tv CNN News Central CNN October 20, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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[ applause ] >> the chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from massachusetts, ms. clark. >> thank you, mr. chair. 212 is a new york area code, and it is our call for a speaker of integrity, intelligence and inclusion. 212 is our call for a speaker who will protect our children, our veterans, our planet. 212 is our call for a speaker who will grow the middle-class, lower costs, create good paying jobs and make health care affordable.
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212 is our call for a speaker who will secure liberty, justice and opportunity for everyone. well, the unanimous call of 212 house democrats has been answered. by our nominee for speaker the gentleman from brooklyn, the leader of our house democratic caucus, the honorable hakeem jeffries. [ applause ] leader jeffries has answered our call, but the majority's nominee is disconnected, disconnected
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from the american people and their values. maga extremism is designed to divide, and it has broken the republican party. their nominee's vision is a direct attack on the freedom and the rights of the american people. he's got the record to prove it. the republican nominee has voted against health care for children for veterans and even for 9/11 survivors. he has opposed lowering the cost of insulin repeatedly. he wants to cut social security and medicare. don't take it from me. it was raised on the other side of the aisle just this week as a selling point to make him
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speaker. over his 16 years in the house, the republican nominee has never supported a farm bill. what does that mean? what does that mean? it means he has turned his back on farmers, on rural communities, and the 11 million children who go to bed hungry in this country. the republican nomine wants a national abortion ban. with no exceptions for rape, incest or the health of a mother. we want to make our own health care decisions in consultation with our families, our doctors, our faith not with jim jordan.
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the republican nominee plotted to overturn the 2020 election. traffic in misinformation and is a true threat to our democracy and our constitution. i have had the privilege of working here in the people's house for almost 10 year, and i have gotten to know many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, and i know that you hear the same thing that ti do. the american people expect us to work together on their behalf.
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[ applause ] it is not too late for the majority to choose a bipartisan path forward to reopen the house, take yes for an answer. every day, every day, the majority chooses to engage in a republican civil war that is threatening their own members instead of engaging with us in the work of the american people is a day that weakens this institution and the standing of our country. we need a speaker who will
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jordan for speaker, and interesting moment. don bacon, the republican of nebraska who has never voted for jordan and twice voted for mccarthy this time voted for patrick mb hchenry voted for th temporary speaker, and someone who is very, very bullied by supporters of jim jordan. his wife has gotten voice mails, texts from people who are threatening her if he did not switch his vote. he clearly is more dug in against jim jordan than ever. we will continue to watch and listen to the votes. we should note that the way that this works, scott jennings, it is a majority of those who are present, and we know that there
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are fewer house members present today than there were for earlier votes, and we believe it is 215 today, because that is the magic number, because of the total number there is lower, but we won't be sure until it is over. what we are going to be looking for no matter the total is specific members we know voted for jordan before to see how many more votes jim jordan loses. >> right. does somebody who has been voting for him go away, and we also know that you mentioned that there were fewer people, and one of jordan's votes van orten is not there, and apparently on a fact-finding mission. >> i want to say it is 214 we believe. >> brown? >> jeffries. >> brownley. >> jeffries.
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number of house members that are present. while we continue to watch the vote and look at those that we expect will not vote for him, we can take a second. i have to say, john king, i am still confused as to why we are going through this. it does not appear as though he has the votes, and other than this being an exercise in self-regard, and why would he do this to himself, and why would he do this to the country? >> it is a fantastic question, and why would he do this to his republican party, and 380-plus days away from the election, and they will want to keep the house of representatives and win back the senate, and they will argue that they can lead, and at the moment, they cannot pick a
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leader. and seeing kevin mccarthy who had just been humiliated by fellow republicans, and pick jim jordan as a unifier and leader when most of the republicans know that is not jim jordan's role in 16 years in congress, and anyone can change, but it is not his role, and that has not been his history, and what is this about? you raised key question, what is that about -- >> i want to pause you because i want to see what congresswoman chavez castor says. >> castor of florida. jeffries. castro of texas. jeffries. chavez dreamer. mchenry. all right. so that is the fourth vote
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against congressman dreamer, and this is from the congresswoman castro dreamer, and she had voted for kevin mccarthy before and now she is voting for mchenry, and one more vote against jim jordan and his hopes for the speakership are going down in flames. and john king, you were just saying that kevin mccarthy in the nominating speech was describing somebody who for no resemblance to jim jordan whatsoever. >> and kevin mccarthy's speakership, and it is a difficult job and he has a tiny majority, and a group of republicans who don't want to govern, and give kevin mccarthy some grace, but the speakership was a failure. he was unable to get them together, and saying that we need to govern, and set things aside, and he just nominated someone who has less of a record of achieving compromise than kevin mccarthy did. and the question is that kevin mccarthy failed, and lost the speakership, and almost three
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weeks ago now, and two weeks plus. they have been unable, and israel needs an aid package, and ukraine needs an aid package, and do the republicans want to govern or continue this, and circus is not a word for it. >> demonstration, and incapacity to govern. >> and so he is about to lose. he is short the votes again, and the opposition is not melting, and so what is the point. if you cannot win, the logical thing to do is to step aside and give someone else a chance, and sod what is jim jordan going to do about this vote. talk of keeping it up for the weekend and wear them down, and there is zero evidence of that, and the math is right there on the screen. >> there was a clear effort this morning to kind of rebrand him after all of these year, and rebranding him into the effective legislator, and you could hear the laughter from the assemble on the house, but he has a tougher job than mccarthy
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did. mccarthy was fighting the rabble-rousers on the right wing. he had one group that he was focused on the matt gaetz-led group. jordan has a lot of the whack a mole with a lot of groups. he has the stencentrists that hs to worry about, and the people who have been bullied, and scalise people. >> we will listen in, because a couple of the ds coming in, d'esposito, and diaz balart, and i want to hear these. >> jeffries. >> de la cruz? >> jordan. >> delauro. jeffries. dell bene. jeffries.
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>> jordan. edwards. >> jordan. >> ellzey. mike garcia. so that is seven votes against jim jordan as of right now, and while the caveat always applies that people change their votes sometimes. you know, before the gavel comes down, and while that has not happened in this round of speaker votes, it always could happen. but as of right now, according to the vote count at the beginning of this process, jim jordan could only afford to lose five votes. now, he has lost seven. so, again, he will lose as of
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now, and hold on, because i want to hear from drew ferguson of georgia has. >> ferguson? >> scalise. and so on track to be a very similar vote if not the same vote as yesterday. gloria, i interrupted you before, and continue. >> i was saying that he has a bunch of groups that he has to placate and clearclearly, he ha done it. the people who were mccarthy fans, scalise fan, and felt that he was treated badly, and the people who have been threatened. the people more moderate and squishy to give into him. it has been such an uphill battle for him, and even worse than mccarthy who went 15 rounds. i have the interrupt, because he lost a vote that he had gotten twice in a row, and
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this is from brian fitzpatrick from outside of philly. i know congressman fitzpatrick a little bit, because we rout for the eagles together, and he is from a biden district and he is part of the problem solvers district, and a moderate republican, and one of the few left, and he has been voting along the party line all along for mccarthy, for scalise or jordan and he just voted for patrick mchenry, and i should note that this is the third vote for patrick mchenry, and two people vote for him, bacon and i think that dreamer, and now we have brian fitzpatrick flipping from jordan to mchenry. >> and going back to the conversation of dan crenshaw, and he said, the conference said he is our nominee, and so that is what he said, but now members crenshaw who said one more vote.
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>> and now, garbarino. >> jeffries. garb garbarino? >> zeldin. >> zeldin. >> they are sending a message to jordan that we have to stop this. >> and they are saying, enough, enough. the math is not there, and we have been loyal republicans, and i need to go home to explain this to my constituents while we are on the verge of it, we have this. >> jimenez of florida coming up. listen in. >> jeffries. jimenez. >> mccarthy. >> another mccarthy vote for jimenez, and he sis a 11th for no. >> and that is a no vote, because people are sort of
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saying, that he might be the solution. >> the patrick vote was a switch, but b, it is a biden district and we talked about the 18 republicans who are currently in the districts that joe biden won, and six of them initially, one-third had been opposed to jordan and two-thirds, and the fact that is growing is significant. >> and 12. and so he is doing worse than last time, because of the addition of fitzpatrick. by the way, there had been talk of some of the new york republicans who had voted for lee zeldin to flip for jordan if he had gone along with the salt tax credit, and there had been talk about maybe he would go along with letting the new yorkers have this tax credit because they pay higher taxes in new york, et cetera, et cetera, and i don't know what promises he made, but in any case, it did
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not work and they still voted for lee zeldin, a former congressman from new york. and now, another one, kate granger. >> granger? >> scalise. >> that is 13. >> again, he is doing worse. the numbers are not there. and i recognize that congressman jordan is not someone who respects election results, but it is turning into the ignamanous defeat. and it is a holdout, and some of them said, it is over. we are never going to vote for you. and obviously, what he did after that is to call another vote. he is not hearing message. he is oblivious to it. >> that is the only logical
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explanation or you just think that -- they keep saying to him, it is embarrassing, jim, and the american people say that are not able to govern, and lead their own family, and the logical answer is that if you want to give me one more vote, and okay, see what he says, but if you keep doing it, then what is the point except for ego, and you don't care about the party. >> i want to add one piece of reporting which is that different people have different agendas, and kevin, i am told that kevin mccarthy's team has been helping jim jordan with the strategy, and so maybe this is that jim jordan thinks that he can bully people or make some promises, but i also am told that kevin mccarthy's team has told him to keep going. >> kevin mccarthy who just lost the speakership -- >> but still has the sign above the door. >> and yesterday, jordan was
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open at one point to the mchenry route, and he said, let's have a vote on that, and he went into the conference and the right said no, because it would be capitulating to the democrats, and we won't have a coalition government, and he switched back. >> they view mchenry as a pragmatic republican, and they don't trust him, because he would like to govern, and they don't like that. >> and patrick mchenry also is not an election denier, and the republicans that i spoke to last night said that the one thing that we will not make a deal on is someone who is an election deny-er. >> and this is a loss for donald trump, because jim jordan has his support, and the base is in the conference and many of the people voting against jordan were not trump people to begin with, but donald trump is the
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most dominant person in the republican party, and he is less dominant than before. >> he is not weighing in on this. >> because he knows he is losing. >> and we have congressman john james coming in. he has voted against jordan twice before and not long after that, we have mike evans, and a few jordan skeptics coming in, and then of course, hakeem jeffries gets to vote for himself which is an interesting moment. >> jeffries? jackson of north carolina. jeffries. jackson of texas. >> jordan. >> jordan. jackson lee. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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jacobs. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. james. >> donalds. >> donalds. that is 14 against jim jordan. 14. again, he is doing worse. >> jayapal. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> that is hakeem jeffries for hakeem jeffries. that is the reason for the applause. >> johnson of georgia. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. johnson of louisiana. >> jordan. >> jordan. johnson of ohio. >> jordan. >> jordan. johnson of south dakota. >> jordan. >> jordan.
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jordan. >> jordan. [ applause ] >> jordan. >> jordan. joyce of pennsylvania. >> jordan. >> jordan. ken loggerdeux. >> jordan. >> captor? >> jeffries. >> cain of new jersey. >> mccarthy. >> that is another loss. >> tom kean of new jersey is another moderate republican of a biden district who had voted for jordan twice. now, he is gone.
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that is 15 votes against. and now we have mike kelly of pennsy pennsylvania. >> kelly of pennsylvania. >> scalise. scalise, and 16 against, and we want to know what jen kiggins of virginia does. >> and now, kiggins of virginia. >> mchenry. >> mchenry. ki kildee. so a net 17 against jordan and throwing it back to dana. i am not sure if that is the net -- but it is two new votes against jordan. so he is definitely doing worse than yesterday. i also think it is three or four mchenry votes for the first
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time. three four? >> four. >> four mchenry votes, but dana bash, the trend that i am seeing is that it is obviously not a landslide for mchenry, but it is a trend of votes for mchenry from the skeptics, and more votes against jordan today at least at this point with the caveat that things could change. so, again, another bad day for jim jordan as he continues strategy of the beatings will continue until the morale improves. dana? >> yes, and the trend toward mchenry is deliberate particularly by the two new votes that we heard including from tom kean who voted for mccarthy, and we heard jen kiggins who had voted for
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mccarthy who switched to mchenry. and i wanted to bring in charlie dent as we continue to listen to your former colleagues vote again today, charlie dent. as we are watching this, we should remember that what we are seeing play out is a battle for the heart and soul of the republican party, and we have been talking for seven years about the fact that this is donald trump's republican party. and what we are watching right now is your flavor of republicans, former congressman dent, the moderates and those who have been shoved aside and ridiculed as not real republicans in the trump era flexing the muscle. >> yeah, they have been mocked, insulted and told they don't have any spines, and
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invertebrate, and well, they have had enough, and this is the revenge of the rinos, and so, they are standing up strong. this is the fight that needs to happen. the institutionalists, the pragmatists versus the trump populists who don't have a philosophy, a governing philosophy. and they are just about making noise and causing disruption versus the people who are serious about doing the business of governing and want a policy agenda. this is a real fight. i am glad that it is happening, and obviously, this is not politically good for the political party to happen in public, but the fight needed to occur year ago, and it is happening now. i think that the fact that you saw bryan fitzpatrick flip, and
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molinaro and that governing party, and it needed to come, because it is a total embarrassment, and jordan needs withdraw. if they can't get patrick mchenry in there as a interim speaker, they have to get together this bipartisan coalition, i don't see a way out. because the pro trump guys, they are not voting for scalise or establishment type, and now the establishment types are not supporting the jim jordan bomb throwers and noise maker, and so they are at a impasse, and so they need hakeem jeffries to get through it. and so what drove me out of congress was to watch this, and you know, to pass a continuing resolution, and to fund the government for 45 days, and it should take five minutes. and these are becoming massive dramatic fights that take months of time.
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you can't do anything else other than deal with this drama, and these guys, the jordan wing of the party would say, no, if you vote for the continuing resolution, you sold out the country. well, this is ridiculous, and this fight needs to happen. i am glad that it is happening. >> glad it is happening, but it is quite at the expense of the people's business getting done, and lot happening around the globe that needs america's attention, and scott jennings, i should say as the former congressman was talking, we heard that mike lawler, another one of the republicans from a biden district, and he is from new york, and he had voted for kevin mccarthy before, and he voted for mchenry. let's listen in. >> miller of ohio. >> jordan. >> jordan. mill over w-- miller of west
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virginia. >> jordan. >> jordan. miller of ohio. >> mchenry. >> mchenry. mills. jordan. >> jordan. mo mollinaro. >> jordan. and so we heard a sixth vote for mchenry and a sixth vote for mchenry from miller meeks of ohio, and also from the battleground district and another from new york voting for lee zeldin which is microbe which is about state and local
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taxes, and i am not saying it is an issue, but that is where they are going, and they are not voting for jim jordan and clearly trying to push back against an ugly confrontation. it is not even a conversation, but a confrontation that happened behind closed doors yesterday when they tried to make a deal, and jim jordan was on board to give patrick mchenry real powers and electing him speaker temporarily, and the conservatives, again, to call them conservatives, and what do you call the matt gaetz coalition? >> the peanut gallery. >> they said, no, it will not happen. so he backed off. >> that is something about this fight, there are some people who would prefer, i think to not have any governing responsibility at all. they view themselves more as a p
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peanut gallery or bomb thrower, and it is really difficult if you have built the entire brand as jordan has from being a bomb thrower to be a statesman, and there is some element to be statesman, and put together coalitions, and to administer a large and raucous body, and this is just not the brand that he has built. these people, by the way, that plunged this party, the eight republicans, joining with the democrats to plunge the party into this chaos, no remorse. no shame. apparently, no regret from what we hear on television. it tells me that they do not want governing responsibility. they don't want gavels. they don't want to pass laws. they simply can't this chaos for the sake of it. that is not going to make you part of the party, but it makes you your own party. >> as you are chiming in,
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ashley, this is 21 that we are seeing not for jordan, and yesterday, it was yesterday or two days ago or whenever it was, it was 22. so it is look like it could very well go above where he was before, which is what we were hearing. >> yes. >> and so i think that you are right, scott. people in your party who do not want to govern, and mccarthy said people in congress who don't want to put their name on the bill, but other people who put their name on to bill and they are selfish. and they laughed, because he has not done anything for the party, and now he is making us watch him lose knowing that he is
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going to lose for his own ego. >> scott, john king brought this up, and we were talking about this off camera, and it is important to underscore, donald trump endorsed jim jordan, and where is donald trump right now? >> he is probably asking himself that right now. >> i have never heard this sound so loud when it comes to donald trump and his endorsement of jim jordan. >> and not only here today in the initial round against scalise, and scalise bested jordan in the conference vote, but him not inserting himself here is, it is really stunning honestly, because these are his biggest supporters, and this is the direction that the party has to go, and when donald trump says is jump, they say how high, and they are looking back over their shoulder, and he is nowhere to be found. >> and the answer, charlie dent, and i will answer my own
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question, and you will agree with me is because of the sway that donald trump has is not with what you would call your fellow squishes, the moderates. those who want to get things done d and those from the biden district, and donald trump has no sway with them, because he is ostracized by most of them. >> of course. this is a big defeat of donald trump, and no one else brought the art of brinkmanship, and he more or less spawned the matt gaetz and those many others who just took down kevin mccarthy. and so now that, and kevin mccarthy is now with jim jordan and embracing that wing of the party, and so, so publicly, and it is almost head-spinning know to watch this. the whiplash is unbearable for me to witness this.
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but again, back to this fracture is so profound. >> congressman, to this on the floor. we will listen again. >> jeffries. rutherford. >> scalise. okay. congressman john rutherford of florida sticking with scalise as he had done before and i was curious if he would move over to vote with patrick mchenry, and i believe we have six votes for patrick mchenry, a clear trend, intentional trend by some of the more moderate or, a lot of them are not moderates, but republicans from battleground distr districts. >> yeah, that is right. this is, again, you saw john rutherford vote, and he is an appro appropriator, and he is a serious guy. once we get through the vote,
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you might see a back bench member pop forward, jack from michigan who is a three-star general who is going to be making a move at some point, because i am told that he is making calls. so the conference is going to have to get behind somebody, and somebody that we have never heard of, or most people have never heard of, and somebody who is a good player like that. but this fracture, dana, you have seen it for a long time, and since the tea party movement, and that boehner talks about it a bit, and paul ryan is talking about it, but it is so expose and a raw nerve. stated that there are serious issues in the world to be addressed, but until they learn how to deal with it, there is more bloodletting, and i am anxious to be the fly in the wall in the conference room after this vote, because if they were hot earlier today, they are
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going to be on fire this afternoon to talk about this path forward, because now this damage so bad for the party. they have to get on. >> let's listen in. >> scalise. slotkin. jeffries. >> smith of missouri. >> jordan. smith of nebraska. >> jordan. >> jordan. smith of new jersey. >> jordan. >> jordan. smith of washington. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. >> smucker. >> jordan. >> jordan. sorenson. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. soto. >> jeffries. >> jeffries.
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and so with that vote by mike simpson of ohio for scalise against jim jordan, jordan is now officially worse off right now with the roll call not even done than he was yesterday. he has now 23 votes against him when yesterday the roll call ended, it was 22 votes down, and the day before, he was 20 votes down, and we are expecting at least two more no votes to come down. so far, we have counted a net loss of three, and with the caveat that anything could change at the end of the vote, and some people do flip, but we have not seen it in the balloting. we will bring in manu raju, if we can, as we are watching the votes coming in. we are expect ing -- steube, bu did we hear pete stauber vote?
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he voted for westerman. so that is 24 while i was jabbing. do we have manu raju coming in. okay. you are there. he is at 24, and we expect congressman steve womack to vote against him as well. so congressman womack's respect for jim jordan knows no bounds. so 25 no votes for jim jordan and another defeat. and he is hemorrhaging the votes and getting worse and worse every time. is he going to be pushing it through the weekend and further and further exercise of the futility or what is the plan? >> well, just like it has been for so many days, and so much confusion. i talked to a number of republicans coming in and out of the chamber, and nobody has a sense of the strategy of jim jordan and if he is going to push ahead, but the strategy of
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a lot of people is tepid. there is no path for the speakership, and it does not appear to be changing if there is another ballot. this is going in the wrong direction obviously, and losing more republicans on this than the previous ballot. there is discussion of having another closed door meeting and one congresswoman said there is talk of another having republican congress meeting and that is not scheduled yet. but yesterday devolved in the screaming match and cussing and division of the strategy, and did not go well, and ultimately ended up with jim jordan sitting with the 22 holdouts, and to see if he could flip them, but it has not worked. so now the question is what does jim jordan do -- continue to go to the floor? push it through the weekend? something that he had threatened to do, but the pressure is on him to withdraw. pressure for him to step aside from a number of the members to rebuff the calls, and will he do
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it now because as i have talked to the members, if there is a fourth ballot, it could get worse for him, because he is bleeding more republican support to send a message to im, no path to the speakership, and to step aside, but as long as he is pushing for the vote, jake, a lot can happen here, and the supporters are saying that kevin mccarthy went 15 round, and jim jordan could, but the problem is that kevin mccarthy made progress, but right here, no path to the speakership for jim jordan as he is losing support, and more so if there is another ballot here, jake. >> so a few trends that we have noticed and one is the three votes that have flipped against him, and again, more no votes flipped towards him again, and the votes that have flipped against him, congressman fitzpatrick of pennsylvania, congressman kean of new jersey and congressman molinara and
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those are congressmen from districts that biden won, and they are reading the tea leaves and thinking, you know what, this is probably not good for me. this guy. and i have been a team player, but now i have to think about myself. another trend is that people are starting to vote for congressman patrick mchenry who is the temporary speaker, and we have been talking to the members of congress, and as you have, but let's just let the temporary speaker patrick mchenry run the house, because what we were talking to congressman crenshaw who said, there is nothing in the rules to prevent him from bringing up the legislation, and all of the work is done at the committee level anyway. manu, hold that thought. i want to listen to congressman womack made his vote, and while they tabulate, then we will come back to talk. let's listen in. >> williams of new york?
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>> jordan. >> williams of texas. >> jordan. >> jordan. wilson of florida? >> jeffries. >> wilson of south carolina? >> jordan. >> whitman. >> jordan. >> womack. >> scalise. all right. so that is, that is 25 votes against jim jordan and poor jim womack who is cursed with a "w" as a last name was forced to vote last. and so, now, this patrick mchenry thing, manu, with ben
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crenshaw saying just let mchenry be the speaker, and there is nothing in the rules that would prevent him from being the speaker and it is a ceremonial position s and who cares. >> that is a debate that has happened behind closed doors and kevin mccarthy said the same thing, and there does not have to be a vote of the full house to empower patrick mchenry, but there is division of that and the legality of that and some push if that happens to make a vote to make it clear that he does in fact have the authority to oversee legislation, but, republicans will have to make a choice. if they bring it to the floor, they could very well lose a majority of the republicans voting for that resolution. there is such stiff opposition to that idea of elevating patrick mchenry to the interim of speaker for a variety of reasons. but the republicans will only move forward on the sledgelation
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that is supported by a majority of the conference, so they have to make a decision, will they let this pass to with a minority of republicans, that's something that has been strongly opposed, doing that, that kind of tactic by many members, including some members of the top republican leadership at the moment. so that's going to be one key calculation. do they decide to do that and if not, what else? jim jordan has no path to the speakership at the moment. no signs this will change. there are some members who have held back their vote. they want to show the vote opposition is increasing. sending the message he has no path. expect that to happen in the next ballot. but there are several other republicans who want to run for speaker as well. that can only prolong the process here. they have a at the moment no path to 217 votes. we'll see if any successor to
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jim jordan. but that leads to all the confusion and division a at this time of deep republican turmoil, which has huge implications for the country as they consider massive pieces of legislation, including aid to israel, which is being pushed to get done in the coming days here. but the big question is, jim jordan's next steps, what will he do? will he try to force another vote as his support is going in the wrong direction and many of his supporters believe it's time for him to withdraw. >> it's interesting because we hear two contradictory messages from republican the. on the one hand, they blame democrats for joining with the eight rebels who caused this mess to begin with, who issued the motion to vacate and kicked mccarthy out of the speakership. and at the same time, the very notion of any sort of bipartisan compromise rksz hakeem jeffries
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has said that patrick mchenry is a reasonable person and a gentleman and not -- is somebody that they could do business with. the very notion of any sort of bipartisan compromise for speaker is an enearth had ma to the republicans. they get blamed for voting against kevin mccarthy, but also republicans think the idea of joining with republicans and the democrats is so crazy and hideous that that's a nonstarter for them too. i don't understand on one hand being bipartisan is awful and the other hand the democrats, do you understand what i'm saying here? it doesn't make any sense. >> that will be the only solution out of the crisis. even as they are concerned about the prospect of democrats
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carrying a vote and essentially elevating or elect on a temporary basis, that maybe the only solution. a lot of republicans are saying. there's going to be a decision that has to be made here by some of the people who are pushing the idea of elevating patrick mchenry. there's a privilege resolution in the house that can be introduced that can actually force this issue on the floor. that has not been officially introduced yet. part of the issue is because there's still speak's race on going. so there's parliamentary hurdles they have to overcome. if that could force this issue on the floor and make the members take a position. that would not be surprised. this is where that is headed because there's no way out of the situation, no candidate can get 217. jim jordan certainly cannot. a lot of republicans who are supporting the idea of elevating patrick mchenry say that is where this is going to end up. but we'll see how long it takes to get there, and if the republicans relent sayeeing
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there's no end in sight to the crisis they caused. >> manu raju, thank you so much. appreciate it. right now for those at home, what's going on on the floor is they are seeing who hasn't voted for whos was there. there might be some straglers who showed up, even though they weren't there at the beginning. they are making sure everybody has a chance to vote who is there to vote. it does not appear that anybody who was not there at the beginning of the forum has showed up. i haven't seen any numbers added. it does appear that the numbers are the numbers. it doesn't matter. >> hakeem jeffries usually gets 212, which is a number. >> there are two democrats not voting. there are two republicans. >> originally, there were six not voting. it doesn't matter just to say
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because there are math nerds at home who are following along. if you total that up, that's 429 votes cast. that means of those, we thought it was going to be 427. so he could afford to lose four. he lost 25. that's a lot more than four. he would need 215. he's 21 away from what he would need. >> house republicans could use one of those math nerds. >> can i just say this shows there's absolutely no concession that jim jordan could make to get people to move in his direction. what we saw with mccarthy is there was a lot of horse trading and people were moving in his direction. with jordan, they went the other way. so the message here to him is give it up. there's nothing you can tell us you want to do for us that will get you this job.
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>> there are 20 that do not like him for various reasons. some of them don't like him because they don't want to reward the rebels that put them in this position. some of them don't like him because he's an election denier. some think he's just toxic. and those 20 are just where they are. and then the ones that keep grown to join that group, the other five are like these 20 aren't budging so we need to move on. jordan is not getting the message so i'm going to join. >> also to david's point about what districts they come from, they know there will be political backlash if jim jordan is the speaker of the house. and they want to hold on to their districts a the end of the day. one of the things that melanie
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zanona reported two days ago, i just think it's so interesting, the no-jordan bloc has privately been keeping no votes in their back pocket, so that every vote that happened, they knew it was going to be going in the wrong direction for jordan. there would be more no's. and i think part of hr report ing was that some of them drew straws becauser they are scared of him. so who is going to be the first one out there with a no. i think he has proven himself to be a bomb thrower and toxic and controversial, and he will go after them. >> moat most of them, the only thing they have to worry about is a primary. the only thing to worry about is a primary. we know from history if the freedom caucus and donald trump get against you in a primary, you could have trouble, which is
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why it's noteworthy, these are the guys that have to come home to competitive districts. they need to win independent votes if not some democratic votes to keep some jobs. the people in the suburbs don't get to take 17 days off from picking up their kids from school. they have to figure out who is going to get them. they watch this and say what the hell. >> the other thing is manu said there's no path for jordan. it's not just that there's no path. the path is increasingly heading off a cliff. it's not just it doesn't exist. it's getting worst and worse and worse. >> it's also an incredibly difficult job in the sense that gloria is talking about the tradeoffs. the thing that the republicans are so high on. if jordan gave them that, then his tea party freedom caucus guys would say no because they are against that. you can't do horse trading. anything you fwif to this side angers this side. if you have --
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>> let's go to manu raju, who is interviewing members of congress. >> reporter: this went in the wrong direction for jim jordan. he clearly does not have the votes. is it time for him to withdraw? >> that's a question for him. i think we'll go to conference here shortly. see which direction we go in. >> is this a problem for your party for him to continue on without a path to the speakership? >> it's a problem for the party that we're in this place to begin with. and it's eight members here, crazy members by gaetz, that put us in a bad situation. >> do you have an opinion? >> you guys work hard at your job. i understand. >> why won't you say what you think? >> we are in a very bad place right now, yes. >>
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