tv CNN News Central CNN June 22, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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blinken there as well, and it is interesting, because they are rolling out the red carpet as the indian prime minister is about to arrive at the white house as there is controver around it, and some members of the president's own party are boycotting it. and we are watching for major decisions from the supreme court from affirmative action to lgbtq rulings and other key cases that could unfold. we are watching all of that here on cnn "news central." and so it is a all-out search for that submarine there. and one rov has reached the ocean floor and begun the search. the search is growing more desperate as the experts believe that the men on board will likely run out of oxygen today. >> several vessels are playing a major role in the urgent search
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and medical personnel are moving to the search site now, and joining a group of the coast guard and research are vessels there in the area. >> and cnn are learning that there were numerous safety concerns raised about the oceangate years ago including thickness of the sub's hull and battery issues. experts had voiced concern about the ease of the not having a sea-worthy vessel. >> so what must it be like for the passengers on board. and officials believe they have limited food and water as well as limited oxygen. a former submarine captain says there is likely frost on the inside of the sub, and there is no heating device, so it is a very uncomfortable situation for the five. >> it is not so much the oxygen that everybody is talk about that is running out, but it is the carbon dioxide that ends up
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being the killer, because you are breathing out the carbon dioxide submersible, and breathing out the carbon dioxide without the ability to remove it for this length of time that becomes problem. >> cnn's miguel marquez that is there with the latest. what are you picking up about the search as it is under way? >> well, the window of opportunity to find them is closing, and the urgency and the amount of gear and activity is picking up to a very high degree. there are two rovs in the water now, and one is a u.s. rov at the sea floor looking physically to try to find this submersible. the concern is or the problem is that one would expect an emergency beacon on the submersible to be locating the location, and they are not hearing that, and this is of great concern. they have heard these sounds, and perhaps banging or perhaps
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something else, but it is sounding manmade that they are trying to zero in on and that sliver of hope is where they are focusing on, and that submersible into a dive is taking eight hours to get down to the depth and it is going there now. and behind me is the atlantic king fisher and another ship that will take, we believe it is going to take a deepwater salvage gear sitting at the airport on the c-17 now, and big u.s. military cargo plane to get it down here to go down to the search area as well, and it is going to take a good 20 hours or so down there, and with regard to the oxygen, and yes, concerns about the carbon dioxide, and they have scrubbers on board, and if they can operate it, they can keep enough oxygen going, if they have the oxygen. and p.h. nargeolet is on board, and they say his first instinct
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would be to conserve oxygen and have everybody sleeping or very, very calm or as calm as possible. if they are alive it is dark and cold and they are facing enormous odds, but there is hope among the search and rescuers that this is a search and rescue, and they will not stop until they are definitively figuring out what has happened to the titan. back to you. >> is there any indication of how long the rov can stay on the ocean floor looking for this vessel? >> it is a remotely operated vehicle, so many hours it can be down there, and presumably what they will do is to get down to this area, it is not clear how close it is to the "titanic" wreck site, but there is the possibility that the titan was tied up in the "titanic" wreckage as well which may complicate things, but they will establish a grid to come, and a
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second subcoming down for the first sub and do that and the same thing from the air with the sea 130s and the poe sidon aircraft and one searches and comes back and another comes back, and they have searched massive areas, and the possibility that the sub is bobbing on the surface, but they are hoping to get to it, because they are running out of time. >> joining us is oceanography marine captain don walsh. thank you for being here, and i know that there is some beacon, but why isn't there something like a black box or something on the vehicle to help find the subme submersible? >> normally what we carry aboard a man submersible would be an accoustic beacon that can be
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carried by the crew or in an emergency situation will self-activate under certain circumstances such as when the power goes below a certain level, it will discharge the beacon. and other submersibles have a beacon that can be released from the sub, and it will float to the surface, and it will have a radio electronic link to the mothership and strobe light on it so you can see it flashing at sea. but my understanding is that the
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"triton -- excuse me, the" the tan" did not have any of that. and so i understand that the rovs are a lousy search platform. once you know where something is, then the rov is something that you want, because you can leave it down there indefinitely, because it is powered up from the surface, and they have sonars to detect the target close enough. so you deal with what you have got, but right now, it is not optimal, and of course, with life support scheduled to run out some time this morning, then that's an additional problem. >> tim taylor, a deep water search expert said that the rovs should have been on site four days ago, and on standby support
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vessel and should have been in a perfect world four days ago when the sub first went missing, and what do you think about the difference that could have made in this regard? >> well, i know tim, and he is a real expert in all of this, and he is right, but it is a cost factor. it is a private business and having a rov of that capability of 12,000 feet on site standing by with a ship available would be extremely costly. what comes through is that oceangate was trying to do everything in the most economical way possible, so they would not pay for that kind of standby. >> don, thank you so much, and i have to jump in because we are so sorry to interrupt, but we have to go back to washington to the white house, because we are seeing the president and first lady welcoming in the prime minister of india as the state
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visit kicks off. and we probably won't hear much more than cheers. >> you can hear the people chanting "modi, modi, modi." >> and his wife is a high ranking official as well, and the secondary of defense. >> and the show of force and the welcoming party for the show of force, sara. >> and the sense of how popular he is. and the indian americans prominent there, who are taking pictures and chanting his name. this is a really important visit, and very significant visit, and they are literally pulling out all of the stops. >> and showing how significant this visit is, because you don't have the leaders making remarks upon the arrival at the white house, but we will listen in, because first, they take pictures and then that is what
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we will hear. >> first the national anthem of india followed by the national anthem of the united states. >> and so they are going to be playing the national anthem of india and then of the united states, and i want to go to arl l seanez, because this does not happen to all of the visits of a foreign power. >> no, and this is the third state visit that president biden has hosted at the white house. it is coming as the white house is trying to bolster the
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relations with india. it comes as there is a drift toward authoritarianism towards his country, but on the other hand this president and the white house view modi as a key ally especially in the strategy regarding asia. when you are thinking of the efforts to try to counter russia's aggressive moves and the influence of china in the region. the president has faced criticism for giving modi a lavish state ceremony and some in his own party to speak out against human rights and some in congress boycotting his address when he speaks to them later today. but ultimately, the white house views this address as to a cornerstone of the u.s. foreign policy in the coming centuries.
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♪ we are going to as we are listening to the music bring in david chalian as we are continuing to look at the remarkable pictures of the visit of prime minister from india narendra modi, and why this is so significant compared to other leaders from other countries who have come to the u.s. >> well, this visit is clearly,
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sara, every box is being checked and literally the red carpet rolled out as they emerged from the diplomatic reception room out there on the south lawn. and in addition to this, you know, all of the pomp and circumstance that you can see here on the south lawn of an official welcome ceremony and they have had a private dinner at the white house, two leaders did, and the indian prime minister is going to address congress, and this is not afforded to every world leader, and we will see biden and modi in a joint press conference and this is clearly a key demand on the white house side, because as arlette was explaining, you know, joe biden finds himself in a position that many u.s. presidents have found themselves in which is that you are the champion for democracy on the world stage, and joe biden has talked about this battle between
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autocracy and democracy and because of the strategic necessary reasons, you need this relationship with somebody who is under great criticism for not leaning into the democratic principles, but leaning a little bit more to the autocratic side in termsf how they are dealing with the opoints in india, and dealing with the muslim indians and the press, and while joe biden portrays himself as this champion of democracy and arguing against the backsliding we are seeing globally of democratic principles, it is the necessary relationship as arlette was describing with the position of russia and china and the u.s. wanting india's involvement to aid the causes there, that you get strange bedf bedfellows, and this is one of those days. >> ivan watson is joining u and the president's national security adviser said that the relationship with india is one of the defining relationships of the 21st century. but the history of modi and the
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united states is a fascinating one in and of itself and denied entry in 2005 to the united states over his alleged role in anti-muslim violence in india, and talk to me about that relationship. >> it is incredible what a difference a decade makes, because modi was denied a visa to the u.s. by the state department. >> ivan, i am so sorry to interrupt, because you have great information, but we will listen to president of the united states speaking right now. >> two proud nations, two proud nations whose love of freedom secured our independence bound by the same words in our constitution, first three words "we, the people." the enduring ties and shared values between our people and the shared responsibility as global leaders tackle the great issues our time together.
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back to the white house. [ speaking non-english ] >> we have spent a lot of time going back to when i was vice president and you had just become prime minister, and since, since i have become president, we have continued the relationship built on mutual trust, candor and respect. the challenges and opportunities facing world in this century require that india and the united states work and lead together and we are. [ speaking non-english ]
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[ speaking non-english ] >> with your partnership, we have invigorate and elevated quad between united states, india, australia and japan to advance our vision of a free, open, secure and prosperous indo pacific. and decades from now, people will say the quad bent the arc of history toward the good as the prime minister described it. [ speaking non-english ]
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we made critical and lasting investment in the infrastructure to make sure that the partnerships remain open, trusted and secure. [ speaking non-english ] >> all this matters for america, for india and for the world. we face an inflection point, and one of those moments that only come around every several generations when so much is changing, technologically, politically, socially and environmentally that the decisions that we make today are going to determine our future for decades to come.
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[ speaking non-english ] >> and as democracies, we can better tap into the full development of all of our people and as true and trusted partners as leading nations with our greatest export being the power of our example. equity under the law, freedom of expression, religious pluralism and the diversity of our people. these core principles have endured and evolved even as they have faced challenges throughout our nation's history and fuel our strength, depth and future.
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[ speaking non-english ] [ speaking non-english ] >> and they form a special bond between our nations forged by a special bond of our people based on values that are universal, duty to family and elders and treating all people with respect and dignity and premium on education and creativity, self-discipline, hard work,
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entrepreneurship, faith to community and faith and resill yenship and tolerance and observance for all. [ speaking non-english ] >> i have seen this dynamism in my trips to india, and the diaspora that is a bridge between our nations and only grows stronger with each nation, and we see it in the number of americans serve in members of
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congress, and we see it each day with our vice president of the united states kamala harris. [ speaking non-english ] [ speaking non-english ] >> the granddaughter of a proud indian civil servant, and proud granddaughter of a american scientist who came to the united states when she was 19 years old to have a dream to cure cancer and a family like so many in our
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nation who speaks to the thousands of speaking to determination and hope. [ speaking non-english ] >> stories that define the relationship and the limitless possibilities between the united states and india, two great nations, two great friends, two great powers that can define the course of the 21st century. mr. prime minister, thank you for your partnership, and i will turn it over to you. [ speaking non-english ]
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and your far-sighted speech, and your friendship. [ speaking non-english ] [ speaking non-english ] as we continue to listen to prime minister modi, and we have heard from president biden there in front of a huge and enthusiastic crowd there at the white house, and we will continue the listen to speakers
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there, and we have ivan watson back, and arlette seanez, and ivan, you were saying what a difference the decade make, and no kidding on the images of the white house lawn, and what is interesting to what stuck out to me, but from what biden said in the lectern, the diversity of the peoples and the uniqueness of the people is what makes us unique. >> yes, if you are looking will at the religious rights reports and reports that are written about narendra modi and the party, they point out criticism and saying that freedom of the press is declined there, and lot of journalists have been facing criminal charges and facing arrests for the things they are writing, and when they write critical things about the ruling party and real concerns about
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persecution and discrimination against india's muslim minority, and this is back to modi's own track record of why he was denied a visa to the u.s. back in 2005 and when he was the top official in the state of gujarat and when people were killed most of them muslims, and now as president, you can see that president biden has rolled out the red carpet for him, and a lot has changed in that time as india is now the world's most populous country, and replacing china. and now, some would say that in fact, the two leaders have shared interests, and china is at the heart of it n.2020, indian troops got into a deadly battle, skirmish with the chinese forces in the himalayas along a disputed border, and at
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least four chinese pla soldiers killed and at least 20 indian soldiers killed and they are in eye-to-eye tense standoff there, and we hear about the rivalry and the tension of the u.s. and china, and india is actually face-to-face with the peoples liberation army in that standoff. that is one of the things that many observers say is bringing the u.s. and india together at this moment. another is the economy. the u.s. has become india's largest trading partner. just today, we got a notice that g.e. is getting a memoranda of understanding to build engines for the india air force fighter jets and that is one of the announcements that we are expecting to hear from the two leaders talking about a closer defense and economic ties. >> yes, we are expecting to hear a slew of announcements and array of industries from space
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to defense and as you are talking about technology as well. it is great to have you, ivan, in that perspective and shared interests if not shared values is a really, really great perspective of what we are looking at playing out with china all in the backdrop of all of this. great to see you, ivan, david and arlette, because we have a lot ahead to day with the state visit and they have a oval office meeting and press conference and a number of negotiations to get to this -- >> and it is because modi does not do press conference and he does not talk to journalists, and he has jailed journalists and raids in places in cashmere, and so there is a lot of pressure here from the human rights groups and also some of the people in democratic party who are looking at this, and saying that i hope you have these conversations. >> after the press conference a big state dinner tonight, and we will be covering all of the
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vevent -- events for you. >> and the latest on the submersible that it is likely going to run out of air, and new details of how the remotely operated vehicles are being used right now in the rescue mission. meets bold new thinking. ♪ partnering to unlock new ideas, to create new legacies, to transform a company, industry, economy, generation. because grit and vision working in lockstep puts you on the path to your full potential. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley. the subway series is taking your favorite to the next level! like the #20. the elite chicken and bacon ranch. built wi rotisserie-style chicken and double cheese. i love what i'm seeingere. that's se well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? the subway series just keeps gettin' better. ahhh! icy hot pro starts working instantly.
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inspired by, created for and powered by you. ♪ the search for the missing oceangate vessel is reaching a new stage today as a new remote operated vehicle has begun searching ocean floor. they say that estimated remaining oxygen on board the vessel that is missing is running out today. paula newton is in nova scotia
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this morning with the latest. y you are at the site of the coordination place where the united states officials and the canadians are coordinating, and what are you hearing this morning? >> yes, kate. what is so crucial about this is the auroras, and the pt-auroras who put the buoys in the water, and i have just received an update from them, and adding that three canadian coast guard ships are there with the capacity as well as expertise on board. on top of that, this is so interesting, kate, they have the hcmglace bay with medical personnel on board, and they are ready for a full scale rescue, and now that they have them on the ocean floor, they are hoping to see the five passengers
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alive, but listen to dr. michael gillian who spoke to cnn earlier talking about what those five passengers are going through right now, and he should know, because he was stuck there a couple of decades ago when he was exploring the wreck of the "titanic." listen. >> my scientific brain started ticking off all of the ways that maybe we could get out, but you know, very soon, you realize, man, there is no way out. you are in the middle of the north atlanta nick the bottle, and you can't call aaa to tow you out. so i experienced enormous sadness and the only way i can describe it is as if the weight of the ocean came down on me and inexplicably and experienced a sense of peace, but all through the last 72 hours, i am thinking of the five souls down there, and i know exactly what they are experi experiencing. >> and so many here in canada and the united states, kate, they are keeping that front of
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mind. the other good update here is that the auroras launched a couple of hours here from the canadian air force base is saying that they are here on the scene in a continuous basis and putting in extra assets and continuing to hear for anything that might locate the" the tan." >> thank you, paula. and now, back in the hot seat, and jerome powell, the fed chair, is testifying for the second day in a row as to why we have a long way to go in the fight against inflation. we will have more on that when we come backck. i i had a family member who over a hundred years prior haveve walk these ground. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've losand it was easy. weight,
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house members that there is a long way to go to fight and curb inflation. let's talk about all of this with the chief business correspondent christine romans. what is this new data telling us about what we should expect to hear from powell today. these are live pictures from cap tal to capitol hill as he is getting questions. >> yes, and every piece is critical, because jobless claims, and first-time claims are 260 or higher showing a strong but slowing labor market, and that is what the fed wants to see, and these are still historically low number of layoffs, but rising a little bit, and we know that the housing market is showing the signs of softening, and may's home prices fell 3.1% since last year, and this is the highest in a decade, and the median existing home price, $396,100
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has been in the housing market that you have been seeing the higher rates and the higher mortgage rates are cooling activity. >> people are taking a second thought as to whether or not they want to go forward. and now, inflation is another thing that is going to be talking about. >> well, they paused last week, and there is a stair step of the higher rates, and he is saying that the fed's inflation fight is not over, and all of the effects have not made their way through the market yet, and the inflation rate is still high, and the job market is still quite strong, and watching that, and you can expect more rate hikes. you have heard from one democratic senator who said that the cure for high inflation is not painful, too, and you are not trying to run down the job market, and that is the contradiction that so many americans are curious about, the fed to kill inflation may have to hurt the job market more, and so there is no easy way out of
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the high inflation story, and that is what the fed chief is talking about. >> and there is contention of the wall street and the main street, and that srt of thing happens a lot, and no one wants to see the jobs go away and nobody like me, anyway. christine romans, pleasure. thank you. kate? >> high drama on capitol hill, and two of the most outspoken republicans in the house of representatives get into it right on the house floor. that is next. [narrator] why is aaron happy? well, carvana has tens of thousands of cars under $20,000. so aar's folks could help hook him up with a new ride. we'll drive you happy at carvana. (vo) crabst is back at red lobster. when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter...
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lauren boebert tried to force the vote, and put all of the members on the record to impeach president biden on the record about the vote, and it was pushed back by kevin mccarthy, and now it is shelved in the process, and tension over lauren boebert and marjorie taylor greene, and greene accused boebert of copying her over another action, and then she called her a little bitch and that was confirmed by the office, and there was still palpable tension between the two of them. >> she copied my articles and then introduced them and then
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changed them to a privileged resolution, and of course, i support them, because they are copies of mine. >> congresswoman greene says that you copied her articles. >> i am not in middle school. >> reporter: can you confirm that you perjured her. >> i am not in middle school. >> so boebert says that speaker greene will get behind the idea of impeaching joe biden for his handling of the border, but they have said it is not the way to go at the moment, and will he change his mind at this moment in the congress. >> all right. manu, thank you so much. sara? we have brand-new details on the race to find the missing submersible. a hyperbarric chamber is on the scene as time is running out.
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