tv CNN News Central CNN May 8, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> eight people gunned down at a texas shopping mall. this morning, we are getting new information about the victims and new details emerging about the gunman. officials say that he might have had ties to right wing extremist groups. bystanders are attempting to restrain a driver of a suv who plowed into people at a migration center. and now, leaders on every level are warning of the chaos that could follow. these and more stories are
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coming in. in minutes, authorities are going to give a update on the suv driver who crashed into migrants at a center, and we won't show you the video, because it is too disturbing. you can see how fast that suv was traveling as you can see to the car to the left of it. and now, cn nshgnn has obtained of the bystanders trying to obtain that driver. he was taken into custody. and now, you were first able to obtain this video exclusively after the crash, and tell us tbt person who took the video, and what they are saying? >> hey, there, sara.
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ce ceasar is from venezuela, and he was among his friends and he said some of them had arrived day before and going about their day when a car came barreling through a red light, he says, and appeared to veer intentionally in his words into the migrants. and we want to be clear that we are waiting for the press conference and the police said that the intentional act is part of the investigation, but they have not announced with 100% certainly that it was the motive. i caught up with romero and he was at a memorial set up for the victims of the crash, and he said that he exited the car, and tried to run away. in the video, a group of men are trying to keep him from running away, and the driver began to ran obscenities at the man in spanish, and he appeared to be impaired in his eyes, sara. >> you are seeing the video of the man who is the suspected
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driver with his shirt off as people are surrounding him. we are expecting to hear from authorities now, and what is the new information that you are expecting to get from them? >> i spoke this morning from brownsville police department, and they aring e igoing to anno preliminary charges against the suspect, but that could change with the investigation. the investigation is three parts. they are looking into whether or not this individual was intoxicated and they have sent it off to the dps crime lab and they are waiting for the toxicology reports, and looking into whether or not this is a vehicle malfunction, and while the police say it may have been appearing to be intentional, maybe the driver lost control after hitting a curb, and the third part of the investigation is if this is intended by the driver, and if he intended to run over the migrants seated on the curb. all of this happens as there is
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so much drama on the u.s./mexico border with title 42 intended to sunset and a lot of anxiety in the u.s./mexico border of what that means to the incoming migration into their cities. >> nick, so great following that new information for us out there in brownsville. kate? >> shoppers gunned down in allen, texas, the latest victims of the mass shooting in america. eight people killed saturday in the outlet mall, and at least seven others wounded in the rampage. nown ve investigators are lookio see if the shooter was motivated by right wing groups. >> i am going to speak from the heart. jesus take the wheel. our community has been hit. it hurts.
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prayer is what we need to go forward. allen is going to heal. >> cnn has learned victims of the two so far. christian lacour is the young man who was a caring young man, and aishwarya thatikonda was just 21 years old. josh campbell is there on the scene in allen, texas, and what more do you know about the suspected gunman? >> this is a community demanding answers after this massive attack in their neighborhood. this is a familiar pattern, the texas department of public safety which is the leading agent it is here is tight lipped about the release of information, and we have learned a lot about the suspect. this is a 33-year-old man who lived in the dallas area, and he had previously served as a
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security guard and underwent firearms training. we know that he was found in a tactical vest on the day of the shooting with firearms, and you can see the tactical gear there after he was killed by a police officer, and he had ar-15 and additional magazines of ammunition, and this is chilling to think that but if for that police officer stopping that shooter, it could have been so much worse. and there is no one motive yet, but they are looking into the right swing motivation, they found on his chest the insignia of r-w-d-s which they believe stands for right wing death squad which is the same inseigna that we have seen people wear at marches and protests and the
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like. and so the police have said that online he has had extensive posts about white supremacy and neonazis is and this is narrowing what the potential motive could have been behind the attack. as that investigation continues, we are learning more about the witnesses on scene responding to the chaotic scene. i will let you hear from one person who spoke to cnn. this is disturbing what you are about to hear from this man who went to scene rendering aid to those in need. listen. >> she was not able to be saved. i could not save the second guy. the third guy expired while i tried to do chest compressions. the child came out from under, what i believe is the mother, but maybe a relative, but i don't know the relation is, but started to wander around saying, mama, mama, and soy scooped the child up and took him about 15
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away, so he or she could not see what was going on. >> as you mentioned, two of the deceased victims have been identify and we are waiting for the authorities to identify the identity of the six other and even as this community is mourning the lyes of the eight precious lives, there are others who are wound and facing recovery for a long time. >> that is very true, josh. thank you for the update on the investigation. now, there have been 202 mass shootings this year according to the mass gun violence archives and this is the 128th day of the year. and this is not the worst. this is the eighth deadliest. and in january 18th, there were bikers killed in a strip mall
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there. and it is one of the bloodiest in a motorcycle club. when an officer arrived there, and he said, who had a gun, and nearly every single one of them raised their hand. the following year, five police officers is were killed, and ambushed by a military veteran. and they said it was a well planned, well thought out evil tragedy. on november 5th, 2017, a gunman opened fire on a church in southerland springs, texas, and 26 people were killed in that massacre. on may 18th, 2018, a teenager killed ten people, and wounded ten others at santa fe high school, and according to the court documents, he did not shoot the people that he liked, and he meant to kill the ones that he targeted. in 2010 in odessa, texas, 27 people were killed and others wounded in a shooting spree, because the gunman had been fired from his job hours before that rampage began. that same year, 23 people were
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killed in that walmart in el paso, texas. that suspect drove for 11 hours with the sole intent of killing immigrants and mexicans in the border city. then in 2022 in uvalde, texas, a man received a gun for his 18th birthday and went into the school and shot two teachers and five students. what a grim, grim record. a vote is planned for
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thursday when title 42 is set to expire, and it is likely to pass the house, and it is going to stall in the democratically-controlled senate. melanie zinona is likely to have a lot of action on capitol hill this week, melanie? >> yes, two border bills we are tracking, and neither of them have achieved immigration reform and neither will have enough votes to get traction. hr-22 is the one to be the byproduct of months of negotiation, and they feel it is a deal to unite the conference, and it is to coincide with the expiration of title 42 thursday, and they are going to try to make it a political liability for president joe biden. it is going to restart construction of the border wall and increase funding for border
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agents, and enhance requirements for everify and reinstate the stay in mexico policy among other thing, but as i alluded to, it is no chance to become law, an nnd it is going nowhere the senate. but, john, there is a lot of angst in the democratic ranks of how biden is handling the migration. just listening to henry cuellar. >> they need to go to the center, and the policies that they are going to implement is bringing them to the center, in my opinion, and it wille too l -- a little too late. >> and now there is a bipartisan bill from kyrsten sinema and
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thom tillis which is a comprehensive bill, but this title 42 bill at this point does not have support in the senate, and it needs 60 votes, but we will see if it is going to gain more traction after this situation at the border, john. >> a lot of action, but nothing decisive as it were. melanie, thank you. thursday night, and talking about this 42 title which turned migrants to be turned away at the border is going to be expiring and already a humanitarian and military crisis is likely to happen at the border as these people are camping out in ciudad juarez. we go to el paso where a state of emergency is in effect there due to sheer number of migrants
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there. we can see them sleeping on the streets behind you, and what is the latest that you are seeing and hearing this morning? >> well, first of all, sara, the word spread here quickly about the tragedy that happened in brownsville, texas. there is a lot of concern here with migrants. they are all in whatsapp groups, and a majority of them are venezuelan, and they are concerned about their safety. the city of el paso, as you mentioned has declared a state of emergency and that is a reason of the big giant truck here in the middle of the city, because they conduct cleaning of the streets and of the areas where the migrants are sleeping twice a day for public health reasons and added more port-a-potties and at last check the city reporting more than 2,000 migrants sleeping on the streets, and the flow is not expected to stop. take a look at the video. this video is tweeted out by the
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border patrol chief of the el paso sector, and it is showing hundreds of migrants waiting to turn themselves into the immigration authorities. and sara, from talking to communities and community leaders from the pacific ocean to the gulf of mexico along the u.s. mexican border, they are all experiencing increases in migrant flow. now, the epicenter, however, it is el paso. and before it was the rio grande of texas, but right now, the flow and the biggest spike is right here in ciudad juarez and in el paso, texas. >> rosa flores, thank you. and we apologize for the glitches that are happening, and it is because of the live feed. >> and right now, with president biden and his official re-election announcement, and what may come as a possible
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rematch between him and former president trump. and also, new rules for airlines with flight disruptions. and also n the e. jean carroll's rape trial as the civil trial wraps. can we get peyton a fofootlong? get it before it's gone. on the sububway app. not that into saving, are you? -whoa, dude... -money. cuz... cuz you paid too much for those glasses. next time, go to america's best where two pairs and a free quality eye exam start at just 9.95. book an exam today at ♪
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the writer's strike has delayed the production of the final season of the netflix show "stranger things." they hope that the fair deal is reached soon so they can get back to work. the writers guild is on strike seeking better compensation from the studios. and now, there are 10,000 student loan borrowers have received relief since the student loan program that has been expanded. it wipes away loan payments after ten years and another 6,000 borrowers are going to have theirs discharged altogether and this going to add up to $42 million loan debt canceled. and china's foreign minister says that relations with the united states are on cold ice, but he notes that stabilizing
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ties is a top priority. he met today with the u.s. ambassador nicolas burns in beijing, and the ambassador urged washington to deeply reflect on what will missteps and meet china halfway. the tensions between the two biggest economies went awry after a big chinese balloon was found flying over the united states. and biden wants to look at how airlines fly, and better protect the travelers from being left in the clurch when they ar delayed. about 20% of all flights were delayed last year, and 181,000 flights were canceled which represents 3% of all flights. gabe cohen is in washington with the latest. so now, what is the administration going to do to
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tackle this? >> kate, the new proposed rule would require the airlines to better compensate customer for controllable cancellations and delays. controllable is the key word, in other words, when it is the airline's word, and that is going to include meals, and re-booking, and costs that should not fall on them, and mandate what other airlines canceled to cause a mess. last january, transportation secretary pete buttigieg said that they must compensate consumers when they cause delays. and now, that is going to cause a enhanced dashboard of flight rights for passengers and show
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what each airline is going to offer the customers to make it more clear. this proposed rule is not going to cover costs like weather or air traffic control, but only when the airline system fails, and kate, it is a complicated picture like the southwest airline meltdown, and you remember that weather triggered it, but the failures that followed were ultimately their fault, so we will see how the details shakeout, and some of the language of the rule. but, kate, compensation mandates do have this, and this is the biden administration saying that the u.s. should have one, too. >> and some airlines are doing this, john, but it is interesting that everything is going to be a weather delay now. >> and flying is so much fun. and anything they can do to make it more fun, i appreciate. new polling that shows it serious challenges for president
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biden. a new washington post/abc poll found that 58% of democrats and democrat-leaning independents want the party to nominate somebody else with biden's approval rate is 36% which is the lowest of any first-term president at this point with the election coming up. and now, our chief correspondent jeff zeleny with us, and this poll is just scratching the surface. biden trails both donald trump and ron desantis in head-to-head polling, and on the question of the mental sharpness, and joe biden is at 32% now. and almost 20 points down over the last three years, and he is now trailing on this. what are the biden political analysts saying here?
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>> well, there are blinking red signs about significant apprehension among the democrats and the democratic leaning independents, and nevermind trying to win over the republican voters. the white house is not surprised by this, because they have their own polling, and this is going to ba tough re-election bid, but a simple notion of the joe biden beat donald trump in 2020 he can do it again is not a foregone conclusion by any means. when you talk to the democratic voters as i do all of the time, and i was out in michigan last week talking to the voters, there is some real concern, and you could sense a reluctance for the president, and they respect him for returning some order, but there is some apprehension. this is one voter who talked about the prospect of a rematch of joe biden and donald trump.
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>> i think it sounds awful. i think it sounds awful. you want to know why. >> why is that awful? >> i think that we need a new generation of leaders and if it were the rematch, it would be the same conversation and the same pathology. so, i personally would hate th that. >> so across the board, the voters for biden and trump, there is not a lot of interest in the rematch, and we will of course get one in the infancy as well in a primary, but it is showing one thing above all the white house and the president have significant work to do to win that re-election. >> and the democrats that i have heard from since this poll came out, and said, maybe it is a
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outlier and looking at the adults age instead of the registered voters, but on this question of the mental sharpness, and at the white house correspondent dinner, we saw him making jokes about the age, and what plan do they have in place to address this if any? >> the president when he is asked this, he has this toured answer called "watch me." and so he has to make the case to be up to the task. the voters are curious of him traveling extensively going to ukraine and ireland and working everyday. the white house believes that the concerns will go away as he is showing that he is doing his job, but it is a concern. he is 82 years old, but donald trump takes some of the concerns off of the table, because he is 76 himself. and so the reality is that if
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the poll numbers are on or not, the broader construct of the challenges of the president are coming to a head this week, because it is a consequential and monumental week. tomorrow, he is meeting with the congressional leaders to talk about raising the debt ceiling, and coming out of the white house with immigration being a major issue as well, and coming out of the summer he going to have, and if it is going to be a long hot one as many believe it will be because of these two issues. >> that is true. a big week ahead. jeff zeleny, thank you. right now, the civil arguments are under way in the battery trial against donald trump, and his physical absence of the courtroom. and we are standing by of the deadly texas car crash against a shelter that helps migrants.
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bystanders tried to obtain the man. and we will listen in together. >> the chief is going to stand up here, and he is going to take a couple of questions. right now, we will escort him in, and just give us one minute. >> good morning. >> morning. >> state your name, spell it, and your title as chief. >> i will get that spelling to you guys. okay.
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>> good morning and thank each and every one of y'all for being here this morning, and we appreciate y'all's presence. i am here as chief of police for the brownsville, police. felix, salada, s-a-l-a-d-a, and i'm the chief of police for the incident of that happened yesterday, and i am here to help you understand what occurred here as we currently understand it. yesterday morning at 8:29 a.m. we received multiple calls for service in regards to a major crash on the 600 block of minnesota road. upon arrival, we found multiple casualties and several injured. officers found a gray suv with heavy damage and a driver on scene.
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through the investigation, it was found that the suv ran a red light, lost control and flipped on its side and struck a total of 18 individuals. it was further found that there were six fatalities on the scene and 12 critically injured. and from then and now the fatalities have grown to eight. investigation also revealed that the driver of the vehicle later identified george alvarez, november 9th, 1988, had attempted to flee the scene after impact, but held down by several individuals on the scene. investigation also revealed that the driver of the vehicle, sorry, george alvarez is a brownsville local with extensive rap sheet and he has ten counts of manslaughter and eight counts of assault with deadly weapon. he has a bond of $10 million and
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we have his picture from previous arrests that we will display right now. i want on the thank the men and women serving who have worked and continue to process the scene, the very tragic scene. i would like to thank and acknowledge the brownsville fire department for tending to the critically injure and also, oliver rich, of the san antonio division, and marcus joaquin, and victor skalon, and multiple agencies for the unwavered assistance throughout the tragic event. i'd also like to thank the
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multiple individuals for helping us starting with the city leaders, city management, county judge, state reps aaron ramiz and governor greg abbott. brownsville is a proud city as we continue to work the investigation. we will work with the networks to reassure unification efforts and assistance will be made available to all affected. we have established contact with the venezuelan officials and continue the work with them. thank you. >> any questions? >> are they all from venezuela? >> from what we know several are. >> was he intoxicated, chief? >> we are waiting on formal toxicology reports. >> is there a motive that you can talk about? >> none at this point. >> several of the witnesses had said that he was cursing at them
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and saying that they were invaders. >> we have nothing to validate at that. >> on this side. >> chief, there are a number of migrants walking around the sidewalks and streets right now, and what is the city doing to keep them in the safe places like the city of mcallen? >> we have a process in place for that, but this press conference is about the tragedy that we are investigating at this point. >> chief, cnn, how did you rule out that this is not intentional, and it sounds like you have said that he lost control? >> we have not ruled that out, and it is on going investigation. [ speaking non-english ] >> se. [ speaking non-english ]
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>> [ speaking non-english ] >> at this point, sir. >> chief, few questions. any additional charges or can you talk how to get there? >> it is an ongoing investigation, and yes, charges can be added or changed. >> can you talk about the process of those i.d.'d and have you identified the nationalities of just venezuelan and what is the process like reaching out to families? >> it is a tiresome process, and we are committed to completing this process, and we are reaching out to embassies. >> and where is he being kept?
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>> right here in our facility and no special cell. >> is there any facility where the migrants are being processed -- >> once again, this conference is about the tragedy that we are investigating right now. >> two more questions. >> to the extent of the injuries if you can tell us that some of the videos that we saw in person, there were missing limbs and so on and so forth, and the follow-up is how can the people help you if they have videos and what does the police department need? >> absolutely. so there are various very critical injuries and of course, fatalities at the scene. we unfortunately continue to have a scaling of fatalities unfortunately, and for the public, right, any and all
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videos or any and all statements that you know that can help us to collaborate and bring this investigation, you know, to an end, reach out to us. as you know, we have a robust social media platform, and so please reach out to us. >> last question. stephanie. >> yes, more about the victims. are they all about mif he was sober? >> i can confirm that they are all males that we know of, and beyond that, we have to wait for the official reports. >> thank you all so much for being here. and we have a list of the charge right there, and the mug shot for you have to take pictures of. and i have a contact list there in the back for those who are not familiar with us to leave your name and email so we can email you updates for the case, and 1esend me emails for this
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case, and i will answer them accordingly. >> thank you very much. all right. listening in to the update and the briefing from the brownsville police department. george alvarez is the man suspected and charged in connection with the tragedy that took place on the tragedy of the streets. and 18 people hit by what they say is the vehicle that he was driving. eight people dead. they also say that he attempted to flee the scene, a nd now he s facing multiple counts of manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon. the chief question was why, and they don't have an answer yet. they are waiting for the toxicology report and they don't have a motive yet, but ruled out if this is an intentional act, the police chief said they have not ruled that out as the investigation now continues as tragedy as struck brownsville, texas. we will be right back. much more to come. ngs too.
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closing arguments are under way in e. jeanne carroll's civil battery and defamation trial against donald trump. the former president did not put on a defense and ultimately decided not to testify. carroll alleges he raped her in a new york city department store dressing room in the 19900s and then defamed her when he denied it. joining us legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jennifer rodgers. thank you so much for being here. when you look at this case f a jury comes back, obviously, it's civil, not criminal, so there's no jail time associated, but if the jury comes back in e. jean
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carroll's favor does that mean they believe the former president raped her in the 1990s and then defamed her as well? >> one or the other. she has two causes of action so they believe her on one or the other if they come back in her favor and come back with the damages amount too. we're looking for that too. >> seems like it could be a very big deal if the jury sides with e. jean carroll. >> it is, of course, because she says he raped her. he denies it. for them to come back her in favor means they don't believe him and he's a rapist effectively. >> let me ask you about when it comes to the fact that he did not show up to the trial. you know a lot of times defendants don't take the stand, but this is a civil case so it could be different. how much damage did that potentially do to his case? >> a lot i think. first of all it shows he's not really putting in the time. he doesn't care enough about it to show up. but his testimony that we saw in the deposition released on
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friday was really harmful to him. i mean, his demeanor was terrible, he was arrogant and insensitive and insulting. he doubled down on the "access hollywood" tape, saying i'm a star, stars can assault women and maybe that's okay. i think it was damaging to him for him not to not show up and try to spin it another way doesn't give the jury anything to hold on to. >> i want to show that now, this is that deposition you were talking about and here he is in his own words. >> the only difference between me and other people is i'm honest. she's not my type. i would not under any circumstances have any interest in you. >> he goes on to talk about that moment where he was talking about grabbing women in the private parts and saying that was sort of just normal, everyday thing you did as a celebrity. so like you said if the jury
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looks at that, and he says, she's not my time but confused him with his wife marla maples at one point, there's a lot the jury has been looking at. there are other people taking the stand besides e jean carroll. >> she had two friends she told in the 90s this happened to her. their testimony was powerful. other witnesses too. a psychologist who talked about how rape victims process and why not screaming is not surprising. those sorts of things that a damaging person who talked about the damage to her career and put it in monetary terms. she has a lot of evidence. he doesn't have much. we'll see what jury does. >> appreciate you being here. thanks. >> it was a royal weekend to remember in the uk. now after the whirlwind of celebrations, the royal family is out volunteering today. we're going to take you there. that's coming up.
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so after a whirlwind weekend celebrating the coronation of king charles, royal family members were out volunteering at community events this morning. that includes 5-year-old prince louie, the youngest child of the prince and princess of wales who took part in his first royal engagement. i think his father is having more fun than he is. cnn's nadia bashir is in london for us. it was an exciting morning for them. >> absolutely was. the first royal engagement for prince louie, this follows a whirlwind weekend essentially. this was a moment of history. we saw thousands of people taking to the streets in london
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across the weekend not only to, of course, witness the coronation on saturday, but we also saw a concert in windsor, beloved home for queen elizabeth, the late queen elizabeth ii. we saw prince william share a special message marking the coronation dedicating it to his father, the new monarch. take a listen. >> i father's first words on entering westminster abbey yesterday were a pledge of service. it was a pledge to continue to serve because for over 50 years in every corner of the uk, across the commonwealth and around the world, he has dedicated himself to serve others. we're all so proud of you. >> now, of course, today is the last day of the long coronation weekend. for some it is a day off. others as was the wish by the royal family, it is a day of
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volunteering. while there was a real sense of jubilation, people in high spirits around the coronation, we did also see some protests and now we are learning from the state board class that viewing figures for the coronation on state tv was lower than the viewing of the queen's funeral by about 5 million. this is a bit of a dip. of course people are still in high spirits, and it has been a happy weekend overall, john? >> nada bashir, thank you. >> i wonder if it was related to king charles' dancing. saw him dancing and turned the channel. >> no, you tune in when you see it. >> see a king dance like that. >> the thing about a king, you can't be impeached. >> but you can be shamed by john berman apparently. >> it happens. >> thank you all so much for joining us. this is "cnn news central." "inside politics
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