tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 23, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> good evening. tomorrow, the man who many expected to give the former president's toughest primary challenge of 2024 makes it official. florida's governor, ron desantis, getting into the race, taking on his fellow floridian, launching the campaign in a streaming event with elon musk on twitter. his opponent's former favorite megaphone. which he used in 2016, of course, to pummel the rest of the republican field, including former florida senator, marco rubio, and floor -- jeb bush, who you turn first into a verbal punching bag, then a campaign punchline, and finally, a political footnote. in a moment randi kaye looks ahead to whether governor desantis will do any better against those kind of tactics.
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first, the kind of political waters he is about to jump into. in one way, they may appear promising for a republican candidate. the current president's job approval, now stands at 40%. a new cnn polling out late today. and with the debt ceiling crisis coming to a head, that same poll shows just 34% approve of the way president biden is handling the economy. as for his primary opponents, governor desantis enters a large and likely growing field. he will be joining six others. the former president included, with at least five more known to be waiting around, including former vice president pence and new hampshire governor, chris sununu, former governor -- glenn youngkin. he's the kind of large field that some experts say will favor the former president. we did learn today that his new york criminal trial will begin next spring in the middle of the primary, but of course, how that may impact the race is impossible to predict. there is also new reporting tonight from the wall street journal, which we will get to shortly, that special counsel jack smith is wrapping up the mar-a-lago documents case, meaning a decision on
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indictments could come soon. couple that with the january six criminal investigation, e. jean carroll's civil lawsuit, and her motion this week for additional damages against the former president. the georgia election probe and more. -- a lot that will change between tomorrow evening, when governor desantis jumps into the race, and the nomination is decided. we begin tonight with the desantis announcement, as cnn's steve contorno in miami. do we know how this is going to work? he's announcing on twitter and conversation with elon musk. >> yeah, anderson, this will be essentially a virtual stage where he will announce that he's running for president alongside elon musk. musk today told the wall street journal that this will be a q&a and an unscripted event for at least part of it. and it will be moderated by david sachs, who is another wealthy tech entrepreneur, also happens to be a political donor to ron desantis in the past. this is an opportunity for desantis to get an audience with a platform that has increasingly been embraced by republicans and conservatives under elon musk. of course, it's also a platform,
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as you mentioned, -- that donald trump was famously kicked off of. elon musk has since invited him back but the former president, has not tweeted yet, anderson. >> i assume announcing his ways designed to set himself apart, send a message about what his campaign will be like. >> that is right, anderson. desantis is planning an unconventional campaign that is going to surprise and leave people unexpected at every turn. this is something the people close to the planning have emphasized to me and it's what they're laying out for the coming weeks, as soon as he gets into this race. as someone who has covered desantis for the past five years in florida, it's sometimes like drinking from a fire hose down there. the media, democrats, even some republicans can hardly keep up with his schedule, the speed at which he's announcing new initiatives, and thrusting florida into the spotlight, weighing in on new controversies, and they intend to take that playbook to the presidential race and really unleash him on the campaign trail in a way that they say has never been seen before.
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>> is it clear what his strategy regarding the former president is going to be, in terms of how much he takes a man directly? >> well, privately, he's telling donors and operatives that he believes that as a former president, donald trump only gets one term. he will be a lame duck the moment he gets in and we need someone who can be in the office for eight years to get the job done. all the things that the conservative agenda is looking for. he's also said, trump would be a drag on the ticket, that he would hurt the candidates up and down the ballots, and he would also struggle in many of the battleground states that he failed in in 2020. but those conversations are being had, in part, because donors and operatives are worried that desantis is not ready and isn't clear-eyed for the challenge of taking on trump. when i spoke to people close to his campaign, they say that they believe that they are being underestimated at this point and they are confident that this race will not begin
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until he enters this week. >> -- appreciate, it thank you. joining us, cnn's senior political commentator and former illinois republican congressman, adam kinzinger, who served with desantis in the house. also cnn political analyst and axios managing editor, -- congressman, is it smart for desantis to announce this way in his conversation on twitter with elon musk? >> it is unique, but you know what was interesting? i just learned in that report that david sachs is going to be the one moderating it. he's anti-ukraine. i mean, i've seen a lot of his comments where it's almost sympathetic to russia. you know, the ukrainians have provoked russia. and that was one of the early things that really hit desantis, that kind of brought him down from being a competitor with trump, is when he came out and he actually was hedging on the russian war. so, i don't really understand this kind of, who is there to moderate. but certainly, he will probably get a little more attention this way than he would've with just another announcement. we've had other candidates with their announcements that
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haven't gotten a ton of attention because, frankly, donald trump takes the oxygen out of all the rooms. >> i mean, margaret, it could be very compelling. it could also be an awkward train wreck. >> [laughter] how do i top that? anderson, i think ron desantis and elon musk have sort of a shared interest, in that they both have this brand that is anti mainstream media or corporate media, and they both, for different reasons, have something to gain from this event. it's obviously a way to kind of troll donald trump, if you are ron desantis. for musk, he has really sought to drive this kind of not just free speech and anti censorship message, but really kind of an anti-woke or free speech anticensorship for the right kind of a message, and that's
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part of ron desantis's brand also. so, i think they both see it as beneficial to one another. but you are right. while twitter is increasingly becoming a place that republicans want to spend time in, the latest axios harris poll ranking, this is reputational rankings for businesses just out this week, we found that twitter is now ranked number 97 out of 100 reputationally. it's actually an increasingly polarizing brand, since elon musk took over. so, this may work for getting the base's attention, but will it capture a large enough momentum to really help desantis? i don't know. it's a gamble, what we will all be watching and he wanted to get everyone's attention. this is doing it. >> congressman kinzinger, it's been interesting to watch governor desantis's rise and fall in popularity in polls among republicans, all before he's even announced his candidacy. steven contorno is reporting that in his campaign, he kept plans to seize back the narrative, do what he did in florida of sort of barnstorming all over the place, trying to capture attention, never kind of knowing where he's going to pop up. can he actually do that on a national level?
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>> i suppose he could. he's not necessarily the best campaigner. i think that's starting to be obvious, that's something that i had said early on. but if you look back at the history of all these primaries, probably in every democratic race too, but at least in the republican side, whoever's the front runner right now never ends up being the nominee. and this was the problem that ron desantis had, as he was kind of this heir apparent after trump. and he has collapsed. here is, i, think what can benefit him. if the republican base is still ready for somebody that is out to break the system and be angry, own the libs and all that, and donald trump goes down, particularly with these investigations, make enough indictments, more and more indictments could actually really damage donald trump. people will look to ron desantis for that same energy that donald trump had, without the baggage. however, if trump does not collapse, i don't think ron desantis trying to be donald trump light is necessarily a bet, because there's nobody like donald trump and you can make the argument of, well, he
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can only get elected one time, and i could get elected too. that is not going to break people that are committed to donald trump away from donald trump. >> congressman, you served with him for a time. what was he like? >> look, he's hard to get along with one on one. he is pretty awkward in person. >> you're saying he's hard to get along with one-on-one and he's not a good campaigner in groups? i mean, what does that leave, his family? >> right, exactly. well, look. when he goes in front of the press and he kind of owns the press, tries to push back, that's very beneficial in a republican primary. i'm just saying, my experience with him, i got along with him just fine. but i never, i was actually surprised when he won governor of florida. he doesn't strike me as somebody that's going to go out and work the rope line. donald trump was not either, but he was able to bring a different energy that ron desantis can't. maybe desantis will surprise everybody. >> margaret, axios is reporting to that virginia governor, glenn youngkin, is seriously reconsidering ending the presidential race. i thought he had ruled that
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out. >> it was one of those soft rule outs where he wasn't going to be running in 2023 and he wasn't currently in iowa at the moment that he said that, but i do think it was sort of his calculation earlier in the spring that it didn't make a lot of sense, that trump seemed, you know, impossible to catch. now there are a couple things. one is that desantis does not necessarily present the same dominant number two choice that people thought he might in the beginning. the other is that trump could really be compromised by late fall or by early next spring, by all of the legal action. you mentioned the timing of the trial date in this case out of new york, so i think what you are seeing is both ron desantis and glenn youngkin kind of lining up their own different timetables for waiting in the wings, if opportunity strikes. they are going to be months apart. i just want to also say this. while desantis, governor desantis is looking at twitter to make a news splash, he really is also continuing to
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rely on other media platforms. the religious broadcasters, the wall street journal, and fox. twitter is going to be what drives the news conversation, but he's going to be on a lot of other news platforms. conservative friendly ones, but other news platforms other than twitter. >> he was doing an interview i think with trey doughty on twitter right after. margaret taylor, thank you so much. and kinzinger as well, really appreciate it. -- former president tends to turn up the heat on governor desantis. tomorrow, not exactly surprising, given his tone toward the governor already, he's been on the offensive now for a couple weeks. it's easy to see why he might expect him to work. or in this case, work again. let's take a look from our randi kaye. >> the poll just came out and i am tied with jeb bush. and i said, oh, that's too bad. how can i be tied with these guy? he's terrible, he's terrible. >> that was donald trump in 2015. this was donald trump more recently. >> the problem with ron desanctimonious is that he needs a personality transplant and those are not yet available. >> familiar tactics, but two
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very different opponents. >> jeb bush and ron desantis are light years apart from each other. even though they had the same job. >> that same job now means donald trump would have to dismiss yet another florida governor, if he wants to make it back to the white house. but what worked on jeb bush-- >> jeb bush is a low energy person. >> very, very low energy. so low energy that every time you watch him, you fall asleep. jeb is a nice person. he's very low energy. i am not used to that kind of a person. >> we know that low energy jab is something that really stuck with republican primary voters. >> may or may not work on ron desantis. >> rhino ron desanctimonious, i'm leading desanctimonious by a lot. >> does anyone hear about desantis, desanctimonious? >> once donald trump had jeb bush in his sights, you could see just the slow death march of the campaign. please clap.
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ron desantis has that attitude that's very, very trumpian. he's not going to not just back down from a fight, he picks fights. >> desantis is 44 and still governing. while bush was 62 when he ran against trump and had been out of office for eight years. >> and bush was the more traditional candidate. part of a political dynasty. desantis is pitching himself as a fresh face and leader on the front lines of the culture wars. desantis is also still riding high from a 19-point gubernatorial victory here in florida. >> so far, he sees desantis as more challenging than he did bush. trump is laser focused on desantis, because he knows how desantis has a lot of name recognition, he's been able to raise big money, he has some endorsements, had major policy accomplishments. >> florida political analyst, susan mcmanus, says that this time around, trump does have the advantage of a new angle. taking credit for desantis's rise. >> every single day, trump reminds whatever audience he's speaking to that he was
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responsible for desantis's election to governor. >> welcome to florida, mr. president. >> it's one of the skills that donald trump has, is that he's able to find a candidate's weakness, he's able to exploit it really well. >> ron's foreign trip was a total bomb. >> exploiting desantis's weaknesses may be tougher. he doesn't have the family legacy bush had, nor does he come from money. desantis grew up middle class in a suburb of tampa bay. his father installed tv equipment for nielsen and his mother was a nurse. in the end, republican strategist, doug high, says desantis will need to take on trump directly. >> ron desantis has really positioned himself to be the air apparent to donald trump. the challenge for desantis is trump is not ready to leave the stage and until that happens, you are not going to beat donald trump by going around him. you've got to confront donald trump head on. >> make america great again. >> as gop strategist, doug hyde,
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put it to me during our interview, anderson, he said that ron desantis has to be the luke skywalker to donald trump's darth vader. he has to take the fight to him directly and go at him directly. can't dance around what trump did or did not do. and doug hyde said that that's the mistake that jeb bush made in 2016. he did not go after donald trump directly enough. of course, anderson, there's that famous line from the 2016 campaign when jeb bush said to donald trump, you cannot insult your way to the white house. but in a sense, that's what he did, and ron desantis is trying to make sure that donald trump does not have the opportunity to do that again. anderson? >> randy, appreciated, thank you. coming up next, one of the wall street journal correspondence behind the report we mentioned at the top that special counsel jack smith is wrapping up his probe into whether the former president mishandled classified documents for obstructing investigators. later, my conversation with mass shooting survivor, whose stories inspired his doctors and i think it will certainly be the same for you. ough a divorce.
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more now on the story let at the top of the broadcast. would've here is to be a monster in the mar-a-lago documents probe. the wall street journal first reporting tonight that special counsel jack smith is wrapping it up. cnn has matched the reporting -- who shares a byline in the story joins us. can you walk us through your reporting on the special counsel's timetable, specifically, what if anything remains to be done in the classified documents investigation? >> all right, thanks for having me. so what we know is that a few weeks ago, they had brought in a ton of people back to go before the grand jury, press them on various questions they had, and gave a very tight timeframe for people to come in. and, it seems like all those
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request have pretty much wrapped up at this point, and there doesn't seem to be that many outstanding requests. so what we understand is they are essentially, they have everything that they're going to get in this investigation on the table right now. and they're moving pretty fast to make a decision here, and we expect to see an ultimate decision on whether to bring charges in the coming weeks and months. >> and, what have you learned about this flurry of activity of the past several years? >> so, we heard that there was a lot of activity. people coming in, people described the courthouse to us as grand central say station, with so many people coming in, and trying to traffic cop everybody in and get them in for the 10:15 minutes, just oppress them on very specific questions about former presidents intent, when he found out about the subpoena, when he turned over what documents to turn over and things like that. so, it seems like they're moving forward to determine
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whether or not they have a case here, and it seems like they think they might. >> and, how does the progress on the classified documents case compared to the separate special counsel inquiry into efforts by the former presidents and his allies to overturn before the election. >> right, the special counsel is moving forward on both of these investigation. on the mar-a-lago site, it seems very much more pointing in the direction of, let's see if there is a case right now. and on the january 6th side, a lot of the questioning still seem to be pretty open ended, and people have described it more like a civil deposition, we are asking very broad questions. and that doesn't speak as much to an imminent case, potentially yet. >> aruna viswanatha i really appreciate, thank you! >> thank you! >> joining us now, cnn's senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elie honig. if the special counsel is indeed on the verge of wrapping the investigation, will be the next ages? >> so it's a two stage process, anderson. first of all when jack smith believes he's ready to make a recommendation he will have to make a thumbs up or thumbs down recommendation on both of those
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cases that were mentioned by the way. the january six case and mar-a-lago. now, it then goes to step two, to the attorney general, who can overrule the special counsel. however, two important things. first, the regulations say the attorney general has to give great weight to the special counsel's recommendation. so, the a. g. can only overrule him if he feels there is a real error there. and second, if that happens, the regulations say that has to get reported to congress, so we will know. yes >> and what about the timeline on this? if they do decide to -- idict this é >> it so interesting, so there's no specific deadline by which doj must indict. however, it is a long-standing policy and practice of doj, that you try to avoid doing things that are going to land close in time to an election. now, if we sort of do the math here. even if they indict soon, even if there's an indictment of summer, realistically are not going to get to a trial for a year or so, which puts us in the summer of 2024, which will be a ) right in the heat of an election, and b ) right after
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the state trial, which we just found out today is scheduled for march 25th. so we could be in a really unprecedented scenario here. >> but they wouldn't necessarily wait to move forward on both cases? >> right, so there's an interesting strategic for jack smith. does he make his recommendation on both of those cases, january 6th at mar-a-lago at the same time. or does he do each one when it's ready, the normal prosecutorial practices you take them as they come. and it sounds like from the reporting there, that they're ahead of the game on the mar-a-lago case and sort of lacking a little bit behind on the january six. case >> based on what we know, how likely do you think it is the doj's gonna seek to charge the former president in the classified documents case. >> in the classified documents case is much more likely to they have had qatar and less gray areas of intense and first amendment, and political speech, they will be dealing on january 6th. to me it is about a coin flip, and whether i like every prediction but for me it feels
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like a 50/50 coin flip on mar-a-lago, and something less than that on january 6th. >> elie honig, appreciate it. >> just ahead new details on the driver who landed and barriers near the white house last night. what he told investigators after his arrest, including his praise for hitler. plus, it has been 16 years since three-year-old madeleine mccain went missing, and now the search for her has been renewed, we have the latest on the case coming up. the case coming up. hi, i'm tony hawk, and like many of you, i take a statin to reduce cholesterol, but statins can also deplete coq10 levels. that's why my doctor recommended qunol coq10. qunol has the number one cardiologist recommended form of coq10. qunol. the brand i trust. hi, i'm ron reagan, an unabashed atheist, and i'm alarmed, as you may be, by the intrusions of religion into our secular government. that's why i'm asking you to join the freedom from religion foundation,
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details on the man accused of crashing a u-haul truck into a security barrier near the white house. according to court documents unsealed today, the 19-year-old praised hitler after his arrest, and said he aimed to quote, kill the president. from secret service, he slammed the truck into the barriers just before 10 p.m. last night. he had several items in the truck, including a nazi enroll of duck tape. he's obviously in custody his initial court appearance is expected on wednesday. joining me right now cnn chief of law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller. he was a former and ip of intelligence and counterterrorism. so, what is the latest you know the investigation? >> well, his interview with secret service is starting to fill out some of our questions about motive. he said his goal was to get into the white house, seize power, and be put in charge of the nation. he said he would kill the president, if that's what i have to do, or hurt anyone that would stand in my way. he told investigators last night, from the secret service threat unit, that he had been planning this for six months.
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>> do we know why? he's clearly got some issues. >> he does. and the why doesn't really illuminated that much. he said, all of this was going to be in his green book, and that by doing this, by attacking the white house, even if he didn't get outside, that would bring attention to his green book, where he. >> what's his green book,? >> this was a place where, he says, and we haven't seen it yet, where he puts all of his thoughts and ideas. and then there was the nazi flag piece, which he said that he admires the nazis because of their authoritarian nature, their one world order, and that he looks up to their leaders, including hitler, because he was a strong leader. so, we have a guy who had a plan, but not the wherewithal to carry it out. and certainly someone who's got some mental issues that are probably going to become a defense in this case. >> and so when something like
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this happens, obviously there's security stuff, the white house doesn't want people to know about. but generally, what goes on at the white house? i mean this is far away from where the president actually is. >> i mean this is threat alert, threat condition. the secret service uniformed division, the secret service, the fbi, joint terrorism a remote mobile investigator or a bomb robot, that was actually used to open the back of the truck. what they were looking at, they evacuated the hay out of his hotel. what they were looking at, and i mean we know this, we know this from oklahoma city, we know this in the world trade center bombing, was a 26 foot u-haul truck that they assumed contained something very bad, and that they needed to get inside and mitigate right away, only to find that it was largely empty >> john miller, appreciate it, thanks! now exclusive cnn report. u. s. central command says they're investigating an american drone strike in syria, that may result in a civilian being killed. central command tweeted about the strike afterwards, but now there are questions being raised about what was tweeted, and why.
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cnn pentagon correspondent oren liebermann joins us now to tell us. so, what do we know about the target of the strike, and what why centcom sent out this tweet? >> so, the strike was carried out on may 3rd in northwest syria, targeting a senior al-qaeda leader. centcom promised there would be more information when details of the operation itself were sort of confirmed, then became available. but within hours of the strike happening, multiple defense officials told cnn that general eric corolla, the head of central's command, ordered the tweet to be put out, saying that is senior al-qaeda leader have been targeted. that is despite high confidence when the strike itself was taken, that they knew who and where they were targeting. officials knew it would still take a few days to be able to confirm who was killed in the strike, and that's at least partially because there are no u. s. troops in northwest syria, it specially after the devastating earthquake in that part of the country. and yet, this tweet still went out, and here we are nearly three weeks later, and centcom hasn't put out any more
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information about who was the target, or who was killed in the strike. now, cnn has spoken to the family members of the casualty, who say he was a 56-year-old farmer who lived in northwest syria with ten kids, and had no affiliation with al-qaeda, anderson. >> so, the tweet didn't say they had killed and al-qaeda leader, it just said they had targeted one, and that there would be more information, and they just never followed up. and now, local civilians are saying that a civilian was killed. >> correct. so now there is an assessment on the part of central command, what's known as a c cart, a civilian casualty credibility assessment report, which tries to figure out if a civilian was killed. if it determines that one was killed, that may, depending on the situation in the circumstances, lead to a more formal 56 investigation. and that is a more deeper look at what went wrong here, and what was the entire process here. part of the issue here, anderson, is the timeline here. strike again was on may 3rd, central command officials and other officials tell us that
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may 8th, so five days later, the washington post gives information to central command, that suggests that this may have been a civilian casualty killed. and it's still another week before this assessment is launched, and we haven't gotten to a formal investigation yet. so there's a question here, of why has this taken so long? especially as some officials tell us the fact that it took so long to try to confirm who was killed here in and of itself was a red flag. >> so, obviously look, this is not the first time something like this happen. there was the kabul strike in 2021 that killed ten civilians during the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan. has the pentagon commented? >> you're exactly right, anderson. that is very analogous, in the closing days of the withdrawal from afghanistan, a u. s. drone strike killed ten civilians, including seven children. the numbers of course are very different here. we're talking about one person killed in northwestern syria. but again, there we saw the military initially defending the strike, saying it was a strike against an isis-k target. and they still buy that for weeks, until the media,
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including cnn, reported that this was wasn't any affiliation to isis-k the, target of the strike here. yet the pentagon says they still have confidence in the protocols and processes set up to protect civilians in the wake of that strike. here is brigadier general patrick ryder from earlier today. >> so, in terms of centcom strike, as you know, they conducted that strike on the 3rd of may. they are investigating the allegations of civilian casualties. so, you know, i think our record speaks for itself in terms of how seriously we take, these, very few countries around the world do that. the secretary has complete confidence that we will continue to abide by the parties that we put in place. >> so the question, now how long will this assessment take? does it lead to an investigation? and anderson, i would point and will there be calls for accountability? >> oren liebermann, appreciate it, thank you. quick programming note tonight, on cnn prime time, progressives are warning president biden not budging negotiations over the debt ceiling.
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congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez joins 16 years since a three year old madeleine mccain vanished well in the travel to portugal. now, authorities have renew their search based on a recent hip, with details next. hip, with details next. how to grow delicious herbs: step one: use miracle-gro potting mix. that's it. miracle-gro. all you need to know to grow. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah.
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when she went missing, may 3rd, 16 years and. she disappeared while the family was on a trip in portugal. just a year ago, a suspect was finally named in the case. courtney governor 40s, police are carrying out the new search based on a recent tip. our randi kaye has reported extensively on the twist in the turns of the last 16 years. it's a busy night for her, she's back with the latest on the search efforts. >> [speaking non-english] the measures in portugal are related to the madeleine mccann case. >> reporter: this was the scene in portugal. police investigators searching for clues in the british toddler's disappearance. this latest search, more than 16 years after madeleine mccann vanished, taking place near the dam, about 30 miles from where the british child was last. seen madeleine disappeared in 2007, from the apartment where she and her family were vacationing, in the small fishing village of praia da luz, portugal. madeleine was just days shy of her fourth birthday. according to german prosecutor
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hanz kristen walters, the search is being handled by portuguese borders at the request of german 40s. >> this means that we are investigating there in portugal, on the basis of certain indications. i cannot disclose the background the moment, why we are searching there, and what we hope to find. that is to remain our secret. >> last year, the german prosecutor officially identified christian bruckner as a suspect in madeleine's disappearance. we interviewed the prosecutor in germany, shortly after that, and asked him about bruckner. >> to be clear, the formal suspect in madeleine mccann's case is a convicted rapist, and a well-known pedophile. >> yes. butler has not been charged in the disappearance and has denied wrongdoing. bruckner had a motor home in the search area and a police source in germany told cnn portugal, that pictures of the reservoir here were found on britney's computer. the suspect was also known to have frequented the ocean club, where madeleine's family was staying when she disappeared. authorities say the suspect's phone, also pinged in that area,
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around the time madeleine was last seen. >> does christian bruckner have an alibi for the night that madeleine mccain disappeared? >> we found no alibi, any told us no alibi. just hours after madeleine mccann vanished in 2007, her parents pleaded for her safe return. >> please, if you have madeleine, let her come home to her mommy, daddy, brother and sister! >> we beg you to let madeleine come home. >> on the night in question, kate and jerry mccann had left madeleine and their younger twins sleeping alone in the apartment, while they had dinner nearby with friends. they were on property just yards away, and said they checked on the kids every half hour. madeleine's face was broadcasted around the world. >> please give our little girl back. >> even as tips poured in, investigators zeroed in on kate and jerry mccann. just four months after their daughter disappeared, the
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mechanics were officially named suspects. then, a year later, the portuguese attorney general closed the case, and cleared them. a few years after that, scotland yard announced they would re-examine the case. eventually, that led to german prosecutors identifying christian bruckner as a suspect. >> how sure are you that you have named the right man? >> at the moment, we think we have the right person. >> and anderson, the mccann's still have hope of finding their daughter alive. but when i spoke to that prosecutor in germany last year, he said that he does believe madeleine mccann is dead. he wouldn't go into the details of the evidence, he said they don't have any forensic evidence, but they do have evidence that has shown him that. and as far as why the suspect hasn't been charged, anderson, the law in germany says that you have to have enough evidence to prove to the court that you can have a conviction, you can find a conviction in this case. and they are still gathering that evidence, that's in part why they are out in portugal today, and again tomorrow searching that area, looking
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for more evidence they need to prove to the court that they can get a conviction in order to charge christian bruckner with madeleine mccann's disappearance. >> randi, appreciate it,. up next a man shot multiple times by a mass killer in the mall in allen, texas, and now of the hospital. his faith and strength has inspired his doctors. >> i know that the trauma director at the hospital said that, she saw you with a smile on your face, despite what you were going through. i don't know if you recall that, but she said that actually kind of inspired her, and gave her a lift to be able to deal with all the things she had to deal with. do you remember that, do you remember. you had multiple wounds, didn't you? >> yes, but that was, i think the spirit of god gave me comfort to during that time, anderson. >> for more of our conversation, ahead.
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kevin walker's name. he's a man of strong faith. out of the hospital after two surgeries. he is a long recovery ahead. was looking for a parking spot when it by gunfire. shot the chest, bullet millimeters from his heart. shot once in the right shoulder. eight people he knows was killed, two sisters and greats, go to parents and their three-year-old son. his fear after all he has endured has inspired his doctors. i spoke with him earlier in his first tv interview since being released from the hospital along with his attorney. >> thank you so much for joining me. what you've been through is just extraordinary. i know that you have a long road of recovery and how are you doing right now? >> i am blessed to be speaking with you today anderson. you know, i'm being supported by so many, with an abundance of love. so, i would have to say i'm doing pretty good. at this stage. >> can you tell me what you remember about what happened? i know you are in your vehicle in the parking lot, what did
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you see? >> -- dropped off my girlfriend, by the parking spot. and, i was driving around. and i didn't see the shooter. i felt impacted by something. i could not identify immediately, but as soon as i clutched my chest, and saw blood, i looked up to see where it was coming from. and then i saw the shooter shooting, and i then tried to get down and accelerate past him. >> and, what happened then well >>, what i do remember from there is, exiting the vehicle, ran towards security officer ,
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and from there by the security officers directed me to have a seat. and, my understanding was that he was followed me to the seat, to aid me. and then, i looked back, and the officer was impacted also. >> do you remember police arriving? >> i was in the store, laying down, and the, in the store, thinking that i could hide until the shooter passed me. and then i was like, okay, well i'm not going to be able to, i'm going to bleed out. so i went out to the store, trying to seek help. as soon as i exit at the store, i saw police, and i screamed. screened multiple times, eventually an officer came to my aid, stopped the bleeding. then, another officer i assisted with helping me into the police car. when >> you saw the security guard getting shot, was that when you decided to go into the store, to try to hide?
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>> i saw the security guard, he asked me to go ahead of him to sit down, because i have been running toward him, right. i went ahead of him to sit down, and i looked back for his aid, and he was shot. i didn't physically see him being shot, but i looked back, and i noticed he was down on the ground. and then i got up from that seat, and hid behind a brick column to run from the other bullets that were coming. >> i know the trauma director at the hospital said that she saw you with a smile on your face, despite what you are going through. i don't know if you recall that, but she said that actually kind of inspired her, and gave her a lift to be able to deal with all the things she had to deal with. do you remember that, do you remember? you had multiple wounds, didn't you? >> yes, but you know, i think
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the spirit of god gave me comfort during that time, anderson. a level of poise and comfort during that time, where i knew that the only way i would get out of this was to get a lot of, speak life into those that were there to help me. >> that's an incredible phrase that you use, i've never heard it before. to speak life into those who were there to help you. >> yes. yes, it's just a level of faith, i knew i had to have to receive gods aid. and i was just, i believe that i was going to come out in the end. >> when you woke from surgery in your hospital room, you started singing. i'm not sure if you remember that moment, but if you do, can
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you tell me about it? >> i would have to say i was possessed with the spirit of god, that's what i did. i do recall singing. >> well i'm glad you weren't alone, then in that room, that you had the spear with you. what -- do you want people know about urban, and what happened. when >> you hear irvin tell the story, there's just so much more to it. anderson, i was looking at the car that irvin was in, and when you see the bullet holes that are in that windshield, you really understand the testament that urban is giving you today. >> irvine, is there anything else you want people to know about how you're doing, what you want to see happen in the wake of? this >> what i'd like to see is, those to realize when people come together, and pray for one another, and uplift and encourage. this all starts with my grandparents, and parents, or cousins, my family, my friends my, daughter, praying for me.
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and the power of prayer has positive results. i would like to see us continuously to lift up those that were impacted. the city of allen texas, and that we continue to pray for them and help those that are in need, emotionally, and physically. and i'd like to give, i like to give thanks to the hospital, all of the medical providers that loved on me continuously. i would like to have the violence to stop, but i'll control what i can control. i'm going to exercise the high level of love, so that evil will not win. >> ervin walker, and -- daryl everly pre-should your time. thank you so much! >> thank you. anderson >> thank you for having us, anderson. i >> more news tonight, a remarkable display of nature's power, only from a distance.
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edge as the country's most beautiful walk-in emits ash, hitting several nearby towns since last week. there is some good news, tonight, the country's president says there is less activity now, that's a welcome sign. authorities are still urging residents to stay on alert and to wear masks. the news continues, cnn primetime with abby phillip starts right now. >> anderson, thank you very much. good evening, everyone. tonight, the nation is facing a situation that has never been contemplated in its history before. a former president will sit the trial as a defendant in the middle of his campaign for another term which means that jurors and voters will be deciding his fate at exactly the same time. donald trump, appearing virtually in court today, as a judge sets his trial date for march 25th of next year. in case you're wondering, that is 20 days after super tuesday, six days after flooh
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