tv CNN Primetime CNN August 31, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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his voice. he created the rock 'n roll icon. >> sorry, y'all. it wasn't elvis. >> here i am, the king of rock 'n roll! >> for first songs that you loved that your parents hate is the beginning of the sound track of your life. >> little richard's lyrics were too lewd to get air play on the radio. >> they were just as clean as you were. >> he was very good at liberating other people. he was not good at liberating himself. ♪ >> michael was inspired by me, prince. james brown i discovered him. jimi hendrix was my guitar player >> i used to stand on the desk and do little richard. >> everyone was beholden to him. >> little richard, i am everything, labor day on cnn. >> indeed he was. thank you so much for joining us
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tonight. "cnn primetime" starts right now. >> thank you so much. have a good night. good evening everyone. tonight i will speak with a former proud boy who knew the two extremists who were just sentenced more than a decade behind bars today for sedition on january 6th. don't miss this conversation but first we have another extraordinary example of the guard rails holding up in a vulnerable democracy. we've seen examples in recent years. the military refusing to use force after the election, the courts refusing to accept bogus arguments without evidence, the election workers who quietly and heroically ensured the integrity of those ballots, and the voters who showed up in massive numbers to speak their voices. finally, the states, where many in both parties did reject efforts to undo the will of those very voters. that includes the state of georgia where republicans fought off attempts to undermine democracy. today it happened again.
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republican governor brian kemp rejecting efforts in his state to impeach fani willis, the prosecutor who has charged donald trump and 18 allies. >> up to this point i have not seen any evidence that da willis's actions or lack thereof warrant action by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission. in my mind a special session of the general assembly to end run around this law is not feasible and may ultimately prove to be un-constitutional. >> kemp, a conservative, by sticking to the constitution, instead of caving to yet another effort to sabotage it without any merit. this comes as donald trump is waiving his arraignment to plead not guilty to that georgia case and he wants to separate his case from all the others who want a speedy trial. i want to bring in a former trump white house associate
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counsel, the president of restoring integrity and trust in elections. judge chutkan in the election interference case did say that the former president's lawyers should have been prepared for this moment. that was the federal case. even in the georgia case shouldn't they really be hitting the ground running here? they've known about these potential charges coming for quite a while now. >> they have. but we have to remember that trump hired his lawyer only recently. his lawyer has a trial scheduled for basically the month of september and so to go to trial in the month of october isn't feasible. but i think really it is not the timing that is the issue for president trump in asking to sever his case. it is a notice that fani willis filed yesterday saying, hey. fyi when you ask for a speedy trial it means defendants are not given the rights they normally would as far as given
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evidence in advance, being able to bring witnesses at the last moment, so there are all these procedural protections that defendants don't get and trump basically says it is not fair for that to apply to me because i'm not requesting a speedy trial. in that case he basically had to sever. >> that is true. there is a part of this, which is the legal maneuverings here of the trump team, i mean, he got a brand new lawyer at basically the very last possible moment. he doesn't want these trials happening before the election. is this just another delay tactic? >> i don't think this is a delay tactic. i know there was a switch in the lawyer but i think actually this is one of the more responsible and earlier switches. it was before he even made his first appearance. what you don't want to see is a switch in the lawyer on the eve of trial or during trial. that starts to feel like a delay tactic. but i think that october is
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outrageously fast and actually a little bit unclear who is going to go in october. it seems like right now the court has only said one guy, this kenneth chesebro and even sidney powell who asked for a speedy trial doesn't want to go with chesebro so he is asking to sever but it is not even clear from whom. i think that most of the defendants, including president trump, are all going to be ending up going later, not necessarily because of delay, but just because of reality. the government hasn't even provided discovery yet. they don't have the evidence to sift through yet. >> this afternoon a judge also cleared the way for cameras in the courtroom in georgia in these trials of trump and his codefendants. this is something allowed in the state level but not at the federal level. trump of course being the reality tv star that he is, he likes to play to the cameras. how do you think that will change how he and perhaps how he wants his attorneys to approach
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this trial? >> so it's going to be a real show i guess. cameras in the courtroom are not something that i am in favor of. i don't think that it is beneficial necessarily to protecting the defendant's due process. it instead turns this into a show basically. but it is something that i think trump probably wants and i think the american public wants because they want to be able to see what is going on. i think that is very understandable. how does that change what trump presents? i don't think it helps in a good way. i think all of a sudden now we are relitigating all of the flaws minor and major in georgia rather than focusing on for example the elements of a rico crime, the elements of what it requires to have knowledge in false statements, that sort of
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thing. so it changed the legal argument relitigating the election. >> trump is going to be a defendant sitting in a courtroom. the cameras are going to be on him. i remember in the new york case there were cameras in there very briefly just to take photographs. still photos. he looked directly at them. his demeanor will matter quite a lot. it is not just the cameras of the world looking at that. the jury will be seeing how he performs, too. do you think he'll act differently because he knows there are cameras there? >> so my experience with president trump is maybe what the american people who do like him like about him which is there really isn't tv trump and behind the scenes trump. he is kind of the showman you would see on tv all of the time. like when there's no cameras, when there's just a few, number of people in the room, he still
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is -- i call him a host. like he makes you feel welcomed and it is always about presentation. so maybe it'll change the way the public perceives things. maybe it'll change the way the lawyers argue. but the way that his face is, his demeanor is, his personality is, sometimes with trump he is ruled by his emotion and there is definite cons to that. one pro is you get who you get. >> we'll see how that works out with a jury of his peers who will be ultimately deciding this case. may melman, thank you very much. >> thank you, abby. chris whipple joins me now the author of "the fight of his life" inside joe biden's white house and also the author of "the gatekeepers" and also has an op-ed in the "new york times" today arguing that trump's white house chief of staff mark meadows is a warning about what a second trump term could mean for the country.
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thanks for being here. >> great to be here. >> look, brian kemp, let's start there. shooting down these calls for trump to -- or for republicans to basically remove a da just because they don't like what she is prosecuting, what do you make of the fact he even has to do that still? >> well, it is extraordinary we are where we are isn't it? but what struck me as i was listening to that story is, here is a guy with integrity who stood up and did the right thing and, boy, could mark meadows take a pang from brian kemp. mark meadows, obviously the chief of staff who has now picked up this rico case and subject of the article i wrote for the "new york times." i think that it, you know, kemp is a refreshing example again of
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how many people really with integrity rose to the occasion and helped preserve democracy, no thanks to some of the people around donald trump. >> meadows testified on monday that there is a role for the chief of staff to, in his view, make sure that the campaign's goals are implemented at a federal level. i mean, the basic question is, is that true, a, and is it true when the goal is to steal a free and fair election? >> no white house chief of staff has any business doing what mark meadows was doing in the state of georgia after the 2020 election. this has really, is a complete misrepresentation of what the job is. nothing in the job description of white house chief of staff says that you should be meddling
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in a state after a federal election. if you think about it, meadows is charged with crimes that would make nixon's h.r. haldeman blush. he is charged credibly with orchestrating a mafia style shakedown of a state official for 11,780 nonexistent votes and on top of that overturning a free and fair election. that is where we are and i think there used to be or as i said before there was a healthy competition for the title of worst white house chief in modern history. meadows owns it lock, stock, and barrel. >> i mean this is really the central issue here. it is not just the mugshots. there are two of them who have that. there is also the idea the white house chief of staff role has been weaponized potentially and that, i mean, do you think there is permanent damage?
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>> yeah. i think it is really important to understand what the white house chief is supposed to do. the white house chief is many things. famously the president's gatekeeper, the president's confidante. he is the person who executes the president's agenda. but above all else, more important than any other responsibility, is telling the president hard truths. you have to be able to walk into the oval office, close the door behind you, and tell the president what he doesn't want to hear. it was mark meadows' failure to do that, that really led, helped to create the biggest scandal in american political history. >> a truly historic failure if you look at the scope of it all. thank you very much for being with us. >> my pleasure. up next an extraordinary moment in court today. two proud boys crying as they begged a judge for mercy in their sentences. hear what happened and, next, i'll speak with a former proud boy who knows both of these men. plus one columnist suggests
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democrats need a ticket of gretchen whitmer and raphael warnock in order to beat trump. we'll discuss that. e? no, i said, “should've used behr." today let's paint. right now, get america's most trtrusted paint brand at a new lowow price. behr. only at the home depot. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) woah. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) constant contact delivers the marketing tools your small business needs to keep up, excel, and grow. constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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them military veterans. one cried saying he was seduced by the crowd but he is not a terrorist and wants to walk his daughter to school. another also emotional said he is done with politics and done with peddling these lies for other people and apologized for his actions. in turn the judge admonished them calling those actions a national disgrace, calling their testimony utterly inconceivable, and saying they dishonored the very uniform that they once wore. and the rights that people around the world would give anything for. that judge sentenced proud boy leader joe biggs to 17 years in prison and former marine zach reel to 15 years. my next guest is very familiar with both of them. >> they are afraid to say what is on their mind for fear of getting into a fight but if they have that guy or group behind them they are more bold in saying what they think because they think someone has their back. the proud boys are the vehicle
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that attracts those people and accepts them in. >> russell shultz is a former proud boy member himself helping to plan logistics for an event in portland. it ended with an altercation and both he and biggs found themselves in jail. shulz left the group in 2019 and he joins me now tonight. russell, thank you for being here. as i was just saying, joseph biggs who you know quite well, he was crying in the courtroom today. he told the judge, quote, i know that i have to be punished and i understand but please give me the chance, i beg you, to take my daughter to school and pick her up. what do you make of that? the tears? maybe the contrition. but after all that he's been convicted of doing? >> oh, it is a pretty complicated question. but i would say, yeah. he is probably remorseful. he's looking at almost two decades in prison.
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i don't see anybody that wants to do that. he probably regrets his actions of that day. probably wishes he could take them back. i don't know what the mob got everyone all excited to do something they knew was wrong. i mean i read the charges and i couldn't, i mean i helped them plan rallies in portland and the rhetoric is, you know, like everyone wants to act like they're big and tough but no one really follows up on it. then on january 6th i guess they followed up on it. >> for someone who likes to act big and tough, i mean, does it -- do you have any thoughts on the fact that he was willing to cry in that moment today? >> well, sure. he's going to miss most of his life in prison. i mean, i would assume anyone with a conscience would be remorseful. i mean he probably wishes he could take it back. he's probably lived wanting to take it back every day since he has been incarcerated.
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i would assume so. >> a lawyer for the other defendant today, zach rehl, placed a large part of the blame on donald trump himself, saying that he didn't think such long sentences were fair for, quote, taking your president seriously. do you agree with that? is that sentence unfair for that reason? >> no. because donald trump didn't make him do it. he did it himself. it was his own decision to do it. it was a bad decision but donald trump didn't tell anybody to go stop a certification of the election. he wanted them to protest and i may not agree with the whole tact. i didn't go obviously. everyone else should have known. they know right from wrong. everyone who crossed those barriers knew what they were doing, it was wrong. we shouldn't even have gone past the barriers, period. >> you were a part of the proud boys during part of trump's presidency. he literally called the proud boys out by name on, you know, a debate stage. i mean, how much influence did
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he have or does he have on that group? >> on the proud boys? he had tons of influence. to what degree i'm not quite sure but i think they just liked the fact the president was mentioning them. recognition. i don't know if trump knew who they were before or after maybe he did. i don't know. >> and do you think that today's sentences will make proud boys members think twice about the group? i mean, these two defendants were maybe remorseful because they're facing perhaps a huge chunk of their lives in prison, but are the others watching this and saying we can't do this anymore? >> i would sure hope they're watching it and saying they can't do that anymore. the most effective way to keep groups like that, any group from coming in your city and causing trouble would be lock them up. put them in jail.
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deterrence is a huge factor in law enforcement. and it is something that should be used more often. in a lot of cases especially the city i live in it is really not used very often unless you are a trump supporter but we won't get into that. >> what do you think about trump, though? do you think he should face consequences? i think part of the argument here is you put these guys away for seditious conspiracy. >> no. >> yeah. >> no, i don't -- i mean, i was at work but following twitter that day and i remember reading he was telling people to go peacefully and make your voice heard. i may not agree with it. but it wasn't unlawful. unlawful was everyone crossing those barriers and taking it upon themselves to go up there and try to interfere with the certification of the electors and from what i understand the planning ahead of time with some of the rhetoric, wow. i read that and i couldn't see how they would have much of a
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defense after that. >> as you know probably, support for trump is really only growing and he actually has made the fate of these january 6th defenders part of his campaign. he's raised money for their defense funds, he has lionized them. what do you make of that? >> well, there are some people that disagree with the charges. that's not for me to say. that is for the people of washington, d.c. to say. they were the jury. they are the ones that decided whether they are guilty or innocent. they got to hear the side from the prosecution and they got to hear the side from the defense. and they made up their mind they were going to convict. so if the president wants to raise money for their defense or other groups, i mean, that's completely acceptable. i mean it happens on both sides of the aisle. >> you think it is acceptable for him to raise money for people who are being put on trial for an insurrection?
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>> well, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. >> but should he be raising money for them? >> if they are still innocent until proven guilty, why not? >> i think the why not is that even if you think that they have a right to innocence before they're convicted that raising money for them seems to indicate support for the -- their actions whether they were criminal or not. >> you are -- i cannot disagree with you. you are right. but at the same point you want to believe that the people are telling you the truth and that they're being genuine with you and they're fighting the charges. so it is just the american way that, you know, we do what we can to defend ourselves and if a jury finds otherwise, well, that's just the way it goes. >> i'm sure a lot of people here obviously are watching and since you left the group i wonder, have you had interactions with other members who you were in
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there with or have you had backlash for speaking out? >> oh, i've had lots of backlash for speaking out but, you know, those guys aren't my friends. i don't owe them any loyalty. when they, when gavin left and the joke was over and guys jumped up and made it a serious street gang i don't want no part of that. i joined it because i thought it was a joke and just fun. it was a gag. they turned around and made it something serious and you know it just, i don't know, things got out of control from there. you know? guys pumping each other up. you know, so just took it too far i suppose. >> russell shultz, really interesting conversation. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you very much. it's been 139 years since an unmarried candidate was elected president. senator tim scott may change that but some of his top donors are reportedly worried about that single status that he's
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got. plus senator mitch mcconnell getting the all clear from his doctors to continue his schedule after yesterday's freeze. one of his republican predecessors has a surprising take on what his future ought to be. (light acoustic music plays) (eagle screeches) (energetic music plays) there he i it's right there! ♪ oh, he's saight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪
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a capitol physician clearing mitch mcconnell, putting the spotlight back on the ages of our most powerful leaders including president biden and the reality that at just a few months shy of mcconnell's age he will be 85 at the end of a second term. one columnist a.b. stoddard wrote democrats have to get michigan governor gretchen whitmer and georgia senator raphael warnock to join forces on a presidential ticket if they have any chance of beating donald trump in 2024. she cites concerns over president biden's age which she argues will only get ahead of november. >> 2024. joining me to discuss this is
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former presidential candidate howard dean. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. so a.b. thinks biden has a lot of legislative success but writes this. this is not a thought exercise. it is a preview of democracy and writing will be in stronger shape politically a year from now does not sound reasonable but incredibly dangerous. is she right? >> you do have to consider the source. the bulwark is a right wing publication that doesn't like trump. >> she is writing in the bulwark but that is besides the point but on the substance of what she is saying. >> nothing is ever beside the point in washington, d.c.
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however, since you ask a fair enough question i think biden has done a really good job in terms of the substance. second of all whatever biden's poll numbers are now, he is being compared to the almighty. and when the republicans make their nomination in milwaukee he is going to be compared to the alternative and that is not going to look very good. i'll make a couple comment. first i think bison has done a really good job as president whether you like him or not. i don't know him particularly well. this is the first president i haven't known quite well for a long time on the democratic side. even on the republican side i knew george w. pretty well. i'd say biden has done a really good job if you judge him just on his merits. secondly the suggestion of a ticket, this ticket is fantastic for 2028. i am a huge fan of gretchen whitmer. i think it is long pastime to have a woman president in this
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country. she would be one of my most leading candidates. this is 2028. it is 2024 and joe biden is going to be the nominee. >> that raises a really important question for the democratic party. let's call it a thought exercise here. if democrats had to run someone other than president biden in 2024 do you think there is a bench ready right now? >> yes. >> could a whitmer and warnock be ready? >> first of all i am incredibly biased toward governors having been one and i think governors make good presidents in general because they've had executive experien experience and a lot of people have struggled with what it is to be an executive after serving in the house and senate. of course i think she is terrific. there is a huge bench, a bunch of 40 and 50-year-olds in the senate on the democratic side who would be terrific candidates for president. we have a deep bench and i'm not
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worried about that at all. >> one of the things you brought up just now was that biden is being compared to the almighty. if trump is the nominee then it changes things. the other part of the counterargument to that is if trump becomes the nominee and say picks a younger, less polarizing running mate, that could arguably boost him even further, nikki haley, tim scott, even vivek ramaswamy who is not as well known but clearly rising in the republican field. is that a factor? >> it could be but he'll never picnicky hailey because he doesn't like her and he is a sexist. if he picks vivek ramaswamy i think it would be terrific. he is even more polarizing than trump. his numbers went up among the republican viewers after the debate and his favorables went up about 10 and his negatives 25. this is not a candidate that ought to be running with donald
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trump. so, you know, as far as tim scott goes, you know, he has a long way to go and who knows. i haven't followed his candidacy very closely. trump doesn't leave any oxygen -- if it is trump vs. biden i think it is pretty clear unless the vanity candidacy of whatever it is no labels right wing republican pooh-bahs financing it as far as i can tell we'll win that race biden vs. trump and i don't have any worries about that. >> appreciate it as always. thank you. >> thank you. up next, speaking of tim scott, he is the bachelor running for the gop presidential nomination but some gop donors are reportedly worried that he is single and how it might affect the race.
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so do you remember this guy? that is president grover cleveland and he was the last bachelor to be in the white house way back in 1884. this could change for the first time in 139 years if senator tim scott wins the presidency. the senator isn't the first candidate to make a run for the oval office who is single. the 2024 gop candidate and conservative talk show radio host larry elder is divorced and there is also bachelor
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democratic senator cory booker who ran in 2020. at the time he was dating actress rosario dawson who went on the campaign trail with him and former democratic senator from nebraska bob kerrey is also on the list. he has been divorced for 14 years when he decided to run in 1992. but some aren't too keen on senator scott being a bachelor in this cycle. axios is reporting that some republican donors want more details about his single status before they decide how much to support him in this race. the 57-year-old has remained pretty quiet about his love life and has previously referenced a girlfriend but kept her identity private. when an adviser says he plans to address concerns around his single status in the coming weeks. i want to bring in the root senior reporter jessica washington along with pollster lee carter. ladies, senator scott has talked about this girlfriend. he kept it private.
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apparently that is not enough even for his own donors. i do wonder. do you think this is an issue more for republican voters because the party emphasizes family values so much for their candidates and at the national level especially? >> i don't think that is the real issue. the real issue that he has is that he is pretty boring and not memorable. he hasn't broken through. so people look for an excuse as to why they're not going to support him. why they are questioning him. >> he has been rising in the polls especially in iowa spending a ton of money. >> to get a couple point. he is nowhere near where he needs to be. i hate to say this because he is a very, very nice person. people really like him. they want to have a reason to vote for him. i think there are a lot of people who are concerned he just doesn't have the thing. and when that happens they often point to things. there are plenty of candidates that have bigger issues than
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whether they are single and one is a leading candidate on the right. >> i'll fill in the blanks here of what you just put on the table. trump has been divorced three times. or married three times. married three times. he has been divorced multiple times, accused of paying off an adult film actress. that doesn't seem to have mattered for him. >> obviously you can't say that being divorce order not having these kind of, quote-unquote family values is a disqualifier in this race. i think scott is in a little different position because he is running as a traditional guy and not running opposite trump because he is still sharing a lot of the same policy values but is saying i am this traditional typical conservative, right? and so to run that way and then not be the traditional guy i think could be more of a problem for him than for trump who has never tried to portray himself that way in the first place. >> you know, you make a good point. tim scott is running on his
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evangelical sort of christian values, a huge part of his message. here is how he responded to this recently. >> to suggest that somehow being married or not is going to be the determining factor of whether you are a good president it sounds like we're living in 1963 and not 2023. i'm not sure why that conversation becomes so important when you're the single guy up there but i will simply say i probably have more time, more energy, and more latitude to do the job. >> well, i would say as a married person, i have time, too. i have energy. >> that is not what is keeping me from running for president to be clear. >> how do you feel about that response? >> i thought it was a great response for a politician but you look at him and he is almost perfect but he's not.
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he is not the candidate. he is not going to be the one. there is a reason he hasn't broken double digits yet. it is not because of his marital status. a lot of people listen to him and what he says is perfectly forgettable and it is wonderful. he's given great speeches. i've even written about his speeches and said how wonderful they are but they are pieces of the same thing over and over again. he is running on the american dream, talks so much about his mother. it is wonderful, wonderful stuff. except that it is not enough to get him elected. >> i hate to just have a panel where we're all agreeing with each other but to be fair, he had a not memorable debate. he is not high enough in the polls to make an impact. we have to take these anonymous donor messages with a grain of salt obviously because people are not putting their name behind it. if he is having trouble with donors that is a real problem for tim scott because that is all he has going for him right now. >> we are putting up on the screen where he is in iowa, and at this stage just to play
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devils advocate to defend, you know, the tim scott argument it seems like he is rising and that there is a potential here. we are early enough in the race that he could have a moment. >> we're early enough for sure and there are trajectories you can watch where we've seen people come out of left field and make a huge splash donald trump being one of them. he was nowhere in the polls at this point but still came through. i just don't feel that kind of momentum. i don't see it coming through the polls. it is a game of inches for him not leaps. >> we'll see how that turns out. lee carter, jessica washington, thank you both very much. up next it's been the record breaking summer for women in entertainment from barbie to beyonce to taylor swift. my next guest says it could help smash the patriarchy. plus burger king's whopper facing a legal threat over accusations it isn't as big as it claims to be. you're sleeping. the hot so why do we leaveve so much untapped potential on the table?
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i thought i might stay overnight. >> why? >> -- to do what? >> i'm actually not sure. >> it has been quite the summer for the ladies and in just a few days the barbie movie is expected to make its way onto the list of the top 15 grossing films of all-time. and beyoncé is still in the middle of her renaissance world tour and she has already broken the record for the highest grossing tour by a black artist. taylor swift's eras tour is set to be the highest grossing tour of all-time, earning a record setting one billion dollars in sales. now, both towards been credited with boosting the economies of the cities that they visit and if you can't get visits to her concert, or taylor swift just
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announced this morning that a concert movie will be out this fall. here to discuss it all is jill elovitch, she wrote an op-ed for cnn. how barbie's billion dollar summer could help smash the patriarchy. jill, i messed up your name. >> you've got it right, that was really close. >> this was a great, smart piece for this moment and i want to read a part of it for the audience. you're right, is this the summer, the start of a feminist pop culture boom or is it a not long for this world blip or greenlit only as part of a broader nostalgia craze and soon to be swallowed up by the creativity killing forces of capital and mail power that largely controls it? it is a great question and we have seen this kind of thing. it seems like we are having a moment, having a moment when it comes to race, or having a moment when it comes to gender, and then all of a sudden it seems like we're taking a couple of steps back. >> what do you think is happening? >> that kind of backlash is inevitable to progress.
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this moment that we are in right now is almost a feminist response to that backlash, i think, that we have had, women have had a really rough couple of years. there is the election of donald trump, there was the overturning of roe v. wade, and every single moment of that kind of anti feminist, sexist, massaging's backlash was met by the women's march. now we are seeing the overturn of roe being met by a huge political force of women coming out to try to restore abortion rights. and then, on a pop culture level, or also seeing women really craving stories about our lives that don't feel shallow, that don't feel like papering over problems, but feel at once joyful, but also powerful and honest. and i think that is part of what women are flocking to the barbie film is because it does that, and why they're going to be on the concerts and taylor swift concerts. there is a basis for collective joy, collective bonding, and
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for a lot of power. >> what do you think it is about all three of these things? the barbie movie, beyoncé, taylor swift, that makes sense. i will tell you what i think it is. it is sort of like where we are in feminism, which is that these are women who are unapologetically feminine, but also a business woman. they are powerful, they are barbie, she is everything. >> that is exactly right. part of what really struck me about the barbie movie is that it let its female characters be a lot of things at once. like you said feminine, fun, but also powerful. also vulnerable. also emotional, also sometimes angry when barbie comes into the real world and sees how patriarchy functions. i think a big component of the beyoncé, taylor, barbie summer is the fact that women and girls are going to these events together.
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you have goggles of girls dressing up, showing up in groups, and i think part of that is really missing those kind of group experiences during covid and having moments where you are able to come together as women, as girls, in spaces that are joyful, but are also affirming of i think the rage and vulnerability and desire to move forward so many of us feel. >> it's super interesting, so glad you wrote that. thank you so much for being with us. up next, is the whopper not whopping enough? burger king is now having to confront a suit that says it's a famous burger is just too small. they customize your car insurance so y you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need.
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according to a new lawsuit. the home of the whopper is now being forced to defend the size of its trademark burger in court. a judge is rejecting burger king's efforts to dismiss a class action lawsuit that accuses the chain of making the whopper look larger on its menus than it actually is in real life. take a look at yourself. this is what it looks like on burger king's online menu and, while no burger is actually the same, this is a comparison with a whopper at a california burger king restaurant in 2022. the judge says it will be up to the jurors to tell us what reasonable people think. burger king says that the plaintiffs claims are false and that the flame grilled beef patties portrayed in its advertising are the same that are used in millions of what first damages served to guests nationwide. laura, you are a lawyer and i
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have got a whopper we. yes i do. >> abby philip! >> does this look like what is supposed to look like? but really, is this false advertising? >> i mean, the way that it is smashed on half the burger, i don't know if this is what it was like when they handed it to you in the moment. >> i do love a whopper. my daughter loves a whopper, an old nafta render when they had the whole french fry taste test, they swap the formula for. i'm actually still mad about that. if there's a lawsuit about that moment, count me in that class action because the fries were fine. >> we have fries to, i'll send them to you virtually over the screen. >> i would like to see you eat that whopper right now because it looks so unappetizing. >> laura, have a great show. >> that's what happens everyone. i am laurate
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