tv CNN Primetime CNN September 7, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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meaning that he will be able to start the trek upwards soon. because of the health condition and the complex cave structure, officials say it could take days before mark can actually get back to the surface. obviously we are wishing them the best. thank you so much for joining us tonight. cnn primetime with abby philips starts right now. a scary situation. >> i cannot even fathom that depth. pretty amazing and hopefully he does make his way back up. a scary situation there. thanks, kaitlan. have a good night. good evening everyone. the united states is barreling it appears toward a potentially epic rematch between donald trump and president biden. allies of both men are convinced their opponent is so fatally flawed there is no way they can possibly lose. if you look at the evidence, it's not too far off. trump impeached twice, indicted four times, likely to spend much of the next year inside a courtroom, and biden according to new poll numbers tonight is
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being weighed down by many weaknesses. at the heart of his vulnerability is of course his age. nearly half of democrats say it is their biggest concern and 74% of voters don't think he is sharp enough. if you are a liberal perhaps most worrisome of all an eye opening 67% of democrats prefer another candidate. let me reiterate. two-thirds of his own party want someone else to run. the issue is not just his age. nearly 60% of americans believe that biden has made the economy worse. in a moment james carville joins me to react to that but first here is a taste of how some democrats are spinning today. >> let's not forget donald trump has three fewer candles on his birthday cake than joe biden. >> sure. >> he also has 91 more criminal counts on his record than joe biden. >> if a year from now these numbers are the same, and this
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were a referendum, he would be in deep, deep trouble. he would not win that. >> joe biden has an incredible record to run on. i'll note this poll has a margin of error of 6% when you're talking about democrats. >> if they say we're bed wetters invest in pampers and depends because a lot of people are terrified joe biden is in real trouble. >> joining me now is former lead strategist for bill clinton's 1992 presidential campaign and the cohost of "politics war room" james carville himself. thanks for being here. look, these polls seem to get at the elephant in the room when it comes to president biden. for voters it is his age ther ka -- they are concerned about. mental acuity, his health. what does that tell us? >> to say the least the polls were not great. it tells us that, you know,
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voters are expressing some apprehension here. it's pretty clear. there is not much else you can say when you look at them. i guess the best thing you could say is if anything they work for trump but there is an apprehension. that is undeniable. on the other hand i point out we haven't lost an election since the dobbs decision. we were supposed to lose in november in an off year and didn't really. we kind of tied. i don't know. the polling i've seen or anybody else has seen is not very good. there was a memo, my friend jim said democrats need to quit bed wetting but my wife already changed me to rubber sheets. >> are you saying, then, that you're worried that you think the democrats should be taking this more seriously? >> well, i mean, you know, it's
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typically, the august or september before the election, i think president reagan's numbers were not great. president clinton's were starting to move up a little bit. same thing president obama. you can't look at this and not say you are concerned. for me to come on television and say doint find this alarming or troubling at all would be stupid. i wouldn't do that. >> look, the one thing that president biden can't change is his age. in that case, what do democrats do? i mean, i'm sure you hear it, too. there are a lot of democrats who are maybe in their mind but at dinner parties or what have you are piengning for someone else. are you hearing any real talk about another strategy for the democratic party if age is one of the things we cannot take off the table when it comes to president biden? >> i hear a lot of talk. i can't tell you that any of it
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is substantial. the cnn poll had a brouhaha but the ones before that weren't very good either. this has been going on for a while now. if i told you that people were not nervous, of course -- i'm sure the white house knows this by the way. they don't need to be told that, you know, the president has an age problem. >> you've talked in the past about the deep end the democrats have. do you think that should be unleashed in 2024? >> well, you know, democrats and myself included really like president biden. a lot of them think he has really done a good job, helped them a lot. he is a very popular person with people.
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but i think it depends on what happens here. if this doesn't get any better, people are going to get pretty shaky. >> it depends on what? are you saying it depends on how biden fares against trump in the coming months and at what point would democrats need to start making some choices? >> well, you know, mcmillan said events dear boy events. we have a lot of events coming up with trump. the economy, the hope is that the white house hope is that we'll continue the jobs growth we have, the flattening of inflation, that incomes start to inch ahead of the cpi, some evidence they're starting to do that now. but you're right. i have said it. i believe there is as much as
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i've seen any party have in my lifetime, i'll be 79 in october so there is a long and deep bench out there. >> you brought up the economy a couple times. everybody knows you coined this phrase it's the economy, stupid. i like to remind folks that the economy is objectively speaking improving. however, you look at the poll numbers, president biden's approval ratings are not good on this point. 58% believe his policies have worsened economic conditions. that has gone up by eight points since last fall. the white house argument is if things continue to get better this is going to be easier to message around but the economy is getting better and the numbers are getting worse. what now? >> well, i'm going to say what the white house would say. the clinton numbers and reagan was like 42% in august of 1983. he won re-election easily.
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clinton was i don't know, 44%, 45 or whatever, in september of 1995. he won re-election easily. so the white house is saying pretty clearly that as it takes hold it'll improve. it had improved. i think part of the problem is while inflation is coming down, people feel it still is high. you can't win an argument. if people don't feel -- it is the hardest thing to do in all of politics. when you are an incumbent and have the statistics to say it is clearly getting better but people don't feel it, when you tell them it's getting better they think you don't understand their lives. >> james, i'll ask you to put your pundit hat on for a second here. >> okay. all right. >> take your pundit hat off. or put it on. if democrats do need to find a
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challenger to face whoever is on the republican side and it's not president biden, just put the pundit hat on. who do you think is the best name out there that you've seen? >> every time that i give a list i forget someone. all right? >> not a list. a name. one name. >> what i would say -- well, it doesn't matter what i think. it's what democratic voters think. >> fair enough. we'll revisit that another time. thanks very much as always. >> i don't mind you asking the question. got to get a tooth out of my mouth before you get a name. thank you so much. you bet. >> tonight the seemingly endless stream of donald trump loyalists who end up paying the price for that loyalty is getting longer. a jury convicting former white house aide peter navarro of contempt of congress, joining another trump adviser steve bannon after they both refused to cooperate with the january 6 investigation. those two join all the allies
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charged in the russia investigation from paul manafort to roger stone and don't forget of course michael coen or the cfo of trump's empire or the head of his inaugural committee or the maryl-a-lago aides in th document case or the 18 defendants currently charged along side him in the state of georgia. trump's lawyers are now signaling they may ask to move his case to federal court. joining me now is atlanta trial lawyer and rico expert joshua schiffer. trump officially now has notified the court that he may emphasis on may try to move this case from the state level to the federal level. they're not going all the way at this point. what would be the advantage to him of moving the case out of georgia? >> out of georgia it is unlikely but moving it from the state court to the federal court is something we're already watching people like mark meadows do with
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the assumption it would be a more broad jury pool not limited to fulton county but ten county area of the north metro atlanta universe. that would be a more broad jury pool theoretically more conservative. it would also be less politically spicy you could say. a federal trial wouldn't have the press and media transparency fulton county indicates it would. it would kind of turn down the temperature. and federal court under the very honorable stephen jones a federal judge appointed by president obama, it is a little more austere and formal than a state court proceeding. that is really going to be an advantage due to the defenses we all expect the president and other codefendants to bring forth. >> as you alluded to there, potentially cameras in the georgia court system. no cameras in the federal court system. a huge difference for someone
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like trump. but you also pointed out, mark meadows has already started down this road. does trump's team potentially want to see how this works out for meadows first before themselves finding out, saying definitively whether they want to move it to federal court? >> absolutely. that is precisely why they used that specific "may" language. we know judge jones is in the middle of a really complex redistricting bench trial this week and projected to go into next week. all while we wait for his ruling on the meadows removal petition heard the prior monday. that is a big issue because if it goes for meadows maybe it is going to go for some of the other codefendants. the court would have to look at those individuals one by one but then there is the argument that what's good for one would be good for all of them and the difficulties in severing the various defendants. we also recognize what mark meadows and possibly president trump and others are going to
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ask judge jones to do isn't very likely. traditionally the federal courts and system defers state criminal prosecutions to the state. the states are the ones that need to take care of criminal actions within their borders as sovereign states and the federal government should only come in under very specific delineated situations. >> fulton county da fani willis is pushing back against efforts from house republicans in washington who are trying to investigate how she has handled this fulton county indictment. in a letter, though, to house judiciary chairman jim jordan a close trump ally by the way willis accuses jordan of trying to, quote, interfere with an active criminal case and argues your job description as a legislator does not include criminal law enforcement nor does it include supervising a specific criminal trial because you believe that doing so will promote your partisan political objectives. she goes on to say it is clear
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you lack a basic understanding of the law. these are real sharp words from fani willis and she seems to be trying to say to jim jordan, she's not afraid to fight back here. >> you're being far too kind with the push. that was a lot more than a push. rarely do we see that strong language in a published letter that is going to be consumed by the community involving high profile litigation. anybody that's ever sat and spoken with ms. willis, madame willis, knows that was her voice in that letter. you can literally hear her dictation of the terms, the mannerisms she uses. what she did in that letter, similar to what alvin bragg did when jim jordan kind of pulled the same letter stunt investigation stunt in the new york case, what fani willis did is pick apart his entire argument and as well on top of that supplement it with arguments against and regarding other issues that are going to
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be coming up in the case. she even goes so far as to include arguments about, hey. fulton county, the only power you have as a congress person is over federal budgeting. look at how we spend our federal budget. look at these programs. it was a full throated attack and response. it was very powerful. i think she, you know, ends up in a better position at the end of the day. >> well, as you said, not the first time we've seen jim jordan try something like this. we know a lot of it is frankly aimed at an audience of one expecting his allies, trump that is to defend him in this way. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. new reporting just in that rudy guiliani owes millions of dollars in unpaid legal bills. here is what he is doing tonight to try to raise that money. plus all the republican candidates, nikki haley is now faring the best against president biden in a hypothetical match up. we'll discuss that as well.
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and a liberal mayor going off on the white house and congress with a stark warning about the migrant crisis. >> this issue will destroy new york city. ♪ at 87 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley.
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new york city mayor owes millions of dollars in unpaid legal bills and one source tells cnn the number could be as high as $5 million. the fundraiser is at trump's new jersey golf club and is trying to make a dent in that figure. let's discuss this with cnn political commentator and spectrum news political anchor errol lewis the host of spectrum news' podcast. you decide. even a successful event tonight for guiliani a hundred thousand dollars a plate won't get him out of the trouble he is in in terms of these legal bills. how big a hole is this for him? >> it is a serious problem. unless there are a whole lot of people there some of whom kind of get the spirit and go above the $100,000 ticket price it is hard to imagine they'll raise the whole $5 million tonight. it has been reported this will be the first of two fundraisers so there might be another chance to get at it. to answer your question it is a very serious problem. rudy guiliani cannot practice law. he has been disbarred in
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washington, d.c., suspended from the practice of law in new york. so he doesn't have a lot of options for how to make money on his own. he has these crushing legal bills some of which involve travel, retrieval of records, paying not just your lawyers but other specialists to help put together your case. we've already seen rudy fail to come up with records in a defamation case for lack of $15,000. you can't survive that way when the stakes are this high. we'll see if he gets a head start on making up some of that but he is in very serious trouble. >> does it surprise you, when guiliani left the mayorship and launched his political career at the national level, after all of that he had this kind of successful career as a consultant and was making a lot of money. does it surprise you that $5 million seems to be really breaking the bank here for him?
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he is going hat in hand to these donors begging for money? >> there are real problems. on one hand he lost his ability to make a living as a lawyer. on the other hand he apparently by all accounts has continued kind of living in the high style, private plains, lots of travel, private planes, steak dinners, lots of cigars, memberships in clubs and so forth. not insignificantly he just had a pretty ugly divorce with his third wife and that put more financial pressure on him. rudy guiliani has done about everything you can do to put yourself in the hole. we'll see if he fights his way back. one thing we're thinking about for example, abby, is maybe let's say he raises a million or two tonight. maybe you use that to create a fundraising operation rather than just paying off your lawyer. create some kind of ongoing enterprise or effort to try and raise money for a legal defense
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fund. i think he'll need more than just a couple million dollars to get out of this hole. >> that is basically what one of his attorneys said tonight on cnn in the previous hour. he'll need a lot of money. he is going up against the state and huge corporations in multiple defamation lawsuit. good to see you as always. thanks. >> thanks, abby. new york's mayor says that the migrant crisis there will, quote, destroy the city. he doesn't see a solution. a new york congressman sfonds that next. plus a developing story out of the entertainment world. jimmy fallon is apologizing to his tonight show staff. what he is accused of doing, coming up.
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i don't see an ending to this. this issue will destroy new york city, destroy new york city. >> adams laid the blame directly at president biden's feet. he tore into the administration, claiming it has ignored his pleas for more federal support. with me now is democratic congressman of new york, his district represents part of the city and he is also the first formally undocumented immigrant to serve in the united states congress. thank you for joining us. look, it seems part of what is happening here is that new york city is required to provide shelter to anyone who needs it, which is why it is picking up the tab for all of these migrants who are finding themselves there. do you agree though with what mayor adams said there that this crisis will ultimately destroy the city? >> look, mayor adams is doing what he has to do, fighting to
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get funding and help the city of new york needs to get through this crisis. i don't think it will destroy the city. i look at it from another perspective that every crisis also brings about great opportunities and these folks want to work and our economy needs them. the private sector needs them. agriculture needs them around the country. construction needs them. they are here and willing to work. that is what they want to do. they want to be productive to the economy not a load on government. i think we should embrace that. >> your colleague alexandria ocasio cortez says in response to all of this that there are solutions to this problem but said adams' rhetoric is, quote, alienating people. some people accused him of demonizing immigrants and not just addressing the funding issue he wants to get help with. >> look, i am a friend of the
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mayor. he is a fighter and fighting for the city of new york. i consider myself to be a fighter for the city of new york. we have to join forces to assure we get the resources we need to get the work permits. this is something that could be resolved if we alou venezuelans to get temporary protected status they already have but it was cut off some years back. if we get it extended they have the right to work relatively soon. in addition to that i think folks that come in and apply for asylum should apply simultaneously for the work permit. if we can reduce the time they are waiting to get a work permit we get them out in the work force and they become productive new yorkers. that should be our effort. >> why doesn't mayor adams just say that rather than escalating the rhetoric in this way? >> i think he is fighting for the citizens of new york and there is a budget impact in all of this obviously.
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we are trying to get these folks to work. today 20,000 or so young children went to school and the federal money follows the kids wherever they go. the federal government is doing some things, going back to washington next week. doing a supplemental soon. in that supplemental we should have additional help for the state of new york, the city of new york, and the country carrying the load of migrants coming to our nation. >> you make an important point about there are not, there are other parts of the country not just new york carrying this load. democrats your party has consistently supported this idea migrants should be able to seek refuge here. is it fair then that, to say that some people in your party don't appreciate how challenging implementing that can be, if new york city is buckling under the weight of this?
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what about other places along the border that have been dealing with this for years? >> migration is not a new dynamic. in fact it is a global dynamic. everywhere from ellis island to migration from people that get on boats and cross to florida and other parts of the country have been with us for decades. this is not new. in many ways it is a sign of our neglect of the rest of the hemisphere for decades and now is showing up on our door step. the nation we, the values of our nation are vested on certain principles. one is that people seeking asylum because of violence, natural disasters, or other crises should be able to come up and make their case. we have difficulties in new york city because we're not getting the funding but primarily the migrants don't have the right to work. that should be the goal of
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everyone including the mayor to get these migrants out and working as quickly as possible. i think everybody whether democrats or republicans support that, they come in and are productive and residents of new york city, they will be welcome. let's do that. >> all right. we'll see what happens there. thank you very much. >> thank you. only one republican candidate now is hypothetically beating president biden in cnn's new poll but there is one problem for nikki haley. she has to break out of the primary battle first. one of her biggest endorsers joins me next. r dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! access nfl sunday ticket on us, get a $400 reward card. my barbecue is ruined.
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south carolina governor nikki haley is sitting comfortably at the top of a hypothetical match up against biden. whether or not she can break through the gop primaries to actually take him on remains a big question mark here. republican congressman ralph norman of south carolina was an early endorser of haley and joins me now. congressman, you were at a campaign event today with governor hailey. did you talk to her about this new poll? what is her take on what's happening here? >> well, we did talk about it abby. when she walked in i said congratulations on the poll. you did what no other candidate is able to do which is beat biden by not the error of margin but by a comfortable 49 to 43. america is just seeing what i've known about nikki haley since she hit the political arena in 2005. she is electric. she's got a vision. yet she has a compassion and way
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of communicating with people and it's evident. today it was standing room only. people drove for hours. we were with her last week in south carolina. we expected 200 people. there were 900 to a thousand people. the lines wrapped around the building. it doesn't surprise me. she is a great candidate. she will be a great president. she will be our first female president. >> not to take away from what you're saying here about what that hypothetical match up shows, however, latest polling still does show that trump has a massive lead over the rest of the republican field here. haley may be making grounds and gains against the other candidates at the bottom of the race but she is not exactly peeling away voters from trump. >> well, we have 425 days before we elect the next president november 5th, 2024.
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you'll see nikki haley as she has always done. i've been with her, she beat a 30-year incumbent in her state house race in 2005 for governor. i think she was polling like two or three percent. no one knew her. when she hits the ground, when she talks to people, relays her message is when she shines and she is going to do the same thing here. >> is she going to have to address the front-runner in the republican field? you know, aggressively here to show voters that she is an argument against trump himself? >> she enjoys competition. she will compete. she will do what it takes to show case her beliefs and vision for the future and you will see a nikki haley who is like no other candidate that i've ever seen to be honest with you. she has fared well in every race
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and has never lost a race. she is not going to lose this one. >> so haley says that she is confident americans won't vote for a convicted felon. she is talking about trump here. she herself recently said she would support president trump as the republican nominee even if he was a convicted felon. how do we square those two things? >> she is running against basically kamala harris. i think all of the candidates are going to support any of the candidates on the republican ticket who will do better than what joe biden and his administration has done to ship wreck this country. >> okay. go ahead. >> the question is she is running against a man who has ethical problems, running against a man derailed at every level. why does he have such a low approval rating? people know the country is not
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better off. she is the answer. she will take on anybody and you will like what you see. >> with all due respect the reason i was trying to get in there was just to point out this was a question about donald trump. she was the one who said the american people can be trusted to not put a skroingted felon into office and she has said she would vote for that man who could be a convicted felon. how does it make sense? >> any of the candidates running for president are going to support the republican nominee, any of them. i don't think anybody whether they admit it now or not will support the republican nominee because they -- >> why would voters, why should voters then not do the same? >> why should voters go with a joe biden who has ethical issues, problems coming just now being uncovered that were never
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uncovered before republicans took office. this isn't about donald trump. she is taking on everybody in the republican field and she'll have the opportunity to address everybody. when president trump takes the stage there will be questions. i won't take the bait you are saying he is a convicted felon. >> i'm saying he could be because he is facing four indictments several of which are federal indictments. >> i will get back. the country is in trouble. she is not running, she is a candidate for president. donald trump happens to be one of her opponents. one of them. you'll see her address every issue with every other candidate and she will be successful and she will be a president who has -- beat a president derailing this country like we've never seen before. why do you think she has the poll numbers that she has? >> i want to ask you about this. a couple nights ago i spoke to ronald reagan's daughter patty davis. she had this to say about nikki
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haley's critiques of president biden and frankly other politicians, older politicians who are serving in office. >> by the way nikki haley also made a comment a few days ago saying the senate is a nursing home for privileged people. which is a really mean thing to say. i just think it is really sad that cruelty has become currency in our political landscape. right? those are both kind of mean things to say. what is the point of that? >> is that mean? she is talking about your colleagues on the other side, the other chamber from you. what is your response? >> nikki haley is telling the truth. anybody that sees the -- mitch mcconnell who basically passes out, anybody who sees joe biden who can't read a thank you note from a teleprompter, there should be an age limit, term limits in congress which she is all for. she will also support a
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cognitive test which if you give it to most of them a lot of the members of the senate couldn't pass it. but for the leader of the free world to be in the condition he is in and for the leader of the senate, it is a problem with a lot of senators and she is telling the truth. is it mean? i will tell you this. what joe biden is doing to the country is more than mean. it is unamerican. she'll call it out like she sees it and that is what the american people like about nikki haley. she is not going to mince words >> i wonder, congressman. do you think then that mitch mcconnell should step aside? >> mitch mcconnell has got health issues, a big job. that goes to show you have to have some limit. pilots have an age limit of 65 particularly in today's world to get this country out of the shape we're in it is going to take youth, eight years of service as president, and, yes. there is an age limit that
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should be in the house and senate. you really want the 35 leaders of the free world passing out on the floor or the leader of the free world obviously not cognitively there? it is unacceptable and the american people deserve better. >> all right. thank you for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. thank you. just in, a chilling warning from the fbi director on the number of russian spies that are currently in the united states. plus jimmy fallon apologizing to his staff after a bombshell report alleges a toxic work place at the tonight show. i'll speak with the reporter who broke that story, next. (energetic music plays) there he is! it's right there! ♪ ohoh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪
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7:51 pm
jimmy fallon is apologizing to his staff tonight after accusations by former and current staffers of a toxic work environment at the tonight show. in a rolling stone piece, some of the claims involve the host screaming at his staff, drinking at work, and high turnover rate due to mental health issues. i want to bring in the reporter who broke this story, christina from that rolling stone. so, kristie, your report has detailed these examples of these outbursts, the mistreatment. can he lay out for us what you discovered about fallon's behavior? >> yes, so from the current and 14 former employees way spoke to on the record they said that a lot of their miss treatment to comes from the top. so, the alleged behavior from falin trickles down to their managers and so on and so forth.
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they spoke to me a lot about what they call, jimmy's good days and jimmy's bad days. his mood kind of a dictating the vibe of the whole day or the whole show. snapping at crewmembers, not having a lot of patients with people, and the erratic in, that is what toxicity is. the good and bad that comes without. and then how that, over the years, has impacted their mental health as well. >> yeah, what happened today in that apology that he gave to his staff after this bombshell report? >> i spoke to current staff members who are in a zoom call and jimmy and the current is showrunner chris miller, they told me that jimmy apologized. he said he was sorry, he said that chris miller is going to continue to be the show runner for the rest of his time at the tonight show. he apologized.
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he didn't really deny anything and he apologized. i don't know what the apology was for, he didn't get specific and it, but the people who did speak to who are on the call said they felt like it was earnest and it was coming from a genuine place. >> has nbc responding as well? >> nbc responded on the record in our story. they also did not deny things that we alleged in our story. they did acknowledge that, in the past, employees had made complaints to each are that they took proper action, so they did respond in that way, yes. >> >> so, did anybody in the, you know, dozens of conversations that you had with current and former staff, did anybody speak up to defend working at the tonight show with jimmy fallon? >> so, i reached out to, in total, at least 80 current and
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former. staffers one employee who works before nbc, not specifically on the tonight show got back to me and they emailed me saying that they loved their time there and that they worked with jimmy for years in different capacities at nbc. they declined to talk on the foam and they were not available to chat with me, but that was the one person who had that to say. many people did also say that they admire jimmy's talent, they think he is very talented comedian, they think he is very funny. those are definitely things people had to say about him. >> that is really interesting and seems to speak volumes, really, after all of this. kristie lee yandoli, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you abby. >> just in tonight, the fbi director is warning about the number of russian spies in the united states. what he said, next.
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7:59 pm
just in, a stark warning tonight from fbi director christopher wray. he says that the number of russian spies operating inside the united states is, quote, way too big. during an appearance at the spy museum in washington, races that the russian intelligence threat looms large and, despite the fbi's continuing efforts to kick the spies out, races that, as russia under putin increasingly becomes more of an adversary, going after his spies on american soil gets top level attention. that's it for me and cnn prime time, cnn tonight with laura
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coates starts right now. >> thanks abby, it's so good to see you. spike, that's a good movie by the way, also. everyone, good evening, i'm laura coates, welcome to cnn tonight. you know what i have been thinking ever since peter navarro was found guilty in contempt of court today? did they just open pandora's box? not because he was convicted, because what else would you expect when somebody else gets a congressional subpoena and then treated like it should line of birdcage. he didn't testify as he was required to do, he didn't or provide any documents as it is required to do, i didn't even go there and plead the theft like other people did, but, remember, we are old enough by now, even a five year old could be old enough by now to remember how people got away with doing just this. something there are no, is running out the clock and hoping congress would flip to a different parties majority. or, vetting that the doj wouldn't bother to prosecute
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