide them with an explanation. >> now the white house has not comment odd on this matter and referred all questions to the secret service. the chief communications officer for the secret service did release a statement where he said, quote, while we regret any inconvenience this may have caused, unfortunately, we are not able to comment further on the protective means and methods used to conduct our security operations at the white house. of course, we are pressing secret service for more details of what this process entailed, but you have heard some condemnation from the outside groups, including the new jersey chapter of the american islamic relations. i want to read you a quote of this, saying that it is an
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affront to the muslim community, and that a well respected muslim leader would be disinvited from the eid's celebration hours a 4ed of time is wholly unacceptable, and insulting. so certainly, remaining questions of how this entire situation shook out, and we should be hearing a bit more from the mayor later today when he is attending a press conference today in new jersey. >> unclear if we will hear anymore from the white house given that statement. thank you. and now, a prominent prisoner in israeli has died after a hunger strike. israeli calls it something different. and now, what writers want before agreeing to leave the picket line and what it means for your favorite shows.
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that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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in california the uc davis community is on high alert as the authorities are investigating a third stabbing. a woman was stabbed multle iple times at transient camp and she is in critical condition this morning. it follows two stabbings since
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thursday. the police have made no arrests or named a suspect as of this morning. tossing it to john. >> thank you. now, over 11,000 members of the writers guild are on strike. this is because they could not reach a deal with the union and the producers. the last strike caused an estimated $2 billion in economic damage. several of the late night hosts spoke out in solidarity and including stephen colbert who spoke out on behalf of the writing staff. >> these, these people are our writers. these people are our writers and i will stick myself in there because i am wga, too, and they are so important to the show.
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they write the monologue, the mean wild, and the cold open, and without these people, without these people, the show would be "the wild guy rambling about the ring of the wild." and without them, our show would not be possible. >> and the first strike since 2007, but it is a way different environment in the entertainment industry. >> yes, this is really about the future of the entertainment industry, and the writers are looking to get some reassurances from the studios that the changing industry is going to be taken into contact with a few things at play, and one thing is that the writers want some assurance that the artificial intelligence which is boiling up to be a major disruptor in the industry, that they are going to take them to account, and they want some guidelines that for instance that artificial intelligence is not going to be
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used to start writing shows and also about streaming and this is a big point here, and a number of things here about streaming that has rechanged the industry that they want to take into account, and for one, the residual fees that writers have earned after a show like a "lost" or "house" and airs and reairs and reairs on other broadcast, and they would earn residuals. on a per-airing basis, the residuals have gone down, and they want the studios to take that into conflict, and the shows on hbo max or other streams, that they are not as long, so say from 10 episodes versus the 20 episodes ordered on broadcast shows, and they
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want that taken into account as well. so the trade show that represents studios, they say they were willing to move up on the compensation and other things, but that they don't want to be forced to basically hire writer that they say they don't need to force the writers to say they would like to have the studios to obviously make sure that their profession is not a temporary profession. so they are calling for some assurancess on this. i want to read a statement that the writers guild put out after the negotiations failed to materialize. they said that studio's responses to the industry challenges have been wholly insufficient given the existential crises that the industry is facing. it has created a gig economy, and the immovable stance in the industry has betrayed the commitment to devaluing the
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profession of writing, and of course, john, as you have pointed out, we will see the immediate effects of the strike of late night comedy shows like the ones that you have played from colbert, and those are to go to immediately to reruns to produce the content, and if this is going on for some time, and those set to be premiered in the fall could be postponed and we will keep a lookout, john. >> and we will look for the picket line to start this afternoon. thank you, oliver darcy. kate? >> and now, we go to an attorney author of "hollywood on strike, industry at war in entertainment age." john, you have been in the business for years, and you wrote a book on the last major writer's strike, and how do you describe or lay out what this fight is really about? >> well, thank you for having me, kate. this fight is about compensation
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and procarety, and in other words, adequate pay, and making sure that the profession is a sustainable occupation for people. what the writers are saying is that compensation is down or flat, and you know, they have released certain numbers and not other numbers, and there is debates about some of it, and the fundamental issue as oliver pointed out is the decline from the 22-episode model per season to 10.2 episodes is the actual average. what happens is that writers are hired by the series, and as, you know, any of you knows, there are tons of new series every year, scripted series, but they are paid by the episode and/or by the week. so more writers are drawn into the system, because of the increase of the number of series, but there is less work for each individual writer to do. that makes the business a much
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more difficult one to sustain, and in addition, the so-called mini rooms has a smaller number of writers working together, and those rooms tend to often close before the show begins production, and the problem with that is for a junior writer or a staff writer to move up the career ladder, they need experience doing the production re-writes and experience interacting with actors and editors, and post-production work, and when they have a good idea and pilot script, they are show editors themselves, and without that experience, the writers are mired at the lower end of the career ladder. >> they have described this as an existential moment, by the writers. do you see it that way? >> i think it is a difficult moment both for the writers and the studios and the streamers. to take, and to point out the
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company perspective for a moment. we need to look at both sides of the equation. the companies were dancing to one tune prior to march of last year which is subscriber growth and rewarded by wall street for growth, for quarter after quarter growth and the number of subscribers and netflix hit a glitch last year and had a decline in the summer of subscribers, and that one-time decline, and that one time shocked the system and the investor community, and now they are demanding profits. the stock is still punished down one-third prior to march of last year, an engaging in the layoffs, and they are saying, look, we are spending billions of dollars to build the worldwide platforms to which the writers respond, if you build billions of dollars to build
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platforms which you expect to make profit from based on the content that we create, we need a sustainable career. >> and it is where we will see the impact on tv where the strike begins. let me play a little bit more what seth meyers said. >> strong writing is essential to a show, and especially a show where the host is at best a c-plus host like myself. but for those who have a job in show business, they are entitled to fair compensation. they are entitled to make a living. i think it is a very reasonable demand that is being set out by the guild, and i support those demands. >> one thing that we have seen and that you have written about is that the writers guild has shown in the past that they can
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withstand, and they resilient, and that i can withstand a pretty long strike. is that what we are going to see this time, because times are diffd definitely different, right, jonathan, and just returning to work and the media companies as you have laid out across the board, they are tightening their belts, and what do you think? >> this strike is going to last until at least july, and this is why. in other words, eight weeks or so at least. in the era of irrational exuberance when they spent hundreds of millions of dollars in overall deals with the case of show runners an exclusive and tried to have exclusive deals and tried to get paid and so on and in the pinnacle like shonda rhimes and greg polante and
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others, and in the case of an earthquake or in this case, a labor strike shuts down the industry in six to eight weeks in those contracts, the studios have a right to terminate the termination, and forceable renegotiation, and that i will go -- and then they will go to the streets and save money, and they will then say look at how much money we have saved and produce a good quarter. and now, with a random attack on the system, and how the agency is recovering from february hack. democratic lawmakers are going demand action with a push of the federal investigation into the climate activist emanuel teheran after the
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>> now to the situation in israel where a palestinian prisoner has died in custody. this is where earlier we had mistakingly shown the wrong photo of him. but he is the fifth palestinian
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prisoner to die in a hunger strike since 1970. in honor of his death, rockets were fired in gaza, but his widow is pleading for no violence, claiming we do not want a drop of blood to be spilled. >> and now, the third place finisher in the recent election is claiming that fraud took place, and 42 protesters have been arrest and 10 police officers have been injured in the clasheses and so far the election of the president santiago pena has not responded to the allegations. and now, it is just days before king charles is going to be coronated. buckingham palace has said that the king is going to be wearing clothing that is serious history. he is going to be wearing vestments that were worn by his
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grandfather and grandmother. >> all dry cleaned, i am sure. and now, the justice department is looking into the killing of a climate activist at a training cite dubbed climate city, and they are feared that it will further harm protesters, and what do the six lawmakers want? >> all six of the lawmakers and they are all democrats, but they want the independent investigation into the shooting of a climate activist in the so-called climate city. an autopsy revealed by dekalb county sheriff's office showed no evidence of gunpowder on his hands. they have used this as evidence to say that he was murdered by police, and more likely that the georgia state trooper injured in
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the clearing operation, was injured by friendly fire. the police have refuted the claim, but now they say there are enough contradictions that there should be an investigation. so the new probe says that there is enough evidence that there should be a probe. the family released an independent autopsy showing that he was seated in a meditative position with the palms faced inward when they were shot and killed by police, and in the many months that the site being staged by people to come in to grieve their grievances with
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police. and this is where police and fire departments should receive adequate training, and this is a story that is not going to go away. >> nick valencia, we know that you will keep us posted. and now, three operations from texas to virginia to mississippi, but a key tool in the arsenal is still not fully operational. in february, hackers targeted the u.s. marshal's fugitive tracking system in a ransomware attack. and sean, what are they saying about the attack? >> we think of the attack of harrison ford of "the fugitive" movie, and going back with the importance of fugitive hunting, but like all government
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agencies, they can't do it with pen and paper, and they need computers to do that. anded in february, there was hack of it, and we are learning more about it this week, because the marshal services are telling cnn that they are recovering from the hack. they had to take the system offline and rebuild it, and put it back in place, and bit by bit over the course of months, it is getting back up to speed. but in the meantime, as you mentioned up top, there are fugitives on the lam right now that they need to track. the marshal service says they are not hindered in the ability to do so, but the computer system is historically an important part of tracking fugitives and something they want to get back online as fully as possible. sara. >> thank you, sean for that. back over to you, kate. coming up on "cnn news central",
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>> this is a tough story, john. listening to the family members, this is the day that the bride always want and she was enjoying it as well. after the wedding, and parentally, they got into one of the larger golf carts and got into the cart to go back to the bnb to go where the family was, and someone got into a car and slammed into the golf cart slamming it 75 yards off of the road. and samantha miller lost her life. someone tried to give her life-saving cpr, but she lost her life. and this is traumatic for the family, and several members could hear the sirens and they felt something was wrong, and they rushed out to the scene to only find out the worst. and this is tremendous, and look at the woman who is arrested. she is jamie kamoroski, and she
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has been charged with possible dui, and listen to family members of how heart broken they are they over the situation. >> from the moment she woke up that day to when she left the venue, she told aric on the golf cart that she wanted this day to last forever. he told us that at the hospital today when we saw him. >> john, it is hard to wrap your mind around all that is at play. the groom is in the hospital and recovering from injuries and will probably need another surgery, and he has lost his new bride, and all of this is happening in the small community. we were talking to the police chief and you could hear the pain in his voice. the family has started a gofundme page for the family, and people from all over the world are donating. >> watching this video is
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heartbreaking. kate. a third knife attack near the uc davis campus is throwing it on edge. and what they are doing to keep the students and staff to find the person who is behind the deadly attacks. we'll be right back. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make anan impact, why stop? sometimes you're so busy taking care of everyone else you don't do enough for yourself, or your mouth. but eventually, it will remind you. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. we offer the custodental treatments you need, alunder one roof, right nearby. so we can brinmore life to your smile...
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8:00 am
right now, the search is on for a killer after a string of stabbings at the campus of uc davis, and what is being


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