tv CNN Primetime CNN May 18, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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only three real contenders in the presidential race. himself, joe biden and, trump. he says that only two candidates have a chance at winning the presidency, and it donald trump isn't one of them. trump is, of course, a front runner so far, despite his election lies and mountain of legal troubles, one of which ended with a jury finding him liable for sexual abuse. desantis is a driving home his record of turning culture war issues into laws. the good news, nikki haley and senator tim scott, calling for a return to what they call true conservatism, without directly attacking donald trump. former vice president mike pence, who worked in the trump presidency, but also became a target of it, says that he as well wants to return back to the party's original roots. there are those presidential
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hopefuls, and potential candidates that say that trump should never step foot in the oval office again. that is where former or concern governor asa hutchinson, former new jersey governor chris christie, and new hampshire governor chris sununu land. more candidates with less name recognition are also jumping in with various platforms. for his part, desantis travels to another early nominating state. that's tomorrow, when he visits new hampshire. here now, with his take on the road to 2024, michael starr connick, host of smerconish, here on cnn and of the michael smerconish program on sirius xm. michael, governor desantis has said all of these things, saying the donald trump can't win, but he and joe biden might. do you buy it? >> hi, sarah, first of all. thank you for having me. ron desantis would seemingly have a very strong hand, right? florida governor, he's going to be very well funded.
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he's got organizational support and a lot of endorsements. maybe we've seen this movie before. all of those things were said about jeff bush, which i think just underscores how hard it is to handicap what it is about to unfold. the pitch seems to be that you get donald trump's policies without donald trump's values. what i keep thinking is that those so-called values of donald trump, the rough edges, the offensive statements, alienating so many, are also what pack five 10,000 people into in arena for one of his rallies. and so even though a number of republicans say that i would love to have trump's policies, i just did not have donald trump's other aspects. i don't know if that drives out of a vote, and you have to drive out a vote to win. >> other candidates could jump into this race, do you think that number of three people in this race will change? and that he will be more
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concerned about other contenders? >> we talk a lot about the lanes. what are the differing lanes and who can occupy them? i look at this is if it's the 405 in l. a., an area that you are familiar with. it's like, donald trump has all of the lanes, and then there's an hov lane, and maybe ron desantis is in the hov lane. you know that you have an additional passenger, you get to go faster than everybody else in those other lanes. it is hard for me to see any room at the end for anyone other than trump or desantis. according to all the polls, and it's not just a one-off, donald trump has about a 30 point lead over ron desantis right now. is that because desantis has not formally come out? because he hasn't responded to that which trump has said about him? or has trump already defined him in a way that is going to limit the appeal the desantis can ever have? i would love to sit here and make a bold prediction about what is about to unfold, but i really don't know. there are so many intangibles,
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none of them have a crystal ball. >> here's something that could trip desantis up. disney is scrapping plans for a one billion dollar office complex, in orlando where it would mean that 2000 jobs could've been in place in florida, that couldn't be there over this fight with desantis. will this hurt him, and has this really given you the idea that the republican party can really changed? >> i think ron desantis is making a wager here. if i want to look at this as a cold political calculus, he thinks that he thinks there is more potency in fighting the culture wars. this was all retaliatory. you remember what happened. florida passes a law with the support of governor desantis that limits the ability of educators to teach about gender identity, and then disney comes
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out, the predecessor of bob iger's, and they're critical of, it immediately comes the retaliation by ron desantis, attacking their ability to self govern. it's very simple what transpired. what's happening is that donald -- desantis is making a wager, saying there's more political upside for me within republicans if i am fighting the culture wars even at the risk that i'm now no longer a pro business gop candidate, which traditionally has been where the republican party has stood. we are the party of business. we are for jobs, for cutting taxes. now you have a florida governor at odds with one of the most beloved, i still think, companies and corporations in the united states. that's a short term play. maybe it wins in a primary among some voters, i find it hard to believe it wins in a general. >> it's interesting, i don't think you'll find any gather, may or, or politician anywhere that will tout something that lost them thousands, potentially, of jobs. we'll have to see how this goes forward, because certainly,
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he's concentrating on the culture wars very harshly. michael smerconish, thank you so much. you always have some very interesting insight. you can catch michael's show, saturday morning here on cnn. >> thank you, sarah. >> now to another political fight. this one is far uglier than the run for president at the moment. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is being accused of veiled of racism after a shouting match with democrats jamal bowman. the argument was over the potential expulsion of indicted republican congressman george santos. >> the party has to kick him out! he's embarrassing y'all! the party is hanging by a thread! the party is hanging by a thread! >> impeach biden! impeach biden! he's not very smart. >> the congresswoman suggested that she felt physically threatened by bowman because he
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had a, quote, history of aggression. listen. >> what concerns me about jamal bowman is that he has a history of aggression. what is on video is jamal bowman shouting at the top of his lungs, cursing, calling me a white supremacist, which i take great offense to. it's like calling a person of color the n word, it would never happen. good calling me a white supremacist is equal to, that and i feel concerned and threatened by him. >> she is coming back to this incident last month. >> and the rhetoric that uplifts white supremacy, we are pushing back against that in all of its forms! marjorie taylor greene, needs to take her ass back to washington! >> this was congressman bowman's response back to what
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greene has said. >> unfortunately, this country has a history of characterizing black men, who are outspoken, who stand their ground, push back, as being threatening, or intimidating. she's not even using a dog whistle. she's using a bullhorn to put the target on my back. i never invaded her personal space. i was laughing, and gregarious the entire time, how is that intimidating? unfortunately, white supremacists historically, this is what they do. >> here's why he's saying that. this is some important context that you should know. greene is the same person the chased down a teenage survivor of florida's deadliest school shooting, who was on the hill advocating for gun control. watch. >> you don't have of anything to say for yourself? you can't defend your stance? how did you get over 30 appointments with senators? >> this february, greene spoke at a white nationalist conference, organized by well-known white supremacist nick fuentes. let's bring in the table, tv
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and media analyst for npr, cnn 's elena trini, jamal simmons, former communications director tobias president harris, and reena shaw, a republican strategist. i'll start with you, jamal. there is, can we just call out the hypocrisy here. when you saw, that what did you see but the two of them? you can all watch it, it's not something that happened in the dark, you can see what's going on there. >> listen, it wasn't the most sophisticated debate on capitol hill. you can't articulate that, but what's concerning. congresswoman taylor greene, she felt threatened by somebody, who as you said, was laughing, gesturing, in the middle of a crowd of people. she also said that he's not smart. jamal bowman has a doctorate in education, founded a school. he led a school for ten years. as he said, it all goes back to
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not just dog whistles, but these pretty loud calls for racism. the thing about marjorie taylor greene, and unlike george santos, who this was all kind of staged because of the george santos thing that was happening on the hill today. george santos is a fraud. everybody can sort of see that he is not who he pretends to be. marjorie taylor greene is not a fraud. she's not afraid she's exactly who she pretends to be. she's scary, a christian nationalist. she says that about ten percent -- believe that american should be a christian nation only. she says the january 6th would be the 1776 moment. somebody that before, when we had the violence of january 6th, saw that as a moment for new kind of america to be founded, i think she is the scary one out of the exchange that we saw today. >> reena, i want to ask you what you made of that. you can all jump in, it's a conversation, i want you to feel comfortable. we know, from reporting, from cnn and everyone else's
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republican reporting, that she indicated support for executing prominent democratic politicians in 2016 and 2018, 2019. before she was elected to congress. and now she is making this accusation that it just does not seem credible. >> there's a lot to unpack here for a person that is a sitting member of congress. it's almost shocking to me. i'm a two-time former senior congressional staffer, and over a decade ago, but i will tell, you this was fast how we got here. to see this kind of extremism, we can see this sitting member of congress weaponize her words on the regular. but when she thinks that somebody else is doing it, the tactics that she employees aren't just nonsensical, they're dangerous. what about-ism. it is wrapped up in racism. it's plain and simple. she does not reflect the vast majority of white conservative women in this country. she doesn't reflect their views. she doesn't reflect the views of the mass majority of conservative women. i submit to you that the more that she continues this we will be able to see her real ambition. i think we already see some of.
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it she does these incidents, she goes alone, because you find races off of them. you don't see her colleagues, the ones that look like, are women in the gop in the house chamber rushing to her defense. what i saw in that instance was a heated discussion between two colleagues. was it civil? i think it was. but what it indicated is that she, and many others, also on the other side of the aisle, i won't say it's an equal amount, but support in the same way that we do see it. this declining civility in the body of congress. that is most dangerous for us, because that indicates higher levels of -- i'm sorry, they're going to get less done and higher levels of dissatisfaction with congress. >> that's it. >> what do you make of this when you look at -- eric, when you look at the tropes. >> jamal is a popular name today. [laughter] certainly a way cooler name than erik. >> but you know one of the things that struck me is -- one of the things that we see with white supremacists, is
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that they do try to take on the mantle of issues that have worked for civil rights advocates. this idea that you're trying to find a term that supposedly is as offensive as the n-word, trying to use that word against me. the n word, it's a reason why we don't say that word. you can tell that that phrase, white supremacist is not the same as the n-word,, because we say white supremacy, we do not say the n-word. it has a certain history wrapped up in the legacy of slavery, and it's also the something that they want to avoid. they don't want to talk about the impact of hundreds of years involving black people. and the modern legacy of that. it is so odd to see her in one breath wanting to bat away the hypocrisy of criticizing somebody that wants to use the same tactics that she does and
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then also trying to badawey the legacy of slavery, and the weight of the n-word by trying to compare calling her a white supremacist, which, you know, arguably -- which is arguably something that you could accuse her of, and comparing it to something as terrible as the n word. and then finally we're in a situation where i do feel like the problem is that people like her and her tactics, it can really pull other people down to that level. it really bothers me that a legislator, who seems -- as you said, very intelligent, and accomplished, they would be drawn into a shouting match with somebody like that anyways. i think one of the things that they have to realize is that you can't fight that same fight, because all it does is bring you down to their level. >> you know what else are? does it sometimes is used in different. way how much of this do you see when you see something like that will be turned around and used for fundraising? because i certainly get the thing for a whole bunch of different folks who will use
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that, miss greene herself, to raise money. >> absolutely. >> i think that something that to give marjorie taylor green credit, she knows how to message on these things effectively. she knows that it plays very well with the trumpe base, her base, and the maga voters. it's definitely something i think, we could likely see, in some fundraising. i think also, as this plays out, her jumping on this, holding a press conference today about the incident also distorting some of the facts. i mean i spoke with some of my colleagues who are on the steps of the capitol, they said they were there, they saw the entire interaction. they did not hear any of the words she described about the nastiness of it and calling her a white supremacist, in that moment. obviously we saw the video of her doing in new york. but that's something that her supporters love about her. i think also, at the same time, she's not just as much as she is a far-right member of
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congress, and a very fringe member of congress. she also has a lot of sway within the republican party. she meets weekly with kevin mccarthy. as of january, she has -- she's had it before then. she has been meeting weekly with the speaker. she has a lot of power. so it's fascinating to watch how she can monopolize on moments like this. >> that power flows directly from these kinds of confrontations. the confrontations that put her team as a subject of a segment on cnn. >> i guess the question is, i can help ask this i'm, sorry i'm going long, why doesn't a party take care of this? deal with her, in the way in which she should be dealt with, in a lot of people's minds? >> they can't do it because she is a celebrity now. that is the thing, she represents the sort of growing, iconic righ figure. it's not right but, it's not fair to the moderate. i'll be very honest. it has everything to do with
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money, and stardom, and where she go she commands an audience. she draws in those small donors. because she gets them excited, and she gets them fearful about the future. >> remember, she got donald trump on speed dial. >> i, know thank you so much, stick with us next on -- a mystery that is growing tonight. how for young children survived a deadly plane crash in the amazon jungle, after more than two weeks. new findings could give clues to their whereabouts, i will speak to someone who has survived a similar plane crash, in this very area. the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow.
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deadly plane crash in the amazon jungle? the mystery search is continuing. tonight a small plane went down in southern columbia 14 days ago. the bodies of three adults frown found on board, but no sign of the children. their ages, 11 months to 13 years old. authorities originally claimed that they were alive, even this morning they were saying so, after following a trail of clues. there were baby bottles, here scrunchies, plastic wrappings, even an improvised shelter built with sticks and leaves. but today, confusion, when the colombian president retracted the news they were found alive but insists that hope remains. we do know that search efforts have been hurt by storms and an extremely difficult terrain. my next guest knows all too well what the conditions are like in 1995 mercedes johnson
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was one of four passengers who served this crash in the mountains of colombia. 160 people were killed including her parents, but she was found about a day later. mercedes, thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> when you heard about this crash and then subsequently that there were four children alone somewhere in the jungle that may have made it out alive, what did you think about what they are going through? >> my thoughts were just completely overwhelmed with grief for them, knowing that they must be scared, knowing that they must be terrified, but also with just my heart is just full of hope for them, to show the little clues that they left behind shows how resourceful and resilient they are.
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and if they're doing those things to try to find help on their own, that shows that they themselves have hope, and that's the most important thing at this point. >> one of the children's only 11 months old, so if they are still alive and doing all these things and leaving these things behind, it means the older children are taking care of that baby. it will go back to your incident. 1995 you were just 21 years, old traveling with your parents from the state to see family in colombia. can you take me back to that moment? i know it is hard, but the moment the plane went down, what you are experiencing when you realized, hey, i actually survive this? >> yes, it's one of those moments that when it was happening, i didn't think that we are actually going to crash. but the pilots, without any sort of warning or announcement, suddenly pulled the noise of the plane up into the air, so one moment we were flying normal in the next moment our plane is flying straight up into the air and our backs are
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pressed against the backs of her seat, and with pandemonium panic. everybody yelling and screaming and parents trying to calm down their children. i was sitting next to my father, holding on to his hand. i did hear my mother in the row in front of me praying. so hearing her praying out loud calmed me down. i was still terrified, but just focusing on her voice made me think that, okay, if she's not losing, it i'm not going to lose, it either. i'm just gonna focus on her voice. it wasn't until the next morning, until i woke up in the wreckage, with no recollection of what had happened the night before, that it took me about 20 to 30 minutes to kind of piece all of the things that it happened the night before together in my brain to realize that we had never made it to the airport, and that indeed i was in the wreckage of the flight that i was in, a few hours before. when that realization came to me, it was like a movie where
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everything was just tunnel vision. i didn't pay anything attention anything around me, and my main goal was to get out of that plane is quickly and as safely as i could. and i was still scared and terrified, but my number one goal was survival at that point. >> so your survival instincts kicked in. i just want to say i am so sorry went through that. that is absolutely horrific. you finally realized that what has happened in here in this jungle area. can you give us a sense of what these children are going? through the conditions that they are dealing with at such a young age? >> well at the altitude that they are, hopefully they are not cold. i know that in that region, the weather is very fierce and there is heavy rains. there is heat and humidity. but the good thing for them is that there is fresh water. there is tons of vegetation all around them, fruits and flowers
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and things that are edible that hopefully they are able to recognize what they can and cannot eat. and hopefully they are just having faith in each other. obviously they seem to be working a like a little team together, which is heartwarming for me to even think about if that would've happened to my children, how they would have reacted in that moment. and in my eyes they are just heroes. i am thankful that they are being as resourceful as possible to make themselves a little shelter, that they are leaving little trails. they are leading people to find them. and that is what i am praying for at this moment. >> recedes ramirez johnson, thank you so much, i'm so happy that you survived. let's pray those children due to. we appreciate your time here. >> thank you. >> we are only more tonight about the health of longtime senator diane feinstein. she has had more complications
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>> new tonight, senator diane feinstein suffered more complications from shingles that were publicly disclosed, apparently. earlier in the day, the 89-year-old lawmaker told cnn it was a really bad flu. but later, her office put out the statement, writing, the senator previously disclosed that she had several complications related to her shingles diagnosis. those complications included ramsay hunt syndrome, and encephalitis.
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while the encephalitis resolve herself shortly after she was released in the hospital march, she continues to have complications from ramsay hunt syndrome. encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, with the new revelation raising more questions about her mental fitness and her ability to serve. we are back with our fantastic panelists. a lot of democrats and, everyone is looking, relieved to see her back. but they are sidestepping questions about whether or not they want her to step down, and they are just sort of not making that clear. i'm going to start with you, jamal. why? >> listen, i think diane feinstein is a giant. she is a big presence in california politics and i remember when she got elected with senator -- in 1992, i was in college. i remember that being a big moment. the year of the woman. it was a big, big deal. i think a lot of people like her a lot. also, the senator has been at home for geriatric care for a long time.
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i remember, strom thurmond was there and -- burglaries there, and those guys were president tempore of the senate. they were in line to be president of the united states if something happened and they were not doing well, let's just put it like that. they weren't doing very well. when the men got in trouble, we sort of seem to give them a bit of space. for those different about this moment is that the -- in the senate is so narrow, the democrats have such a narrow majority. and so people are worried what happens to that senate majority if dianne feinstein can shop. and we've already had some instances of that occur. judicial appointments, control of the senate. so, there are some legitimate concerns. friends and allies are concerned. elastic i will say is, and with the recourses. >> okay. >> if he doesn't resign -- are they going to expel her? i don't think they are going to get a majority of the night 16 to go along that. what's the recourse? if we don't have one? >> i have a question because i live in the bay area for
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sometime, and i lived in san francisco for some time and i was back there recently. the whispering that was happening behind the cameras, you can see people who were saying, they just hope that she can resign. what is actually happening? the only person i know for sure coming out was aoc, saying, you know what? it's time. >> a couple of the house members, i should say. not -- some democratic house members like democratic congressman ro khanna also calling her on her to resign. and german made a very good point, it's very difficult. i do think, this is not a new issue, definitely it's seen a lot more attention because of her near three months out of the senate. and the complications she is facing now. but this has been a conversation that has been held, i mean, i've been covering capitol hill for years now. among staff, and people on capitol hill. just questions, about her fitness for office. it's a very difficult subject. and even this week, she returned last week to the senate, we have had some conversations with senator dick durbin, he's the chairman of
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the senate judiciary committee who is facing a lot of these issues. or who had faced a lot of these issues, when she was happening. and even he is saying, listen, it has to be her decision, recognizing that it's a tough one. and a lot of republican senators are saying the same thing. so, it's difficult to see what will happen. and i do you think increasingly we are hearing it will most likely have to be her own decision. and come from her own office. >> one thing i'm wondering, about is the politics that surround this because if she resigns, then the governor of california, appoints her replacement. and he has promised to appoint a black woman in that job and we know, that a well-known white politician, schiff, it's also wanting to run for that position. so i'm wondering, how much of this is her obstinance and how much of this is maybe some people don't want her to resign and maybe some democrats don't want her to resign. i think there has been not enough transparency about all the different agendas that work
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here. and i am concerned that a lot of this is being placed on her, when there may be other powerful democrats who don't want her to resign either. >> reena, how are the republicans looking at this? because, i'm sure -- is it hurting the party and hurting their power? >> for republicans, look -- they really don't have a leg to stand on here. because if you look and you see grassley, easy mcconnell, you don't see men who were far behind the people on the other side. i must say we have a system that protects the incumbent. and diane feinstein, we can do two things about her. we can applaud whatever she's accomplished -- and i have serious policy differences with her. but i can apply this real tragedy could've long success for constituents. but my gosh, as a political strategist, i've advised numerous people, let's go out on top, let's go out on a high note. think about your legacy here. and she is not doing that. so, to criticize her, i don't think is ageist or sexist. it's being practical. it's saying, you tried to work from home for a long time. you can't do that. you are not in the private
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sector. you are representing people here. and the other part of this that i will be interested in, as we go on -- because, we know we have a high life expectancy here, is how we look at women. in politics. because look at nancy pelosi looking all good over there. and look at diane feinstein. when she doesn't look well, my gosh, we come right out with the knives. and four main, we don't do that. we don't remark on them looking as and while, and we talk about nancy -- we'll, we forget her age. it's not far behind biden. in fact a year older than biden if i'm not mistaken. so this is a situation that has he's a tough one. but, my gosh, it's got to go. it's not wrong to call for her to say hey. it's time. it's time. >> thank you to all of you, eric, rana jamal, reena, i am so happy that you're here with me today no one wants to hear me talk all this time. all right. >> thank you. >> coming up next, rapper fat joe is here on the set demanding laws be enforced and he is demanding laws be enforced after an order from the trump administration, we will explain, plus is new york
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procedures cost before their treatment. the problem? hospitals are not being held accountable. the government agency responsible lists only for hospitals being fined in 2022 and 20 to 3 combined. patients also don't know to ask for the information, one study found only 9% of adults were aware that hospitals must disclose this information, there is also a big disconnect between government, data and private reviews. the official figure shows 70% compliance. but a survey by a patients rights group found only about a quarter of hospitals or actually following the law. one of the highest profile people demanding change, an unlikely advocate. he is known worldwide for his -- crimes and memorable hooks, not patient advocacy. and talking about this guy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's hard not to bop to
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that. and it's going to tell you right now. fat joe, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. it's an honor. >> so, all the question -- what is it that sparked your passion? because you are straight passionate about this, to take on the hospitals because of this law. i have a friend, kevin moreau, for over 20 years. and he's part of power to the patients. introduced me to a young lady named cynthia fischer. and when she started breaking down to me the disparities in the people losing their homes and the people losing their families and people afraid to go to the hospitals, something just hit me. and i'm from the south bronx, my people champion me and a push me to get to where i'm at. so, i always think of the voiceless. this will be something that felt really, really dear to me. jay-z and -- justice reform and kim kardashian. i even saw elizabeth taylor with hiv, so, i guess health care transparency is the thing
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-- the light bulb that went off in my head. >> you went to congress. you have -- this is something that is actually one of the few things that has bipartisan support. so, what is going wrong? tell people what is happening in hospitals if they don't already know. >> the hip-hop community is always a black and brown. this is the one thing that is the white, asian, amish, native american, black, brown, whatever you call it, this is bipartisan. and so people are losing their homes and losing their families. if you just went out to the street right now you would see how many men are walking, hobbling across the street. the reason for that. they are afraid to go to the hospital because the prices are too high. and so what they do is, they don't go for checkups, they don't fix it. and before you know if they have serious issues. they wind up up losing their homes. nobody wins when the family feuds. when the family is arguing over money, some people don't know
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whether to do a hospital procedure, or send their kid to college. this is scary stuff. you know i heard a story about a young lady in the amish community. she was supposed to have a kidney transplant. do you know when you go to the hospital, they make you sign a waiver that says if you don't pay the bill, they can take your property? her family was debating whether they get a kidney transplant, or whether they might be giving up the farm. this is this is all over america. this is a lot already. so, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. the law is there. you just have to enforce it, and we saw when they enforced it, the first two hospitals were compliant immediately. so we know that this works, and all they got to do -- and i never thought that joe the rapper would be, singing force the law, but i am. >> i was going to ask you about that. you have gone looking at what's happening, and i want to give
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you a statistic. because i started looking at this as well. you sort of inspired me to -- okay, let me check this out. in 2019, there was a study that was put out, it was. published in a medical journal and it says, bankruptcy, people they're going bankrupt. it is the number one reason why people are going bankrupt. medical bills. >> 100 million americans in medical debt. the census says there's only 300 million americans. so, that's one in every three. now, this is young, this is middle aged, this is old. and at the same time if you just thought about how many people in your family, or friend that you know that are going to medical procedures now -- and so, to simplify, we just want to know the prices. you've got burger king. you've got mcdonald's. you've got carville, you've got baskin robbins. we just want to know. because there are some hospitals charging people $300 for an mri. and they are also charging, in the same hospital, 3600 to other patients, price gouging.
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i want to know what is the difference in the prices. maybe i can shop. here maybe the hospital down the road has a better price for me. that's all we are saying, just bring transparency to the prices, so that the people can feel comfortable to go in there in the first place. because people are not. you know, if that women avoiding go to the hospital, and they were two or three jobs, then it turns into stage four breast cancer. these are facts. these -- i'm not just throwing this out of the sky. this is happening in america to all americans out there. >> you mentioned -- you are from the south bronx. and this is one of the places that is the poorest urban congressional districts -- this affect everybody. >> but it specifically hurts black and brown communities. it specifically hurts people who don't have a lot of funds, who are making choices, between groceries and going to get their medical care. what do you want to say to the hospitals and to the patients
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when it comes to enforcing this law. what do you want to see? >> like i tell the hospitals, i'm a capitalist. i like to make money. when is enough enough? how much profit do you need? at whose expense? there's people in the hospitals all over america right now, watching right now, sitting in the bed getting taken advantage of. so, something is going to happen. the ideal time has come. i believe in people power. i believe it's bigger than any ideology and i'm just saying, you, enough is enough just let the people know what the prices are have a heart we started out talking about this behind the scenes, i love your passion during covid when you were just talking about what was going on, how many people were affected in hospitals, how many people were passing away -- we just got to have a heart. when isn't about profit, and it's about the people? >> that's a really strong message. thank you so much, fat joe.
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>> thank you so much. >> i do want to say, i don't know, they might need to start calling you slim joe. >> hey, i'm trying to stick around. >> i appreciate you. >> thank you so much. >> it is a sinking feeling. according to scientists, new york city is sinking. what's to blame? apparently all of those skyscrapers. couple that with climate change, and the city could be in big trouble, so, what now? helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. goodnight! and bethany... [guhhnnaaaghh] identical twins. both struggle with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire.
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the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. >> guess what? new york city, it's sinking. that alarming warning comes from a new geological study this is the weight of the big apple's skyscrapers is to blame. the city has more than 1 million buildings, and they add up to about 1.7 trillion pounds, according to researchers at the university of rhode island. how fast are we sinking? about 1 to 2 millimeters a year, which, for context, it's about the width of a nickel. it doesn't sound like much, does it? but experts say the catastrophic effects are already underway. and sacked fact, some climate experts estimate that lower manhattan and parts of long island of the coast there could be underwater in less than 80 years.
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chief climate correspondent bill weir is here. bill, i'm depressed. >> don't be. >> okay. i'm a little out of sorts here. >> i hear you, i understand why. we hear about the skyscrapers and we go, oh, 1.7 trillion. that's a lot. but what is the real issue here beyond them? >> this is happening in the age of sea level rise. as a coastal city that complicate things. if you are going down on the water, the -- coming up. in coastal cities this is happening around the world. it happens for different reasons. if the weight of the buildings, but it's where they are built. if it's built on fill dirt where like a lot of the world trade center was originally built on that, parts of staten island. it's -- there's groundwater pumping that causes the ground to shrink as well. but sea level rise is accelerating right now. and what is happening in cities means it could be up to four times more extreme. so, say it raises six inches in a stable area, that's two feet in a city. and you've got all the infrastructure around. you are already seeing sort of
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sunny day floods, these king tide floods in miami. it's a huge headache and it's not the kind of thing like you see at a devastating hurricane. i know people, families, are pushing their things, but slowly by slowly. it creeps. >> last time i checked, there was a lot of construction. there's some video -- that is not new york right now. >> that might be -- >> that is from sandy. i just wanted to let people know, that's not happening right now. but there is -- no shortage of construction going on in the city, as far as i can see. so, what are we going to see in the future? what might be done? here >> you can't imagine that something like this would stop development, especially in a dense place like this, but what we are already seeing, the u.s. army corps of engineers, is working on a plan to build seawalls row new york city. they have different scenarios. it sort of in the public comment phase, they've got a couple years to figure out the plan. but in my neighborhood, i live down in brooklyn, this is dumbo. all this was underwater during super storm sandy. and they are now raising, 4 to
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5 east riverbank in case it floods. again this is one of the most -- pictures of that, that is right -- in that neighborhood there. >> beautiful. >> but it's eerie to think that when my son is my age and is old enough for a mortgage, that the floodplain might be condemned in that way. probably it won't be. there's a lot of time there's a lot of space to rebuild around. but this is -- you had another conversation, i think about adaptation. the world we grew up in is gone now. we've got to get ready for the next one. and the more adaptation and mitigation we can put in, the less pain there will be long term. >> the venetian's did it in a very different way, maybe we need to -- >> we are really good at adapting. and it's time to start thinking about. it >> bill weir, always a pleasure. thank you so much. next on cnn tonight -- walgreens is paying san francisco hundreds of millions of dollars. alisyn we'll take you inside the major opioid settlement with the pharmacy chain. and president biden and world leaders are about to kick off
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11:00 pm
so i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. and it's odor free. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. >> at this hour, president biden and world leaders are kicking off the g7 summit in hiroshima, japan, side of the world's first atomic bomb attack. crucial issues are on the table, including how to arm ukraine in its war against russia. the gathering comes under the shadow of a looming debt crisis here in the united states that could potentially send the global economy into a tailspin. thank you so much for joining us. the news continues here on cnn. >> and a very warm welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm paula newton. i have here on cnn newsroom. as g7 leaders meet ija
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