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tv   CNN Primetime  CNN  June 1, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the building has served as cnn's global headquarters for 35 years, all operations in atlanta moved back to the original location across town, and that is the place where ted turner launch cnn on this day back in 1980. to cnn town hall's coming up to tell you about, jake tapper cnn republican -- nikki haley, that is in iowa, sunday at eight pm and next wednesday at nine pm -- mike pence who is expected to launch his campaign on that day. thank you so much, watching i'll see you tomorrow, cnn prime time continues with abby phillips now. >> thank you anderson, good evening, evan thank you for joining, me this is war. that may be the nicest thing donald trump has said in the last 24 hours about his former, friend and now run desantis. both of the men crossing the early voting today, has been on a blitz in new hampshire, and
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he was in iowa, but here is just a little taste of the back and forth that has really escalated over the last 24 hours on everything from the detailing, to -- >> run, as they call, him rhonda scent ammonia's -- >> i think it is so, petty i think it is so juvenile, i do not think that is what voters want. honestly, i think that his conduct with which he has been doing for u.s., now i think that is one of the reasons he is not in the white house now. >> when he says it, years every time i hear it -- >> i think it is a project that will begin on day one, and it will require a daily grind for not just one term, but i think for two full presidential terms. >> when i heard desantis go out and say, and talk about eight, years when you need a, years you don't need, eight years you need six months. we could turn this thing around so quickly. if you need eight years who the -- wants to wait eight years. you don't need eight years.
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in terms of the death, limit yeah, i think he should come, up i mean, are you leading from the front, or are you waiting for polls to tell you what position to take? >> i would have taken the default if he had, too if you did not get it right. >> he is to say how great florida, was his whole family went to florida under my governorship. are you kidding me? >> and that was only week one. and, it will only get, worse especially with these -- a belt expands yet again. now if trump is mad about desantis, what is he going to say when mike pence's former vice president jumps into the race next week. >> chris christie who led trump's tanzanian as also about to announce his bid. he has also made it crystal clear that he is not going to hold back, trying to take down trump. joining me now at the table's communications director -- national review senior editor
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-- republican strategist rina shah, and l.a. time's up and columnists -- now this trump desantis matchup has really heated up. i think just a week ago we were talking about desantis, -- >> yes, he is starting to name names. that is the important part right now, we need, that we need that fight for desantis. when i say we the people who did not want donald trump to see the -- 47th president, i say this, in a moment we are, and it is so difficult delegate for desantis. he has to do the, stance but he has to do well for a long time. we are still so early, out so i think the biggest and best thing that either of these men can, do or anyone serious in the gop field can do right now is focus on taylor get matt. i know it is still early, but focus on the math of the state, and also be judicious with your money. this will be defined, at the gop, primary it will be defined by who runs out of money first, where they're spending it. >> i would argue there's
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probably not a huge risk that desantis is going to run out of money quickly, but at the same time, you know, the narrative really matters early on in these contests. the early states of course matter, but numbers like this cnn poll showing trump basically doubling and desantis at a national level, sure, but desantis needs to turn that around. >> he does, he needs to turn that narrative, around but he does need to do it in those early states. once you start to see movement in the polls, in iowa, and iowa i think really is -- the republican side, you know new hampshire is going to be important, but if kristen uno gets -- her with a two south carolinians in the race, both south carolina primary, as potent as he usually, is he setting usually is, how is the place where any alternative to trump has to make a move. so, it is smart that they are spending a lot of time there. the narrative does matter, do
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you want to take out donald, trump you have to take on donald trump. and, desantis is really the first guy to do that throughout this entire campaign so far. every one of them has been tiptoeing around this, because they do not want to upset the maga base, he is saying you know, what i am more maga than, trump's, and i will call him on his record. the only other guy who shows interest in doing that is chris christie, he seems to be on a kamikaze mission, simply to create out donald trump. so, it is about to even more interesting. >> something interesting happened today, this new hampshire state representative james -- he switched his endorsement from trump to desantis. listen to why he decided to do that. >> but it has become evident, especially with the latest attack on -- that there is no loyalty, he can't be trusted to stay, loyal to the people who have supported him in the, past and it is a problem, and those
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negative attacks, the vitriol does not play well in new hampshire, is not good for the united states. >> well that is quite a breaking the camel's back there. he would be maybe the last person to -- loyalty there with trump. this is a man who was just found liable for a sexual assault, and the thing is, this criticism that is finally in the scales falling from his lies about the character of former president -- >> specifically trump was criticizing -- for misquoting his poll, and instead of showing that he was a bore for desantis by 34 points, she had it at 25 points. he was really upset about that. but for desantis to win -- >> i guess, it is so sad though, isn't it, what we're hoping for something better? something more besides arguing over poll numbers in the month of may? because it is so sad to me.
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you know, desantis has a very -- plank to walk because he does need to attack, but he can't alienate the trump voters. i wonder if the fact that trump -- in a primary will make it so that it is not just desantis, and the other, members the first time he won it premier, he had no record to really antagonize, what are, critique or pull apart. now he does. it is a lot harder. when it is an actual record, even his voters are worried about. >> what do you make about the argument that eight years versus four years argument that you heard earlier? >> you know, with trump, he had such a problem with numbers, that is where i stay fixated. this guy does not understand anything when it comes to numbers, because we all know how he wanted to inflators inauguration day bigger, and these poll numbers are going to continue to matter to him. i think you continue to go down this path of weakness, he starts to make himself look more and more foolish.
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what will happen if there will be less serious conversations about kitchen table, issues and voters will get dragged into the misinformation, and run rampant in his gop. >> if you question, for you i mean no shade with this at all, how much more foolish can he actually get to the point in which you actually see an impact in political? from my perspective, he's had a lot of opportunity to say you know what, that is foolishness. he is not seriously -- yet to see that, and today is the primary -- >> it is interesting -- go-ahead. >> no one would argue the sunday cnn town hall, he knocks it out the ballpark on the economy, as well as on abortion. those were two areas in which he is a bit more strong than most people expected. so what i would say, is do not count out trump's ability to shoot himself in the foot, but also at the same, time look at this. who will be able to attack him. >> and attack from desantis that originates, this it is that trump would be a lame duck if you are elected. he couldn't run for reelection in 2028.
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i have to wonder how many voters are a -- strategic, that seems like his play for a group of very -- activist and wonder how many people -- >> i think desantis has two realigns of attack that could have some -- one, why did you not do the first-time, right, trump is out there saying you only need six, months why did you not do it in three years then. the second is, the electability. desantis is one of the few republicans -- actually has something he can point to on the electability, which is a pretty big win in florida for reelection. and, anne -- with the problem they are facing, though is there still a really strong emotional connection between donald trump and his base of supporters. it is hard to overcome motion
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with reason. those might be the two arguments that start to chip away at it in little bit, but it still is -- >> yes, hard to overcome emotions, and certainly may be harder to overcome emotion and policy, which is what a sentence is trying to run. everyone standby for, me coming up, next in minus k tonight after president biden trip and fell at the commencement today. what the white house is saying about that, and how the images play into concerns that exist about his age. humpty dumpty does it with a great fall. wonderful pistachios. get crackin' i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone.
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>> tonight, you can be shared this moment might be getting a lot of attention. the white house tells us that president joe biden is perfectly fine after his fall earlier today, he did trip on this pack you see there. he fell as he was handing out diplomas at the air force academy in palm springs. he even joked about it on his return to the white house. >> i got sandbagged. >> okay here's a little pep and step there. the video often outlives the story for these kinds of things, after all in this moment, there were plenty of laughs. now people do fall, that
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happens, especially when they are on the move and that the camera is on all the time. just ask around obama who had a few stumbles of his own. so did ronald reagan back in the 19 80s, gerald ford's epic spill while visiting austria in 1975 was so many -- into a curve here. it is a hallmark of his hundred ignite lives gets, but when an eight-year-old president false, when there are already concerns about his age, and while he is asking to reelect for a second term, it is really not a laughing matter. everyone remains here at the table with me. so this is obviously a touchy subject for a lot of people. -- >> it's been that the kids ages, , you are always one fall away, and i think republicans are salivating for the past. they know that if president harris -- next time. i think here we sit in this
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unique moment in time, where we have to ask ourselves are we -- i think we are. but that is not what we are discussing here, what we need is for democrats to really meet the moment, the moment requests for democrats to say to their voters as well as independent voters, let's look at past this moment of age, frailty, fragility, whatever we want to call it. i myself am a big fan of the american presidency, i did not think all this time, i would have former president trump where every day i would be questioning his cognitive abilities to be commander-in-chief, and now with president biden every day i'm questioning his physical abilities to be commander-in-chief. >> well look, glad you brought up, trump they are not too far apart in age, we were talking about two elderly candidates for the presidency, here is trump talking about biden's fall. it is interesting. >> he is at the air force academy, he actually fell down. i hope he wasn't hurt. i hope he wasn't hurt.
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but the whole thing is, the whole thing is crazy. you have to be careful about that. you gotta be careful about that. you don't want that. even if you have to tiptoe down a ramp, -- >> he is speaking from experience. it might sound like his, choking by his serious, he literally tiptoed down many four have that -- i believe this was west point late in his presidency. it got a lot of attention, a lot of republican sources texting me old articles about trump's physical fitness back in those cases. this is of concern not just for biden. >> absolutely, it is risky. it is just common sense, it is risky if the country decides in 2024 it wants to elect someone born in 1942, were someone born in 1946 like donald trump. this is, you know, it was an issue for -- john mccain, and it was rightly an issue for right now as well.
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>> what did they do about it though? >> well they should have stepped aside. >> what do democrats? do >> they do what the president has been signaling his response is going to be, which is watch me do my job. if you watch me do my, job you will see i have what it takes. we just saw it. first of all, remember, this is not a referendum on his age, elections -- there will be no line on the ballot that says do you believe joe biden is too old to be president. no, what will be on the ballot is joe biden, and another name. he has to show that he is better at the job than the other name. right now, the most likely person to be the other name is donald trump. what we want to know, is joe biden fit to be president, look at what he just did on the debt ceiling to prevent the united states and global economy from going over a cliff with minimal damage to his set of priorities. he got almost everything he wanted in that. the other guys, the top two guys on the other side, both say we would rather have had
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the default. you tell me who has the -- who is more fit to be president in that sense. if joe biden is out there making that case on a daily basis, against either of those two other guys, i think people are going to forget that he chipped over a stand back once, because he is doing the job. >> you know, there is the stamina issue, but i know a lot of people watching are probably, some people who are fans of president biden might say we are just making a big political thing out of this. i actually want to play this dr. jonathan reiner talking about why this is actually just from a practical perspective very serious issue. >> i talk to people every week, the presidents age about safety, about grabbers in their bathrooms, making sure the area runs or secure, because he falls can really create major health injury for the person a presidents age. particularly if he were to
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breakers have. i would suggest to the president who really needs to be careful, and on unsteady ground, it would not be the worst thing for the president to use a cane. he might not like the optics, but the falling appears much worse. >> maybe not a cane. [laughter] you know they're pro-some things that his teams can do, to make things safer. >> there is no sandbags on the stage. >> make sure there's no sandbag. >> there's a real safety issue here. >> there's a real safety issue, but it is also a real opportunity as well. i'm not quite sure if the president is able to take advantage of the opportunity, but it is there. we are an aging society, all the metrics show that we are getting older and older, younger and younger, what does this mean, we think about aging in general anyways. i was talking to a buddy of mine who reminded me that the golden girls were in their 50s. in their 50s. >> they looked great. but they were called the golden girls. the idea that someone in their 50s in 2023 being and their
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golden years is laughable. so we have to move and how we talk about itching to begin with, i'm not quite sure if president biden is in a position to do that obviously. that is the current stage we ultimately need to half, because we are all going to get there, and by the, way most of the country is going to be there within the next 15 years. >> most aware of some of the limitations and changes that have been as you get older, in addition to that wisdom you can sometimes gain. but i think you are going to find that this issue, it is not just a matter of -- people are going to wonder does it -- >> you heard the president say, watch me, watch me do my job. that proves that i can do it. in the future, mo, reena, i'll see, thank you very much. coming up next press, president, trump donald trump question directed by cnn today on that tape the feds have of him talking about the classified document in his possession. plus, his lawyer did not want
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to answer our questions last night about that very subject. >> i'm not going to adjust that, i'm not going to dignified the doj leak. >> but there was something that he did keep saying, that we plan to fact check coming up next. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding
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>> former president donald trump ignoring questions about the cnn reporting that he is on -- that he had a classified pentagon documents after he left the white house. >> mister president why did you take ossify documents? >> that refusal to answer might be familiar to you if you were watching his attorney jim trusty on this show last night. >> i'm not gonna address that, i'm not gonna bite on the lee campaign and case in the media, i'm not gonna address the document. >> trustee refused to discuss quite a lot like whether the former president took any sensitive military documents, what evidence they may have that the documents in question were ever declassified or how it got to his club in bed means
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for new jersey in the first place. but he did keep going back to this point. >> the president, under the presidential records act as an feathered authoritarian to do what he wants with documents that he has taken from the white house while president. >> while president, that phrase. keep in mind, the donald trump wasn't president in july of 2021 that's when the sources say that he was reported discussing a classified document that was in his possession. in fact, that was more than a month after the national archives reached out to him to tell him that he had documents that needed to be returned. but, on the question of the larger claim that trusty was making that as president donald trump had quote unfettered authority, the point of the very law that he is talking about the presidential records act is about setting hard to find rules about the handling of these documents. to quote the national archives, the pr a presidential records
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act changed the legal ownership of the official records from the president from private to public, and it established a new statutory structure under which presidents and subsequently narrow must manage the records of their administration. if you read the law, this is the section two to 03 it has all the rules about how records are supposed to be handled and the very real limits on what the president can and cannot do. trustee went on to say this last night. >> if he wants to declassify them if he wants to personalize them under the presidential records act that is his right -- >> well, this is what we need to clarify these are two separate powers the powers to declassify and personalizes the power to personalize. more than that, more than once in the interview last night, trustee actually conflated those two ideas. >> what i am asking you, when it comes to your client, you
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will not say what he has said which is that he blanket declassified all of those documents. did he do that? >> yes! >> just to be clear you're making the argument right now that by the time he was on the crowned in florida, afte>> juste making the argument right now that by the time he was on the crowned in florida, aften process. weather records are classified or not, by law, they are considered property of the united states government. however, with the presidential records act does do is determine what is public and private, there is a long section that clearly defines what is considered presidential and that is public and what is considered personal. in short personal would be document free materials which do not relate to or have an effect in the carrying out of
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the constitutional statutory or other official or ceremonial duties of the president. so, we will have to see how they make that argument in court, that the pentagon plans do not relate to the carrying out of the commander-in-chief. at least publicly, the former president and his defense team, they seem to be very fixated on this 1978 law. >> if the presidential records act -- >> look at the constitution, the presidential records act. >> come under as what is known as the presidential records act. >> they talk about a lot and it actually does cut to the very heart of this story. specifically, why did former president trump keep these documents in the first place? here is a lot again it says the presidential record of a former presidential be available to such former president in other words if you wanted to see something, if you want to have access to it, all he had to do
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was ask. the other part of the story is the danger of having pentagon battle plans just out there. remember the director of national intelligence launched a full damage assessment to figure out the risk posed by what donald trump took with him. so, let's bring in the former director of national intelligence james, director, thank you for joining us. when you look back at the mar-a-lago after david, you heard at that time that there were top secret sensitive compartmentalize documents that could be in this trove that trump took with him. when you pair that with what we've learned about this particular document, what concerns you? >> well, i mean, when we first learned about the presence of the classified documents at mar-a-lago all we really had to go on was the classification caveats where description. i said several times, and at
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the time that we needed to be cautious here because we didn't know the content of these documents. well, now we apparently know the media reporting is correct, the content of one of them which is quite sensitive. so this is worst fears realized when you look at the sensitivity of such a document. don't know the province of it, what date it was or anything like that but more on the subject of the potential attack of some sort against -- an invasion against iran, well that is a serious, serious revelation. and, it will heighten the paranoia that exists already and give them more ammunition not that they needed or justification for pursuing a nuclear weapon. >> what are the security national implications that you think of plans like this that
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have to do with a plan with iran being out there in the world? >> well, it is obviously a serious compromise, potentially you are putting peoples lives at risk here. if not within iran, certainly any u.s. military forces are engaged in any kind of activity, having to do with iran. the implications are quite serious. and this is one document, it makes you wonder what are the contents of the other documents that were found at mar-a-lago. and how sensitive are they? what are the implications for them? that they might bear on national security and the potential compromise? >> today we heard an interesting argument from another attorney who used to be very recently part of trump's defense team, this is tim parlatore talking about whether or not this document could be considered tough posed a risk to national defense. let's listen.
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>> if it is a planned, i mean a lot of it depends on if it exists, how detailed is it? is it, you know, a fairly rudimentary proposal from mark milley to the president that was outright rejected? does it give very detailed plans? if it is something that happened a few years ago and it is outdated, really it is one of those things that in the legal sense it goes to the jury where they have to look at the document and they have to make a determination as to whether it is national defense information. >> those that hold water for you, that argument? >> not really. i think there would need to be, i would put a lot more stock in a formal assessment of the intelligence community or competent executive branch officials to actually make a determination of how serious of a revelation the document
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represents. >> i mean, what if to his point, what if it was an old document what if it was just a briefing rather than specific plans. would that make a difference to? you >> obviously, it doesn't sound like it was. and operations plan is a very elaborate document, it doesn't sound like it was that. the point here is if it reflected intend, policy statement of some sort or the implication of a policy statement, or part of the government, then that in itself is pretty serious and has implications as i've mentioned before. not the least of which has an impact on iran itself. so, not knowing the providence, the contents but just from what is inferred is pretty serious, i think. >> james clapper, thank you very much for that inside. ahead for us a gun store owner decides to stop selling guns due to the spike in mass
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shootings. he is afraid that the weapons that he hustled already could end up in the wrong hands. you are about to hear from him coming up next. here's how tommy lost 30 lbs on noom weight. i'm tom. noom helped him use psychology to lose weight. the mindful aspect made me feel more conscious about what i was eating and why i was eating it. it's actually working.
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reimagining public education. >> recent mass shootings and other incidents of gun violence in the united states have prompted one gun shop owner near atlanta to close his business.
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john has children of his own and he says that he now worries that the fire arm said he was selling at georgia ballistics could be part of the next tragedy. his conscience won't let him do it anymore, john, thank you very much for joining us. you opened the store not too long ago back in 2021. what was the catalyst in your mind for this decision? >> the original capitalist was that not only that i want to help people get armed and defend themselves but after what happened with covid in the lockdown this was one of those stores that allowed you not to be stuck at home and be and ssd and help people. it was from that point that i literally just wanted to help police and local authorities because they were busy getting defunded and no one was rewarding them for defending people. >> what changed, what made you decide now to go ahead and close the store? >> well, it really is the kids.
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my son keep seeing it, my son is going through mass shooting tragedies at school. he's going to all of the training, it is nothing like that when i went to school, and it is sad that he has to live like that. but at the same time, it's also my responsibility because i sell higher and items that could be used like that and i don't want to sell something like that that could be used against my kid or anyone else is. >> i mean, you are right the statistics do bear this out, fire arm deaths are the leading cause of death for children. but, at the same time, since 2014, mass shootings in the united states have doubled in this country, this has been going on for nearly a decade now and longer than that if you look further at the statistics. before this moment, i mean, did you think on violence was an important enough issue for you to want to make a statement like this prior to this moment? >> i wasn't really in the
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industry before, i wasn't at the dinner table so to speak for what is going on and that now i am and when you see everything it just -- everything adds up. with the shooting in tennessee and one, and another one in the medical center it really isn't going to stop but at the same time it is my responsibility to just not participate in what could happen. >> yes, what is your biggest fear as a gun shop owner? >> my biggest fear is that something get sold to a law-abiding citizen it is stolen and that it is used in a horrific event. everything that i sell has my fingerprints and my name on it and i don't want anything that i sold to be used and the things that i've learned from doing a gun store just keep
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stacking, just keep stacking against doing it, i'm not saying anyone else shouldn't but it's one of those things that it is my decision in my decision is this. >> i say that you are sitting in your shop that my understanding is that it is already closed but you have a lot of weapons there behind you, what happens to those weapons now? >> yeah i try working with every town i want to see if there is a way of other people getting them because i don't want to. i'm just waiting to hear back, it's been about two months. >> you live in a state now in georgia where the gun laws are a little bit more lax there in other places, do you think that there's anything that can be done beyond your personal decision to make an impact on what you are concerned about here which is that these weapons could be used in horrific killings potentially against children?
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>> the problem is that nobody wants to sit down and have the conversation, there's always sides, this side and that side, we're all in this together. it's just one of those things where if you just sit down and talk there is no reason it can't work itself out. but at the same time my son is going through mass shooting trainings at school and they are actually teaching potential shooters where are the kids are going to be hiding there are problems like these two that hit me and also why i have to do this. >> did you at some point recently, did you have order from a customer that disturbed you in any way? >> there was a song that was ordered, it was a 2:40 saw -- >> can you tell us what that is? >> when you see it -- well it is a belt fed 16 inch military rifle, at civilian
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issue. it isn't a problem, a lot of people like those, use them for defense but at the same time if somebody breaks in your house and they are not stored properly if someone has something in the car and it is taken and used and being a gun store owner when you are one and the time there is a gun store that is broken into you get an email, i get three emails a month and it is just another one of those things that go in, even the storage here could be pilfered and something that i've done is taking children from other families. >> that weapon that you're talking about is a civilian version of a military automatic weapon. >> military, yes, military have won it is full auto there is a selector on it, these are civilian issued. the only difference -- >> did you sell it? >> yes, unfortunately. >> so that gun now is in the hands of a gun owner?
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>> yes. and that was the other part where i was just like at what point -- because i had only soul high-end items i was not doing the stuff that normal gun stores do i was doing it more for professionals. it is one of those things where if these fall into the hands -- it's not just an ar-15, there are other items that make them look like a tanker truck. >> all right john waldman, thank you very much for sharing that perspective with us. >> thank you for having me, and i greatly appreciate it, thank you. >> and stay tuned now for a dose of inspiration. a new list of forbes most wealthy women's out and it has been a record setting years for those women, who now the top spot in 2023 we will tell you next. helping them achieve financial freedom.
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♪ we're going on a bear hunt. ♪ ♪ going on a bear hunt. ♪ bear? ♪ we're gonna catch a big one♪ ♪ we're gonna catch a big one. ♪ ♪ look out for the water. ♪ ♪ can't go under it. ♪ ♪ the rocks and the mud. ♪ ♪ can't go over it. ♪ ♪ gotta go through it! ♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ oh going on a bear hunt!♪ ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ yeah we're going on a ber hunt! ♪ -bear! ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ - such a good boy. ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ oh what a beautiful day.♪ [ dog barks ] >> tonight the moment you've been waiting for forbes list of riches self made women's in, it includes stopped celebrity like you guessed it oprah winfrey she is topping at a network as
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2.5 billion dollars but there are also billionaires like rihanna and kim kardashian's and multimillionaires taylor swift and kylie jenner, so those names may not be surprising but it is worth remembering how exactly these powerful women built their fame and fortune and the historic records that they shattered along the way. let's take taylor, for example, she sold more than 2 million tickets to her tour more than any other artist in a single day and that infamously led to the ticketmaster crash. meanwhile, rihanna she performed one of the watch super bowls in that history and at the age of 25 there is social media star kylie jenner who is the youngest self made women on the list of the top 100. that is the title she has held for the past five years. cnn's alison camerota is joining me now, i know there's a little bit of controversy about kylie and what exactly self-made means, however -- >> i'm glad you brought that up,
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what does it mean, kylie jenner has a few hands upwards i would say. >> i'm with you on that one. when i think of self-made i mean oprah really fits that bill, she came from basically nothing she inherited nothing she was not wealthy and she is worth 2.5 billion dollars -- >> exactly and so those dolly parton and she's on that list, she is never ten, obviously from abject poverty she started working at ten years old the commonality is that they are all incredibly talented and incredibly hard working but which one of these is not like the other i don't know i can't speak to kylie jenner secret sauce she is obviously very successful but she doesn't, to me she is not over dolly or oprah. >> when it comes to self made i think that is kind of a stretch in the definition it is interesting how young some of these people are and also i was fascinated by, when you look at the artist like rihanna, even compared to a beyoncé, beyoncé's worth according to this list 500 and $40 million,
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she is maybe arguably one of the most famous people on the planet, she is on this massive tornado but the thing that makes rihanna so wealthy is not the music it is the merchandise. it is the makeup, it is the clothing line so the artists who brand into something else they really have been able to exponentially increased their wealth and that is pretty amazing. >> that's what we need, aside a slow. that's what i'm hearing you say we need a side hustle. >> clothing, jewelry. >> make up, we've cornered the market on fuchsia things. i but it is obvious our sheer talent which is abundant is not going to get us to this level. we need some merch. >> even if we're in our barbie era that may not be enough for us. so all of that, the other thing that i couldn't help but notice is, these women are wealthy and i want to show the audience the
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list of the most wealthy woman include some people that you don't really know, there is not really as well get the man look at that man on this list elon musk 200 billion dollars jeff pieces 143 billion dollars, the wealthy is self made women on the list diane hendricks 15 billion dollars, judy loved ten billion dollar slurs, we're talking about a lot of money here, where the huge dealt there is between the women and the man on these lists. >> women are catching up, i would say, and i think that these women are really impressive of was so struck by this list of the self-made women because number one is in roofing and building supply. that's fascinating because i do think we tend to over index for the celebrities and the fame, but you don't have to be rihanna this is what we need to teach our kids you don't need to be rhiana you can be a roof or, girls. that is food we need to start
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telling all of our kids. >> i have this theory that if you just make a thing that everybody uses every day, toilet seat covers, you will big tree wealthy, everybody needs to have it in that is actually -- a truck store convenience store, software, health care, these women are tuned really well, they are not celebrities but they are doing really well and climbing up on the list and it has been as we said a banner year for these women, so hats off to then, alison. >> if you have a model for toilet seat comfort that you would like to show me i have your partner with you because clearly we need to be doing something extra. >> shark tank here we come. everyone stay tuned, cnn tonight with alison camerota is starting right at the top of the hour don't miss it, and coming up next for as a family feud contestant is joking about actually regretting his marriage but now he is going to
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>> well you know the saying there is a grain of truth and every -- >> honey, i, love you but i said i do. not my mistake, not my mistake, i love my wife. >> well, that man was just convicted this week of first degree murder, and when patient for the shooting death of his estranged wife. tv appearance from three years ago did not come about the trial, but the marital troubles that were central to the prosecutors theory of the motive in that case. and thank you everyone for joining, us at the news continues right here on cnn. >> and a very warm welcome to our viewers here in th


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