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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 1, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. hello. and a warm welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm max foster in london.
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just ahead on cnn newsroom -- >> the justice department has unfortunately decided to bring the charges against mr. dale. they will put their money where they're mouth is. >> it's a necessity of survival, that carlos wouldn't turn on trump. >> she is guilty of what she was found guilty of. house republicans are turning up the heat on hunter biden. >> there still is no connection of any of hunter biden's business dealings with president biden.
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it's tuesday, august 1st. 9:00 a.m. in london. 4:00 a.m. in washington. with the grand jury investigating donald trump's ethos to overturn the 2020 election, in the coming hours. this as the legal troubles for the former president continue to mount. in georgia, a judge has rejected efforts to toss out evidence against him and to disqualify the district attorney. in florida, the newest co-defendant in the classified documents case has appeared in court for the first time. jessica schneider has the details. >> the justice department has decided to bring these charges against mr. dale. >> carlos leaves the courthouse on monday. a 20-year employee, he walked out on $100,000 bond, after being charged with former
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president trump and walt nada, with attempting to delete footage. he told the director of i.t. at mar-a-lago, the boss, an apparent reference to donald trump, wanted to delete the server where security footage was stored. he met with investigators in recent weeks. it's unclear if he is cooperating. so far, she not facing charges. but some of the allegations in the indictment were based on information he provided. >> they're not indicting me. they are indicting you. >> reporter: trump, defiant, as he continued campaigning over the weekend. as he was charged with additional crimes in the classified documents case. >> if i weren't running, nobody would be coming after me. or if i was lose big a lot, i would have nobody coming after
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me. >> all signs point to another indictment soon. likely against trump and his allies for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election. and in georgia, indictment-watch dicks into full year. the fulton county district attorney, a week or two away from presenting her case to a grand jury. and announcing if trump is charged with overturning the 2020 election results in that state. ramped-up security measures are in place around the courthouse. and a county judge rejected an effort to toss evidence in that criminal investigation and to disqualify the district attorney. >> some people may not be happy with the decisions i'm making. and sometimes when people are unhappy, they act in a way that could create harm. we've been working for 2 1/2 years. >> donald trump's legal bills are mounting. his team is now creating a legal defense fund to help offset some
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of the costs. up to this point, it's been trump's political action committee, save america, that's been fronting those costs. already spending more than $40 million just this year to pay for the legal fees for trump and many of his associates. jessica schneider, cnn, washington. associates have remained loyal to donald trump, as they face troubles. stephanie grisham is saying why she believes, the co-defendants on the documents case haven't turned on the former president. >> i think this is a design that trump does to people. he chooses and selects vulnerable people to surround him. i'm putting myself in that group, by the way. this new gentleman, i've never seen at mar-a-lago. and i spent a lot of time there. you consider him, the fact he started as a valet and worked his way up. he owes trump. he chooses people. they work their way up. and we feel ingratiated towards
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him, like we owe him. it's scary, the thought of turning on trump right now. his lawyer is being paid for and he has a job. you get out into the world without the trump cushion, it's scary and not friendly. it's not lucrative and you have to think how will i support my family? how will i pay for the legal bills? it's a basic necessity of survival, that someone like carlos wouldn't turn on trump. >> perspective from trump's press secretary. now, temperatures. temperatures in the u.s. continue to break records amid a heat wave, that shows little sign of weakening. millions of americans remain under heat alerts across central parts of the country. thousands of heat regards are being bested in the last month alone. more than 120 can be broken this week. cnn meteorologist, chad myers, has the latest forecast. >> heat is back on in places it
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never left. the excessive heat warnings, with heat indices later today. over 115 degrees in some spots. high temperatures over 100 in some places. but the southwest is a little cooler than we've been. no 118 for you, phoenix. the high, 108. not above 100 in las vegas. that's going to change. the heat dome is coming back. we're going to heat things up especially across the southwest. the heat will begin to build again. with 50 record highs or more coming through by the end of the weekend in and the places across the south. in dallas, the air temperatures, 107. your normal high should be 97. it should be hot. we have to add in the heat and humidity. and places will feel 114-115, by the afternoon. those numbers are always
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recorded in the shade. keep that in mind. here's the cooldown, briefly for ve vegas. 96 on tuesday. and palm springs, 106. don't get used to it. this is because we're seeing the showers in the afternoon. the clouds pop up. and showers come through. and temperatures are held down. when we don't get showers, like we didn't last week at all, temperatures heat back up. that's the case for phoenix. one day of reprieve, by the weekend, back into the 116 range for you. russian officials are accusing ukraine of launching a new wave of drone strikes in moscow. one of them crashed into a high-rise tower, the same one that was hit in a previous russia's defense minister said his country would respond by its own attacks. ukrainian officials reported three drone strikes and they
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accuse moscow of launching two ballistic missiles. six people were killed including a 5-year-old girl. clare sebastian is joining us. the intensity of the attacks in russia are increasing. >> they're not denying it. in the last hour or so, we had a tweet a prominent ukrainian official, the adviser to the head of zelensky's office. m moscow is getting used to a full-fledged war that will move to the territory of the authors of war to collect debts. it's cryptic. we get these kinds of comments from ukraine. in this case, they are not claiming responsibility for the attacks. we're seeing the frequency increase. we got two drones that were shot down to the west.
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not far from where we have seen drones before. again, in moscow city, very visible, and very glitzy district, in the same building of sunday morning. it's a commercial district. there's several offices in this building. there's a financial district. the point here is politic rally and figuratively shattering the facade. bringing home the idea to the russian people, this is not, as they are told on television and by the politicians, a war that is isolated in ukraine and not going to affect them. >> you can't compare them to the attacks that the ukrainians are suffering. even in the last 24 hours. >> we got comments on n the wake of the major attack of the president oes hometown. trying to reframe this as revenge for what's happening in russia. take a listen. >> translator: given the current
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situation, we took additional measures to improve from attacks in the air and sea. the intensity of strikes against ukrainian military facilities, including those used to conduct terrorist acts has been increased many times over. >> reporter: so, look, the attacks we've seen in the last 24 hours or so, in ukraine, are not military targets. it was a school, a residential building. in kharkiv, that was in populated areas of the city. kherson was shelled on monday. russia has tried to frame this as vengeful in some way. overall, this is the course of russian aggression. >> clare sebastian, thank you. san francisco, "x" marked the spot. but not anymore. crews have dismantled the huge flashing "x" that elon musk had installed on twitter
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headquarters to herald the new name. on friday, the building inspection issued a violation notice for putting the sign up without a permit. and in light of complaints. a trucking company in the u.s., that was a dominant player in the industry is shutting down. yellow corp halted on sunday and its workers are out of a job. a week ago, the union canceled a strike pension and health insurance concerns. this comes after they received a loan from the federal government. coming up, an idaho woman has been sentenced for the murder of her two children. hear what the victims loved ones had to say. an abduction of an american nurse in haiti is shedding light on an alarming kidnapping crisis on the island nation this year. and ahead, the crisis is
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de deepening, as neighboring countries are warning against military intervention to restore the ousted president. you might think that's wasteful, but it's not. even half loads ususe 80% less water than handwashing. savingng $130 on utilities. cascade. dare toto dish differently.
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the litical crisis spilling over in west africa has escalated. the nations will consider any military intervention restore the president an act of war against them after the west african economic block threatened just that, and the military leaders accused france of plotting to free him. france denies it. chad's president is trying diplomacy to hopefully find a path out of the crisis. also learning france is preparing to evacuate french and eu assistances from the embassy staff. stephanie bassarie is there for us. steph, there's a lot there, isn't there? a lot of people are not aware of the complicated politics, less alone the regional
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politics and linking to french and russia. >> it's a complicated situation in a complicated region, and france is responding swiftly as the rhetoric heats up, and saying it will be evacuating staff and citizens, and the embassy releasing a statement in the last few minutes saying it's because of the situation in the capital. the violence before the embassy, the closure of the niger air space. it looks like france is preparing for potential boots on the ground. it's the first time the threaten has been for a coup. we saw a number of coups in the
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region over the last few years. mal circumstances a neighboring country to niger. we saw that. it's the first time we have seen the body threaten to use such a tough language. some political watchers say it's because it's under new leadership and the president of nigeria, the new leader is trying to flex his muscle and show he will not accept any situation like this in the region. but it's just escalating, and this region, it's very complicated as you say. niger is very strategic. key allies to the u.s., france, itself, and fighting insurgency from alabama and isis and a very, very fragile country for the neighboring countries such as mali and burkina faso.
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both countries expelled the french military and cut diplomatic ties with france. there's situations happening with france, and france itself facing protests after the coup shouting down with france outside of the embassy. it's a threat that the french are taking very seriously. their interests have been threatened, and they are fearful for their citizens in niger, max. >> okay, steph, thank you, for that from lagos. an idaho woman was citizens to life in prison months after being convicted of killing her children. lori vallow daybell is accused of conspiring to kill her husband's first wife. her son's grandfather reacted to the sentence. >> i will take life sentences
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without the possibility of parole consecutive, and that's what we prayed for, and it's what we got. >> camilla is giving us the details of the tragic case. lori vallow daybell was convicted of killing her two children and for conspiring to kill her husband's first wife. the judge in the case saying that murder is the most serious offense, and the most unimaginable type of murder is to have a mother murder her own children. lori denied killing her children and cited religious text and beliefs and said jesus christ knew no one was murdered in the case, citing accidental deaths, suicides, and effects
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from medications. she said she has spoken to jesus, her children, and her husband's first wife after their deaths and said they were happy and extremely busy in heaven. in explaining his sentence, the judge cited vallow daybell's mental health issues but said she had not shown remorse, did not apologize, and said this, you justified this with a bizarre religious rabbit hole, and clearly you're still down there. before imposing the sentence, the judge heard a number of emotional impact statements. j.j.'s grandmother breaking down in tears saying it was her greed and need to be the center of attention that led to the murders. tammy daybell's sister speaking out saying it had a huge impact on her life and family telling
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vallow daybell she was not a dark person or a zombie. it's referring to the religious beliefs used to justify the killings. the prosecutors said they believed in rating people as light or dark. on monday the judge did acknowledge that vallow daybell was described as a good mother with no previous criminal record but said it was an unimaginable crime adding he did not believe that any god in any religion would want to have this happen. cnn, los angeles. u.s. is cautiously working to secure the release of an american nurse and her child abducted in haiti. authorities have registered 1,000 kidnappings in haiti this year, and the gang violence seems to be getting worse. >> haitians are such a resilient people. >> reporter: alex in her own
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words saying how much her work in haiti means to her. her family and friends are asking for mercy and the safe return of the nurse and her child. they were natched on thursday from the grounds of el roy. her husband is the director, and the statement from the charity reads, our team at el roy haiti is grateful for the outpouring of care and support for our colleague. we continue to work with our partners in trusted relationships to secure their return. the u.s. state department is aware of the abductions and doing all they can to assist. >> we are in regular contact with the haitian authorities, and we will continue to work with them and our partners the haitian police are not responded to the requests for information. the u.s. ordered all nonemergency staff to leave haiti and warned all americans should leave citing the
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increase in violence and the risk of kidnapping. it was the dire need in haiti and the hope that the gang recruitment could be stopped that compelled alex to live and work there over the last few years. >> a lot of people who would have turned to gangs or the streets, they are able to get vocational training. people are learning how to read. the community is being transformed. it was once ashes, and beauty is coming up from it. >> reporter: the street battles and ever-more-violent incidents plaguing the streets porta prince and beyond. people have been seen stoned and burned to death. an alarming cycle of violence persists according to the u.n. the u.n. is pleading for a national force to move in and quell the violence. the united states said on saturday there's been progress.
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>> we have been very focused on trying to put in place what is necessary for a multinational force including finding a nation to take it on. >> reporter: kenya says with the u.n. mandate, they will send up to 1,000 officers to train and assist haitian police. the international intervention may not come soon enough for the mother and child who are at the mercy of their captors with their demands unknown. isis has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing in pakistan on sunday. the terror group said it was part of the ongoing conflict against democracy, viewing as hostile to the principles of islam. the death toll for the attack is now 56. police say the attack with explosives happened near the afghan border. six people were injured after a bus rolled off the road in spain. authorities said 49 people were
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on board, including many children. most of them sustained minor injuries, transferred to local hospitals for treatment. still to come, house republicans turning up the heat on hunter biden. the latest on the investigation. for the first time, all 15 supreme court judges in israel will convene for the hearing on the controversial judicial overhaul. we will head to tel aviv for the latest on that. how do i do it all? with a little help. and to support my family's immune health, i choose airborne. itit has an unbeatable amount of vitamin c, plus a unique blend of i immune focused ingredients
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goli, taste your goals.
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if you're just joining us, our top stories this hour. france will begin an air evacuation of french and other assistants from niger. the foreign minister announcing this as the political issues deepen. carl livera has been in court for the first time in the case against the former president. he was released on bond without a formal plea. the former business partner of hunter biden has been invited to speak with the committee. the white house is slamming
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what they are calling an evidence-free goose chase. >> reporter: house republicans are turning up the heat on hunter biden. the house oversight committee had a deposition with devin archer. he served on the board of the ukrainian energy company with biden. they thought he could reveal key information about president biden and if he was involved in his son's foreign business deals that as link that the white house has denied and republicans have yet to establish. one of the things republicans were particularly interested in was if joe biden spoke to hunter's business partners. dan goldman confirmed that hunter biden did put joe biden on speakerphone around 20 times in the presence of his business partners, but goldman was
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adamant no business was discussed and the conversations were casual. >> there's still no connection of any of hunter biden's business dealings with president biden. hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. as he described it, it was a casual conversation. >> reporter: hunter was said to be selling the elusion of his father, but never linked him to the business deals. the same source said archer testified there were no knowledge of a bribery scheme. republicans feel vindicated after the testimony and the speakerphone calls and a dinner where joe biden was present is proof that the president was
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intimately involved than was previously known saying biden lied to the american people, and they are vowing to continue to dig into the issue. in fact, a trio of chairman also launching a probe on the same day, looking into the department of justice's employee deal involving hunter biden, and they want documents, a briefing, and a clear sign they are not letting up on the probes any time soon. cnn, capitol hill. two u.s. officials telling cnn president biden had decided to keep the headquarters of the u.s. space command in colorado, reversing the decision by president trump to move it to alabama. officials said the air force secretary recommended to biden the headquarters be moved to alabama, but we are told mr. biden followed the advice of the head of the space command saying the headquarters will be operational in august, and moving it could jeopardize the readiness. all of the supreme court judges in israel will take part
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in the hearing challenging a controversial overhaul law. the law would strip the court of the power to declare decisions unreasonable. more from tel aviv. this is presumably to make the decision the court has to make as credible as possible? >> reporter: it shows, max, the gravity of which the supreme court views the decision. it's the first time the 15 judges from the supreme court will hear the petitions against it. there's eight petitions calling for the same thing, basically for the supreme court to strike down the reasonableness bill. there was a bill in the past where all of the justices got together around 1970. that was a much smaller number of judges at the time. it's the first time all 15 are getting together. as i say, it shows the gravity of the situation. we know when the hearing is due to begin, september 12th. what we don't know is what decision it is going to make or how long it is going to take to
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make the decision. the other thing we don't know, how the government will respond. you will recall that wolf blitzer interviewed netanyahu last week, and he did not say if they would abide by the supreme court ruling that would strike down the reasonableness bill. it's worth noting the supreme court has never struck down one of the basic laws, the closest they have to a constitution. netanyahu was noncommittal in the interview and yesterday when asked the same question by nbc. his party put out an ominous statement saying the governments in israel have always been careful to respect the ruling of the court, and the court has always been respectful of the rules of law. adding any deviation from one
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of the principles could cause damage to the democracy. these days needing calmness, dialogue, and responsibility. again, noncommittal. the opposition seeing it as a shot at the supreme court to make them think carefully before looking to potentially strike down the reasonableness bill. as we say, for now the protests continue, and the opposition leader demanded a freeze to any judicial overhaul bills as a precondition to reengage with the government to negotiate a compromise. all eyes very much on the september hearing. september12th it starts. we don't know how long it will take to make a ruling, and we don't know what the rule willing be. there's a lot hanging on it. >> elliott in tel aviv, thank you. thousands of people are waiting to get back -- the remnants of the storm weakening over china. the torrential rain causing
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flooding across the country, killing 11 people in beijing, and 30 missing with local media reporting. heavy downpours are expected to continue through tuesday, increasing the concerns of dangerous flooding and landslides. these images are extraordinary. you don't expect to see it in beijing. >> max, we get more and more images throughout the day of rescues. let's talk about what people are facing. 4:30 in the afternoon in beijing. unfortunately there's been rain reported throughout the day. it's getting in the way of evacuations, rescues, and recovery. let's talk about the rescues. the images are quite stark, hard to miss. one rescue in particular, happening just outside of beijing. i believe we have images. you can see there, a man is stuck on top of his car. the driver is stuck on the car. we see a rescue worker hoisted
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by a crane, going down and providing a line, and attaching it to the driver, and is able to rescue them despite the churning waters below. fortunately a safe ending to report there. there's been other rescues, not necessarily to that degree across beijing. we have seen people being escorted from their cars, and in some cases, people are walking through water well above their waist. in the city of 21 million people, a lot of rescue rafts are a familiar sight now across the landscape. we have seen a lot of damage. there's a shopping mall with a big hole in front of it, if you will. a winter olympic venue is dealing with flooding, and a new luxury-style hotel according to the state media is facing damage. it's not -- it is encompassing all aspects of life. you can see people in life
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preservers. it's a symbol of what we have seen throughout the day. getting around china is difficult. air service has been impacted. one of the airports in beijing has seen flooding. trains are running, but in some cases, there's been delays along the way, and china's president xi jinping has spoken out about what is happening here, talking about the need of mobilization of resources to deal with the transportation problems and the infrastructure issues. unfortunately with rain like beijing is seeing today, it doesn't make it easier. here in japan and the entire region, everyone is bracing for more bad weather. we dealt with severe weather today and saw some thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and there's concern another typhoon is brewing. that could be an issue in japan and china. >> mark stewart, thank you. still to come, an armed man opens fire at a jewish school
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in tennessee after he could not enter the building. what police are saying about the gunman. police say they foiled an alleged plot of a woman trying to kill her husband. details on thahat, too.
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goli, taste your goals. in the state of tennessee a gunman was shot and wounded by police after firing shots at a jewish school in memphis. the man tried to enter the cool on monday but could not get inside. no one inside was injured. the man was later injured in an exchange of gunfire with police and is in the hospital in critical condition. a u.s. congressman from the area says the gunman is jewish and a former student at the school. the motive is unclear. an american woman has been arrested in the bahamas charged with conspiring to kill her husband months after filing for
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divorce. lindsey shiva plotted with two local to kill her husband while they were visiting the island. >> reporter: two local men were taken into custody, and according to prosecutors, the accused agreed to carry out the murder-for-hire plot on july 16th that plot was foiled, and it's not entirely clear how. there's reporting out there that cnn has been unable to verify. we do know the three defendants were in the courtroom in the bahamas on friday, not required to enter a plea. they were told if they were seeking bail they could appeal to the supreme court on the island. the social media that appeared to belong to lindsay appeared to show a happy church-going family. in april her husband filed for
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divorce citing adulterous conduct. the next day she also filed for divorce. we have reached out to the attorneys in the divorce proceedings, but we have not heard back. the next court date in the bahamas is october 5th. cnn, atlanta. in the coming hours, the man charged with the murder of three of four gilgo beach victims will appear in new york court. it's more than a week after investigators searched his home for evidence linking him to the killing. he's always the prime suspect in the disappearance of a fourth victim. the attorney of the suspect's wife said she returned home to find the house tore apart. >> she had no idea her husband was a suspect. she is not a suspect. she has not been questioned by the police regarding this. it's been extremely overwhelming for her and the children trying to piece life back together for what it was 2
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1/2 weeks ago. i don't know if it will ever return to normalcy. day by day she is getting better, and she needs to show strength so her children have something to focus on. she is getting better each day. >> according to her attorney, the suspect's wife filed for divorce last month. now first a world cup blowout. then a shocking nail-biter as well. the defending champions, the u.s., fighting for survival in the tournament they were favored to win. ya! save up to $500 on the nenew sleep number® smart bed. plus, 60 mononth financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. are you still struggling wi?
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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. ♪ the pee-wee herman best known for pee-wee's play house has passed. his team says the actor fought a private battle with cancer and left a message to be released after his death that
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was posted to instagram. please accept my apology for not going publ for what i have been facing for the last six years. i have loved you all so much and enjoyed making heart for you. paul rubens was 70 years old. almost seven months after suffering cardiac arrest in the middle of a game, damar hamlin returned to team practice on monday in pads. after practice he said how he felt mentally, being blown out on the field with teammates again. >> for me, it was tough, you know, just first day in pads, and trying to keep everything as normal as possible, and having my family here today, it was like the joy, the brightness, just to keep everything in perspective, you know, i'm going to be okay. all the u.s. needs to do to advance is a draw in the women's world cup, but they
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have barely been staying alive against portugal. the heavily favored americans have struggled. moments left in the match. let's go to patrick sell live from atlanta. how are they doing, patrick? >> reporter: the u.s. taking on portugal. full credit to portugal, making the world champions sweat to the advancement to the round of 16. as it stands, currently goalless in the game. america needing a point to advance. a few short moments ago, max, portugal hitting the woodwork, and they have in stoppage time as i'm speaking to you. a huge scare for america's national team four-time champions they are working to win the world cup for the third straight time, something no country, men or women, have ever done before. what an incredible achievement
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that would be. the other match, the netherlands 7-0 up against vietnam. that one again in stoppage time. as it stands by my mathematics, max, it's the netherlands advancing as group winners, and it will be america advancing in second place. that is not something that the u.s. women's national team is accustomed to. they did finish second in the 2011 or second place in their group in the 2011 world cup that year japan would go on to win the whole thing. this american team has had so much focus on it going into the tournament. the huge pressure that comes with being the world champions. then the announcement of megan rapinoe announcing she will be retiring at the end of the season. many narratives at play before the ball was kicked. of course the team has achieved
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so much, most famously in the battle for equity for equal pay. you do wonder if the pressure, to some extent, has got to them. a serial winning machine, and right now they are looking rather. they drew points get netherlands, and they have looked ordinary against the portuguese. back to you, max. >> good on portugal. the spotlights, the world's largest movie theater chain has had a record sales week thanks to tickets from "barbie" and "oppenheimer." >> hey, barbie, can i come to your house tonight? >> sure. i don't have anything big planned.
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>> amc says both movies helped them have a bigger weekend than in company history. barbie grossing more than $150 million alone. an update to a story from yesterday. a concert-goer in las vegas has filed a police report after being struck by an item thrown from the stage after the video went viral of cardi b. throwing her microphone into the crowd after being splashed by a drink. the victim mentioned the same location as the concert. no arrest or citation has been issued. a $1 billion prize is up for grabs in the mega millions drawing. $427million lump sum for the winner. good luck. thank you for joining us on cnn newsroom.
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♪ welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm omar jimenez. a lot to get to this morning. well, starting with donald trump's mounting legal troubles. the grand jury investigating the former president's efforts to overturn the 2020 election is expected to meet this morning. also, newest


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