tv CNN Primetime CNN September 8, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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presidential center. in its place, two small breakout rooms for top officials to work privately when they come to meet with the president. and a programming note for this weekend, former nfl pro troy wire will dive deep into the issues behind football injuries and how the game is evolving to find new ways to protect the players. you can watch that on the whole story with anderson cooper sunday night at 8:00 on cnn. thank you so much for joining us. kaitlin will be back here on monday. cnn prime time with abby phillip starts now. hey, briana, i hope you have a great weekend. have you an hour head start on me and everyone else. have a good one. >> you too. >> good friday evening, everyone. i'm abby phillip. mark meadows really wanted his georgia occasion moved to federal court but as it turns out, someone took the stand against him and because of that testimony, it completely doomed his chances. that person is mark meadows himself.
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a judge rejecting donald trump's former chief of staff, citing his own words on the witness stand. you see, when meadows told the judge that he worked with the trump campaign on so many things, including selling out that infamous call when trump asked to find vote, that was not in the scope of his duties as a federal employee. the judge says that if he were to agree with meadows, quote, the court would have to turn a blind eye to express constitutional power, grant it to the states to determine their election procedures. as well as limitations on political activities, of executive branch firs. that comment light it in has some major implications for donald trump and also potentially for his codefendants. joining me now is clint rucker, a former prosecutor for fulton county, georgia, who worked with district attorney fony willis. now, meadows is appealing tonight this ruling, but it is significant that the judge pretty clearly and firmly
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knocked down a lot of the arguments that he and his attorneys were make. >> good evening, thanks for having me. you're absolutely correct in that. i believe this is a major to the defense' strategy, not only for mr. meadows but many of the other codefendants, as well. i think it was a big part of the strooj have this case removed to federal court and in very clear language judge jones has told them that that defensive strategy is not going to work. so i think we really need to -- >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, i think there's a lot more to come. judge jones also made it clear that this probably doesn't apply necessarily to the other codefendants like jeffrey clark or even donald trump. this particular ruling. but does it set the bar for those other codefendants who might try move this to federal
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court? >> right. right. and while judge jones was very jude, in the way in -- judicious in the way he tailored his order and allow the other defendants to have -- [ audio cut out ] -- their appropriate day in court, i think it does kind of set the tone for how this case will be looked at once those other defendants actually have their day and arguments heard before the court. and so i think the judge jones was very clear, that this is a strategy that's going to be a tough one to apply whether it's for the former ex-president or anyone else. >> but let's talk about that. meadows did argue that his actions were part of his federal duties. the judge clearly disagreed, though, writing in part that the state argues -- and meadows agrees -- that he is bound by the hatch act a law that prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activity. meadows has not shown how his actions relate to the scope of his executive branch office.
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however, the hatch act, which is cited there, doesn't apply to one person, and that person is the president of the united states -- does apply. so is this actually in some ways potentially an opening for trump? >> well, i think that certainly the president -- the former ex-president has a great legal team, and the fact that he's represented by mr. sadoa who will exploit that opportunity to make that particularize argument for mr. trump. but i think that factually, we will find that the actions of the former ex-president, with respect to the phone call, with respect to january 6th and some of the other activities, will place him in the midst of a conspiracy that i think will be very hard to argue a removal to federal court. i think we're gonna see all of these defendants right before judge mcafee in the fulton county supreme court. >> we also learned today that the special grand jury in fulton
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county that was investigating this presidential interference in 2020, they recommended charges against a whole host of other people, including sitting senators lindsey graham and then former senators -- now former senators david purdue and kelly loeffler. but fulton county d.a., fani willis, who you know well, hospitalled not to charge those lawmakers. based on the evidence that we've seen so far, do you understand why she didn't go there? >> i think so. as a former prosecutor, we take a special oath to make sure that we administer justice fairly. it's not a game of revenge or retribution. and so it's not a situation in the case of this significance that you would want to just throw everybody in the same bag and blindly go forward. i think that d.a. willis was very judicious and discerning about the way she looked at the report from the special purpose grand jury. i think she carved out with her
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staff what she was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, which will be the standard going forward. and i think she made the decision that said, hey, let's go forward with the strongest cases possible and with respect to the rest, i will exercise by discretion to not pursue they at this time. >> all right, clint, thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> and here's lindsey graham today responding to all of this. >> this is troubling for the country. we can't criminalize senators doing their job when they have a constitutional requirement to fulfill. >> let's continue this conversation now with house delegate stacey plays cet, the ranking member of the subcommittee on weaponization of the federal government. congresswoman, thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you so much, always
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great to be with you, abby. , what is your reaction to what happened today? a federal judge rejecting mark meadows' move to move this case to the federal court criminal system. >> well, i think this is really just the judiciary, which is really trying to hold up the standard of our democracy and really working overtime to try and ensure that the guardrails remain. we know that the things that mark meadow is alleged to have done are outside of the scope of anyone who acts as a chief of staff. and particularly in a post election manner, trying go to states to try and interject themselves in that. nevermind being outside of the hatch act, it's outside of the scope of a federally designated
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executive. and therefore he did not have the protection of the federal court as a federal officer acting in his position. and so it will remain in the state court, fani willis has done an excellent job, i believe, of narrowing the scope of those individuals that she believes that she has through her are prosecutorial discretion. the strongest case, and is moving board that. we know that there are so many charges against lots of individuals that probably could have been brought on this and many other issues in the trump administration throughout his time, but i think that she has tried to bring the most assailant to bear to a jury of his peers. >> do you that i she determined that, for example, when it comes to senator lindsey graham and senators purdue and loeffler, that those charges wouldn't stand as good of a chance of being successful? is that -- you think the judgment that she ended up make
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something in. >> i can't say what her rational was or the many, maybe layers of reasons why she might have done it. that may be one of the reasons. another may be that widening the scope just brings so many other motions that individuals will be bringing. never mind moving from state to federal court or discussions of, you know, the debate clause, which -- a speech and debate clause that members of congress have, which isn't an additional protection. i think what she's doing is trying to bring this racketeering case with the individuals closely around the president's orbit, who assisted him in attempting to overthrow our government. and try to throw out valid elections of many thousands of georgia residents who voted in the presidential election. >> so as we mentioned, you're also the ranking member on this
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house resignation committee, and your counterpart is republican congressman jim jordan. he's pursuing an investigation into fulton county district attorney fani willis and her prosecution of trump and his allies. but will thinks week fired back in a pretty extraordinary statement that was made public calling it basically illegal. let's first remind viewers though of this moment between you and congressman jordan during a hearing earlier this year. >> i think they're brave individuals for being willing to come after they've been named in a letter from the biden ftc. >> is this your question time now? >> no, i'm responding to your ridiculous statements you made in your opening statement. >> okay. well, let's get on with it. >> so you're pretty familiar, obviously, and i think our audience is, too, you know, congressman jordan is really eager for a fight. do you have any indication here whether he's gonna back down?
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>> well, he's not gonna back down, but he doesn't have a leg to stand on while he's attempting to make this stand. he has repeatedly gone after any individual who is trying to bring justice to bare on the former president and his actions, whether it was during the time that he was president, before that with, you know, the new york prosecution of the president, who he has also attempted to try to get information. now we see him going after fani willis, and if there are other individuals, whether it's the fbi, the department justice, those are the people that he is trying to stop from being justice to the former president. jim jordan has determined that this committee is going to be the save donald trump committee, that he is going to be the individual who is going to do whatever is outside of the scope of a member of congress and the
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rightful work of this committee to try and stop work that these individuals are doing on behalf of the american people. rather than doing investigations of true weaponization of the federal government, much of which occurred during the trump administration, jim jordan is trying to simply act as a sounding board for new messaging for the president as well as to try and thwart the valid work of prosecutors around this country to try and bring to bare justice on the former president from alleged unlawful actions on his part. >> all right, delegate mask the, thank you for joining us tonight. have a great weekend. >> thank you. you too, delegate plaskett. >> just in, donald trump right now getting an endorsement from christy know. is this a running mate audition? one of his rivals is telling reporters tonight that he's deport the children of undocumented immigrants who were
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ex-president donald trump is getting an endorsement from kristi noem. it is an evolution of sports for noem who said back in november she didn't believe trump offered, quote, the best chance for the party in 2024 and went on to say if we narrow our focus there, then we're not talking to every single american. but just yesterday, she said this... absolutely. yeah. i mean, i -- in a heartbeat, president trump needs a strong partner if he's going to take back the white house and needs somebody who knows what it's like to run a business, to be an employee, earn a paycheck but also having a wife, mom and a grandma isn't bad either. >> so is this a vp tryout? let's discuss with cnn political commentator and editor and chief of the dispatch jonah goldburg. jonah, too soon or is this the right time to kind of put out this trial balloon?
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>> i think it makes total sense for chrissy know. you know, she's been -- kristi noem, she's been running these ads paid for with covid tax dollars and promoting work in south dakota and she's they at rick can and has been trying to -- theatrical, and she's been trying to get her name out there for quite a bit. she's actually a pretty god pick when you think about it because she's actually held office, unlike kari lake, she's actually won an election. kari lake is trying to audition for this position too. moreover, unlike kari lake and swamy, who people talk about, while she's a very attractive and well-spoken, you know, candidate, she's not going to outshine donald trump with the crazy, with the stuff that is going to like generate controversy not gonna eat the scenery on the stage. and donald trump does not like to be -- let me put it this way,
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donald trump always wants to be the center of attention not be sort of playing catch-up to somebody who's getting more attention than he is, and she's makes a lot of sense in that way. >> so in the meantime, trump's been, until really tonight, he's largely not even been on the campaign trail. he will be in iowa tomorrow. but all the other candidates, they've really been barn-storming these early states. i get that this is kind of narrowly political important move for him today to be in south dakota with kristi noem, but i wonder, is he potentially taking for granted that his lead may not stick, that he has in all of these national polls, particularly in states like iowa and new hampshire where voters want to see the candidates there all the time. >> yeah. i mean, i think so. in fact, i think his lead is inflated. he's obviously a double digit runaway frontrunner but as we know, he gets these extra -- this extra support from voters
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in the past said they weren't necessarily all in for trump because of the criminal prosecutions. there's a certain am of stick your thumb in the eye of pollsters and the establishment and saying you're backing trump because he's being persecuted and all that kind of thing, which means there's room for him to fall. and at the same time, the way i think about both the democratic and republican race is that we essentially have two defacto incumbents at the same time. as far as republicans are concerned, trump is essentially an incumbent, and obviously mr. joe biden, the actual president, he's like an incumbent but both pretty weak incumbents. and the danger is you put it for donald trump is that he's not an actual incumbent and a lot of these people are putting in the sweat equity and the leg work in iowa and new hampshire and those states really like to be independent, like to claim that they're sticking it to the establishment, too. so it's entirely possible one or both don't what trump wants home to do yet. >> yeah. i mean, in iowa today, you know,
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iowa has been a place to santos, ron deswap eke both trying to vai it now for that state, ron deswamy was asked a question about whether he would deport a family of undocumented immigrant if they had a child born here in the united states. for which law -- have a path to legal immigration to the country if they meet the criteria. >> if the child was born in the united states, would he also be deported. >> yes, that's correct. and i think that there are legally contested questions, and i'm honest about this. they're contested but legally contested questions under the 14th amendment of whether a child of an illegal immigrant is indeed a child that enjoys birth rights or not. >> and this is buckley, jonah, an escalation of something that
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he told me two months ago. listen to this one. >> we should say also both of your parents are immigrants to the united states. so you would have been a beneficiary of birth right citizenship but you now are saying would you ban that for people coming into the country. and what is the period of time for which that would be the case? >> for people coming into the country illegally, that's the key distinction. and people make this mistake all the time, and i think you gotta be really careful when you talk about the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. one is founded on following the rule of law, the other is founded on breaking the rule of law. >> it's a page out of the trump playbook, and it's not really -- it's not constitutional. but what do you any. >> yeah. i mean, i find ron deswamy increasingly exhausting for precise lete reasons you're getting at. it's very similar to donald trump's i'm going to build the wall, it will be so easy, i can
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do it really fast, every time mexico complains it will be 10 feet higher. donald trump mastered the after salesmanship that says what do i have to do to put you in this condo today, and deswamy is sort of borrowing the same thing. he knows if he says something bombastic, it gets him the attention and the small donors and if he would has to walk it back in the next few days, sometimes he walks it back, sometimes he says that's not what i said, and sometimes he sticks to his guns but at the end of the day, it's very cute that he says, i understand that this is contested. it's not contested. it's pretty settled in law and the constitution. even if you think there's a good argument on the other side against birth right citizenship for illegal immigrants, the president of the united states does not have the youn lateral power to do that. it would immediately go to court. it would immediately be stayed and litigated for years, just like a lot of the wall was.
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it's just him saying stuff to get attention knowing that there's no downside to him being wrong or controversial. >> and maybe it's working. is it work something in. >> i think it is working. i mean, look. he's not having the boom that he might think he would given all the attention he's gotten but it's working for his purpose. he basically said wanted to get into this in part to be famous and it's helping him be famous. i don't think for the reasons i was saying earlier it helps him for a vp slot for trump because trump doesn't want to have to explain why he disagrees with his vice-president. he liked the mike pence model. i think wee like the kristi noem model where basically they play clean-up to him, but he doesn't care about what they're saying. >> didn't as you pointed out he doesn't want to be outshined on the stage by anybody who's young and as soon as possibly. so jonah goldburg, thank you very much. >> thank you. great to be here.
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and speaking of deswamy, the presidential candidate has cnn's fact checker working overtime. danieldale is here to save us. daniel. ramasw amy has a pattern before he started running for president. what have you learned? >> yeah, i've counted three times he had done this in the last three weeks alone, each time while trying to distance himself from past criticism of donald trump. listen to the latest this week from an interview with ms-nbc. >> you say you've downright abhorrent behavior that makes him a -- what was it that was downright abhorrent. >> let's be fair to your audience. on january 10th, 2021, days after that incident, i wrote an op ed in the wall street journal arguing that sensorship was the real cause of what happened on january 6th, someone asked me
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the question -- that's what i wrote, i'm giving you the facts of what i said. that was published in the wall street journal. >> so i asked his campaign which wall street journal op ed he was talking about, they sent me the link and it does not include any argument about january 6th like the one he claimed on ms-nbc he had included. you mate say maybe he forgot what he wrote two years ago but this is again a pattern. during the first republican debate two weeks ago he made two false claims about what was in his old book, he falsely denied it was more critical about trump than he was in that glowing debate. -- and then in an interview on nbc, on meet the press, he was asked about that book's criticism of trump's stolen election lies, and he said, no, no, in the same chapter of that book i included tons of material, about 20 pages of an argument that big tech had interfered in that very same election. i read the book, read the chapter, nothing in there at all in the entire book, let alone the chapter, and that's all in addition, abby, to him falsely
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claiming he was misquoted by the atlantic magazine recently. he made some controversial comments about 9/11. he said, oh, no, they got that wrong. they put words in my mouth. well, the atlantic soon released audio proving that he had been quoted correctly. certainly a pattern at this point. >> yeah. daniel, trump on the other hand is also claiming that polls show his support among black americans has quadrupled or even quintupled since his mug shot was released. what's the truth about that? that's not true. we identified five post mug shot polls that released specific data on black respondents. in one of them actually declined compared to polls taken before the mug shot was released. and before that he did see increases, but all within the margin of errors, 3 points, 3 points, 6 points. so we're not sure if that reflect as genuine increase or because it was in the margin of error that that is statistical noise. and we have to emphasize even if
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there has been an increase with black voters in the last couple of weeks, that could be for hundreds of reasons, gas prices, something about the war in ukraine. it could be anything. there is no sign whatsoever that black voters are react enthusiastically to the existence of a donald trump mug shot. >> i don't know that will come as a surprise to anyone. but thank you for clarifying that, daniel. i appreciate. >> former senator barbara boxer is here with so thoughts on nancy pelosi's surprise announcement today.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> should there be age limits in congress? that's the provocative question that is at the center of an escalating debate in washington. dianne feinstein is 80 years old dealing with public health issues, same with mitch mcconle who is 81 and as for the two presidential frontrunners, joe biden would be 86 at the end of a second term and donald trump would be 82. and now nancy pelosi has become part of that debate herself. the 83-year-old revealing that i
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had she is running for another term in congress. barbara boxer is the former democratic senator of the state of california and she joins me now. senator boxer, thank you for being here. you are close to former speaker pelosi. why does she want to keep going after all that she's accomplished in her career? >> , she has more to do, and, you know, i'm one who doesn't believe that age means a thing. it depends on the person. some people are just pathetic at 50, and some are fabulous at 80. ageism has no place. it's another ism. and i think for her, she sees the times we are in. she and i are about the same age. we went through the vietnam war, the civil rights movement, the environmental movement, the women's movement, it goes on and
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on. and we've seen it and we see it's all -- and so i know her, and she doesn't want to walk away at this moment in time. >> she did, though, take a step back after her husband was really horrifically attacked in their home, is she still concern body her family's safety? did that factor in at all in her decision making? >> i think her stepping down was something that she might have done before paul pelosi was brutally attacked a horrific situation, we all know. it was a shock to the system. and so i think her stepping back was a combination of things. but i also think, you know, having served for so long, 10 years in the house and 24 in the senate, i think the congress works well when there are people of all ages, and very diverse in
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every way possible because it's supposed to represent the country, the congress is. the senate and the house. so just to leave because you're of a certain page. i think they're stepping down from leadership was the right thing to do because she can be there still and she could advise the team when they need her and there is nobody in my view who has been more strategic and creative in winning and getting things donothan she has been. so i think it's a huge positive for her, i think it's a huge positive for her district, for california that i love so much and the 40 million people, and the entire nation, we need leaders like this now. look what's on the line. democracy itself, our freedoms. are we gonna understand science, are we going to rewrite history?
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these are really things that are pulling at all of our hearts right now. >> that being said, we mentioned earlier mitch mcconnell and dianne feinstein both of whom you know appear to be experiencing very public health challenges in the public eye. voters seem to be very concern body that. is there something to be said for simply stepping aside and letting the next generation take their place? >> as i said, i think in hour government we -- whether it's age, whether it's gender, whether it's race, whether it's religion, it's all important. if you're not up to the job, the voters are gonna kick you out. you don't have to have some date. it's ridiculous. because as i say, some people are awful at 50 and some people are terrific and effective in getting things done at 80. so, you know, i know that -- what i'm saying is not popular in the country. i know people think get them out of there once they're 70.
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but it's wrong because everybody ages differently. >> look, voters -- we had a new poll out this week that said their top concern is president biden's age, for example. democratic voters seem really concerned about this. why are they wrong? >> i'm not saying they're wrong. they should consider his age. absolutely. look, when i ranker every time i ranker i knew i had positives and negatives. and what i always said to the voters, you know -- and by the way, if i had followed post, honestly, i would have left after the first term because i ran another three times and two out of the three were just awful. but what i said to the voters this, i'm not perfect. and they appreciated that. i said, you know -- in those days, we used pads. i said take a yellow ad and draw a line down the middle. on one side say what's good about barbara boxer, what's bad, what i worry about, what i know
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i could count on. and with joe biden, look at what he's achieved. we don't have time to go into it. but he always says something that i love, even though he's stayed a lot, but i believe him. he says don't compare me to the almighty. compare me to the alternative. and i say when you look at what he's gonna face, a right wing opponent, and you look at the things that he has accomplished, no president has created more jobs in the time he's sat in office than joe biden. and he's gotten so much done in a bipartisan way. so, yeah, his age is a factor. it probably is a factor with donald trump, he's only a couple years behind him. and, it's gonna a factor when nancy runs. but i predict people will put that on that yellow pad and say i don't like, that but i like other things. >> all right. senator barbara boxer, thanks so much for being with us tonight. >> thanks, abby. and a 27-year-old man shot at near point blank range by
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police. video of the incident is now coming out and showing a completely different story from what the philadelphia police initially said happened. the victim's family speaks out here next. plus, breaking news, nearly 300 people have been killed in 300 people have been killed in an earthquake in morocco and the toll is rising. we'll take you there.
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david: i'm david goldberg, a bilingual elementary school teacher and president of the california teachers association. as we start a new school year, there's something new happening in california's public schools. jessie: they're called community schools. david: where parents and families, students and educators
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are making decisions as one. damien: it's a real sense of community. leslie: we saw double-digit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. david: it's an innovation that's transforming our public schools. narrator: california's community schools: reimagining public education. the release of police body camera footage of a deadly traffic stop last possibility has led to a philadelphia police officer being charged tonight with first-degree murder. police say they stopped eddie ira zari for driving erratically and going the wrong way on a one-way street. during the incident he was shot and killed. initially police lied about what happened, claiming that ira zari stood outside of his car and lunged at them with a weapon but the footage shows he never got
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out of his vehicle at all. here's part of it, and a warning to the audience here, this video is graphic. [ sounds of struggle ] [bleep] [ sound of pounding ] [ sound of gunfire ] >> shots fired, shots fired, 100 west boulevard. get your hands up right now! [ sound of radio ] leave the car, come on. >> all right, all right. [ radio in background ] [ labored breathing ]
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eddie irazari's family wanted the video to be released to the public. joining me now is zorida, his aunt and shacka johnson, the family attorney. zorida, thank you for being here. i'm so very sorry for the loss of your nephew. what do you feel now that this video -- this body camera video has been made public for the entire world to see? >> i'm -- i feel really hurt, but at the same time, i just wanted the world to see what this officer did to my nephew. and just frustrated. my family is very frustrated. >> i can hear the pain obviously and the frustration that you all
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feel, probably more so because the day of the incident police initially told reporters that the officers gave eddie multiple commands to drop a weapon while he was outside of the vehicle. and two days later the police commissioner said that the shooting occurred while eddie was inside. citing this body camera footage. what do you make of this? >> yes. it was a lie. >> yeah. >> it was a lie. they try to cover stuff up, and i'm glad that we was able to show everyone that everything was a lie. he never got out of his car. he never even was a threat to any of the officers. you see the footage, he locked his doors. his windows was closed. >> it's very clear to see what happened there at least from the perspective of this video.
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shacka i want to bring you in here. can you give us a sense, what is your understanding of what led to this moment that we just witnessed. >> i think a multitude of things, abby, led to this moment. one of them would be a severe lack of training on behalf of these two officers, more severely, obviously, with officer dial, but a really gross lack of training, obviously, pulling on the side of a motorist on the passenger's side, getting out of your police vehicle with your gun in hand, going across the broadside of the vehicle, across the windshield, telling somebody you're going to expletive shoot them and within 5 and a half to 6 seconds from getting out of your police chico oh police vehicle that person is shot and transitioning toward death by the time you are 6 seconds out
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of your car. that is a severe lack of training about the kind of discernment police officers need to have when institution deadly force, justifiable i might add, and when that's appropriate. it was not appropriate in this case, and that may be the under with statement of the year quite frankly. this was quite frankly a murder is what we saw take place. do you believe prosecutors would be able to do it? >> they should be able to. you know, the video and the multiple angles of videos, the
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body worn camera, the video that we were able to secure, all show what officer dial and his partner sort of saw -- albeit from different advantage points. we know that the non-discharging officer said he's got a knife. we heard that, and then we heard officer dial say drop the knife, and so if he just -- if you just pause and slow it down right there. a knife which is completely legal to have, by the way, inside of a vehicle, with closed windows, as the rider said, with a person who has doors locked, with distance in between you. does not give you license in this city, in this state, in this country, to shoot and kill a person and institute deadly force in that scenario. >> zorida, i want to give you a last word. if you had an opportunity tonight to speak with this former officer, who, by the way,
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just posted bail today, what would you tell him? why. you took something special from us. and in my eyes, i could never forgive you. i just pray that god forgives you, because i will never. you damage my >> may i say something please about that officer posting bail? >> please do. >> i wanted to -- i'd like everyone to see sort of the difference in treatment that has already been rendered. in philadelphia, it takes about 12 hours for a person to be arrested, arraigned, see a bail commissioner and have a bail assigned to them. oh by the way, first degree murder is typically, you hold the person without bail.
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is held without bail. this officer was in jail for a matter of not even in jail, he was in a holding cell waiting to be arraigned or the a matter of a few hours. his bail was posted at $500,000. the commonwealth has an opportunity to appeal that if they don't like what the bail is set at. i don't believe an appeal was done and then bail was posted almost mild. immediately. well after the 12, 13 hour mark, half of that, the officer had posted bail was back home watching the afternoon news. that is despicable. any other philadelphia person arrested who is presumed to be incident, innocent, by the way, would not
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have been afforded those luxuries that officer dial has been afforded so far. >> thank you, we extend our condolences to you tonight. we are sorry for your loss. we'll be right back.k. >> thank you. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a fu 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilos otc. one pill day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send
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>> it was in the high atlas mountains, south of marrakech. the most visited city in the country. and this is set to be the strongest earthquake to hit this part of the north african country in years. the last thing they had something this serious was back in 1900. so this aired on state television showing multiple buildings collapse and people out in the street. panic in the country because the after-shocks have been felt in the capital, casablanca around other parts, neighboring this part where where the epicenter is. the department of this earthquake was about almost 12 miles, according to the u.s. geological survey. that is extensive. that is why you see this number.
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