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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 29, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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people have to keep in mind. >> reporter: absolutely. we learned about that, about four sightings way off the coast just north of where we are. keep in mind experts have said that what we see are these great shark migratory patterns that usually shift to the north for some of the bounty of the feeding grounds. and then they head back south for the winter. so again normal, but it is feeling some concern for folks way off the coast of new jersey and new york. >> that is why i just dip my feet in. thank you, polo. thanks for joining us. cnn new central starts right now. live pictures of the too many of the unknown tomb of the
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unknown soldier as the country marks memorial day. a time to remember those who have fallen in service to the nation. take it or leave it, after leaders strike a deal to raise the debt ceiling. there are lawmakers unhappy on both sides. so do they have the votes. and the wheels are off. terrifying moments at the indy 500 as a tire goes flying toward the crowd. we will show you what it hit. this is cnn news central. they have a deal and now they need to get a the votes. the house is set to vote this week. president biden, kevin mccarthy, they reached the agreement over the weekend. the plan would suspend the debt
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limit for about a year and a half through january 1, 2025. important with that date, it pushes off this debate until after the election. but the road ahead is still quite unclear and could be quite bumpy. party leaders are now waging full-on campaigns to convince their members to back the legislation. if they cannot, the united states could default on its debt on june 5th. that is one week from today. manu raju is on capitol hill. and even before they would get to a full house vote, they have to get through the rules committee and that is not even a sure thing. what is happening. >> reporter: yeah, the first challenge for kevin mccarthy to try to get it through the house. that will happen tomorrow. that committee essentially allows legislation to come to the floor. it can stop legislation dead in its tracks if they don't have the votes to get it out of the committee. but there are outspoken critics of this bipartisan bill, two gop members.
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chip roy, ralph norman, vowing to do whatever they can to stop this bill. if another republican joins with them and all democratics oppose the rules, that could be enough to stop it. expectation is that they will still get the votes to overcome any efforts to derail it in committee and then the challenge will be in the broader house because at the moment, we're seeing opposition build on the far right of the republican conference including some members of the house freedom caucus. people who believe that this deal represents a retreat of the republican position demanding far steeper spending cuts and conservative priorities to try to go after the biden administration. we've seen the outrage build on the right including from congressman bob goode who tweeted no one claiming to be a conservative could justify a yes vote. congressman clive saying hard pass. and the question will be how many of these republicans will vote no and the hope among the
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leadership is that there will be enough democratic votes to offset the republican losses. and yesterday in speaking to of-on a separate network, congressman jeffries, house democratic leader, he indicated that there would be democratic votes but said that there is still information that his members want to hear from the white house. listen. >> i do expect that there will be democratic support once we have the ability to actually be fully briefed by the white house. we have to go through a process consistent with respecting every single member of the house of representatives and their ability to fully understand the resolution that has been reached. >> reporter: that process has been happening behind the scenes. the white house has been holding briefings with house democrats and senate democrats including last night to try to get members on board. the expectation is that there will be enough members, center
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left democrats, who could vote and help push this over the finish line. we'll see if that would happen. that would happen as soon as wednesday. and then over to the senate where they need 60 votes on overcome any filibuster attempt against the monday default deadline. >> all right. let's get over to the white house. arlette saenz, what are you hearing from there this morning about this path ahead? >> reporter: well, the white house recognizes the difficult task ahead as they are trying to garner enough support to get the legislation passed before that june 5th deadline. as manu mentioned, those briefings are expected to continue throughout the day today. also senior staff is having phone calls, one on one phone calls, with some members of congress as well. you heard from president biden yesterday really defending his decision to negotiate with republicans even as some in his own party feel that he has given away too much in this agreement. the president says in his belief that he thinks democrats will
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realize that he didn't give away too much and that in the end this was a deal that needed to be struck in a bipartisan way in order to reach compromise. the white house this morning isn't saying if they do in fact have the votes to get this passed. but they are optimistic about it. take a listen to white house communications director ben labolt speaking to our colleagues earlier today. >> well, look, we'll leave to the speaker to win support from republicans in congress to move this forward. yesterday when he was on television, he said that he expected the majority of republican members in the house to support the legislation. the president brought in all four congressional leaders throughout this process and worked closely with the speaker to make sure that they all felt that they could win support from members of both parties to get a bipartisan vote to get this through, which is always how we've prevented default in the
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past. >> reporter: so really the target for president biden and kevin mccarthy in the coming days will be targeting those middle ground lawmakers. the president has said that he does believe this bill will reach his desk, but it certainly will be a rocky road to get there. >> great to have you guys on to lay this out on where things look this morning. thanks, guys. let's talk about what is actually in the bill. it would raise the debt limit through 2025 which means that this fight would for the have to happen again before or during the 2024 election. it caps nondefense spending in physical year 2024, but allows 1% increase in 2025. and it allocates $6. billion for nondefense programs in 2024. wasn't part of the negotiations but neither social security nor medicare will be affected by this. the deal tightens work requirements for both the s.n.a.p. program and temporary assistance for needy families program. under the law right now,
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childless able bodied adults need to work at least 20 hours a week. the proposed change would increase the age range to 55. so if you are 52 or 53, you don't have to work now, but you will if this bill passes. but it also expands exemptions for homeless and veterans. it finds $30 billion in unused covid funds clawed back. and it pairs back new spending on the irs. congress approved about $80 billion in new funding for the irs last year. the new deal reduces that amount by about $20 billion over ten years. the agreement does not touch the climate or clean energy measures passed under "inflation reduction act." some republicans wanted to appeal a few of those. >> and so russia launched a rare daytime attack on kyiv today, a change from the middle of the night bombardments that russia
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has been launching since the start of the invasion. listen to this. [ bombings ] >> those explosions could be heard as residents were seen rushing for cover in broad daylight. local officials have shared these images on social media of a burning piece of missile fragment that landed in a parking lot. it comes after a weekend of intensifying drone and missile attacks on the city. ukrainian air defenses say that they shot down most of the cruise missiles and drones. officials describe it as one of its largest against the capital to date. let's go there. sam kiley is in eastern ukraine tracking all this for us. what are you hearing about the attacks now? >> reporter: first of all russians claim that they fired overnight missiles and hit all of their targets targeting
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drones and other military targets. ukrainians don't allow us even if we did know to report on what military targets may have been struck. but there is no evidence whatsoever to support willing r the russian claims. but there is evidence of dlib targeting of civilians in kyiv in the daylight hours. unlike the overnight bombardment which was almost entirely seen off by the air defenses in kyiv, this was an attack during daylight. clearly when people are out on the streets, children are coming and going from school, residents forced underground into the metro stations, echos very much of the state of the war a year ago when the city was in grave danger of being overrun by russian troops before they were driven back. these are surface to surface missiles taken down by the air defenses that have been so successful in protecting not just the ukrainian capital but
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the country more widely going back several months when the russians were targeting the energy infrastructure. they seem to have focused or refocused their efforts now to going after kyiv in particular perhaps trying to hit the command and control centers there ahead of what is anticipated to be a ukrainian counterattack here in the south of the country. >> great to see you, sam. thanks. new information just into cnn, we are told that there are no specific individuals known to be trapped in the wreckage of a six story apartment building that partially collapsed in davenport, iowa. but a search and rescue operation is still under way. adrienne broaddus has the latest. what are you learning? >> reporter: just moments ago we received an update and news many had been hoping to hear from the fire chief in davenport, iowa. he said no known individuals are trapped in that facility.
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in all, eight people were rescued and others injured. we know the eighth person was rescued overnight. we learned just moments ago that this rescue team pulled a man from the debris, that man is in the hospital. his condition is unknown. there were a lot of thanks, and in fact that is what led this update, big shoutouts to the first responders, some who showed up to the scene on their day off according to the city's mayor. and the mayor also said at this time nobody has died as a result of this partial apartment building collapse. listen in. >> we're hoping and praying that that is how it will stand. but again, because of the response and because of the concern for life by our first responders to get in the
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building knowing that that building was unsafe to help folks, i can't stress how -- because of that, they saved lives. they saved lives. >> reporter: and we also know that before this collapse, there were numerous complaints made by tenants, it parked multiple inspections by the city and the proper owners were ordered to undergo repairs. and that is what was going on at the time of this collapse. we know the building owners had permits. and as you can imagine just from looking at the pictures, the biggest challenge is the structure, the stability of the structure. it is not safe right now. >> you look at that pinkcture, just extraordinary. a whole line of the building is just missing. an extraordinary image. please keep us updated. coming up for us, a tragedy
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out of pennsylvania. living with rats, a padlocked refrigerator, the conditions several children were found in and what their parents are now charged with. plus today is the unofficial beginning of summer of course and too many beaches an pools across the country may be without lifeguards. the nationwide lifeguard shortage, that is next. and there is also the green mystery in venice, italy that is sparking so much interest concerning questions, what happened to the water in the famed grand canal. cnn news central oig. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodb!
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from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b.
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although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. the subway series is elevating your favorite subs. why mess with the sweet onion teriyaki, chuck? man, this aint messin', it's perfectin'! with marinated chicken and double cheese. sweet and savory... ...kinda like you and me, chuck. bye, peyton. try the refreshed favorites at subway today.
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deaths and they say to improve the safety of the sport. en a annual motorcycle rally in red river, new mexico turned in to a crime scene. two rival gangs started shooting at each other and when it was all over, three people were killed. several others were hurt there. all those involved are now in custody and police say there is no ongoing threat to public safety. search is under way for a gunman who opened fire in a casino and bowlying alley. it wounded three. description of suspect or motive has yet to be released. memorial day weekend is breaking records. tsa screened more than 2.7 million people at airports across the country on friday which was the busiest day yet this year. despite the crowds, the faa appears to be keeping up with the surge. relatively few flight delays and cancellations. pete muntean is at reagan national for us. i almost hesitate to say
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relatively few delays or cancellations because i'll just be jinxing everyone. >> reporter: numbers are actually pretty low for cancellations and delays. only about 50 nationwide today, 490 delays. and the faa says that the problems could mounts throughout the day. ground stops possible at laguardia, newark, houston, san francisco, florida. but so far so good. and the numbers have been relatively low. this was always going to be a huge challenge for air travel this time around. that has been the big story this memorial day weekend because think back to last year when airlines canceled about 2700 flights over the long memorial day weekend, then it really kicked off the sum everymer of and cancellations. 55,000 were canceled from memorial day and labor day. especially important considering the number of people traveling.
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2.7 million screened by the tsa at airports on friday, not only biggest number this year, but the biggest number for air travel since the depths of the pandemic. we're consistently seeing numbers thursday, friday, those numbers have been bigger than this same day back in 2019. so huge rush of people traveling. the other real issue here, not only is it the faa staffing and air traffic control staffing, but also airline staffing. they insist that they have been ready this time around, hiring about 48,000 people since this time last year according to a cnn analysis. the big thing to underscore here, it is not just air, it is also people driving. aaa cont achlaa anticipated 37 n would drive 50 miles or more. so best times to travel are pretty much right now, before 10:00 a.m. worst times, between 10:00 a.m.
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and 3:00 p.m. so we're through the first wave. now this is the second wave when everybody begins coming home all at once. and we've talked about it before, the big advice from aaa, if you can extend your trip over the long weekend, you probably should. if you can leave tuesday or even wednesday, that might be the best given this huge rush for travel right now. >> i love your jokes. you are so funny. just extending vacation. you are so funny. pete muntean tracking it all for us. >> reporter: we're working. >> hardly. hardly working. that is what we do every day though. great to see you, pete. so look, as pete well know, holiday weekend is also a great time to get in the water so long as you are wearing sunscreen, sensible and modest swim wear, a message for pete, and you are properly supervised. the last one is the problem because for the third straight summer, there is a shortage of lifeguards. this has led to some beach and pool closures.
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polo sandoval is at rockaway beach here in new york city. tell us what you are seeing. >> reporter: hey guys. you know, it is another summer, yet another lifeguard shortage as well. municipalities across the country that are trying to figure out how they will boost their lifeguard numbers ahead of what will likely be a very busy summer swimming season. not just at pools but certainly beaches including here where it is a beautiful start to this memorial day. most of the folks in new york city are surfing right now, but just a matter of time before you will see the families arriving. so the big recommendation is for folks to keep track of their loved ones if they are in the water because new york city certainly faces one of those shortages. to try to up those numbers, the city is upping their recruitment efforts including bonuses, also upping the salary for lifeguards in new york from about $16 to now $21 an hour. but the concern is that they cannot keep up with the demand to fill some of those positions.
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and not just here, but throughout the country. so the big recommendation that we heard from the american lifeguard association is for folks to really watch out for one another as there doesn't seem to be any relief in sight in terms of the lifeguard shortage. >> help wanted at the beach. a good job particularly if you are a young person. i highly recommend it. polo, stay safe and wear sunscreen. coming up on cnn news central oig, police discover seven children living in deflodefle dee floorable conditions. path parents are under arrest. and in texas, the state's attorney general just impeached accused of among other things bribery. what is next to ken paxton, that is ahead. bit of an expert in suncare... an spf-icionando if you will. my bottle of choice? neutrogena ultra sheheer. a lightweight blend that p protects 6 layers deep
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these are live pictures of the world war ii memorial in washington, d.c. we've been watching this wreath laying ceremony there at one of the nation's most beautiful and poignant memorials. this of course is memorial day, a time for the nation to remember those fallen -- who have fallen in service to the nation. again, this is the world war ii memorial not far from here arlington national seam ter we
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cemetery, we'll see mb apreside biden and the first lady attend a ceremony. also a critical day on the debt ceiling after the white house and republican leadership reached a deal. now pressure is mounting to convince the rank and file to get behind the legislation. the house expected to vote on the bill wednesday. if it fails janet yellen says the u.s. would default on its debt one week from today. this morning two parents in pennsylvania are facing multiple felonies, their seven children were found living in what police are describing as deplorable living conditions. the refrigerator padlocked and the children living with dozens of rats. brynn gingras has more details. there is a lot here. and the mom is actually defending herself in all of this. >> reporter: yeah, she said that there were garbage disposals with legs if you can believe that. and yes, so much to uncover here. let me tell you how police came to this house. it is in bucks county and
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essentially what we've learned is that police arrived to a call, basically teenagers rummaging through a mobile home in the area, they determined that the teens actually lived next door at a different mobile home. they didn't sound right, they didn't look right, ill fitting clothes. that is when they went inside, found the refrigerator with the padlock, barely any food inside, feces on the ground. just a disgusting scene for the police. they connecting these teens with the parents and came back with services and found information mowe four more kids. seven in all. they didn't have any education and didn't even know their own birthdays. they were taken into state custody. and the parents who are shane williams robertson and crystal
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robertson, posted bond but the kids are now in the care of the state and are getting the nutrition that they need. some have gain some had weight. but just a horrific scene that they uncovered.some had weight. but just a horrific scene that they uncovered. >> horrific scene. thanks for staying on top of that. and this morning political turmoil in texas. the republican-led house there voted to impeach the state's republican attorney general. now by law he is suspended from his job until the senate trial. just minutes after the vote the attorney general ken paxton called it a political motivated sham. remember, this was a republican-led effort. and paxton a third term republican has been accused of a years' long pattern of corruption. ed lavendera is joining us. ed, this is like upheaval in texas. where does it go now? >> reporter: the politics of this, extremely rich. but that vote was decisive on
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saturday afternoon. 121 house representatives to 23 voted to impeach the republican attorney general ken paxton. and now this case moves to the state senate side where the math becomes a little more difficult. there are 31 state senators in texas, 12 are democrats. one of them is the wife of ken paxton. and so they would need nine republicans to vote with those democrats assuming that all the democrats vote to convict ken paxton, for him to be removed from office. but ken paxton is facing 20 articles of impeachment which include a long litany of abuse of power, bribery, among other charges that house representatives are filing against the attorney general. what is interesting is that ken paxton, even though he is one of the most controversial politicians here in the state, he does have the support of
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extreme right wing republicans here in the state and especially he has the support of former president trump who tweeted support for him over the weekend before the vote was cast. and even trump is going after the republican governor here in texas greg abbott saying missing in action, where is the governor of texas on all of this. of course really right now there is not much for abbott to do other than possibly appointing someone to temporarily fill ken paxton's seat as attorney general. but right now we're waiting on when the timing of this trial in t state senate will be. we have not heard from the lieutenant governor who would have to set the timing for all of that. in other news today is the last day of the legislative session. so this is something that will happen here presumably at some point this summer or later this summer. >> just extraordinary. as you said, the numbers in that house vote i think shocked everyone. this was a landslide vote to
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impeach. i get it. the senate is a different place where we'll watch his wife's vote very carefully. but it will be telling to see what the numbers say there. keep us posted, thank you. soukraine says it has downe 11 missiles launched by russia. the unusual daytime attacks sent russians rushing to chishelter including children. and this is just hours after an overnight bombardment on ukraine's capital and followed a weekend of brutal attacks. ukraine says its air defenses have shot down more than 60 of those missiles and drones aimed at the city though one person was killed from falling debris and another person injured in today's attacks. joining me is congressman adam smith, top democrat on the house armed services committee. thank you for coming in. one thing that people have been watching for and waiting for is the long awaited and promised
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counteroffensive from ukraine to begin. now seeing this rare kind of day time aerial attack from russia over kyiv, do you think that the counter counteroffensive should already be under way? >> i don't know already. it is definitely imminent. and ukrainians have also stepped up their attacks in main other areas about and they are desperate to try to disrupt the counter offensive and also ukrainian air defenses have been incredibly successful. so russia is poking and producting with the daytime attack, trying to mix up the attack so that the air defenses are not as successful. but overall it underscores the brutality of what russia is doing to ukraine and the
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necessity of supporting ukraine and being able to take their country back. >> really interesting perspective in connecting those dots. i want to ask you also happening and very importantly in washington right now is this deal that was struck over the debt ceiling between kevin mccarthy and president biden. what is your reaction to the agreement and the details that are coming out? >> well, dominant thing is i think that president biden did the best he could in a very difficult set of circumstances. because understand this is basically a budget deal. this is something we do this congress every single year. the discretionary portion of the budget expires on october 1. that is the fiscal year. so roughly between april and october, we're negofwnegotiatin that. you have republicans controlling the house, democrats controlling the white house, and i like to say nobody controlling the senate. so it is a tough negotiation. what republicans did is they took the debt ceiling hostage, which is an unbelievably
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irresponsible thing do. there were plenty of incentives for the budget deal. if we get to october 1, as we've seen in the past, we have government shutdowns, continuing resolutions, we goishnegotiate haggle over how to get it resolved. the president was right, that shouldn't happen. but he was also absolutely right that they did it. so he had to deal with it. and he dealt with it i think in the most responsible way possible to cut what was basically a deal that we would have cut sometime between now and october 1st anyway given the republican control of the house and how we had to negotiate. so like i said, i think that the president did the best he could in tough circumstances. >> but when you consider where this started, which was the president and all democrats saying that there is nothing to negotiate here because as we know republicans have agreed to clean debt ceiling increases in the past and many times before. and that is where this began, the president saying that we will not negotiate over the debt
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ceiling. and then given that as a starting point and where things have ended up do you see this as a loss? >> no. that is two separate things. there was always a lot to negotiate on the budget. okay? we had to negotiate that. again, it expires october 1 and we're supposed to pass appropriations bills. in days gone by, and i was there back in the '90s when this happened, we would resolve the budget in april and then we would negotiate the appropriations bills. that always had to be negotiated. only thing that was different is this time the republicans in an act of basically legislative terrorism took of the full faith and credit of the united states hostage. the president was absolutely right, that shouldn't be on the table. and he was right to say look, we shouldn't be doing this. but after a certain point, the republicans said, well, whether we should or shouldn't, we're doing it. and the president rightfully
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didn't want the republicans to shoot this particular hostage being basically the u.s. economy and probably the global economy. so he had no choice but to use those budget negotiations within this context. and i guess he could have said no, we won't do it and just watch the whole thing default, but president biden is actually a sensible responsible leader. i know as you were just reporting from texas, that is a weird thing to consider these days, but that is what president biden is doing and i think that he did it in a reason beable an intelligencet way. >> do you think this is done or do you think there is any room that this could still get blown up with -- we don't need to go into all the different machinations of differing motivations on capitol hill right now. >> well, big cliché, it is not over until it is over, but i think that i've seen the republican leadership they are strongly for it. i think it likely gets the votes. i'm not in love with some as
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p pictures of the permitting reform, but again from a budget deal perspective, anyone paying attention, this is about where we would be given how the house, senate and white house are controlled right now. so i think passage is highly likely, i'd put it that way. >> congressman, thank you for coming on today. appreciate your time. historic day in space, but not for the united states. so who else is setting up camp in orbit? and a world famous canal in venice turns green. ooh. what is behind all of this. you. but if your teeth no longer work as hard as you do, aspen dental is here with smile replacement t solutions that work for your life. whwhether it's your first step, or a fast fix, you can get in today for all your denture needs, all at an affordable price.
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muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default. back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great talent.
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but with upwork, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe. right at your fingertips. ♪ this is how we work now ♪ wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythm's butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, special financing and free home delivery when you add any base. only at sleep number.
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in a few hours china is set to launch three astronauts to its fully operational space station. the flight will include the first crew member who has not been a member of the armed forces there. they will man the space station until november and perform two docking missions. officials in venice have launched an investigation into why the famous grand canal turned that shade of green. so far they do not think that it is toxic. they say it could be some kind of a tracing agent. the kind of stuff is normally used in small quantitieses to find water leaks. it is not clear if that is the case how such a big quantity would have ended up in the canal. president of uganda has approved a new law that would create some of the harshest anti-lgbtq laws in the world, it criminalizes sex education for the gay community and calls for conversion therapy and makes it illegal not to report
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perpetrators of a new category of crime called aggravated h homosexuality punishable by death. civil rights groups are preparing to challenge the law. and president biden and other world leaders are congratulating president erdogan who has just won a historic third term. this was a highly contested and closely watched runoff election and a campaign that drew out for weeks. erdogan now enters his third decade as leader of turkey. nada bashir has the latest for us from istanbul. this is clearly a huge moment for turkey, but also being closely watched by leaders all over the globe. >> reporter: absolutely. and this election result will have far reaching consequences. turkey is an influential power broker in the region. of course its relations with the u.s. government are of importance to president recep
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tayyip erdogan. and in the past we've seen tensions between the two nations, the two allies. we've seen the u.s. government taking issue for example with turkey's decision to purchase russian-made air defense systems and in turn turkey has of course had tensions with kurdish fighting groups allied to the u.s., that turkey considers to be terrorist organizations. so there are certainly challenges to overcome there if those relations are set to be reset between turkey and the biden administration. we've heard from biden congratulating president erdogan yesterday. he took to twitter to say he looks forward to continuing to work together as allies on bilateral issues and shared global challenges. and of course turkey has over the last year or so become a key player, key negotiator in the war in ukraine. president erdogan spoke to cnn talking about his relationship with president putin, he described it as a special relationship, often of course with the views of turkey's own nato allies.
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but we have seen turkey positioning itself as a sort of imme mediator as we saw with the grain deal secured by turkey and the united nations. >> nada, great to have you there. thank you. coming up for us, wild moments at the indy 500. a fire flying off one of the cars, flying over the stands. what happened next, that is straight ahead. and also later, terrifying moments aboard a bus in charlotte, north carolina. the bus driver and a passenger start shooting at each other. we'll be right back. is getting an upgrade!way s the new #19 the pickleball club. who knew the subway series could get even better? me, i knew. maybybe you should host a commercial then. sure, okay. subway series just keeps getting better. fromom prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the le they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the st
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they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. alough uncommon, to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have lo term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default.
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just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at ♪ ♪ a bunch of dead guys made up work, way back when. ♪ ♪ it's our turn now we'll make it up again. ♪ ♪ we'll build freelance teams with more agility. ♪ ♪ the old way of working is deader than me. ♪ ♪ we'll scale up, and we'll scale down ♪ ♪ before you're six feet underground. ♪ ♪ yes, this is how, this is how we work now. ♪
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all right. this morning, new video shows the incredible moment from indy 500. there was a crash, and you can see it right there and a tire flies off of the car over the crowd and into the actual parking lot. apparently, it hit a fan's car in said parking lot. thankfully, no one was hurt. cnn's carol meanter is here to
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tell us more about this. >> this is what is happening with these cars doing over 200 miles per hour, and for the spectator, they are watching it away, and there is a netting there, but for kyle kirk there, the tire luckily went over the spectators and over the parking lot, but when it did go over the parking lot, it did significant damage there to the car it landed on, but it is underscoring how dangerous this could, because spectators could have been hurt, and kirkwood could have been injured, and the woman who owns car, it could have been very dangerous. >> it is just like you go to a
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little league game, and you know not to park near the end. and finally, derek jeter is the thinking, thank goodness i am not the only one to blow a 3-0 lead to boston. >> i am not surprised that the celtics have clawed themselves back into position to be in position. they have lacked position, and there have been defensive mistakes and uncharacteristic decisions to cost them down the stretch, and they are riding the momentum from this incredible game six at the put-back at the buzzer. >> from derrick white right there. >> they have to forget about it. >> i will never forget about that. ever. >> you are allowed to remember it until the end of time, but if jimmy butler can rebound where
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he can has not scored as we are used to seeing, this thing is not over, and it is possible for celtics to go to the finals. >> i have watched it like 30 times, and derrick white made it, and i am still not sure. >> and we don't have to have time to go into the clock conspiracy theories and did he or didn't he, but that is where it is, and at 8:30 tonight, and even is going to be watching. >> go celtics. >> i can't, because i am unbiased. >> go celtics. i am not. >> and i can't wait to watch it and it is going to be fantastic to see how it comes out. and mccarthy and biden strike a deal. can they get enough of their members to avoid a default? we will take you back to capitol hill. and the sports communities of how they are hoping to keep
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america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default. i'm christine mahon. i'm retired from public health nursing and from the army reserve. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
6:59 am
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