tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 25, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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where the president of spain's soccer program hugs her, puts both hands on her head, and kisses her and pats her on the back as she walks away. millions watched as this moment played out live on television. she was collecting her medal after winning spain's first ever women's world cup. the soccer chief defiant saying, quote, i will not resign. he claimed the criticism is, quote, false feminism. he said the kiss was spontaneous, mutual, and with consent. in her statement, he says the explanation is categorically false and part of the manipulative culture he himself has generated. rub yals has faced widespread criticism from spanish politicians who are refusing to play until he is fired. thank you so much for joining us. us. "ac 360" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- tonight on "360," the week
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of defendants and mug shots may be over, but the cases and fallout have only begun, including new developments late today. also tonight, the 6'3", 215 pound blonde or strawberry hair defendant's newfound place in the story of mug shots. level support in russia for the wagner mercenary army and yevgeny prigozhin. john berman here in for anderson. first in tonight, a string of new developments in georgia's rico case against the former president and 18 others, all of which we will talk about tonight. there is election lawyer, sidney powell, in a court filing late today joining codefendant kenneth chesebro in requesting a speedy trial. also today, a court filing from codefendant and fake elector kathy latham joining two others in claiming she was following the advice of the former president's legal counsel and acting, quote, at the direction of the president of the united states. it is a striking admission but
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also part of a defense and effort to transfer her case to federal court. b but it also raises, by extension, a defense first offered by another former president. >> when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal, by definition. >> exactly. >> now, back today in another item, codefendant harrison floyd making his first court appearance by video link from jail. he is the only one who failed to reach a bond agreement this week. the judge today refused to change that. meantime, the trump campaign, which is already selling merch with the historic mug shot on it threatened legal action against anyone else doing the same. the one catch, of course, that photo was part of the public record. it is an official photo. as for the making of it, listen to the former president last night on another network. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is.
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i took a mug shot, which i never heard the words mug shot. they didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. >> so, keeping them honest however that works with this. it's hard to imagine that someone who grew up in new york and counted mob lawyer roy cohen has one of his close friends had never heard the words mug shot before yesterday. harder still to imagine when you see the t-shirt business political action committee was hawking at up to $1,000 a pop back in april, the one with a fake mug shot of him on it. even harder still when you listen to the conversation he had a few weeks before that, the one in which he clearly did hear the words mug shot from his friend, sean hannity. >> you'd be arraigned -- >> yeah. >> that there would be a mug shot, you'd be fingerprinted, and maybe even handcuffed. now, when you think about being at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and juxtapose it to that, how do you deal with that? >> well, i deal with it.
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we're dealing with very dishonest people. we're dealing with thugs. we're dealing with people i actually believe hate our country. >> you would be arraigned, hannity said, there would be a mug shot, to which donald john trump did not reply, hey, sean, what's a mug shot? nor has he disavowed what his supporter sarah palin said about his arrest last night. telling news max, quote, those who are conducting this travesty in creating this two-tier system of justice, i want to ask them, what the heck? do you want us to be in civil war? because that's what's going to happen. cnn's katelyn polantz joins us now from atlanta with much more on today's developments. three codefendants in the georgia case, kathy latham, shawn still, and schaffer, they are asking for their cases to be moved to federal court because they say they were following
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orders from then-president trump. what's the next step here? >> reporter: what these three defendants are saying is an initial argument they're trying to make that could determine the shape of this case in a couple of different ways. they're not the only ones that are going into court right now and having to put up some arguments initially. there are two others doing that, mark meadows and jeffrey clark. what these three people have in common is that they were fake electors for trump after the 2020 election in the state of georgia. they're charged for that activity. and what they're trying to do is say, we don't want our case in state court. we'd like our case to be heard in federal court. and the reason we have the ability to do that and the reason we want that to happen is because we were fake electors, that means we were acting at the direction of the president. now, that is going to be a legal argument about where this case lands, if it gets split up, if the defendants are in federal court or state court trying this. but it's also a little bit of a preview of what could happen at a trial. there's one of the big things we're watching for here is if
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defendants are splitting with different legal arguments from trump either cuddling up to him or distancing themselves from him. and with this argument that they're making, that could become something that they'll try to make later on as well, try to say, we were just doing what we were told. how could we be charged with a crime there? >> we're going to dig into that a little bit because that's really interesting. also today, late today, sidney powell requesting a speedy trial, as kenneth chesebro did. his trial date is october 23rd. does that mean that's when sidney powell will go also? >> reporter: quite possibly. that might not be the date that anyone goes to trial. trial dates move. they really do. they move back because of arguments. they move because people need more time. but these two people are also in this position already pushing themselves away from trump in that trump is saying he doesn't want a trial date set at all at this point, let alone at that time so soon. so, sidney powell, ken chesebro,
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they're both people to watch here. they were lawyers working for donald trump in that federal court case against trump on the same topic, the 2020 election. they're both coconspirators who are uncharged there. so, watching what these two people do is so important because it could signify if they are willing to try and move in the direction that is not the way that donald trump wants to go with defendanting these cases. >> so, katelyn, look ahead to monday, just a few days away from now, because there's this crucial hearing for mark meadows and his efforts to move to federal court. what are we going to hear and see here? >> john, we're going to see people under oath for the first time in any court being on display as giving evidence in the case against donald trump. and in this particular situation, the case against mark meadows. so, in this hearing, it is a hearing regarding meadows trying to move his case from state court to federal court because he says he too was acting essentially under the
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presidency. he was the chief of staff of the white house when he helped set up that call for donald trump and spoke on it, somewhat, whenever trump was calling brad raffensperger, the secretary of state. so, at this hearing on monday, it'll be like a minitrial theoretically. the d.a.'s office is subpoenaing witnesses, including raffensperger himself, others who were witness to that call. they're going to bring them to the witness stand, put them on display, have them testify. and a judge is going to look at this and determine, should mark meadows be able to move his case to federal court and get constitutional protections around him because he was the white house chief of staff? or should this stay in state court? was he doing politicking when he was setting up that call working for trump after the election. the other thing the judge could weigh in on is if everybody should have their case in federal court and maybe signify what should happen with trump's case as well. >> preseason scrimmage, it will be fascinating to see. katelyn polantz, great to have
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you there. terrific job explaining all of these developments. perspective from jennifer rogers, nancy gertner, senior lecturer at harvard law school. also with us, jim jerden, who testified before the grand jury run by fani willis there. i want to start with you, senator, if i can. you know of the three georgia figures who are now trying to get their cases moved to federal court. >> right. >> does it feel to you as if -- how much does it feel to you as if they're throwing trump under the bus here, now arguing, as katelyn said, he told me to do it? >> that's what it seems in terms of what they filed with the federal court. the problem is that if you really look at what they're saying, it looks like the people who were directing them to do things really were trump's campaign lawyers. so, i know that with respect to form, in terms of keeping the campaign separate from the official office, trump didn't do a great job. and it kind of all melded together. but that is going to be of particular interest for the
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judge here because obviously you can't do electioneering because that violates the hatch act if you are a federal employee or someone acting under the color of law. >> we have a judge here. let's ask about that. how strong of an argument is it, judge, that you were doing potentially elicit acts at the direction of a former president? how convincing is that to get their case moved to federal court? >> i think it's a stretch to get that into federal court. i think that you've got to start with the stretch that is mark meadows stretch first. he has -- he clearly was acting as chief of staff. and the question is whether the law says that all you have to do is to be a federal official. all these acts, the charged acts, the crimes took place while you were a federal official. it's clear that this judge has rejected that argument because if that argument were accepted, meadows would be in federal court now, since he clearly was
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chief of staff when he was doing these activities . the likely standard is whether or not what he was doing was related to his official status. and as their previous speaker indicated, campaign stuff is not related to your official status. likewise, messing around with the electoral college standards is not part of your official acts. if meadows doesn't have this argument, it's inconceivable then that schaffer and others who are trying to go under their umbrella would have this argument as well. >> and jennifer rogers, there's the separate aspect to this, which is also interesting when they, in a way, are pointing the finger at donald trump. he told me to do this. his people told me to do this. could that impact the case specifically against trump? >> well, it could at some point, john. i mean, at this point they're just trying to get into federal court. but if they either plead out and cooperate with authorities and prosecutors are certainly going
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to try to thin this herd right away and get some of these people out of the case -- if they cooperate and testify against donald trump, presumably this is what they're going to say, which will be very strong evidence against the former president and others. the other way it could come up is if they remain in the case and go to trial alongside the former president and testify in their own defense and say that they were acting at the direction of donald trump and therefore should be found not guilty. so, there are a couple of ways, if this is their evidentiary position, that it could be a problem for donald trump down the road. >> let's shift to the speedy trial request now coming in from sidney powell. also she's joining kenneth chesebro in this. what are the benefits and risks of getting a speedier trial for these codefendants? >> well, again, i'm speculating now, but i wonder if what they're trying to do by moving for a speedy trial is get out from under the other defendants. in other words, they could move to sever their cases from trump
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and meadows, et cetera. but by asking for a speedy trial to which is my understanding they're entitled under georgia law, their case goes on a track, which is different from the others. so, whatever their defenses are, this is a way of saying, hey, you know, my case is going to be separate from their cases. there's also a very, you know, sort of interesting pattern here about the ways in which each of the defendants in the georgia case are basically acting inconsistent with one another. our previous discussion about schaffer suggest that. they're pointing the finger at one another. but this speedy trial, trump wants delay. and they want a speedy trial. and the only way one can reconcile those two is if they go forward while the rest of the defendants are delayed. >> so, jennifer, the other -- another theory here is the nine-dimensional chess theory here, which is that all the defendants think it will be good to put stocking horses out there first, put a couple of cases out
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there first so they can all see one case, all the evidence presented. and then they have the evidence of that trial -- trump would be specifically -- when he then stages his defense. any merit in that? >> yeah, i mean, that's what the benefit is. if you see someone else go first, prosecutors will have to put forward all of the evidence of the existence of the kper prize, the predicate acts that underlie the rico conspiracy. so, there's a lot that you get to know. i think other defendants other than trump would be happy with this result because they would get to see a preview of all of these witnesses, see them cross examined, et cetera. the big guy at the top of the ticket doesn't want this. he's made clear he doesn't want this to go and doesn't want voters to see, particularly in georgia where there are likely to be cameras in the courtroom the full weight of the government's case before the primary starts. >> voters could see the trials before the first votes are cast here. senator, i want to ask you about this other new aspect that we're seeing on monday. mark meadows, this first hearing, mark meadows, what do you think we will see there?
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some of the witness -- and brad raffensperger could be called to testify there. what is it you think we'll see? and tell us about the judge whom you know appointed steve jones? >> so, judge jones is widely respected across the aisle. i mean, all attorneys really do respect him. and what's interesting about him specifically with respect to this case that deals with questions of federalism between state and federal courts is that half of his life as a judge was as a superior court judge in athens. so, he gets kind of both sides of it and understands just how careful he needs to be here because he's really setting a precedent. he also understands that everybody is going to be looking at everything he's doing. in terms of the hearing that's coming up, i think it's going to be really revealing what exactly the d.a. is going to try to get from some of the witnesses. for example, the investigator, francis watson, there was a text that meadows sent to her that basically said, hey, can you
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hurry this audit up if the campaign can throw some money you're way, right? that doesn't sound like a federal official to me or someone acting as a chief of staff. he also is going to have some of the trump lawyers, the trump campaign lawyers, the d.a. is, come in and testify. and i think what that signals to me is, look, if meadows was not acting as part of the campaign apparatus, then the attorney-client privilege doesn't attach and those gentlemen will need to testify. >> it gets to a lot of what the crucial issues will be in this entire case. actually this case and also frankly the federal case as well. we could see a lot of very interesting things here. senator, thank you. judge, thank you. jennifer rogers, thank you as well. next the former president's friechl mind with four arrests behind homie and four trials ahead. and what vladimir putin is saying about his late ally turned rival, yevgeny prigozhin. that and what becomes of the wagner group mercenary army now. . between the high i interest, the fees...
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and struggle. ♪ and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. ♪ no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at when the former president surrendered the first of his four felony indictments, he returned to a celebration at bedminster. after his next arrest, he basked at a local restaurant. last night after an hour and a half on the ground in atlanta, he flew back to new jersey to little or no fanfare. what's the mood within the former president's team? and how do they think yesterday really went? >> reporter: well, john, i rode
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with the former president's team in the motorcade yesterday both from the airport to the county -- to fulton county jail but then also back to the airport. and i could tell that they weren't really sure how yesterday was going to go. but in the hours after that and also all throughout today i've been speaking with his team. and they think that it went as well as it could have. particularly, they were pleased with the media coverage of it. again, because it was pulling away and really sucking up a lot of the oxygen of the debate coverage. of course normally the day after the debate, you have the media dissecting what candidates said on stage. of course donald trump was not there. but instead a lot of that attention was focused on donald trump surrendering. they do think it's a positive, even though of course it's something that donald trump did not want to happen. he was frustrated by it. they still see the benefit of having that wall to wall coverage focused on the former president, john. >> what are you learning about this mug shot? even the trump campaign is using it for merch and for fundraising. did trump really want to take
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it? >> reporter: he didn't. he definitely -- i think he's made that very clear both privately and publicly. he did not want to go to georgia yesterday. he did not want to have his mug shot taken. i also know from my reporting and speaking to donald trump's team, they actually gamed out what they wanted that mug shot to look like. they basically settled on wanting him to appear defiant in it. you can see there clearly in that shot that he's kind of scowling. that was the image that donald trump and his team wants him to portray and wanted him to portray in that mug shot. of course two things can be true at the same time, john. as much as he didn't want that mug shot, his team does recognize the monetary benefits of fundraising off of it. and you've seen the t-shirt, the mugs, donald trump rejoining x, formerly known as twitter, in order to share that photo. they're not shying away from it as much as he did not want that to happen. >> what's on the schedule for him this weekend? >> well, he will remain here in new jersey at his golf club, which is just near where i am
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now, john. and he doesn't have many scheduled events or any really. the team told me they wanted to give him a break after this week. and i think that kind of reflects just how deflating this was for the former president. they've now been through this four times and in georgia he had to go through things he never did before, which was to get a mug shot, to go through the processing at a jail itself. they wanted to clear his schedule. i do think behind the scenes and what his team will be doing is talking about what the next year will look like. we know that donald trump's lawyers and the former president himself want to try and push these trials beyond the 2024 election. but i do think increasingly they're recognizing that they may not be able to do that, especially with the mounting legal battles that he's facing and the four indictments. there is a chance they'll have to have a trial within the crucial period of primary election season. >> it's something no campaign has ever had to deal with
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before, not like this. thanks so much. more now on the mug shot itself and the photo gallery it joins. tom foreman has a snapshot. >> reporter: hardened criminals, wandering celebrities, and now this one. for many, a mug shot is a step toward the penitentiary. donald trump hopes his will lead back to the presidency. >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> go tomorrow night and let's change america together. thank you! >> reporter: he's not the first politician snapped that way. former senator and democratic presidential candidate john edwards was charged but not convicted of scheming to violate campaign finance laws to hide an affair. former texas congressman tom delay was convicted of money laundering and conspiracy. then the conviction was overturned. the lone star states former
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governor, rick perry, was accused of abusing his power. when those charges were dismissed, he made the trumpian move of using his mug shots to raise money. >> this is in fact o.j. coming down the freeway. >> reporter: and it's not all politics. almost 30 years ago, that white bronco chase led to this timeless mug shot of celebrity o.j. simpson, which "time" magazine darkened, making him look more sinister. "time" apologized and o.j. -- >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: other celeb rities a defiant jane fonda, a smiling robert downy junior, a young lindsay low hahn, and bill gates before he was a billionaire. then there are mug shots that have truly become iconic. notably civil rights leaders from martin luther king jr. to john lewis taken into custody
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for standing up for, in the case of rosa parks, sitting down for their rights. the modern mug shot began in the late 1800s, the echks of a french detective who wanted a better way of keeping track of suspects and criminals. since then millions have been taken, but never before of a former u.s. president, let alone one who wants to be president again. john? >> yeah, history. tom foreman, thank you so much. just ahead, flowers and tributes for wagner's yevgeny prigozhin from supporters inside russia days after his apparent death. we're going to have their reaction. plus the latest on the investigation on the plane crash appears to have claimed his life. our matthew chance is in st. petersburg tonight, home of wagner's headquarters. he joins us next. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recocommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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russian authorities say they now have the flight recorders from the plane that crashed, killing wagner mercenary leader, yevgeny prigozhin. the british defense ministry today said it is, quote, highly likely prigozhin was aboard and is dead. that follows a similar assessment from the pentagon. these developments come two days after the plane fell from the sky at reportedly 8,000 feet per minute before the crash. u.s. officials say there is no indication a missile hit the plane but that they are evaluating other possibilities, including an on board explosion that might have caused the crash. in a report you'll see only on cnn, our matthew chance has made his way to st. petersburg in russia tonight, home of wagner headquarters, hearing from supporters of vladimir putin's
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one-time ally. >> reporter: shocked, if not surprised, supporters of wagner's mercenary leader have been paying their respects. laying flowers and lighting candles at makeshift memorials across the country. for all his violence and often foul-mouthed leadership, yevgeny prigozhin struck a chord, especially with people like daria in st. petersburg who told me how strong and interesting she found his personality. he always stood up for his fighters, she said, in the special military operation, what russia calls the conflict in ukraine. >> are you sad that he is gone? [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> they were so vile to him, she answers. it's a bitterness many russians
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now share. this photograph here, i think probably one of the last ones of prigozhin, and it says in russian, in this helm, he was the best. speaking about him in the past tense. some people have laid patches, wagner mercenary group patches, from the side of their uniforms because a lot of people that are paying their respects here today are either members of wagner or they're families of members of wagner. the organization is known for its cruelty, and this hammer here -- it's very heavy. pick it up. it's got wagner written on it. look, it's become a potent symbol of just how ruthless wagner was because it was with a tool like this that they executed someone they regarded as a traitor, and they filmed it happen. absolutely gruesome. but that video consolidated
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wagner's image as a ruthless, hyperviolent organization that would do anything to protect the motherland. >> [ crowd chanting ]. >> reporter: even staged that dramatic uprising in june, mar marching troops towards moscow. many russians suspect prigozhin's presumed dead and this plane crash was cold hearted revenge. but the kremlin denies involvement. few urussians dare say otherwis, at least publicly. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: some of my closest friends are wagner, says this man, who asked us to hide his identity at the memorial. they're just russian people, he tells me, who thought they were doing the right thing. they can't talk for prigozhin, he adds. who do you think is responsible for his death? who killed him?
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[ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: no comment? >> no. >> reporter: these are dangerous times in russia to throw allegations around. >> amazing. and matthew chance joins us now from st. petersburg. matthew, putin did comment on prigozhin's death yesterday. what are russian authorities saying today about the investigation? >> reporter: yesterday putin asked the country to, you know, not hold back judgment, essentially, until the outcome of that investigation. today investigators say they've recovered the black boxes from the aircraft, the embraer legacy 500 with yevgeny prigozhin and nine other people on board. they say they've taken the human remain asway, ten bodies they've recovered, and they're doing dna tests and forensic tests to try to confirm positively exactly the identities of those people
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on board. so, ultimately soon hopefully we should get official confirmation that it was indeed yevgeny prigozhin on board that aircraft and that he is actually dead. at the moment, they're not officially confirming that. it's a very odd situation to be in. >> matthew, how's the media in russia covering this? >> reporter: well, i mean, they covered the crash, obviously. and they've covered the things that president putin has said and the investigators having recovered the black boxes and things like that. but what's really striking is that all of those things that, you know, you saw me report on from earlier today, the memorials from across the country, not just one in st. petersburg, but several of them in moscow and all sorts of places around russia, with, you know, hundreds of people around the country turning out to pay their respects to yevgeny prigozhin. that's not even got a mention,
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certainly not in any of the state media. i've tried to look at some of the newspapers that have been coming out over the past several hours as well. they haven't even looked at it as well. so, it feels like certainly when it comes to the state media they've been -- you know, they're reluctant to report on the public sympathy for this man, yevgeny prigozhin, the leader of wagner. i mean, it is so sensitive right now. the country feels like it's on a sort of knife edge. and i think people are very shocked, as i said, shocked but not necessarily surprised that this air crash took place. and even though the kremlin denies categorically that it had anything to do with it, people do still have deep suspicions. >> matthew chance, it is remarkable reporting you are delivering. it's great having you there. stay safe. thank you very much. i'm joined by retired general wesley clark, senior fellow at the ucla berkal
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center. general, you know, obviously the wagner group filmed sledge hammer executions. prigozhin led this revolt, this march on moscow. yet now there are these memorials popping up in several russian cities. what's the take away here? >> it's a different culture, john. that's the basic thing. when we look at russia and we look at putin, we see through our own eyes and through our own background. and we want to believe that everybody's the same and sees things the same. but russia has a different culture. they have a culture of sacrifice. they have a historical legacy of brutality. they were overrun by the mongols. ivan the terrible of the 15th century took charge. he was brutal. and it's been a brutal history of oppression, murder. the ser fs for only freed in russia. before that the nobles owned the
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people and the land was given by the czar. and all of this is part of the russian character. so, after being invaded by napoleon, invaded by hitler, death, sacrifice, brutality in service of the state, yes. and in russian culture, the state is all powerful. it's what protects russia in a way that americans don't have any real appreciation for. and so for putin, prigozhin was used. he was useful in holding the war together in the east. maybe he reacted with a spasm of anger going on his march to moscow. maybe it was a setup designed to smoke out people who were of dubious loyalty. or maybe putin afterwards decided he could use him for a while in belarus. maybe putin then decided he was a liability. but all of that simply shows the
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byzantine character of the way that russian intelligence operates, the ruthlessness, relentless drive for success of vladimir putin. >> i think the main question is what impact, if any, you think this incident will have on the war there. >> i think we have to be careful of wishful thinking here. as we see it, of course it looks like, hey, there's a shakeup, and putin's weak and so forth. but in reality, this may make putin stronger. he has surfaced people who were potentially disloyal. we don't know if they were or not, the generals who were fired. he's gotten rid of a rival. he's shown he's an iron leader. he's not afraid to use force. he's not afriaid to kill in support of the russian state. and despite the outpouring of grief that we saw in st. petersburg, you know, there are people who will feel that
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way. but if we went back to those people and asked about the war, about putin's leadership, we might find some surprising answers. they might say, well, you know, putin is protecting us. he's doing what's necessary. this is what a russian president must do. it's a different altar. so, let's not get ahead of ourselves and think that this means russia is crumbling. putin's in this for the long term. in war, simple things are difficult. and so there are a lot of difficulties that we always point out with the russians. we don't always see the difficulties that the ukrainians have because they're very careful to prevent us from publicizing it. it's a tough fight. i think ukraine's going to come out on top. if we support, this is a war unlike anything that the american military has experienced recently and unlike anything the american public understands.
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>> look, it's important perspective. thank you so much. general wesley clark, great to have you on tonight. >> thank you, john. >> so, how are voters feeling after watching the first republican primary debate. john king continues his all over the map series to see if the debate swayed the minds of voters that he recently met in iowa. ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. (v for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket om youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galax z flip5. only on verizon.
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now, several 2024 republican hopefuls will take the stage again in the party's second primary debate. as we wait for that in this continuation of his "all over the map" series, john king reconnected with iowa voters he met last week, this time seeing where they stand following the first debate. >> it is debate night, and in iowa, popcorn is the snack of choice. betsy is thrilled to watch with her parents and thrilled donald trump decided to boycott and leave the stage to others. >> i think the it felt like the schoolyard bully calling his friends names. and i'm not interested in that. >> sar cone is a two-time trump voter eager to move on. >> i'm pulled toward desantis. >> governor ron desantis was her favorite when he first met several weeks ago and when she tuned in tuesday night.
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>> my personal favorite was nikki haley. she had a lot of commentary on different topics where i agreed with everything she said right there. she also came across as not nasty but not knowledgeable. there's a difference. >> this is a typical residential installment. >> reporter: chris mudd owns a solar energy company, is a strong trump supporter, and had this to say about the former south carolina governor. >> i'm not a big nikki haley fan. i've just never connected to her. >> reporter: mudd is still for trump but after the debate texted nikki haley made good use of her time. priscilla forsythe liked haley's stance on abortion. nikki haley really helped herself, foresight told us. another was that vivek ramaswamy stirs a trump-like divide.
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>> president trump, i believe, was the best president of the 21st century. >> mudd loved it. i'm from the usa, mudd texted. trump reps that best in my opinion. vivek sounds great. nod to forsythe. >> he's brilliant, he's got energy, he's young. i really liked him. >> post debate, this. he just isn't grown up enough to be president. he's trying to be trump, but he isn't. >> i think ramaswamy probably went down because of that abrasiveness. >> but what is toxic in the suburbs is often tonic to others in today's gop. >> trump people might have found that attractive about ramaswamy, right? he might pull some of that crowd. who knows. >> reporter: trump is way ahead and that won't change if the anti-trump vote is stringalled across the debate stage. >> his statement was powerful when he said, the country is in
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a downward spiral. desantis has been elevated for me. >> reporter: that's a shift from a few weeks ago. >> there's just a lot of -- around him. is that a technical term? >> reporter: how these booming suburbs shake out matters. so, even if there is a new favorite after debate number one. >> so, you want a desantis/haley ticket? or a haley -- >> haley/desantis. haley/desantis. >> reporter: the shopping will continue. and for many, math more than policy will shape the final choice. >> the question is, can she win, right? so, that's my main question. she personally would be my favorite candidate right now. but desantis, you know, at this point looks more viable. >> reporter: pass the popcorn. the second debate is in a month. >> it's so interesting to hear that thinking. john king reporting. just ahead, as millions of students across the country kick off the new school year, gary
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tuchman travelled to nashville, the site of a school shooting in march to attend an active training shooting for teachers. his report is next. ically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss.s. nevever miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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this was the first full week back for students at the covenant school in nashville. the site five months ago of a mass shooting that took the lives of three students and two adults. it did prompt a special session from lawmaker this is week, but so far the tragedy has yielded few legislative solutions. active shooter training saved lives at the school. gary tuchman has more on the man behind it. >> reporter: whitney aerr heart and -- have been told to listen for a noise from another part of their school building, this noise. [ sound of gunfire ] >> reporter: this is the instructor of an active shooter training program who wants school employees to know gunshots don't always sound like gunshots. to be aware, they sometimes sound like -- >> someone working on a construction or, like, a repair
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project or something. >> reporter: the trainer is this man, a former cop, the owner of a company called defend systems. >> this thing is attributed to benjamin franklin, if you plan to fail, you plan to fail. >> training that comes from a devastating and upsetting perspective. he trained the teachers and staff at nashville's covenant school the year before a shooter murdered three students and three employees in a rampage this past march. the metropolitan police department believes the training the staff received saved lives. fiddler knew some of the victims and was friends with the school headmaster, dr. katherine koontz, who was killed. >> these a leader. she did it right and did what she was going to do as a leader. and unfortunately, it cost her
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her life. i think if you had the chance to ask her would she do it again, the answer would be yes. >> the covenant school employees follow this key training, says fiddler. >> first thing to do is make sure the doors are locked, get the window covered, and get the kids out of the line of fire. >> reporter: fiddler says the shooter fired through the locked doors of several classrooms, but nobody inside was hurt. the children were out of the line of fire. other important lessons, being vigilant about visitors carrying backpacks. >> the amount of crap you can fit in a backpack is alarming. the first one being this guy. >> reporter: also in this relatively small backpack, fiddler has a bunch of 30 round magazines and three block pistols. the training emphasizes not being a sitting duck if a shooter is about to enter a classroom door. fiddler demonstrates a potential scenario with a fellow trainer.
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>> when i go to the door she's going to see clam pet, when looks like that. see how she grabbed it? what does she know i'm getting ready to do? pull back. what we want her to do is use that to her advantage. >> you get under the gun like this. who thinks i can pull it down? you can't do it and why not? what's under the gun? all of her. >> and then there's medical training. if there are no medical personnel around, school employees should know how to use a tourniquet. >> you are watching for the bleeding to stop. you are not counting the amount of times you -- all right? now we're going to do two to three 180s. >> reporter: this active shooter training lasts for almost five hours. >> what do you think about the
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instruction? >> i like the hands on component and doing it makes a lot of sense. >> reporter: as you've seen, the training is intense in this room. the trainer knows what he teaches is a sad sign of the times. >> it's terrible, but i'm also glad to do it, oddly enough, because there is something that can be done to help people in those situations. and that's what we're about. >> reporter: john, the school security industry experts say is a $3.1 billion industry in this country. it's going up every year. brink, who we spent time with in tennessee for the story, today, for example, is with his trainers teaching teachers and administrators this program in minnesota. he says he's had this company for six years, and he's never been busier than he is today. >> so smart, so practical, but so chilling. so chilling. what a report. thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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