tv CNN Tonight CNN July 18, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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there's a sudden development in the cold case of tupac shakur's unsolved murder. las vegas police are not giving away any details, but they have confirmed that a search warrant was executed in a located in henderson, in about. to park was shot to death while sitting in a car in 1996, after leaving an event on the vegas strip. cnn reported at the time, authorities believed that he was intentionally targeted. thanks for joining me tonight, i'm glad you're here. laura coates, cnn's tonight with ellison camerota starts right now. hey, alison. >> hey, laura. thanks so much. good evening, everyone. i'm alison camerota. welcome to cnn tonight. a lot of headlines. in the criminal code -- into donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. now that trump has been informed that he is a target of jack smith's investigation, what happens next? and what we have learned about those 16 fake electors in michigan. we're gonna bring you tomorrow's news tonight.
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meanwhile, it appears that the judge in the mar-a-lago classified documents case will not fast-track the trial. so, will it happen before the 2024 election? he and the one and only geraldo rivera will be here tonight to talk politics his exit from fox. and why he says he'll use his energy to keep donald trump from becoming president again. >> i got the letter on sunday night, think of it. i don't think they've ever sent a letter on sunday night. they're in a rush, they want to interfere, it interferes with the election. election interference. never been done like this in the history of our country. it's a disgrace. >> okay, let's begin with tomorrow's news tonight. donald trump announced, as you just heard, that he got this letter from the special prosecutor. telling him that he is a target of the criminal investigation into election interference. does that mean that trump could be indicted again? soon? let's ask cnn senior justice
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correspondent, evan perez, we also have with us james schultz, a former trump white house lawyer. andrew mccabe. former fbi deputy director, john, miller cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst. so great to have. you're evan, what happens now? >> well, i think we can expect an indictment. that's what this letter signifies, this was a warning to the former president. that he has until thursday, he can come to the grand jury on thursday, here in washington, d.c., if he wants to avail himself of that opportunity, he can do that. present evidence, he can bring evidence with him, if he doesn't, the clock starts ticking. so, we can expect that perhaps as soon as thursday, the grand jury could vote on an indictment of the former president. we do know, allison, there's at least one other witnesses, perhaps a couple witnesses, might also be going to the grand jury, probably for very, very short stance. in one case, we know somebody who's been in there a couple
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times. going in for a third time. at this point, everything seems perfunctory. everything seems like this investigation is pretty much finished. and the grit special counsel, jack smith, is ready to move ahead. so, now we wait. >> okay, got it. john miller, you have come across a lot of target letters a new york career in law enforcement. how big of a deal is this? and do the target letters spell out the crimes that the recipient is being investigated for? >> so, in general, yes. the target letter is not a legal requirement. it's not a standard procedure. target leader has a purpose. sometimes prosecutors will use it to stir up a case by letting people know their targets. and then see what happens next. that's a technique. but in this case, the target letter is coming at near the end of the grand jury presentation. to give the target, notice today they're a target, guess what, we all knew donald trump was the target of this investigation.
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so given the opportunity to come in and testify. when you come in and testify? not likely. even if it was his desire. i think the lawyers he has right now, including todd blanche, would know his history of inconsistent statements under oath that could get him in trouble. this is a signal that they are rounding third base. do i think we're gonna see an indictment on thursday if he doesn't show up? no. i think is evident hinted, the grand jury as a little cleanup work to do towards the end. and that presentation. i think it'll be similar to what we saw on the documents case. >> meaning, like a three-week time period between the target letter and indictment? >> most winter is me twice a week. they get them what they can get out or not a. jack smith has been very busy and efficient. so, i would say, you know, let's put it in the ten-day arc, longer or shorter. >> okay. jim, it's interesting to hear john say, you know, we all knew
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that he was a target. our reporting, kaitlan collins has the report. this did catch the trump team off-guard. the started later. they were not expecting jacks mitt to bring charges this month, or against trump at all. how is that possible? >> you know, as you saw, folks from the inner circle coming into the grand jury being reportedly coming into the grand jury, you can see that this thing was coming to a close. you can see that the target was likely donald trump. so, i don't think there's any real surprise here that donald trump received the target letter and will likely be indicted in ten days to two weeks. >> okay, everyon that. a, drew will other people face charges? is it possible that only donald trump is the target? >> you know, alison, i guess it's possible. i find it to be highly unlikely. when you think about the different charges that trump may face.
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almost all require the presence of others. you're talking about three 71. conspiracy to defraud the united states government. by definition, it's a conspiracy, it requires the presence of another offender. the rest of the charges have similar elements. we know from the evidence that we're all very familiar with. from the work of the january 6th committee, up through the appearances of the individuals in the grand jury over the last several months, we know that these potential charges involve at least the folks who are closest to donald trump. in the lead up to january 6th, in the immediate aftermath. so, people like john eastman, can't cheeseborough, you really giuliani and others,. 11 mentioned the idea that ultimately trump will be indicted by himself, seems highly unlikely to me. although, as of today, we haven't heard about target letters landing on anybody else's desks. i would mention, however, the
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delivery of target letters is not a requirement in the department of justice. certainly not a legal requirement. there's no hard and fast rule that says any bills has to get. when >> evan, any insight into this? why rudy giuliani hasn't received a target letter? >> yeah, no, we don't really have any insight. as andy mccabe just pointed out, a couple of people that we know have been at the center of this investigation. people like john eastman, for instance. stop by the fbi, seized his telephone. jeffrey clark, a former justice department official, again, at the center of all of this. he got his home got rated. that's a notice from the justice department, that you are the target of an investigation. so, i think for some of those folks, this is not necessarily a surprise that they are at the center of this. rudy giuliani is a different one. he just went in for a couple of days of testimony. we don't know what he said.
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so, that one is certainly one of the ones that everyone is asking, questions about. >> anything to add to, that? john i >> think what people who were in the room have told me that the subject of those two days was basically process. it mirrored his january 6th committee testimony. some of it was covered by lawyer quiet privilege, i can't tell you that, because that was privileged between my client, donald trump, and i. but a lot of it was, so, you thought there was election fraud, what did you do? you gathered up allegations, we brought them to different courts and different bodies. and we were rejected in all of those places. dozens of them. after that, that was our legal efforts. you, know there's no crime in trying to get a body to certify alternate electors, especially when they say no. >> jim, another interesting thing about this, multiple people have testified before the january 6th select committee. that they told donald trump
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that there was no election fraud. here's a smattering of that. >> i made it clear, i did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen, and putting out this stuff. what i told the president was bs. >> he wanted to talk about, he thought the election had been stolen, or was corrupt. there was widespread fraud. i had told him, our reviews had not shown that to be the case. >> something to the effective, sir, we've done dozens of investigations. hundreds of interviews. the major allegations are not supported by the evidence developed. we've looked in georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, nevada. we are doing our job, much of the info you're getting is false. >> jim, will he be able to really use, as his defense, i didn't know? >> look, it depends what he said to other people. we're gonna learn a lot from
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the indictment, when it hits. i'm sure it's going to be a tight speaking indictment, just like the last one. we'll learn, we'll probably see that folks have told him this. we'll probably see that, he, uno said he believed that he still won. the question is, did he make an admission, in some point in time, to someone, that he believed he lost the election. if that's the case, he's got real problems on that issue for sure. jim governing theories right now on the status of mark meadows? we haven't seen him for a while. >> no, we've seen nothing of mark meadows. i have any theories on it. we can maybe he's been talking to the people if he's been part of the grand jury testimony obviously he was part of the january 6th interviews. i don't know, i don't think any of us can no. i think we'll find out real soon what's. been going on with mark meadows.
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>> evan, do have reporting on? that we >> don't know. i think the center of a lot of the speculation within the trump circle, they're certainly worried about it. they have not heard any indication of exactly what he did when he did it. all we know from his attorneys, he told the truth. that's all that we've heard from his legal team. so, the guessing game continues. >> john, do you assume that people are cooperating? >> so, that's an interesting concept. the assumption here is that people are going in and telling the truth. you know, we consider cooperating if you're in a mob family, there's a code of silence, you break that you're cooperating, that's anathema. these are government officials. public servants. who have been called in under earth. and presumably, they're telling the truth. which may or may not be good for donald trump. if they were in meetings and offices where they said, okay, we know we lost, how do we overturn this. even if it means having people
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storm the capitol or calling the vice president and asking him to conspire with us not to do is drop. >> you're, right i need a new verb, not cooperating, just telling the truth is what you're saying. >> it's considered cooperating? >> it is considered cooperating. cooperating is looked at in a criminal conspiracy as going against your criminal code. in this case, if these are people who took an oath to the added state government, and they did something with the president of the united states, that they need to describe the grandeur, they should tell the truth. that's cooperating, it's cooperative. >> i got you. i totally get the distinction. here evan, there's another story that's gonna get a lot of play, tomorrow. that is michigan to tierney general has charged 16 people with being fake electors. they falsely claimed that donald trump won michigan in 2020. what have you learned on this? >> right, these are 16 people who were part of this scheme to set up these fake electors. and claim that donald trump won their states.
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which of course, he did not. in the case of michigan, they actually try to go to the state house. to try to present themselves on donald trump electors. they were turned away by the police. they have finally been charged by the state attorney general today. as part of this investigation. we do not -- we do know that there are other states they're investigating similar schemes in georgia, arizona, possible we'll see this. of, course jack smith's own investigators have also been looking at this scheme. you can expect that this might be just the beginning of this story. >> we're out of time, i wanna give you one more bite of the apple. your thoughts on the scheme? >> i think the fake electors scheme is really become the core of this prosecution we all expect will go forward in the next week or so. it's the absolute center of any sort of charge about defrauding the federal government. it could form the basis of the charter of 1001 fall statements, all kinds of ways the fake electors scheme is going to be
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very relevant in any prosecution. it's something we need to keep a very close eye on. >> gentlemen, thank you very much for all of the expertise. okay, next, tom foreman is gonna head to the magic wall to show us the many ways donald trump and his allies tried to stop joe biden from taking office in 2020. and how those schemes are coming back to haunt them.
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helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley. >> tonight, new criminal charges in michigan against 16 fake electors that tried to overturn their states 2020 election results. cnn's tom foreman is at the magic wall with this and more for us. hi, tom. >> are you doing, alison? it's really one of those interesting cases when you look at all of the different ways in which the team supporting trump wanted to overturn this election. 16 charge, the false electors in michigan, fitting well into the overall accusations that the former president donald trump and his supporters tried repeatedly to overturn the 2020 election. seven states have come under
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the special counsel's scrutiny over allegations of false electors, legislative plans to nullify the voting results, and were those phone calls from a trump seemingly pressuring election officials to take illegal votes away from joe biden and give them to trump. what else was tried? team trump launched at least 62 efforts to have election results invalidated in the courts. all but one ended in defeat. when even the supreme court rejected a claim that trump tweeted the supreme court really let us down. no is, no courage. special counsel's also been looking at a december 2020 oval office meeting which the president and his team reportedly discussed seizing voting machines and declaring martial law to stop his defeat from becoming official. we know that then vice president pence is under enormous pressure from trump to block certification of the vote, even though he had no legal power to do so.
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of course, we all saw the violent attack that came after trump urged his followers to converge on the capitol, and told him to fight like as lawmakers were certifying the vote. for all of that, as all of those efforts, try trump's assessment about the latest news, he put it on social media. i had the right to protest an election that i'm fully convinced was and stolen. there is clearly a lot here that legal analysts think might have gone well beyond simply a protest. alison? >> tom, thank you for reminding us of all of those threats. joining us now, cnn political commentator in and navarro. we also have former lieutenant governor of georgia, jeff duncan. for most pressure and -- cnn political average -- great to have all of you guys. you're lieutenant governor, everything that tom just laid out there, all evidence of possible crime at least grossly inappropriate behavior. how do you explain why so many
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republicans are still supporting donald trump for this one? >> explained it as stockham syndrome a couple of days ago. but he kidnapped the republican party, abuses for years, and then all of a sudden, his biggest victims are now coming to court to protect him. that's all i can explain it with. look, at the end of the day, donald trump has done almost irreparable damage to the current republican party, and it's time for a gop to point out to see these electorates, which we are going to see the same story play out in georgia in a few weeks with fani willis and the fulton county investigation. i'm not certain of, but i feel it's likely. these are great people in their communities, upstanding people that the president of the united states told them to something in the they believed him. now granted train wreck their finances, train wreck some of their lives. some of them might end up going to jail because of it. >> and yet, your former boss, the governor brian kemp. just on cnn last night. he was asked by kaitlan collins if he would still support donald trump and work to get him elected if you were the nominee. he says that he will.
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why would he do that after everything you just laid out? >> we agree on a lot, but not that i will. never support donald trump. i can't look my kids, my wife my, friends, my supporters in the eyes and explain to them why i would ever think donald trump makes sense to lead anything. i wouldn't part put him in charge of a lemonade stand. >> and you understand why governor campwood? >> certainly brian has been a great leader. using him as an example we, should see these presidential candidates are they're trying to flail around and mince words, split hairs about donald trump. they have to take brian kemp's advice and, after you take the weekend off and go like to what he did to beat david perdue, that primary by 52% remember. , he was donald trump's best friend. he won by 52 points. then he's beat stacey abrams in a very wide open race. >> anna speaking, of the other candidates who were running for the republican nomination, jake tapper sat down with the gop governor ron desantis, this afternoon. he was claiming basically that
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the doj has been weaponized against donald trump here's. that moment. >> jack smith has been prosecuted democrats as well. he prosecuted or at, least was part of the prosecution of senator mendez, senator john edwards. are you saying that if he finds evidence of criminality he, should not talk charge donald trump anyway? what i'm >> saying is that when you are going after somebody on the other side of the political spectrum, if you're stretching statutes to try and criminalize maybe political disagreements, that's wrong. this is all speculation. i think that we have gone down the road in this country of trying to criminalize distances in politics, weather than saying oh, you don't like somebody? defeat them in the election rather than try to use the justice system. >> do you understand why trump's gop opponents aren't seizing on his possible crimes? >> i remember them watching this. as an american voter, but also
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-- when i hear him talk about criminalizing agencies and how wrong it is, i can only think about my friends who own the drag branch in florida that are getting dragged to court and, that are being criminalized there. trying to take their liquor license away raw. desantis has weaponized his agencies against that little drag branch in florida. he has weaponized his agencies and passed legislation against disney the largest, employer in florida. for him to sit there talking about how wrong it is to criminalize and weaponize government agencies against people that disagree with you, is the height of heck park rusty. such a level that i hope somebody somebody can, confront him with that in a debate. it's part of the reason why he's lost some points. republicans realize that weaponizing government, passing legislation against the likes of mickey mouse is wrong. even republicans like mickey
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mouse. >> your thoughts on all of this? >> it's weird is the people act like they're going so hard on trump. can you imagine if a bunch of muslims had attacked a joint session of congress? if ilhan omar had said that this is wrong gave a, big speech 10,000. muslims? she would be in jail right now she. wouldn't be walking around running for president giving, interviews. there is a two tiered system of justice. donald trump is benefiting from it to fight that, he's a free man right now. i just think that is the whole thing, this pity party that he's throwing for himself the. alternate snowflake candidate when he's actually being treated. listening is taken way too long if. black lives matter had attacks a joint session of congress there all be in, jail right now if obama. had called for some mob he would be. under guantánamo right now i just don't. nobody's talking about. what do >> you think will happen if not of these things,
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as tom foreman just laid out, come to fruition no trial happens? before the 2024 election? that's his planned the whole >> time. that's why he threw his hat in the ring as soon. as you possibly could. he's got no defense except to pretend that he's being persecuted he's. got no defense at all. it's clear as day that what he did was wrong. >> what do you think happens if something doesn't? >> structurally change with the focus of the republican party here's what happens, donald trump wins the primary. and loses the general we are back to having former. years of joe biden. who right now is statistically every stat you look at, is the most beatable sitting president in the history of this country we're going to squander. another opportunity to put conservative policies forward you. can't be donald trump like every candidate. running for president as republicans i have to say the most, presidential thing donald, trump can do is walk away from this race doesn't seem likely. but it's the right thing to, do he doesn't care about. being an american he doesn't care about being. a republican he cares about his pride and. he got it. is eating him up it's going
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to eat up, our party how. >> about the fake electors the? 16 people they were apparently, our and see members. they wering to masquerade or go along with of course, -- , this is what they're accused of their death. seems to be some evidence against how this scheme is going to unfold what are we to make of this. ? >> i continue to feel like i'm watching scandal the show, on a loop. the plots are they they -- kind of things that not even shonda rhimes could come up with. they're just such insanity. it is happening in so many different places what is sad. is none of it is going to matter. >> why? >> it's baked into the cake because they think that donald trump is being victimized. frankly rhonda scientists, is not making the sale. it turns out he's a big paper tiger. chris christie is not an
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alternative to donald trump when it turns to conservative voters most of. the people on that stage are just not breaking through with the exception of tim scott who has a glimmer of hope, ron desantis. it has been a failure he's not failing because. the corporate media as he calls it is attacking,, him he's failing. because he's been a bad candidate he is failing because he's. not articulating the positive vision for america that he discussed that he was going to do in that. interview instead all he does it. , is a verb a, noun and woke,. that becomes very exhausting. that becomes very lacking creativity and it, bores the electorate he is just. coming across as a vindictive thin skinned,, awkward bobblehead of a, bad candidate who republicans aren't willing to let go of trump for to hold on to that other rope on that note. friends thank you very much >>,
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for your perspectives it was, great to talk to you tonight coming up. next the man. who has covered every, big story around the globe for more than 50 years my old friend geraldo rivera is here. , to talk about all of today's news and life after fox stick around geraldo's next,. ,. my name is brian delallo. i teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. financial well-being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i rere someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community.
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no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at >> you've watched his reporting in texas for 15 years, although he doesn't like today over 40. joining us now is -- geraldo rivera. he just quite fox after two decades, and this is his first interview on cnn in 15 years. hello, friend.
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>> it seems like such a short time. great to see you. one of my favorites when you are at fox, i've been watching here, you're doing a great job. it's so cool. >> thanks, robert. >> feels great to be here. >> feels great to see. you will get into all things boston, but the news gods have been busy tonight. let's get started on the news. downtown submitted to target letter from jack smith, as you know, who is investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election, january 6th attack on the capital. how do you think that all of this will play against the backdrop of a presidential election? >> every charge, every news conference by the justice department. every move to prosecute him will be more votes in the republican primary. they strengthen his hands, to make his nomination ever more certain. even if he were to be convicted and go to jail, he would be -- when the republican primary, even as a federal prisoner.
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one of the reasons that he wants to be president's so that he can pardon himself because his conviction would be certain. >> why is that? why would he win the republican nominee is a federal prison? >> you can be president, even though you're in prison. as long as you're 35 years old, you've been a resident of the united states for 14 years, natural born citizen. he can be president. >> in other words, why does that make him a good candidate for republican voters? >> why republican voters want on a time to be president, i think a hit he had a pretty good presidency. in fairness, he had a pretty good presidency, vis-à-vis china, vis-à-vis eastern europe. china, in terms of the tax, the taxes on chinese goods coming through,. >> but russia russia was phony. >> covid, i don't think he got high marks for how he handled
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covid. he separated family said the border. he did lots of things that people really soured on. not to mention all of the toxicity in terms of enemy of the state, journalists, mocking handicaps reporters. things like that the people did get tired of. >> toxicity is a different issue than electability. many republican primary voters or so picked off and everything that they want the guy that represents disgruntlement. they want the guy who represents their grievance, or their perceived grievances. even though he is a billionaire who they relate to, and i believe that he's a very potent candidate, and i don't think that he's fit to be president personally. i think he stabbed the united states constitution in the back. s above the fate of the nation. and it is a terrible, selfish person. even though for decades, he was
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a friend of mine and i watched a lot of this stuff happening. i also watched on the other hand, russia, russia, russia, when they went after him for something that didn't exist. he seems to have been really scapegoated, and that is certainly the perception of republican voters. >> correct me if i'm wrong. i believe that you have said the though you are friends for decades, january 6th was your breaking point. and so you will use your voice to try to prevent him from ever becoming president ain he is, as you know, 56 in the polls against all the other republican candidates. what is your plan? >> when i said that i use all my energy ends my brain power to deny him the presidency, i didn't sayaf afi ct sayld sway anybody. i don't know if anybody listens or she is my advice. i'm just telling you, i know him pretty well. what he did, post election was
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so outrageous, it was so unpatriotic. he was so anti american, and it was so selfish. so is narcissistic. i believed that the he is forfeited the right to be president. he's not fit, character wise, to be a president of the united states. >> why do you think the other gop hopefuls aren't getting as much tractre? >> rhonda scientist who would, want to hang out with him? i just thinking that when i was watching him with jake tapper's interview. the great interview or. you're watching desantis and he's like the bully guy in school. going after every disneyland, trans people, come on, shut up. woke, woke, woke, so sick of desantis saying woke attorney. no it means anymore. the ones that i like, like chris christie, you're getting what? one or 2% in the pools. and i, come he's robust, he's told donald trump, let's go out
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in the backyard and have it out. if he's a flamboyant guy, great governor of new jersey. he was a pro-life governor in a very blue state showing his electability, if it wasn't for that darn bridge gate i, think he would've already been the presidential candidate at least, maybe president of the united states already i do. i can, but the conversation, a hutchinson is the only other one that is -- who says the trumps machinations with january 6th in support or disqualifying. asa hutchinson, he's not going to go anywhere. nobody is going to say, okay, oh vote for that guy because he's got a drop. it's not good to happen. >> we've got so much more to talk about. i do want to hear all about your exit from fox, as well as how do you think fox will handle donald trump this time around, but hold that that. hold that thought, we'll get a very quick break. we'll hear more from geraldo
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>> we are back with geraldo rivera. hello, how are you. you exited two weeks ago from fox? >> has it been that long. >> seems like just yesterday. >> was that you last day? >> june 30th. pretty close. how are you feeling? >> i feel liberated. i feel free, free last. >> why did you feel hamstrung there? >> we were muzzled. corporate discipline, muzzles people even if self-muzzle
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meant if that is first of, all they denied me permission to go on many shows over the course of my long career. they have a very rigid, very controlled -- >> but what were they afraid of? >> well, saying things like i said about the former president trump. that when -- you have that as your attitude that is your position and you're in a conservative view and it is pretty obnoxious to folks who believe it in a certain way. it's not my believe. i'm a republican person. but i am pro choice, pro immigration reform, pro gun -- i'd like to pose -- to work with the mentally disabled, and a lot of work and, charity work that we do and dating back half a century to mike pauzé. so, you know, there is a lot of things going on but it was a very rigid very controlled
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atmosphere. and everyone answers to management. and management doesn't allow free wheeling. they have a message, they send the talent out to do an interview and if it's a big story in the new york times of this are, that they pick their spot in a very strategic way. and a very disciplined. way much discipline to the liberals. the liberals all over the. place >> feel free. , yeah that's basically what i have heard is that you feel like they didn't have your. but they didn't have your back again. they sided with the people who are not fact based at fox. or more of the outrage machine. is that there? >> i don't make judgment calls like that about other people's careers and where they put themselves. it's just some people there that i, like and some people there that i didn't like. and the people that i didn't like were a handful of them, there's only a handful. they had more sway than i. did i was the black sheep of
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the family and when i stepped out of line i was suspended three times on the five in several months. >> what did you do that was so bad? >> well, for instance, complaining about tucker carlson. when he had a doubt, an outlandish theory that january six was staged. it was a government operative. and there was a whole thing that was a theatrical performance. it was total -- and i said it in those words, it was published. and i get suspended right there. when i said that one of the cast members that he was insulting punk. i was suspended again. what about the provocation that let up? i don't want to complain about. it fox, i took their money's for 23 years. they were and did everything that they had to do in terms of the business relationship, and i want to fox because of 9/11. i want to fox because a lot of people that i knew got killed on 9/11. i wanted to be a war correspondent. our former boss said i could be a war correspondent. >> i remember.
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i remember the day you started. i remember how excited roger was. and he, said i hired geraldo over. because when geraldo's on screen. i, stop and a turn up the volume. i never forget that he said. that and it's true. and i think that you are a compelling reporter. and so that is why i'm asking you this. because i think it says something larger about fox. and here's my question. did the 787 million dollar penalty that they had to pay to dominion, will that change how they do business? will that change their relationship with five? >> i think that the $787,000 is a big i'm sorry. they really understood that what they did was really so far off the norm that they had to apologize in a way that only corporations could apologize for money. >> what they do something different? >> first of, all i don't necessarily accept the premise.
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because i think there's a lot of good reporters. so you are one of them. >> there's also those who play with the facts. i just think that the embarrassment from what happened on their january six post january 6th coverage and the embarrassment that they suffered as a corporation. they already have affected the way that they presented. they're still heavily opinionated. that is true but i think that they would never -- i would hold, now, say something just to get an audience. i don't think it's the wrought their ambition anymore now that they have been really scolded in a way that corporations, based on the way that they have stockholder lawsuits, they have the smartmatic and the other guy who was wondering may --
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how do you think they'll cover donald trump this time? at times they seem to have soured on him and it seems like maybe that time is over. >> well republicans, republicans in power, we're watching it as people flocking to trump's manner now. the ruthlessly, pragmatic. all they care about is beating joe biden. the establishment republicans care about it, all republicans care about. it they're making sure that a democrat, a liberal democrat a taxing liberal democrat is not in the white house come november 24th. and it is, i think that the penalty, the scolding that they get from the public really woke them up. and i hope that they go forward. they deserve their own scene, their own network. it's fine. they just have to be more, as you, say fact base. they have to be more professional. they have to be less partisan
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but who knows, we will see. >> great to have. you >> alison, great to see. you >> thank you so much for coming in. >> all right, next, the investigation for the beach serial killer is not reaching across the country and where investigators are looking next. with new scope squeez mouthwash concentrate, just add water.
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investigators told away a vehicle belonging to the brother last week. and according to task records, he owned property in south carolina. the suspect is on suicide watch, in a lonnd jail. he's charged with the accounts of first degree murders for the killings of melissa barthelemy, meghan waterman and amber cross hollow. stay with cnn for the latest on the story. and thanks so much for watching cnn tonight. i will see here tomorrow night. our coverage continues. now. ♪ to help you seee untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make ththem real. ♪ good checkup? no, great checkup! [laughs] nailed it again! keep up the good work! for great checkups, crest has you covered because crest pro-health protects 100% of your mouth for 24 hours. look, ma! no cavitie crest.
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