tv CNN News Central CNN June 23, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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thrill-seeking adventurer, a highly respected ocean expert and the visionary ceo of the company. >> and now calls for a new look at safety in this industry of extreme tourism. will and should someone be held responsible for what just happened? this is cnn "news central." >> the tragic news is setting in, but with it a new search begins. investigators are scouring the ocean floor now, looking for the debris from oceangate's titan sub, as experts now try to piece together what really happened. so much we don't know, of course, but here is what we do know, experts believe the oceangate titan suffered a catastrophic implosion, that's described as a sudden inward collapse of the vessel. that happens due to the tremendous amount of pressure on the sub, really anything at
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those depths of the ocean. officials say the implosion would have happened in a fraction of a millisecond, essentially killing everyone on board instantly. one expert says no one inside would have realized there was even a problem. as far as timing goes, the u.s. navy now says on sunday they detected an underwater sound consistent with an implosion, but at the time it was, quote, unquote, not definitive. the navy also says at least five different major pieces of debris have been located. the coast guard now says that rovs are going to remain on the scene as they continue their search, and the very challenging recovery of even those pieces. experts think that it is unlikely, though, any human remains will be recovered. cnn's miguel marquez has been following this search from the very beginning at -- from st. john's, newfoundland. miguel, so much has happened and changed in 24 hours since we last spoke. what's the sense there now? >> reporter: well, look, i think people here -- there is a
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special connection between people here in st. john's and the titanic, the wreckage, when the film "titanic" has made here james cameron set up in this area, people have pictures with him everywhere, when the titanic went down there is a whole history of it here as well. there was a great connection to the titanic. there was great concern that the people in that craft were sitting there in the dark in the cold dwindling oxygen, not knowing what the rescue efforts were going -- if they were going to find them or not. the stuff of nightmares. in the back of everyone's mind here was this sense that there could have been something catastrophic, that it could have hand. in some ways that may be a better outcome because the idea of the suffering that the people would have been going through down there if they had survived may have been a worse fate. 24 hours ago there was a sliver of hope to have it so completely dashed the way it was, the idea
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that this craft just imploded and was, you know, obliterated, there's five big pieces, two debris fields in front of the titanic, i think people are sort of trying to cope with it. it's a very -- it's a small city here and everybody knows everybody and the idea that this happened, i think it touches everybody very deeply here. >> yeah. and where this goes here -- where this goes from here, how long the search needs to continue to recover those pieces of debris far out there in the north atlantic, there is a lot -- there is a lot still to be done, miguel. >> reporter: yeah, it's not clear how much they are going to be able to recover. they want to map the site where this accident happened when it was descending and then imploded. it pushed debris out over a large area in front of the titanic, so they want to map all of that and understand what it was. they do want to understand what happened and what failed with this craft.
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it was obviously couldn't verse verse y'all but people like ph nargeolet was on that craft and believed in it and many others did as well. they want to understand what exactly failed with this craft and try not to repeat that in the future. >> absolutely. miguel, thank you so much for your reporting from there. sara? >> with me now is former abc news science editor michael guillen, he is a scientist, journalist and author, but for this story most importantly he was the first television correspondent to report from the titanic, which means he had to get into a submersible to get there and it didn't go well. good morning to you. can you tell me what happened when you visited the titanic for the first time? >> yes, good morning, sara. in september of 2000 we left nova scotia, halifax, went out to the point in the north atlantic where the titanic went down and then we dove. the dive went very smoothly, took us about two and a half
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hours to get down there, corkscrew down. we got to the bow first and we had a silent prayer for the people who had lost their lives down there and i think, sara, that's really what hit me the most. there is a profound experience i will never forget. the trouble started when we went from the bow to the stern. we got caught in an underwater current. they do exist down there, believe it or not, it's not all calm, and that current drove us right into the huge blades of the propeller on the stern section of the titanic and we got caught between the inverted poop deck and the blades. our sub was much smaller than the propeller. i knew immediately from the collision and from tun of ruste started falling down on us, i was looking at all this from an 8 inch porthole, this was not a minor oopsy, this was a life-threatening situation. pretty frightening.
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>> what happened inside that vessel? i would imagine you are not the only person, of course, in there and panic can set in. what happens when panic sets in? what's your biggest concern? >> well, it's interesting, sara, i had my diving buddy and our pilot in the middle, it was a three-man sub. we had been told before we dove about a story of a man who was in a similar situation, he pan initialed and he went for the escape hatch because you are not thinking when you are in a panic, you're thinking i have to just get out of here. well, as soon as he did that of course the ocean came in on him, it was over in a nanosecond. so that was my preoccupation immediately, i hope nobody panics. i wasn't panicking, i was just kind of still stunned trying to process what had just happened because it just came out of the blue, everything was going so well. i think this is a contrast to thankfully these four or five souls who lost their lives in the titan. we were so worried that they were in the dark and the cold. i experienced that and i was thinking, oh, my lord, i was
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there for -- stuck for less than an hour thankfully, but for days? so in this case we were just fortunate and in less than an hour our pilot who turned out, by the way, to be a former russian mig pilot, so this was a person who was used to dealing with life and death, keeping his cool under pressure, he managed somehow to finagle us out of the blades and we were able to get to the surface. even when we got out it wasn't over for us because we still had two and a half hours to get up to the top. it wasn't until the scuba divers came in and put us on a crane and put us on the ship that i felt like, oh, okay. sara, i just have to say it is merciful because you have to understand an implosion. they were not torn apart, this is not an explosive event. when the titanic hit the iceberg, the u.s. shuttle exploded. this was a compression event. so this was instantaneous.
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i'm thinking one hour and 43 minutes into their dive or thereabouts, they were excited, they were like, wow, we're going down to the titanic and then something caused the pressure vessel to collapse instantaneously. they didn't even know what hit them. that is something to be thankful for, truly. >> yeah, people -- the experts are talking about milliseconds, which is before you can even say one you would be gone. so it was instantaneous. >> exactly. >> i do want to ask you, though, about this. there were so many countries and so much equipment out there looking for these five people who were going down in part just to see this thing as a tourist event. do you think that we should take a serious look at whether we should be doing this for extreme tourism? >> it's a legitimate question, sara, and, by the way, we're going to face this with space tourism. prepare yourself. we're going to have events like this, people who pay lots of money to have a sub orbital
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flight or an orbital flight. the short answer to your question is i do think at the very least we need to pause. when the shuttle exploded, we shut down the entire space program. i think we need to pause for two reasons, when these are the two big take a ways for me having been down there, having been stuck, ready to give up my life, s number one, the sea is dangerous. this is not a playground. the ocean is restless and i think of it when i was out there looking at the north atlantic waters, they're dark, they're cold. they just want to -- they just want to swallow you up if you make the tiniest little mistake. second of all what i took away from my trip down there was that this isn't just a ship wreck. i went down there thinking i'm just going to report on a ship wreck but what hit me especially in that moment of prayer and it came home to me that people lost their lives. men, women and children. more than 1,000 of them. this is their final resting place. this is sacred ground. especially when you go from the bow to the stern and you see what's called the debris field
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where you see women's shoes, you see medicine cabinets, you see cases of champagne. when the ship broke all that stuff spilled out. it really comes home to you, sara, that this is not just a ship wreck. so i think, yes, i think we should pause, figure out what happened so we can fix it in the future, but also think of the danger and think of the sacredness of this site. it's not a joyride. it's not a disneyland destination. >> it is a gravesite and we need to keep that in mind. now it is a gravesite not just for those who were on the titanic, but for those who were inside of this vessel, the titan. michael guillen, thank you for sharing your experience with us, i know it's hard to think back to those scary times. i appreciate it. >> talking about the lives lost there, now in two tragedies. this morning the families of the five people killed on the titan, they're facing a horrible new reality today. speaking out about their loved ones now lost. the wife and children of french
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explorer ph nargeolet said this in a statement this morning, that he is a manhole be remembered as one of the greatest deep sea explorers in modern history, but they also say that we will remember him most for his big heart, his incredible sense of humor and how much he loved his family. his stepson recounted one of his earliest memories with ph. listen. >> i remember the first thing he did for me that was so meaningful was he helped me with a science project on the building of a cell and creating a model of it. i ended up getting an a on it. >> british billionaire hamish harding was described as a loving husband to his wife and a dedicated father to his two sons whom he loved deeply. the family put out a statement saying that he was a passionate explorer, whatever the terrain, who lived his life for his family, his business and for the next adventure. also on board were father and son shahzada and suleman dawood who was just 19 years old.
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the teenager was described as a big fan of science fiction who played volleyball but his aunt also told nbc that he had reservations about joining his father on this trip. >> he had a sense that this was not -- this was not okay and he just -- he was not very comfortable about doing it. >> she says suleman ended up going because the trip fell on father's day weekend. she also said shahzada was absolutely obsessed in her words with the titanic, loved going to see museum artifacts recovered from the wreckage. the pilot of the sub was oceangate ceo stockton rush. his wife wendy is the great-great granddaughter of two of the passengers who perished on the titanic. in a recent interview he shared what drove him to test the boundaries of science with this project. >> i'd like to be remembered as an innovator and the future of
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mankind is under water, it's not on mars, we are not going to have a base on mars and the moon. we will try and waste a lot of money. we will have a base under water. when the sun extinguishes there will still be hydro thermal vents and still life forms that don't need the sun. if we trash this planet the best life boat for mankind is under water. >> the family of stockton rush has not yet released a public statement. sara? >> sobering. still ahead, as investigators search for what caused the titan tragedy, we're learning more about oceangate's safety procedures and history and the long-held concerns about the submersible's design and construction. plus, more recordings in the trump classified documents case. the former president's legal team handed them over to the special counsel. what we're learning about those recordings. next. the subway series is taking your favorites to the next level. hold on, chuck! you can't beat the italian bmt. uh you can with double cheese and mvp vinaigrette. double cheese?!? yes and yes!
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titan submersible is facing a lot of questions this morning about its safety precautions and overall operations. oceangate's co-founder is defending the company's safety practices as well as the design and deployment of the titan. cnn's veronica miracle is live in everett, washington, where oceangate is based. what are you learning this morning about the safety concerns and the response? >> reporter: well, share ration we know of several former employees who raised concerns about safety who were concerned themselves who either spoke directly to us or had filed lawsuits. one lawsuit shows that a former employee claims that he was wrongfully terminated for raising concerns about testing and safety. that lawsuit was settled and dismissed back in 2018. another former employee spoke to cnn on continue of anonymity and he said that he had raised concerns that ocean gate was potentially breaking the law when it came to coast guard inspections, but he says that ceo stockton rush dismissed that
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concern and so he decided to leave the company that former employee back in 2017. and then all week i have been speaking with a former subcontractor, who was part of the build and the testing of the titan here in everett, washington, back in 2018. he said a lot of the design choices and the material choices were considered very experimental and also controversial at the time of the building. he said that there were a lot of choices in terms of materials that were not conventional applications, for example, using carbon fiber for the hull. he said they did do tests, some of those were successful, but the ability to take this down and do repeated dives, that was happening. that testing was happening in realtime. as you said, the co-founder of the company, of oceangate, did speak to cnn this morning -- was on cnn this morning and he did have to defend the safety choices of ceo stockton rush. take a listen.
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>> i had absolutely full confidence in stockton in the design of the sub and his ability to engineer it and most importantly to take it through a rigorous test program. so i had absolutely no -- no qualms with it. i would encourage us to hold off on speculation until we have more data to go on. >> and, sara, it is important to note that co-founder maintains minority ownership of oceangate. >> thank you so much, veronica miracle there. it should be said that the ceo was inside of that vessel going down and putting his life in danger as well. kate? >> along with safety concerns, past, present and future, there's also the question of liability about the tragedy that just occurred. joining us right now cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elliot williams and mary schiavo, cnn transportation analyst and former inspector general at the department of transportation. mary, the first step -- a first
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step here, because a lot of things happen at the same time is figuring out what exactly happened. who has the authority and how long do you think that will take? >> well, i think that, yeah, in terms of the authority, the coast guard, although they usually are in search and rescue and recovery, they are staying on site to do more investigation and they do have the ability to do that, to investigate, but of course a lot -- the development, investigation, what laws applied -- [ inaudible ] -- which was involved in the company. >> mary, we're going to work on your audio, i think there is a hiccup in your audio we're going to try to fix. elliott, there are two possible avenues here when you look at the liability, you have criminal liability and you have civil action, what could you see
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happening here? >> i think possibly both, kate. so what anything is going to come down to is this question of negligence and the responsibility or duty of care of any corporation or company in this same scenario, right? so what you have to look at, either for whether it be wrongful death or criminally negligent homicide is what would any other company, any other submersible or submarine company, have reasonably been expected to do in carrying out its functions. i think investigators or people suing, in civil suits, will take a look at how did other companies behave? where did this company screw up or mess up in terms of following the rules or being careful. >> eliot, the fact that the founder and ceo stockton rush, is now gone, was the pilot on this ship, on this mission, on
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this vessel, how does that complicate any of this? >> you know, it really doesn't because the ceo and founder isn't the entire company, kate. the company still exists with different management and different leadership. now, certainly his loss is an unspeakable -- anybody's loss is an unspeakable tragedy. it doesn't really change any legal responsibility for the company. the responsibility here, the liability here, would be on account of the entity that put people out there. it's not him personally, it's the company as a whole. now, if a company were charged with a crime, the company itself could face fines, the company itself could face sanctions like being asked or being broken up or split up into different components, or individual employees who were responsible for negligence, not following the duty of care, could themselves be prosecuted. the ceo were he still alive could have himself been prosecuted but that's not necessarily -- well, it
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certainly can't be the case here now. >> right. mary, passengers that took the trip, you know, previous and on this one, on the titan, this he signed a waiver and i want to play for you how someone who took a previous trip with oceangate how he described it. listen to this. >> before you even get on you sign this long, long waiver that mentions possible death three times on the first page. so you know what you're getting into. in fact, when i stepped on to the sub i just knew, you know, part of my mind was going, well, this could be the end. >> now, i think a lot of -- just to remind folks you as you and i talk all the time, often, mary, you have represented the families and victims of many transportation disasters, if i can broadly describe it that way. when it comes to that and in your experience, this liability
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waiver does what in this circumstance? >> a liability waiver can do many things, but one thing it does is it does release the company of certain liabilities or put, you know, guardrails on the liabilities depending upon how the release and waiver are worded. it has to be a full disclosure, it has to be a reasonable document that tells you about what the risks are and what they know about the risks. the other thing they can do and this law is very well-developed on international maritime law just like international aviation law, but it also can limit where you can sue. for example, it's called a foreign selection clause and these have been held up in court. it might say you have to sue in the state of washington or you have to sue in green land and those form selection clauses can make a big difference on which law applies and here that's going to be the issue. they are on international waters, the law of the sea applies. there are many different laws that apply from different countries even and so it often
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will go back to where the vessel is flagged, what nation did it intend to have the laws apply. >> very interesting. in the midst of all of this, so many families now trying to face this new reality of what they could never expect or hoped -- wanted to ever see happen. mary, it's good to see you. eliot, thank you so much. up next, a look at the technology and engineering behind the titan sub and why some was considered so controversial. >> also filmmaker and deep sea explorer james cameron has made dozens of dives himself to the titanic wreckage. he's speaking out, forcefully, to cnn about this tragedy. hear that. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in b between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaeaner, healthier mout. listerine. feel the whoa! ♪ ♪
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the big question investigators are trying to figure out now is what exactly caused the catastrophic failure of the titan. at the time the vessel was made some of the construction materials and design choices were considered controversial, that includes the use of carbon fiber for the pressure hull. cnn correspondent tom foreman is joining us now. tom, what are you learning? we're looking at pictures of what the dimensions are, but what are you learning about the technology that was used in this vessel? >> look, carbon fiber is something we see every day, it's in your car, in your tennis racquet, your golf clubs, spaceships, in the airplanes you fly on. carbon fiber is prized because it's lightweight and it's very, very strong. however, it doesn't bend well. if it's under tremendous force the question is can it get so much force that the very fibers
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of the carbon fiber, the labors -- the layers of it start to delaminate and come apart. this is one of the concerns. filmmaker and known ocean ogg grafr james cameron has some very sharp concerns about this material. listen. >> it's completely inappropriate for a vessel that sees external pressure. you know, carbon fiber composites are used very, very successfully for internal pressure pressure vessels like let's say a scuba tank, you can get two or three times multiple of what you can get out of steel or aluminum for that type of pressure bottle. but for something that's seeing external pressure all of the advantages of composite materials go away and all the disadvantages come into play. >> this was one of the concerns that was raised beforehand. now, if you look at a diagram of this vessel, you can see some of the other concerns here.
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it had a titanium front, a titanium back, the part that opened up there, concerns about the joining sections between that and the carbon fiber which was the main tube going through there. the fact that it was constructed as a tube, most of these are constructed more as a sphere where the pressure is evenly distributed on all sides, a tube is an entirely different matter in terms of physics and you notice that viewing port up front there, a lot of questions about that and one video you see stockton rush talking about how that window up front would flex in a little bit at the highest pressure out there and there is a suggestion that somehow if it started showing cracks that would be a warning system to get back to the surface. every one of these things has to be looked at, sara. every one of them has to be studied to say, okay, so what exactly did fail here? did the carbon fiber delaminate? did it delaminate because there was a leak that was explosive
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and immediate and ultimately did they have some warning if only by a few seconds? i guess we will find out or at least we will hope to. >> tom foreman, thank you for explaining all of that, it is complex how these are put together. it ended in such tragedy, everyone wants to know how to prevent this again. >> officials are taking a closer look at the titan's engineering and technology, loved ones are remembering the man who led its company. stockton rush was one of the five lives lost in that tragic implosion. the late oceangate ceo has earned a reputation as a nature lover, adventurer and visionary. in his eagerness to explore the 61-year-old often appeared skeptical of regulation that might slow or stifle innovation as cnn's nick watt explains. >> the let down can be drofd dropped in an emergency. >> reporter: stockton rush, risk
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taker, envelope pusher, explorer. >> he is one of the most magnetic men i have ever met. i love calling him the last of the great american dreamers. >> reporter: his widow wendy is the great-great granddaughter of two who went down with the titanic, their fictional selves appeared in james cameron's movie which only heightened the fascination with the dramatic demise of the liner that had been hailed unsinkable. rush first took titan, his experimental submersible down to the wreck in 2021. >> if you were casting a submarine commander in a soap opera, you would use him. there's such an easy parallel, i think, to go for, which is he's captain kirk, you know, he is bold and dynamic and, you know, sort of commanding and, you know, he wanted to boldly go where no one was gone before. >> reporter: his attitude towards strict rules and regulations according to his
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many interviews, they stifle innovation. >> i'd like to be remembered as an innovator. i think it was general mcarthur said you're remembered for the rules you break. i have broken some rules to make this. i think i've broken them with logic and good engineering. >> reporter: before taking us down to another treacherous wreck in 2018 he said this. >> we always have a number of divers who tell us you can't do this. it's dangerous if you are a driver. we look at submarines as being an armored vehicle. >> reporter: rush graduated princeton with a degree in aerospace engineering then worked as a flight test engineer. he founded oceangate in 2009. >> at some point safety is just a fewer waste. if you want to be safe don't get out of bed, don't get in your car, don't do anything. at some point you're going to take some risk and it is a ris/reward question. >> on board titan last november he explained his maverick methods to cbs news. >> we can use these off the shelf components.
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>> i got these from camper world. we run the whole thing with this game controller. >> reporter: as a child rush dreamed of going into space. >> he wanted to be an astronaut and i think when he didn't become an astronaut he set his sights down below. >> reporter: he called it the deep disease in an interview with smithsonian magazine, said he explored the deep for the future of humidity. >> if we trash this planet the best life boat for mankind is under water. >> nick watt, thank you for that. coming up for us, the trump legal team is handing over tapes and recordings of the former president. just ahead, what we no he about the new batch of recordings that are now in the hands of federal prosecutors. and this is not hollywood. that is the word from ukraine's president zelenskyy after reporting that western officials assessed his counteroffensive as not meeting expectations so far. the push back coming from ukraine ahead.
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cnn has learned donald trump's legal team has now handed over multiple recordings to the special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents. the new reporting adds some important new detail into how the special counsel conducted its investigation and what kinds of evidence it has. cnn's paula reid has this morning. paula, what more do we know? >> kate, on wednesday night the special counsel revealed that he's already started handling over evidence in this case to defense attorneys as part of the discovery process, but what really stood out to us in that court filing late wednesday is that he revealed that he had
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interviews, plural, with former president trump that were recorded with his consent. now, we know that after he left office the former president was in the habit of recording any interviews that he did with journalists, media types, biographers, folks working on books, even if they were friendly to him he wanted to have his own record. but the only interview that we knew that investigators had was of course that explosive july 2021 recording where trump is talking to some folks working on mark meadows' auto biographer, he starts talking about mark milley and appears to be showing people in the room without a security clearance a classified document. that's mentioned in the indictment. the fact that there were additional interviews that piqued our interest. we started calling our source and we learned that trump's own lawyers actually handed over around half a dozen additional recordings. they were subpoenaed earlier this year for any materials related to mark milley and they did find additional recordings where trump talked about mark milley, but he didn't reference
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any classified material. so it's unclear if these are going to be really helpful to prosecutors in any eventual trial, but as part of discovery, kate, lawyers have to hand over everything they've collected, even if it's not incriminating, even if they are not going to use it at trial. we know they also have at least one additional source that has provided them with additional recordings, but at this point multiple sources tell cnn that none of these additional interviews rise to the level of incriminating material, the same way that bedminster 2021 recording does, but all of this just speaks to, a, how quickly the special counsel is moving, that he's trying to already hand over this evidence, get this process under way and also just how much stuff they've collected in the course of this investigation. >> and you and your great reporting will continue to learn, i'm sure and uncover how much more they are collecting in terms of evidence in this investigation. thank you so much. after criticism from western allies on its counter offensive
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ukraine is now touting partial success on two fronts. where they're making gains this morning. we will talk about it. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. from big cities, to s small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people e grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank.
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partial success for ukraine on the southern front against russia. a senior ukraine ian official td cnn that they are making advances everyday and advancing confidently. they are gaining ground and moving towards the russian occupied city of mariupol, and while in the east, ukraine says they have halted russia's advance towards lyman, and still they are stressing with the counter offensive of russia has not started the counter offensive in earnest, and they say that the counteroffensive is not meeting the expectations, and president zelenskyy is reminding people this is not a hollywood movie. joining us is brig dare steven
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anderson, why have us in the west saying, what is it that they have seen that is giving them concern? >> thank you, sara. there are major problems that zelenskyy has to deal with, because he has an enemy dug in and 200,000 russians in positions the size of pennsylvania and getting ready for the year of digging ditches and putting out landmines, and et cetera. difficult. the second is firepower. we, the u.s. and nato, promised a lot of firepower, and 700 infantry vehicles, and 300 have been delivered and 300 tanks and only 100 have been delivered, so they don't have the firepower to overcome the firepower. and in august, they had lost
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their officers, and so they need a national mobilization to win this fight. the logistics, they don't have enough logistics and they have not pushed the capability forward and the fuel and the ammo they need to conduct a sustained offensive operations. another issue is air support. they are unable to conduct air cover for the areas in which they are attacking effectively. the united states army would never think to conduct an offensive operation without air superiority, and another area is battle fatigue that. they have been at it for 16 months, and the ptsd is kicking in, and they have a number of challenges to overcome. >> i have been on the front lines and what you have said about them being tired is true. in the beginning the united states themselves thought it would last three days and russia would take over, but it is not what has happened, and now, the fighting has gone on for more
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than a year, and we are entering into the second year of fighting. i do want to ask you after hearing from the ukrainian defense forces the main strike, and what would that look like, and they have been talking about holding back some of the troops to look at the main fight, and what that going to be looking like if you have to guess? >> well, they would use the principle of mass to find the weakness in the enemy line, and find a strategic and operational penetration, and then try to exploit the penetration from coming behind and from the flanks to surround the russians and make them sur rrender en masse, and i am hoping that what is happening in donbass and the three areas of weaknesses, and they will once they find the areas of weakness, they will exploit it. they have a tough road to hoe, but what we find in the u.s.
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military doctrine, and the offense has to have a 3/1 advantage over the defending forces they are attacking. and 3/1, and they don't have anything near that and so they have to step up the game in a big, big way and exploit and find the penetration that they need to do to win this war this year, otherwise, we will be talking about this for years to come. >> all right. thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate your analysis on this, and battle continues there with the counter offensive going very strong. thank you, brig adier general steve anderson. and now, the "rust" armorer is facing tampering with evidence. hannah gutierrez reed is being charged with transferring
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evidence on the day of the arrest. her lawyer is calling this new revelation shocking. and 3m is agreeing to pay $3 billion of toxic chemicals found in drinking water found in over 300 million households. they say that they knew that the chemicals could cause health pro problems. they are saying that the settlement is not an admission of liability. and a news item, but still not a big news item is that victor wembanyama is a number one draft pick by the san antonio spurs in the nba draft. he was seemingly overwhelmed even though everyone expected him to go number one. he talked about what is ahead in the nba and now what is ahead.
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