tv CNN This Morning CNN June 14, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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supporters in new jersey where he claimed he, quote, did everything right. >> he did not address the court in miami, he sat huchblghunched with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. also in the courtroom, jack smith. it was the men's first encounter. no words between the two were spoken. >> the judge ordered the former president not to speak with walt nauta, his co-defendant. he will appear in court again in two weeks. >> and also new reaction from contenders. mike pence said he can't defend trump's alleged conduct and nikki haley said she'd be inclined to pardon the former president if convicted. "cnn this morning" starts right now. such an important day, and to hear the president's response last night to all of it.
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>> just how fast things commingled from the legal to political. not that they were ever separate, but if you ever had any doubt about how things were going to be going the next couple months, very abundantly clear last night. >> and we'll talk about all of it, we'll fact check the former president's remarks. but donald trump shifting right back to campaign mode after becoming the first former president in u.s. history to be arrested on federal charges, he claims innocence and he raises money. just hours after pleading not guilty in miami, trump gave a primetime speech at his golf club in new jersey, it was 23u8 of misleading claims, many false claims including this one -- >> whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the right to do so. it is an absolute right. this is the law. >> federal prosecutors are accusing trump of illegally
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hoarding classified documents at mar-a-lago including some of the nation's most sensitive nuclear secrets and then hiding them repeatedly from the fbi. they say he showed them off to people without security clearance and haphazardly stored them in places like a bathroom and his bedroom. alayna treene is in new jersey and reporters are standing by for analysis, but i want to start with sara murray. the former president not denyinging that he took the documents, that he had the documents. what is he saying in his defense? >> he is saying that these are his documents, he had every right to take them, but it was pretty clear that donald trump was not excited to be in court yesterday for his second indictment since he left the white house. >> reporter: former president trump maintaining his innocence in the face of 37 federal
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charges. >> i hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes. it is a long tedious job, takes a long time. which i was prepared do but i have a very busy life. >> reporter: trump speaking before a crowd of supporters at his bedminster golf club capping a historic day that included the first federal arraignment of a former president. >> we can't just deny what president did was wrong. it is clear as day wrong. >> i don't care whether you are a trump supporter or a trump opposer, you have to take this seriously. >> reporter: trump surrendered at a federal courthouse in miami tuesday afternoon. his attorney telling the court on trump's behalf, we most certainly enter a plea of not guilty. in the courtroom trump sat with his arms crossed at a table flanked by his two lawyers. trump did not address the court. also seated at that table, his aide and co-defendant walt
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nauta. he did not have a florida layer present before of the 37 counts, some are obstruction but most are for the willful retention of national defense information. >> threatening me with 400 years in prison for possessing my own presidential papers which just about every other president has done. one of the most outrageous vicious theories ever put fort in a court of law. >> reporter: there are no travel restrictions but told trump that he could not speak to any of the potential witnesses in the case. trump's attorney objected and insisting many of the witnesses in this case are people employed by the former president. the judge clarified that trump could not speak about the facts of the case with any of the witnesses, including nauta. and asked prosecutors to provide a list of the witnesses in the case. also present in the courtroom, special counsel jack smith, though he did not speak during the hearing.
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trump was greeted by a crowd as his motorcade left the courthouse. he made an unannounced stop at the famous cuban restaurant in little havana, where he was met by dozens of supporters. he entered the restaurant with nauta by his side. and spoke to religious leaders. after the indictment, trump's former vice president mike pence spoke about the charges after previously urging the justice department not to indict the former president. >> i have had the opportunity to read the indictment that was filed. i can't defend what is alleged. these are serious allegations. handling of classified materials as i learned in my years of vice president and my years on the foreign affairs committee is a serious matter that bears upon the national security of the united states. >> let's not overstate where the republican party is at right now. we've still heard mostly from republicans defending the former president, but we've heard from more people in the past 24 hours
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who are caveating their support. >> it will be interesting to watch it play out. sara murray, you're stuck with us once again. let's bring in jeremy and shelby. shelby, kind of on that point, you've been in bedminster. after the president's remarks last night, what were you hearing from republican officials? >> i think the big thing is in terms of the people running against the former president is this is just something that they want to move past. which i think is natural because it is a no-win situation for any of the candidates running against him, they are forced to walk this very fine line between do we defend trump because that is what the base wants us to or do we say yeah, look, these are really serious charges and he did something really wrong here. i don't know if i can pardon him if i become president. so the major theme i was hearing
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was okay the day is over, we are moving on, we are continuing to campaign, let's not talk about this again. >> good luck with that. >> yeah, did you respond good luck, that is a great strategy? >> exactly. >> let's play the sound where trump talks about you can't do this, he is election interference. >> this is called election interference and yet another attempt to rig and steal a presidential election. more importantly, it is a political persecution like something straight out of a fascist or communist nation. >> let's address the first point he made there, you can't do this, this is election interference. because is tthis is a criminal trial, he will have to be in the courtroom for all of this, so depending on the calendar, what motions there are that delay
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things, does he have a point at least that it could be argued had how can i be campaigning, et cetera, if i'm in the courtroom. >> i think the response to that is probably rhetoric. and i don't want to say nonsense because i can appreciate his concern, but that would be his statement no matter when this investigation began. >> but looking at the facts and the calendar, they can really bump up against each other. >> they certainly can and i think that is one of the reasons why probably jack smith would like to see this happen sooner rather than later. that discovery i'm sure is ready to go and after that two week period comes and the other co-defendant is in and they go before the judge and he's arraigned, i expect that that procedure will move as quickly as they can. but trump's team will certainly try to delay it for the reasons you just stated. >> and we've all become presidential records act experts over the course of the last several weeks because what else do we have to do. but it is never mentioned in the
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indictment, it is not related to the indictment directly. and frankly, it doesn't apply here because these documents that the president took were not his documents or his personal records. however, this was how the former president framed things last night -- >> threatening me with 400 years in prison for possessing my own presidential papers which just about every other president has done is one of the most outrageous and vicious legal theories ever put forward in an american court of law. as president, the law that applies to this case is not the espionage act but very simply the presidential records act which is not even mentioned in this ridiculous 44 page indictment. the presidential act is civil, not criminal. i had every right to have the
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document. >> so the only thing that the president said that was accurate is that the pra is civil, not criminal. nothing else was act. why? >> there is a lot there. first of all, donald trump won't go to prison for 400 years. secondly, if you look at what they actually charged in this indictment, they narrowed town the scope of the documents that they took. we know that they took more than 100 documents with classified markings. and what they are charging him with is willful retention of national defense information. so they have looked through all of the various things that donald trump took, whether it was photos, notes from meeting, and they whittled it down to what is classified national defense information that we think is actually going to resonate with the jury, that we can get approvals on to show the jury where we think that we won't so badly compromise american national security, that we can make some of this available to jurors, but they will look being at it and just be horrified. >> and these are the records of the agencies respect not the
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personal records of the president. this is a critical piece of this. >> jeremy, the judge saying you can't talk to your co-defendant alleged in a conspiracy between the two, walt nauta, what is interesting -- weigh in 00 that, but also the fact that prosecutors now have to present a list of who else they think trump can't talk to. and i wonder if evan corcoran who is also a witness would be on that list. but he has to talk to evan corcoran because he is defending him in the january 6 preeb. >> i don't think it is atypical to make the determination with the co-defendant. the judge wants to ensure the integrity of this process and not run afoul of that. and we've heard from other cases in new york and in general that the former president has done these things. that list is an effort to find a compromise for the judge to make this work that understands that the former president has a right to defend himself, he has a
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first amendment right, but also making muring sure that there a issues. but there may be something on paper that says what the former president can't do, but no one is there when he is in a room by himself. and so that is why this is implemented. >> that is a good point. because the prosecution did not ask for the restrictions that were put on walt nauta talking about the case with the former president. the judge implemented them anyway. and yet nauta you saw in that video he was right behind the president. for people who don't necessarily understand how the former president's universe operates, what is walt nauta's role? >> he is essentially now trump's personal aide. and the interesting thing as i was talking to aides last night at bedminster, one question i asked is just confirming whether or not walt had returned with trump on his plane. and the reaction when i asked
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that question was kind of like, well, of course he did, why wouldn't he. >> this is the judge ordered that. >> yes. and we also discussed kind of the relationship between walt and trump and the overarching organization. and walt was described as now of course we were discussing this earlier, whether or not this is accurate. he will want to keep walt close to him at this point. but he was described as somebody who is very close to the president, extremely well liked within trump world, and essentially part of the family was the description that i got. >> and one of the few -- you've covered trump for years who doesn't seem to be in it for personal gain or grift on the side, but also you could see in the video he is literally changing the pens the president is using. like that is his role is to know
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trump's whims and how he operates. >> yeah, this is a very close relationship, it is a personal relationship, close physical proximity relationship. and i do think that shelby is right, you are talking about someone who is really engrained in the trump orbit right now. and someone frankly that he has an attorney who is being paid by a trump related pac. if you are someone who is that far enmeshed in that world and you've been with trump for that long, it can be sort of hard to imagine what your life would look like outside of that. and i think that that is part of the reason prosecutors have had such a difficult time in their effort to try to get walt nauta to cooperate and flip. >> all right. a lot more to come. donald trump going on the offense, trying to, but definitely fund raising after his arraignment. his 2024 rivals are also weighing in. and new reporting about trump's response to the federal charges.
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republicans all, you have to get tough. you got to get tough. >> that was former president trump's message to his party as he railed against the federal indictment against him. trump addressed his supporters at his bedminster new jersey golf club after pleading not guilty in miami yesterday. alayna treene is live they're bedminster this morning. you follow the former president closely. what were your big takeaways. >> reporter: there are a few notable things that i took away. the first is that we saw him use the well worn play book he's used time and time again and the same language he's been using that the charges are political, that they amount to election interference, but also that he was entitled to take these
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documents with him after leaving the white house. and also that others were not prosecuted for doing the same thing that he did, of course prosecutors in this case say that that is not true, that he took with him some of the most sensitive security documents and also his unwillingness to turn them over amounts to obstruction. second thing that i found notable was that his tone. some of his advisers picked up on as well. yes, he was surrounded by his most sympathetic survivors, but you could tell there was underlying anger. he did not stay and talk it people like we saw him do at the restaurant in miami which is kind of a landmark in the state of florida. no, he left the stage almost immediately and went back into his club. and third thing was the
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substance of his speech. he talked with trump allies and they told me that they were hoping it would be more forward looking, that he would focus on him being the leader of the republican party, layout some of his 2024 agenda items. but he spent most of the speech railing against his opponents and joe biden and also hillary clinton. and he also focused on special counsel jack smith. and that is something that his team urged against him doing but he did anyway. >> all right. we'll be back with you. and i want to come back to the panel. i love the idea of people around him or his supporters saying i wish this was forward looking, i wish it was about 2024 and his agenda, not about hillary clinton or reliving 2016. the world that they are living in, sorry, this is the last seven years always. >> it won't going to take -- every once in a while trump will
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actually listen to them and give a forward looking speech. and then they get really excited. he's listening to our advice. and then he goes right back to it. i mean, he of course is going to move into the campaign speeches and he will articulate some of what he would do if he had another term. but we have not seen a willingness to not rail against the investigations, to not try to relitigate how he believes the election was stolen from him. it just won't happen. >> what does happen now in terms of the trial, the schedule? i know we have to wait for two weeks for the walt nauta appearance. but then what? >> once nauta gets arraigned, the judge will set a schedule for discovery and i think that discovery is probably for the most part ready to go. the u.s. attorney's office or, pardon me, jack smith, he has incentive to move this along as quickly as possible, but i'd
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expect there will be a lot of degree motions and actions on behalf of trump for example to challenge a privilege that was pierced with his attorney evan corcoran. that could be a big piece. this is not michael cohen who is a bad witness and you don't care, but corcoran has much more clout and weight and credibility. so a lot of things that will happen. subpoenas that will be issued by the defense. >> do i think this goes all the way up to the supreme court? that is what tim pal tory is predicting. >> i think there is always a possibility, first of all, a unique case that has been unheard of before. when you have a former president who is now in federal court, there are issues that are legitimate issues. i think there is a lot of weight -- >> why would the supreme court revisit that question?
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because that came from a supreme court decision. they had already decided on that. that there is a crime fraud exception to attorney/client privilege. why would they revisit what they already said is precedent? >> i think that there will be new challenges thousas now with team, not at the grand jury stage, but now at the trial stage. and there is also going to be separate to what you are -- interlocker to appeals, that could delay this as well, other issues will come up where they say we can't proceed until a h higher court renders a decision on whatever legal motion is being made. so a lot of steps that can take place. not maybe the supreme court, but other higher courts to make those decisions. >> and we've all been closely watching the other primary competitors the former president is facing. mike pence, former vice president, i think was at the "wall street journal" doing editorial board meeting while this was all happening to some
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degree. and he said this, take a listen. >> i have had the opportunity to read the indictment that was filed. i can't defend what is alleged. these are serious allegations. and the handling of classified materials as i learned in my years as vice president and my years on the foreign affairs committee is a serious matter that bears upon the national security of the united states. >> and he also said that he has a lot of questions about the justice department and decision making evover the last seven years. >> and i'm not surprised by the response because pence is running on kind of being the -- upholding the constitution candidate. i know you saw a few weeks ago when he launched, he really leaned in to that and he was hitting trump more aggressively than i anticipated. but after that announcement speech, it doesn't surprise me that he is taking a bit of a
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stricter viewpoint after seeing all these charges and kind of withholding whether or not he is going to pardon trump unlike some of the other candidates that we've seen. >> i was a bit surprised though to hear nikki haley say for the good of the country if she was president and if trump went to jail and were convicted, she may pardon him. this is after vehicle swam any said that he would. >> and the issue is less about guilt and more about what is good for the country. i think it would be horrible for the country to have a president in prison for years because of a documents case. i saw that at the united nations. so i'd be inclined in favor of a pardon. >> you know, i think people have issues with her referring to this being something that happens in in a third world country because we're talking about very serious crimes that
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donald trump is accused of, but i do think that there is a concern among politicians even among lawyers of what resident we are setting when we indict a former president and, you know, if he is convicted, could he face jail time. what does that mean and what does it mean for future presidents moving forward, is this kind of going to be a new normal. i think the issue with donald trump is he as just done so much to break the norms and in many cases to potentially violate the law. and so the question is if you are not going to hold him accountable through the impeachment process, then what is the remedy supposed to be. the answer can't be that if you are a president or former president that you can run around committing whatever crimes you want. >> what is striking about the answer, first part you think there is some precedent, gerald ford, not apples to apples, but
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pardoning nixon may have cost him re-election. and you wander in to the third world country comment -- that loses me. but you spend a large portion of your time also paying close attention to another investigation ongoing down in georgia. and somof your reporting, georg law enforcement was watching. >> yeah, we've known this for a while, they wanted it to be sort of quiet about it, but they were in new york scoping out what the security situation was there, how they secured the courthouse there. and they did the same thing in miami to see how they were grappling with donald trump's appearance and security concerns. they are getting ready. the district attorney in fulton county has signalled had she will make announcements on whether anyone will face charges in essentially the first three
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weeks of august. and i know from my conversations with people is one of the big concerns is that they don't have any security issues there. they are worried about the former president's security but the d.a. there who is a black woman has gotten a number of threats. her staff has gotten a number of threats. so she is concerned broadly about the federal complex as well as donald trump and potentially other defendants who could be charged alongside him. >> that is really fascinating that they were there. >> and shelby is not from iowa, she is actually from new york. she went to the university of iowa where she played tennis and defeated my buckeyes on a regular basis. so i thought we're the midwest, we'll claim her. she's in our circle whether she likes it or not. >> i like being a new yorker, but i'll take the honorary iowa hawkeye. and plans are being finalized to reopen the collapsed portion of i-95. officials have identified a truck driver killed.
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and e. jean carroll can now seek more damage in her defamation lawsuit against donald trump. more on that coming up. sometitimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let the light shine through. and ght tomorrow, with the hope from today. there's a chance to let the light shine through. this is a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is once-daily pill that is proven to deliver significt relief cacross bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and bipolar ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients
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his family and especially his kids. transportation secretary pete buttigieg visited the site and he vowed that the federal government would help fix the cla collapsed the section which could take months floo. a federal judge will allow e. jean carroll to amend his charges to include the comments donald trump made last month. he said this on cnn -- >> they said he didn't rape her. i didn't do anything else either. you know what is this because i have no idea who the hell she is. she is a whack job. >> her lawyers say that she will try to seek additional punitive damages for those remarks. bud light has lost its place as the most popular beer over the backlash over outreach to the transgender community.
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there was a picture of a personalized can sent to her by anheuser-busch. sales are now down 25%. up next, reaction to donald trump's arraignment from america's global allies and rivals. and later trump has been ordered not to talk to one of his closest aides about the case. how the judge could actually enforce that, stay with us. alizn ♪ to guide youou through a changing world. ♪ ♪ ("i like to move it" by ♪ we're reinventing our network... for total confidence and complete control. ♪ ♪
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welcome back to our continuing special coverage. you are looking at headlines from around the world after former president trump pleaded not guilty. the documents themselves have potential very real international implications. and joining us from london is max foster and bianca nobilo. we're very kind of focused off will- >> americans focused on america? never. >> the perception of it to some degree. but this has wide repercussions around the world. what are you seeing in terms of the international community, how they are reacting and what their view is for this moment for america? >> i think trump has been a global story in the same way it has been a story for you. this time around it is not playing that high. so big front page, we did have a
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massive uk story here yesterday and it is just a mention here at the bottom. and that is a typical sort of thing we're seeing around the world if you look al all the newspapers. but inside there is commentary. so in the "times," his golden air glowed like a giant light bulb. >> best headline of the day i have to say. >> italian news agency saying that the trump show, how he used the court events to create a show later on in the day. >> he certainly did. some of the reaction i find interesting is not only the "new york times" reporting that some political commentators in russia were hope about their support for trump, but also the tweet by the prime minister of hungary that your fight is good, your fight is a good fight and never give up. >> yeah, this is why they say president trump was such a global story because he was part
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of the trend that we've seeing, these mavericks cropping up around the world. vector or baban is one of those. and interesting that the russian state news agency has covered this, but exclusively from the angle of trump maintains that he had the right to have these documents. with no counter balance in their report as to all the evidence against him. so underscoring that as a leader he has the right to do what he wanted to do. and in "the guardian," a lot of commentary linking boris johnson's political travails, how he had to resign after calling the investigation into him a witch hunt, a kangaroo court, basically saying britain doesn't want these trumpian tendencies. so i think that resonating across the country. >> yeah, the corrupting language
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has been fascinating. the times we interact in person is when i'm on presidential trips and i'm lucky enough to be able to work with you face-to-face as opposed to through the tv screen. you talk to aides and officials close to key u.s. allies. so many times the message is whether or not there will be a return to what they saw in the four years of the trump presidency. how do people look at this moment and his lead in the republican primary right now for what it might say about the future? >> they are very nervous. it is that chaos that they had and they didn't quite understand that if you take the uk as one example, they are desperate for a trade deal with the united states, so you won't have any public figure really, anybody that might be this government, criticizing donald trump because he might be the person that they try to ged t the trade deal wit.
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he might be president next year, so they are playing it straight, but they dread the chaos. >> and i think it is also linked in terms of what officials think and the concerns to the two prevailing questions. first of all, could the outcome of this particular investigation and case and all these counts against the former president lead to him not being eligible for office. that is the key question that many people have and many newspapers in eastern europe asking that question today. and the other being what are the motive here. a lot of the new papers asking that question. because in terms of alliance with america for defense intelligence and security, that is a key question and unanswered one. >> and we know from the indictment it is alleged that the documents included five eyes which is sensitive information with those key allies. so it is not just about u.s. intelligence, it is about what is shared with our closest allies. >> guys, thanks so much. i think that last pontsint bian
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made is so important. we get stuck in the politics and messaging and posture of the former president. inside these documents, major, major problematic information were it to become pin not just for us but our closest intelligence allies, our foes to some degree. >> yeah, you can understand why international leaders might want to be quiet publicly because we don't know how the election cycle will play out. and privately would just be horrified. to think that your own condition's secrets will be splayed across the floor at mar-a-lago because donald trump decided to just take boxes of documents with him when he left really makes you wonder how you can completely trust the u.s. as an ally in sharing these kinds of secrets. again, we don't have the full details of what is in all of these documents, but it doesn't look great. >> the jury will have to see the
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documents and that is why jack myth was very particular in choosing these 31, went back to those intelligence agencies, what needs to be redacted so that they are damning enough to make my case but also you are sharing sensitive national secrets. and that could be a criticism from trump allies. if this is so dangerous to have out of the security areas, why can a jury see it. >> and you made a great point, they are being redacted. and it is necessary because one of the elements is that these are compromising the defense of the united states. so you can't prove your crime beyond a reasonable doubt if you can't establish that in fact it happened. but you do that cautiously and with respect to the documents and the countries that are in jeopardy. but there is no way to avoid that. >> all right. thank you very much.
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we have on three wonks at the table. i love this stuff. >> control room's nightmare. >> this is great. just hours from now the labor department set to announce another key inflation indicate after a separate report yesterday showed prices cooled last month. the critical decision is whether they will pause. looks like that they might. and our chief wonk christine romanss is here with us. >> it doesn't have to be wonky.
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every household budget is faegtfaegts affected by all of this. overwhelming assumption that the fed won't move, that there will be a powell pause. for the first time in a long time, you will have a fed meeting that you won't have higher interest rates. and those higher interest rates have meant higher borrowing costs for everyone. and 95% chance that there will be a pause, no rate hike. and if you look at the mountain of tightening that we've had, all of that has meant higher mortgage rates, higher car loans and that affects everyone. but in the meantime all of that hiking, that has helped cool inflation. we saw yesterday consumer price index has been cut in half since the summer. and that is really important. we'll get producer price index in just a couple hours and that is 1k3ek9xpected to be even mor
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dramatic. so progress on the inflation front, but still work to do. so a powell pause. >> and wonkiness is not an overused it erm. >> i was thinking about it as i was making banana bread, they are so much more affordable now. >> appreciate it. and donald trump not backing down just hours after becoming the first former president to face charges in federal government. >> and he was in the same room as the special counsel who indicted him. and our special coverage continues after this. ♪ to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly worork with yu to make them real. ♪ ♪ ("i like to move it" by reel 2 real plays) ♪ we're reinventing our network... for total confidence ancomplete control. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. rfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. ♪ move it! ♪
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good morning, everyone. we're glad you're with us on the day after the day, because yesterday was such a critical day in the history of this country. >> and why i'm happy now, god forbid you should be happy this early in the morning, explain what's next. >> that's exactly right. >> yesterday, very important, unprecedented history, what comes next equally as important. >> and the trial ahead and also fact checking what the former president said last night about all of it. it is wednesday, june 14. president trump was defined after pleading not guilty to all 37 federal charges of unclassified documents. at a speech the former president made several misleading claims even said, quote, he did everything right. >> during his historic arraignment, he did not address the court and instead sat hunched over, arms crossed, with a scowl on his face. >> special counsel jack smith was in the courtroom. "the new york times" reports it was the first time the two men had really been in the same room, encountered on
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