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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 10, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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new york courthouse very soon after prosecutors filed criminal charges against him. the biden administration rolling out unprecedented measures to address a flood of migrants at the southern border. as title 42 is set to end in less than 48 hours. brand-new numbers just in, new welcome signs that inflation is cooling. all this right here on cnn "news central." ♪ republican congressman george santos almost better known for his lies than his work in congress, he is expected to arrive at a long island courthouse very soon to face federal charges. the department of justice filed those charges under seal overnight, meaning of course that we don't yet know what he's really facing. we do know public integrity prosecutors with the fbi and doj
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have been investigating allegations of making false statements in his campaign finance filings. of course, other claims. santos has a lengthy history of making false at the same times as you know. he has claimed that he worked for citi group and goldman sachs, he said that he earned a master's degree in business from nyu and later admitted that he didn't graduate from any college or university. he also claimed that his grandparents survived the holocaust which a cnn investigation found was not true. santos said also that his mother was at the world trade center on 9/11, records, however, show that repeated claim was also not true. and then there was the two new jersey veterans who claim they were duped by santos, claiming that santos took $3,000 from a gofundme account that was intended to help a dying service dog. cnn's brynn gingras is outside the court with much more on what is going to happen today. >> reporter: kate, you are expecting the republican congressman to come here to central ice lip and show up to the federal courthouse, that's
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why you can see the crush of media kind me waiting for him to arrive sometime possibly even soon. just like every other citizen we're hearing it's likely he will have to make that walk from where you see those photographers all the way up those steps to the front door of that courthouse where he is facing that indictment. again, we don't know the details of those charges, but you just laid out all of those falsehoods, those lies that santos has been connected to ever since before he even took office and of course none of those would actually land him behind bars. it's a different game now with this indictment being filed of course, again, we don't know the details of those charges, but we are expecting to find out more as the morning goes on. we also know, though, that the department of justice was investigating santos even the end of last year looking into how he has made his money and contributions to his successful 2022 campaign. $700,000 more than that was contributed to his campaign and
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there are questions about where did that money come from. there's also been scrutiny around expenditures by his campaign. so these are all things that are possible now criminal activity that we will wait to learn more. now, we also know about a number of investigations that have sort of been going on, not only by the doj, but the nassau county district attorney's office, the ethics committee and all of this sort of culminating until this morning. we're waiting to see if, when the congressman arrives and we will continue to update you, kate. >> absolutely. stay close, please, because this is where all the action will be this morning. it's not illegal to lie to the public, it is illegal to lie in your campaign finance filings. i want to bring in elie honig, speaking of legal, senior legal analyst for cnn. elie, there are lies just as kate mentioned that make you look morally bankrupt and untrustworthy, but they don't necessarily cross that legal
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line. >> right. >> what is the thing that we think he may have crossed into? >> not all lies are crime. it's not a crime to lie about your ancestry, volleyball skills as george santos did, but what could be a crime is to lie to the authorities. if there were lies contained in his election paperwork that he would have to submit to the federal election commission or if he used lies in order to defraud people of money which is one of the other things that's been reported. those things are crimes. that's what i'm looking for when we see this indictment probably quite soon. >> at this point in time the indictment all of the charges, if there are more than one, are sealed. why are they sealed and when might we see this? will it be first thing in court or maybe not? >> this is a typical way that prosecutors will charge a case, you file the case under seal, meaning not available to the public on let's say day one with the idea of having the person either arrested or surrender on day two. it looks like santos according
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to brynn's reporting is expected to arrive in court soon. when he arrives he has to be processed. that can take a bit of time depending on the volume of traffic that can take hours, we are in central islip which is not as busy a courthouse as brooklyn or manhattan. george santos will appear, he will be processed, he will then make an appearance in front of a judge. at that point the indictment will be unsealed and then we will see the specific charges against him. >> as a defendant you you have to hear what the charges are against you so you can defend yourself. >> this is an arraignment, this is what we call an arraignment, the judge will say here is the charges against you, do you want me to read them in open tortth kofrt, how do you plead. he surely will plead not guilty today. >> we talked about sort of lies and what that means, the legalities. what about lies in politics because when it comes to a case like this, it's a criminal case if he is convicted. i know we're going way forward and he is innocent until proven guilty but if he is convicted does that preclude him from
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being in congress? >> the answer is no, a person can theoretically serve in congress even if they've been indicted, convicted and sentenced. the only way to get rid of someone is to vote them out when that comes around or congress does have the ability to expel its members. you need a two thirds vote in order to do that and if you do the math here that's going to require every democratic vote plus about 77 republican votes to hit that two thirds threshold. we will see if that ever happens. >> elie honig, we have a long way to go in this case it has just begun. thank you for all of that analysis. john? so this morning former president and current white house candidate donald trump is vowing to appeal after a jury in new york found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation after less than three hours of deliberations the jury awarded e. jean carroll $5 million, the writer who claimed that trump attacked her in the 1990s spoke to cnn last hour. >> the old view of what the perfect victim looks like
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totally changed. >> what do you mean? >> the old view of the perfect victim was a woman who always screamed, a woman who immediately reported, a woman whose life was supposed to fold up and she's never supposed to experience happiness again. that was just shut down with this verdict. he did it and you know it. >> all right. cnn's kara scannell was in the courtroom as the verdict was read and she joins us now. kara, a dramatic day, you saw it all unfolding, so what now? >> reporter: john, it was a dramatic day and it only took them less than three hours to deliver that verdict and it took trump's attorney, joe tacopina, about an hour and a half after that verdict to come out and address the media and he told us that the former president he spoke with him, he said that he was strong, they looked to move forward and that they were going to appeal. we heard a little bit from trump on his social media platform
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last night. take a listen. >> this was a very unfair trial. that's all you have to say. this was a very unfair trial. >> reporter: now, trump also went on to criticize both the jury and the judge in this case and the judge, though, you have to remember, gave trump extra time, an additional weekend to decide if he wanted to testify in this case and trump decided not to. now, his attorney says that they will appeal and he has pointed to a couple areas. he's pointed to some evidence that came in, he wanted to keep the ac"access hollywood" tape o, that tape is something that carroll's attorneys capitalized on in their closing arguments, called it a confession. when trump was asked about that in his deposition and said that stars historically can do that, unfortunately or fortunately. he also wants to appeal not being able to introduce evidence about a democratic donor who helped finance some of carroll's campaign. the judge heard arguments on that beforehand and decided to keep that evidence out. we're going to see trump
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continue to fight this in court which is not an unfamiliar tactic of his, he usually appeals decisions and it looks like that's the path forward. >> kara scannell, great hearing your reporting yesterday, straight grate to see you this morning. thanks for being with us. continuing on with the case, so what exactly did e. jean carroll have to prove to win her civil case? here is what the jury of six men and three women had to assess. the civil suit was filed in november under new york state's adult survivor's act which took away the statute of limitations in sexual assault cases for a certain period of time, allowing carroll's 1996 allegation to be considered. because this case was civil, not criminal, the jury had to determine whether donald trump committed allegations by a, quote, preponderance of the evidence, a fancy way of saying he more likely than not, greater than 50%, is liable in the case. for the defamation claim
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carroll's team had to prove trump knew it was false and knowingly exposed her to public ridicule when he published a statement calling carroll's allegations a hoax and con job, and insisted carroll was, quote, not his type. but during trump's deposition trump saw this photo of carroll and confused her with his ex-wife marla maples. >> that's marla, yeah, that's my wife. >> which woman are you pointing to now? >> here. >> carroll. >> the person you just pointed to was e. jean carroll. >> oh, i see. >> as for the battery claim carroll's team played for the jury trump's now infamous "access hollywood" tape which he later doubled down on when deposed. >> kissing them, it's like a magnet. and when you are a star they let you do t you can do anything. >> that's what you said,
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correct? >> historically that's true with stars. not always, but largely true. unfortunately or fortunately. >> the jury ultimately and unanimously found trump sexually abused carroll, which was sufficient to hold him liable for battery. kate? there are new numbers out just this morning showing annual inflation cooled off slightly in april, climbing by just 4.9% for the past 12 months. exists had expected that the report to show consumer prices rise by 5% year over year. so, again, what does this all mean? cnn's christine romans is back with me once again. >> good morning. >> does this mean that the fed's rate hikes are working? >> it sure looks like it. when you look at this number behind us that is the smallest number in two years exactly. that means we're going here in the right direction, the smallest 12-month increase in two years. shelter, used cars, gasoline, these were the things that were driving prices higher, but when you look at the trend, the trend is clearly showing peaking here in the inflation story.
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>> i'm no economist but that looks like a peak. >> the trend is your friend as they say in charting and economics. ten months of those going down in a row. so slightly deceleration i would say over the past ten months. when you look at the overall month to month it grew about 0.4%. it's been a little choppy month to month because of all of these different factors that we chart here, but going in the right direction. one of the things that has made inflation issue number one for american families is that the wage gains they've been enjoying over the past few years have been eaten up by these price hikes. that's starting to narrow a little bit. the difference between wage gains and inflation -- >> this is helpful, yeah. >> -- that's showing you that that gap is narrowing a little bit so people might be able to start feel better about the economy if inflation could come down and they could keep hold of those decent wage gains they have had, the best wage gains in the past couple years. >> we're right there. we see a trend finally rather than saying it's still confusing but wait until next month. nice to not have the
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confusion. all right. the president and top congressional leaders are scheduled to meet again after apparently making little to no progress on the debt ceiling during tuesday's meeting at the white house. neither side seems willing to budge from their positions. they're scheduled to meet now friday as the clock continues to tick down toward a potentially catastrophic default as early as june 1st. that's just a couple weeks away. cnn's lauren fox is live on capitol hill with more. lauren, the two sides as i just mentioned not willing to sort of judge from their position so why is there any hope that friday will be any different? >> reporter: well, we know, sara, that the staff is going to meet this afternoon, begin a series of meetings that they hope will shake some things loose, but like you noted it's never a good sign if after a high stakes meeting like the one that you saw yesterday all parties, all leaders come out and basically hold their own press conferences, digging in into the positions that they
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already held previous to that meeting. here is what they said yesterday. >> everyone agreed that deficit -- default on the debt is off the table. i know we have the time. i mean, we could do it easily if -- but do we have the will. >> i didn't see any new movement. the president said the staff should get back together but i was very clear with the president, we have now just two weeks to go. >> reporter: and this morning on capitol hill kevin mccarthy holding a series of meetings with his conference. he just finished a meeting with one group in his republican conference, the main street caucus, and i'm told from multiple meeting members who came out of that meeting that essentially mccarthy just reiterated the same position, that he feels very comfortable with the fact that house republicans have passed a plan that would increase the debt ceiling as well as cut spending in the united states. but i asked members are you worried?
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are you at all concerned about the fact that you guys could get blamed for this if there's a default? we are just a few weeks away. members told me over and over again they feel confident in their position, mccarthy meeting with the full republican conference just off capitol hill. we will see if he has any more message for his conference. >> lauren fox live on capitol hill for us. thank you. john? as migrants continue to gather at the southern border, the white house is preparing for what the president calls a chaotic end to title 42. after mounting calls for his resignation dianne feinstein is back on capitol hill. what her return means for congress. and an amazing rescue in michigan, an 8-year-old goes camping, gets lost in the woods and survives for two days all by himself. wait until you hear what he did to survive. gan stanley, old school hard work meets bold, new thinking, ♪ to h help you see untapped possibilities
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♪ all right. welcome back. we do have breaking news. the justice department has just unsealed the federal charges against new york member of congress george santos. the republican member we are told is currently in custody. cnn's brynn gingras is live outside the courthouse on long island. brynn, what are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah, we're just hearing that george santos is in custody and this indictment has been unsealed. i want to give you some quick details as we're going through the paperwork. he is charged on a 13-count indictment according to those court documents, the charges include seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds and two counts of making materially false statements to the house of representatives. again, we're just getting this indictment, it has just been unsealed.
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we're hearing that santos is inside the federal courthouse behind me and he has been arrested on these charges and of course we're learning that he will see a judge later today. very likely on these charges, but we are still going through the paperwork to get the details of these counts. again, though, 13-count indictment just unsealed including wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and two counts of making materially false statements to the house of representatives. >> brynn gingras for us outside the courthouse, brynn, thank you very much. we will let you dig through this indictment more adds more details become public. thank you very much. >> indicted, now it is unsealed and now he is in custody. wire fraud, elie, money laundering, theft of public funds, what do you make of that? >> we have not seen the actual indictment but let's run through generally what these statutes are. wire fraud is a very broadly-used statute that basically says to steal anything
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from anybody by lying to them, the wire part means you've done it over the internet or phone, something that's always going to apply. this is going to apply to some sort of fraud whereby george santos presumably took money from somebody else by lying to them. then we have money laundering. that means taking the proceeds the money that you stole and hiding it somehow, trying to conceal it from investigators. then we have theft of public funds. now, that's interesting. that means not only did he steal money from some private individual, but it would have to be some sort of public money, some sort of federal or state governmental money. so i'm interested to see what that is about. and then finally making materially false statements to the house of representatives. this is what we were talking about, i think, before, sara. that you have to make certain campaign-related disclosures to the house, of course, lying to the house, whether during verbal testimony or in documents that you file, that, too, is a federal crime. >> i would just sort of looking this up and money laundering you can get up to 20 years. i mean, these charges are very
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serious and hold a lot of time potentially if he's convicted. >> they are very serious. most of these charges are going to carry 20-year maximums. we have to be careful whenever we talk about maximums because it's very rare putting aside your murder-type cases it's very rare that anyone gets the maximum or anything near it, but ultimately this looks to me like it's not all based on one thing. this isn't all about one transaction or one fraud. >> and not based on his resumé. >> no. absolutely not. >> the salacious lies of his resumé we were first introduced to george santos with. >> none of this has to do with claiming what his background, heritage, family is, his resumé. prosecutors might try to introduce that at a trial to support some of these charges, but, no, it looks like, again, based on the charges a sort of -- it's atypical because it involves a member of congress but in some respects a standard fraud an false statements case. >> stand by for a moment. we have our justice
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correspondent evan perez with us somewhere. evan, there you are. it strikes me, by the way, also there are financial crimes here alleged, which generally means paper trail, records, cases that are tough for a defendant. talk to me about the breadth of the charges here. >> well, john, look, i mean, the fact is that this is a congressman who has only been in office for, you know, four or five months and there has been just a stunning number of allegations ofat he has been fa under scrutiny for. we heard repeatedly during the investigation, you know, the fbi and prosecutors knew that there was going to be plenty to work with here. they knew that there was a lot of paperwork. every one of these things that he filed with a government agency was potentially a crime. the fact that it took this long, i think some members of congress yesterday were remarking that i'm surprised it took this long.
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well, part of the reason was that they kept finding new mention to investigate and, again, what you see here in this indictment is just the basics that what the justice department, what the fbi really, you know, it's their bread and butter which is to look at, you know, some of the financial statements that he has made, some of the things that he did to raise money according to the indictment which were fraudulent. so those are the things that as you pointed out are very difficult for a defendant to defend themselves against because either you file the paperwork and it was false, or you didn't. we know you filed it because we have it. so that's part of the problem here for the congressman and we'll see, you know, whether he decides to go to trial or whether there's a way for him to figure out a way to make a deal as he did with brazilian authorities a few weeks ago where he admitted to a fraud there in brazil from several years ago in order to avoid
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having to go back and face a trial there. so, again, this is -- we're still reading through the indictment, 20 pages or so to see what exactly he's accused of here, but, again, so much that the fbi had to work with over the last few months. >> evan, stick with us, if you will. i want to go to katelyn polantz as well. talk to us a little bit more about one of the big questions all along has been also violations of campaign finance laws. what are you picking up on that? >> right. well, this is a really meaty indictment i'm still going through it but even at the top whenever you are looking at it the thing that jumps out is that the federal prosecutors were able to discover political contributions that did not go to george santos' political candidacy. so they say in this indictment that september and october in 2022, so not that long ago, he was taking in money that was supposed to be used to his candidacy into a company, but
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that was a false pretense. instead it was going to things like luxury designer clothing and credit card payments for personal expenses. he was soliciting it for personal expenses. that's a pretty meaty charge on its own. there are other violations here related to his political life. there are campaign finance violations that are outlined here. there are also violations relating to what he was telling the house about his own employment, about the money that he had, but even that, we don't get a lot of more specifics than the luxury designer clothing, credit card payment detail here in this indictment, but it really is on its own just an astonishing thing that he was taking in money from political donors and it was going to not that, it was going to benefit george santos himself apparently based on what we're reading so far. >> katelyn polantz, keep reading. you have the paper copy. please dig in more and fill us
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in more when you get more information. >> elie honig, what gives? >> the idea here is the fraud as he said -- okay, people who support me politically, donate to my campaign and i will use it to byard signs and ads and win a seat in congress. instead he basically pocketed that money and used it for his own personal expenses which this he did not do. >> this isn't pre-election, this was after he was under scrutiny according to what caitlin just said october/september of 2022. >> 2022. that just happened. he was up for election in i guess november of 2022. so it would have absolutely overlapped with the election itself. >> i hesitate to use this term but i can't think of one better on the moment, this is jv stuff when you're raising money in a campaign. the one thing you know when you raise money for a campaign is you can't spend campaign money on personal stuff. >> it's remarkably in some sense
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unsophisticated. there's all -- we've seen politicians over the years sort of in more sophisticated ways launder money, but use it in ways where it's arguable, is this a campaign or personal expense? the things that katelyn are seemingly undoubtedly personal expenses. prosecutors can prove that. prosecutors will be very careful before they bring a charge against a sitting member of congress. if they can prove that then that will make out the wire fraud claims. >> and you made the point that this has happened fairly fast. >> yes. >> the evidence, they have to have it in order to go forward with this obviously, they've got paperwork and we will have to see. we do have something now coming out from the court, brynn gingras is joining us live, she's got an aupdate, a statemet i understand from the doj. >> reporter: that's right, share ration we learned that the grand jury returned this indictment yesterday and now we have this 13-count indictment. a statement i want to read it in
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full it says this indictment seeks to hold santos accountable for various alleged fraudulent schemes and brazen misrepresentations. taken together, the allegations in the indictment charge santos with relying on repeated dishonesty and deception to ascend to the halls of congress and enrich himself. he used political contributions to line his pockets, unlawfully applied for unemployment benefits that should have gone to new yorkers who had lost their jobs due to the pandemic and lied to the house of representatives. my office and our law enforcement partners will continue to aggressively root out corruption and self-dealing from our communities' public institutions and hold public officials accountable to the constituents who elected them. of course, he went into office just in january, but we know that the investigations into him were before that. my colleague mark morales is learning from sources that santos actually turned himself into the fbi office in melville,
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new york, and was then taken here to the federal courthouse and that's why we didn't actually see him drive up and go in. he is in custody right now, we do expect him to go before a judge on these 13 charges, it's unclear of that timing as of now, but a pretty strong statement there from the doj. >> all right. brynn gingras, keep on doing your reporting. just to review if you are just tuning in now, republican congressman george santos of new york is in federal custody right now. federal authorities have unsealed a 13-count indictment charging him with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering and one count of theft of public funds, two counts of making materially false statements to the house of representatives. our justice correspondent evan perez back with us now. based on what brynn just said there, evan, there includes a charge here about basically unemployment fraud. there are charges in here that have to do with santos as a public figure, as a candidate, and then there's this, just
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unemployment fraud. >> right. exactly. right. exactly. in 2020 of course we are in the middle of the pandemic, congress passes additional unemployment aid for people who are struggling and george santos according to prosecutors jumps into action, takes advantage of this. again, according to this indictment he was receiving about $24,744, almost $25,000, he was getting from new york state department of labor as part of his unemployment benefits when at the same time he was also getting a salary. so he was not in need of this money, like so many millions of americans who were, of course, not able to work during the pandemic. he was getting about $120,000 per year, and yet he, according to prosecutors, applied for unemployment benefits and received that, was getting this -- this unemployment benefit of $25,000 deposited
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into his bank account. that's just one of the frauds that is detailed here in these pages from this indictment that the justice department has now filed against him. >> evan, stick with us. elie, i know you're looking through the indictment but i wanted to ask you about that. applying for unemployment benefits, getting like $25,000, i think is what it was laid out, is that the -- is that the theft of public funds? >> yes. >> that's what i was -- >> exactly. >> i'm trying to figure that one out. >> there are many different things happening in this indictment, again, this is not all one thing. by the way, it does not have to do, again, with his lies about his personal background during his campaign. part one of this indictment essentially counts 1 through 5 relates to defrauding donors, saying donate to me and i will use it for my campaign, instead he pocketed it. then we get into separately unemployment fraud. this is the charge of defrauding public money, that money belongs to the government and the allegation here is that before he ran for office in 2020 and
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2021 george santos applied for unemployment benefits, certified he was not working, but he was trying to find a job, as anyone would when they apply for unemployment but according to this indictment he was working and making a salary. so in that sense it is a very run-of-the-mill unemployment fraud case which gets prosecuted all the time. >> all the time. >> yeah. >> i guess the question is is anyone surprised after all the lies that were told one after the other after the other on a personal note from his resumé to whether his mother was at the world trade center during 9/11, that this then ended up in a legal problem for him? >> and that points up a really interesting question that will play out during the course of this case which is can prosecutors use his campaign lies about his background at a trial? that actually could go either way because it judge might say it's relevant, this is what he did, some of this that we get -- >> speaks to character. >> speaks to his character, but on the other hand the argument will be you are not allowed to introduce propensity evidence, he is a bad guy, therefore, he must --
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>> they might not need it. >> honestly i don't think they do. the charged lies speak for themselves. there's also charges having read the indictment now and this gets to his false statements that he made to the house. if you are a candidate, if you are elected you have to make certain official disclosures to the house, including information about your income and what the sources were, and this indictment charges that he lied in those disclosures. he said he made way less money than he actually made in some instances and in other instances he claimed that he made money from one source when they're saying he did not make that money from that source. >> oh, wow. >> yes, this $750,000 which he claimed in salary from the -- his full name, how he's charged in this indictment, but the allegation is that santos, as we'll call him, disclosed falsely that he earned $750,000 in salary from his own organization but in fact that was untrue. >> of course which raises another question which we will get to the political side of
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this. kevin mccarthy, your move. what are you going to do about this now? much more to come. george santos the republican congressman in federal custody, a 13-count indictment unsealed against him. this is cnn "news central." because your lives are forever entwined... ♪ i'm falling in love with you over and over again ♪ love entwined. shop the mother's day sale to get 30% off almost everything. only at ka
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welcome back. we continue to follow the breaking news. republican congressman george santos in federal custody right now. an indictment against him has just been unsealed, it includes 13 counts of violations and crimes, including wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, meaning he tried
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to apply for unemployment benefits inappropriately prosecutors say and also making false statements not house of representatives. our teams are being through the indictment. there is some incredible detail in the indictment, even in the press release coming from the justice department, multiple pages long. let's get back over to katelyn polantz, she's been digging through this. talk to me about the detail, specifically when it comes to the campaign finance violations that you are picking up. >> kate, the nitty-gritty here is bold and the justice department is clearly saying they have been able to trace contributions that were going to george santos from political donors and they weren't going to his candidacy at all. when you look further into this indictment, they give a lot of examples of that, there's actually two different transactions in october of 2022 that they outline coming from individual donors writing checks or wire transfers for $25,000 each. that's way over what a political
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individual contributor is allowed to give. you're allowed to give $2,900. that's line a whole zero less than what he was actually bringing in. what santos was telling people to get these contributions is he was saying i'm trying to raise money for my campaign to meet a $1.5 million goal. i want to get advertising up on television. i want to be buying ads that would be supporting my candidacy as a republican in this race and he was also telling people there were no limits for what they can contribute. he gets in this money $25,000 from two other donors into a company and then it doesn't go to the race at all according to the justice department. in the indictment it says it goes to cash withdrawals. the personal purchases of luxury designer clothing, credit card payments, a car payment, payments on personal debts and one or more bank transfers. so there is a lot of things here the justice department was able to track down, transactions and exactly where that money ultimately went which they say was not to benefit george
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santos' political candidacy in 2022. >> katelyn polantz, thank you for that. we are now going to go to paula reid. this was pretty fast, this was a 20-page indictment that we're seeing against george anthony devolder santos which is how it's printed on the indictment. pretty fast, right, for the justice department to go forward with this. >> yeah, sara, yesterday oun our colleagues broke exclusively the news that the congressman had been charged, i thought, wow, this is a public integrity unit that is working with other parts of the justice department on this. they tend to focus on potential crimes committed by public officials and they have had some difficulties successfully prosecuting some officials, even like former virginia governor bob donald, he was prosecuted but then it was overturned. they don't bring cases at this point unless they think they can win. i thought they must be very confident in their case.
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it was apparent that this was likely going to be somehow connected to lying because this is someone who publicly has had a lot of problems with the truth. now, it's not a crime to lie to the public, but it is a crime to lie in the context of campaign contributions, to lie to banks, to lie to donors and to lie to the house of representatives. if you read this indictment all of the charges are various forms of lying and they are for the most part going to be supported by documents and paperwork. this is not going to be a case that's going to rely on eyewitness testimony. this is likely going to be a very strong case for the justice department. now, of course, he is innocent until proven guilty but it is unlikely that the justice department would move against a sitting republican member of congress unless they had the receipts to successfully bring this case. >> all right. paula reid, stand by. we did just get a press release from the department of justice saying that approximately 1:00 p.m. today congressman george santos will be arraigned before a united states magistrate judge
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arlene r. lindsey on this 13-count indictment that was returned by the federal grand jury in the eastern district of new york. our senior legal analyst elie honig is here to, i think, translate what that means for all of us and also just dig in a little deeper to the charges that katelyn polantz laid out here, this money laundering scheme. >> it's helpful to think of this as a four-part indictment. 13 counts but let's break it down to four parts. first of all, wire fraud. the allegation is that george santos raised money for his campaign under false pretenses. he said donate to my campaign, i need the money to run for and win a seat innings could. i need the money to buy tv ads, instead he pocketed that money, used it to pay off his personal debts, buy clothes, pay off his car, et cetera. the straight up fraud. so that's number one. second related to that is money laundering because when he received these payments as high as $25,000 they would then be wired from one account to another and the idea of money laundering is you are trying to move around money that you stole
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in order to hide it. that's number two. number three, theft of public funds. this is totally different and sort of shocking. and this relates actually to money that the federal government made available during covid to help people who are unemployed during covid and santos falsely said i'm not working, i'm trying to get a job, it's not working out, when he was, in fact, working. so that is a straight up theft of public funds. that's the third part. and finally, again, unrelated or only tangentially related is false statements because when you get elected to the house you have to file official paperwork with the house, one of the things you have to do is give broad strokes about your income. interestingly enough going to what a liar this person allegedly is, he both understated his income at some points and overstated it at other points by a lot. so those are the four buckets here. >> wow. so he's going to now be before a judge at about 1:00 today. george santos, republican congressman, indicted, the indictment unsealed and he is
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now in federal custody. much more coming up on this. elie, thank you for joumpg up with us, i appreciate it and all of our reporters who have been breaking news all over the place on this. we have much more on that to come. we also will be heading to capitol hill for a different reason as well. house republicans are saying now that they have evidence showing some members of the biden family received millions of dollars in payments from foreign entities in china and romania. those new details just coming in as well. we will get right to it. we will be right back. nors ♪ and this is how mom shines. at zales, the diamond store. your wyndham is waiting... because after crushing yesterday's meeting... deserve a little your wyndme time.aiting... with 24 trusted brands by wyndham to choose fm, your wyndham is waiting. get the west price at
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so, no more sweating all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. this just in to cnn. house republicans say they have evidence that members of the biden family received millions of dollars in payments from
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foreign entities in china and romania. the republican chairman of the house oversight committee james comer releasing some of these details moments ago. cnn's sara murray is joining us. what exactly was comer involved is joe biden. >> comer just did a press conference essentially saying there are members of the biden family who received payments from entities linked to romania, linked to china and that some of these payments took place while joe biden was the vice president, and of course, james comer is using this to try to further his argument that he's trying to make that there are members of the biden family who enriched themselves on the family name and that somehow the current president was involved even though there is no proof of that, but take a listen at what comer said in his press conference just this morning. >> to be clear, this committee
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is investigating president biden and his family's shady business deals that capitalize on joe biden's public office and risked our country's national security. the president, when confronted with this information, said it wasn't true. instead of being honest with the american people, president biden has claimed since the 2020 election that his family has not received money from china. that was a lie in 2020 and he continues to lie to the american people now. the bidens have received millions of dollars from china. it is inconceivable that the president did not know it. >> this certainly raises questions about hunter biden's business activities and they don't make allegations in the report that any of the payments are illegal and they don't show any payments directly linked to
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joe biden, and the white house each before the comer press conference was slamming it that he has a way of playing fast and loose with the facts and baseless innuendo. >> the detail coming out. what this means for hunter biden something very different for joe biden in terms of it, right now there is no suggestion that anything illegal was actually done. good to see you, sara. thank you for bringing that report. also appreciate it. >> in just a few hours former president donald trump will speak directly to new hampshire voters in a cnn town hall. trump has emerged as the front-runner in an already crowded gop field. this is his first appearance on cnn since 2016 and comes a day after a new york jury found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation. cnn's kristen holmes is live for us now, and i'm sure that is going to be something to be
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asked about and there is so much more. give us a preview. >> that's right, sara. trump and has advisers are expecting that to be a question. they obviously know this is a big deal and they are prepared for that. the real thing we should be watching for is how much the voters here in new hampshire care about that verdict and they spoke with trump advisers huddled with the president to have him stay on message and to talk about the economy and immigration and foreign policy and it matter which is trump shows up here tonight and how he responds to the questions, and i don't mean just the verbal response and the physical response. we know trump is one to have actual, physical reactions when it comes to this kind of confrontation and really, this is taking him outside of his comfort zone. for the last several years he's only sat down with friendly, conservative media and this is all part of a larger strategy to try to get voters that are in
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the middle. these voters who may have at one time supported trump and have moved away from him, and that's why they're trying to talk to people directly, these voters directly and also why they are running ads on cnn. they are trying to reach a group of people that is outside of trump's base and interesting to see, again, if trump can stay on message tonight. that's what we'll issue watching for. >> all right. kristen holmes for us there at the town hall. you can watch the presidential town hall with former president trump tonight at 8:00 p.m. kaitlan collins will host him. the breaking news this hour, new york republican congressman george santos to appear in court in just a couple of hours, charged with money laundering, theft of public funds and more and we continue to pore over it. we have new details straight ahead. ♪ and thisis is how mom shines.
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♪ the breaking news, republican congressman george santos now in federal custody and facing a major legal battle in a 13-count indictment. new details about what is inside. >> the crisis at the border is right now ramping up as we're looking at the final


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