tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 30, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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good evening, on 360 tonight. debt ceiling drama. closed-door meeting going on right now with house republicans, which could determine if the bill makes it to the floor. and if speaker kevin mccarthy keeps his job. also tonight, an interview with the 11-year-old boy who called 9-1-1 for help, and got shot by the police officer who responded. and, succession is over, but
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tonight kendall is talking. actor jeremy strong joins me with behind the scenes look at that shows riveting finale. we begin tonight with some light signs of progress, but also the criticism house speaker kevin mccarthy is facing from some members of his own party as he and president biden race to turn the debt ceiling agreement they reached friday night into law. failing could hurt the economy for all of us. but given how toxic the delays, with some of the more extreme embers, every step that speaker mccarthy takes to pass it could put his speakership in jeopardy. cnn's melanie zanona joins us now with the very latest. what is the latest you are hearing from house republicans about where this is headed? >> the house is on the verge of clearing at least one procedural hurdle. because the house rules committee is expected to advance a rule, which would allow the bill to come to the floor tomorrow. despite opposition from to two conservatives on the panel. that is a big sigh of relief from the leadership. they still have to actually pass the underlying bill on the house floor there has been of
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opposition from both the far left in the far-right. leadership has been working behind the scenes to sell this deal, to wip this deal. house democrats are expected to huddle tomorrow with members of their party leadership, as well as the white house officials. house republicans are meeting right now behind closed doors. we are told kevin mccarthy, as he entered the meeting, got a standing ovation. people were cheering for him. he said let's have some fun. we are expecting him to make a very forceful pitch for this deal that he worked out with president biden. but despite the opposition from his right flank, he's expecting confidence that it will be able to get it over the finish line. >> president biden calls this a compromise. as you said, progressives are concerned about something. so are conservatives. can you just explain top lines of what's in the bill. >> yes anderson, first and foremost, this will hike the debt ceiling until the beginning of 2025. which means they won't have to deal with this until after the next presidential election. it also impose its limits on future spending. they would keep the levels roughly flat, for non-descent's discretionary spending. then there are other priorities that got into the bill.
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work requirements, something we talked a lot about, a key sticking point in the negotiations. what they ultimately agreed to was to impose new work requirements, a new age for recipients of food stamps. but at the same time they also expanded the exemptions for people for work requirements. so the cbo acts debates that will actually expand the eligibility for those requirements. a couple other things we got in there is climbing back irs spending, climbing back unspent covid money, they're also going to put an end on the pause on student loan repayment. another of different things there, the top lines, -- i can do that ceiling -- >> how real are they? >> there have been a couple conservatives who have threatened to use what is known as the motion to vacate, which would fork force a floor vote on ousting the speaker. dan bishop said it should be absolutely on the table. deploy said they need to rethink their leadership structure. they're very upset with this -- if a majority of republicans oppose the deal on the house
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floor, that it would automatically trigger a motion to vacate. that would violate an agreement to that kevin mccarthy made in his quest to become speaker. i will tell you that talking to a wide swath of members, there is not a wide appetite to remove mccarthy, at least not yet. and leadership is expecting that they are going to be able to get a majority of their conference on board, which is why kevin mccarthy says this bill is going to pass, and he's going to keep us drop. anderson? >> melanie, thank you very much. joining us right now, south dakota republican congresswoman, dusty johnson, who helped -- describes itself as a group for pragmatic conservatives dedicated to getting things done. that's what it says on the website. congressman, i appreciate you joining us. you've just come from the
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meeting of the gop caucus. what are members of your party saying, do you think the bill will pass the house? >> i don't talk about what happens in republican caucus meetings. but i will tell you, that i talked to dozens of members in the last couple of days, they've read through the 99 -page bill. i think they're excited about two trillion dollars worth of savings. they're excited about unlocking american energy with real permitting reform. of course you've got some loud colorful voices opposed to it. but welcome to washington. we don't let anything be easy around here. >> one of the people i assume you're referring to loud and colorful congressman matt gaetz, made some comments earlier that if the legislation doesn't get a majority of gop votes that would be a violation of the deal that speaker mccarthy got to get the gavel in the first place and trigger a motion to vacate. do you actually think that a majority of republicans will support this bill? it sounds like they're confident they will. >> a majority of republicans will support this bill. other than the two trillion dollars of savings i mentioned, and the unlocking american energy. it's also the largest ever claw back of funds from the executive branch. and the work requirements that melanie mentioned. which is a big part of growing this economy. you're going to have certainly some republicans vote no. but the majority are going to back the speaker.
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they're going to back this, which is the best debt ceiling deal that republicans have ever cut. >> right now i think congressman dan bishop, is the only one, certainly the first one to explicitly say he's considering a push to oust congressman mccarthy, as the speaker. i think chip roy hasn't gone that far. but said, as melanie said, that they're going to need to re-look at how our leadership structure is in place. do you expect any others to try to challenge mccarthy? >> frankly, most members of the house freedom caucus are trying to tamp down that kind of speculation. i think they understand that we've got a lot of things we still have to get done, and this, the 118th congress. and having another 15 round leadership battle in the middle of it would not be helpful to actually putting more conservative winds on the board. but i'd also say this, kevin mccarthy is not in any way scared of this conversation. admittedly, the media is talking about a lot more than members of congress are. when the media asked him about a motion to vacate, internal political machinations, he's
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focused on one thing, avoiding default and cutting this two trillion dollars worth of spending. we're going to get it done tomorrow. >> the reaction to the deal seemed mostly favorable, certainly to moderates for both parties. members of the house freedom caucus are obviously complaining it doesn't do enough cutting. progressive democrats complaining about government assistance programs. is this true? it's a compromise, but you're saying essentially the democrats gave this away. >> listen, i don't want to insult the other half of the negotiation. they were smart people. this was clearly an environmental, though, anderson, where president biden made a major strategic miscalculation, in refusing to negotiate for 97 days. it drifted us really close to the deadline. i think it caused many americans to believe that he was being stubborn and intransigent. i think it really put him, and the negotiators in a weaker position than if they just would've come to the table 100 days ago. as a result, i think republicans got a lot of concessions. frankly, i don't think you can argue, the republicans clearly
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got more concessions out of this debt ceiling deal than any other deal that has been done. >> congressman, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> congressman johnson, presidential politics now. take a look at church in clive, iowa, just west of des moines. florida governor ron desantis who recently said he would oppose the debt deal if he will still in congress, speaking there right now. his first official stop in the campaign. part of a three state swing which also includes new hampshire, south carolina, and follows what was, as you might have seen a rough and buggy debut on twitter last week, or heard at least. jeff zeleny is traveling with the candidate. joins us now. what was the governor talking about tonight? what was the message? >> anderson, we're finally seeing florida governor ron desantis. you can see, speaking behind me here. wrapping up his first campaign event in person. voters have indeed been waiting for what he has to say. one of those points he made tonight, i'll lower my voice as he speaking there, he was really speaking out against the debt deal. he believes republicans negotiated too much. they gave up too much in terms
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of spending. he stopped well short of urging members of congress to vote against this deal. which of course could lead to a default. of course he has the luxury of not being forced to cast a vote on this. but he did talk about spending. one thing he did not talk about tonight, at least so far in the first 30 or 35 minutes of his speech, is anything about donald trump. for the last several days he has been sharpening his criticism of the former president, saying he simply did not get the job done at the border, he did not get the job done in terms of bringing down the deficit. we have not heard anything about that so far tonight. he simply said, leadership is not entertainment. perhaps in veiled reference to the former president. anderson, ththe iowa republicans in the audience here are hungering for an alternative to donald trump. of course, donald trump still has his supporters here. perhaps 30% or so of the republican base. as you can see behind me here,
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people are cheering, they are applauding his deeply conservative message. this is the first stop of a two day swing here in iowa. he'll be going on to new hampshire, south carolina as well. for donald trump also coming to iowa today's for now, to have a rebuttal, if you will, against ron desantis. >> overall, what's been the reaction. i'm hearing a lot of applause. there -- >> so far, the reaction has been really strong. again, like i said, republicans here who are attending here, of course that's not the full universe of republican caucus goers who opened a primary contest next year. they are looking for an alternative for those who are looking for an alternative. they like what they're seeing from governor desantis. looking beyond the twitter rollout, looking beyond some of the hiccups that have come, a lot of the republican voters we have been speaking to tonight want to see if he's strong enough to confront and take on donald trump. they don't necessarily want to see a food fight, in the words of one woman i talked to here. one republican voter who said she simply believes the party must move on from trump. but the question is, are there
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so many republican candidates getting into the race now, does that complicate their effort? but for now at least, many republicans here like what they see from the florida governor, and he's just beginning to introduce himself as this contestant. >> thank you. coming up next, how russia is reacting to the drone strike in moscow. and what ukraine is now saying about it. also my conversation with former fbi, director james b. comey, about republican claims the bureau has been weaponized against conservatives. why he thinks the former president is an existential threat to the rule of law, in his words. and an even greater threat than he was before. later, towards the end of the program, succession may be over but i'm not over it. kendall roy, actor jeremy strong joins me from behind the scenes look at the incredible finale. the final episode of the remarkable end of this epic show.
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america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default. narrator: the man with the troublesome hemorrhoid enters the room. phil: excuse me? hillary: that wasn't me. narrator: said hillary, who's only taken 347 steps today. hillary: i cycled here. narrator: speaking of cycles, mary's period is due to start in three days. mary: how do they know so much about us? narrator: your all sharing health data without realizing it. that's how i know about kevin's rash. who's next? wait... what's that in your hand? no, no, stop! oh you're no fun. [lock clicks shut]
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>> no doubt, you recall the recent drones strike on the kremlin. which was a stunning event in and of itself. now there's been an ever larger drone attack in moscow. one target was an upscale part of a suburban moscow, that is home to older guards, not far from where vladimir putin himself has at home. this falls days after a heavy russian strike on kyiv, and comes just as russian forces are bracing for the expected counteroffensive. more from cnn's sam kiley. [sound of artillery] >> same war, different capital. moscow hit by a squadron of eight drones. [speaking non-english] >> translator: there was a
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deafening bang as if a huge bolt of lightning had struck somewhere near. the attack was immediately blamed on ukraine, which reels daily from russian air assaults. [speaking non-english] >> translator: this morning, the kyiv regime carried out a terrorist attack on the moscow region. i will stress, aimed at civilian targets. in total, eight airplane type drones were used, all of them were brought down. kyiv was coy about its role in this drastic escalation. >> translator: of course, we enjoy watching an increase in attacks, but of course we have nothing to do directly with it. what is growing in russia is the comic payment that russia will pay more highly for everything it does in ukraine. >> ukraine is threatening an offensive to drive russian troops out. part of its tactics have been increased efforts to destabilize moscow's forces. a cross border raid by anti-putin russian dissidents was backed by ukraine last
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week. frequent attacks on russian occupied logistic hubs like mariupol and berlien, now there's a mysterious drone attack. russia has blamed it on ukraine. [speaking non-english] >> translator: though i'm more worried not by this, but by efforts to provoke a russian response, that appears to be the aim. they are provoking us to do the same. >> this is the first drone attack by anyone on moscow outside the kremlin. [sound of artillery] >> here, kyiv, attacked for the 17th time this month. putin's generals now know that they face attacks on ukraine's front lines, and at home. >> sam joins me now from eastern ukraine. what is the latest on when ukraine's long anticipated counteroffensive will start? >> anderson, just today, there have been yet more border crossings and artillery
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shelling by ukraine into russian, excuse me, into russian territory. itself. being seen as, yet another precursor to an offensive. president zelenskyy himself has said that the logistics are there. the weapons are there. the men are there, and that he has decided on a date. when that date is, we still don't know. >> sam kiley, thanks. this next item, apparently russia-related, far less ominous feel, the central figure is a whale. the key question about it is whether it's involved in espionage. cnn's melissa bell reports. >> the alleged russian spy was first spotted off the waters of norway in 2019. a beluga whale, apparently seeking human attention, it quickly received. nicknamed valdimir, a pun on the norwegian for whale, and the alleged russian --
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with mounts for a camera, branded equipment of st. petersburg. experts believe it may have been trained by the russian military, which moscow denies. dolphins have long been used by russian and of the u.s. navy, patrolling and detecting explosives beside humans. since his arrival in norway, valdimir has been tracked by volunteers who want to protect him. >> we fear that if he did enough damage to a salmon farm then they will be forced into considering the option of euthanizing him. as we've seen with other citations in norway. in all means this does not mean that we think this salmon farmers have any good will towards hvaldimir. >> hvaldimir have been capturing the scandinavian hearts.
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a whale that appears more customs to humans than -- much further south then he should be. far from heading back to arctic waters where he might have found some of his own kind, he's headed south, all the way to the coast of sweden, according to the ngo, one whale. where waters are too warm, and too populated for a whale who may have been used to spy. but is now being very carefully watched himself. >> melissa bell joins us now. are there other claims of russian training marine animals? >> there are, anderson. this practice goes back to the cold war. what we saw at the time when russia first annexed crimea, back in 2014, is that they very quickly announced that the combat dolphin program that had been run by ukraine would now be diverted towards the russian navy. we've also seen now some max are images that show just off the invasion, some fresh dolphin pens being placed outside that port at sevastopol. the most important russian port in the black sea. the idea is that was also being done to the arctic north.
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it's a practice also with the u.s. navy. these are simply animals that are very good at finding things that are underwater in the seabed. and helping demining operations. what has been happening with this particular whale these last few weeks and months, anderson, is that he's heading south much more quickly. nobody knows if that's because he's looking for a mate, or because, if he is a well trained animal that is used to humans, to simply seeking out more human attention. that could actually prove as his downfall, anderson. >> i feel bad for him. melissa bell. thank you very much. appreciated. former fbi director james comey, speaks out tonight about the republican attacks on the justice department. as well as which of the legal threats he believes is the strongest. later, emmy award winning actor jeremy strong his here for his first television interview since the finale of my favorite tv show, succession. which wrapped up a four season run, sunday.
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>> top house republicans including house speaker kevin mccarthy today threatened fbi director chris wray with contempt proceedings. it's the latest in ongoing fight related to the business dealings of president biden's family. part of a wider republican attack on the justice department. the former president has called for congress to, quote, defund the doj and fbi. just last week, florida
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governor and presidential candidate, ron desantis, said that if he wins the white house, he'd fire wray on, quote, day one. my next guests knows very well, james comey was fired -- just before air, i spoke with him about all of this past his first foray into fiction. central park west, it crime novel. >> congratulations on the new book. >> thank you so much. >> have you--did you know you are a writer, is that something you'd been interested in? >> i always love to write. i wrote in high school as a journalist. college is a journalist. actually the last piece of fiction i wrote before this, i wrote with a date actually, i was writing in my room when a serial rapist kicked in the home on my family, i was working on a piece for a literary magazine. it was the last fiction piece i wrote before this. nonfiction kicked in the door, literally. >> given the career you've had in the fbi, when you see the former president, now the front runner again, for the
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republican nomination, how big a threat is that? >> a very serious threat to the rule of law. almost an existential threat if he were to become president again. he's trying to take a flame thrower to the fbi, to the department of justice, to stop them from investigating. >> you believe donald trump is an existential threat to the rule of law? >> i do. yes. were he to become the president again, i don't think america has ever seen and is ready for what he would try and do to the system of justice. >> the justice department has sent a very strong message about what happened on january 6th with their prosecutions, their investigations, and prosecutions of some of those responsible. when you hear the former president talking about pardoning, you hear ron desantis talking about looking at pardons. what do you think? >> it's disgusting. it's an attack on the rule of law. if anything this country should be able to agree upon a is that we need to send a message,
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never again. you can't ever interfere in our constitutional processes by force. you can protest, you can march, you can do what you want. but don't you dare. that's the message that has to be sent with those prosecutions. the idea of undercutting that message, makes no sense at all. >> many in the house, in congress, say that the fbi has been weaponized. that is going after conservatives, that it's politicized. do you believe any of that is true? >> i don't believe any of it is true. i never would have expected it. all of us have become more familiar with the way a cult operates in the recent years. it makes sense in the light of that phenomenon. but i never would have anticipated it years ago. >> what happens? if the republican party, which has a long proud history, if many of its members are talking about prosecuting the director of the fbi, defunding the fbi, at least some of them are talking about defunding the fbi... what does that say about the republican party? >> i don't know what the republican party is anymore. i don't know what its future is. i think the american people need to hand it, especially the presidential level, a series of losses till they figure out who they want to be. they are not a party that is
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consistent with the values of the country. >> in terms of the potential charges, potential cases that the former president is facing. which do you think is the strongest, or has the greatest likelihood of actually moving forward, and having an impact, an actual effect on him? >> based on what i can see from the outside, which i know is an imperfect view having been on the inside. the mar-a-lago documents case strikes me as the one that is the biggest threat to him. >> because it's so clear? because it's not getting inside his head? it's actual actions that are documented? >> yeah, it's a fairly narrow range of conduct, but it is in thousands and thousands of people on the marching on the capitol, for example. or i carry out a series of maneuvers after an election. it's focused. it should be easier, not easy, given they nature of donald trump i'm not even sure he knows his own mental processor times. but easier for a prosecutor to prove his mind, his state of mind about that series of
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events. >> let's talk about the book. you-- talk about how you went about this. >> i was nudged by the editor of my second nonfiction book who said, hey you write narrative really well. you write stories really well. i kept saying, look, these aren't stories, these are my life. he's kept saying, you can really write crime fiction. you ought to try it. >> i just got a copy of it. so i've not been able to read it yet. it's about a female prosecutor prosecuting a mobster? >> yes, it's about a prosecutor named norah carlton in the southern district of new york in manhattan. who's taking on a mobster after he's been elusive for a long time. the case she's bringing collides with another case involving the murder of a former governor. it leads to a series of twists and turns that are both interesting and kind of fun. >> you have a family member who is a female prosecutor. prosecuting jillian maxwell. >> yes. >> is she the model for this? >> yes, i originally imagined
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it as a guy as the prosecutor. then literally while i was putting this together, she was prosecuting glen maxwell, epstein's coconspirator, in abusing a lot of young girls. in this very same court room where i, when she was four years old, had prosecuted john and joe bambino. and that crossover made it obvious. a woman is the pro taken? and so nora carlton was born. she's a lot of my daughter. she's a lot of all four of my girls. >> did you have to get permission from your daughter? >> i don't think i asked permission. but i showed her the draft. she had feedback, including things i had screwed up. putting her office on the wrong floor. it made it a labor of love in ways that i had not expected. so i didn't need to think about me, i was thinking about my kids while writing the story. that made it special for me. >> you've already written another book? >> yes, second book.
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i was the general counsel, the world's largest hedge funds for a few years right before the fbi, so i'd like norah to go to that venue. still be a crime novel, but introduce people to that world in a way that the first book, this one, introduces them to the criminal justice in manhattan. >> james comey, thank you so much. >> great to be with you as always. >> appreciate it. james comey's first crime novel is now available, it's called central park west. coming up, an 11 year old shot in the chest by a police officer after he called 9-1-1 to get help from his mom. says he was convinced he was going to die. thankfully, he's a survivor. he's talking to cnn's nick valencia, ahead. you need to deliver new apps fast using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you innovate and grow.
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america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default. electric dream days are here. come in now and experience the intense thrills
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>> the 11-year-old mississippi child shot in the chest by a police officer after he called 9-1-1 is speaking out about the ordeal. aderrien murry was shot in the chest ten days ago when the officer asked him and others to come outside. he was hospitalized with the lacerated liver, broken ribs, and was put on a ventilator because of a collapsed lung. we learned today his family is taking legal action against the police and the city. cnn's nick valencia spoke to aderrien today. here's his report. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> as he laid in his mother's arms bleeding out from a gunshot wound. 11 year old aderrien murry was so convinced he was going to die, he began to pray to god
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and sing gospel songs. >> to hear my whole family tell my teacher, i said i'm sorry for what i did. >> on may 20th, aderrien's mom told him to call 9-1-1 for help. when the father of one of her other children showed up at their mississippi home at four in the morning. michaela murry she opened the door to an officer who already had his gun drawn. >> he said, everybody come out with your hands up. then i came running, inside the living room, then i remember... i heard the big bang... then i was holding my chest. >> indianola police say the officer was sergeant greg capers.
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murray says he shot at darian once in the chest, seriously injuring the boy. cnn has made repeated attempts to get comment from capers, but he is not responding. darian's mother says he developed a collapsed long and suffered -- due to the gunshot wound. he spent days in the icu at the university of mississippi medical center in jackson. needing a ventilator to breathe. >> it came right here. >> more than a week since the shooting, he is remarkably in good spirits. but sometimes when he's along with his thoughts for too long, he has nightmares. >> sometimes i can see myself laying inside the coffin. [inaudible] sometimes i think people are watching me. but my main thought is me dead. >> i'm so over filled with joy to have my child -- i don't have time to be angry. i trust in the law, that they will make the wrong decision. my main concern is my son right
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now. >> the murray family and their attorney, carlos more, have filed a federal lawsuit against the city of indianola. its police chief, and several officers, including capers. they are seeking $5 million in damages. >> if anyone who's ever been a victim of excessive force deserves to be compensated, it's aderrien murry, he trusts the police. he called the police to come to the eight of his mother and he turns around and gets shot by the cop he called to rescue them. >> if that officer was here sitting right here, across from you, what would you want to tell him, aderrien? >> why did you do it? i could have lost my life. all because of you. i want you terminated. for what you did to me. >> nick valencia joins me now
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from the city. words the employment status of the officer tonight? >> sergeant greg capers, anderson, remained on paid administrative leave. meanwhile, the mississippi bureau of investigation they've taken the lead on this case. there was body cam footage of this incident. they have that in their possession. but tell me that they are not going to release it until their investigation is complete. incidentally, earlier this evening, the indianola board that talk about that body camera footage. it was held in executive session. no action was taken. but i did talk to the mayor earlier, he told me that he doesn't support the firing of sergeant greg capers because he says he doesn't have all of the facts yet. which include watching the body cam footage for the first time. aderrien though is very clear about what he wants. he wants that officer terminated. the shooting, anderson, has forever changed his life. prior to the shooting, he wanted to be a police officer. he says though now he's scared
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of police. now he wants to be a doctor though, because he credits them in part for helping save his life. >> nick valencia, appreciate. it coming up, for four seasons, i've been obsessed with the show succession. sunday was the finale to end all finales. actor jeremy strong joins me to take us all behind the scenes of that last show, and what he thinks happened to the three main characters now. america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress:
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so my favorite tv show came to an end on sunday. succession concluded brilliant four season run on hbo with its highest rated episode since the show's debut, according to warner brothers discovery which also owns cnn. if you are unfamiliar with succession it's an incredibly engrossing look at the battle between three siblings to succeed their larger than life fathers conglomerate. it's a tragedy that also feels deeply personal because the writing an acting associate wrong. it's also times very funny. it's won a number of emmy awards including for it's acting, which includes my next guest jeremy strong who plays
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kendall roy. he joins us tonight for his first television interview since the finale. we warn you there are many spoilers ahead about what happens in the finale. >> are you glad it's over? from everything i've read about you and heard you say, you are very deeply, you embodied the character. you are intensely into your character. are you glad you are no longer kendall? >> i think it was it's been the role of a lifetime, it's been in a measurable gift to get to sort of run the gauntlet with this character. there was heavy, i feel responsibility to serve the writing and embody what the writers are asking the character to go through. >> but that heaviness, it's incredibly heavy up until the last episode i don't think i saw kendall smile. we'll talk about this scene, is it heavy then when the cameras aren't rolling and you are back home and you are going out to the grocery store? >> i think in the eight months when you are filming you sort of go on airplane mode a bit in your life and you take on the material and it kind of takes over, or hangs over you. the show was always, it's shakespearean, it was always
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heavy is the head that wears the crown. and there is a sense of that, especially with this character. >> the final scene where kendall is walk toward the water and his security guy who was his father's security guy is following him. when i was watching it i thought you were going to run to the water and jump over and attempts to kill yourself. you didn't do that but i read that you actually, you as a character felt that way and you actually did take that way. >> yeah, i did try to go in the water. one of the incredible things about working on something for seven years since we started the pilot and just having 40 hours, the campus of 40 hours of storytelling is just your instincts for the thing become a part of you. they are very alive. your job is to give the writing a heart and nerve and sinew and density and weight and all that stuff and then at a certain point i think something if you are lucky something kind of inevitable happens. the character has been put through so much, he's been through so much from chappaqua
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dick incident to almost the most heartbreaking thing to me is the revelation in this final episode of this moment when he was nine years old at the candy kitchen where his father says, one day this will be yours. and the sort of curse of the, descendants of that. so i felt this was an extinction level event. i didn't feel -- >> for your character. >> i didn't feel that he could come back from what happened to him. >> what do you think happens to each of the characters? because i thought about this a lot after the episode ended. what happens to candlelit around in his life? what is schiff's life like, what is romans lifelike? through so much from chappaqua dick incident to almost the
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most heartbreaking thing to me is the revelation in this final episode of this moment when he was nine years old at the candy kitchen where his father says, one day this will be yours. and the sort of curse of the, descendants of that. so i felt this was an extinction level event. i didn't feel -- >> for your character. >> i didn't feel that he could come back from what happened to him. >> what do you think happens to each of the characters? because i thought about this a lot after the episode ended. what happens to candlelit around in his life? what is schiff's life like, what is romans lifelike? roman clearly, the way he was looking at that martini seems like alcohol. >> i think so i think there's a real vortex that he is going to get. >> and shiv that extraordinary
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non handhold -- it was incredible. >> it's terrible, she sort of, it's a great capitulation and the patriarchy has triumphed and it's not for me to say how the show shouldn't, it's for jesse armstrong. there but for the grace of him when all of us this whole time. and his writing and the depth of it and the depth, and his insight into human nature. i think he feels that people are kind of stuck in doomed to repeat themselves. >> you imagine shove, shiv and tom and some sterile palatial penthouse living their lives with an unhappy child, she an unhappy mother. and kendall, i heard jesse armstrong say, i think in the after show that maybe kendall will start a company or something, but it will never quite. >> this will be the defining moment of his life, the stain that marks his life, i think. in that moment, you know, one
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of the great joys of working on this show in particular and making movies is the sort of discoveries you make in situ. the the collaborative nature of the medium we had a great deal of latitude to follow those instincts and impulses. >> in the sheen, in this shooting. i want to show the scene you are in barbados, the incredible emotionally charged family reunion has occurred and they've anointed you to take over the company, i do want to show this. >>. >> this is going to be all right, right. like, we are all right. >> just [bleep] drink it. >> oh my god.
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>> kings don't wear silly hats, kings work rounds. >> you drink it. >> then don't, wear your crown sir. >> no no no, oh my god. >> mom? >> it was a beautiful scene. incredibly beautiful i just found it so touching. you think going into it, there's this momentum going into the last few minutes of the show, it's heartbreaking. >> i find it heartbreaking, it's very sad. >> it's such a tragedy. >> and there is a kind of unadulterated happiness that they have with each other and you see, you can sort of glimpse an alternate thing for them. >> i just want to show the scene of the critical vote is taking place and shiv walks out of the room and you need her vote in order to take over your dad's company, let's just watch.
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>> but for me. just please, vote for me, ship, vote for me. >> no. >> yes! shiv, don't do this, don't do this shiv. >> absolutely not, man. >> why? >> why? i love you, i really love you, but i cannot stomach you. >> this is disgusting! you are [bleep] heartless, it's [bleep] nuts. it doesn't even make any sense! i'm the eldest boy! i am the eldest boy! it mattered to him, he wanted this to go on. >> i'm the oldest boy. that was written? that box within a box like building, there's just so much going on in that.
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>> you know, it... this is the moment where there is a writer strike. so it feels important to say that none of this show, the show doesn't exist without the writing but. the writing is everything. it's a show about the underneath as i think schiff says to tom in this episode it's about the underneath of these people, of their struggles the underneath of the country and that's the profundity of it. i think this scene. it's brutal for me to watch. it's just, you know, it's the greek idea that character is
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fate. i think from the very beginning this was going to happen. >> thank you for being here and for your performance for the last seven years, brought so much joy and thought and emotion into so many peoples lives and mine in particular, so thank you. i really appreciate it. quick programming note, tonight on cnn prime time pamela brown has an interview with former inmate of how life will be like for elizabeth holmes behind bars who began her 11 year sentence today. big game investors that millions of dollars on her pitch in a company that in the end was built on empty promises. that's coming up tonight at nine right here. up next for us, by the holiday weekend won't be forgotten anytime soon for some crucial passengers, more on that ahead. that's why you choose vmware. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control,
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[music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude
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for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's
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still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing] what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> off the coast of south carolina caotic end into a cruise over the weekend. look at the rough seas pound the carnival sunshine ship as the boat made its way from the bahamas to charleston. some passengers thought they wouldn't survive. one passenger blames carnivals for sailing into those
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conditions saying, quote, why would you say want to the storm with 80 miles plus winds. videos posted online showed flooding in hallways and damaging cabins. reportedly everyone made it through okay according to reports of passengers, and they needed minimal systems for medical staff. cnn prime time with pamela brown starts now. >> there may be a deal with the nation can't breathe just yet. the drama only intensifying tonight with america join closer and closer to potential default, this time is not between the two parties it's mostly between republicans. but that deal with the just pass a crucial test fencing out of the republicans household committee this evening despite >> not one republican should vote for this deal. it is a bad deal. >> how much confidence do you have in this right now. >> none, zero.
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