tv CNN News Central CNN September 5, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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convict may be surviving and a new search area. >> special counsel jack smith is still investigating, and following money, and where the fund-raising money was spent as part of the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, and what it could mean for donald trump's unindicted co-conspirators. the far reaching unintended consequences as north korea's president kim jong-un could be soon speaking with vladimir putin. sara is off today, and i'm here today with kate bolduan. police are expanding the manhunt from a killer who escaped a prison in pennsylvania one week ago. they say that convicted killer danelo cavalcante has been
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spotted overnight and they have photos. two school districts in the area are closed today because of the concern that the escaped killer could be hiding nearby. danny freeman is with us now for the very latest. what are you learning? >> so, john, you really said it. the search is expanding and intensifying for danelo kavl canty, a -- cavalcante, and the search is intensifying and six sightings of cavalcante over the course of the manhunt. the most recent that we learned about in the press conference this morning with the pennsylvania state police took place as you said a little bit south of the two-mile radius that law enforcement officials had been searching for the bulk over the weekend, but now it is expanded into what is known as longwood gardens. it is a popular tourist destination, and it is massive, 200 acre of sprawling gardens of
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meadows as well. also of winding trails. it is on a trail camera where cavalcante was spotted last night, and first around 8:30, and then around 9:30. you can see the picture that we have been showing around the morning. it is pretty intense. xw you can see him, and it is almost like he is looking right at the trail camera, and he is not wearing a shirt, and carryicarry carrying a duffle bag, and wearing the prison-issued pants. and the trail camera is looking like he is looking for resources as he goes, and looking for open cars and homes. so the police are urging the residents in the area to be extremely vigilant and careful. john, we have been talking about how difficult the search has been for law enforcement, and take a listen to what colonel george bbifens described area.
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>> what you have is significant parcels of areas with undergrowth and so thick that the searchers cannot be more than a couple of yards apart where they will lose sight of one another, and so thick that they have to hack their way through or go around to make sure that they have still covereded that area, because they just that you cannot walk through it. >> so, john, that is what the law enforcement officials are up against right now, but they are working to combat that challenging terrain as much as possible. that i are using the helicopters, canines, a number of law enforcement not only from state and local area, but calling in the custom and border protections and fbi resources and all in an effort to capture this man cavalcante six days after escaping from the prison behind me. >> all right. danny freeman on the scene, and keep us posted what you see and hear. and with us is chief law enforcement analyst john miller,
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and 2 1/2 hours that we have learned that the perimeter has shifted, that they have new photo of the convicted killer on the run, and where are things standing right now sh >> well, they have shifted the perimeter and tightened the perimeter, and as danny said, the gardens are amazing, because if you are going to be on the run and hiding out, it is the most beautiful place that you could be. it is 200 acres of horticulture displays and incredible flowers and trees and so on. but the downside for him is that will have cameras there. you have had encounters with homeowners where he has been flicking lights on and off inside of the house, and encounters with the state police where he has been encountered and chased but got away. so he has had six brushes with being sighted, so that means that he doesn't have a lot, and looking at the team. you have the d.a. who is mad and
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rightly so. she convicted this man. >> and six weeks. >> and now she has to go through leading this law enforcement effort to capture him, and bob clark from the u.s. marshals ahead of the regional fugitive task force and finding people on the run what he does for a living everyday. he has an expert team, and not just in the urban back alleys of philadelphia looking for fugitive felons, and they have done this business ined the woo with mike burnham who escaped another county prison in warren with survivalist training who lasted ten days s out there or eric frinham that ended with a massive shootout, or this lieutenant bivens who led that area, and that was again in rural wooded areas and a state
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trooper was killed in the final gun battle with him, and so nobody out here doing this is out there on the first rodeo, and it is a relatively small area, and so they will get this guy. >> and we have other breaking news coming in to cnn former white house chief of staff to donald trump mark med dose and five others charged in the interference case, and the one focussed in fulton county, t georgia, have plead not guilty. now, sara murray is keeping track of all of the pleas as they come n and what is this saying about the state of the case, sara? >> well, kate, we were waiting to see this flurry of filings, and we suspected that not a lot of the folks and especially not mark meadows the white house chief of staff would want to appear in person at the fulton county courthouse for arraignments and now we are seeing the filings coming in, and mark meadows has entered a plea of not guilty and waived the arraignment and pro trump
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attorney john eastman and jeffrey clark and everyone is getting the filings in ahead of this wednesday deadline for arraignment, and again, the way it works in fulton county superior court, you don't have to be there in person, and you can put in the paperwork and waive arraignment, and so it is an open question of when we could see these folks in court. mark meadows is in the process of trying to move all of the proceedings against him from state court to federal court. a judge has heard hours of arguments on, that and he got additional briefings on that, and we are waiting essentially at any moment for him to make the decision of whether meadows met the threshold that everything that he did related to the 2020 election or his activities were all stemmed from his role as white house chief of staff. if the judge decides that he has met that bar, he can move his case to federal court, and a number of the other defendants are going to be watching to see if meadows is successful, including former president
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donald trump's team who is looking at the possibility of trying to move trump's case to federal court as well. >> absolutely. great to see you, sara. thank you for jumping on to bring us this. >> and also, new cnn exclusive reporting of where and whom and what special counsel jack smith is focused on right now in the federal election subversion case. look, this is the situation. donald trump's trial date is set for march, but what we have learned as part of the exclusive cnn reporting is that the investigation is not over. he is talking to other witnesses and the grand jury is still meeting, and smith is seeking to learn about money that was raised off of the baseless voter fraud claims and then used to pay for alleged voter equipment investigation. what are we learning? >> look, a month ago when the indictment came down and only
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charged donald trump. a lot of people were surprised. the indictment does mention co-defendants or co-conspirators, and the question was whether this case was going to be narrowly tailored so that it could go to trial before the 2024 election or whether anyone else was going to be charged. that what our colleague zach cohen and i sought to look into in this new reporting. we learned that in recent weeks the special counsel has been asking witnesses specifically about the co-conspirator sidney powell who is one of the attorneys who helped to push this baseless claim of voter fraud. they asked if powell ever p presented claimsf voter fraud, and we hare hearing that no, sh never did present evidence. and we are hearing that her group republic for justice is a
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nonprofit, and then we learned that it raised money in four states that biden won. so the special counsel is still clearly working hard on the investigation, but it is unclear if powell or anyone else is going to be charged. remember that the initial understanding is that maybe there is a narrow federal case, and then a more broad state counsel seen in georgia where powell and others were charged, but now the new reporting is whether that is going to be the case or if the special counsel could possibly file additional charges. >> all right. paula reid, thank you for the reporting and laying it out for us. now, with us is former federal prosecutor renaldo mariotti, and et seems that sidney powell and others not named donald trump, and how much is the special
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counsel going to want to keep this separate from the indictment against trump and trial date that is set for march in this case? >> there is no question in my mind that he is going to indict that as a separate indictment. in fact, it is pretty apparent at this point that he was doing what he did, in other words, drew a narrow indictment and one defendant, donald trump, with the intention to have that trial as quickly as possible. typically a prosecutor would want to charge everyone together like fani willis did in georgia, but jack smith deliberately took that approach to get that trial done as soon as possible. >> but renaldo, is there a case that the two have to be linked and cannot be tried separately, and is there something to be coming down the road, down the pike on that? >> well, nobody is going to raise that, because they all want to have their own trial, and ideally, everyone in georgia
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would love to have 19 separate trials, but it is typically the prosecutors that everyone want it tried together, and the judges will go along with that because of the efficiency for the legal system they want one trial instead of 19, so no one is going to protest that, but what it does mean i suspect is that the trial with a whole bunch of the other co-conspirators together, and some of them will be asking for different trials and going in a different direction where they all want their own trial, but they won't get it. >> and so, this is leading us to the answer that was a question when we first saw the indictment of donald trump is that there is just all of these unindicted co-conspirators and all of the very, and almost detailed descriptions of who the co-conspirators are without them named in indictment which left a lot of people wondering why after such a long investigation, and does this new investigation
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of jack smith start so answer that? >> absolutely. very good point. at the time, people thought, well, maybe he made a decision, and maybe jack smith decided well, i will go after trump and let everyone else hang out there, and not indict them. but it turns out that he had additional work to do regarding the defendants, and he was not there yet. so he made the decision if he was over the line so to speak for all of the other co-conspirators that he would not get it done quickly or before election day, and so he made a tactical decision to indict trump first and then he is continuing work this way so he can get everything wrapped up for co-conspirators before trump faces trial which will mean that the co-conspirators are not going to be eager to testify in his defense. >> and now i want to ask you about the breaking news up here on the screen that the former chief of staff mark meadows has plead not guilty in the fulton
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county case, and it is not a surprise that mark meadows believes he not guilty and many people, including me, thought that he would wait as long as he could to see if his case were removed to federal court. which of course, he has argued for and testified for not too long ago to get his case moved to federal court, and does it tell us anything that he has plead not guilty in the state case before finding out if it is moved to federal court? >> well, he is running out of time, john. it does not extinguish the motion that he has in federal court. i think that mark meadows is if there is an enigma here, all of us are interested in what is happening in the mark meameadow camp, because all of the unindicted co-conspirators, he was conspicuously not mentioned and he is a high risk, an calculated risk legal strategy
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to try to get it to move to federal court, and it is going to be interesting to see how it is moved out, but he did not hurt himself by pleading not guilty. >> thank you, renato mariotti, thank you. and now, there is news that kim jong-un is may soon traveling to russia to work out an arms deal with vladimir putin. much more ahead on that. ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please dodon't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪
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all right. this is just into cnn, we have an update on mitch mcconnell's health. the senate republican leader's office has just released new details. i want to bring in manu raju and dr. sanjay gupta. what are you learning, manu? >> well, we learned that mitch mcconnell froze before cameras last week, and also in july and this is after he suffered a concussion, and this is providing more information after the second health care. and this is released by brian monaghan who is the congressional physician. he said that my examination after your brief episode
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involved a brain study, and consultations with several neurologists with a comprehensive neurology tests and there is no evidence of a seizure disorder or any evidence of a stroke or tia or parkinson's or any recovery problems from your fall. so there is question of what happened to senator mcconnell, and the republicans and the democrats are coming back to the senate for first time in roughly five weeks on a recess. this republican leader is facing questions himself about how long he can continue to serve in office. now for first time providing this information about that he had these examinations, and there is no evidence of a seizure or stroke. a lot of speculation that it was the case, but at the time, john, republicans, and the leader's office indicated that he had
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light hea lightedness, and that is what he said that lightheadedness can occur as the leader did in march. so it is unclear whether it was tied to that fall or not, but here indicating in this note, they say no evidence of a seizure or a stroke, but the question is, or parkinson's disease, and if that is going to alleviate any concerns on capitol hill. >> thank you, manu, to jump on the bring us this update. and sanjay, as a dear friend and medical correspondent, and neurosurgeon in your own right, talk to me about what you are hearing from the capitol physician about an mri and eeg study and consultations with several neurologists. >> well, it is sounding like they did a comprehensive evaluation. this is as manu said august 30th, and a few days ago now,
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and apparently after the last episode, sounds like enough concern, and it does not sound like they did these types of tests in july after the first episode, but after this most recent episode, you know, the idea that was this a stroke, was this a seizure or was this something else like a movement disorder like parkinson's or medications not working well. it sounds like they evaluated for brain eeg and neurological evaluations and none of the things seem to be these things, and this is good news. i am curious what kind of follow-up, because when you are doing the imaging tests, and the eeg, you are doing the snapshots in time, and so sometime things are happening, but you don't catch them on the scans, but nevertheless, it is a thorough evaluation, and as manu said, they are saying, look, he had a concussion back earlier in the
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spring. as a result of that, light headedness is a tough line to draw between the concussion's light headedness and the symptoms, but that is what the note is saying, that we have ruled out some of the leading other possible things here. >> that is what the note specifically does. it says what it is not. it says no ed of seizure, and no evidence of stroke, and no evidence of tia and no parkinson's, but it is not saying definitively what it is. there is a suggestion as connected to the concussion, sanjay, but in your field, and again, this is very much your field, can you always know what it is? or can all you do is to rule things out? >> yeah, that is a great question. sometime you get a definitive diagnosis and something pops out, and you will do an eeg, and someone is having a certain type of seizure that would explain
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the diagnosis, but a lot of times with something like this, you are saying is, hey, what are the worst things to be causing this. you want to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. that is sort of the mentality, so you are looking at the worst possible things, and rule them out. a brain mri, and there blood collection on the brain or a tumor, and sounds like the brain mri and they don't say it definitively, but they give you the impression that it is normal and the eeg, and no evidence of the seizure disorder, and those are pretty good tests, and sounds like he had neurologists evaluate him and do a full exam to see if he has evidence of parkinson's disease or movement disorder, and you can diagnose that by doing a good neurological exam. so they have looked at the worst things that could cause these symptoms and the freezing episodes, and they are saying that we don't find things here, and it is good news. it is good for him to know that.
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what is still confusing a bit, john, to your point is concussion in the spring, and light headedness is one of the symptoms, but it is not something at the top, but certainly hydrate for that, and if this is a problem, why not just make sure that he is hydrated and make sure that he is not continuing to have the spells, and drawing a continuation of light headedness to freezing and it is challenging to connect the dots. >> so interesting and important to have sanjay. manu, with this and the updates from mcconnell's office, what are you hearing about the senate is back in today, and how much are we going to see, and from the republican leader, and how much will we hear from him? >> we will hear from him, and the regular remarks when the senate opens and discuss the senate business but he is going to face the cameras again at the weekly leadership meeting, and this is an issue that is going
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to come up, and answer questions privately with the members. he has been on the phone with the key leader of the membership team, and the rank and file is asking him what is going on, and still the questions among the members who he has not had face-to-face interaction with since the senate left for the five-week august recess. tomorrow, he will be meeting with the full conference meeting, and so the question is if this is going to allow the republicans to move forward and focus on the ther issues and not mcconnell himself, and that is what they are hoping to cool down the speculation and ease the concerns. >> manu, thank you for jumping on. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you as always. so is north korean dictator kim jong-un planning to sit down with russian president vladimir putin, and when is this meeting go to takeke place. let's find the r right investments for your goals okay, greaeat.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-in search eg but it doesn't spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. and it's free. download duckduk actively advancing is how the u.s. officials are describing discussions between north korea and russia and the arms deal and the meeting between vladimir putin and kim jong-un could happen. and kylie atwood is tracking this at the state department. what are you learning that this could mean for the war in ukraine? >> well, kate, what the nsa is
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saying that kim jong-un is expected to have an engagement with vladimir putin in russia, and that demonstrates that there is going to be a series of engame. s between north korea and russia over course of the last few months and the engagements may be leading somewhere, where there is a necessity for a leader level engagement, and a leader level discussion over the potential new arms agreement that the two countries have been discussing. we know that russian minister shoigu met in july with an effort to convince north korea an effort to sell artillery to russia, and we know that there is a follow-on meeting with russian diplomats to north korea after that minister's meeting. and we also know that there have been letters between, and we know that there is a follow-up,
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labor day as you know is the unofficial end of the summer season and also the beginning of the fall primary election sprint. while most of the republican field is out there fighting to get out of the single digits still, donald trump continues to dominate in the republican field, and now president biden seems to be signalling that he is all too aware of the polls.
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notice the shift in the labor day remarks in pennsylvania. >> the last guy was here, you were shipping jobs to china, a now we are bringing the jobs home from china. when the last guy was here, your pension were at risk. we helped to save million of pensions with your help. when the last guy was here, he looked at the world from park av avenue, and i look at it from scranton, pennsylvania, and from claymont, delaware. >> joining us is errol louis is also the host of the podcast, and also john brown, and now, he is not naming donald trump by
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name, but he is avoiding it. and what are you seeing? >> well, it is a political truism. >> i don't believe in it. >> you didn't want to name the opponent's name, because you don't want to put it in the newspaper or the search engines, but there is something deeper going on here, because president biden's policies are popular, but he is not getting credit for those from his point of view. so he wants to say, we have investment and infrastructure, and inflation is coming down, and record low unemployment, and you should associate that with me, instead of polarizing the nation around do you like my personality better than donald trump, because the polling suggests that he does not compare so favorably when you phrase the question that way. >> it is an excellent point, and ron, you are laying out in a new piece in "the atlantic" four factors why biden can't shake donald trump and vice versa. but starting with the
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proposition as you write, in the polarized political era far vo voters are motivated to switch sides in any opinion, and it is because both men are caught in the forces that have powerly switched the political landscape since they first met in 2020 presidential election. enlighten us, ron, what are the four? >> well, in the short vergts, age and inflation versus abortion and insurrection. enormous concern of whether biden is too old for another term. 3/4 of americans say that they are concerned that he can handle another term, and enormous anxiety about inflation, and just because it is slowing, it duds not does not mean that things are going down, and when trump was president, and that is a cloud
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that blocks him, as errol was talking about the three big bills that have generated $3 billion this infrastructure, and the supreme court overturning roe wast in a silver bullet for democrats everywhere, but in the three key swing states in arizona, michigan and wisconsin, it was an extreme emilly powerf weapon for democrats. and if you are viewing trump's actions is after the election, it was viewed as threat to democracy and when you adding it up, it is adding to the stalemate, and kate, it is that biden is underperforming where a democrat should be, and trump is underperforming where republicans should be given biden's vulnerabilities. >> so it is that these men need each other to get to the general in a twisted way. >> yes, and the teams are
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itching for a rematch. you remember it was 44,000 votes spread across three states that made joe biden the president. i don't think that there is day when trump's people don't think, gee, if we had only done a little bit more in wisconsin or georgia or, you know, arizona, we would have turned this thing around. and they are itching for the rematch. and throwing in nevada which was decided by less than 3%, they are ready to go and ready to fight this all over again, but there are different terms as ron says is. you have the abolition of abortion which has inflamed and energized democrats and insurrection which has independents to bring them to the polls, and on the other hand the republicans have got their issues as well, and they continue to push the hunter biden narrative. they are ready to go. it is not going to be dull. although, it is going to be contained. it is going to be a different battlefield than four years ago. >> dull but contained.
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and locking at the map ahead, an ron, in terms of the map that matters after the republican field is winnowed if you will, the modern presidential election as we well know is decide by a handful of states, and you are pointing out that for the first time in modern times neither ohio nor florida start out as a competitive state. what are you thinking that is going to do to the race? >> you know, it is extraordinary, right. looking at recently as 2016, and those are the states one and two in advertising for hillary clinton and florida was key to george w. bush's win in 2000 and ohio the pivotal state to win in 2004 and it is a reflection of how narrow the battlefield is as errol said. we have 40 states who have voted same way, and this is highest level of consistency since the turn of the century, and as few
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as four to seven swing states that are truly up for grabs for both sides. certainly, nevada, arizona, georgia and a inner circle of states like michigan and pennsylvania and the 2020 results say that both are going to be difficult for republicans as long as the abortion rights are front and center, and democrats are hoping to extend in north carolina, and even wisconsin, kate, it could be tough for republicans judging by the results of the election, and tiny handful of voters and states will decide the direction of the united states of 334 million people. >> and now, break it down right there in front of the wall. great to see you ron ananderrol >> and what to do to improve literaracy rates for the childr who fell behind in the pandemic. enter the $10,000
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repeal ed a law that retained third raiders. so we went to the approach of whether it will work. >> reading is his favorite subject. >> i like dogman books public he sometimes struggles. the 9-year-old was in first grade when the covid pandemic shut down schools. >> first grade is crucial to read. so for them to be not there and not have and the parents not know what to do, i don't want
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him to be behind on reading, which will influence everything. >> he scored below proficient on the art portion of tennessee state assessment tests last spring. under a new state law aimed at improving literacy, children like ralph must remeet the grade. he signed up to be tutored throughout 4th grade. the problem, tutoring in third grade wasn't enough to pass the test. as for sum school -- >> they went for three to four weeks. as far as i can tell, summer school was not targeted or intensive towards the third graders that were needing the english language arts help. so i'm lacking confidence that the tutoring in third, fourth or the summer school is effective enough. and we're in the same position again for this coming year. >> what do you mean the same
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position? >> fourth graders are going to be held to the same testing and the same retention law. >> tennessee is the latest state to enact a retention law amid growing concerns about learning loss from the pandemic. but does retention work? >> repeating a grade works for some kids, not all kids. we are grasping at straws. we are grasp every possible thing to address what was a massive issue caused by schools closing for a year. >> some studies suggest academic gains are short lived. and the practice increases dropout rates and bullying. but a similar law adopted in mississippi a decade ago has shown some promise. researchers finding students who got extra support saw substantial gains in their s scores by 6th grade. compared to students nearly promoted to fourth grade. >> 16 days of summer school orr a few hours a week of tutoring
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is not going to be effective. so to have them repeat a grade like third grade, might be very effective for some kids and it depends on the quality of the intervention that they are getting. >> in gnasnashville, their daug was flagged as not proficient during the school year. >> what does your teacher stay about your reading skills? >> that they were really good. >> despite getting straight a's. she passed the test in may. echo wasn't used in timed exams and basing promotion on one test rather than considering grades and speaking to their teachers is the wrong approach. >> they should be going to fourth grade because they are ready to go to fourth grade. >> so parents i spoke to were concerned about too many exceptions allowing kids who were lagging to go ahead and promote to fourth grade. they were concerned about the kind of help kids get. there's a lot of questions about
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