tv Very Scary People CNN July 15, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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think women are more sensitive than men. and i think women are stronger than men. plus, we have that extra little layer of fat. so if we ever fall in the water, we live longer. she's one of them girl comics. it, ain't that funny? they got a they got an extra gland down in their huha and it makes filters the jokes through. it ain't funny. i read it into science book. it's science. you can look it up. that's on the whole episode on planet earth they did about women and their anti-joke vaginas and is horrifying.
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don't ask me what to do. i said, you know what to do. maybe i should have killed 400, 500 people. then i would have felt better. than when i felt like i really offered society something . welcome to very scary people. i'm donnie wahlberg tonight we unravel the twisted tale of one of america's most despicable criminal minds, charles manson
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the line is dead. i think garretson was probably scared to death as garretson is hearing those screams as absolute kaar carnage is happening on the lawn and inside >> people were slaughtered, including actor sharon tate. >> what unfolded that night was set in motion by just one man, charles manson. >> according to charlie, he was the son of an unwed teenage prostitute who cared so little about her son, she tried to sell him for a beer. >> i spent the best part of my life in boy schools, prisons and reform schools because i had nobody.
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nobody would come and sign their name to take me out. i never had no parents to speak of. >> none of that's true. charles manson's mother did go to prison when charlie was 5. she and her brother tried to rob somebody. they were sentenced to two years in prison, but little charlie was taken in by loving relatives, his grandmother, his aunt, his cousin joanne. when his mother was released from prison, she certainly loved him and wanted him. problem was that charlie himself was a rotten little kid from the word go. he would lie about everything. he was sometimes violent. charlie's cousin joanne said that when charlie's in first grade, a boy was mean to him and charlie had some of the girls in class beat the boy up at recess. when the principal said to charlie why did you do this,
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charlie said it wasn't me. the girls were doing what they wanted to do. >> he kept running away. by the time he's 13, he's pulling armed robberies. >> and i burglarized a grocery store and stole a car, didn't know how to shift gears. >> he starts in the reformatory system. >> charles manson told me that he was abused at all these reform schools, physically beaten, sexually abused. >> after being preyed on in his first few years he became a predator himself. at one point he was caught sodomizing another boy while holding a sheriff object at the kid's throat. >> there was no amount of harm or hurt he could inflict on the world in his mind that could ever fill the sense of being the victim. >> nobody cares when it comes right down to it. nobody cares.
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>> you can't understand charlie manson without understanding his criminal past and his time in jail. >> in order for him to survive, he develops skills to manipulate people. >> prison is where manson perfected the art of the con and he's inspired by a very unlikely source, perhaps the most famous voice ever. >> his personal guru is none other than dale carnegie. >> "how to win friends and influence people." >> when you talk to his
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followers, how did charlie attract you, they say, "oh, he looked in my soul." chapter 7 of "how to win friends and influence people" word for word. >> he's briefly released in 1958 in los angeles, but when he can't hold down a regular job, charlie decides to think outside the box. >> he sets himself up as a pimp. >> he racks up more arrests for transporting women across state lines for the purpose of prostitution. >> he talked to inmates about being a better pimp. >> they instructed charlie how to find the right mark to find young, vulnerable women on their own, women who had no one else to rely on. >> manson immediately started telling the counselors in prison that he was going to be a musician. >> he starts writing his own
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in the summer of '67 manson heads north to san francisco and he comes face to face with the age of aquarius. >> that was basically the beginning of the summer of love. >> they were free in their thinking and there was no fear or paranoia to him. they'd come up and say well, we like you. i say, like me? nobody likes me. >> anybody was a hippy then. >> peace, love, weed, sex, music. >> he said you give our kids drugs. i said, man, your kids gave me the drugs. they were already loaded. >> all sorts of weird gurus going around. >> so charlie reinvents himself
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as a guru and he has equal parts dale carnegie, the bible, and his own prison bs and he goes out and starts preaching. >> the target would be young, lonely, vulnerable women. >> they came from good families. so how did they get sucked into manson's cult? >> it was an induction process, drugs and sex. they would take lsd. he would have sex and then he would like whisper in their ear and they would tell him about love. >> charlie showered me with love and affection and adoration and the girls, too. it was like oh, i'm home. >> the key to his power and control was to simply convince his followers that he was almost a messiah, that he held
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all the answers to their problems and that they could find peace, love and serenity in their lives if they would just do exactly what he said. >> as time goes on, those women become even more manipulatable, more malleable to his hands to a dark demonic future. >> charlie believes he's destined to be a rock star and to have everything he never had. >> i think he came out of prison with like 80 some songs that he'd written. ♪ look at your game girl go on look at your game girl ♪. >> in may 1968 manson moved the family to spawn ranch just outside los angeles. george spahn, the old owner, was nearly blind. >> the old man was the boss. whatever the old man said, we
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did. he let us stay there, free resident, you did? >> it didn't hurt to have girls tending to george on a regular basis, you know, cleaning his house, giving him some sex. >> lynette fromme was assigned by manson to live with george and to fulfill his every whim and george liked to pinch her a lot and she would squeal and george is the one that nicknamed her squeaky. >> fast forward to 1975, the world will know lynnette as squeaky fromm who tried to assassinate then president gerald ford with a gun. charles manson knew somehow he was destined to enter the recording industry and it's just going to come down to can he get one break, one random
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act, one introduction? and he does. >> when he and the family first came to los angeles, he sent all the women out to troll for a famous musician. as it happened, pat van winkle and another woman called yeller were walking along the road and here comes dennis wilson in his car. he was the beach boys' drummer. >> not surprising, he took these two girls back to his house. >> they were telling dennis all about, you know, this cool little guy charlie and got him intrigued. back then take lot of musicians had gurus, you know, cat stevens, the beatles. that was like the in thing is to have a guru. >> but a lot of lives were destroyed because of that insane nonsense that charlie was trying to sell.
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that can do both. brew to your heart's desire with the l'or barista system. a masterpiece in taste. dennis wilson goes to recording session. he comes back home that night to find that there's this tribe of weird looking people in his house making themselves at home, you know, inviting him in and he walks up to the leader, charlie. >> dennis said, "you're not going to kill me, are you?." >> and charlie drops down on his knees, kisses dennis' feet and says, "do i look like i'm going to hurt you, man?." >> shortly thereafter a small group of us moved into dennis'. >> the girls are taking off their clothes ready to do anything dennis wants.
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>> we were invited to dinner at dennis' house. we got there and bruce and i were the only people with clothing on at dinner. so i thought that was kind of unusual. >> endless orgies and endless drug parties. it was just all there with charlie manson orchestrating it. >> dennis was having issues with his ex-wife and custody of the kids. >> manson played on dennis' insecurities. >> people like charlie manson can smell it. i mean he's like a heat seeking missile. he could look at someone. he could size them up and gain undue influence over them. >> dennis had been with the maharishi, the same maharishi that the beatles were with. >> dennis moved from the
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maharishi to manson. >> they wrecked the ferrari and the royals royce, too, and they wrecked that out house there. >> manson at dennis wilson's house met terry melcher, a famous record producer at the time. >> the raiders, the birds, a number of successful acts. he's very high profile. his girl friend is candice bergen. so terry's a real star and charlie was like oh, this is my guy. >> here's the top of the food chain, terry melcher, the kids star producer for columbia. he can sign charlie. >> at the time he was living with his girl friend, candace bergen, at 10050 drive. >> this is about the time the new home is rented by roman
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polanski and sharon tate. >> dennis took us over to his brother's house, ryan, and charlie was going to do like a recording session. i think they wanted charlie to change some of the words, change some of the music. >> people who were there say charlie pulls a knife on the engineer. >> next thing you know, charlie came storming on the of the recording studio. i think things started to go south after that. >> dennis knew he was never going to get rid of him, so he had to leave. >> he just abandoned the house. he just left. it was a rental house. >> still manson clings to the hope his dream of becoming a rock star wasn't dead. it seems dennis might be willing to help him with one of his songs in particular. ♪ cease to persist just come
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say you love me ♪ ♪. >> cease to exist. ♪ walk on walk on i love you pretty girl ♪. >> cease to exist was considered good enough to put on a beach boys album. >> dennis and charlie reached an agreement. now god only knows what it was because this shouldn't really happen, but dennis got permission from charlie to use the song or anyway dennis thought he had permission from charlie to use the song. >> manson called his song "cease to exist" and then dennis wilson changed it "never learn not to love." >> the beach boys actually perform the new version of "cease to exist" on the mike douglas show. "cease to exist" reworked, repackaged by the beach boys and put out under a different title without any credits given
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to charles manson angered him. >> and he felt betrayed by dennis wilson. >> it came down to charlie saying, "i know where you live. i know where your kids live." >> manson admitted to threatening dennis wilson in a 1993 interview with abc news. >> i gave dennis wilson a bullet, didn't i, because he changed the words to my song.
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it's happening. get started wih fast spees and advanced security for $49.99a month for 12 monts plus ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card with qualifying internet. ♪ friday night in los angeles, a movie actress and four of her friends were murdered, and the circumstances were lurid. the movie actress was sharon tate.
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friday night in los angeles a movie actress and four of her friends were murdered and the circumstances were lurid. the movie actress was sharon tate. >> charles manson is angry at the world and increasingly his thoughts are turning to deadly violence. his rage against humanity has raised to new levels. now he conjures up a similar solution to his hate. he tries to incite a race riot between blacks and whites he calls helter skelter to spark ethnic conflict on his belief that the true meaning of the song "helter skelter" is a call to arms. >> manson is not about to give up his dream of a recording contract. he now pins all his hopes on terry melcher. cher >> charlie was smart enough to know here's the guy that i want. here's a guy that was a record
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producer. >> that's when greg jacobson and terry melcher came to the spahn ranch and we did like a little recording sessions. >> i arrived. then a bunch of people all sat down and they played a dozen songs. it was a big campfire. "you know, charlie, i mean, you really got a talent, i really appreciate your music, but you're just not my cup of tea." in charles manson's mind, terry melcher had dashed his hope for a music contract. ♪ lake: and charlie was really upset about that. i kind of remember charlie, like, you know, "all those," you know, "mother [bleep]" you know? ♪ rick: in my opinion, that rejection is what led to his desire to kill,
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to kill the people that had wronged him, that had basically ignored his greatness. ♪ now that he wasn't gonna make a record that was gonna then bring us money, they resorted to criminal activity. ♪ shelley: they had arms at the ranch, but now they were really, really arming themselves. guinn: what charlie tells his followers is, "look, we need money for guns. now, how are we gonna get that money?" wiehl: gary hinman was a buddhist musician that was a friend of many of the family members. manson mistakenly thought that hinman had come into a large inheritance. on charlie's instruction, his friend bobby beausoleil and manson family members susan atkins and mary brunner go to gary hinman's home.
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♪ ♪ ♪ martley: gary didn't have money. i think he had a few dollars in the house, not much in his bank account. kay: manson then came out. manson had a sword and told hinman that he wanted his property, and hinman, you know, "i don't have anything." and so manson slashed him. ♪ i cut his ear off. kay: and manson left. after manson left the scene, bobby beausoleil reportedly calls charlie. i said, "don't ask me what to do." i said, "you know what to do!" it's very clear what charlie manson wants them to do to gary hinman.
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kay: then susan atkins held a pillow over his face so that he couldn't breathe. ♪ guinn: they murdered gary hinman. and, so, what they did with hinman's blood, on charlie's order, was leave what supposedly was a paw-print sign and the word "political piggy" scrawled in blood. >> they i was told my small business wouldn't qualify for an erc tax refund.
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♪ lake: charlie had been sharing with us from really early on about what he had learned in reform school and in prison, from the black man, and that was that they were going to overcome whitey. and, so, charlie interpreted this as it was going to be, like, a black-white race war. a revolution that manson referred to as "helter skelter" after one of the songs in the beatles album. ♪ helter skelter ♪ ♪ look out! helter skelter! ♪ to manson, it meant that the beatles wanted to have a worldwide revolution, blacks against whites. of course, it was all nonsense.
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one of manson's goals was to make it appear as though black radicals had murdered prominent white people. he thought that would then make the police retaliate, there would be more riots in los angeles, and that would kick off the race war. and, so, charlie decides they're going to have another murder. rick: he was testing the limits of how far he could go. could he get people to do violence? could he get people to kill for him? ♪ i remember playing games like their creepy crawly games where they would sneak in somebody's house. guinn: you would enter someone's house so silently, they didn't know you were in there, so that if you'd wanted to, you could kill them. all the women were issued buck knives. charles manson loved knives.
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his female followers, they had to prove their love and loyalty to him by standing against trees and letting charlie throw knives into the trees around their face. ♪ tex watson had been holding training classes for how to commit murder. when you stab somebody, you didn't just put the knife in, you pulled up on it after to do more damage. guinn: manson, he thought, "we've got to kill somebody important." ♪ and it began right here on cielo drive, a quiet, leafy cul-de-sac overlooking beverly hills. you see this security gate. behind it, there's a mansion. the property where record producer terry melcher and his girlfriend, candice bergen, lived until january of 1969. they moved out in january, and the polanskis moved in in february.
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wiehl: roman polanski was a very famous director at that time, sharon tate, an up-and-coming young actress. sidner: sharon tate and roman polanski had met three years earlier, on polanski's film, "the fearless vampire killers," in london. i -- i'm going to save you. we'll go away together. she was a stunningly beautiful young woman. as one person said to me, she literally turned heads when she walked down the street. sharon and roman were married in london in january 1968. the newlyweds had moved into 10050 cielo drive just a year after they had gotten married. one of the main reasons why they rented a house was because they were about to have a baby. kay: sharon was just so looking forward to being a mom and having the child. sidner: but for his film projects, roman often needs to travel.
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sharon has friends who stay with her at the house so she's not alone. roberts: jay sebring, who was her boyfriend before she married polanski. jay sebring made his name as a hairdresser to the stars. roberts: wojciech frykowski was a polish émigré. his girlfriend, abigail folger, who -- folger, of course, was a prominent name. she was, in fact, of the coffee family. now 8 1/2 months pregnant, sharon's at her most vulnerable to a threat she doesn't even know is coming from charles manson. kay: on friday, august the 8th, he said, "now is the time for helter skelter." ♪ carvana has hundreds of thousands of five star reviews and counting. the whole process was really simple and easy, and this is my third time selling to carvana. you just enter your license plate or your vin, answer a few questions.
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he wanted a blood bath. kay: and manson told the women, "do whatever tex tells you to do." do you know why they picked sharon tate? -no. -was that purely bad luck? i know now that it had something to do with terry melcher. kay: manson knew that terry melcher and candice bergen didn't live there anymore, but he wanted to send a message to them. "there but for the grace of god go you." ♪ [ insects chirping ] [ dog barks in distance ] ♪ sidner: at 10050 cielo drive, sharon tate and her friends, jay sebring, abigail folger, and wojciech frykowski, are settled in for the night. ♪ 25 yards away from the main house, in the separate guesthouse, the fill-in caretaker, william garretson, has decided to stay in.
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but late that night, garretson gets a surprise visitor. ♪ steven parent, the night before, had met the caretaker, william garretson, and garretson invited him to come up. ♪ meanwhile, the car with tex watson and the other manson followers pulls up near the gate of the tate house. steven parent was on his way out. ♪ tex watson is, at that point, cutting the wires to the house. ♪ [ engine starts ] kay: watson saw the headlights. ♪ and then watson approached parent
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with his nine-inch buntline .22-caliber revolver. parent begged for his life, at which point, watson shot him four times at point-blank range in the upper torso... [ gunshots ] ...killing him. he was just a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. ♪ kay: watson and the women proceeded to the house. ♪ this was a family that wanted to kill. ♪ i remember that i had gone so far, and there was no turning back. even if i had wanted to run, even if i had wanted to leave, i couldn't. it was like i was caught in something that i had no control over. ♪ dr. jordan: sharon tate and three house guests have no idea what's coming up the driveway. ♪
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tex watson enters the residence through a window, and then quietly lets in two of the women through the front door, but he leaves the third one outside as a lookout. wojciech frykowski is asleep on the living-room couch, and he suddenly awakens to find tex watson standing in front of him, staring at him. and he simply asks him, "who are you, and what do you want? and tex said, "i'm the devil, and i'm here to do the devil's business." the people in the house were all brought into the living room and tied up. susan atkins recalls that one of the victims called out, "what are you going to do with us?" and tex watson simply replied, "you are all going to die." and jay sebring, who's a former boyfriend of the very pregnant sharon tate, is pleading with watson, he's saying, "she's pregnant. can't she just sit down?" and for his protest, tex watson shoots jay sebring in cold blood.
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♪ wojciech frykowski, i tied his hands with a towel and then was instructed to kill him. wojciech very easily undid the towel that i'd tied his wrists with, and he and i began to fight. dr. jordan: he bolts for the front door, and he makes it all the way out to the front porch, but tex runs him down, and with that gun, starts beating him over the head with the butt of the gun and stabbing him 51 times. all i can remember seeing is people just scattering in different places. abigail folger manages to escape and run for the door, and she gets outside, but patricia krenwinkel runs her down, and tex watson is right behind. together, they hold her down on the ground and stab her repeatedly. and i was left sitting with sharon tate, and she was talking to me. susan atkins, she said sharon begged for her life. "please let me live so i can have my baby."
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dr. jordan: "i just want my baby to be born. you can kill me later, but let the baby live." i felt nothing. i felt absolutely nothing for her. susan atkins grabbed sharon tate by the hands and holds her arms, holding her captive while tex watson stabs her in the heart. atkins: tex, the way he moved, the viciousness, it was just like seeing somebody go crazy with more power than i've ever seen anybody. i don't think he was in control of himself. dr. jordan: charles manson may not have been there, but he had given them very specific instructions. "before you leave, leave a sign." susan atkins picks up a towel and dips it in the blood of sharon tate, and on the front door of the house writes the word "pig." ♪
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♪ wiehl: at 8:00 a.m., august 9th, housekeeper winnie chapman arrives at 10050 cielo drive. ♪ she first sees that the wires to the house have been cut. she then goes through the back entrance, and she looks through to the lawn. kay: she saw wojciech frykowski and abigail folger's bodies in the front yard. ♪ she runs now, through the front entrance of the house, to the driveway, and she sees a body slumped over in a car. she runs frantically to get help. ♪
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reporter: in a scene described by one investigator as reminiscent of a weird religious rite, five persons including actress sharon tate were found dead. manson wanted a bloodbath, and that's what he got. ♪ ♪ they found sharon tate had been stabbed to death, 16 stab wounds, and had a rope around her neck. ♪ and the rope went over a beam of the high-beam ceiling. the other end had been tied around jay sebring's neck. you have this 8 1/2-month-pregnant woman being hung while she was still alive. guinn: abigail folger had been wearing a white nightgown. you couldn't tell that it was white, there was so much blood. wojciech frykowski's face had been swollen from the beating.
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it was hard to tell his facial features at all. wiehl: when the police look in the driveway, they see a car. in the car, there is a body of a young man who has been both shot and stabbed. roberts: it was inexplicable because there was no apparent motive. ♪ sidner: as lapd investigators attempt to make sense of all this death, they suddenly hear a sign of life. [ dog barks ] they hear a dog barking. [ barking continues ] so that alerts them to the guesthouse. ibly19-year-old [william garretson, ] the fill-in caretaker, had been just 25 yards away in the guesthouse when these five people were murdered the night before.
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at first they thought, well, here is this person alive. he had to know what was going on. wiehl: their first order of business is to take william garretson into custody, and he becomes suspect number one. ♪ ♪ sidner: after killing sharon tate and her friends the night before, family members tex watson, susan atkins, patty krenwinkel, and linda kasabian had returned to spahn ranch. charles manson was waiting for them. i said, "do you feel any remorse about your actions?" and they says no. i said, "do you feel that you did what you had to do, and it was right?" and she says, "yes." what judgment could i make? i had no judgment. charles manson has a long history of manipulating other people to do his violence for him.
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he's not finished yet acting out his rage. believe me, if i started murdering people, there'd be none of you left. ♪ the scene of brutal butchery at the tate residence rattles even the most hardened homicide detectives assigned to the case. hollywood celebrities are panicked that they may be next. throughout southern california, people scramble to beef up their home security and around the world, millions more watch the news in disbelief, hoping to find out who did this and why. but charles manson will not be stopped. he's already planning his next vicious killing spree. the rampage continues in part two of "very scary people: the devil's work." thanks for watching. i'm donnie wahlberg. ♪ ♪ ♪
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manson: i'll be coming up to your children. and i'll do whatever it takes to preserve my life on the planet earth. because i am a selfish, bitter, no-account, vicious snake. ♪ [ whoosh ] ♪ ♪ welcome to "very scary people." i'm donnie wahlberg. charles manson, a twisted cult leader bent on violence, has led his followers in a series of vicious murders. his goal? to start a race war between blacks and whites -- a conflict he calls helter skelter. his murder weapons are members of his commune --
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