tv The 2010s CNN May 21, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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we're just waiting. >> by the finish line, it sounds like death. >> i mean, yes. i think that's what everybody wants, to just be with their kids again. i think that's normal. ♪ say what you will about mr. trump, he certainly would bring some change to the white house. >> i like the president. but the president isn't leading.
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>> i will cap federal spending and finally balance the budget. >> i believe governor romney is a good man. but when he said 47% of the country consider themselves victims, think about who he was talking about. >> for conservatives across the country, they've been frustrated for a long time. >> justice antonin scalia has died. >> i simply asked republicans to give merrick garland a fair hearing. >> i am running for president of the united states. >> there are questions swirling tonight around hillary clinton, and they concern a personal email account. >> you say you have the most transparent administration ever. >> it's true. >> it can be frustrating, this business of democracy. ♪
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mahalo. as some of you heard, the state of hawaii released my official long form birth certificate. >> president obama, a first black president was constantly questioned, not really because of the policies, but literally because of who he was. it's not just that they disagreed with obama. the undertones of it were pretty clear. he is an other. >> donald trump turned the so-called birther issue from background noise into a loud drumbeat. >> all i want to do is see this
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guy's birth certificate. >> it was obviously stupid from the beginning, but it kept growing and grow, and that force, whatever that dark matter is in american life was just getting started, and we didn't know. >> no one is proud er to put ths birth certificate matter to rest than the donald, donald trump. tonight say what you will about mr. trump, he certainly would bring some change to the white house. >> i was at the white house correspondents' dinner, and he was furious. i'm not saying that was the singular reason why he ran for president, but it didn't help. >> all kidding aside, obviously we know about your credentials and breadth of experience. thinking night was coming right before the biggest gamble of the obama presidency. only a small group of inner advisers knew that once the jokes were over, the mission to
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capture or kill osama bin laden was happening. >> in august of 2010, leon panetta, the cia director went to obama in the white house and said we think we have a pretty good lead on the courier who is servicing bin laden. the courier followed him badge to a compound in pakistan. >> they tried all kinds of ways of figuring out if it was really him. in the end, they estimated they only had about a 50-50 chance of him being bin laden. >> so obama, he didn't have perfect information. some people were against it. vice president biden said let's not do this. the secretary of defense robert gates also advised against it. and if there was some huge screw-up on the ground, obama could have a one-time presidency. >> finally, obama authorizes a mission. he goes into a room adjacent to the situation room to sit and watch on the screen as a drone is covering what was about to happen. >> they shoot and cale
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bodyguard, and then they go up to the third floor where bin laden is. he doesn't put up a fight. the lead s.e.a.l. shoots at bin laden's head, and he's killed. >> tonight i can report to the american people and to the world that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden, the leader of al qaeda. >> we're told that when it finally became clear to the president that this mission was going to succeed, he announced to the room in a calm voice, "we got him." >> usa! usa! >> it's like a big burden has been taken off the shoulders of america. >> it was like the country had won. national sigh of relief. that was an unusual moment in the obama administration. that might, there weren't republicans and democrats, there were americans. >> and that is at least one step toward receding this war on terror. >> he did get a little bump in job approval, but it lasted maybe a week, two weeks, and
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then everybody went back to their sides. was a good precursor to the division that really defined most of the era. >> -- is what's happening in america. >> in 2008 he had this big dawn of hope with barack obama. what people forgot in the background that of was the biggest economic collapse we'd had in two or three generations. and you start hearing this freight train coming saying heck no to barack obama, heck no to the big budget fixes, and it's called the tea party. >> campaign 2010 proved to be an historic election for the republican party and a divisive defeat for president biden and many of his fellow democrats. >> the republicans win in 20 largely because of the tea party. the big issue was health care. and republicans saying everything is going to change, and this isn't what you should stand for as americans. swept up in that was the notion that government san francisco too big, spending is too much, taxes are too high. they made it impossible for
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president obama to get anything done. >> there is a new speaker of the house, republican john boehner. >> god bless you, speaker boehner. >> john boehner had been in congress for a long time when he becomes the speaker of the house. >> i like the president personally. we get along well. but the president isn't leading. >> during 2010, he had encouraged tea partiers to run. but initially he is setting out and saying i'm going to work with obama. we're going to work on issue likes the budget together that quickly falls apart, as congress debates raising the debt ceiling, many tea partiers are saying we won't do it. which means the whole nation will go into default. >> the speaker called president obama at 5:31 tonight. they spoke for 11 minutes, and the speaker said i'm sorry, the deal is off. i can only negotiate now with the senate. >> every attempt for civility or working together was fraught with consternation. what we once knew of unity was fractured.
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>> mr. chairman and delegates, i accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> republicans really believed that to beat obama was pretty simple. people were giving obama low marks for how he was handling the economy. we were still coming back from the financial crisis. so put a businessman in. >> i will cap federal spending at 20% or less of the economy, and finally, finally balance the budget. >> romney is a classic american republican conservative. >> i'm in favor of protecting the sanctity of life. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. >> but the republican party had changed. it's now shape bade tea party movement that doesn't think government can be good. >> republican presidential candidate mitt romney is going on the offense after a video surfaced in which he told donors back in may that it's not his job to worry about the 47% of americans who don't pay income taxes. >> these are people who believe that they're entitled to health
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care, to food, to housing, you name it. >> that 47% comment confirmed what people suspected that he's up here. he thinks he is better than everybody. >> i believe governor romney is a good man. but when he said 47% of the country considered themselves victims, think about who he was talking about. i want to fight for them. >> for romney to say this deepened the impression this guy doesn't get it. and he was up against a president who knew who he was. barack obama didn't change his brand. >> the election night bulletin. president obama has won a second term as president of the united states. >> whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you. >> this cnn original series "the 2010s" is brought to you by sling, the tv you love for the price you'll love.
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pre-everything. off! prevention is the best protection. sc johnson at t-mobile, your business will save over $1000 bucks. what are you going to do with it? i could use a new sign. woooo! alright... ♪ soundproof windows. a new chair. save more than $1000 bucks versus verizon. and now, get the new samsung galaxy s23 plus free with no trade-in required.
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[norah] this is continuing coverage of the deadly shooting in newtown, connecticut. a man armed with at least two handguns caller indicating she thinks there is someone shooting in the building. >> this is continuing coverage of the deadly shooting in newtown, connect. a man opened fire about 9:30 this morning in the sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connect. >> it is the second deadliest school shooting in america and by far the worst at an elementary school. >> i remember being in the oval office when his assistant came in and gave him the news. it was as though all of the air in the room was just sucked out. >> the majority of those who
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died today were children. beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. >> he said later he was experiencing the worst day of his presidency, and he also spoke about the need to stem the tide of violence that was sweeping the nation. >> i will use all the powers of this office to help advance efforts aimed at prevent mortgage tragedies like this. and i'm not going to be able to do it by myself. ultimately, if this effort is to succeed, it's going to require the help of the american people. standing up and saying enough on behalf of our kids. >> president obama, he appealed to congress to pass kind of an array of measures, among them limits on high capacity magazines, like those that were used in the shooting, enhanced background checks. the effort was made to say this is not a second amendment kind of attack, and yet it still
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failed. >> the bipartisan compromise to expand background checks on guns just failed to break a republican filibuster. you had newtown families going around, and they could not convince enough of the senators to go along with it. >> i can't imagine a berl b better litmus test, to prove it is off. it divided us further. >> what happen last night, the defeat of a majority leader in congress never happened before. eric kanter, the number two ranking republican in the power structure is gone. >> you have to imagine the shock when not only does eric kanter lose, but he loses by 11 points to a guy no one had ever heard before, dave bratt. he is this conservative who ran against the republican party. >> i will be stepping down as majority leader. it is with great humility i do
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so knowing the tremendous honor it has been to hold this position. >> things didn't quite work out for me as i had thought in 2014 in my primary. there was a disdain for people who were in leadership positions in government. and obviously, i was the leader at the time. by definition, you wereen frustd for a long time. the american people are look for big ideas. they want leadership. >> it was almost as if i was the tip of the spear in terms of the populism that evolved from the tea party movement into the maga movement. and if you recall the 2014 election sort of resulted in the republicans winning the senate in a big way, i do think it was another step on the part of the public saying hey, enough of this. there had been six years of an obama presidency. >> as president, i have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. so to everyone who voted, i want you to know that i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you
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too. >> outrage over the fatal shooting of 17-year-old trayvon martin is spreading around the country. >> seven 911 calls in all beginning with this one from george zimmerman. >> get away. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay. we don't need you to do that. >> shock, confusion, and fear. you can hear it in the voice of every caller. >> i just heard a shot behind my house. >> people said he shot him dead. the person is dead. he is laying on the ground. >> when the police arrive, they don't arrest him. here you have somebody who just kills an unarmed african american teen, who wasn't doing anything. i mean this is several weeks before there is actually an arrest, in part because you have prosecutors and police who are saying, well, it's a stand your ground, right? even though he was the aggressor. that shook african americans to the core. not just because of the tragedy
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of the moment, but because we seen it before. >> the african american community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history. that -- that doesn't go away. i had an interview with him. and we were talking about race. and it was very clear to me that he was being delicate in the extreme. the interview ended. he walks out of the oval office. he goes down the hall, and then he turns all the way back and comes back and says look, you have to understand when i talk about race, it just changes everything and can be explosive if i'm not incredibly precise. >> say trey von martin could have been me 35 years ago. >> obama is a case study of navigating the third rail in american politics, race. over time, what you see is obama finding his voice in that space
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to be say the things that were necessary to prick the conscience of americans while at the same time maintaining the dignity and respectfulness that people would have expected from the president of the united states. >> all units responding, 110 calhoun state. >> active shooter, multiple people down. >> right now the search is on for a white gunman who entered a black church last night and started shooting. the massacre killed nine people. one of them was the church pastor, state senator excellent t clementine pinckney. >> a massacre has taken place by an avowed white supremacist. >> governor pinckney once said across the south, we have a deep appreciation of history. we haven't always had a deep appreciation of each other's history. >> despite all the things that had happened, obama connected with people at not just a human level, at a soulful level.
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>> clem understood that justice grows out of recognition. he knew that the path of grace involves an open mind. >> he said we might sing. sing? what will be the context? well, the speech is really about amazing grace. ♪ amazing grace how sweet is sound ♪ >> you felt the pain that he was fe feeling. that is a steady thread throughout his presidency. >> pinckney found that grace. >> i think for african americans that moment in the church was something that we had been looking for. >> may god continue to shed his
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[savannah] president obama spoke earlier today with iraqi prime minister nouri al-maliki and told him, "us troops will leave iraq at the end of this year." president obama spoke earlier today with iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki and told him u.s. stroops will lead iraq at the end of this year. >> as a candidate for president,
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i pledge to bring the war in iraq to a responsible end. >> for obama, getting out of iraq was core to his whole rationale to becoming president. he was determined that the united states would not get involved in motre of the chaos and complexity of the middle east. . there are 39,000 u.s. troops in iraq right now. that number is going to go to zero. >> he tried to maintain that discipline. and then he faces this problem in syria. >> the u.s. intelligence community has determined the syrian regime has used chemical weapons multiple times against civilian populations in syria. >> i have resisted calls for military action. the situation profoundly changed, though, when assad's government gassed to death over a thousand people. the question now is what the united states of america is prepared to do about it. >> in august of 2012, barack obama decided to draw a red
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line. >> we have been very clear that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. >> after seeing in 2012 syria's use of chemical weapons would cross a, quote, red line, the international community's credibility is now at stake. >> i didn't set a red line. the world set a red line thinking issue of syria, he faces skeptical world leader, and also a skeptical american public. >> president obama does back way from his initial statement because he wants to back away from it. what he sees quickly is there is note a lot of support. republicans on capitol hill don't support sending in the military. >> 25, yes. 20, no. but there are 55 undecided senators. so the white house has its work cut out. >> the mood in the united states is it didn't want to get entrapped in syria's civil war. syria was a country that had long been an ally of russia. the united states wanted out of its wars in the middle east. and this looked like a another
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quagmire. >> cnn has learned that russian forces have landed on ukrainian territory. ukrainian officials are accusing russia of what they're calling an armed invasion. >> president putin invaded crime yarks and the world was caught by surprise. for 69 years, since the end of world war ii, there had been no invasion in europe of one nation against another in order to grab territory. >> i want to be clear there is also a way to resolve this crisis that respects the interests of the russian federation. >> president obama basically thought that ukraine was always going to be a core issue for russia, but ukraine was not a core issue for the united states. obama wanted to have a light footprint. so the only thing the united states could do was really impose some sanctions. and even those weren't all that strong. >> i think the administration is in a very difficult situation right now. and even if there is an ambiguous result, putin has
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gotten what he wanted. >> while this is happening, the situation in the middle east, particularly in iraq, is unraveling. >> everyone was stunned. the few thousand militants swept through iraq and syria, sowing fear and war. >> chop off the heads of americans, chop off the heads of french, chop off the heads of whoever you bring. >> isis begins as a partner of al qaeda and eventually breaks off from al qaeda. their mandate is to hold on the land throughout syria and iraq and other areas of the muslim world and to impose their interpretation of strict islamic law. >> republicans argued this terrorist invasion might not have happened if the administration hadn't failed to cut a deal with the iraqi deal to leave some u.s. forces in the country. >> after having to deal with the awkwardness that was in some ways related to the withdrawal from iraq, the obama
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administration adopts a war fighting strategy that slowly, methodically pushes at isis, using special force, using strikes, using drones. it ends up being remarkably effective. >> what supporters and detrdetractor s tend to forget, president obama turned out to be quite a war-like president. he actually fought various kinds of wars in seven muslim countries, and i think that's surprising to some people. >> one of the things that humbles you as president, i'm sure hillary feels the same way as secretary of state, is that all you can do every single day is to figure out a direction. make sure that you are working as hard as you can to put people in place where they can succeed. >> all along, president obama really wanted hillary clinton to carry on his legacy. >> i have to ask you, what's the date of the expiration on this endorsement? >> oh, steve. as you know, steve, i am still secretary of state. so i'm out of politics. >> i think everyone around her knew she was going run, and she
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knew she was going to run. the state department years were sort of her years to do what she needed to do to work up to that moment. but she has the benghazi scandal kind of lingering in the background. >> christopher stevens was the u.s. ambassador to libya. he was killed last night in an attack on our consulate there in the city of benghazi. >> on september 11th, 2012, libya becomes a big problem for president obama and secretary clinton when there is an attack on the u.s. embassy in benghazi. >> over the next five hours, until nearly dawn, u.s. and libyan security personnel inside the consulate battle the militants, building to building. four americans, including the ambassador are killed. >> we will not waver in our comment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. and make no mistake, justice will be done. >> as to secretary clinton, she needs to be asked what she knew
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about the deteriorating circumstances in benghazi. was she inform to have had rise of al qaeda militia? >> it turned into this massive political football, which was used against hillary clinton. >> so i think when you have a united states ambassador personally warning about the situation over there, sending this cable to your office -- >> well, if i could -- 1.43 million cables a year come to the state department. they're all addressed to me. >> the u.s. embassy in benghazi asked for more security, which had been turned down, in part because republicans hadn't granted enough resources in the annual budget. but hillary clinton became the target of republicans. >> did you see personally the cable specifically asking for the reinforcements for the security detail that was going to be evacuating? >> no, sir. >> the republicans know that hillary clinton is hard to stop, and what are you going to say about hillary clinton except that you don't like her in all the many roles she has been in
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serving america. but you've got this one spot on the record which is benghazi. >> the fact is we had four dead americans. it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. ly gre. and it comes with at&t's best deals on all of them. this one looks nice. that's a house favorite... ...and it's served your choice of plans. thank you. there's gotta be a catch. no catch and no trade-in required either. -ooh. - oh. how do you know all of this? i come here a lot. love the service. at at&t, new and existing customers can choose any google pixel, with your choice of plans, and always get our best deal. this is frank. he runs a sustainable camping supply business. he's smiling because fedex is growing it's fleet of electric vehicles. and these, are the camper scouts. earning their eco badge. they're sharing this news to their global scout community. which, unexpectedly, has made frank quite popular.
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what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. there are questions swirling tonight around hillary clinton as she ramps up a potential run for president and they concern a personal email account she used while serving as secretary of state. there are questions swirling
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tonight around hillary clinton as she ramps up a potential run for president, and they concern a personal email account she used while serving as secretary of state. >> oh my god, what a story of unintended consequences. >> last month, the state department turned over about 300 emails to lawmakers investigating the attack in benghazi. then last night, revelations, those emails were from her personal account. >> no u.s. official is supposed to do any business by email on anything except official accounts. >> you say that you have the most transparent administration ever. >> that's true. >> how does this square with that? >> well, the fact that she is going to be putting them forward will allow us to make sure that people have the information they need. >> president obama, he was a little bit annoyed by the fact that she could be so reckless. and of course, he toed the party line and was very supportive of her publicly, but i think privately, it kind of annoyed him that his legacy was on the line. >> you do not need a law degree to have an understanding of how
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troubling this is. >> it fed into this idea that the clintons are secretive, and they're secretive because they're hiding bad stuff. >> looking back, it would have been better if i had simply used a second email account and carried a second phone. but at the time, this didn't seem like an issue. >> that was the ng line. >> i am running for president of the united states. >> i think there was also no real message that hillary clinton had. >> i know how hard this job is. i was in the situation room on the day we got bin laden. >> what it really seemed to be was i've earned this. i did my time. this is historic. we should put a woman in the white house, and i'm incredibly qualified. >> and isn't it true you'd been thinking about getting political credit for months on this? >> no. we were trying to -- >> madam secretary -- >> congressman, let me please, if i could. >> all right. >> benghazi was an issue republicans would not let go.
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you had the senate hearings in 2013, you had big house hearings in 2015, and hillary clinton spending hour after hour sitting there fielding the questions that she had been asked before. the fact is we know what happened in benghazi and what went wrong, but that is an explanation that some republicans continue to be unwilling to accept. >> who else was at your home? were you alone? >> i was alone, yes. >> the whole night? >> well, yes, the whole night. [ laughter ] >> i don't know why that's funny. did you have any in-person briefings? >> i'm sorry. no note of levity at 7:15. >> when she testifies, she wins a lot of praise because she goes on for hours, and then with the skill of a politician uses her facial expressions to let the know what she thinks of the interrogators. >> i am proud to announce my candidacy for president of the united states of america. >> bernie sanders you see an older gentleman who looks like
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the science professor in a college. but it's not about the age. it's about the message. >> our country belongs to all of us, and not the billionaire class. >> i watched 100 bernie sanders speeches in 2015 and 2016, and they were never any different. they were always very long. they were always like an old man yelling at you for an hour. >> so what we have got to do together is to create an economy that works s for working famili, not just billionaires. >> and then you started to see it. you started to see thousands of kids showing up. they were screw both parties. they're all corrupt, and all i know is i'm still living in my parents' garage five years after college and have i $250,000 of student loan debt. and if i can find a job, it's a crappy job. where is my voice? >> let's start with politics. a new poll says in iowa it's 48-45. you were once way ahead. >> oh, john, you know these polls, they go up, they go down. i stay pretty focused. >> tonight matters in this
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presidential race because if hillary clinton doesn't win, bernie sanders becomes a viable alternative. he could go on to win new hampshire. and then suddenly, there he is. >> i remember talking to some clinton staffers. and you could almost feel and hear the trauma of 2008 bubbles up to the surface. >> hillary clinton leads bernie sanders by five state delegate equivalents. the iowa democratic party says the results are the closest in the history of the democratic caucus. >> she wins by the slimmest of margins. >> so as i stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa! >> her campaign is feeling a little bit let down by it. they feel like they should have won by a lot more. so they're flying to new hampshire and basically saying it feels good, but it really doesn't. >> nine months ago, we had no name recognition, and we were taking on the most powerful
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political organization in the united states of america. >> and bernie sanders essentially feeling like he has won and has that energy going into new hampshire. >> secretary clinton does represent the establishment. i remember i hope ordinary americans. and by the way, who are not all that enamored with the establishment. >> his strengths were perfectly matched to her weaknesses, fairly or not. a lot of people thought she was penny. a lot of people thought she was liar. >> i think it's time to end the very artful smear that you and your campaign have been carrying out in recent weeks. and let's talk -- let's talk about the issues. >> all of that was there and he had to be like not her. >> and on the democratic side, hillary clinton locks in and wins in seven states. bernie sanders picked up four win. >> it was not a coronation. she got a fight, and she got a fight from someone who was tapping into something really important in the democratic party. that was a warning sign for what was to come in the fall.
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for more softness, more freshness. yep bounce. it's the sheet. get more of the look you want with bounce. it's the sheet. ♪ good evening from new york. we join you with this breaking news. justice antonin scalia, the supreme court's most influential conservative, has died. when antonin scalia, good evening from new york.
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we join you with this breaking news. justice antonin scalia, the voter's most influential conservative, has died. >> when antonin scalia, perhaps the most conservative member of the court suddenly dies in his sleep, it's march of 2016. barack obama is going to be president until january 2017, and he nominates merrick garland, who is a federal circuit court judge to replace scalia. >> i simply ask republicans in the senate to give him a fair hearing. if you don't, it will indicate a process for nominating and confirming judges that is beyond repair. >> now if the gop doesn't give garland a hearing, it will be the first time since such proceedings became the norm 60 years ago that a nominee has been denied a hearing. >> mitch mcconnell, he is going to do something that no senate majority leader has ever done, deny a sitting president a vote on his supreme court nominee. >> the american people may well elect a president who decides to nominate judge garland.
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the next president may also nominate somebody very different. >> mitch mcconnell thought there was some chance the republicans would win the presidency, and therefore he wanted to not have president obama's nominee confirmed. he understood the political utility of holding that seat open. >> and as we know, most republicans refuse to meet with gore land. they want a nominee next year, chosen by whoever wins the white house this fall. >> what mitch mcconnell pulled off was a matter in my mind of theft and well beyond the bounds of american politics, no matter how gritty and even dirty they can get. >> the former secretary of state won in new jersey, new mexico, south dakota, and as we said just a short time ago, the big prize, california was called for clinton. meantime, bernie sanders took montana and north dakota. >> and with that big win now in california, hillary clinton has her best argument for persuading bernie sanders to cononcede. >> thanks to you, we've reached a milestone. >> i want to congratulate
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hillary clinton on making history. >> on the sidelines no more, president obama offering a full-throated endorsement tonight of hillary clinton. >> in fact, i don't think there has ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. >> sanders didn't directly address plans to suspend his campaign, but did signal he is ready to unite democrats against the presumptive nominee. >> and i will work as hard as i can to make sure that donald trump does not become president of the united states. >> by that point, i'd seen bernie undergo the transformation from having been kind of like a cranky quick exk quixotic socialist. the crucible had changed him. he'd seen 20,000, 30,000 people show up at his events and he is i'm leading a movement. >> are you sad that you won't be the nominee? >> i'm pretty good in arithmetic. what i know is hillary clinton has more pledge delegates that i do, and she has a lot more super delegates that i do. but what i also know is we're
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bringing 1900 delegates in to the convention that we have received 13 million votes. >> he's not getting out of the race. he is forcing hillary clinton to continue to look over her left shoulder, pay attention to bernie sanders, and not pivot to the general election. >> although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of highly sensitive classified information. >> on the day that president obama had started campaigning for her, you had james comey, the fbi director come out and say they were dropping charges on hillary's emails. >> the announcement lifts a dark legal cloud hanging over the clinton campaign but may still leave her under a political one. >> it was quite an extraordinary thing. generally speak, if fbi
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investigates and either charges were brought or not brought. here is james comey, the fbi director taking a pot himself saying no, she didn't break the law. no, we're not going the prosecute her, but she did something wrong. and i think she was damaged by that. >> well, this convention is beginning with a developing scandal and emails are at the center of it. >> i remember being on the convention floor, and i saw on my phone the wikileaks dump. >> that dump of about 20,000 emails revealed that debbie wasserman schultz had called the sanders campaign a mess, had criticized him, and worse, some of her aides had actually discussed ways to blunt his momentum. . >> it wreaked havoc on the dnc but then also the clinton campaign because you had content in these emails that proved the sanders voters right, that the party just wanted hillary clinton. >> as a democrat, i'm pissed off because we had everything going for us. and then this, you know, turd in
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the fishbowl, the party has got to get this behind them as soon as possible. >> i understand that many people here in this convention hall and around the country are disappointed about the final results of the nominating process. i think it's fair to say that no one is more disappointed than i am. >> the wounds were just starting to heal among many of the diehard sanders supporters were ripped open. >> hillary clinton must become the next president of the united states. >> even though bernie sanders ultimately said what he needed to say and played the good soldier, i can't tell you how many sanders supporters i spoke to the day hillary clinton was becoming the official nominee, who said, "i don't care if donald trump gets elected. she is not going to get my
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vote". >> thank you all very much. communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. lowe's knows laundry isn't one size fits all. that's why we carry the whirlpool 2-in-1 with removable agitator. so you can spend less time doing laundry, and more time doing you. and now you can save on select major appliances.
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before you again tonight to tell you i am more optimistic about the future of america than ever before. >> there's so much that president obama did that gives him great pride. >> after the worst recession in 80 years, we fought our way back. we brought more of our troops home to their families. and we delivered justice to osama bin laden. >> the tone he set from the top about how he was the president for all of america, even though who disagreed with him, and being able to show up on the world stage and make people in the united states feel proud of how they were being represented, i think he's really proud of the work that he did. >> it can be frustrating, this business of democracy. trust me, i know. hillary knows too. when the other side refuses to compromise, people are hurt by the inaction. but i promise you when we keep
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at it, when we change enough minds, then progress does happen. >> i think there are a lot of folks who saw that barack obama was going to be the beginning of an era. we had this black president who inspired so many voters to come out to the polls, and yet his credibility was constantly questioned. his ability to live within that very complicated space was impressive, and i don't know that democrats have figured out how to do it since then. >> i see americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together. [ cheers and applause ] that's the america i know. and there is only one candidate in this race who believes in that future, has devoted her life to that future. a leader with real plans to break down barriers and blast through glass ceilings and widen
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the circle of opportunity to every single american. the next president of the united states, hillary clinton. [ cheers and applause ] >> this was the bar. you have to think that barack obama just raised it for hillary clinton. >> it's obviously the speech of her life, and she has a tough act to follow. all of that is true. the thing i'm going to be looking for is the humility. how does she tackle the trust issue? she won't solve it for one speech, but she's going to start the conversation with voters tonight. i'm curious to see how she does it. >> on this historic evening, hillary clinton hopes for a second chance to make a first impression on american voters. almost 100 years after the first american woman cast a vote, she has just over 100 days to fight her way to the white house. >> tonight we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union. the first time that a major
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party has nominated a woman for president. [ cheers and applause ] >> if barack obama hadn't broken the glass ceiling for men of color, hillary would be breaking a glass ceiling for women. >> the truth is through all these years of public service, the service part has always come easier to me than the public part. i get it that some people just don't know what to make of me. >> you can't take away how difficult it is to be the first anything, be the first woman running, and also she has a lot of scandals over her head. not just the emails but just years and years of clinton fatigue. but, man, donald trump brings a whole lot of baggage, right? and could america really make this leap?
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>> i accept your nomination for president of the united states! >> our country is stronger than it was when we started. and through every victory and every setback, i've insisted that change is never easy. we've still got more work to do. and that work involves a big choice this november. this is a more fundamental choice about who we are as a people and whether we stay true to this great american experiment in self-government. ♪
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