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tv   Early Start  CNN  August 14, 2023 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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and yet another indictment for former president trump. and more than 100 million people are under a severe storm threat this morning. we'll tell you the areas most at risk. good morning and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm rahel solomon. great to be with you. the officials in hawaii raised the death toll to 96. already it is the deadliest wildfire in more than a century. officials say the lahaina fire is 85% contained. a lawsuit has been filed against the main power company. the company kept its lines energized despite dangerously high winds. the cause of the fires has not been determined. the high winds drove the fire to spread at the stunning speed of nearly a mile a minute.
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in the wake of widespread criticism, the state has launched a formal review of the emergency response including why a warning siren system wasn't activated. in the meantime they are being given permission to be allowed back into the town and homes. >> reporter: this is the only checkpoint for residents to get into lahaina and for people who stop here to have their licenses checked so officers can make sure they are, indeed, residents, they tell us this is a profoundly emotional moment. listen to a woman named susan who told us everything she's been experiencing before and after she goes into the disaster zone. >> i drove through lahaina for the first time on friday. i, again, live up north seven miles out of lahaina and that night of the fires we were watching the sunset on one side and it seemed like the sunset on the other side from the flames. we did not know how serious it
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was. when i drove through on friday i had no clue what i was going through. i got so -- everything is gone. i worked at the charred house in 1991, it is flat to the ground. there's houses that i used to live in in lahaina and i don't know where they were. i lost friends there. they were going back to get their animals. she died. it's really sad because people come over here. i heard there was a snorkeling boat looking at lahaina town. give them respect, you know? it's so bad. people died here. you know, people -- i mean, it's not just a vacation -- it's not just a place for vacation. we live here. >> reporter: so to give you some perspective, the checkpoint we're at, it's about 1,000 feet above the pacific ocean. an amazing picture. so much beauty. what a contrast to the moonscape, the ashen, burned, seared landscape of lahaina.
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once you goat a couple yards ay from us this narrows into one lane of traffic. it's somewhat of a difficult road to navigate. it shows you how difficult things are to access the area and for people to see what, if anything, has survived. that's the latest here on maui. i'm mike va layer yes. back to you. >> maui resident shalena barrier narrowly escaped. a video was taken from her backyard before conditions got even worse. >> lahaina. >> reporter: she joins us now from california. good morning. we appreciate you being with us today. first, just if we could start at the beginning. when did you know something was wrong? walk us through how quickly it all happened. >> clearly we can tell something was wrong in the morning when there was no power and the wind was crazy. my husband came home early from work and was helping our
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neighbors whose roofs were blowing off of their houses. we prepared to evacuate. my husband was watering the house and my neighbor said, the fire's here, the fire's here. >> did you all leave together? walk me through those moments in terms of leaving the house behind to try to safely escape. >> you know, fires are something that we deal with on maui so i naively thought oh, it's okay. these things i don't niecely need. that may be important or sentimental. i'll come back and claim them later. so there were a lot of things that were lost that i wish weren't, but, you know, funny
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something that sticks out in my head is i was so concerned about not locking my back door which, you know, in hindsight doesn't matter. >> i heard you say that you heard your neighbor say the fire's coming, it's time to go. what were the warnings like? i mean, what alerts did you get? what alerts didn't you get? >> you know, unfortunately, you know, i hate to say there was no alerts. we do have a siren system that's tested every month for tsunamis. we do have other neighbors who were waiting for ee vablg cue wags because generally that's, you know, what you're told to do is to wait until someone comes to tell you to evacuate. it was happening so fast i don't think there was time to tell the residents to evacuate. >> you told our producers that your husband is still in maui. is that still the case. >> uh-huh. yes, he is. >> how is he? what is he telling you about what things are like in that
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region? >> he -- he's doing okay. you know, he's someone who has to work and has to stay busy so he was down this morning in lahaina trying to access our property and when that didn't work he decided to go and help any way he could so he just -- he's in -- he said his heart is just so full with everyone just coming together, the community coming together. maui's such a special place and he said that, you know, everyone just feels so connected and the love is just so huge. >> can i ask what's next? i mean, lahaina will take a very, very long road to recover. what's next for you and your family? >> i don't know so far. i'm trying to create some normalcy with my children. i want to do home school. i'm hoping to -- my kids' birthday is in a couple of weeks. i'm hoping to have my husband out here and we can spend it
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together. i think just trying to heal and just trying to, you know, support those around us who have lost also their homes and their family. anything we can do. >> shaleena barrios, we so appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you so much. for more information on how you can help wildfire victims go to or you can text hawaii to 707070 to doe zbliet at least two witnesses are set to appear before an atlanta grand jury. bonnie willis is nearing the completion of her probe. jeff duncan was notified over the weekend he must appear to testify tomorrow, tuesday. it's a signal willis is moving
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ahead in a conspiracy and racketeering probe. her wide ranging investigation is concluding. willis has texts and emails directly connecting members of trump's legal team to the effort to breach the voting system. among those under investigation are rudy giuliani, sidney powell, former new york city police commissioner bernard harrick and others. with indictments nearing, security is tightening. we have more. >> reporter: the big question here is will fulton county be yet another place where trump is charged and arrested? regardless of that answer, it appears that fulton county is ready. they have an increased police presence around the courthouse right here. you can see that. oftentimes we're seeing law enforcement officers patrolling around the courthouse and also these barricades, orange and white, that have been set up and they're doing road closures as
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well to control who goes in and out of this sensitive area. and it's not just the building but also the very visual face of this investigation in fulton county into donald trump and that is fau nie willis, a sourc who's familiar with law enforcement in atlanta. she has she have had additional security protection near her home. willis has recently urged local officials to stay vigilant about any security threats. in an email obtained by cnn willis shared racist and sexualized messages she has received due to this investigation and similar threatening voicemails. the sheriff, patrick labott, he is the man in charge of security on the ground here in ferreras-copeland. he -- fulton county. >> we are leveraging technology. how it can create a force
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multiplier for us. then twee have as many as four or five other sheriff's offices coming in to help across those particular parameters and making sure holistically we are safe. we're ready. >> trump has been over the past couple of months been attacking willis on campaign events and on truth social with what he's been saying against her. willis has previously said that due to trump's rhetoric, security concerns have escalated. isabel rosales, cnn, atlanta. let's bring in now cnn legal analyst joey jackson. good morning. i feel like i just talked to you yesterday. good to have you back. >> the newest development, georgia prosecutors have these messages linking trump's legal team a 2021 are breach. how significant is that, if at all? >> reporter: good morning to you, rahel. it's very significant. indications are the district
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attorney is going to called rico, racketeering, influence corrupt organization act. what happens is in order to do that you need two patterned felonies. what tdoes all of that mean? it means there are two felonies she's looking at to charge that, which is a fraud statute in georgia. and many states throughout the country you need those two things, one of which she's expected to charge relates to this tampering of these voting machines in order to find these votes. another, of course, is expected to deal with witness tampering. the significance of that is we now have an indication of what felony she's looking to pursue. you need at least two felonies that could potentially be much more but it could be damning evidence when you have emails and other evidence which connect the dots between the parties you're investigating and the parties, rahel, you wish to indict. >> if, in fact, some of trump's legal team are tied up into this, does that signal how far
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up this alleged scheme went? >> reporter: it certainly would. what the expectation is, remember, rahel, there was a special purpose grand jury that was convened and that happened last year. it was from may of 2022 till january of 2023. what does that mean? a special purpose grand jury is a grand jury convened for a special purpose. that purpose is specific to whether there was election interference and what specifically people may have done. now that grand jury that heard from 5 wi75 witnesses did not h the ability to indict. now we move here to another grand jury which consists of 23 people, a majority of which, right, 12 have to vote out an indictment and they're hearing all of this evidence and information and so, again, to the last point, they're connecting the dots between what, if any, involvement mr. trump had himself, the former president, in addition to what his allies may or may not have
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done. they may or may not have directed. absolutely it seems to me that those indications are that not only was the former president allegedly involved, but many people surrounding him involved to the highest of levels. we'll see specifically what that means. that process is secretive on purpose. >> the expectation is we will learn something new this week. joey, before i let you go, i want to switch to another story. hunter biden's lawyer speaking about the possibility of a trial after that plea deal faelell ap. here's what his attorney said on sunday. take a listen. >> it's not inevitable and i think -- >> you're trying to avoid one? >> yes, we were trying to avoid one all along, and so were the prosecutors who came forward to us and were the ones to say, can there be a resolution short of a prosecution? so they wanted it and maybe they still do want it. >> so essentially they were
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talking about trying to avoid a trial because this was supposed to be a plea deal. joey, does the appointment of a special counsel change the odds of a plea deal happening or could it happen still? >> reporter: yeah, i think that's certainly bad news from a defense perspective. the distinction, rahel, is as follows. you can control the future, what you are pleaing to, as it exactly happens as it moves forward. now that you have that blowing up and there are indications it could be put-back together, now you have a special counsel which will have charges consistent with that evidence, those could be serious. now either you're going to plead to the charges or you're going to take the case to trial despite them. i think the ante has raised significantly for hunter biden in terms of the cases, prospect
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and losing the control that i just eluded to. >> joey jackson, so much to watch. thank you. >> you're welcome. this week is set to start with another round of weather. more than 90 million people are under heat alerts in the south and pacific northwest. more than 100 million easterners are under a storm threat. let's bring in meteorologist derek van dam. >> this is going to march eastward and hit the mid-atlantic. you saw more than 100 reports yesterday. now we start to focus our attention across the mid tennessee river valley all the way to the mid-atlantic including the nation's capitol. damaging winds, large hail and a tornado or two. the specific wording coming out of their discussions. we've narrowed this down for you. 5% of probability of a tornado
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occurring from philadelphia to washington. keep an eye on the sky. anywhere across the i-95 corridor. thunderstorms will move through this afternoon and evening during the peak daytime heating hours. of course any time we get these thunderstorms moving across the same areas, we get the potential for flash flooding. we have a level 2 of 4. for many of the larger cities, philadelphia including new york city. so overall we have 100 million americans impacted by the potential of severe weather today. severe storms. record heat. it's all in advance of this cold front. this is the 90 millions that have heat alerts including here in atlanta, georgia. since the middle of july right through the middle of august we have broken over 7800 heat alerts or heat records. then we'll add another 230 to that just through tuesday. we have overnight max minimums
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and daytime highs that will be potentially broken. just to kind of put this into further perspective, places like austin, texas, 37 days of the mercury climbing above 100 degrees. today we'll do another 100 degree day, plus. phoenix, arizona, hitting 119 three times and we've already had 19 days above 115 degrees. that's not even when you factor in heat indexes. all in all, rahel, the heat continues. >> hot and muggy summer. derek van dam, thank you. still ahead here on "early start," the jabs thrown between desantis and trump at an important stop on the presidential campaign trail. see the moment two pilots ejected from a plane in michigan. plus this -- that is a home in pennsylvania exploding over the weekend. we're going to have the details next.
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welcome back. 5 people died and one hurt when a home exploded. three homes were destroyed. cnn's paulo sandoval has the latest. >> that was absolutely horrific. a neighbor captured this explosion. i want you to see it and hear it yourself. though it's slightly off camera, you can't miss it. the ariel images are quite telling at the site of the blast. it looks like a tornado tore through this neighborhood. local authorities said over the weekend that they are not in a position to determine a cause
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when it comes to this explosion here. they are saying this investigation may likely last for months, if not longer. a local gas provider said that they immediately dispatched crews, conducted testing in the area looking for any possible leaks but officials over the weekend said that gas system was, quote, operating as expected. it will be interesting to see where the investigation takes them. we're told by officials that 57 firefighters had to be treated on scene for minor things like heat-related injuries. rahel. >> thank you, paolo. time for quick hits across america now. it shows the moment a group of people stole up to $100,000 worth of merchandise from a los angeles mall. you can see them rip the items from shelves and racks. the lapd is currently looking for those involved. 16 people were hurt in a boat explosion at a marina in the lake of the ozarks at missouri. the explosion was set off by a
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spark. gas fumes that are built up in the area were on the boat plus this. t the. >> video shows the moment two people ejected themselves from a jet at a michigan air show. they parachuted and landed uninjured in a lake. the jet crashed in an apartment complex's parking lot. thankfully no one was there hurt either. turning to 2024. the 2024 republican primary race playing out at the iowa state fairgrounds where leading candidate donald trump and his closest rival, florida governor ron desantis made the rounds each vying for the goodwill caucus attendees. we have more. >> reporter: the campaigns of ron desantis and florida's donald trump clashed at the iowa state fair. they're trying to build support for what is going to be one of
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the most important gop nominating contests on the calendar. for governor desantis, he has cut staff, he has cut spending, he has now refocused his efforts on some of these early nominating contests trying to win back support and convince republican voters that he will be a better nominee for the party to take on joe biden in 2024. >> we need to leave this country better off than we found it and we are in danger of being the first generation that turns over less opportunities to our kids than the opportunities we've inherited, and that is unaccept zblabl desantis spent most of saturday at the fair where he was smoking pork chops and playing games with his family. meanwhile, trump reminded people why he is the republican front-runner. he showed up for a few hours and still brought a huge crowd and many people were there to hear him speak. when he spoke he talked a lot about the legal tlaubls have dogged his campaign but continue to make him popular among
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republican voters. >> it was a fake and put out by biden and they put it out because they can't win a fair way. election interference. biden put it out because he can't win the fair way. he's way down on the polls. >> he took the opportunity to troll desantis. they have endorsed trump over the home state governor. just another example of how these two men are tracking with each other in the gop contest so far. president biden, meantime, also trying to build more momentum heading into next year's presidential race with his economic agenda this week. >> reporter: president biden hits the road again this week to tout his domestic agenda. on tuesday he heads to wisconsin where we'll talk about the inflation reduction act, a day before its anniversary. it's a bill the white house has
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credited for lowering costs for families and investing in climate action. it's a key part of bidenomics. now by the end of the week the president will be meeting with japanese prime minister and the south korean president to bring the key asian allies closer. it's the first visit to camp david of a foreign leader since biden took office. it's one the white house said would happen. it was for the three leaders to discuss expanding trilateral cooperation. coming up for us, russia strikes ukraine's south causing devastating fires overnight. cnn speaks to the running mate of a slain ecuadorian presidential candidate. justst ahead.
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when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. ukraine says russian missile and drone attacks hit multiple areas such as zaporizhzhia and odessa. more than 170 personnel were deployed to fires in several areas. meantime, they're condemning russia's provocative actions in the black sea. clare sebastian has the story. apparently it came after a serviceman boarded a ukrainian cargo ship. bring us up to speed on the latest twist here. >> yeah. this is a turkish cargo ship, civilian merchant vessel, rahel. it came from the russian ministry of defense on sunday morning, they had to fire
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warning shots. the ship didn't respond to a request. the owner of theship, extraordinary, really. you can see the helicopter approaching the vessel. the russians said that contains service men and it seems to bear out from the account from the owner as well. the serviceman then boarded the ship and according to the owner, the crew there, the turkish crew carried out an inspection. it took an hour. apparently no threats or injuries to the crew there and then they left. the ship has been able to continue on its way. just outside the romanian port of selina at the mouth of the danube. it is headed to a ukrainian cargo port there. we don't know what kind of cargo but this is crucial because it's now about a month since russia pulled out of the black sea grain deal. they warned any ship approaching
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ukrainian ports would be considered by them to be potentially carrying weapons. they are making it clear they are willing to sort of carry out that threat to exert that authority. all of this coming as ukraine is trying to sort of revive some vestiges of trade through some kind of secure maritime corridor. clearly russia making it clear that it is in control. >> clare sebastian live for us in had london. thank you, clare. in india, 16 people have died in northern india. devastating floods and landslides. a red alert has been issued. nine people died in a temple collapse in the state's capitol because of the powerful monsoons. the state's chief minister says five people were rescued earlier and they're working to clear debris and rescue 25 people who remain trapped in the rubble. new candidate is nominated in ecuador to replace candidate
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v vincenzio. we spoke to his running mate who had been originally picked to replace him. >> i think any other ecuadorian is at the risk of getting shot now. >> reporter: she was supposed to be there as his running mate. she should have been right next to the presidential candidate vincenzio when he was shot last wednesday as he was leading a rally in the capitol. >> fernando was shot three times in the head. >> reporter: has it sunk in that you could have died because you were supposed to be right next to fernando that night when he was shot dead? >> yes. yes, i was supposed to be there next to him getting inside the car that had no protection against bullets. we wore no bullet proof vests because we were trying to get the people this message that we
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had to be brave. >> reporter: in an exclusive cnn interview at a location we're not disclosing for her safety, she said his murder is yet another gruesome and shocking example of how fragile democracy is in latin america but living in fear is not an option. >> i want to change this country. i want this country to be a place of peace, a productive country where no one around the world, our bananas, our shrimps, our coffee, i love ecuador deeply. i believe ecuador is a paradise and they've turned it into hell. >> reporter: she was a 59-year-old lawmaker in the national assembly known for being outspoken about drug trafficking and violence. in may he told cnn in espanol that ecuador had become a narco state. he was leading a fight against what he called the political
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mafia. >> we knew there was a high risk of him getting attacked by the same mafia, the same organized crime and the same politicians that are linked with this organized international crime. >> reporter: after the assassination the current president declared a state of emergency for 60 days. on saturday 4,000 members of the ecuadorian police and military raided a notorious prison and transferred an alleged leader of a drug gang to another facility. organized crime is a regional problem that requires a regional solution. >> how does ecuador solve the security problem? is it something it can do by itself or does it need help from the international community? >> we need team work to figure out how to stop this. much cocaine is done in colombia. it gets through ecuador, through our coasts where it goes back to mexico and then it's delivered to united states and europe. >> ecuadorians go to the polls august 20th for the first round
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of an election to choose a new president. even something as simple as voting is an act of courage. many may choose to stay home. coming up, taiwan's vice president is in new york and then south america. we'll tell you why china is upset. and an update on the deadly wildfires in hawaii and containment efforts. we'll be right back. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new ne with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months.
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lahaina, most of them homes. the damage is estimated at $5.6 billion. hawaii's governor said officials are working to find housing for nearly 1500 people now in emergency shelters. for more information on how you can help go to or text hawaii to 707070 to donate. other news this morning, nestle has announced a voluntary recall of some of the chocolate chip cookie dough bars because of the presence of wood chips. they say a small number of consumers contacted them about the wood fragments. no illnesses or injuries have been reported but the company says if you purchased the dough bars with the batch code on your screen, you should return it for a replacement or a refund. china's foreign ministry condemning the brief stop in the u.s. of the chinese vice president calling him a
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troublemaker. he was welcomed by one of washington's unofficial representatives in taipei. paula hancock joins us. how are u.s. officials responding to this chinese criticism? >> reporter: well, rahel, what we know at this point from senior administration officials is that this is an unofficial transit visit. they say it is in keeping with the one china policy, but that's really not the way that beijing sees it. the u.s. also saying that this is fairly routine. in fact, william himself at the beginning of last year did a transit through the u.s. the president has also stopped off in the u.s. but it always angers beijing who sees taiwan as part of its territory despite never having controlled it. the so what we heard from william lai, he was on sunday with a group of taiwanese americans, he said in a speech
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taiwan would not be backing down in the face of a growing threat from china. >> translator: so, at this decisive moment i want to promise once again at this time and place that no matter how great the threat of authoritarianism is to taiwan, we absolutely will not be scared nor cower. we will uphold the values of democracy and freedom. >> reporter: now we have a statement also from beijing from the foreign ministry saying that they reject and strongly oppose ankind of direct interaction between the united states and t. the statement reads that lai clings stubbornly to the separatist position for taiwan independence. he is a troublemaker through and through. we have consistently seen this kind of response from beijing. we are likely to see it in the future as well. william lai not just a vice president but interesting
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because he is a leading presidential candidate as well. so making his pushback against beijing and their claims of taiwan being part of their territory shows that that is his policy going forward. as i say, just a few months ago the president went to the united states as well in march and in april. she also met with high ranking u.s. officials, including kevin mccarthy, the house speaker. so clearly this is something that taiwan officials will continue to do and it is something that will continue to irritate and anger beijing. rahel? >> if i remember correctly, those visits also ruffled some feathers in beijing to say the least. paula hancocks, great to see you. thank you. coming up on cnn this morning, a fourth possible indictment is looming over donald trump as the district attorney in fulton county, georgia, prepares to present her case in new jersey. how the yankee's had a six run lead and lost.
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the bleacher report coming up next. >> and he makes the play.
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welcome back. and a look at sports now. the new york yankees are left wondering what happened after they blew a six-run lead and lost. coy wire has this morning's bleacher report. coy, long time no see. good morning. >> drama up there. you were here 22 hours ago, now you're up in new york. good to see you, rahel. >> likewise.
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>> a big blow for the yankees dropping 5 of 7 making the huge hill to make the postseason even harder. the wheels fell off. clay holmes knocks down the knocked hit right at him. his counter fire is a bit wide. that allows the marlins to score two runs in the wreckage. next up louis array slapping a shot down the line. the six-run lead is gone and we are tied. then jake burger, how you like 'em? well done. yankees in last place in the a.l. east. >> we need victory so any time you lose it's tough but obviously when you have the game in control for the most part with a lot of good things happening out there, you know, credit to them for putting some really good at-bats together.
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difficult way to end the series but we've got to move on. >> now as for the team with american league's best record is the orioles. cedric had the game tying home run. he came in as a defensive sub in the sixth. he steals the homer. hang it. but he wants more, rahel. in the tenth after the mariners tied it up, he goes ahead and hits the game-winning homer. orioles rolling seeking to win the division crown for the first time in nearly a decade. four women's open. it's been a roller coaster ride for lilia vu. she won her first career win in april. vu dominated winning by six strokes to become the first woman to win multiple majors in
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the same year since 1986. here she is. >> it sounds almost unreal. i've had a pretty tough run the past couple of months. i didn't feel like myself for the past couple months. i came into the tournament, sat down with my team. we wanted to be in contention. that's all we wanted. yeah. >> awesome. from the course to the court and look out. the top ranked american in the world, jessica pegula beating sansonova. 6-1, 6-0. the first woman to win the canadian open since serena. her third wta world title beating iga swantek. she is heading into the u.s. open two weeks away. finally, you have to see this. this is what sports are all about. >> i love all of you so much.
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>> all right. i guess i love you guys, too. >> massapequa park rise up. new little league softball champs. the team from long island beat north carolina. the first team from new york to win the title. >> they look like they're having a great time. i love you guys. great to see. coy wire, great to see you. >> you, too. thanks for joining us. i'm rahel solomon. we're back after this break. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins andnd minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ oh, oh, , oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! archable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. and i've booking.yeahat.
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