tv CNN News Central CNN May 8, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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meet the team... behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... all right. we are listening in now as president joe biden and transportation secretary pete buttigieg who has just taken to the mic already is proposing new rules requiring airlines to compensate passengers for canceled or delayed flights. >> -- important and memorable
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events in our lives and our economy depends on these airlines doing a good job. when you board a flight, whether you are up before dawn, coffee in hand, ready to go to a conference or up past everyone's bedtime wrangling toddlers like we were the other night you count on that airline to provide the service that you paid for. we're here today to share the latest steps that we are taking to ensure that airlines do just that. it's important to note here that just over two years ago when president biden took office in the depths of the pandemic the biggest concern around our nation's airlines was whether they would stay in business at all, and if they did, how many years or even decades it would take for them to recover. but president biden acted to restore this economy swiftly and demand came back faster than most forecasters thought was even possible. we know some u.s. airlines have struggled to meet that demand. now, weather remains the top
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cause of airline delays, but staffing and other issues under airlines' responsibilities meant that last summer we saw unacceptable rates of delays and cancellations even on blue sky days. and when extreme whether events collided with airlines that were unprepared, the problems multiplied as more than 2 million americans experienced with the failures at southwest airlines over the last christmas holiday. the good news is we are seeing real improvements. each month so far this year preliminary data show cancellation rates under 2%, even during that busy spring break season, but summer travel is going to put enormous pressure on the system and we need to continue our work. we are always prepared to work collaboratively with airlines when there are steps that we can take as a department that would help. in new york we've taken steps that would i allow airlines to
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use larger planes with more seats at lower frequencies which means they can move more passengers but with less congestion. in florida with the closure of air space to accommodate commercial space launches actually happens enough to affect airline schedules we are engaging the space sectors to keep more launch windows clear of peak flight windows and across the country we are hiring more air traffic scrollers to keep up with higher demand. the latest application window is closing today, anyone interested to consider applying. faa used new technology to clear more efficient flight routes that will save time and money. the faa and department of transportation are doing our part but airlines need to accept their fundamental responsibility to better serve passengers. when they don't we are here to enforce passenger rights and hold airlines accountable. in just over two years this administration has delivered some of the most significant
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gains in airline passenger protections in decades. we have stepped up enforcement, rules and transparency. we've empowered passengers with better information. we've helped get a billion dollars in refunds and counting back to passengers and we have secured enforceable commitments around customer service that didn't exist just a year ago. and another major step is coming as you will hear in just a moment from the president. all of this is possible because president biden is leading an administration relentlessly focused on making everyday life better for americans. just as the biden/harris administration is delivering historic investments to improve physical infrastructure, everywhere from airport terminals to crosswalk, we are also acting to ensure americans have a better experience with our transportation systems wherever they go and however they get there. it is an honor to serve in an administration that always puts consumers and workers first and now it is my great honor to
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introduce the president of the united states, president joe biden. >> thank you, secretary buttigieg. thank you all for being here. please, sit down. as we approach memorial day this weekend and memorial day weekend -- i'm rushing it -- and a busy summer travel season i'm here to talk about steps my administration is taking to make air travel better for all americans. the airline industry is a key part of our economy and they've been critical partners in a number of important initiatives from requiring employees to get covid convenience and addressing the supply chain problems over the last couple years but i know how frustrated many of you the service you get from your u.s. airlines. especially after you, the american taxpayer, stepped up in 2020 the last administration and
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early days of the pandemic to provide nearly $50 billion in assistance to keep the airline industry and its employees af afloat. i get it. that's why our top priority has been to get american air travelers a better deal. we've made real progress, some of which you just heard. historically when delays and cancellations are the airlines' fault, the law has only required airlines to refund customers the price of their flight ticket, but not the cost of meals or hotels or transportation when you get left in limbo. in fact, a year ago almost no major airline guaranteed any compensation beyond the price of the ticket if they caused a delay, the delay was their fault. no reimbursement for hotel after a canceled flight or a meal after a delayed flight, but then we chal lngd them to do better and in fact they did. airlines started to change their policies when they are at fault
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for canceling or delaying a flight. now nine major airlines cover hotels, ten cover meals, ten rebook for free. and that's a real savings for middle class and working class families. for example, to rebook fees could run as high as $200 per ticket. now you don't have to pay anything to rebook for most airlines and that $200 is back in your pocket even more if you are traveling with your family, but that's not all. at my state of the union address i pointed out airlines charging up to $50 a ticket just so you can sit next to your child. as i said, baggage fees are bad enough without knowing the cost, airlines can't just treat a child like a piece of a baggage. major airlines changed their way. americans airlines, alaskan airlines, frontier airlines they agreed to address family seating so parents can sit with their
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children without paying an additional charge. united airlines also took important steps toward guaranteeing free family seating beyond not -- in other words, no cost beyond the cost of the -- original cost of the ticket. for families that's money back in your pocket and that's -- that gives you peace of mind. that's progress. but there's more. last fall the department of transportation proposed a rule that will be finalized this year. if finalized as proposed, it would require airlines to show you the full ticket price up front before you purchase it, including fees for baggage, for internet, for changing your seat. that way you can get a fuller more accurate price before you purchase your ticket. and you can compare prices and pick the best deal. we're not stopping there. we know how frustrating delays, cancellations and rebookings are for travelers. last holiday season travelers were stranded for days and had
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to scramble to find other ways for reaching their destinations. many missed family gatherings, spent christmas at an airport, waited countless hours in line or on the phone because there weren't enough pilots, there weren't enough personnel. that's unacceptable. while flight delays and cancellations have come down since then there's still a problem. american air travelers deserve better and that's what we're going to do. that's what we're doing here today. i'm proud to announce two critical steps that my administration is taking to protect american air passengers. first, we just launched a new website it features a dashboard we created last fall to give travelers more transparency into airlines' compensation policies. so if it's the airlines' fault and your flight was canceled or delayed you can check the dashboard to see how the
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airlines should be compensating you like rebooking a flight or accommodating your hotel room and your meals. and today we've expanded that dashboard to include airlines guaranteeing additional compensation like cash miles or travel vouchers. here is the deal, if you look at the dashboard today you will find only two airlines guarantee additional compensation beyond the ticket refund. if your flight is very delayed or canceled and the airline could have prevented that from -- you deserve more than just being -- getting the price of your ticket, you deserve to be fully compensated. your time matters. impact on your life matters. that's why i'm announcing a second critical step today to protect american consumers. later this year my administration will propose historic new rule that will make it mandatory, not voluntary, but mandatory for all u.s. airlines to compensate you with meals, hotels, taxis, ride shares or -- and rebooking fees and cash
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miles and or travel vouchers whenever they are the ones to blame for the cancellation or the delay. and that's all on top of refunding the cost of your ticket. airline passengers in canada, for example, in the european union and other places already get these compensations and, guess what, it works. one study found that the european union required airlines to compensate passengers for flight delays the number of flight delays went down. i appreciate secretary buttigieg's leadership on this issue and i hope and expect the department of transportation to move as quickly as it can to put this new rule in place. it matters. i know these things may not matter to the very wealthy, but they matter most to middle class families and people struggling the cost in the first place of getting on that airline. so, look, these action right side in addition to other progress we were making to lower costs for american families. holding corporations accountable and grow our economy from the
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bottom up and the middle out, not just the top down. i signed a ground breaking executive order on competition which is helping us to lower the cost of herring aids to banning noncompete laws clauses. in my state of the union address i called for an end to junk fees that is hidden surcharges that you see at hotels, concerts and credit card bills that you didn't know about before you got the ticket. i continue to call on congress to pass the junk-free prevention act because that's what american consumers deserve. i'm going to close with this, we're making progress but we have more to do to reverse decades of concentrated corporate power and continuing to lower prices and increasing opportunities for families, workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs. so let's finish the job. remember who we are. as i've said many times, err' the united states of america,
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there's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. this is just about being fair. it's about being fair. god bless you all, may god protect our troops. thank you. >> we have been watching president biden speaking alongside transportation secretary pete buttigieg, talking about airlines and saying, quote, american air travelers deserve better, the president speaking about the frustrations that many americans have experienced because of delays and cancellations of flights and now unveiling a new rule that could potentially force airlines to compensate those passengers whose flights are delayed or canceled because of the airlines. of course, we will stay on top of this story and bring you the very latest as it unfolds. >> also announced a website that folks can check things out. another story, what drove him to kill, we are learning new details about the texas mall shooter, but do they tell us anything about a motive? so often a question in the wake
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of these things. we are going to be live in allen, texas. closing arguments under way in the e. jean carroll battery and defamation trial against donald trump. we will be live again outside the courthouse with the latest from there. talking about... we're not talking about practitice? no..... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cacashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? ♪ (electronicic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ the joury isn't about where you're going, ♪ it's who you'll be when you get tre. ♪ the new 2023 lincoln corsair with available lincoln bluecruise.
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another community in america asking why after a gruesome mass shooting. police in allen, texas, are on the hunt for a motive after a 33-year-old man opened fire at a mall saturday killing eight people and wounding at least seven others. we are learning some key details about that gunman who was killed by a police officer on the scene. authorities say he was armed with an ar-15 style rifle and at least one other weapon plus multiple magazines. a source tells cnn he was also wearing an item that links him to far right extremism. we have cnn's josh campbell learning that the gunman was removed from the u.s. military in 2008 after just three months due to mental health issues. josh is with us now. josh, tell us what else you are learning. >> reporter: brianna, this is a key detail about this shooter's past, a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation told me that he was previously in the u.s. military but had
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been expelled due to concerns about mental health issues. well, our colleagues oren liebermann and natasha brer strand have received word from the u.s. arming confirming in 2008 this suspect served a brief stint, three months, didn't make it through basic training, didn't have a specialty, he was removed under army regulation pertaining to health and mental issues, they didn't specify the exact reason. why is this important? this is the latest case this mass shooting that's raising questions about the robust nature of background checks in this country. if the u.s. military said we don't want this guy in our ranks, there are issues here, he's able to go on later on to become a security guard, obtain weapons training, gather a small arsenal i'm told from a law enforcement officer and come to this mall behind me conducting this mass attack. at this hour investigators are working to determine a motive, however, i'm told by a source
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that they are investigating particularly whether the suspect was motivated by right wing extremism. that is for two key reasons. first, after the suspect was shot and killed in the middle of that shooting by an allen police officer authorities found on his chest an insignia with the letters rwds which police believe stands for right wing death squad. that's the same type of insignia we've seen extremists wear at rallies and protests, i'm told that the suspect had a robust online social media history including posting online about white supremacy and about neo-nazis. again, authorities certainly narrowing their scope here as it pertains to that suspect's motivation. we've talked about the investigation, the motivation, we obviously can't overlook the victims who are first and foremost from us. we know that two people have been identified who were killed, we're waiting for authorities to announce the identities of the additional six, but we are told according to the president of the united states releasing a statement the number of people
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slaughtered in this attack including children. b . >> josh, thank you for the report. i want to bring in shimon prokupecz now he has breaking news coming out of texas. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, so this is coming out of the state capital in austin where the uvalde families have been gathering now for weeks asking for a subcommittee to take a vote, to get a vote out on to the house floor. they'd like to see them raise the age. they're asking for the age to purchase the assault rifles from 18 to 21 in the state of texas. of course, it would have to go through all sorts of passages of legislation by the house members and then the senate but right now a small victory here for the uvalde families who have been fighting for this, asking for this for pretty much almost a year now since this happened and so now this committee has decided they are going to bring the vote to the floor. it's unclear if it's ever going
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to get there but at least this small victory that it's gone from this committee and now we wait for the house legislators there in austin to make a decision of whether or not they're going to hear this. this is something that uvalde families have been asking for. they want the age raised from 118 to 21. >> look at something that so many americans do support. shimon prokupecz, thank you for that. jim? cnn has obtained this photo of what appears to be the gunman on the ground on the left in black with an ar-15-style weapon just nearby as well as several magazines on the gunman's person. the high-powered assault rifle has been the weapon of choice in many of the country's mass shootings. most recently the louisville bank, the covenant school in nashville, tennessee, the walmart in virginia just last fall. a defining characteristic of
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this kind of weapon is the speed and the power of its bullets. researchers at wayne state university have studied how an ar-15 blast impacts the human body. their findings are terrifying. this is a block of 20% gelatin it's meant to mimic how human flesh reacts to a gunshot. watch as the team fires a handgun round. this is at 1,000 feet per second into the block. relatively straight line. it comes out the opposite side. now watch as the team fires a round from an assault rifle. it explodes inside and remains inside the flesh. again, this mimicking the reactions the damage to a human body. it's remarkable and i've spoken to trauma surgeons who describe treating these wounds in the emergency room and they say the wounds resemble what they see or what they've seen from a war zone. this is something we've been studying for some time here. the youngest victim we should
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note in saturday's shooting was just 15 years old, it's a weapon designed for war, deployed at a shopping mall. boris? another awful story from this weekend in texas, at least eight people are dead, several more injured in brownsville after a speeding suv plowed into 18 people at a city bus stop. police say the driver was george alvarez, he is now facing eight counts of manslaughter and ten counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. the crash was caught on surveillance video. we are not going to show you all of it, but you can see at the top of your screen the suv is speeding before it strikes the crowd. police say after the vehicle turned over alvarez tried to run away and you can see in this cellphone video a crowd of people appearing to try to keep him from escaping. let's go to cnn's nick valencia who is live for us in brownsville. nick, you were able to ask
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officers one of the key questions here, whether this was intentional or not. what did they say in response? >> reporter: that's right, it's something that is still not given much clarity here although eyewitnesses tell us they don't need an investigation they're sure this was an intentional act but investigators have not release that had information with 100% certainty just saying it's part of the thread of their investigation. george alvarez they said was somebody known to them, had prior -- more than 20 prior charges, a lengthy criminal history which includes aggravated assault, theft and driving while impaired. i want to set the scene according to eyewitnesses about what happened. they believe alvarez was impaired when what happened happened here. he came barreling through this intersection, blowing through a red light, hopping over the curb and eventually ended up with the a bus stop where a memorial has popped up. noticeably i've walked up and down this street here and what is noticeably absent are any signs of skid marks.
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you mentioned that whether or not this was intentional. we asked the police chief at a press conference earlier whether or not they've ruled that out. >> chief, nick valencia with cnn. how were you able to rule out that this was not intentional because it sounds like you're saying he lost control? >> we have not ruled that out, sir. it is an ongoing investigation. >> reporter: all of this, of course, happening just days before title 42 is set to expire. tensions here and anxiety very much so high with the prospect of even more migrants coming across in record numbers. boris. >> nick valencia, thank you for putting that into context for us. jim? officials at the u.s./mexico border are bracing for that migrant surge ahead of the lifting of title 42. in three days the trump era policy that allows certain immigrants to be quickly turned away based on pandemic grounds at the southern border will expire. border officials are
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encountering over 8,000 migrants a day already, that number could rise to 10,000 a day when title 42 ends. here you can see new drone video of what that border looks like. long lines of migrants camped out just on the other side of the border in ciudad juarez, mexico. cnn's rosa flores is in el paso, texas. you've been there, we were speaking to you last week and the many days leading up to this. what are you seeing now? are you seeing evidence of the surge growing? >> reporter: definitely so. the pictures, jim, still very dramatic. just take a look behind me and i want to give you the closest to a 360 view that i can because you will see that migrants continue to line this street around the church and now it's growing beyond the block where the church is located. as we give you a 360 view you will be able to see that a lot
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of the migrants try to stay out of the sun so you will see that the areas that are sunny don't have as many migrants and then the areas that are shaded have more migrants sitting by those buildings, or they're creating their own shade with some blankets or tarps or whatever it is that they find. now, you can see that all of these four blocks have migrants on the street and this is what you see across the street here, they moved the migrants because of construction but if you look closely you will see that their blankets are on the sidewalk. they will unfold those blankets at night and sleep on the sidewalk. again, very dramatic scene here in el paso. the city of el paso is still under a state of emergency and according to officials about 2,000 migrants continue to call the streets of el paso home. one of the things that they're very concerned about is public safety, especially after the tragedy in brownsville. you can see that these
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barricades were added over the weekend to close the street right in front of the shelter. you also see that there's some added resources, more porta-potties, more washing stations as the number of migrants out here grow. i've been in contact with community leaders on both sides of the border and they tell me that they already are seeing an influx of migrants in their communities. in tijuana about 6,000 migrants are waiting, as i move along the border, for example, in del rio and in laredo the respite centers there, jim, tell me that what they're receiving right now is what -- the decompression efforts by border patrol. what that means is a fancy word of moving migrants who are coming into el paso to areas like del rio and laredo for processing because they have more space over there. jim? >> listen, it's a dance and that dance will only become more difficult in the coming days. rosa flores in el paso, thanks
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so much. closing arguments under way in e. jean carroll's battery and defamation trial against donald trump. we are live outside the courthouse with the very latest. . with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you innovate and d grow. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeednstant match instantly delivers quality candidates matchi your job description. visit okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪
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years ago. kara scannell is outside the new york courthouse, she has been tracking all of this for us. walk us through the closing arguments for both sides. >> reporter: boris, first up, e. jean carroll's attorney opened by telling the jury that no one, not even a former president is above the law. then she said that trump himself, even though he didn't show up at the trial and he didn't testify in his own defense, he did give a video deposition that she said was actually one of the worst witnesses against himself. here is why, she pointed to his video deposition where he is shown a photo of him at a gala talking to e. jean carroll and two others a few years before the alleged assault and on tape in the deposition trump mistakes carroll for his second wife marla maples. that matters because e. jean carroll's attorney says he defamed carroll saying he wasn't her type. they also played the "access
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hollywood" tape. they said this is donald trump in his own words saying he thinks he can just kiss women, he can grab them. he said he did think he was a star. they said regardless of all the other denials that you've heard from trump in this case including on the deposition, they said all you need to do is look at that "access hollywood" tape to watch when he thought no one else was watching and listen to those words. they also brought up two other women who had testified in this case, they both testified that they were assaulted by trump and this is where carroll's attorneys focused on this as a possible pattern. they say three different women decades apart but one single pattern of behavior, that pattern being that trump meets someone, has a familiar way of speaking with them, it's a semi-public place, he assaults them and then when they come forward he criticizes them and says that they are not his type. that's the allegations from carroll's team. trump's lawyers who spent about two and a half hours into his
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closing arguments came out of the gate saying to the jury they want you to hate him enough to ignore the facts. then he went to try to pick apart carroll's story saying it was so unbelievable, saying, you know, how was it that no one was on the floor? how was it that she tried to fight him off with 4 inch heels. he also is saying how do you prove a negative? she doesn't have a date when this happened, he can't have an alibi or a calendar to show what he was doing. carroll's team will have a chance to do a rebuttal. if there's time today the judge could begin instructing the jury on the law. witness they have that deliberations can begin. boris? >> one of many cases facing the former president and in some ways the most personal. kara scannell live outside the courthouse in new york city. new details in the federal criminal investigation into the president's son hunter biden. the irs whistleblower who alleges there has been political interference at the justice department in this case has met with congressional investigators from both sides of the aisle.
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we have cnn's senior justice correspondent evan perez here with the details. tell us what you're learning. >> brianna, the key of this meeting is to try to set up a date for the irs whistleblower to come in and talk to these committees on capitol hill who are doing this investigation. they want to know what's been going on behind the scenes, the fact is that this is an investigation that has spanned three attorneys general, started off during jeff sessions' era, it is still ongoing. so the big question has been what is the delay? what is causing the problem? the irs whistleblower informed his lawyer and his lawyer then told these committees what he is prepared to say when he comes in for an interview. among the things that he's saying is that the promises that attorney general merrick garland made to make sure no political interference was involved in this investigation, he's saying is not so. and that's part of what we expect he is going to be able to tell the committees once he
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comes in in the next couple of weeks. >> this is so drawn out as you point out. it's interesting, though, here recently hunter biden through his attorneys has been a lot more aggressive, he's been going after folks who disclosed financial information about him and you have actually learned that that's caused some heartburn in his dad's white house. >> it really has. this was something that early on once they brought in abbe lowell who you know and a lot of us know here in washington, he's been very combative, he's been essentially pushing back at the republicans and the reason for that change according to people close to hunter biden is that, you know, they stood quietly while they were getting attacked for years so he's decided to go on the offensive. the white house obviously the president is now launching a reelection campaign. this was met with let's just say disfavor. they did not want this because they thought it was going to end up causing problems for the president. so far it appears to be working.
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at least according -- according to hunter biden's team and, you know, one of the things that is still -- they are still weighing is whether hunter biden can launch a defense fund which would raise a lot of really difficult legal questions for the white house and for hunter biden himself. >> certainly would, right? but this is not cheap what he has going, the number of lawyers we're talking about. >> i should also add by the way hunter biden says he's done nothing wrong so that's what part of this, his defense is intended to do. >> he havjim? new york prosecutors are meeting with the medical examiner and detectives after a man died after another passenger held him in a choke hold on the subway. we will have the details coming up. in phoenix a large homeless encampment will be cleared this week. many living there, though, have nowhere to go. we will have more on that just ahead.
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call now 800-710-0020. we now know the name of the man who held jordan nealy in a choke hold on a new york city subway. 24-year-old marine veteran daniel penny. nealy, you may remember, a homeless street artist died last week right after that incident. his family now says that a statement released by penney's lawyer amounts to, quote, character assassination of nealy. cnn's omar jimenez has more on this. omar, the circumstances of this case have been confusing, certainly upsetting for many who have been watching it closely. tell us first of all what the family is saying in response to penney's lawyer's description of this event. >> reporter: yeah, jim. so family -- the attorneys for the family of jordan nealy say that this is a clear example of
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indifference towards nealy's life and one witness we spoke to who was formerly homeless himself says he believes this would not have ended in death if nealy's life had more value by the people that were there. take a listen. >> i saw that his eyes were staring off and that he was limp. so i went in through another door, i went to pour a little water on jordan neely's head and daniel penny came up and told me to stop. he got over him and said stop. if he didn't have the intention of killing jordan neely i believe at the least he did not have consideration for his life because he was poor, homeless and black. >> reporter: now, we reached out to an attorney for penny on some of those claims but haven't heard back, however, they have said that penny was trying to protect people until help arrived and he never intended to harm mr. neely and could not
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have foreseen his untimely death. we await any potential announcement on charges. >> that announcement certainly will get a lot of attention, omar hem nez in new york, thanks so much. let's talk about homelessness in arizona. it is a human problem and there is a massive effort under way to clear out what many in phoenix call the zone. it is a sprawling tent city of about 900 people, it's one of the largest encampments of its kind in the entire country and the question now what happens then to the vulnerable people who live there. we have cnn's gabe cohen covering this story for us. you've spoken with peoplen all sides of this problem. what are they saying? what's the plan? >> in short the plan is evolving. first i want to explain how we got here because it's important. we have reported on states passing controversial laws to ban public camping. this was different. this was a lawsuit brought by phoenix residents and business owners that sued the city arguing that this encampment is a public nuisance and they won, the judge sided with them and
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ordered the city to clear the camp. now some think that this type of lawsuit could become a model, a template for those in other starts of the country looking to try to force cities to clear encampments. that gets to the important question of what happens to the 900 or so people living there, where can they go where they can be safe? the phoenix area only has half as many shelter beds as people experiencing homelessness. take a listen to a young woman living in a tent, her name is stephanie powell, she is living in the zone right now. >> i don't want to wind up having to walk the streets again. it's hard because nobody wants to see the problem. nobody wants to acknowledge the problem, they just want it to go away. >> so now the city is scrambling to create these safe options, they're looking to lease vacant buildings, hotel rooms, anything to create temporary shelters and
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they're planning to fill that gap by building some sort of sanctioned campground with sanitation and security where people can stay while looking for spaces but we don't know when that's going to be operational, it could cost a lot of money and there are a lot of people who are concerned that many of the folks living in this encampment instead will wind up going down the road to other neighborhoods where they will be more isolated potentially in more dangerous situations. >> you can definitely see that happening. gabe, thank you for bringing us this story. boris? still to come, the fentanyl crisis in the united states isn't just impacting adults. new data shows a surge in deaths of children. we have more on that and much more to come next. introducing astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray.
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we are learning new and disturbing details about the deadly impact of america's fentanyl crisis. just released data showing the highly dangerous drug kill agreeing number of children. cnn medical correspondent meg terrell is here to break it down. what is in this data? what does it show? >> yes, it is really alarming looking at the fentanyl overdose deaths of the kids under 20 in the last two decades, the numbers have gone up dramatically in the last decade and mirroring what we have seen in the adults, but nearly 5,000 kids have died from fentanyl poisoning, and look at data, that started to pick up in 2013 and in terms of the age groups that is affected here, it is the
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older kids between 15 and 19 that make up the deaths but kids under 4 also make up a percentage of the day that we are seeing. a lot of deaths occur at home, and 44% and 88% of them were unintentional and the researcher is saying that better safe storage control is key. opioid use and disorder use and control is better for adolescents who may be using drugs and having a lock key in the home is pivotal, and that is just important for late summer which is important, and back over to you, boris. >> yes, a big step in mitigating at least some of the fentanyl deaths. thank you. brianna. >> we are learning more about the deaths of a shooter who killed eight people in a
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12:00 pm
what drove him to kill? we are learning new disturbing detail about the texas mall shooter, but do they tell us anything about a motive? anything to explain this? we are live in allen, texas. how to the passengers. president biden just proposed a new rule for airlines. if they cancel a flight for a reason that is avoidable, they are on the hook for any expenses, but what about the bad
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