tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 2, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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roots. >> 2016 was a different beast, people didn't know as much about him. >> that's the real question, how easy will it be to appeal to that part of the electorate. pollsters have asked where do you see donald trump ideologically, those who think moderate or liberal, they were a large portion in 2016, north of 40%. now, only 18%. so i think the idea of being able to sell i'm a moderate, not sure it's that easy this time around. >> you'll be there to explain it to us. >> i'm going to try. >> thanks for joining us tonight. "ac-360" starts right now. good evening, we begin tonight, keeping them honest. the biden administration is sending 1,500 more active duty
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troops to the border with mexico, the goal to free up resources so they can cope with the expiration of the trump policy. it allowed authorities to quickly expel certain migrants using the covid pandemic as a reason. clearly there's a problem. what there isn't or hasn't been for decades a comprehensive solution. the administration tried to send a immigration reform bill to congress on day one. went nowhere. instead, he's taken far smaller steps and tried to paint them in the best possible light. when does selling a policy veer into overselling it. this exchange yesterday. >> how to address this challenge. a lot of people come here, is
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this one of the issues that is job not done, not finished? >> he has asked congress to take action, republicans to take action and work on this in a bipartisan way. he's going to continue to do that. in the meantime he's put forth -- he has tools he's used to make sure that we do this. we actually deal with the immigration system in a humane way that is -- that actually deals with what we're seeing at the border. that's why you've seen the patrolee program be so successful. when it comes to illegal migration, it's come down more than 90% because of the actions this president has taken. >> whether by accident or design, the press secretary made it seem like there's been a 90% drop in illegal migration. that's not true. she was mentioning a certain
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program that only affects a small percentage of migrants. the answer so unclear, clearly misleading, she was asked again today. >> i was speaking to the parolee program that was put in place to deal with certain countries on ways that we can limit illegal migration, and we've seen, data has shown it's gone down more than 90%. >> so the program she's talking about allows people from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela to be considered case by case to come on urgent humanitarian reasons. and it's substantially reduced the migrants from those countries stopped on the southwest border. but keeping them honest, that 90% drop was only venezuela. all the nationalities, not just four border encounters. as you see represented by the
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blue line, take a sharp dip earlier this year, running roughly on par. more than 1.2 million from last october to march. that's not a story the administration wants to highlight. we invited her on the program and she declined. phil mattingly has new reporting on what is happening behind-the-scenes at the white house. the white house claiming some limited success sending 1,500 troops to the border for the expected surge of migrants next week. that doesn't sound successful. >> it's one piece of a broad and expansive effort that's been under way the last several months as the administration has been racing to stand up a system to deal with what they've long expected and been concerned about, a significant surge at the border of migrants when title 42 is lifted. there's a level of anxiety that
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border crossings could be overwhelmed, create chaos to create potential lasting damage on a president that just announced re-election a week ago. but there's some element of officials being resigned to the reality of the moment. we've always known it's going to come, we're trying to mitigate and manage it to the best of our ability. that's what you're seeing. efforts to streamline processing. surging of personnel and efforts, trying to manage what's coming knowing it's going to be more than they're capable of handling, yet trying to stem the tide to some degree. the reality here when you talk to officials, we're working within a broken system, there's only so much they can do. they need congress to create a system to allow them to manage what is happening next. when i asked an official whether or not there were back channel conversations about that, they said bluntly, none.
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>> without a comprehensive solution, a change to asylum policy, getting more judges, even those applying for asylum wait years here and can't work while they're here. for all the talk about republicans in congress focusing on the border, have they proposed workable solutions? >> they're keenly aware of the lifting of title 42 and plan to put their own legislation on the floor next week. it's legislation that democrats won't support. even the republicans have had a tough time coalescing around the legislation. it's sharper restrictions on the asylum program, restart the building of the border wall with significant funding for technology and personnel. each side has always had proposals, dealing with their party issues. but they've never reconciled the
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proposals and there's no sign right now given how hot this is as a political issue and the reality of what has been happening throughout the course of president biden's two-plus years in office there's a resolution anytime soon. there is some hope that a bipartisan compromise will come together and one on the table didn't make it across the finish line. and there's no sign with republicans in control of the house it's going to happen soon. >> the president pledged a safe and humane border policy, do they believe they've met the goal? >> work in progress, they're candid that they're working with the system they have and the tools they have. humane, safe and orderly are the words that drive the proposal but there's only so much they think they can do with the cross cutting pressures they face. and the diplomatic things,
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addressing the root causes of an unprecedented flow of migrants in the western hemisphere the last couple of years, it will take time to take effect. there's no other way around it, without a legislative solution, this is the reality. there are tweets, rule changes that can be made. many that the president and team have made have upset democratic allies, including bob menendez, who was extremely critical of sending u.s. troops down there. but this is the system they're working within. you put the political constraints with the policy issues and all you have are problems. to the border, rosa flores is in el paso, texas. how are they preparing for the expected surge? >> reporter: let me show you around, anderson. this is under a disaster declaration. hundreds of migrants are on the streets here. what the city is doing is
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providing port-a-potties, hand wash stations and they clean out the streets every single day because one of the biggest concerns is public health and safety. one of the things they point out is that there are a lot of individuals out on the street. wondering why doesn't this disaster declaration which usually frees up monies, help these individuals who need shelter. the answer is fema money only allows the city to help individuals who have turned themselves into border authorities and have been processed in some way. the problem, a lot of the individuals here got frustrated in mexico and crossed into the country illegally, and the city really can't help them. >> and title 42 is still in effect now. can you explain why there's so many migrants on the street? >> reporter: it's a great question. title 42 allows immigration agents to swiftly return the migrants to mexico, so why are
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we seeing migrants here when they have the power to return them back. talking to migrants on both sides of the border and the officials both sides, there's tens of thousands of migrants like this on the mexican side of the border. they are frustrated. what has happened, they got impatient and decided to cross illegally, that's why a lot of them are ending up in cities like el paso. it's not the only city declared a disaster. brownsville, texas, has done the same from the huge influx. >> what's been the reaction to the announcement of troops on the borders? >> reporter: i'll shu yoow you what we're seeing in the allies, there are hundreds of people here. talking to people in border
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cities for a long time, they're tired of the military on the border. troops, national guard. whatever. i talked to one resident, saying they're tired of governor abbott spending billions of taxpayer dollars to send troops to the border, more police officers to the border and tired with the biden administration because they say there really has been no solution. the reason i want to point this out where i'm at, because this resident told me, look, the american people, the taxpayer, is bapaying billions, the texas taxpayer is securing the border and there are hundreds still crossing. that's their point. sending more troops, police officers, those are band-aids. there needs to be a real solution. and phil mentioned it. a lot of people on the border feel the same. congress needs to act for a real
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solution. >> appreciate it. next my conversation with tucker carlson's top booker, her thoughts on his firing which she witnessed and made her sue fox twice. wanted to broker wing the house leadership on his program. and john walsh on the hunt for man accused of murdering five people in houston because they asked him to ststop firing his gun outside hihis house. never lose your edgege. ♪ ladies... welcome to my digestive system. when your gut and vaginal bacteria are off balance. you may fe it. but just one align women's priotic daily helps soothe digestive uets. and support vaginal health. welcome to an aln gut.
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now that tucker carlson has been shown the door at fox news, we're learning about the workplace he allegedly fostered. abby grossburg has filed suits against fox. she worked for this program as an associate producer in 2007. we spoke before air time. when you heard that tucker carlson was fired, did you feel vindicated at all? >> at first. it was a shock, there is a lot to process. >> you didn't expect it? >> i didn't believe people when you told me. >> because he had so much power at the network? >> i thought he was invincible and they believed they were by the way they based. >> you say in two of your lawsuits that you endured a quote work environment that subjugates women based on the vile sexist stereotypes, and in
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the lawsuit you say that mr. carlson's derogatory comments towards women is well known on the set of "tucker carlson tonight." his attitudes permeated the culture at his show? >> and when i ultimately did stand up and complain to a supervisor, his answer was tucker sets the tone for the show and we follow that tone. that summarizes everything. >> people got a message from tucker carlson it was okay to use the "c" word or whatever, and felt emboldened to do that, too? >> i think they took pride and joy doing it, thought it was fun, a bro-fest there. >> it's incredible, your descriptions of the -- i don't know if he was always like this
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or his ratings and power went to his head. from what you say, he talks as if he was in position to destroy campaigns and would threaten politicians if you don't come on the show, we're going to destroy your campaign. >> it was shocking to me. his lieutenant justin wells, who was fired with him, i have messages from him saying we're the most powerful political platform in the republican party. they acted that way leading up to the 2022 midterms. they would say, ron johnson for example, the office called me, he'll come on the show but will this destroy him? it will be over for him. >> politicians were terrified of him? >> they were and i was terrified, too. i don't think journalists should have the power to threaten and bully people and he did and
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revelled in it. >> he enjoyed it, part of his persona. >> they believed he could broker who was house speaker. he wanted to do that live on air but kevin mccarthy said no. >> what do you mean he wanted to do it live on air? >> his plan was to have kevin mccarthy come on the show, according to justin wells, he revealed the grand plan to us. tucker had set some terms days earlier for mccarthy, which included this church committee -- this was about january 6th, on the 2nd he said you should have this church committee. i had worked with him a lot, had a relationship with his team, and justin said here's the plan. tucker will have kevin on, hear him beg and grovel. then bring in matt gaetz to then
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set his terms. then tucker will set his terms that mccarthy has to agree to. >> tucker carlson had terms for kevin mccarthy to agree to? >> and on air. wanted to make it happen and save the republican party. mccarthy said no but he had a phone call and agreed with some terms. according to a text carlson sent me, and that was a win. >> working on another show, she had sidney powell on, rudy giuliani on, spreading lies. when you were a senior producer there, was that okay with you? did you buy into it? >> it's interesting to look back from the perch of perspective now. being there in the moment, i was seduced for about a week by those ideas of tens of thousands of americans were, wondering if
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there could be evidence. i was waiting for it. the president of the united states had made serious claims of fraud, and the evidence never came. for me it took a few days to just realize the whole thing was a ruse. and kind of, you know -- i think the american public was also waiting and coming to that realization around the same time. and fox certainly fueled that false hope for them. >> but plenty of people were saying there is no there there. did you feel an obligation -- maria did not push back on powell or giuliani. did you feel an obligation to get in her ear and say push back? >> yeah. i had statements and statements, and -- >> you put up a dominion statement at one point on the screen, and she didn't read it. >> ultimately, it was up to her
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to read it, and she didn't. those were pretapes, all the executives at fox were watching them come in, saw no problem with it. their only concern was rudy would come on and bash fox for calling arizona first. >> you were in the bubble, you said, talking with the trump white house in covid, getting my information from people close to trump and running a show by myself. did you not feel you had a journalistic obligation? there were plenty of other people to talk to other than trump people to get facts. no? >> theose were the people that maria wanted on the show and fox executives agreed. >> were there conversations about should i push back on this person, should i -- you know, there's -- i mean there's plenty of evidence there is no election fraud, why not have her say that
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to sidney powell? or where is your actual proof. >> she was supposed to. it was in the notes for her to do that and she didn't. it was the role of the executives at fox watching that come in live to say we're not going to reair this or we'll cut it out and they didn't. when i was deposed in the dominion case i was told to downplay the fact that i didn't have help and was asking for help. never to say that or pin the blame on the executives that they ultimately had responsibility over the cwhat e up on air. >> do you believe you had a responsibility to point out something not true that was said on your air? >> absolutely, and maria had a responsibility to push back
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which she didn't do and should have. >> why? did she believe it or just know where the ratings were and what her audience wants? >> i thought a lot about this, having known her, i do think she believed it. it was also a result of the misogyny at the network, them pushing her further and further into the corner where she had to have bigger and bigger news, which was contingent on trump winning and she had hope he could pull it through until the very end. >> isn't it her job to have the responsibility -- if you're pushed to say stuff that's not true, you quit or resign? maria. i understand in your position, you've worked up in the company and it's a tough -- you've reached a pinnacle in your career as senior producer, want to be executive producer. but maria bartiromo has a
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reputation and name she wants to protect, i'm stunned, seems like malpractice on her part >> i think she believed it, still might tell you that the election was stolen to this day. i don't want to speak for her. >> she can't honestly believe it. there's no evidence and she's not a stupid person. >> that's what trump told her, he thinks it was stolen and she believes it, still. >> i don't understand how that's possible. do you think maria should be fired? >> i don't think that's my place to say that. yeah. i wouldn't want to say that. i hope she's doing okay and maybe had some of the same moral growth i have in the time since the 2020 election. but that's not my decision to make. >> fox news has responded to your claims, saying they're
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riddled with false accusations against the network and our employees. you stand by the claims? >> i have evidence, too. i have the receipts for the claims i'm making and i will point out that statement is also similar to what they told dominion a few weeks before they settled. >> abby grossberg, thanks for being with us. the rape trial for the former president, the evidence the attorneys say proves her statements. that's next. and expertise you need to bring o out the innovator in you. but now that i got the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing otherhings i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wi's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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the woman accusing donald trump of rape. described the phone call she said she received moments after the alleged attack in the mid-1990s. she was hyperventilating and emotional. another woman claims the president assaulted her on an airplane in the 1970s. the president has denied all counts. paula, what can you tell us? >> reporter: carroll's attorneys put on the witnesses to bolster their case. a contemporaneous account is so important. it happened 30 years ago. i remember she called me after it happened, what she sounded like, how i interpreted it.
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but she told carroll at the time what she was hearing was a rape, but at the time carroll didn't want to see it in those terms. she saw it as a fight for tussle. her account can bolster the case. the defense attorneys tried to highlight her dislike of trump, pointing to posts that make it clear she's not a fan. as you know, the jury heard from jessica leeds who alleges she was assaulted in the '70s on a plane, she was upgraded to first class and seated next to him, who allegedly tried to kiss and grope her. he's denied it. but it's part of a pattern of alleged behavior for the former president. >> do we know if he's going to testify? >> reporter: no. he was never expected to.
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his lawyer confirmed it after court today. i speak with many of his attorneys, and some of the attorneys in the other criminal investigations will be relieved to hear he's not on the stand. there were concerns how other issues could come up in the civil case to complicate the other criminal investigations, particularly his credibility. >> will the defense all witnesses? do you know when the trial may end? >> reporter: the time line we're looking at, carroll's lawyers are expected to wrap up their case on thursday. then the trump attorneys will get their chance to defend. they're only expected to call one witness, an expert to testify remotely. there's no court on friday. it appears this could go to the jury as early as monday. >> paula reid, thank you. jessica roth, a professor at a school of law. does it make sense that the former president wouldn't
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testify? >> it does, he would be challenging and he has exposure. it makes sense from the attorneys' perspective. >> does it send a message it's not a legitimate case? >> there's a risk the jury will make that inferrence but he could make inferences on his appearance in court. risks both ways. >> it all depends on the jury's perception of carroll, her testimony and her friend. >> i think lisa burnbach is likely the most important witness aside from carroll. that's who jean carroll called moments after the alleged rape happened and gave an account at
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that time that was remarkably consistent with what she said in court. she really corroborates it happened then and the way that jean carroll has described it. and the notion she would have -- that jean carroll would have fabricated this in 1996, kept quiet about it until 2019 when she wrote her book boggles the mind. if you think it happened and she told her friend about it at the time and she honored the promise to keep quiet until jean carroll wanted to speak about it, it's very powerful. also the details. she remembered the conversation, that she was giving her children dinner at 6:00 p.m., the recall was specific and made the testimony seem quite credible. >> trump attorneys were saying you have written nasty things about the former president and
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clearly don't like him. makes sense they would do that. >> makes perfect sense, trying to suggest she's biased and that's why she's offering the testimony. she owned the fact she doesn't like donald trump, made the statements in social media and didn't hide it. but said firmly on redirect, i wouldn't lie under oath just because i don't like donald trump. >> jessica leeds, i interviewed her years ago when she surfaced with the allegations of being assaulted on an airplane. was it controversial she could testify? would all judges have allowed it? >> it's really interesting, because says tried in federal court, the federal rules of evidence apply. there are specific rules in cases of alleged sexual assault that are permissive of allowing in evidence of other alleged assaults by the defendants.
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many states don't have a rule. that that rule applies, made it easier to admit it. >> the fact it's civil as well? >> it doesn't. >> just the fact it's federal court. >> and this particular charge. >> miss leeds also testified she didn't report the incident until the former president ran for office. she quote thought he was not the kind of person we wanted as president. how would that comment sit with the jury? >> i think these were lines of cross examination that the defense needed to bring out. it made sense. they're trying to suggest she's testifying for political bias. but again, she explained she was coming forward because it was true and she wanted to raise her voice, corroboration of what jean carroll had said. and she owned the fact -- i think she also said i don't like
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donald trump, didn't think he should be president. fact that the witnesses are straightforward about the fact they don't care for donald trump, it helps their credibility. they don't appear to be hiding bias. >> interesting. thank you. up next, breaking news, an arrest in the manhunt of the man accused of shooting five neighbors to death in texas and perspective from john walsh, the former host of ameririca's most wanted tlt. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keepit growing strong.
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breaking news just in. the suspect accused of shooting to death five neighbors, including a 9-year-old boy and his mom, is now in custody. john walsh knows a lot about manhunts like these as the former host of "america's most wanted." first josh campbell. >> after the days long hunt, the suspect accused of killing five, including the 9-year-old boy in cleveland, texas. he's in custody. a mexican national who had been on the run for several days, hunted by law enforcement officers in the united states as well as mexico. one source telling me was arrested in cut and shoot, texas, about 17 miles from cleveland where the brutal murder occurred.
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authorities had been fanning out to find the suspect. the reward by the fbi and the local law enforcement was $80,000. but breaking news that will come as a great relief to the members of the community, the suspect is in custody. the question afterward is how was he able to go on the run so long. the question was whether he would flee into mexico. border patrol officers on both sides had been on alert. he had been back and forth between the u.s. and mexico at least five times but he didn't get that far. as we've seen in manhunts, where suspects stay close to the area where they are, found 17 miles from the area, now in custody.
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>> john, i appreciate you being with us. what is your reaction to the news? >> it's great. here's a guy, alcoholic bad guy -- who can shoot an 8-year-old boy in the face? three women, an 8-year-old boy. everybody was worried. as you know on the mexican side there are no border agents or customs or immigration. i guess maybe he didn't hook up with a cartel or get somebody to drive him across the border. we've chased guys for years. we've been talking about this. i've caught 47 guys in mexico, where mexican people themselves do the right thing and make the call. he's dangerous. begs the question we talk about, what kind of immigration do we have that a guy can walk back and forth five times into the united states when he's a convicted felon. we've got to do something about
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that. >> do you think -- does it surprise you he did not make it down to the border? 17 miles away from where the shooting took place. do you find -- i guess every manhunt is different, but some people go where they have friends or family to hide out. any sense why he would have gone to this town? >> might have been lying low until the heat was off to make the move. everybody in this part of the world was looking for him. every law enforcement agency, including on the mexican side. may have been laying low, or couldn't get a ride. you can walk across the border anywhere there, even in new mexico and california. but texas has a big border, but maybe his friends were going you're too shot. they want you bad. they're going to do something when they catch you, you'll be lucky they don't shoot you.
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so he may have been waiting. but i tell you, i just looked at statistics for this year -- last year. 152,000 unaccompanied minors came into -- across the borders and nobody knows where they went. and he was able to go back and forth five times and was able to kill a family. we're the richest, most powerful country on the planet for a while. but how can we deport him and he walks back in. we've got to do something about that. we have to find out what happened to the 152,000 kids that came. >> we didn't hear a lot of information from law enforcement until the news broke now. what does that say to you? >> i think they were close, might have got good leads. some of my sources were saying he's probably hooked up with a
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cartel. what, we didn't know. maybe waiting for the cartel to give him transportation. he was a hot commodity. guys like him do terrible things, anybody who can just shoot women like that, shoot an 8-year-old boy in the face. god bless law enforcement. they worked hard. i don't think they were telling the media much. you have to respect that as a journalist, don't tell me anything to tip him off. they played the cards close to the vest and they got him before he killed anybody else. >> good news. thank you. you've heard what politicians think about ron desantis' fight against disney pro and con, but what do the people there think?? that's next.
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allies of florida governor ron desantis yesterday filed a countersuit against disney after the company sued over alledged violations over its first amendment rights. desantis's fight against disney is defining him as a candidate even before he declared he's running for the gop nomination. lost in the coverage of the disney/desantis fight, the voices of the people who live in the orlando area. we sent randi kaye out to see what they have to say. >> i loved to be able to vote for a republican, but, yeah, he's not -- he's not winning me over with this. >> reporter: terry is talking about florida governor ron desantis. terry lives here in celebration, florida, a town twoped by the walt disney company in 1994. celebration is located near disney world. residents and visitors here have been closely following the disney/desantis feud. >> it's disappointing, number one. and seems the timing of it, at least, seems very retaliatory. based on some of the decisions that disney made and then almost a little bit of a pissing match
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quite honestly, to see who can up the other. >> reporter: we spoke with 30 people here. mostly residents. half of them identified as republican voters. but of the nine people we spoke with, who said they support desantis in his moves against disney, only one of them was willing to go on camera. >> i think that disney had too much power from the very beginning. >> reporter: republican ann fitzpatrick has lived in celebration for 26 years. she's proud of desantis for taking on disney. >> i have agreed with every battle he's taken on. >> reporter: what do you say to people who think he should focus on other things around the state? >> he's done that, hasn't he. disney is not unimportant. they control so much here. >> reporter: republican ron kelly is another celebration resident. so you have supported governor desantis in the past. what do you think about this battle with disney? >> waste of time and money. >> reporter: how has this whole thing changed your opinion of governor desantis? >> yeah. i think he's a little bit off
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the track on this one. i can't fathom why he would go after them. >> reporter: independent voter sally moore calls desantis' move ridiculous. >> disney reacted the way i felt like they should have reacted. and then to keep going with it and be spiteful about it on desantis' part. but you know, i just think he's looking like a fool. >> reporter: university of north florida polled voters separately about desantis and disney between february and march. among all florida voters, desantis had a 50% favorability rating. walt disney had a 52% favorability rating. among just republican voters in the state, desantis came out ahead. with 87% seeing him as favorable, compared to just 27% for disney. >> was there anything the people you spoke with agreed on? >> reporter: yes, anderson. in fact, we found some pretty common ground among most of the people we spoke with except for one or two of them.
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almost all of them agree that they believe this is pretty childish. this whole feud between disney and the governor is pretty childish. they think it would be best if it just went away. and they also agree on the impact it's having on the governor, even the republicans in the group who we spoke with say that this really is not doing governor desantis any favors. and especially if he goes for the nomination, they don't think it's going to help him in terms of getting the nomination, if he does enter the race for president, anderson. >> is there a sense of tension over this issue? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of people who were afraid to speak with us. they declined to speak with us. they just didn't want to get involved. they didn't want their faces to be on camera talking about this issue. there's a sense of the tension on the ground. we also spoke with the executive director of celebration. we went over to town hall and spoke with her. she doesn't live here in this county, so she didn't want to offer an opinion of her own, but said people have been coming in and out of the town hall, raising this issue. it's been raised in committee meetings and people just don't want to touch it.
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they bring it up, some of them do want to discuss it and others just try to turn the other cheek. they just don't want to get into it because there is a real sense of tension here, anderson. >> randi kaye, appreciate it. thank you so much. programming note, we told you at the top of this hour about the 1,500 troops expected surge of migrants. abby phillip with talk with chad wolf under former president trump, what a long-term solution might look like. up next for us, what a lawyer for the man accused of fatally stabbing cashapp founder bob lee. details of the toxicology repopt mf h. rk. (♪ ♪) . . weeds... they have you surrounded. . d th we're gonnaake it back. we're gonna take it back.
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so clearly you. sotyktu. to want the attorney for the suspect in the stabbing death of cashapp founder bob lee says the toxicology report for lee would be a factor in their defense. lee had cocaine, alcohol about the amount of one beer as well as ked mean and allergy medicine in his system when he died. those are not indicated as factors in his death. he died from multiple stab wounds including two that pierced his heart. still the attorney for the suspect in the case claims that lee's system was, quote, like the walgreen's of recreational
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drugs and also told reporters people under the influence, quote, make bad decisions and do bad things without giving any specifics. san francisco's attorney general is pushing back saying no one deserves to be killed whether or not they've done drugs. as for the suspect, he had his arraignment postponed for third time today and is now expected in court on the 18th of this month. the news continues here on cnn. ♪ anderson, thank you. good evening, everyone. i'm abby phillip. we begin tonight with breaking news. we are getting word that the suspect in the killings of five family members and neighbors in texas has now been captured. the fbi will hold a news conference very soon on that manhunt. the alleged killer was asked by neighbors to stop shooting before he turned the gun on them. a 9-year-old boy and his mother were among those who were senselessly killed. the suspect is an undocumented immigrant, who had been deported four times over the last decade. so we'll get the news conference to you as soon as it
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