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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  May 11, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> i, everyone. thanks for tuning into this hour, where we bring you tomorrow's news tonight. but there is a big story tonight to bring you. and that is the expected surge at the border, as the trump era policy used to quickly turn away so migrants is set to expire in less than an hour. we have our great lineup of reporters with me tonight. we have paulo sandoval, athena
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jones, shimon prokupecz is, and -- it lavandera is also standing by for us live in el paso texas, where this is happening. so, in less than our that trump era policy that turned away migrants is going to expire. thousands of men and women or children are waiting just across the border and federal officials are -- paulo sandoval, what can we expect in the coming hours? >> -- what we could expect, which is, we may not see those numbers in fact colleagues on the ground have been reporting this, that we -- we have seen, though, some significant numbers in the last couple of days, about 10,000 apprehensions of the last 48 hours and that is really what is straining authorities, as you will hear from the ground in a few moments. but i think that what we will talk about in a few moments also is really the impact on what will happen in cities the on the border right is beyond once that for the title 42 dust settles after tonight, what we see a noticeable different? we certainly will see it in some of these major cities. >> and polo, why are they
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telling you we may not see this surge that was anticipated? >> because we get to see this surge a few days ago, right? there has been, to a certain extent, misinformation that's been circulating among some of the migrants were better south of, border staging in mexico, hoping to make their way into the united states. many of them have these false pretenses that have been make it here now than they stand a better chance of securing asylum. that, again, we cannot hear from -- is not true. the thing is with his whole notion of all these thousands of hundreds of thousands of people that could potentially be coming here -- >> where did that start? how did that start sort of, that idea that perhaps there could be this influx? >> you know, some of the big numbers that we really start to seize after the pandemic -- remember, title 42 is enacted in 2020 -- the goal of it was to limit the spread of covid-19. with that quickly turned into an immigration band-aid. and that is why this is that -- kept getting kicked down the street over and over again. the sporting reporting from --
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the anticipating the end of title 42 in a few weeks time and that, the courts get involved, they postponed that and here we are now in the next hour it will come to an end. >> i'm going to bring in head because he's on the ground there. so, ed, can you just describe for us what you are seeing at this hour? >> i think what we are seeing is not going to be the clock strikes midnight and all of a sudden thousands of people start running for the border. i don't think that is going to unfold. and as polo sandoval has mentioned, you've already started seeing that surge leading up to -- i think the numbers in the last few days have been 10,000 at q apprehensions per day, which is a -- the biden administration have been saying for several months that the -- could be anywhere from 15,000 to 18,000 per day. the border patrol chief kind of starting to walk that back and bring perhaps -- perhaps convinced that that is not what we are going to see. but there are a number of people stuck right now between
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the rio grande and the border fence. it's important for people to know that the border wall that you see, especially here in texas, does not actually see it on the international borderline. it's a distance away. the international borderline goes through the middle of the rio grande. so, you can't build the wall there. there is kind of what's known as no-man's-land, and that's where many of the migrants have been able to arrive, and the weight they are behind the border wall as a way to get process. it's been about 2500 or so in the last 48 hours, and they're trying to process a lot of those people. but the real question will be what happens for the people who have been sitting and waiting on the mexican side of the border for months and months, and what decisions are they going to make now that all of this is going to change here so dramatically in about an hour -- >> but ed lavandera, what is going to happen to all those migrants? are they going to be turned away when they get to the u.s. border tonight at midnight? >> there is still a process of being able to request asylum, if that's what they want to do.
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so, there are a number of ways to do that and you can come through a port of entry. you can still come between ports of entry, but that becomes a little bit more complicated situation. and i think one of the things to actually look for -- and it's really important people to understand this -- since his policy has been in place for the last several years you have had this phenomenon where people cross the border between ports of entry -- so, that is an illegal crossing. but they immediately turn themselves into porter patrol agents. so, it's been kind of like this organized chaos if you've spent any time in these border areas, you see mask groups of people, they simply just turn themselves in. i think in the coming weeks you are going to see -- and i've been starting to see signs of this -- where, if the process becomes too difficult to get in, we are going to start seeing those numbers of people who are trying to evade arrest and trying to get away from border patrol agents. i think those numbers are going to start taking up rather quickly. that's something that we will be watching. >> okay, ed, stand by for us
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throughout the program because obviously we want to be jumping back with you. but as you were alluding to polo, for a while, this crisis was contained at the southern border. and now it has drifted nor. and new york is bracing. and denver is bracing. and all of these various mayors or governors have said we can't handle the capacity that is coming here. so, what is going to happen in the days to come? >> it's a the next chapter that we really need to be talking about right now. you are looking at a map or -- looking at a map that shows on the cities that according to -- city officials, many of these recently arrived asylum seekers are asking to make it to cities like denver, where they do have emergency protocols they are in place. of course, dallas and houston, some of the major cities -- >> so, they are asking to go there? or the governors are shipping that there -- >> it's a combination of both. new york city continues to be the north star for so many of these asylum seekers because they either hear about the sources services they are being offered here or they -- have friends and relatives. this is something that is so
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important in our coverage. many of these are venezuelans. many of these lack the social ties. and this is why when they make it here to new york city, they don't have a couch to crash on, right? they don't have family or friends that would take them in. and that is why we see -- when you look at the numbers, alisyn, and we followed this for a really long time -- 's numbers of total asylum seekers that have been processed by new york city officials are over 60, 000, approaching 65,000 -- out of their, is nearly 40,000 are still currently in the cities care. and this is the next part of the story here. if we continue to see asylum seekers instead of about 200 today up to about 1000 a day, and you are looking at just tens of thousands of people in new york with the inability to work. and this is why, what i'm hearing from my sources at the city level, there have been urging president biden with a stroke of the pant -- which, we all know, it's not that easy -- to annex some sort of executive action that could allow many of these asylum seekers to work. because i spent some time on monday in a queens work center
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in new york that -- gives them orientation. 32 of them that we were sitting in front of me. and i asked them, what is your main priority? and everybody said, we just want to work on the books. >> but what happens if they don't find jobs? >> they continue to, basically, be a burden on the system. and i have heard from many of these asylum seekers who tell me, until my hands -- >> but for how long? how long could they be -- >> it could be years. you are looking at 2 million pending asylum cases in the system. it's a system of backlogs. it's a system of bureaucracies. and so, whether people want them here or not, the reality is that they are going to be here long after title 42 expires. and so that's really the political hot potato that really gets getting tossed back and forth. how do you put these people back to work out of the shadows? because the asylum process is going to take years. in some cases, even a decade. >> just one second. -- give us the politics of all this. what's happening on capitol
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hill wall all this is happening? >> we've seen that this is ministration has tried to mirror many of the policies that trump implemented. so, what we are seeing is something very similar to remain in mexico under this administration where they are trying to -- saying now that these asylum seekers first have to apply somewhere else. and that has just roiled for questions, and good progressives. because president biden, when he was running for president, argue that he would take a more humane approach. and in the process it's not as if republicans have said thank you very much for mirroring these policies and acted under the prior administration. politically, they get no points for doing this, for making these policies that progressives would argue, more to coney. and >> athena jones, go ahead. >> i want to talk about what is -- this authorization has been a big topic for the mayor of new york city, as you mention. because even when we apply for asylum that still can take 6 to
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12 months, until we have the work authorization. but -- doing everything they can to try to figure out where they're going to put all of the migrants who may potentially arrive in the coming days. i mean, even if they don't see a huge explosion in numbers there's already a very strong -- not trickle -- a very strong stream of migrants coming in. and so they've made some changes just in the last two days, announcing plans. we can talk about that. >> yeah, on friday, remember that america eric adams announcement that he was going to transport willing migrants to neighboring counties, in -- and also orange county, and that was met with some criticism and some resistance from officials there to the point that they went to court earn secured a restraining order, at least in rockland county, which -- i was there on tuesday and there certainly a concern about sending people it -- could be 30, it could be 300 -- if the mayor gets his way, long term -- if they put them out in the middle of nowhere, basically, where they don't have transportation, they don't have the employment -- so, is, they can be there as sort of, as one person had described to me -- he said, you can put them on ice for four months. but what happens beyond that?
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because we just discussed the asylum process. it takes years. and so, this is why this is all playing out. it really has become a back and forth between eric adams and some of these -- i should note -- of course, republican county leaders -- the question is, where do we put these numbers that will continue to add up? because that pipeline? there are still people in it long after title 42 has -- >> polo, thank you for all that. obviously, we are going to talk about this through the. our shimon prokupecz has been talking to law enforcement in texas about how they're bracing and he's going to bring us up to speed on that next. you need to deliver new apps fast using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprprise control, vmware helps you innovate and grow.. this is... ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to thelace where rolling hills meets low bills.
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>> what president agency is preparing for the expiration of title 42, which happens in less than an hour. shimon, you have a law enforcement sources in texas. what are they telling you? >> given how much time i spent in texas the last year or so, i
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think for them, the biggest concerns are the folks trying to get across the border illegally and out there some of these hotspots and sneaking in and getting in and also the other thing, of course, their concern of smugglers. lot of force meant officials say are these cartels that are trying to lower people in into the country and trying to offer people on the u.s. side money to go out and pick them up and bring them in to the country. that is something that the state officials and local sheriffs are all very much concerned about. what happens is, as they say, many at these markets went up on private property, ranchers and hunters who have large acres of property. one of the official says that you have situations where they start knocking on peoples doors in the middle of the night looking for help, want to water, wanting food. it creates a lot of problems and disturbance. the other thing what happens is texas is that there are these,
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what they call bail outs, car chases through towns and horrific accidents occur. some who are enforcement officials don't chase. others do. >> there are just running from -- >> from smugglers that are driving them across and bringing them into the country, meeting them at whatever point and getting them in. then they are running for the police. there are those kinds of those concerns for local officials. for texas dps, they have their own operation outside border patrol. it's called operation lone star, where they try to secure the border. we saw governor abbott or the other day talking about inserting of national guard and dps officers. they have razor wires across some of the borders to try to prevent people from coming in. those are some of the things that they're doing on the local level, while mostly, on the entry points, border patrol dealing with that. there is real concern that folks who are trying to take
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advantage of the situation are learning markets into false promises, false promises of money and work and also paying people to try to get them over into the u.s.. >> everything you described is troubling on 1 million different levels. you see why but for sprint and border patrol would be so honored and also, as we all know, over the past couple of years, there's been a surge of anti immigrant violence. are they preparing for some for a backlash? >> anytime there is a focus on a particular group within a particular race or nationality, there's always the concern that there may be an uptick of hate crimes. you do see that sometimes, sadly. there is certainly a concern for a lot enforcement to see the. i am not so sure here in new york city, where we have seen some of the markets that are here, you walk through manhattan, a lot of the hotels
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in my neighborhood that they're staying, they are peaceful people. they're just trying to figure out how to make something. that's what i am saying, they are just outside, trying to have some kind of life. they have kids. they seem to be accepted, from what i can see. so far, i don't think we've seen any of that. you are a key point. that is certainly something that law forsman is concerned about. >> we are just getting in some is about this. let me read the statement that we have. the federal judge in florida has temporarily blocked the biden administration from releasing pardons from border patrol without court notices. this is according to a late thursday court filing. the ruling takes effect on thursday, which is tonight at 11:59 pm, almost midnight, eastern time. that coincides with the end of title 42, as we have been talking about. this will expire in 14 days. the biden administration is expected to appeal this. for now, the ruling takes away
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one at the administration's key tools to try to manage the number of migrants in u.s. customs and border protection custody. in some cases, by releasing them from custody with conditions. here you go, paula. >> this is what i have been speaking about. there's so much focus on the search to the border. -- do they feel secure that they can get a handle on this but also when it comes to something like this, having those resources, how much focus has been on resources to house and to keeping kaw city the markets that they need to? >> i think polo can speak to that better to. i think that is a real concern, overcrowding. they don't have the facilities to keep all these people, so what do you do? >> they had been releasing them to the community. >> they did see this coming. and of few hours, we heard from a top dhs official. for the last couple of years, they've been working to increase and expand our
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capacity. still -- this ruling, paul is fascinating because like you said, alison, it does take away a potential tool for the biden administration to expedite the expelling of some of these asylum seekers that do not follow that route. again, these new policies that the biden administration put into place that do as some notes of the trump administration. this allowed them to be able to clear some of those holes -- it will be interesting with the result that the appeal. >> now, they have to ask them. >> what this potentially did is it would expedite the return process. >> that's what biden was trying to do. so they will prevent him from doing so without -- it was given them another hurdle. >> this right here is exhibit a of why this has been so but doubling to so many different presidents because without a law, without congress passing a
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law, they can try to do things through executive action or through whatever president biden is trying. of course, you sit down. >> this issue is cyclical. i think that is why, frankly alison, i am reticent to characterize this as a crisis because today, it is title 42 ending, but in a few months from now, it will be some other policy. frankly, we have not seen an adverse impact in this country as a result of mass migration. like what big tragedy happens when people are coming and picked numbers to seek asylum? that numbers go up, the numbers go down. we will all be okay. it's just -- >> governor abbott will have -- >> he will disagree. >> it's adjusting from one at the end videos that this with the asylum seekers in new york that the profiles change. in the 80s, it was the head of
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the household, and they would leave their home, travel to the united states, work and sent back -- what change in the last decade or so, especially in the last couple of years, you now have massive family units that are coming from our hemisphere with the venezuelan factor, haiti, cubans, nicaraguans as well. but then also ukrainians from afghanistan so you have entire family units. multiply that one person by two, three, four, five people, that's where the challenge is now. >> but i think the posture and suggestion though is that americans have something to fear, that this population is upper represented when it comes to criminality, and it's just false. it's not true. >> you're right, native born americans are responsible for more crimes than our immigrants. that has been demonstrably proven in the numbers, but as you know, there are some networks who have made a
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industry of scaring their viewers about an influx of other cultures coming, so, look, we hope that they can figure it out, certainly at the congressional of. >> it's a racialized cultural battle, and we have seen politicians primarily on the issue rather than a solution. >> thank you all very much for this. also, there is a major development and the new york subway chokehold case. an arrest is imminent and a manslaughter charges being filed.
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24-year-old who held another man and a fatal chokehold on the subway is expected to be arrested tomorrow. the manhattan d.a.'s office says daniel perry will be charged with second degree manslaughter and the death of 30-year-old jordan neely. the unit is covering this for us, so what will happen next? >> we know that he will be arraigned tomorrow. that's where we should learn more about the charges, second degree manslaughter. it involves causing the death of another recklessly. it has a legal definition. we'll learn more about that tomorrow, as well as the family of jordan neely. their attorneys will be having a press conference around this whole arrest. it's 11 a.m. tomorrow. but we do have a statement from daniel penny's law firm, the law firm representing him. i'll leave it on the screen. it says mr. penny, a decorated marine veteran stepped in to protect himself and his fellow new yorkers, his well-being was not a shirt. he risked his own life and
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safety for the good of his fellow passengers. the unfortunate result was the unintended and unforeseen death of mr. neely. we are confident once all the facts and circumstances surrounding the tragic incident are brought to bear, mr. penny will be fully absolved of any wrongdoing. that is from the law form that is representing daniel penny. >> so it took ten days to reach this decision, to file charges for didier, is that long? >> is it long? it's longer than usual? yeah, potentially, clearly, people in the city that protested and took to the streets felt it was long and, generally, yes, in a case like this, it could be viewed as, why did it not take so long? given the fact that the dea had the results on the medical examiner so quickly, which essentially ruled that he died by compression to the neck, it's a cold. it also set a homicide, but it does not necessarily prove it's
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murder. in any case, they had the evidence and information. a lot of people were upset, including his family. they brought him back, took him into custody to question him, and then they released him, and that was sort of where the controversy and why people were so upset. is the dea here feeling the pressure and now finally authorizing the arrest, there is a possibility, because they have not indicted him? >> not yet, until tomorrow. >> they could have presented a case. >> many people saw one of the first videos taken out, a freelance journalist posted to facebook. it was taken during the chokehold, so you don't see what leads up to. we are sent to investigators were looking at a number of other videos, other evidence that other people took and also speaking to witnesses about what they saw, what they experienced, what was going on, for daniel penny approached neely and put him in a chokehold.
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that is why it took a while. they would expand that's what they've been up to. they have not been sitting on their hands. >> the grandeur, no doubt, i am sure he will testify and is on the fence here. >> we've heard a preview of that from his attorney. paulo, i was so interested to hear that you have seen jordan neely on the subway. >> the f train, the one i take every day. in fact, that they, i had just passed through the state shun greatness before. months before the, i recognized him. he stepped onto maturing car. he was looking for donations but never threatening at all. he made a couple of passes up and down the trunk card and moved on to the next one. he was there in everyday life. there are so many more that recognize him from his days as a performer. >> what do you think that the case that really highlights -- we are right the subway, mental health and the problems that
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many people are facing and what goes on in the subways, it's just so sad. he was on a list for somebody that needed help. there are a lot of services and needs that individuals needed -- it sat in the end came to this. >> that's my question, as well. it is a tragedy on so many levels, it's deep. what wraparound services are for people in crisis in new york city, how did we get to this point, and how do we avoid it getting to this point again? >> this is something that the mayor adams has been talking about four months, back in november. he made a big announcement about a legislative agenda that would help deal with some of the -- kind of help fill in the gaps. >> involuntary committed. >> that is what he said.
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he wants to make sure that first responders, for instance, what enforcement, people are hospitals, have the tools they need to die someone who may experiencing mental illness and are not aware of the fact that they cannot care for themselves. that person cannot -- if they treated content released as an outpatient treatment and be expected to comply because the issue is that they don't realize that into help. those are the steps that merck adams wants to take to not only more of the resources but make sure that if someone does need to be potentially involuntarily committed, that there are processes in place for that to happen. he's got the five organizations contracted with the city to help people who need housing and our kind of help. tell me next week to put in an actual plan to make sure that these evaluations can take place -- that the person can be evaluated. if someone does need to be in patient treatment or be forced to be traded, that can happen. >> that's without talking about the public safety addition they
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made. they added all these officers and mature officers were present in more stations because of mental health and public safety initiative. >> keeping the subways safe is vital to the city's economy. it's like how everyone functions at the city. that's how you get anywhere. that's why anytime something happens and the subway, it's immediately gets attention. >> they can't be everywhere. it's a huge subway system. what enforcement can be everywhere, but a mere asset that they were pouring more officers in, and then we'll see. >> this idea of potentially putting people, involuntarily committing them, that is something that the civil liberties union is against. the new york civil liberties union says this is stigmatizing people with mental health issues, because the more likely to become victims of violence, and when it comes to this case, i think what will be interesting is how many people
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who are deciding this are new yorkers who would have chosen to walk away versus engage. so that is one of the issues. >> it will be very interesting. guys, we had to go. but what happens next for congressman john santos? who is now facing 13 federal criminal charges. even as new reporting for us next. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware. with flexible multi-cloudd services that enable digital innovatition and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloud options open. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪set stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol ats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most.
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>> truth challenged congressman percent is now facing 13 federal charges, including fraud and money laundering. eva is here to fill us in. eva, now what?
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>> i like the truth challenged. >> how us we describe it? >> that's a nice way. >> congressman santos had had a heck of a week. today, he appeared virtually in pursuing court. cnn, we have a presence in brazil, so this is how we know this. >> he was wanted in brazil, as well. >> this is coming back from 2008 when he passed along a stolen check to a store clerk, upwards -- made a purchase of a stone check with $1,000. for a long time, brazilian authorities could not find him, but now he is notorious. >> and a congressman. >> so they know where he is. they got a hold of him, but he was able to avoid prosecution this case by way of a deal, where he had to pay both the government as well as the
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victim, in total, $5,000. this got all resolve today. he's not going to be extradited to puzzle but, of course, he has to face the music. he has this to face the music back your home. >> tell us about that. >> so, he was indicted just yesterday on 13 counts, some of those charges that i think we have a graphic, include seven counts of prior fraud, the recounts of money laundering, two counts of pasta spins to the house and one count death the public funds, the indictment alleges that and one of the more egregious allegations that he was taking an apartment punch of the state of new york what he was working in another state, -- covid relief and, what making a six figure salary.
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>> $120, 000, and he is collecting covid relief funds. >> he has a defense and he represents it. >> he is the 90s allegations, up on the hill returning to congress today. >> is interesting listening to him outside court, because this would not let me prove my defense. i can defend myself really. he says, like, i want to know how they got to these numbers, i don't know. >> you'll find out in court. he also said what has not become the age old reframe, it's a witch hunt. >> there's trump in response to everything is a witch hunt, the deep state is not to get me, what about-ism, what about joe biden was his argument. the problem i think politically for republicans that we have seen a growing number want to distance themselves from him. i was speaking to a democratic group today, and they are relishing this. they view santos as a mechanism to characterize house
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republicans as dysfunctional, that sent this is emblematic of a larger issue among house republicans. the longer that he is ensnared and this controversy, democrats will argue that he is a reflection of the body. >> there's a whole ethics think that is going on. is there any idea of what the results of the house ethics -- >> that is unclear to me, yes. there are several other investigations, the house ethics investigations among them. keep in mind that he could also face additional charges as a result of some of these investigations. >> what's significant about that is that i don't think they are done. i think there are more investigations. i think there are indications. this is serious. it's one thing that we can joke about him, but he is facing some other significant investigations, financial investigations. we don't know everything, but for whatever reason, a department of justice decided
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that we have enough, we will bring these charges for now. but there is more stuff coming. >> it's interesting to see him so freely speaking to the media and all of the cameras, making additional statements when this process is not over. what i think is so interesting is there any sense -- i don't know if there is pulling at this point. he's got a ways to go, but is there a sense that he has political support from his district, that they're eager to have him running? >> no, the limited polling that we have seen is that he does not the support of his district. i am regularly in touch of constituents with republicans and democrats have no appetite for a second santos term. >> there, i said make a quick, but you said now. that was what done. thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. >> you are musk says he's found a new ceo to take over twitter. his time as chief executive has been chaotic. since he bought the company in october, musk says he will not become twitter's chief technology officer, overseen product, software and system operations. he says the new ceo will take over in about six weeks but did not reveal who is. the new york times and the wall street journal reports that uganda uri now, nbc's head of advertising, is in talks for that job. tomorrow on cnn this morning, homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas is going to join the show to discuss the end of title 42 and what it means for the border and other american cities.
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so, as we have been telling you, title 42 will and in a matter of minutes. we'll go live back to the border with and lavender right after this. ♪ your yard is your sanctuary. where you should feel free. i know... i was talking about the dogs. [barking] they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it's a revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer that grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. release the hounds! [barking] smell that freedom, eh? i smell it! i'm still talking to the dogs. pick up a bag at lowe's today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> we are now minutes away from title 42 ending. more than 150,000 migrants are waiting across the border, so what is going to happen now? i'm back with my panel and also ed lavandera, who is live for us in el paso, texas. and, tell us what is happening on the ground? >> first, i want to get to some developing news. this is a florida.
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a federal judge tonight has blocked a biden administration effort for what is essentially a parole program for migrants taken into custody. these would be migrants that are allowed to be released into the u.s. without the necessary paperwork but with some conditions. the department of homeland secretary alejandro mayorkas said this will only apply on a case by case basis to a fraction of migrants. nevertheless, it was intended to help alleviate the pressure on u.s. customs and border protection facilities that are processing thousands and thousands of migrants, who stands about 28,000 migrants. we are really stretching capacity here. the federal judge in florida has temporarily blocked the use of these parole program by the biden administration. how this will affect the processing of migrants here in the coming days is not exactly clear, but it's clearly a tool that the biden administration was hoping to help alleviate these turn and pressure on customs and border protection officials here on the front
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lines. here tonight, it's relatively quiet. a speaking to colleagues on the mexican side of the border from el paso. they say it's very quiet. the large group of migrants that have been waiting to be processed, the number of those people had dwindled down. as we reported throughout the evening, we weren't expecting this massive rush of people rushing to the border when the clock struck midnight eastern time. this is going to be something that we will have to watch and monitor here for the next couple of days and in the weeks ahead as well. >> it's so helpful to have you there for us. we can see what is really happening and not just what people are fearing. polo, it's interesting. obviously people, including officials, we're thinking that there might be a rushed through the border, but it's not proven to be true at this hour. >> the head a dhs put it very clearly, exactly what midnight will mean. alex mayorkas set anyone come in after a night, which is only in two minutes, would be presumed eligible for asylum.
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title 42, which kicked -- coming to an end now, will be replaced by title a, which should be people placed in removal proceedings. they will potentially be barred from entering back to the u.s. for five years and possibly face prosecution, if they try to enter again. that is the key difference. what will we see tomorrow, but most importantly, what will we see in american cities in the coming days or weeks? let's find out. >> as ed told us earlier, it may have been the last hour, there is a lot of misinformation. just scattered information. the markets don't exactly know what a judge has done, what is in effect right now, what is ending and starting? >> as you can imagine, on the phones, on social media, that's where a lot of information has gone and where a lot of information are coming from. that's what we see a lot about information out there --
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that's why the biden administration wants to get these consequences or at least use of them how to as many people taken south of the border to keep the numbers from going up. >> even on title 40, some markets to be the qualification. is that right? >> the biden administration was clear that they have established legal pass for folks, including aboriginal processing centers in central and south america, that hopefully get people incentive to turn to, versus the cartels -- go all the way through south america and the durham pass over the border and end up here, cities like new york. >> congressman kay are from texas was saying today that everybody applies for asylum, and he was saying a very high number are not actually eligible. we will see how they deal with that now going forward. as of right now, title 42 as officially expired. thank you all for being here tonight. great to have you and thank you so much for watching. our coverage continues now.


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