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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 19, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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on the line. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is meeting with crown prince as he is asking the arab leaders to take an honest look at the war in ukraine along with the g7 leaders in japan. and body camera footage is looking at the gunman firing at random in a neighborhood in new mexico. we have that footage that was released. cnn "news central" starts now. new obvious night, the ukrainian president zelenskyy announces a surprise visit to meet with the world leaders at the g7 summit sunday. we are told that he is traveling from saudi arabia where he urged the leaders there to take an honest look at what russia is doing to his country.
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the russian/ukrainian war was the subject today with the new sanctions and the weapons needed on the battlefield. marc, this is a significant visit for zelenskyy, and he is going to be as we know asking for more support, and what are you hearing there in japan? hi, sara. this is a big deal for so many different reasons, and just the symbolism, and president zelenskyy's first visit to asia since the russian invasion, and yes, he is going to be meeting with the g7 and yes, a wish list, but perhaps more significant is that he shais go to be coming into contact with the other members of the g7 and not just g7 member states, but those from india, indonesia and brazil and as one analyst told
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me today, it is a rare chance for him to have the face-to-face discussions about exactly what he needs from them to help quell the violence in ukraine. that could be politically, economically and of course militarily. that leads know the other big headline of the day, sanctions is. we saw the g7 agree enforce that the russian economy needs to be clobbered by targeted sanctions focusing on things such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, business services all components that can help fund russia's war efforts. also expect to see oil price caps and expect to see those in place. and sara, again, president zelenskyy is going to be arriving this weekend, and he is going to have a wish list of his own, and perhaps the f-16 military jets and perhaps the anti-missile systems, and we will see what is said and presented in the days and the
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hours to come. >> marc stewart, it is good to see you there in hiroshima, japan. >> john? >> and so as we told you, president zelenskyy is in saudi arabia this morning and the leaders of the g7 as marc just reported, they have announced a new round of sanctions on russia today. with us is georgetown university adjunct professor and cnn contributor, jill dougherty, and what i want to focus on is the symbolism of the president of ukraine being welcomed with open arms of the g7 group that literally expelled vladimir putin a few years ago, and the significance of that. >> yeah, it is really important, because you can see the shift in the world right now. going back to 1997, and you had russia under yeltsin carrying out the forums, and then they
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actually carried out a g7 in st. petersburg, and yeltsin was hobnobbing with the leaders of the what was then g-8, and then russia was kicked out. so if president putin was looking at the reports today, there would be chagrin though at this point, he does have other friends which is xi jinping of china. >> and jill, standby, because david sanger who was at these meetings is joining us, and we talked about the significance of president zelenskyy being there at the meetings of the g7 summit, and is president biden getting what he wants? you can usually tell a day or so in how the u.s. president is doing at the meetings.
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>> well, today, it was sort of the easier day for it, because they were taking on the issues in which they have fundamental agreement. and the sanctions that president biden said that would destroy the ruble haven't yet. in fact, they need to do a lot of work to keep equipment, parts, semiconductors from smuggled in through the united arab emirates and china and so forth, so this is the easy part, the sanctions, and by the time the president zelenskyy shows up, it is going to be tougher. it is going to include the ammunitions, the equipment such as the f-16, and where they are going to get the stocks and the anti-air defense system, and at this point, ukraine is burning through them at a pace that is 10 times the ability to go produce the weapons, and so they
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are going to have a lot of the harder issues and the biggest one of all, and how do you get this to some kind of negotiating table to where you could get to the armistice. >> jill, when vladimir putin looks at japan right now, and he is looking at the leaders meeting with zelenskyy, and what worries him the most? >> i think that it would be the unity, and whether that unity among the allies continues, and the speed of providing the help, and especially the lethal weapons that david was talking about, and that, i think that it is going to be primary, and right now, we know that ukraine is preparing for the counter offensive, and russia not sure how is it going to unfold or where it is going to unfold. but speed and timing are crucial. i was just in estonia with a lot of people with nato and
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discussing that very issue that the ukrainians feel like, yes, they are getting weapons and military help, but it is coming in piecemeal and coming in more slowly than they want, and as it continues at the slow pace, and people in ukraine are dying, and so they do not feel that they can really, let's say, take back the land they want to take back unless they have as much as they want, and that would include they would argue f-16s. >> david sanger, i don't know when you have been sleeping, because you have been working the sources nonstop, and the other leaders, how are they perceiving the joe biden debt ceiling standoff, and do they understand the need to head back home more quickly than had been planned? >> i think that some of them do, and they have an issue with the debt ceiling issue to be
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resolved as well. if the united states defaulted or the stock market dropped, it is not going to end on american shores. it is going to affect all of them. but president biden was in a real bind here. he knew that if he did not cut the trip short he would be lambasted by the republicans for being out of the country and not par tes pating in the legislation, and if he didn't go, he would be the first american president not to go to represent the country with the leaders, and they cover a huge amount of oceans and territorial waters that the u.s. needs to get access to. and guess who else is there?
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shin jinping with a big checkbook. >> thank you both. good to see both of you. david sanger and jill dougherty, thank you. and now we are getting a look at the newly released body cam foot a.j. as police got into a gun fire in a new mexico neighborhood. and now, while we await a early presidential run announcement that the governor is going to put a bid fourth president. and it has been two years since the shooting in uvalde. the famimilies are still searchg for answers. we sit down with some of the famimilies. f-a-kind
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the georgia prosecutor leading the investigation of the allies is leading to a possible timetable for charges and in a letter obtained by cnn, fulton county prosecutor has asked for judges to refrain from hearings for the month in a time period which could possibly mean indictments. and the attorneys for hannah gutierrez reid has asked for charges to be dropped as they
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did for alec baldwin as she claims that someone has tampered with the weapons used on the set, and it can no longer be used as evidence. and now, there a search for four children who were on board a plane that crashed in southern colombia. and now, investigators say they have spotted footprints that could belong to the missing children. it is confusing what has taken place here. yesterday, colombia's president tweeted that the children were found. so there was a lot of hope yesterday, but, he later deleted that tweet saying that the information given to him by the child welfare agency had not been confirmed, but now the footprints are giving hope again. the four have been missing for more than two weeks. sara. the new mexico police are walking us through time line of events after a 18-year-old high schooler started to shoot at random in his neighborhood. 79-year-old shirley voita was
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driving down the road in farmton when she was shot and hit and fell out of her vehicle. that is when two other women, shirley and her daughter drove up and were attempting to her the woman when they were shot as well. the gunman kept walking down the road firing indiscriminantly, and the police have released the incredible body camera footage of when they were on the scene and confronted gunman. we want to warn you that the video you are about to see is disturbing. >> i am shot! officer down. >> are you okay? are you hit? where are you hit? >> my leg. >> cnn's law enforcement analyst john miller is joining us.
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that you don't see everyday, but the officers are dealing with this at least once a week, and we are covering stories at least once a week when you have somebody out there randomly shooting is unusual, but you can hear the female officer trying to get back up and help, and she is down. can you talk about what that does when the other officers see one of their own hit in this kind of scenario? >> when you are in the middle of the active shooter, you are supposed to keep driving towards threat. in this case, it all happens at once. she is shot, and he is taken down by the officers in that exchange of gun fire, and they are immediately able to get back to her, and she is, where are you hit? in the leg. and look at how fast that happens. where's your tourniquet, and this is part of the new world that we are living in, and the officers are carrying on their duty belts gunshot trauma kits, tourniquet kits both for themselves and their partners
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and also, you know, members of the public who may be caught up in these things. >> it is a literal war zone sometimes for the public and for these officers. in this scenario, also, we didn't play it here, but we have this video where the gunman is telling someone to kill him, and saying kill me, kill me. what does that indicate to you? >> well, it is two things. one, he is starting off literally randomly, and i say randomly, because you are looking at the things that are different, and in louisville he is going to bank where he is employed and killed his bosses and supervisors and in nashville she went to the school where she was little and killed children who had nothing to do with her. in this case, the randomness is a sign of the total objectification of human beings. he does not know them. they have nothing to do with him. they are passing cars. there are people sitting in their living rooms, and people
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walking down the street. he opens fire, and then goes on the move and continues the random shooting. so he is taking people with him, but the goal is suicide-by-cop, and i will shoot enough rounds and at enough people with the intent to hit them to draw the police in to be justified in the shooting when i engage them. he knows how this is going to end. when he woke up this morning, this is all in the plan, to shoot the other people to get himself shot. >> as awful as it is, i wonder why people in that condition who want to die by suicide don't just take themselves out, but they take other people out with them. >> looking at the modern psychology of the shooter studies, and this is not in the movies when i was a kid, and gary cooper at high noon and staring down the bullies. this is moving on to the series of the american youth, and a
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generation and a half at least in the world where the hero is defining masculinity by taking out the bad guys, and hundreds of them in the final scene of the big movie, which is honed into the violence they see in television, and the first-person shooter games with endless am know and so it is constantly being reinforced and we have to take a look at this. >> i know that americans appreciate this, and they are tired of all of this and i thank you for the analysis. the top military leaders are looking at addressing quality of life issues for the sailors which is coming after a number of suicides last year, and the navy failed to provide adequate living conditions for navy personnel. tell us about the report, and what the navy is going to intend to do about it. >> this is a report that is
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going to take not only more resources, but time for the navy to address, because they looked at not only the issues that attributed to the suicides that we saw, and several of them over the course of the last year. we have key find iings to show u what happened between the series of suicides, but what led to them is the degradation of the quality of life by the navy, and it is a failure of the navy to acknowledge this. it took a mishap for the navy to acknowledge this. that mishap is three suicides in a week from the crew aboard the "u.s.s. washington" and then in a facility before in those
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moments, and instances that were compelling were that the sailors were living in unfair living conditions, and so the navy is going to create a basic standard of quality of life not only in the shipyard where the first series of suicides happened, but across the aircraft carriers and the submarines and the wider fleet it. it is going to take resources, john, that in and of it could prove a challenge for the navy. >> i have to say that some of the numbers are troubling, and you can see why they have to take action. oren liebermann, thank you. sara? >> ambitious plan to claim back ohio voter, and what is ron desantis doing to win back those
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voters. sfremt and what they are planning to do to follow the law and make public medical services. ace!... that open kitchen! (tananya) is that a walk in closet? (ethan) ooh, those tiles!! (intercom) boosters are engageded. (ethan) we've got a problem! (j(janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your r house when we're stuck on a space station for r months???!!! (tanya) bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor...!! (tanya) no, don't open the door! (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! houston we have a playroom!
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>> all right. this is just into cnn. president biden told g7 allies that the u.s. will support an effort to train ukrainian pilots
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on aircraft that would include one of the ukranian volodymyr zelenskyy's requests is the f-16 fighter jet. so the u.s. would help to train them. the training would not happen in the u.s. we are told, but it would involve u.s. personnel working alongside allies in europe. the biden administration had said it would not deliver the f-16 jets from the u.s., but it had made clear it would approve the transfer from allies to ukraine. the news is coming ahead of zelenskyy's appearance in japan, and he is going to be greeted with the news which is going to be very welcomed to him, sara. this morning, ron desantis is in new hampshire to make the second visit to the first primary state. he is there to meet with the republicans in the statehouse of representatives as he is on the
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cusp of a presidential run. while he is traveling to the northeast, the message is seen as iowa is a make-or-break state for his presidential bid, and a campaign to all 99 of the counties as he looking to run for president, and making announcement as well is mark caputo for "the messenger." thank you for coming on this morning with us. we heard some news coming out of the new york times that desantis was mayb making calls to donors saying, there are three viable candidates, and three of us have a chance to win, and one of them was not donald trump. >> is he is going to be making
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the pitch, and of course, i am one in the republican primary and we all have an equal shot. he is looking at iowa as a make or break state as necessary, and donald trump is so far ahead in the primary and polling, that it would be catastrophic in desantis' own view, and in the view of his own team, and trump's teams and campaign consultants who know what they are talking about to lose iowa, because what happens? well, trump wins iowa where he is well ahead, and the next state is new hampshire, and if trump wins that where he is well ahead, and what is to stop him from winning in nevada and then having a cascade. so desantis, and the other candidates, iowa is where they need to stop trump instantly, and that is not my opinion, but the facts as they see him, and that is the polling. so for desantis, that is the pitch, and for a lot of the republican voters, and when you
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talk to them, the conservative one, and the base that desantis is going for, they say that establishment has told us who to vote for, and used electability argument, and told us to get behind john mccain, and he lost. told us to get behind mitt romney, and he lost. and this is their view. not to get behind donald trump, and this won. so this is not a persuasive argument. cnn's own polling shows that they want to have someone who shares their values and not relatively speaking someone who is electable, and a reason for the deep suspicious. >> there is an anomaly happen that someone who is not electable be elected to the presidency, and that fk o, donald trump. can i get an idea of where you see the voters, and do they see desantis as someone who is actually running to the right of donald trump on issues like guns and abortion?
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>> i feel like the media is going to be looking ate that way, but if you are looking at the research and you will understand that ron desantis is very conservative on abortion and guns and lgbtq rights and various issues that some would call them culture war issues, and desantis has a sterling record in the view of the voters and the progressive voters, it is horrible. so he is making up the pitch, but as a republican primary, you don't get elected to the republican primary by being a moderate at least not now by certainly being a progressive. if you want to win in the republican primary, you have to be pro choice, and in their term s pro family and others say anti-lgbtq rights, so that is where the base of the party is currently, and we will see where that plays out over the next few months. >> you have reporting of desantis, and something about the secret invitation, and what
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is that all about? >> well, desantis has a secretive shop, and they are press averse. i am not sure press shy is the way to say it, and they don't like leaks and just not liking leaks for leak sake, so he is having a number of donor meetings on thursday, and he has launched the campaign, and already a candidate, but waiting for the paperwork to be filed probably on tuesday, and then make an announcement at the four seasons in miami, but for the fund-raising making calls thursday, they have invitations verbally, and nothing written, and usually some invitation that goes out in email, and some of them got text messages, message of the people that i have heard is that they want to talk off of the record, and terrified to discuss the details, because it should not be a state secret, but in the view of desantis'
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world, it is and something they are holding close to the vest. >> and appreciate you joining us from miami with all of the insight. john? >> all right. sara, more than a dozen people are declared dead in the severe flooding in italy. we have more in the rescue and recovery efforts. experts say that new york city is sinking. that is right, sinking under its own weight. so is like manhattan the next venice? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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happening now, rescue efforts in italy with widespread flooding in mudslides. and people have been killed and thousands displaced, and six months' worth of rain have fallen in 36 hours. the rivers have burst the banks and causing 30 landslides. we have our reporter in rome, and these numbers are just bad, barbara. >> yes, it is devastating. looking at the heroic rescue efforts by these first responders, but what is really interesting, i think in this area, is that everyone is expected this to be a drought area, because they have been undergoing drought area, and no snow that fed the rivers and things like that, and what we have is all of the rivers cresting and bursting, and the roads are wiped out.
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we have a mayor in a small town where the mayor said that people are in the top floors of their homes. let's hear what she had to say. >> translator: we have staff who have decided that you must go to the upper floor of your home. i repeat, go to the upper floor. only those who don't have and upper floor must evacuate their home. >> i mean, can you imagine how terrifying it is for the population there. they can't get out, those people must hope for someone to come to evacuate them, and the problem though, john, it is still raining. >> so it could still be getting worse. thank you, barbara nardeau. and now, could new york really be sinking?
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it is according to the army corp of engineers is trying to find ways to prevent the city from being submerged from a natural disaster. bill weir is joining us. we talked a little bit about this yesterday. how much is the city sinking each and every, i don't know, how long was does it take to sink? a year? >> well, over a year, it is about the width of a thickness of a couple of nickels, and a couple of millimeters, but it is varying, the whole city of new york, and in some places it is sinking faster, staten island, and brooklyn and queens, but the u.s. geological society has said that it weighs 1.12 trillion pounds, and it matters, because we are in the age of sea rise
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thanks for the tons of carbon dioxide trapping the gases in the air there. but this is why it is sort of bringing it home right now. this is brooklyn, and we are there in brooklyn looking at manhattan looking at the brooklyn bridge, and this is jane's carousel there, a landmark, and this is what superstorm sandy did there. that one storm in 2012 completely rewrote the floodplain maps in new york city. there is an extra 65,000 people living in a floodplain that they didn't know until sandy came along. you can see it here, and the barge with the heavy equipment and the stacks of boulders and for the last couple of months, they have been shoring up this area that was washed out by super storm sandy, and the water was in the lobby there, and as a result of it, the army corps is looking into a number of plans to build various seawalls depending upon the tradeoffs,
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and it is expensive and a lot to think about. but this is the reality, and expected that the east coast, atlantic coast is four times more vulnerable to sea level rise than the rest of the global average. cities that are sinking, and that is not just happening here, but around the world, and subsidence is making it worse. so cities sinking are going to be seeing three to four times the sea level rise. the science says that depending upon how fast we cut back on the fossil fuels from 7" to 2 feet, and by 2050, sara, and that is not that far away. >> it isn't. when you aare considering it is not the sigh scrapers that is the -- not the skyscrapers that is the problem, it is the sea level. thank you, bill weir. fat joe is demanding that hospitals stop hiding rates they negotiate with the insurers and
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tell the patients how much they are paying for medical services. >> i never thought that fat joe the rapper would say enforce the law. and next week marks one year since the horrific shooting at robb elementary school in uvalde, texas. c, in n sat down with some of the families to find out the questions they still have. be . barcode beat conductor. ♪ go betty! ♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec. i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill. because i won't let uc stop me...from being me. zeposia cahelp people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and has been shown to reduce symptoms in as early as 2 wks. zeposia is the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months,
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this morning, fat joe from the south bronx known for the rapping and few scrapes with the law says that even he is surprised that he is fighting for the government to enforce a law, but he is passionate about
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it, because it is aimed at protecting the patients from medical bills that could bankrupt them. he has been to congress imploring lawmakers to make sure that a trump era executive order is enforced on the hospitals to give transparent medical care. >> how much is enough? how much profit do you need? at whose expense? there are people all over america in the hospitals sitting in the bed getting taken advantage of. so something is going to happen, and this idea is a time whose time has come. i believe in the people power, and it is bigger than any ideology, and i am saying, yo, enough is enough. let the people know what the prices are. have a heart. we started out talking about this behind the scene, and i loved passion behind covid when you were talking about what was going on, and how many people were affected in the hospitals
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and how many people were passing away, and we have to have a heart. you know, when isn't it about profit, and it is about the people? >> wow, that is a really strong message. thank you so much, fat joe. >> thank you so much. >> i wanted to say, maybe they should start calling you slim joe. i see you. >> hey, i am trying to stick around. [ laughter ] >> we had a good laugh, john, but he was very serious about trying to help the patients who are suffering under the weight of those medical bills. >> look, it is an important issue. uvalde, texas, getting ready to mark the one-year anniversary of one of the worst mass shooting when a gunman opened up fire at the elementary school as law enforcement waited 77 minutes before taking decisive action. one of the student victims was lexi rubio who made honor roll earlier that day. shimon prokupiez spoke to the parents about those 77 minutes
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and how one year later they still don't have answers. >> reporter: what is your understanding of what went wrong that day? >> my understanding is -- this first group of officers that come in, they are shot at. they retreat. they never go back in. they let children die in that classroom. >> am i bleeding? m -- am i bleeding? >> i cannot explain to you what they have taken from me. >> shots fired. >> it is more than just lives. maybe lexi is gone immediately, but that is what they have taken from me, the answers. had they engaged immediately and
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my child is deceased, then i know in my heart that she is not scared for long, but because they waited so long, i don't know if it is fast or fit took 30 or 40 minutes, and it is hard. it is hard to sit with. >> that is excruciating, and that is a clip from this week's "the whole story" with anderson cooper. and shimon prokupiez and his team have won a peabody award with the extending coverage, and that is heartbreaking. >> it is one of the most difficult things that i have had to do is to talk to the family members, and we have spent the last year to do this and the entire team, and we have poured our hearts out in doing this, and what we set out to do with this weekend's episode is to kind of give people the view inside of the lives of the family members who have lost loved ones, but also the survivors and some of the pain that they are going through, and not only the fact that they
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don't have answers from authorities, but also what is going on in their lives today and how hard it is for them to live and be in these situations. you can see the video that we were just showing you, and something really remarkable happened in the filming of this out in community. the family members that you can see on the screen, they called us and asked to see video of the moments, the minutes that their kids, the survivor parents, the parents wanted to see the moments when their kids were rescued finally of police. we showed them the video of their kids running out of the classrooms as the police were going in, and the reaction, and we filmed the entire reaction to that, and you can imagine it is extremely emotional. we also show them the moment where the kids, the survivors of this, they are on a school bus after law enforcement takes them out to take them to the hospital, and they are all sitting on this school bus. one of the boys, he is shot in
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the leg, and another girl who was not injured, but she is full of blood, because she is basically put blood all over her body so that the shooter would think that she is dead, and we show the video to the mothers of the little girl who her little girl was passing out, and shot several times. she had never seen this video before and didn't know that she was passing out, and for them, it was learning key moments of how they could help their kids to find some healing in all of this. so that is why they wanted to see the video. but it is an extraordinary and powerful hour. it is something that i can feel has never been done as it relates to the mass shooting. >> the journey and the frustrations that they have had and that you have documented and in some cases tried to alleviate. and this is extraordinary, and again, shimon, thank you to you and your team. again, tune into the whole story
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with you and anderson cooper with one whole story and one whole hour airing at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. now to you, sara. and now, president zelenskyy is going to attend the meeting in japan at the g7 summit, and it is coming at a critical moment in the war in japan. we go live. putting the most advanced technology into people's hands.. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderateto sevea i was always so itchy especially when i s hot.
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8:00 am
we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.


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