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tv   CNN Primetime  CNN  May 24, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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ceremonies tonight in uvalde, texas. the city coming together for two prayer vigils to mark one year since the shooting massacre at robb elementary school massacre. earlier community members released monarch butterflies to mark the day. uvalde is on the migratory route. but tonight a small symbol of renewal. and hope as uvalde and we and the country remember the fourth graders and two teachers killed. one year later, their families are still looking for accountability and answers after it took 77 minutes for law enforcement to confront the gunman and to kill him. remember the victims tonight and think of their families. the news continues. cnn prime time with abby philips starts now. see you tomorrow.
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a very good evening to you. i'm abby phillip. tonight the entire planet is paying tribute to the queen of rock 'n roll, the one and only tina turner gone at the age of 83. a superstar for the ages, and we reflect in a moment on one of the biggest voices and losses in music history. but first, we begin with the developments in the 2024 presidential race, the man viewed as the biggest tlept to donald trump for the republican nomination. he just made it official on trump's old turf, twitter. >> righting this ship requires restoring sanity to our society. truth must be our foundation. and common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue. we need the courage to lead and the strength to win. i'm ron desantis, and i'm running for president to lead our great american comeback.
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>> but, ron desantis's big announcement night went a little south from there. a very rocky start to his formal bid with major glitches plaguing his planned conversation with twitter space's ceo elon musk. an audio forum that had some major technical difficulty, a and the moderator blamed heavy traffic. the florida governor's campaign, they tried to play it off as breaking the internet with so much excitement. but political opponents are already pouncing. trump, he posted this on social media. wow, the desanctis twitter launch is a disaster. his whole campaign will be a disaster. watch. and biden's campaign trolled him on twitter, tweeting a link to the campaign's fundraising page with this message, "this link works." the live launch did finally happen after about a half an hour, and here was desantis' take away on fox news a little bit later. >> we had a huge audience. it did. it was the biggest they'd ever
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had. it did break the twitter space, and so we're really excited with the enthusiasm. >> desantis has written as a republican party figure with his culture wars, his ongoing battles with disney, and by taking on the biden administration directly over migration. but will he be able to stop the rise of donald trump? according to new cnn polling, the governor has his work cut out for him. he is trailing behind donald trump by more than half among republicans and republican leader voters. trump is at 53%. desantis, he is at 26%. and we should note that the survey, it was taken before he announced, and also before senator tim scott announced as well. david chalian will join us in a moment. to our panel, molly ball recently wrote "time's" cover story on desantis. and jamal simmons.
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molly, who could have seen this coming, that twitter, which has been place that has been very glitchy, just for the average user didn't seem to be able to handle. this what do you make of the significance of this failure, as the trump campaign put it, the failure to launch here? >> right. well, you only get one chance to make a first impression, right? and so much of desantis' reputation, particularly among his fans and supporters has been this sort of well oiled machine that he has run down there in florida, right. he has a reputation for having the juggernaut of a sort of ruthless operation in the governor's office. and it's been extremely effective in florida. but when we has to get on the national stage and stumbles right out of the gate, it certainly puts a dent in that competence argument, in the argument he is trying to make against trump, which he is the one who essentially can make the trains run on time and be -- have all of the same policy views, but without the chaos and without the drama. >> and jason, you -- actually,
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several other republican and republican-leaning strategist, a lot of them like this idea, just in general, that perhaps doing something out of the box when you're dealing with someone like trump, that's a good way to kind of differentiate yourself. do you think it matters that it turned out this way? >> no. i think the ultimate goal, and i know jamal can appreciate this as well, you have as a campaign person you have a situation like that happen, your stomach drops, right? in this scenario, i think it accomplished exactly what they set out to do, which is we have been talking about this now for two days. ever since it came out. when you talk about tim scott's announcement, there was a few pieces here and there in the news and inside the beltway folks were paying attention to it. but america was watching this desantis thing. and they were watching it because they wanted to know not only what is desantis going to say and how is this twitter going to work? but also, what is trump going to do on this? is he going to show up on twitter and try and troll
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desantis. so i think this, it does -- it creates some fodder for sure, particularly amongst campaign operatives, because they're going to have fun with it. i do have to give biden credit on it. that was probably the best comeback on it. trump? no. just sit this one out. but biden did have a good comeback on it. but i think what desantis is going to do over the next few days in moving on, he is going to focus where he needs to, just like the other candidates which is how do i build an operation in iowa. >> jamal, i know you're upset you can't take credit for that, but praise for your team. >> not at all. it was the babyface versus teddy riley versus launches. >> that's a -- i get it. i get it. >> somebody out there will get. listen, i think as molly said to start off with, you only have the one chance to make a first impression. now people have seen over the last few weeks this thing has settled in that desantis is not
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really ready for prime time as a presidential candidate. this today is another example that they're not ready for prime time. they've got to learn how to run a national campaign. it's hard to do. everybody who tries to do it, people stumble a lot. barack obama stumbled when he started. he is going to have to, desantis is going to interest to really get up to speed quickly, or else it's going to settle in that he is not ready for this, and that's a very hard hole to get out of. >> i do think it's important to recognize here, when you're a campaign and you're doing a launch, you control almost every aspect of it. i think going on to twitter, that's not the campaign. that's twitter. that's twitter breaking down. i think you can separate the two, and i think at the end of the day, we're all -- both sides are competing for this 10 to 15% of the middle of the road voter. they're not paying to that. the far left and the far right are going to make it fodder and they're going to make jokes about it. but the folks that want to vote and that decide these elections, it's gone, it's done. >> i hear what you're saying, that the glitches are clearly
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not the desantis campaign's fault. but on the substance here, forget about the glitches for a second. the substance of what was happening in this conversation on twitter, it was billed as something that was supposed to be allowing regular people to ask questions. instead, we got dana loesch and christopher rufo, both conservative activist advertists. they were talking about doige coins. very narrowly focused on maybe the 150,000 people who were listening. >> right. think about the opportunity that you have with a campaign launch. think about the pictures that came out of tim scott's launch on monday, right? he was able to communicate a really clear sense of why he is in this campaign, what his message is about, and then you had all these beautiful pictures
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of him surrounded by screaming fans. desantis has basically passed up the opportunity for all of that. so where are the nice pictures out of his launch that can run with the newspaper story tomorrow. i know without you've want to talk about substance where. is the message, the meaty sort of thing that he wants to impart to america, right? he says great american comeback. so what does that mean? what are people going to take away from this? if you're a rank and file republican voter who is legit undecided and really wants to shop around and understand all the candidates and where they're coming from, i think you would be mostly confused, even if you're open to a potential desantis candidacy, and just want to know what he is about. and we're hearing now that he is not going to do a second launch event where he does an in-person launch in his hometown and does all the fanfare. and so it strikes me as a real missed opportunity to just have that conventional event where you really get to sell your message all in one shot. >> abby, this is a very key point. i don't want the lose it. it's the only day you are
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guaranteed to get good press is your launch day. molly is right here. if you blow the launch day, it's a very tough hole to get out of. >> obviously, i disagree. and i don't want the come across -- >> i you get a lot of good press. people feel very nostalgic. >> i don't know the day you get out of a good press day. i think that's a bad press day, but go ahead. >> i'm not a desantis endorser. i haven't done any of that yet. i do feel for the campaign. but i also recognize that we've had a year of his policies in florida where the press has continually talked about it. trump has highlighted some of those and attacked him on some of those, which has even given desantis more press. so i don't think this is -- this isn't a situationy god bless tim scott who i love and i think is a great american and great candidate or a nikki haley, we know about desantis. now he is going to go out and he is going to tell his message what he has done in florida, and he is going to try and sthell tt
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to the other states. i don't know this launch is the only time you can make an appearance is going to be the end of it. >> it's not going to be the only time, but certainly the time that people are going to be paying the most attention to. people stay with us now. cnn's political director david kalycal chalian is joining me n. what is the polling telling you? >> you just noted, abby, where the horse race stands. obviously donald trump is the front-runner at this beginning stage of the republican nomination race. it's going to go through months and months of engagement now. but i think what is interesting to look at here as well is where the race has been. so compare today's snapshot, 53% for trump. desantis 26%, to where this was a little over two months ago in march. it was much closer between desantis and trump. we know what has happened in the interim there, which is donald trump and his allies have been hammering away at ron desantis day after day, seeing him as the
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most significant threat and wanting to get his numbers down before today's launch. and they did so successfully. so now desantis will have to build from an even weaker position than he was initially. in but abby, take a look when we asked republicans, and this i think gets to the unsettled nature of this contest and why there is opportunity here. we asked folks who would you consider supporting beyond just the person you said is your first choice in the poll? and vast majorities of republicans and republican leaners said they're open to both donald trump and ron desantis, 85% said they would consider ron desantis in addition to picking him as a candidate. 84% said that for trump. and smaller majorities said that for nikki haley, 61% or tim scott, 60%. even mike pence has a slim majority of republican and republican leaners who say they are open to supporting him. now flip that, abby, and you'll
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see we asked how about not willing to consider support at all? this is a real trouble sign for some folks who aren't even in the race yet, like chris christie. 60% say they will not consider him for support this cycle. 55% is a they about asa hutchinson and chris sununu. and you see all the way down there, even mike pence, and this is his overall problem, 45% of republicans and leaners say they won't consider him. so pence has sort of a divided republican party in terms of whether they would consider support. >> yeah, that's really fascinating. and so, david, the other part of this is about the money. obviously, that's not everything in the world of politics. but it is significant in this era of the billion dollar campaign. so where do former president trump and ron desantis stack up in the money race? >> abby, we should be clear before we get into these numbers, both of these men are going to have the money to go the distance.
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they are very proven fundraisers. and take a look here. desantis has $30 million in his super pac, never back down. they've only been up and running for a little while here, and they have raised $30 million already. $85 million desantis has stacked away in state political committees that he and his team believe they're going to be able to move over into a presidential campaign. that may be tested legally. donald trump as of march 31st at the end of the first quarter, he had $13.9 million. now remember, that quarter ended with his criminal indictment in manhattan, which by the way, his campaign said at the time was helping him raise money like gang busters in the day of the indictment and the days thereafter. we won't see those figures, though, until the second quarter comes to a close and they have to file by july 15th. but again, when you look at
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these numbers, just know i don't think neither donald trump nor ron desantis are very concerned that they're not going to have the money to go the distance in this campaign. >> yeah. and not to mention that they both have these outside groups, these super pacs, also going to be spending tens of millions of dollars in this campaign. so it's going to be really, really, really expensive. david chalian, thank you very much for breaking all of that down. >> sure. thanks, abby. and ahead for us, tonight the world is remembering a music icon. ♪ what's love got to do, got to do with it ♪ ♪ what's love but a secondhand emotion ♪ ♪ what's love ♪ >> you can call her tina. she rocketed to fame in the 1960s with her ex-husband ike, and then she hit the stratosphere as a solo artist. she is gone now at the age of 83. we will look back at her remarkable life and her lasting legacy, up next. ♪
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♪ big wheel keeps on turning, and the proud mary, rolling, rolling, rolling on a river ♪ ♪ rolling, rolling, rolling on a river ♪ ♪ >> unforgettable voice and an unforgettable performer. we lost a force of nature today. tina turner was 83 years old. her family released a statement confirming that she died following a long illness. now i would be up here all night if i had to list all that she accomplished in her extraordinary life and her half-century career. the moniker queen of rock 'n roll really was backed up by dozens and dozens of hits with more than 180 million albums sold. i'm joined now by diane warren, the hall of fame songwriter who
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cowrote "don't turn around" which turner released in 1986, the b side of "typical male." diane, thank you so much for joining us. you have written songs for so many legends, elton john, barbra streisand, aretha franklin and tina turner. where does she rank in your mind as a performer who you have had the pleasure of having your words sung by? >> i mean, she is the best of the best. what a sad loss for music today. you know, nobody -- she'll never -- there is no one that could ever compare with tina turner there was so much soul and strength in her voice. i wish she had done more of my songs. that song "don't turn around" ultimately started out as a b side with tina and became a hit later on for a group called ace of base. but just the fact that she sang a song of mine was the coolest thing in the world. because there is no one -- she's
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on top of mountain of great singers of all time in popular music. it's a huge, huge loss for music today. the world today. >> yeah. so few singers have the force and the range that tina turner did, just vocally alone. >> oh, yeah. >> here's what she had to say back in 1987 to larry king about the kind of music that she chose to perform. >> do you consider yourself rock 'n roll? >> yes. >> is that your -- that's your id idiom? >> that's my style. i take great songs and turn them into rock 'n roll songs on stage. i don't really actually get rock 'n roll material, because there is not that much good music out there, because my performances and energy on stage, i need that kind of music. so i just transform the music. >> that was in 1997 to larry king. what is it like as a songwriter to hear your words, your melodies performed by tina
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turner in a way that really only she knew how to do? as she just said, she transformed songs. >> yeah, there is no -- like when a singer -- she is like one of those one-name singers. you just say tina, and it's tina turner. when somebody like that sings your song, it lifts the song higher than you ever could have thought it possible. so that she was a gift to so many songwriters and to so many songs. and i was lucky enough that one of them was mine. but there will be nobody, nobody like tina. her energy. you have to think about the fact that she was star when she was younger, and then she came back again in her 40s, you know, which didn't happen a lot. >> yeah. >> you know? >> absolutely. >> and had a even bigger career than she ever had in her life. >> and for her to be a woman and a rock star. >> yes. >> we kind of take that for granted. but not just a woman, a black
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woman and a rock star. >> right. >> is a really extraordinary thing when you think about it. you said in a tweet today that she is a survivor and a bad ass. i would add to that, one of the biggest trailblazers i think we have. >> ever. >> in my lifetime and your lifetime. >> oh, yeah. >> what will you remember about tina? >> i want to say one thing. the fact that, you know, she is a black woman, it wasn't just an r&b. tina transcended all genres. she was rock. she was pop. she created -- she was everything. and that wasn't easy to do, you know. and then the age thing. so she just broke so many barriers. she was an amazing trailblazer on all levels. and just in her personal life what she overcame with the abuse and all the horrible stuff she had the deal with. i think that informed her art, her voice, because you could
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hear the strength, her strength and power in everything she sang. she always sang powerful -- she wasn't like -- she didn't sing a lot of wimpy songs. >> she did not. we only have a couple of seconds, but what was it like, do you remember hearing for the first time her singing the song that you wrote? what was that like? >> i remember, you know, hearing that, and then finding out it wasn't on her album and being really bummed out about it. oh, it's not. that was after "what's love got to do with it" album. so it was her follow-up to that. and i remember sitting in the office with her manager, and he goes, you know, it's not going to be. i almost cried or something. and then it was the b side of a song called "typical male." and you can't keep a good song down. people kept hearing it. and everybody kept reporting look like aaswad had this reggae version and neil diamond and
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eventually became a big hit for ace of base. but it started with tina. and in her musical, that's the big moment. i'm just happy i got a chance to -- i wish i could have done more songs with her because she is just one of the best singers ever of all time. no one will ever campaign to tina turner. >> she is extraordinary. and i sit here with a smile on my face. you want watch tina turner perform, hear her voice without feeling the energy that she always projected. >> oh, yeah. >> in everything that she did. diane warren, thank you so much. >> that's why it's hard. you think someone like that would live forever, right? >> it feels like she should have lived forever, absolutely. thank you so much, diane, for joining us tonight. >> thank you. thank you so much. and up next, a new twist in a political scandal between two top republicans, one who is being investigated for corruption, and another who is accused of being drunk on the job. to build a better future.
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tonight, scandals are engulfing two of the most powerful republicans in texas, and it's culminating in a showdown. on one side is the attorney general, ken paxton, the state's top lawyer, and he is facing possible impeachment over corruption charges. and on the other side is house speaker dade phaelen, who paxton is accused of performing his duties while drunk at the capitol. watch this. >> the author is the objection -- to be -- and the -- members adopt it.
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>> now after that moment, ken paxton called phelan to resign, but he may have had some personal reasons for doing that. the house investigating committee had subpoenaed records from paxton's office regarding a $3.3 million settlement the state paid to settle corruption allegations brought against him by his own former aides. now house investigators to dade, they secured paxton for a list of false statements that he allegedly gave them. >> page 39, false. that's false. page 34, false. do you want me to keep going? >> please. >> i'm joined now by zack despart, politics reporter for tribune. thank you for joining us. can you explain to us, tell us about these allegations that are being made back and forth between these two republicans, and how it escalated where one is being accused of being drunk
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while performing his job. >> sure. it has been a strange 24 hours in texas politics. to take you back to yesterday, really out of the blue attorney general ken paxton put out a statement in which he called house speaker dade phelan, called on him to resign because he alleged that the speaker was drunk while presiding over a late night session of the house a couple of weeks ago. there is some video in which the speaker is slurring his words at a couple of points. the speaker says he was simply tired. we're not entirely sure what's the bottom of that. now it turns out a couple of hours after the attorney general had made that claim, an investigative committee in the houston house announced that it was in fact investigating attorney general paxton, had been investigating him in secret since march. now that committee met again this morning. it heard testimony from four investigators it had hired, three hours of testimony in
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which these investigators laid out what essentially is a pattern of alleged misconduct on behalf of the attorney general to benefit a friend, a real estate developer in austin. so that raises the prospect of we're almost at the end of our legislative session. it ends on monday. clearly the house is taking it seriously. the question now in the capitol is will this committee recommend some sort of punishment against the attorney general, the most severe of which would be impeachment. >> what do you think are the prospects of that for ken paxton? he has been dogged by all kinds of allegations of misconduct for quite some time now, if i'm not mistaken. will this actually lead to potential consequences for him, short of being charged criminally? >> that's a great question. so attorney general paxton has fought ethical issues in scandals pretty much the entire time he has been in office since 2015. that year he was indicted for
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felony securities fraud. he has yet to stand trial for that case, even though it is now eight years old. he has been under fbi investigation that we know of since 2020, related to the same series of allegations related to this friend and real estate developer in austin. voters repeatedly in two elections, including the one just in november, have said that they were willing to tolerate these issues with the attorney general. they re-elected him twice. and so far nothing has come criminally in terms of indictments from the fbi investigation. now today's news is kind of hard to overstate how stunning it is that this committee in the republican-controlled house of representatives now is the most serious political threat the attorney general has faced in a long time. they have the power to impeach him. and of course the senate would have to decide whether to convict him with the house or remove him from office. this is a serious issue. >> it's a serious threat to him coming from within hiss own party.
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zach despart, thank you very much. on the heels of backlash against bud light, now it is target's turn. the company having to remove products from stores after some employees received threats. the controversy, next.
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tonight, growing scrutiny on target after the retail chain announced that it is pulling some products that celebrate pride month. and the reason is that there are concerns over employee safety. the company told "the wall street journal" that over the past decade of selling pride products around the month of june, it has always received some criticism, but it's taken a more aggressive turn this year. quote, people have confronted workers in stores, knocked down pride merchandise displays, and put threatening posts on social media with videos from inside of the stores. target has not specified what products it will be removing, but many right-wing activists have focused their criticism on a transgender friendly swimsuit that online commentators incorrectly believed was being marketed to children. the company now joins a growing list of big brands and companies like walt disney, bud light, and
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north face caught up in these partisan culture wars. and my panel is back with me. you know, target is saying that they're doing this because it's a safety situation. and i think they're sympathetic to that. these are real people and they didn't sign up to work at target to get caught up in the culture wars. but lgbtq activists say this is a critical moment and that the store is backing down. here is a comment from the president and ceo of glaad. she says anti-lgbtq violence and hate should not be winning in america, but it will continue until corporate leaders step up as the heros for their lgbtq employees and consumers and do not cave to fringe activists calling for censorship. what do you say? >> they think she is right. you can't let the haters win this kind of thing. they also represent a minority, a very smaller minority of american public. target has 1900 stores across america. and if you go back and you look at the marketing research, their average user is a 35 to
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44-year-old white suburban mom who makes $80,000 a year, has some college, maybe even even a college four-year degree. 70% of americans support marriage equality. those americans tend to align with democrats, tend to align with more progressive causes. so for them to take this position, i think they don't understand their market. and they're going to pay a cost on the other side because particularly with a lot of voters now, they're looking at companies and their social policies, not just where they stand on what products they have. this is going to be a problem for target on the other side of the ledger as well. >> jason, can i ask you about this as well? i don't think you can separate this from the broader conversation we're having about what culture war really means. we're really talking about human beings here, people who are lgbtq people. they live in this country over the last couple of decades have fought for basic rights. and you have a lot of activists on the right basically saying that the idea here, according to one who tweeted today is to make pride toxic for brands, to make
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cultural acceptance for lgbtq people unacceptable. that where this is headed on the right? >> well, i certainly don't speak for the right on this kind of thing. my view of it is, if we're going to be over the last five ten years as republicans, we've witnessed this effort to cancel some of our view, right? and then pretty successful people losing their jobs, companies going under. i think it's a mistake for us to turn around and try and do the same to the other side, right? and i think what's happening here is that there was with the bud light situation is that that was successful, but i think it was successful in a vacuum because bud light, their target market are folks that are not necessarily aligned with the dylan mulvaney, et cetera. the people going in a target on the marketing side of things, i can't imagine that any of those folks cared what was on display there. and as i understand it, target has had this display for a number of years, and it really was i think just the bathing
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suit aspect of it. and that's i think a different story in a sense. but i do think it was mistake for target to come back like this, because here is what i would do. if i'm on the right and i'm arguing this, which i think this whole thing is ridiculous to begin with. but i would say you're concerned about employee safety here, but what about the stores where people are coming in and shoplifting and grabbing baskets full of clothes and product and leaving, and you're not doing anything about it, but you're concerned about employee safety in this case. i mean, there is a number of things. you're kicking the can down the road for another argument that just continues this story out there, which i think is ridiculous. >> there is this independent analysis done by the research group that shows that right wing demonstrators have increasingly mobilized over the last, you know, year. i don't think we even need a bar graph to know that that's happened. incidentally, i think a ron desantis would claim credit for
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some of this too. you spent some time digging really deep into the kind of origins story of this push against lgbtq individuals which has been really centered around trans people, but is not just about trans people. >> yeah, and i think there is also a larger story about the divorce between the republican party and the business community. a lot of these companies feel like they are caught in the middle, and they would just like to serve their customers and not get involved in politics, but increasingly, they do have to choose sides. there is not a middle ground. it is either you're sort of with them or against them. and the pressure is coming from customers. it's coming from employees. to take sides in some of these important issues that are about for a lot of people basic human rights. and that means that the companies are sort of in this no-win situation where i think from the point of view of the right, to jason's point, there is a feeling like they have been the victims of this culture war coming from the dominant culture, coming from corporations, coming from all
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the institutions outside of government. and so you've seen, you know, politicians like ron desantis, a lot of activists, whether it's on twitter or elsewhere saying they want to go on offense and take on these corporations that have in their view gone woke. and so it leads to the situation where everybody is picking sides, and where companies have become alienated from the sort of traditional party of capital because republicans are the ones saying if you're disney and you want to promote gay rights in your movies or on your campuses, they're going to protest. >> look, these are businesses. they are concerned about their employees and their customers, and if you're disney, you're doing these things because your employees and your customers are in a place of acceptance when it comes to lgbtq people. so it's really a question of whether they can turn back the clock on all of that. molly, jason and jamal, thank you very much for joining us tonight. and the nation is now one week away from a potential
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economic doom scenario. and congress is about to, believe it or not, leave town for the holiday weekend without a deal on the debt ceiling. former treasury secretary larry summers knows how these high stake deals are really done, and he is going to join us next. the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow.
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the nation is now just seven days away from possibly running out of money, something that has never happened in u.s. history. and tonight congress is about to go on vacation, without any semblance of a deal. and the news gets a little bit worse. one of the top three credit rating agencies signaling tonight it could downgrade u.s. debt if there is no deal in place to raise the debt ceiling. that's only amplifying the focus on june 1, that date circled on the map. the date is the date that the treasury department says that they could run out of money. america will no longer be able to pay its bills. and that would mean no social security checks, no paychecks for our troops fighting overseas, and absolute chaos in the world economy.
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we're hearing hearing a lot of this from capitol hill. >> i believe it was a productive phone call. >> what i can say is that the negotiations have been productive. >> this meeting was productive. >> productive. we're hearing a lot of that word, but we have still not seen any of that rhetoric produce a deal, and the reality is there's more talk about what's not on the table than what is on the table in terms of a deal. now, my next guest knows the risks from his time as director of the national economic council and as the u.s. treasury secretary. larry summers, thank you very much for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> now, right now as we sit here there's no deal. both sides they're far apart, and nobody seems to know where the votes are going to be. when you hear the rhetoric, you see everything that's being said, are you concerned? how loud should the alarm bells be ringing right now seven days
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out? >> i'm concerned. i'm not panicked. negotiations tend to close right at the deadline. that's what i still think will happen here. this is a silly charade, and we should be worrying about the nation's big problems not engaged in this kind of political posturing. but my expectation would be that before -- certainly before any debt payment is missed and very likely before any kind of payment to a federal worker or a program beneficiary is delayed, i think this will be worked out in some way. this is an unproductive use of political energy at a time when the nation has huge problems. there's always a risk when you have a negotiation that
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something will go wrong. and if we were to miss a payment that would be catastrophic. but i think the likelihood is that we will be able to work this through, and that is certainly my hope. you know, it's been said that in democracies fear does the work of reason. and unfortunately -- and i wish it weren't so -- fear may need to build a bit before people are able to find their way to some formula that enables us to move forward. so there's no issue here -- >> you say that fear needs to kick in. i have some questions about whether there's enough fear based on what we're hearing on capitol hill. just take a listen to what congressman matt gaetz has been saying this week.
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>> i think my conservative colleagues for the most part support safe growth, and they don't feel like we should negotiate with our hostage. >> we don't feel like we should negotiate with our hostage. on top of that some lawmakers are also saying they don't necessarily think that june 1st is all that real of a deadline. so what would you say to that? >> look, i think the notion of talking about one's colleagues in governing the country as hostages like it was some kind of kidnapping is at the edge of depraved and is really terribly, terribly unfortunate and is a mark of the very troubling polarization in our country. i have to say i really am almost
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disgusted by that kind -- by that kind of -- by that kind of observation. look, no one knows exactly what the day is going to be. secretary yellen has to give warning about the earliest possible day when we will run out of money, but it may be we're going to have money a bit longer under the limit, but that's no reason not to work this out. you can dance around blindfold in traffic and you'll probably survive, but why would anyone want to try this experiment. so we should be working this out as quickly as we can. i think the president and his team are ready to do that. the president is engaged in a -- he's already moved his position in a substantial way by being
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prepared to work out a compromise, and i think those on the other side need to be ready to come to terms if they're not going to be the ones who are responsible for really very serious outcome for our country. >> we have now just a few days now to find out. let's hope we don't get to that deadline, but we will see what happens in the coming days. thank you very much, larry summers, for joining us tonight. >> thank you. and ahead on cnn, what is behind the surge in pasta prices and why it's sparking a crisis, meetings inside the italian government. well, alisyn camerota, she'll take that on next.
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