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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 12, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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a warm welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. just ahead -- >> time that the president announce a declaration of a national emergency. >> we're working within the constraints of a broken immigration system. >> i have not seen from there is a seriousness of the white house that they want to deal, seems like they want to default. >> he knows what happened, what, where, when, who, why and how. he knows the answers. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is friday, may 12, 9:00 a.m. in london and 2:00 a.m. in
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el paso where a landmark change in u.s. immigration policy is now in effect. the controversial rule known as title 42 expired just a few hours ago. that means harsher consequences for those entering the u.s. illegally. thousands of migrants seeking asylum made their way to the border ahead of the deadline. while things appear quiet right now, one official says that it will get worse. head of homeland security gave this warning to those seeking to enter the country illegally. >> starting tonight, people who arrive at the border without using a lawful pathway will be presumed in-he will i believe for asylum. do not believe the lies of smugglers. people who do not use availabler asylum. do not believe the lies of smugglers. people who do not use available
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legal pathways now face tougher consequences including a minimum five year ban on reentry. and potential criminal prosecution. >> earlier u.s. customs and border protection said it will comply with the federal court ruling that temporarily blocks the release of migrants without court noticnotices. it says it will result in overcrowding. the biden administration is expected to appeal. u.s. officials estimate about 150,000 migrants are waiting in northern mexico, including in these regions in shelters and camping on the streets. they also estimate hundreds of thousands of migrants are in the pipeline in southern mexico and central american countries. ed lavendera has the latest for you from el paso. >> reporter: the public health policy known as title 42 has been lifted. it had been in place since march
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of 2020 during the trump administration and it essentially became a de facto immigration policy even though that is never what title 42 was sbe intended do. but it has kept out about 3 million migrants from requesting asylum since that time. so now the question becomes what will the u.s. southern border look like now that this policy has been lifted and what is the future of migration here along the southern border. the u.s. border patrol chief says that he no longer expects this massive rush of people which at some point the biden administration was estimating would be anywhere from 15,000 to 18,000 people per day. the u.s. border patrol chief says they have already started seeing a larger influx of my grants. so he thinks it won't be as dramatic as anticipated. now for migrants requesting
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asylum, it is a much more traditional but difficult process. now that title 42 is gone, there are stricter penalties in place that can threaten the migrants' ability to immigrate into the united states. so it really does change the dynamic on the ground here. one of the things to look for will be the number of people trying to evade arrest by u.s. border patrol officials here on the ground. we're also starting to see an up st tick in the number of people crossing where there is a heavily fortified border wall. so the question is how many more people will be trying to evade arrest and get away from border patrol agents here on the ground and ten to enter the country illegally. but right now we're getting mixed signals if you will as to what exactly will happen here in the days ahead. many border communities bracing for the worst, but it is a question of just how intense will thisigrant be.
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ed lavendera, cnn, el paso. disaster declarations were issued in two south texas counties to help free up state and federal resources. mayors of u.s. cities along the southern border are speaking out about the situation and calling on the federal government to help. >> the need for state of emergency for our nation is dire. numerous immediate actions upon declaration of emergency are possible. a full response by fema and national guard like they would in any other disaster. where they provide boots on the ground for housing, food, transportation, and health care. that would be the beginning. >> they are here for an opportunity and we really need to expedite the process. we can't sit there and wait five or six years and make sure that the process and expectations on how to manage the process becomes simpler and clearer for everybody coming into the u.s.
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>> but i'm concerned that too many migrant transfers can cause more stress in our already stressed medical infrastructure. we don't have a pediatric intensive care unit. and with the arrival of family units, i don't want to see any child get ill and not be able to treat them. so we're boarding up like if it were a hurricane coming. >> the weather could create even more dangerous conditions for anyone arriving at the u.s./mexico border this weekend. the national weather service says the threat of flash flooding and severe storms. chad myers has more on the forecast. >> it has already been a violent week here in the middle part of the united states with tornadoes, large hail as big as a grapefruit at times. some tennis ball and then obviously quite a bit of golf ball-sized hail on the storms that have already moved through the area. but we're focusing on the area along the rio grand river, that is where the storms will fire
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tonight and then all day really on saturday. this is going to be a impact event for everyone outside. 2 to 3 inches of rain per hour, total somewhere in the neighborhood of about 200 millimeters of rainfall could fall along the river here in south texas and also northern mexico. and it is not just one day. it will be more than one day of storms here and flash flood watches are issued. flash flood watches are different than river flooding. flash flooding happens when you get such very, very quick rainfall and high rainfall amounts at one time, one, two, three, four hours and you get 200 millimeters of rain, the water doesn't soak in, it runs off. and that is what we're seeing here. that is all 200 millimeters of rainfall just over the next 48 hours. so there is a high risk really, it is called moderate, but in my opinion a high risk of flash
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flooding here especially under some of those storms. a large area in the orange by the national weather service calling it a moderate level. there are different levels and we're at three right now, but four is not out of the question as all of the rainfall comes down. and not just this week, but next week as well with heavy rainfall day after day. this is a computer simulation of what the rainfall will look like. all the way through the south where all these people will be outside, flash flood will probably be likely. talks of the american debt ceiling keep dragging out as the u.s. inches closer to a default. a meeting between the white house and congressional leaders that was supposed to happen today is on hold but there are a few glimmers of progress. jeremy diamond picks up this story. >> reporter: a meeting between president biden and the congressional leaders scheduled for friday to continue those debt ceiling and spending negotiations has been called
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off. this comes after staffers for both sides met once again on thursday for more than two hours and sources tell me that the meeting was actually productive and that the two sides ultimately agreed that it would be more productive to postpone that leaders meeting and try to make more progress at the staff level first. so sources on both sides saying that this is actually a sign of progress, a positive development in the words of one source. this comes as the early stage negotiations i'm told have really focused on trying to narrow the scope of the doesh yagss. they are trying to agree on the broad contours of where they can actually reach an agreement on spending that would also result in the debt ceiling being raised. as part of those early stage negotiations, i'm told by two sources that the white house has been laying out its read line saying where they will not negotiate and at the very top of the list is the president's inflation reduction act, the
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landmark piece of legislation that made historic investments in climate change. and also a piece of legislation that house republicans in their bill to raise the debt ceiling have already targeted for severe cuts. the other items on the list include the president's student debt forgiveness program, cuts to medicaid or s.n.a.p. benefits. all of that the white house views as total nonstarters. but there is growing acknowledgement inside the west wing that the white house is going to have to agree to some spending cuts in order to get the debt ceiling raised. there is a willingness even to agree to some caps on future federal spending. but the sources tell me that the white house is not interested in a long term spending caps deal for ten years for example which is what happened back in 2011. but the white house really wants to ensure that they don't find themselves in the same position once again a year from now. and that is why i'm told by sources that the white house is only looking for a debt ceiling increase that would last for over a year.
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but what is interesting here, president biden is still insisting that he is not willing to negotiate over the debt ceiling and yet at the same time, there are these very intense negotiations between staff here at the white house and republican congressional negotiators to talk about spending. and that is ultimately where there could be some kind of agreement to potentially avoid that default, that could come as early as june 1st. but of course time is of the essence. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. even though the clock is ticking, two sides remain far apart and the house speaker took a swipe at the white house thursday. >> the staff has met the last two days. we think it is productive for the staff to meet again. i have not seen from there is a seriousness of the white house that they want to deal. seems like they want to default more than they want a deal. former president trump is appealing the $5 million judgment awarded to e. jean carroll.
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a manhattan federal jury found trump liable on both claims earlier this week. trump's lawyers filed a notice of appeal hours after the judge endorsed the verdict and ordering trump to pay the full sum awarded to carroll. several republican congress members are distancing themselves from comments made by the former president at a town hall on wednesday. trump made a variety of false or unsubstantiated claims about the 2020 election, the riot at the u.s. capitol, abortion, the case filed against him by e. jean carroll and other matters. manu raju has more. >> reporter: donald trump's comments at the cnn town hall prompted a wide range of reaction including sharp criticism from members of donald trump's own party. particularly in the united states senate, them reacting to trump not calling vladimir putin a war criminal, not taking sides in the conflict between russia
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and ukraine. suggesting that he might pardon january 6 prisoners calling january 6 a beautiful day and also suggesting that it might make sense for the united states to default if republicans don't get their way on spending cuts as part of the negotiations to raise the national at the time limit. and talking to republican senators, a number are pushing back. >> president trump's judgment is wrong in this case. president putin and his government have engaged in war crimes. and i don't intend to support him for the republican nomination. >> where i differ with president trump is if we end this war and putin is still standing, he is unaccountable for the war crimes, you don't end the war, you just create more conflict. >> i think people saw last night what they would get with another term of donald trump as
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president. which is completely unheatether to the truth, uncertain whether he wants ukraine to win. and i think that it was a great opportunity for the people of america to see just exactly who it is donald trump has become. >> reporter: speaker kevin mccarthy did not respond to many questions about donald trump through the course of the day on thursday, but at the press conference in the evening, i asked him about trump not taking a position on russia versus ukraine and not calling putin a war criminal. i asked him are you comfortable that your party leading presidential candidate did not take a position on these key issues. he did not weigh in on trump directly but went on to criticize vladimir putin and contended that their position is different than trump's position without mentioning trump by name. i later asked the speaker also are you comfortable with trump suggesting that he may pardon many january 6 prisoners. he would not go that far either. a lot of republicans also
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declined to weigh in including one potential rival, senator tim scott of south carolina telling me he does not want to do any hallway interviews. manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. ukraine's military gets a shot in the arm ahead of its sus effected counteroffensive. months after the u.s. shot down and alleged chinese spy balloon, the two super powers are talking again. but why now and what came out of this meeting. and later, an official investigation is under way in italy and it is all about pasta. we'll explain.
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britain is breaking an unwritten taboo. the uk has provided kyiv with its first long range missiles known as storm shadow. other countries have refused to send similar weapons. this is as ukraine reportedly works to smooth the way for its upcoming counteroffensive and as leader of wagner mercenaries
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invites russia's defense minister to take a firsthand look at the situation in bakhmut. scott mclean is keeping track of all of these developments. has the uk government asked for guarantees from ukraine that they won't strike outside of their sovereign territory? >> reporter: the short answer is yes, because that is one of the main concerns. but this is actually a promise made by british prime minister rishi sunak earlier this year to provide longer range missile systems to ukraine. so they have got this system now, multiple of it, a cruise missile called storm shadow and the defense minister said this -- >> storm shadow is a long range conventional only provision strike capability. it complements the long range systems already given including himars as well as ukraine's own neptune cruise missile.
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the donation of these weapons systems gives ukraine the best chance to defend themselves against russia's continued brutality. >> this is a weapon typically fired from an aircraft. it flies at a very low altitude which makes it hard for air defense systems to shoot it down and detect it. it also uses a computer system on board to try to really pinpoint its location making it quite accurate. and the range is about 250 kilometers. and so obviously this gives the ukrainians the capability to strike inside of russian territory. not just russian-held territory, but russia itself which the worry from the west has always been could this escalate the war in some way. and the response from the russians already has been rather cryptic, this will require an adequate response from our military. the other question here is whether other western allies follow suit.
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we saw it with high mamars and and one country says we'll provide this and then other western allies who had been reluctant tend to follow suit. and so we have seen though that the u.s. has been quite reluctant, they say ukrainians don't need them at this point. but will this kind of snowball. because right now the longest range weapon that the u.s. is providing ukraine has a range of give or take only about 75 kilometers or so. >> and what do we know about this invitation to the defense minister? >> this is the wagner private military contractor and of course the russian military -- russian troops proper. and in a war of words that has been going on there. so essentially the wagner chief has acknowledged that the ukrainians have made inroads in the bakhmut area. we heard from the ukrainian side that they gained about 2
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kilometers of territory in the past week or so. wagner has blamed russian regular troops for the losses on the flanks of the bakhmut area, this town that has been fought over for months and months and an stextremely bloody costly battle. but ukrainian say it is the regular russian troops and wagner is retreating. so now the head of wagner is inviting the russian defense minister to come see for himself to try to settle the score. whether that will happen, that is anyone's guess. russians have a lot to worry about right now with this counter counteroffensive, whether started or not, seems to be heating up. >> interesting to see the internal propaganda war within russia develop. scott, thank you so much. the biden administration is looking for a new way to entice moscow to release two americans it considers to be wrongfully detained in russia as the u.s. does not have any high level russian spies in custody right now, they are having to turn to
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sal allies for help. co. >> reporter: as they try to secure the release of two americans detained in russia, u.s. outreach extends to countries including germany, norway, brazil as they go to those countries and have recently arrested russian spies. the key here is countries that have russian spies because the united states does not currently have high level russian spy in its custody. and when you talk to u.s. officials in their engagements with russia over efforts to try to secure the release of paul whelan, russia made it clear that they expect to get someone in return who is part of russia's intelligence gathering apparatus. they want a russian spy in return for the release of paul whelan because they are considering him as a spy. same true for vevan gershovich.
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and when it comes to these efforts, they are also extending to countries that are u.s. allies that don't necessarily have russian spies but could potentially offer something up to the u.s. to be used as leverage at the negotiating table again to gin up interest on russia's side to engage in some sort of deal to try to get out these two americans who remain wrongfully detained in russia. could kylie atwood, cnn, the state department. and u.s. ambassador to south africa has publicly accused the government of delivering arms and ammunition to russia. he says weapons were loaded on a cargo ship late last year. joining us now for more is david mckenzie. since the beginning of the invasion, south africa has claimed that it is unable lined,
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it is neutral in this. american ambassador saying essentially that is not true. >> reporter: i think that is a very good point and i don't think that this is an individual incident that the americans are now coming out publicly on. but a series of standpoints, public utterances and incidents that have boiled up in frustration from the u.s. government point of view making this kind of the straw that broke the camel's back. the ambassador accuse south africa of covertly placing arms and ammunitions on that sanctioned vessel, the cargo ship, december last year in a naval port. eyewitnesses and members of parliament of the opposition at the time said that there was nighttime operations to get goods off and back on to that cargo ship and even switched off the t trance transponder.
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and they say that they still haven't seen proof of the allegation. >> what could the consequences be for south africa of this claim? >> i think the initial consequences are the comments from the ambassador which in many ways are deeply embarrassing to have an ambassador very forcefully accusing his host nation of basically enabling the russian invasion or assisting it in ukraine. i think there are longer term consequences at play and i don't think the timing of this announcement is at all coincidental. the u.s. and south africa and other countries are in discussions to extend a critically important trade deal that allows south african businesses to have preferential treatment and tariff-free exports. and that is worth more and it
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pailles in comparison to the tre links in this country. that is up for renewal. and there could also be a possibility that congress steps in and uses their own means to punish south africa over the continued allegations that they are siding with russia. for south africa's part, they continue to maintain their neutral position despite the evidence that they may not be. >> and this within the context of south africa being torn between the u.s. and trading partners and also the increased significance of russia and china. david, thank you so much for joining us. elon musk says he has found a new twitter ceo. what we know about the mysterious appointment, coming up. pdand the only suspect in t disappearance of american teen natalee holloway is set to be extradited to the u.s. but his lawyers say he won't go quitely.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. let me bring you up-to-date with our top stories. it has been four hours since the controversial u.s. border rule known as title 42 expired. the head of homeland security says the border is not open. tens of thousands are currently camped out in border towns. a surge of arrivals is expected in the u.s. although it has been quiet overnight. today's debt ceiling meeting between president biden and congressional leaders has been postponed. la lawmakers remain deadlocked in the talks over the debt ceiling.
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china has seg naturaled sigy want to move past the spy balloon incident. they have held talks for the first time since the u.s. spot the balloon out of the sky after it spent days floating across the country. kristie lu stout is live for us in hong kong. what impact did this meeting have on the tensions in the relationship between these two super powers? >> reporter: this was a surprise meeting but also a significant one because as you said, china and the u.s. trying to move beyond the balloon incident and stabilize the relationship. we have china's top diplomat meet with the security adviser, they met for two days of talks spanning some eight hours in vienna, the highest level meeting between both sides since that alleged surveillance balloon incident which led the u.s. secretary of state to delay a planned visit to beijing. china's embassy in washington
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issued this statement saying, quote, candid in-depth substantive and constructive discussions took place on stabilizing the relationship from deterioration. and the white house readout used similar language saying that the two sides had candid substantive and constructive discussions on key issues in the u.s./china bilateral relationship, russia's war against ukraine, among other topics. and as we've been reporting for a while now, the diplomatic rift between these two super powers has been deepening over a host of issues, everything from ukraine to taiwan to access to technology including chips, the list goes on. and although the talks in vienna were deemed candid and constructive by both china and the united states, we still don't know when blinken will visit china. >> and you say that chinese envoy will be visiting ukraine. what more have you learned about
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this? >> reporter: yeah, this was at today's briefing and they confirmed that chinese envoy will be visiting ukraine and russia as well as poland, france and germany, the visit starts may 15th and the aim here is to promote peace talks. correspond to the ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson, he says the visit is another manifestation of china's commitment to persuade and promote talks. he says fully demonstrating that china is firmly on the side of peace. but that really remains to be seen. >> kristie lu stout, always great to hear from you. thank you. twitter could be about to get a new ceo. current chief elon musk says he has found a replacement to step into his shoes and she will start in six weeks. he didn't name the mystery woman but media reports suggest that it could be nbc universal head of advertising. he now plans to step back and
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become chair and chief technology officer. joran van der sloot's attorneys say that they will appeal the extradition order to the u.s. the dutch citizen was one of the last person to see natalee holloway oalive before she disappeared nearly two decades ago. he will face charges of extortion and fraud in the u.s. and >> reporter: 18 years after natalie holeee holloway vanishe prime suspect is being ext extradited to the united states, sl joran van der sloot, who was one of the last to see natalee alive and twice detained in connection with her disappearance, will finally face federal charges in the u.s. for extortion and wire fraud. >> he knows what happened, what, where, when, who, why and how.
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he knows the answers. >> reporter: he is accused of extorting thousands from hollo holloway's mother, beth in exchange for details of her daughter's remains. van der sloot offered to take the cooperating witness to the location of holloway's body and identify those in her death and disappearance in return for a payment of $250,000. papers were signed, a total of $25,000 was given to van der sloot. and holloway's attorney flew to aruba. van der sloot took the attorney to a house saying her body was buried in the found days. soon after fleeing with the $25,000, he emailed saying he had lied about the location.soo $25,000, he emailed saying he had lied about the location. extortion charges were filed. in 2005, she was last seen
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leaving a night club in aruba with van der sloot and two other men. all three were charged by prosecutors in 2007 in aruba for involvement in manslaughter. but a judge ordered their release citing a lack of direct evidence. her body was never found. beth holloway said in a statement she would be 36 years old now, it has been a very long and painful journey, but the persistence of many is going to pay off. together we are finally getting justice for natalee. after the u.s. legal proceedings conclude, van der sloot will be sent back to peru according to a statement from peru judiciary to a peruvian prison where he is serving time for the murder of 21-year-old stephanie flores murdered five years after holloway's disappearance. cnn was allowed clous access to cell after his or and he was
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sentenced to 28 years in prison for that murder. the attorney for joran van der sloot is telling cnn that he is going to fight this extradition request that was ordered by peru supreme court. he believes that the charges are just too old to have it be valid. of course there is an extradition treaty between the united states and peru signed in 2001. jean casarez, cnn, new york. former pakistani prime minister imran khan appears in an islamabad court. we'll have a live report for you. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis keeps flaring, put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredtable, i got rapid sympto relief with rinvoq. anleft bathroom urgency behind. check.
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in the conflict between israel and islamic jihad mill tanl militant talks, sirens have been firing without warnings of incoming fire. palestinian officials say 31
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people have been killed in gaza including militants and uninvolved civilians. defense forces in israel say more than 800 rockets have been fired at israel since the violence started earlier this week, one hit an israeli apartment building wounding five and killing one. the idf says it has hit nearly 200 cartargets in gaza since th start of operation shield. elliott gotkine is joining me. i believe sirens have been sounding around where you are. how concerned is the population about the continuing of this violence? >> reporter: you're right, sirens have been sounding for the first time in some 13 hours or so in the communities around the gaza strip. so there haven't been any longer range rockets fired towards israel since the ending of that overnight quiet. but, yes, sirens are sounding again, rockets are being fired
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towards israel. israel for its part it -- there was like a six hour break between airstrikes overnight, there was an attempt to fire a mortar shell before the barrage of rockets, the spokesman told me just earlier. but israel says that it has managed to hit that mortar firing and prevented that from happening. but it looks like it is business as usual unfortunately and what we've seen the last two to three days, the quiet overnight was giving rise to further hopes that we were inching towards some kind of cease ffire but clearly we're not there just yet. so the fighting continues and israel continues to hit targets in the gaza strip and militants of islamic jihad continue to fire rockets. yesterday a rocket scored a direct hit on an apartment block killing one person.
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itf t idf saying that was the result of a malfunction of their dome system. >> and we've been speaking about remembering the american journalist shireen abu akleh and israel is finally apologizing for her death. >> reporter: that's right. in an interview with cnn yesterday, the rear admiral, who is the chief spokesman for the israeli defense forces, he took the opportunity to say sorry. this was the first time that the idf or anyone in authority in israel has said as much. >> i think it is an opportunity for me to say here that we are very sorry of the death of the late shireen abu akleh, she was a journalist, very established jour journalist. in israel we are a democracy and in democracy, we see high value in journalism and in free express and we want journalists to feel safe in israel
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especially in wartime and even if they criticize us, we want them to feel safe. it is all about democracy and we are a liberal democracy. >> reporter: and of course that apology coming a year to the day from when shireen abu akleh was killed in the occupied west bank. >> elliott gotkine, thank you. after the break, the stars turned out for the academy of country music awards last night with some surprises and great performances as keith urban kicked off the show. ♪ show you where it's at, come on let's get back on texas time ♪ ♪ you got to rock it easy ♪ it's our most t amazing, true-to-o-nature fragrance experience ever. new vibrant. from air wick.k. are you u still struggling with your bra? it's time for you to try knix.
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makers of the world's comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionarsupport without underwires, makers and in sizes upcomfiest wito find your new favorite bra today there is a better way to manage diabetes. the dexcom g7 continuous glucose monitoring system eliminates painful finger sticks, helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. all of that finger pricking and all that pain, my a1c was still stuck. before dexcom g7,
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i couldn't enjoy a single meal. i was always trying to outguess my glucose, and it was awful. before dexcom g7, my diabetes was out of control because i was tired, not having the energy to do the things that i wanted to do. (female announcer) dexcom g7 is a small, easy-to-use wearable that sends your glucose numbers to your phone or dexcom receiver without painful finger sticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading-- up, down, or steady-- and because dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm, you can make better decisions about food, medication, and activity in the moment. it can even alert you before you go too low or when you're high. oh, the fun is absolutely back. after dexcom g7, i can on the spot figure out what i'm gonna eat and how it's going to affect my glucose! when a friend calls and says, "hey, let's go to breakfast," i can get excited again. (earl) after using the dexcom g7, my diabetes, it doesn't slow me down at all. i lead line dancing three times a week, i exercise, and i'm just living a great life now.
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it's so easy to use. it has given me confidence and control, everything i need is right there on my phone. (earl) the dexcom g7 is so small, so easy to use, and it's very discreet. (dr. aaron king) if you have diabetes, getting on dexcom is the single most important thing you can do. (david) within months, my a1c went down, that's 6.9. (donna) at my last checkup, my a1c was 5.9. (female announcer) dexcom is the number one recommended cgm brand and offers 24/7 tech support, so call now to get started. you'll talk to a real person. don't wait, this one short call could change your life. (bright music)
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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. pakistan's former prime minister imran khan appeared in a courtroom a day after the country's supreme court ruled that his arrest was unlawful. pakistani police imposed an emergency ban on gatherings ahead of the hearing. kahn supporters calling for peaceful demonstrations at the
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courthouse. so far there has been no response after the demonstrations. sophia sophia saifi is joining me live. we can see special forces and military members outside the courtroom. tell us what we're waiting for. >> reporter: right now there is an friday prayers because it is a holy day, a half working day. so this is extending beyond court hours. there is a high level of security outside islamabad high court where imran khan is currently inside with a lot of lawyers. the media is inside as well. outside is a high security paramilitary contingent, troops called into keep a secure situation within the capital.
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we're being told by a reporter on the ground who actually managed to speak to imran khan and kahn has told him that he is 100% sure that he might actually be arrested again. kahn has accused head of the military for putting him in this situation, he said only one man is doing this and he named the chief of the staff as the person leading the charge his arrest. the arrest was called illegal by the supreme court yesterday. and we are waiting to see what will happen after court resumes after this interval that will start in about half an hour. protestors are gathering in the capital but there is potential clashes. the pakistan prime minister has called kahn supporters terrorists. and a lot of the leadership will
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be looked up to. there is a complete lockdown of the internet, there is no data, no whatsapp, no facebook, no youtube, no twitter for the past four days here in pakistan. so there is a lot of uncertainty. perhaps kahn will get bail. perhaps he will be reprimanded and apprehended again. we just have to wait and see. >> sophia saifi, thanks so much for your tireless reporting this week. perhaps the greatest player in u.s. football history will get a special honor from his old team later this year. tom brady will be honored at the patriots home opener against the philadelphia eagles on september 10th. brady announced in february that he was retiring for good after 23 seasons and seven super bowl rings. six with the pats, one with
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tampa bay. patriots owner robert kraft dismissed brady as a skinny bean hole when he was taken in the draft. now he wants fans to get to thank brady for his 20 years with the patriots. nba moving closer to the big game. thug gets tomorrow natured the suns thursday night with a 125-100 win that earned them a spot in the western conference finals. and in the east, the boston celtics squeaked out a win over the 6ers setting the stage for a win or go home match in boston on sunday. friday night has the new york knicks facing the miami heat. and a battle between the lankers a lakers and warriors. and we know which acts will be representing their nations in the grand final this weekend. liverpool is hosting this time on behalf of last year's winner
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ukraine. enthusiastic pop music fans have already gathered for the semifinals and are now wait fogting for the big event on saturday. let's take a listen to some of the hopefuls. >> let the song contest semifinal begin! ♪ ♪ >> i really want to present euro vision if you are listening. and country music stars were honored. dolly parton surprised garth brooks by having a goat another stage. chris staple ton picked up the night's biggest award. >> i play music. that is what i try to do every
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night. i write songs and make records. i've never thought of myself as somebody who would win this award. and so i'm so grateful to each and every person who worked so hard to make us able to do what we do. italian government held crisis talks over the price of pasta. the price has jumped nearly 20% and people want to know why. in fact consumer groups filed an official can't asking ing for investigation. thank you for watching. "early start" begins after a quick little break. good thing addingg lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% % of bacteria that detergents leave behind. clean is good,d, sanitized is better. ♪ ♪
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