tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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finally, this is what is it looks like in new york city, orange, hazard, smoky cloudy scending upon the city so bad new york temporarily topped the list of having the world's worst air 34r50ugs. the world's worst. it's all because of more than 150 wildfires that are actually burning across quebec, canada. officials today warning the dangerous conditions can result in shortness of breath, heart disease and it's not just a affecting new york. more than 40 million across the northeast and mid-atlantic are under air quality alerts. thanks so much for joining us. it's time for "ac360" with anderson cooper. good evening. tonight on "360th not just washington but miami. a second grand jury in the mar-a-lago documents probe. what it says about the investigation and perhaps any trials to come. also new word mark meadows, the white house chief of staff for the former president has
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gone before the grand jury. a dam in ukraine is breached at a key point in the war with accusations flying about who did it and a retired fbi spy catcher, remember s the spy he caught, robert hanssen who sold secrets to moscow and died in prison yesterday. we begin with a previously unknown second grand jury in the documents case and word late today that former trump chief of staff mark meadows has, in fact, testified before a grand jury unclear which one. also unclear when he testified or which line of inquiry the special counsel is pursuing. the documents for january 6th or perhaps both and kaitlan collins is here. what have you learned? >> a lot of questions about this especially when it comes to the mark meadows investigation, of course, that's -- or the mark meadows testimony. we knew he was going to have to testify because they subpoenaed him, the trump team tried to fight it citing executive privilege. they lost that, so we knew it was going to happen. we just didn't know when, now we know he has testified. he's a key figure in both of
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these investigations, and so that is notable here. >> and was with the former president throughout the day on january 6th. >> was with him throughout the day on january 6th. was once his representative to the national archives at the center of the documents investigation. was on the phone call trump had with the georgia secretary of state and now we know there's that audio recording of trump talking about classified documents and having them -- >> he went down to georgia. >> he also went down to georgia several times trying to broker meetings with officials there but also the audio recording that we now know jack smith, the special counsel has was because mark meadows was writing a book, ghost writing and his auto biographers recorded the conversation. >> in the -- what is this grand jury in miami? >> so, when you hear that people are going before the grand jury when it comes to the documents case it's always been in washington but we hadn't seen any activity since may and now we know there's one convened in miami where witnesses are going before them when it comes to the documents case and a lot of
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question, confusion about what exactly the second grand jury is doing, what the purpose of that, whether or not charges, if they're brought, would be brought in miami or in washington, which would make a difference, what we do know a witness has gone before the grand jury, multiple witnesses, another is going tomorrow and so it's certainly continuing to progress. >> so that miami one is still, they're still having witnesses. >> yeah, it appears they've only convened in the last several weeks. not clear when exactly. they're hearing from a witness tomorrow, we're told. >> kaitlan, want to bring in former federal prosecutor elie honig and john dean serving as richard nixon's white house counsel during watergate. elie, what do you make of this miami grand jury? >> could be a couple things. it could be a convenience the prosecutors are extending as a courtesy to witnesses down. if there are witnesses unwilling or unable to come up to d.c. what you do is take their testimony in front of a federal grand jury in florida and then you can just read their testimony to the grand jury in d.c. option b, it could be that
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there's some piece of the case that's only chargeable in florida, for example, if they're looking at potentially charging someone who worked at mar-a-lago that person would have no connection to whatever happened in d.c., so they would need to charge that case in florida and then option c, the big one is if could be they're considering charging the big case, potentially against donald trump in florida, rather than washington, d.c. and prosecutors have a lot of discretion about -- >> why would they do that. >> you get 20 choose what federal district you're going to bring your case in but has to be a federal district where some portion of the crime occurred so here you can see how the crime occurred in florida, the document retention, the mishandling crime and obstruction crime. now, the other option is d.c. the argument would be, well, he took the documents from d.c., right? that would be sort of the scene of the crime but the counterargument to that is, yes, but if the facts are and kaitlan would know this, if he took the documents out of there and sent
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them down to mar-a-lago before noon on january 20th while still president that's not going to be a crime. it doesn't become a crime until he loses the power of the presidency and then he illegally has nose documents and if that's the case then the whole crime happened in florida, not in d.c. and you can't charge it in d.c. >> also the question, a big question is not just the taking, it's the keeping of the documents and the obstruction factor in that so the other question i have about it, though, a lot of the aides who have gone and testified have come to washington to testify before that grand jury including the body man in the white house or his valet in the white house, he's now trump's body man. he has gone and testified, we know, and he said he didn't move any boxes then when he went back and it was clear prosecutors had surveillance footage of him moving boxes, he changed his testimony and then went dark. >> john dean, i mean it's tough to overstate mark meadows' importance in the trump white house and his closeness to trump on january 6th. how big a deal is it he has testified to a grand jury again, we don't know when this was or,
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you know, obviously what he said. >> it's a big deal because he his a remarkably important witness. we don't know, anderson, whether he has personal liability or exposure from any of his activities at the trump white house or if he has some cooperation deal. i do know he has one of the better attorneys in the whole picture and one of the more able attorneys in washington who has got two decades at the department of justice including deputy attorney general. this is somebody who could guide him through the process and possibly get him through with minimal problems, so this is a breaking story, still. but a very important one. >> kaitlan, is it clear to you how the former president's team feels about mark meadows? i mean, do they know where he stands or what he's doing? >> my sense from my report something they don't talk to him that much and it's not clear what trump thinks but trump's legal team is worried because
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he's obviously central to like three of these investigations and maybe four and has gone very quiet. they haven't been speaking to him. john mentioned his attorney. last time i was told they were not speaking to his attorney either so there's not -- which of these attorneys frequently speak in these investigations so that's raised questions for them on what he is saying to the government. >> elie, if he had cut a deal, we wouldn't know bit, when would we know about it? >> we would certainly know through reporting or when he testifies in court. if you gave me a choice as a prosecutor, any one witness in this whole case that i could have if i was guaranteed full and truthful testimony i'd choose mark meadows as kaitlan said he's the chief of staff in word and in deed. he is by trump's side at key moments before and during january 6th. remember, he's the one who republican members of congress, members of donald trump's own family are texting him as january 6th is happening saying, you have have to get the president to do something. he's the key point of contact with archives. he's a crucial player and his testimony could be invaluable.
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>> could he just plead the fifth? >> yeah, so there's a couple ways mark meadows could testify. he could go in there, testify and hope for the best. that would be very risky because he has potential criminal exposure. i think the most likely scenario is his lawyer said he's going to take the fifth and then what you do as a prosecutor, immunize him, okay, we're not going to use your testimony against you, meaning we can't prosecute you, now you have to testify. >> john, how likely do you think it is at this point that they actually will seek an indictment of the former president? >> i think it's highly likely. all the signs point that way. the evidence is certainly overwhelming. what i'm curious is, is whether to offer him a deal in the documents case. that's the norm with high-level people who violate the law and get themselves in trouble with security clearances, but i don't know if even donald trump would take a deal if he was offered one. >> john dean, appreciate it, elie honig, kaitlan will be back at the top for "cnn primetime"
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with more. joining us is former illinois republican congressman and former january 6th select committee member, adam kinzinger. congressman, i'm wondering what your reaction to this is of a florida grand jury. >> yeah, i mean, it's all the possibilities. i'm as confused as anyone. i think it's quite possible that maybe the d.c. grand jury is focusing on things maybe more related to january 6th or whatever the d.c. connection is to the documents case and they're resting, it seems like. they haven't met recently and florida may be again because you -- according to the sixth amendment you have to give someone an opportunity in their own area. if it was only committed down there, but the one thing i'm hope something that it's not in essence a restart. it doesn't seem like that. but, yeah, i think it's confusing to me as it is to anybody else. >> you were on the january 6th committee. what your thoughts are on mark meadows. we know he's reportedly already testified to a grand jury. we don't know when or what he
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said or which line of inquiry, whether it is classified documents or january 6th or what it may have been. >> well, look, anderson, this is huge and i heard elie saying earlier about, you know, text messages and everything else. let me say this and be clear. had we not gotten the first tranche of mark meadows' text messages on the january 6th committee, it would have been much harder for us to get to the answers that we eventually got to. he turned over ang initial tranche of texts then he quit cooperating with the committee but in that initial tranche we saw the text with, you know, the fox news host and saw the text with members of congress and other actors that allowed us then to be able to connect dots. he was really the all-star on that committee in terms of the evidence provided. so if he now goes in front of a grand jury and is fully cooperative, the stuffer we got from him will pale in comparison. >> elie was lounging here while you were talking. he's actually back with us.
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i want to ask you, ely, john dean mentioned the idea of a deal for the former president. what would that entail? >> there's a couple of things that could be. that could mean he took a guilty plea and in exchange is testifying and hoping to get a reduced sentence. that's your standard cooperator deal but would have to know mark meadows committed a crime. the other option, the less serious version of that is what i talked about before, the immunity deal meaning we're going to give you a free pass, not going to make you plead guilty to a crime but won't use your testimony against you and now you have to testify carefully and to the point that representative kinzinger was making that's so important, meadows did cooperate with the testimony. he gave them that dynamic that all his techs which were remarkable but stopped cooperating with the committee sort of midstream and so left a lot hanging out there and as adam correctly said prosecutors will be age to get all of that. >> when he stopped cooperating, i mean, how did that actually play out? does he just stop?
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did his lawyers say we're no longer cooperating? i mean, was there any explanation? >> no, basically it began -- as far as i remember on this a back and forth on negotiations. he'll come in and speak and we went through a month and a half to two months which we know by the way a lot of these witnesses, well, that doesn't work for us. you know, two weeks later let's try this date. and eventually he just kind of went radio out or nordo as we call it in the flying world but we had enough to start that. had we gotten everything, you know, it would have been even more intense but we were able to work from that for sure. >> congressman politically do you think any of the president's former rifles will try to use these legal cases to attack him or would that just strengthen his support? >> you know, i wish they would because this is important and it's important for our party. my party to hear this from people that are running for president, but i don't know. i think they're going to talk around it like they have so far, chris christie may go directly at him and if they start to
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smell blood in the water everybody will go after him but until then they will talk around it and say we have to look to the future, not the past anymore. >> adam kinzinger, thank you. thank you, elie. more breaking news. former new jersey governor chris christie as congressman kinzinger was mentioning launches his presidential campaign today. that happened just a short time ago in new hampshire. we'll take you there. plus two live reports from ukraine as accusations fly over who destroyed a huge dam flooding the battlefield submerging homes and putting a massive nuclear plant potentially at risk.
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more breaking news. former new jersey governor chris christie launched his primary campaign tonight in manchester, new hampshire, and aimed it straight at the former president. >> a lonely self-consumed, self-serving, mirror hog. [ laughter ] is not a leader. well, let me be clear, in case i have not been already. [ laughter ] the person i am talking about who is obsessed with the mirror, who never admits a mistake, who never admits a fault and who always finds someone else and something else to blame for whatever goes wrong but finds every reason to take credit for anything that goes right is donald trump.
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and if we don't have that conversation with you, we don't deserve to ask for your vote. we don't deserve the mantle of leadership. we don't deserve to have you think of us as people worthy of leadership. >> that's former governor christie tonight. he has famously had a bumpy history with the former president and dropped out, re-entered the fold as a born again trump supporter then broke with him again after january 6th. here's a sampling of some of the tough words he's had in the 2016 race and run-up to tonight. >> he gets criticized, he can't take it. [ laughter ] >> he is in his jammies in trump tower and phones in. >> i'm happy to take any observations he has even if he can only do them in 140 characters or not. >> when you say it's patriotic
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to suspend the constitution if you believe the election is being stolen from you that person is disqualified from being president of the united states again. >> we keep losing and losing and losing. and the fact of the matter is the reason we're losing is because donald trump has put himself before everybody else. >> the question now and it's no longer academic how will he turn that critique into primary votes. joining us former obama special adviser van jones and geoff duncan, also cnn chief political analyst gloria borger. what does governor christie believe his lane is. >> we always talk about these lanes and i asked his senior adviser and he said, chris' lane is going through trump. it is the only way someone can win. and as you saw today, what chris christie did was take him on fr frontally which quite frankly the other candidates are not yet
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doing in a way that chris christie is doing it and remember how he took on marco rubio in 2016 in that infamous debate and kind of destroyed him. he may have destroyed marco rubio but he also destroyed himself in the process and i think that's a little bit of the danger here. because he's not really popular with the republican electorate at this point, so he has to engrash yacht himself to republicans while taking on their favorite soldier. >> lieutenant governor duncan, do you think he has a lane? >> i certainly do. what i heard tonight was somebody who wants to win but not afraid to lose. i think that's a dangerous combination for somebody like donald trump to have to face that type of music. i think chris christie needs to stick to the script that he was a two-time governor in a blue state, he's been a republican longer than donald trump ever has. i think he needs to stick to that script and continue to hammer. >> chris christie has pushed against this notion he is simply going to attack donald trump in the primary.
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he says he wouldn't run if he didn't believe he could actually win this thing. >> he has the same chance as he has getting the democratic nomination. he has no support in that party that rivals some of the people in the single digits but i ththink it's important for the country that he's doing it, somebody with his backbone and courage does challenge a president. it's been remarkable to me to see someone like donald trump who lost the white house, lost the midterms basically be able to escape by even people who want to be president are scared to say anything bad about him. it's good for the country but his chance of getting the nomination, he has about the same chance of getting this as he does the green party or any other party. zero. >> gloria, christie's relationship is obviously a roller coaster. does that give him a credibility problem with voters? >> yeah, i think it obviously does. i mean, we all remember that he was prepping donald trump for the debate when he famously caught covid. after that debate, he was
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supporting donald trump, and then he turned on him after january 6th and his adviser said to me, look, we're going to make that distinction that after january 6th, chris christie could no longer support donald trump. but there is a flip side to this, anderson, which is he's out there already saying, i know donald trump better than most of you, so i can testify firsthand about what kind of human being he is and what kind of president he would be if he's elected this next time. so it kind of works both ways, but he does have to get over that hump of why were you so close to him and now you hate him? >> do you think the race that there are too many candidates already? >> well, look, i'm one of those republicans, i said this earlier today, i'm excited to see qualified candidates show up and i think we have to put our best foot forward. i'm also one of those republican that is think the weight of gravity will catch up to donald trump. he will have three or four indictments that will be wrapped around him all the way through this entire process and we have
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to have somebody qualified and ready to go. >> even with that if you got a whole bunch of candidates who divide up vote, you know, those who don't want trump and he has a base of 30%, 35%, isn't that inevitable? >> it's a math problem but you'll never limit the field out of the gates for three or four candidates so you'll have to have a whole slew of them and chris christie, tim scott, nikki haley, ron desantis, these are qualified candidates that could legitimately win a nomination. but you got to have donald trump fall apart and i think that's possible. >> van, the problem is cream rises to the top but the froth stays around for a long time. some people can run with no money and keep showing up. >> well, i mean, if you look at what happened to the democratic party, bernie sanders was getting outfront. scared the bejeebers out of everybody. as soon as one person got ahead, which is biden, everyonedoctored out, so there is at least an example in the modern context of a party coming to its senses, you know, i love bernie sanders,
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who doesn't but people in the party didn't feel like he should be the standard-bearer. biden won then cory booker dropped out and everybody else dropped out. someone has to beat donald trump in one of these races and whoever that person is could make a credible case, the rest of you get out of my way, let me go one-on-one but nobody will drop out before someone's put a win on the scoreboard. >> gloria, the first republican primary debate is in august. do you think christie has enough time to qualify. >> he may not. >> would he commit to the rnc rule of supporting the nominee. >> it's unanswered right now. they refuse to answer that. i think chris christie, it's a high bar for him. he's not popular right now in the republican party, but he has to get on that debate stage. he has to be able to take on donald trump if donald trump participates, remember, donald trump is saying, you know, why would i show up if i've got such a large perjury ofcentage of th.
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he needs to go mano a mano with donald trump and i can't see how he will get to do that. i don't think trump wants to share a debate stage with him. that would be pretty toxic to watch. >> appreciate it all. programming note on this coming monday the 12th i'll be hosting a town hall with presidential candidate chris christie. it will air live at 8:00 p.m. monday 8:00 p.m. so i'll be able to ask him that question, will he commit to supporting the nominee because that is the rule now for anybody to participate in this republican debate. coming up tonight, a dam collapses in ukraine and there's major flooding threatening an area that is seeing increased fighting. two live reports on the disaster prompting evacuation, also tonight a retired fbi agent, eric o'neal and his incredible story of exposing robert hanssen as a spy, his thoughts now on hanssen's passing in the supermax prison. shelves smart enough to see, sense, react, reststock.
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an ecological disaster unfolding against the backdrop of sharply increased fighting in ukraine. a dam and hydroelectric power plant collapsed potentially threatening thousands of lives. it's the largest reservoir in ukraine in terms of volume and about the size of the great salt lake in the u.s. ukraine and russia have traded accusations over who is to blame. satellite imagery analyzed by cnn shows damage days before the collapse of the dam. i'm joined by two correspondents in the region sam kiley in kharkiv northeast and fred pleitgen is near it in kherson. you're in the biggest town downstream. what's the scene there? >> hi there, that town is quickly also getting flooded as well. we were going around the area
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earlier today. right now there is a curfew. that's why we've had to go into this area. however, there's two things that stood out to us and i think you alluded to them a little bit. the area flooded is gigantic and second of all that area pretty much all of it is the front line. that is the dnipro river which right now is getting a lot wider and just in the short time that we were on the ground there, we saw the water rise extremely quickly and there were some people we were speaking to who said in the morning there was nothing. completely dry. after the dam burst the water rose so quickly that many people did not manage to get out of their houses and then were essentially stranded there. the other thing people need to keep in mind is this is one of the most active war zones in all of ukraine. and so what we're seeing a lot of here, this night as i'm speaking to you right now but also throughout the entire course of the day is a lot of shelling that's been going on and, of course, if you look at some of the things happening people trying to get out of their houses, that is happening against that backdrop of that
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shelling, people are still getting wounded as that's taking place. an extremely dangerous situation here on the ground in those flooded areas, anderson. >> sam, is it clear who destroyed the dam? >> no, it's not, anderson. the dam was fragile. it had shown signs of -- that it was in danger of structural failure several days before this final breach. now, the ukrainians have said that it absolutely was the russians. the russians have blamed the ukrainians saying they blew it up because things were going so badly for them in the east but i think one of the interesting side effects is if there was malice aforethought and the rugs blew it up, according to a ukrainian officer who operates in the area very close to where fred is right now, he told us that he had seen catastrophic effects on the russian troops. this is what he said.
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>> there are positions where fully destroyed and full of water. they have a lot of people there. they're just running and they try to and left their positions but left their munitions and vehicles including armored vehicles too. >> so clearly anderson, some of the shelling that fred has been hearing and seeing applies to ukrainian troops actually taking advantage of the russians being driven out of their own military positions and chasing them above ground when they couldn't see them because now they were being driven out of the flooded trenches and other accommodations that they were in. >> so, fred, how extensive have evacuations been? >> they've been extremely extensive and we got firsthand look at that a little earlier today. everybody who can right now is
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pitching in but one of the interesting things that we learned on the ground there is that first of all many people doesn't have the time to get out of their buildings. a lot were stranded there and a lot remain stranded and that's one thing to keep in mind you have the shelling going on. it's the middle of the night and people are hearing mortars and artillery going over their heads as we speak right now. so that's definitely something that's extremely difficult but what the folks who are conducting this who are trying to get people out of their houses are telling us is when this started in the early stages they were able to take regular cars and get there and try to get these people out. but it became very, very quickly and very soon afterwards they needed big trucks and right now it's pretty much all boats so the situation certainly is deteriorating. as of right now, ukrainian officials say a thousand houses remain underwater and that's just in the area that's held by the ukrainians, obviously sam was saying a situation on the russian side or the russian held side seems to be as bad if not worse, anderson. >> sam, does this benefit anybody on the battlefield?
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i mean, you talked to that ukrainian officer saying this has hurt russian troops but, i mean, how do you fight within these conditions? >> well, from the russian perspective, it helps because it makes that water crossing that the ukrainians would have to use for any kind of offensive that much bigger. it soaks the land so that even when the water recedes it's much harder to move armor across it but the ukrainians have countered that argument saying, hey, basically we anticipated something like this happening. we built that into our military planning and we're okay with it. this is all to assume that there was going to be some kind of an offensive over that dnipro river in the first place whereas in fact what we've seen is probing attacks elsewhere near zaporizhzhia up in the east and into russia itself, anderson. >> sam kiley and fred pleitgen, appreciate it. one of the most notorious
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and they're working. narrator: california's community schools: reimagining public education. after my car accident, community schools: reimagining public education. i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ the fbi has called robert hanssen the most damages spy in history. he turned traitor and decided monday at the age of 79 in the supermax prison where he had been serving a life sentence for
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over two decades. he, worked as a spy for the soviet union and russia for 15 years. he held key counterintelligence positions and it compromised dozens ofs ares secretly working for the u.s. some of whom were executed and gave the rugs insight into u.s. eavesdropping, surveillance and communication techniques. joining me now is chief law enforcement john miller, former nypd deputy commissioner of intelligence and former fbi operative eric o'neill joins me as well and worked as hanssen's assistant and documented it in "gray day ♪ the story is fascinating. you were 25 when the fbi assigned you to work undercover as hanssen's assistant. what was he like and what was your relationship like and i'm wondering what you think on his death. >> yeah, anderson, well, first, thanks for having me on "360."
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john, good to see you. we go way back. it was a difficult investigation as you said, i was 25. i was an fbi ghost so catching spies following them, surveilling them, that's what i was used to but working fac face-to-face in fbi headquarters in the most unique case they had ever run in its history up till then was certainly daunting. hanssen was a very difficult person. he was a narcissist, had a huge ego, a very quick temper and he was quick to call me a moron when he didn't like me. i had to do the overt job of building cybersecurity at the same time i did the covert job of investigating hanssen and trying to find the information that was going to give us a slam dunk case to put him away forever. >> was he ever suspicious of you. >> he had to be suspicious. so hanssen had been sent to the state department to a liaison job and was supposed to end out his career and was supposed to retire in april of 2001. we only learned about him in
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december of 2000. so he's brought back to fbi headquarters, promoted to executive service, given his dream job and given one person to work with him to build cybersecurity for the fbi and that happened to be me so he had to be suspicious that this was an investigation. but until he was able to confirm those suspicions, he had to assume that it was real so my number one job was don't screw up. >> john, just put in perspective, how damaging was hanssen to america? >> i think robert hanssen was singular in the type of damage, you know, you could look at edward snow den who released entire nas program but hanssen gave names of spies that the fbi and the cia had spent years trying to recruit who were operating both stateside and in russia. these are people who were called back home or captured in russia who were likely tortured, at
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least three of them were executed, others were imprisoned. and these are not just critical national security resources, our vision into what russian espionage and intelligence is doing but, you know, also human beings. it was quite callous to sell thousands of documents for more than a million dollars but send people to their certain death. >> eric, based on your time with him, you said he was a narcissist, was that part of the reason he was spying for the soviet union? was it solely about money? did he like the feeling of importance? >> it was a combination of thing, first of all, he had asked for a transfer to the new york field office which is the most expensive fbi office in terms of quality of life and living on an fbi salary. so he needed money. he was having children. he couldn't support his life. at the same time, he was a disgruntled employee. he wanted to be a field operative. he wanted to do the sort of things i was doing as an fbi ghost undercover chasing targets, using disguises, but
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his skill set was as an analyst and was adept at analyzing large amounts of data and distilling it down to that one actionable intelligence point that would allow someone like me to do what i did. he was angered at the fbi because he warranted to be james bond and they made him a librarian in his mind. you have a disgrunted employee with a large rigo who had financial problems which is a triggering event and those are all the ingredients you need for a trusted insider. he was not recruited by the russians. he volunteered his services and maintained a code name, never let the russians know who i was for his 22 years of espionage. and so that was how he protected himself and lasted that long. >> how did he get brought down? >> a kgb source was identified by a joint fbi/cia task force, a former kgb intelligence officer, the kgb was disbanded when the soviet union collapsed and he had been a guy in business and
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wanted a retirement somewhere nice in the u.s. he sold a slim file of information that pointed the finger at robert hanssen. this was december of 2000. hanssen was going to retire in april. just a few months and so the fbi very quickly put together a operation to catch robert hanssen which was called the information assurance section. it was a way to lure him back from the department of state, put him in a highly prestigious position, give him access to information and hope he made that final drop to the russians that would give us a slam dunk case to put him away and my job was find the information that will put us there ahead of him before he makes that drop so we can catch him red-handed. >> what kind of changes were made to the fbi after him? >> after robert hanssen, you know, the polygraph policy about having a top secret clearance and going through a national security polygraph are you a spy, have you ever been a spy, have you mishandled classified information became mandatory but a lot went into looking for
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between the cia turncoat and robert pitts, robert hanssen and others searching for what were the common traits between these men who turned on their country to figure out how can we see them ahead of time and people like satloff at virginia university, you know, worked with fbi profilers to try to develop that and that will also ab a work in progress. >> so interesting. john miller, thank you. eric o'neill,fascinating. what has not happened in more than 130 years that prince harry did in a courtroom today. ♪ ♪
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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today in a london courtroom a rare sight, a member of the british royal family on the stand testifying. it was prince harry who is taking his showdown with the tabloid media to a new level. more now from max foster. >> reporter: prince harry's year's long battle reaching its most dramatic moment yet as he arrived at london's high court to testify in his landmark trial against british publisher mirror
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group newspapers, mgn. court sketches showing a senior royal in a witness box for the first time in more than 130 years. prince harry's tell-all memoir "spare" and recent netflix documentary have already detailed so many of the prince's grievances with the press which he partly blames for his decision to leave the uk and life as a working royal. >> i don't want history to repeat itself. >> reporter: and while this is the duke of sussex's first time giving evidence, it's just one of several lawsuits filed by him and his wife, meghan, in which they accused british tabloids of breaches of privacy and publishing false stories. the duke of sussex's central allegation in this case, the publisher's journalists and used other illicit means to gather information about his life between 1996 and 2009. he alleges that about 140
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articles published by mgn contained information gathered using unlawful methods. 33 of those articles including stories about his time in school at eton, his gap year in australia and stories such as these about his first serious relationship with chelsea davie are being considered at the trial. he says these invasions of privacy, especially when he was a minor, caused him to stress and affected his mental health. speaking in court in a measured and hushed tone, harry accused some british editors and journalists of having blood on their hands for the distress they caused him. and he added perhaps inadvertently death, in reference to his mother, princess diana. he faced forensic and detailed questioning from mgn's lawyer, andrew green. green questioned how the articles in harry's witness statement could have caused him distress if the duke was unable to specifically recall reading each article when they were published. green also pressed harry on
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whether the articles contained information that could only have been obtained through illegal means such as phone hacking. harry believes both the uk's press and government are at rock bottom according to his witness statement, but his time in london isn't over yet. he's expected to continue giving evidence on wednesday. >> max foster joins me now from london. as you mentioned, prince harry and meghan markle have filed several lawsuits against tabloids. what about the other cases? >> there are several cases he's involved with. two of the key ones involve illegal information gathering at other newspaper groups. so news group newspapers which includes the sun newspaper, not phone hacking there but other forms of illegal news gathering effectively. then separately there's associated news limited, which oversees the daily mail. and there we're talking about bugging and blaging. so listening devices and getting hold of private information, using that, putting did into
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stories. we're going to hear the results of both those judgments later on this year. but between these three cases, really, you've got the entire tabloid media. harry's taking them on. he wants them reformed. he wants to make sure these techniques are known about and never allowed again. >> max foster, appreciate it. thank you. here at home up next how a drinking glass, utensils and genetic genealogy is connected to a case against an attorney accused of four sexual assaults more than a decade ago. this electric feels different... because it's powered by the most potent source of energy there is ..... you. this is the lexus variety of electrification ... inspired by, created for and powered by you. ♪
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charleston neighborhood. the victims, they say, between 23 and 44 years old at the time. the prosecutor detailing how she says nilo trapped some of his victims. >> once outside of the car, the male told her to shut up or he would kill her and that he had a weapon. he flashed a small knife at her. he then drove to terminal street in charlestown, where he ordered the victim out of the car, knocked her to the ground, and raped her. >> reporter: nilo, who is now 35, faces three counts of aggravated rape, two counts of kidnapping, one count of assault with intent to rape, and one count of indecent assault and battery. >> investigators never stopped analyzing evidence, collecting information and running down leads in order to bring dangerous offenders to justice. >> reporter: prosecutors say the investigation went cold for over a decade until last year, when investigators were able to link dna from the crimes to a
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genealogy database and zero in on nilo, who had since moved from boston and was living in new jersey. they put him under surveillance and got the dna sample they needed to make an arrest. >> fbi agents were able to obtain various utensils and drinking glasses. they watched the defendant use at a corporate event. >> reporter: nilo was arrested at this apartment building in weehawken, new jersey last week. we tried to speak to his fiance, who lives here at the building, but we were escorted off the property and told by the building's management that we were not allowed to speak with her. >> reporter: nilo's attorney says his client maintains his innocence and may fight how investigators obtained evidence in the case. >> it seems that they obtained dna evidence without ever obtaining a search warrant. if that turns out to be true, that's a issue that will be pursued vigorously. >> reporter: legal experts say publicly accessible genealogy
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databases have become an effective source for investigators to link dna from crime scenes to individuals. law enforcement officials in boston say without it the arrest of nilo may not ever have happened. >> and nilo remains behind bars. his bail is set at $500,000. he was arraigned last week. his next court appearance is scheduled for monday. >> jason carroll, thanks so much. appreciate it. the news continues. "cnn primetime" with kaitlan collins starts now. good evening. i'm kaitlan collins, and tonight we have two big developments in the federal investigations into former president donald trump. cnn has now learned that mark meadows, trump's former chief of staff, has testified before a grand jury in the special counsel's investigation. he could be a crucial witness,
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