tv CNN News Central CNN July 19, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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facing lawmakers at any moment now in a public hearing. there will be politics, but is there truth to their claims? plus, bracing for a third indictment and new insights into the potential charges. new details on former president donald trump's target letter and what it could mean for his possible arrest and prosecution. why did he do it? what we're learning about the trouble that this young american soldier was facing before he willingly crossed into north korea. we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to "cnn news central." ♪ any moment now on capitol hill, testimony will be getting under way from two irs whistle-blowers. they are claiming that the justice department interfered with the yearslong investigation
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of hunter biden. republicans have dismissed that agreement as a sweetheart deal. we have cnn's zachary cohen joining us now on this story. you reported on this. what are we expecting from this hearing? >> reporter: this is the first time democrats and republicans will have a chance to publicly question these two whistle-blowers and my colleague is hearing from a source that they have a lot of questions. this hearing is expected to last over six hours today. these witnesses are going to have a lot of back and forth and democrats have a lot of questions for these two whistle-blowers who have previously testified behind closed doors to lawmakers and they've alleged that the hunter biden investigation was mishandled by the justice department. this is another example of politicalization within the justice department and frankly, that, you know, hunter biden got unfair and preferential treatment. they've said this contradicts
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this claim, you admit that this investigation was not atypical, per se. a lot of times investigators and prosecutors disagree on bringing charges. the big reveal is going to come at the beginning of this hearing where the identity of one of the anonymous whistle-blowers will be revealed. yes, a lot of questions as this hearing kicks off. as you can tell from this video, a lot of interest from the public as well. >> yes, and we'll be paying a lot of attention to this. thank you so much. the other big headline, we're learning what type of charges donald trump may soon be facing now that the former president has been informed by the special counsel that he is a target of the 2020 election reference investigation. multiple news outlets are reporting that the target letter mentions these three federal statutes, conspiracy to commit an offense against or defraud the united states, depravation
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of rights, and tampering with a witness. keep in mind, this would be trump's third indictment after the manhattan da charged him on 34 counts of falsifying business records in march and in may federal charges for mishandling classified documents after mar-a-lago. is a third indictment coming and when? with us to discuss, senior crime and just reporter and cnn legal analyst who is also a former federal prosecutor. the last time donald trump got a target letter, three weeks later, he was indicted on those classified documents charges. what do you think the timing looks like here on a charging decision? >> well, this could be really fast honestly. that last part of the other case, the miami case, he got that target letter and then there was the memorial day holiday and a meeting that his lawyers had with the justice department, with jack smith. neither of those things are on
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the calendar ahead as far as we can tell. and so this is one of those things where it looks like the justice department has some more witnesses scheduled. we know of two people that are scheduled for thursday with the grand jury. this grand jury often is meeting on tuesdays and thursdays. and donald trump said himself that his deadline was thursday to go into the grand jury and speak to them. but then we're in the window. it could come as early as friday, really. of course, there would be a few days between the indictment being handed up in the court system and him actually coming into court seeing it. but we really are at a moment where it appears the justice department is ready to charge -- if they have not made that decision already -- and it just may need to go through the grand jury. >> a good reason to stay tuned. on the question of the three potential charges, there's one that caught my eye and that is depravation of rights. we heard from one of donald trump's former attorneys on cnn talking about this being
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something unexpected. let's listen to that sound bite. >> going a civil rights route i think gets them into a lot more granular detail of re-examining every little claim of potential fraud and really relitigating, you know, the results of the election within this trial. >> getting into granular detail. what would it take to prove depravation of rights beyond a reasonable doubt. >> it's a federal civil rights charge. it's a charge typically for police officers, wardens and other individuals who are using their titles or their authority to deprive someone of something that they ought to do, from carrying through their affairs in public or voting or whatever else it might be. what's interesting here -- and this gets into the art of charging someone with a crime -- it's hard to know who the victim is, right? is it members of congress who in the execution of their duties were impaired by the president acting in his capacity as
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president? is it voters of a state who did not have or were seen as not being had their right to cast a vote, to be counted fairly, whatever else it might be. you have to prove that you have an officer of the united states and, number two, that he's depriving someone of something that the insticonstitution enab them to do. the first year law school in me died a little bit that i didn't catch it when we were talking about it all day yesterday, but it's an interesting charge. >> is that what the witness tampering charge is about. it doesn't mean trying to obstruct justice but rather a procedure that congress was going through. >> once the former president -- anyone else who is accused of the crime new of an investigation and new that a witness might be -- might be talking to law enforcement, any conversation they had trying to influence, delay, prevent, hinder or get in the way of their testimony can be charged as a crime. >> it could also apply to
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documents too. not just a witness. in the january 6th context, in a lot of the rioter cases, it's obstructing the actual carrying of the documents and shaving thm approve the documents themselves. >> we're learning that the special counsel has subpoenaed security video from an arena in atlanta that was used as a voting location. tell us about that. >> yeah, this really is speaking to what elliot was saying about how -- there's so many building blocks here that the special counsel's office and choose from as they're building this case. one of the things they did in june was they subpoenaed all surveillance video or security footage from the state farm arena in atlanta on the day of the vote counting. november 3rd. that was really an epicenter of disinformation after the election from trump's team. rudy giuliani was down there accusing election workers of doing things they were not. there's a lot of discussion about, they're counting mail-in ballots. there was no evidence that there was any fraud taking place in
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the vote-counting that occurred there. but that is a piece of the evidence that the prosecutors have got along with many other pieces of evidence, many witnesses across the battleground states, in the white house, in washington, around trump that they're going to be able to put together as achoose exactly what they charge. and so we're going to have to see how broad this conspiracy charge -- the depravation of rights charge and the obstruction charge might be. >> and you mentioned that they've interviewed people from all the battleground states where trump tried to overturn the election results. one of them is michigan. notably yesterday the michigan attorney general charged some 16 republican fake electors with falsifying certificates that donald trump won michigan in the 2020 election. how might that play into the special counsel's investigation? >> based on what it seems like the special counsel has looked into, regularities in michigan
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and georgia and nevada and a bunch of other states, it's important for viewers and everybody to get into their heads that there are 50 states. some of them are going to overlap. i would think that what jack smith and the special counsel's office are looking into, these are regularities in multiple states. they can all be used to support charges at the federal level. that doesn't mean that they can't independently be charged both in michigan and the federal government. they're two separate sovereigns is the word. you might see some of the same fact patterns emerging in both types of places. >> katelyn mentioned that trump has until thursday to respond to the target letter, whether he wants to testify or present evidence. would that be a good idea? >> most people don't. the prosecutors can't compel him to come in. that would be making him testifying against himself, like your miranda rights.
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he can come in and make his case and say why he didn't break the law. everything he says to a grand jury can be used against him. it's a bad idea. most people don't do it. >> thanks so much for the conversation. appreciate it. brianna? there is a silver lining in getting a target letter from special counsel jack smith. he is fund-raising like mad off of it, but there is still big political fallout. the pentagon says a u.s. soldier willfully entered north korea during a private tour of the dmz. how does the u.s. get him back? and it was so hot for passengers on a jet sitting on the vegas airport tarmac that emergency services had to be called. we're going to tell you about what it was like inside that cabin ahead. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure w with 25 vitamins and minerals and d ensure complete with 30 gramams of protein.
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target in special counsel jack smith's investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election, sources tell cnn that trump's lawyers and advisers are trying to figure out if there is evidence and witnesses they're unaware of. in the meantime, that's not stopping trump from speaking out publicly against the case and fund-raising all of the special counsel's most recent letter that informs him he could soon be indicted a third time -- or signals that at least. kristen holmes is live for us in bedminster. what are your sources telling you, kristen? >> reporter: they're telling me that there have been conversations -- and this is trump lawyers and advisers -- about whether or not there is more evidence or witnesses than they previously knew in this case that would essentially bolster jack smith's case. when they saw the target letter, it seemed jack smith was going to be prosecuting a bigger case than what they had originally
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anticipated. conversations about whether or not they missed something here. you have to remember they have been watching this investigation very closely. so many of the witnesses who have appeared before the grand jury or spoken to investigators are actually paid for out of trump's orbit. again, keeping very close tabs on that. while they work to figure that out, trump as you mentioned last night talking about this and clearly playing up the politics. take a listen. >> i didn't know practically what a subpoena was and grand juries and all of this. now i'm becoming an expert. i have no choice. because we have -- it's a disgrace. if you say something about an election, they want to put you in jail for the rest of your life. it's a disgrace. so they can cheat on an election. if somebody wants to question the cheating, they want to call you a conspiracy theorist, these people are sick. >> and, brianna, one of the things we have been reporting is that essentially his legal strategy and political strategy
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are becoming one in the same. as these issues continue to mount, he is still in this bid for presidency. he said this is all political, it's because he's running for president. they are asking serious questions about this and while he does play to the politics of this while his team believes it's it helps with fund-raising and poll numbers, there are concerns about what this looks like long term and everybody is aware that it's completely unprecedented, to have somebody running for president that has been federally indicted and now had a target letter in a third investigation. >> yeah. certainly unprecedented. kristen holmes live for us in bedminster. let's discuss the political implications of all of this with former republican congressman charlie dent and a white house bureau chief at "the washington post." charlie, first to you, unprecedented is the best way to describe donald trump's political career, and it appears that he's going to be in the middle of this primary campaign
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with this court case lingering. what is that going to be like? >> again, most normal people i know who have been indicted -- i know, unfortunately, too many who have been indicted, they usually drop out of the race because an indictment is so unsettling to one's life, it ruins their lives and in his case, it seems to be another wednesday. and so he's going to continue to carry on. the real question is, you know, when are they actually going to try him? he's only running for service, it seems, to avoid facing justice and he's hoping he can get elected and pardon himself in the federal cases. i'm cynical about this. i know people have been indicted and ruins their lives. they don't run for office. maybe he ought to think about dropping out of the campaign. i doubt he would. >> i doubt as well. how do you think this interacts with the calendar. this is grueling once things get under way here at the end of the year and truly at the beginning of next year.
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>> this is not just one indictment, but this is one, two, three indictments, potentially four indictments all with potential court cases, discovery and all the things that come along with a court case from now until the iowa caucuses and it appears that president trump wants to push this as far back as possible, he wants the calendar to be pushed back as deep into 2024 and maybe into 2025 so that in his mind he can win an election, pardon himself and get out of this legal trouble. but it doesn't appear that the judges are going to be on board. if you have that, you can have any other person who is being indicted say i want to run for president. it appears that the judges want to move this along. >> charlie talked about how indictments throw off the course of someone's life. it appears it's boosted donald trump when it comes to polling and fund raisers. >> his supporters are behind him and his opponents are not attacking him on. in the republican primary,
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you're not seeing that republicans saying this is poor behavior. this is something they should be using to attack him. they're saying this is a part of the deep state, democrats weaponizing the department of justice, all of these things that are in line with what president trump has been saying and so it makes it easier for his supporters to believe that he is a victim as opposed to someone who was committing a crime. and you also have president biden not really wanting to engage on this. he wants to be hands off on this. president trump has a clear lane to say that he is the victim and not having people call him out over it. >> most officeholders i know think that donald trump is a disaster for the party. he's costing them very winnable seats. they want him to go away. by some of the top leaders standing up there and defending him and saying it's part of the deep state, witch-hunt, they're enabling donald trump. they need to stop. they just simply need to stop because they all know he's going to cost them their majority in the house in all likelihood and perhaps the senate as he's
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already done. so they need him to go away. but until they all stand up and say enough, you know, a third or fourth indictment, okay, he's going to get his polls up a little bit with the pace. but this is killing republicans among swing voters in swing states and difficult districts. if you want to be a governing majority party, you need to win this. >> it works with his base to have this incoming fire. but i also think that part of the allure for people who have supported donald trump is that he's fighting for them, right? that is the message that he gave off when he won the presidency and i wonder if you think that's dampened when he's busy fighting for himself and clearly focused on those grievances instead of focused on the grievances of the people who are supporting him? >> of course. these elections, they're not about me the candidate, they're about you the people. it's about the future. it's about them. not him.
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and trump makes everything about himself. his own personal grievances and his own, you know, personal challenges. he's trying to make those issues their issues. but that's not a winning issue with most of the country. so i think everybody understands that who has been involved with politics. it's going to take another political train wreck for republicans, i think, to recognize why following this man is terrible. he's cost them in 2018, 2020 and 2022. >> those republicans that are running for president right now who have come out, asa hutchinson, chris christie, and have been vocal condemning his actions, they're not really doing that great in the polls and those who are doing better than them, ron desantis, nikki haley, not as well as donald trump, obviously, they're not really benefitting by going after him directly, are they? >> they're not. this is not a popular position within the republican primary to be attacking the former president. it just isn't, especially on these issues of weaponization of the department of justice and,
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you know, his potential legal challenges. it's not a popular position that you don't see a lot of courage from a number of knees republicans. you heard ron desantis say -- lightly condemning former president trump saying he should have done more, he should have been more forceful in his condemnation of the january 6th protestors, but you're not seeing them come out and make it a forceful part of their reasoning for why they should be the next person to be the primary and not the former president. >> if i had an opponent who was indicted in my election, i would be hammering them relentlessly on the indictment. there's -- or maybe you have to be silent. but it's a great issue. i'm stunned this more of these candidates are agreeing with trump that this is the deep state coming after him. it's not helping. >> sometimes up is down and down is up in this primary situation with republicans. such a big week here. great to have you both and your perspective. thank you. still to come, new video appearing to show prigozhin greeting fighters in belarus as
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a top british intel official says that vladimir putin was forced to cut a humiliating deal with the mercenary boss. the latest from russia and ukraine in just moments. cnn has received a new image of an army private just before he willfully crossed into north korea. the details on this stunning story when we come back. don't let student loan debt hold you back. refi at you coululd save thousands and get to your goals faster. sofi. get your money right.
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♪ just into news central, this image of the american soldier now believed to be detained in north korea. this was moments before army private travis king ran across the demarcation line. it was taken by a tourist who witnessed king taking off. king's mother told abc news that she's shocked her son crossed into the hermit kingdom which has no diplomatic relations with the united states. officials say that army private travis king was supposed to return to the u.s. on monday for disciplinary action over an alleged assault in south korea. but instead of taking the flight back, he somehow ended up on a civilian tour of what's known as the joint security area where he then ran across the demarcation line. u.s. military officials say that king did so, quote, willfully and without authorization.
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cnn's natasha ber ttrand is at e pentagon tracking this for us. the big question is motivation. have we learned more about why travis king did this? >> reporter: we are getting a few new details here from members of his family. notably, his uncle. did speak to the daily beast and suggested that the recent death of travis king's young cousin may have contributed to his unstable mental state at which the uncle speculated may have contributed to his deciding to run across the border there and into north korea. we're learning more about hi back story. he was facing disciplinary action in south korea as a result of assault charges from allegedly assaulting members of the public in south korea. a detention facility before in willing released on july 10th. now july 10th, that was just a ttle over a week before we saw this all play out where he
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crossed that military demarcation line into north korea, and actually just the day before, he ran across that border, he was supposed to board a flight home back to fort bliss in texas because he was due to be administratively separated from the u.s. army. he was going to be removed from the military all together because of those assault charges that he had faced in south korea. well now we know that when he was going to board his flight at the airport on july 17th, he actually never made the plane. he never boarded it. instead he ended up booking a tour, this private tour at the dmz and that, of course, is the photo that we have him showing him in civilian clothes on that tour. now, u.s. officials have been trying to reach out to their north korean counterparts about this, but they have had no luck. officials say that they have not received any response by the north koreans which is not surprising. the u.s. has not had diplomatic
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relations with the north koreans since the biden administration came into office. this is going to be very challenging for the administration to resolve. travis king's mother also spoke to abc and said this is very surprising to her that he would do something like this. but, of course, she really wants him to come home. boris? >> a confounding decision to run into north korea. still a lot of questions to answer. natasha, thank you very much. brianna, this is an area that you've visited before and it's really an odd place, right? >> this is one of the strangest places i've ever been in any life, to be honest. to get a better picture of the dmv and the situation that the soldier is now in, we're going to take a closer look with josh rogan. he's been to the joint security area twice. so, josh, let's talk about this area. i'm curious about your impressions of it. it separates north and south
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korea, established in 1953. it's roughly 150 miles long. a mile wide. this is the little bubble where there is sort of a poursty and you have this fence area and there's barbed wire along that part. what stood out to me once you get out to this area where you can tour, this curve is the border between north and south carolina. the only thing stopping you from going over to the other side. >> that's right. this is the most heavily militarized border in the world. and that spot where we just saw that image of travis king before he fled into north korea is the one place ere tourists can go, officials tend to go, where the north kores d the south koreans have met in those buildings. they put the buildings to straddlehe lines so the buildings themselves are in
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neither country exclusively. on each side, north and south have their own museums, these big buildings that are meant to show the other side that they're cool and the other side is not as cool. over the years there have been defectors from both sides. there have been american de defectors. there have been attacks. there was a famous incident where some north korean soldiers hacked troops with axes in that zone. this could not be a more politically, diplomatically charged patch of ground. and the fact that tourists can go there as i went there as a college student or officials can go there as you and i have gone there in our reporting capacities is amazing. but it is that vulnerability and that little pocket inside the dmz where they can interact with each other. that is the opportunity that travis king took in order to run
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across the border and deliver himself into the hands of the north korean government and change his life forever, probably, for the much worse. >> it seems like every president and secretary of state makes this trip, right? trump's trip was a little bit different, of ur, as we see him here crossing that sort of curve-like border with kim jong-un from the north korean side coming towards the south korean side. you can't remember this moment when hillary clinton was there inside one of those blue conference rooms and you can see over here a north korean soldier who is looking in from the north korean side as she's in. but just talk a little bit about the political leaders who have been in here. >> right. i mean, in one sense, visiting north korean -- south korean border has been a show of resolve by officials who wanted to emphasize the tough message against north korea. in other examples, it's been a
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show of peace and diplomacy. trump became the first sitting american president to cross that border and, you know, had his various meetings with kim jong-un, that was the most interaction that they've had. didn't work for a lot of reasons, but that was probably the time that it was the most significant. and he showed up on a whim. he wasn't supposed to be there. he tweeted to kim jong-un, i'm on the way and he showed up with his daughter and son-in-law and sent john bolton to mongolia. it's a piece of history. right now, it's just a place of tragedy. and i think we need to understand that this is not really about diplomacy, this is about apparently troubled young man who, you know, threw his freedom away and did something very foolish for reasons we can't really pretend to understand. that he's now turned that border into a much more dangerous and
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heightened place of tension because, you know, if you can just run over it, who knows who is going to run over it next. >> that's a very good question as he joins a number of other people who have been detained in north korea. many of them freed as it were in 2008 during the trump administration, three americans who were freed, of course, otto warmbier, when you talk about tragedy, that's one that stands out. he came home and died days later. we think of jeffrey foul as well in 2014 leaving a bible in a hotel room and being detained for six months. this is serious business. we don't know how it's going to end. thank you so much for taking us through what is obviously a very particular place with particular dangers to this young soldier. boris? ahead, britain's top spy says that vladimir putin cut a deal with the man who tried to overthrow his government in order to save his skin.
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ahead, new video appearing to show the whereabouts of wagner mercenary leader yevgeny prigozhin. also, another distressing sign of climate change. devastating flooding reaching the outer walls of the iconic taj mahal. one of the wonders of the world. more of the video and the effects when we come back. top. found it. ( sfx: thud ) was thatat good? i couldn't tell. there's no such ththing as out of bounds. find adventure at the lexus golden opppportunity sales eve. ( ♪ ) i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 5 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over ahour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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on wagner's social media channels that appears to show the mercenary leader greeting his troops in belarus. the video appears unedited, but it was filmed in very low light as you can see. cnn can't confirm that the speaker in the video is prigozhin or when the video was recorded. chief international security correspondent nick paton walsh has been following this development. what more can you tell us first about the video and about yevgeny prigozhin's whereabouts? >> reporter: this is extraordinary this video. it doesn't give us particularly compelling evidence that prigozhin is in the dark, grainy footage that appears to be possibly from the camp in bel belarus, as they claim where wagner fighters may have relocated to. it comes forward and says that yevgeny prigozhin is keeping
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with the deal provided by belarus's president lukashenko during that failed armed rebellion. and interestingly, emerged after here in prague, the head of britain's intelligence agency said in their assessment yevgeny prigozhin is healthy and he was floating about. and then suddenly this video emergencies. clearly a lot of a bit here to show prigozhin is going along with that deal, boris. >> nick, you were able to ask the head of mi-6 about the deal that prigozhin struck with vladimir putin. what did he share with you? >> reporter: yeah, it was an interesting assessment really. often when we here the kremlin speak publicly, most observers imagine there's a different story behind closed doors. but sir richard moore, the head of mi-6 said from what we've
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assessed, actually that public narrative of prigozhin marching on moscow, lukashenko intervening and vladimir putin forgiving him over the days ahead, that's what really happened. there isn't a hidden private story that is more complex. that is interesting. he said that putin cut that deal to save his own skin. but he used some kind of color words to describe how putin has flip-flopped over prigozhin. here's what he said. >> he really didn't fight back against prigozhin. he cut a deal to save his skin using the offices of the leader of belarus. so, look, i can't see inside putin's head. but the only person who has been -- well, the only people who have been talking about escalation and nuclear weapons are putin and a handful of
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henchmen around him. >> reporter: now, he says that at breakfast, he called prigozhin a traitor. by supper he had been parented. by a few days later he had been invited into the kremlin by tea. a sign of weakness and something that repeatedly was compounded by this head of mi-6 and a rare public assessment of what really intelligence knew about this. >> and it shows just how the kremlin needs prigozhin and needs wagner forces in ukraine. how little progress they've made aside from wagner. thank you so much. brianna? >> to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour. a remarkable image out of beijing where former secretary of state henry kissinger just met with china's top diplomat and defense minister, now 100 years old. his trip coming at a low point in u.s./china relations.
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u.s. officials he's visiting as a private citizen. according to beijing's statement on the meetings, kissinger has said that history has proven that neither country can treat the other as an adversary. in the u.s., more cats catastrophic flooding. in kentucky, 5 to 10 images of rain fell fell overnight. first responders in mayfield have made several rescues. another resident showing water flowing straight through the inside of their home and this video here, more rain and thunderstorms, by the way, are expected there today. extreme storms also wreaking havoc in northern india with floodwaters reaching all the way to the taj mahal's outer walls. not since 1978 has the taj mahal come this close to being
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flooded. amazing pictures to see there, boris. so it's not fun to be stuck on an airplane on the tarmac period. but you add in triple-digit temperatures and it got down-right dangerous on a delta flight. one passenger describing this ordeal as traumatizing. we have details straight ahead. ? am i? ya! save $1200 o on our most populr sleep number 360 smart bed. plus free hohome delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now onlnly at sleep numbe. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. need indeed. inde you do. indeed instant match instantlys matching your job descriptio ind visit
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10:54 am
new details emerging about passengers who were stuck on a delta airlines flight in one hundred 11 degree weather, with no air conditioning. that's as they waited to take off from the las vegas airport, cnn affiliate says these passenger sat on the tarmac for more than four hours. many of them, getting sick from the heat including flight attendants. >> i extremely apologize. i've been on here as long as you've been on here. i don't feel my best at this point, either, everybody on the crew is on the same page with everybody else. >> first responders had to be called, that's how bad it was. at least one passenger was taken out on a stretcher.
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you hear the desperation in the flight attendant voice, there's the tipoff that something needed to happen, for sure. >> flight attendants do this all the time and this is something they are pushing regulators to regulate. what so interesting, is that delta air lines is not really disputing this, they say they are apologizing directly to customers, compensating them and investigating sack we how hot it got on this flight. it's also interesting that the officials at the airport, at least confirm to us that one person was treated by emergency workers for what they call, heat related discomfort, that's a fun euphemism although the passengers on board, i'm sure would tell you that this was way more than just uncomfortable. i wanted you to listen to krista garvin, she was on board this flight. she saw as the emergency workers came in, she said she was rd for five hours, as -- >> five? >> size five as passengers began fading, some of them soiled themselves, it was desperate on board, and she says that they were offered the
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opportunity to get off the plane but the rub was that they weren't sure if they got off the plane if they would get on another flight and in fact one of the pilot spoke over the pa and they said if they get off, there's no guarantee they will get to where they were going which was atlanta. listen. >> it was just like chaos at this point. there was a woman walking up the aisle, looked like she was about to pass out, they ended up putting an oxygen mask on her. it was traumatizing, people running around everywhere, they went over the loudspeaker and said you can choose to get off the plane, or you can stay on, and if you get off, just know that you may not get a flight out for a couple of days. >> there is no regulation on how cool airlines have to keep the air on board a flight although there are some squishy rolls around this, during a tarmac delay like this, they have to provide working toilets, comfortable cabin temperatures, that's the keyword an adequate medical
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attention. this is something that the airlines occasionally get fined for, especially passengers are stuck on board for a long time in fact delta got find back inin 2019 for a simil incident. >> this kikind of heat kills people. that's what we are learning as they follow this heat, they need to pay close attention to this. we will be right back. the rec league's self-crowned pickleball king. do you just bow down? noou de-thrown the king. pedialyte. 3x thelectrolytes.
10:58 am
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11:00 am
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