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tv   Declassified  CNN  November 18, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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to c capture sadaddam hussssein? >> i get thatat question n m ththan any queuestion in t the . i don'n't care. i don'n't need to o see him. he is not t a relic. it w wasn't my jobob to see him.
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>> isis a former r fbi agent t chairmanan of the hohouse intetelligence committttee had overersight of a all 16 of o ou nation's's intelligegence agenc. my n name is mikike rogers.. i had d access to o classisifie infoformation gathereded by our operatatives. pepeople who r risked everytyth for ththe united s states and d families.. you don'n't know theheir facese theieir names s and you dodon't the e real s stories frorom the people whoho lived t the fear a the prpressure untntil now. >> there e was a cuban asian with access to classified infoformation leasasing our ene nation's f future at risk.k. the spspy was certainly y in ou buildiding. i ththink is thehe trail thahat me like hohow dare you. >> is a since of time because we were launching a war. our boys and girls in uniform are going to die b because youo stop them.
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>> almostst every n nation in world d spieies. most natioions in the e world'd
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fight t against ththe united states. we are thehe number 1 1 tatarge ththere are atat least 7 70 giv take 10. 1010 nations spying g on the u . if youou were to b believe that there arare probabably in excec 100,00000 foreign n agents woro inin this country ththat is not pararanoia that t is a good d g. my name e is chris simmonsns an was a carereer intelliligence officer ththe defense e intelligigence agencncy where i cocounterintelelligence ananaly for the amamericas teaeam. the e defense inintelligencece is the penentagon's intetellige apparatus.s. they arere focused o on the nanational sececurity struructu every nanation in ththe worlrld. the way y we became e enengaged ththis case,e, a woman w who le of t the fbi invnvestigationon the e initiativeve to set upup memeeting. ththe fbi explplained that w we you and yoyour team arare the b
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ththat there a are in humaman intelligigence and w we are par an f fbi spy casase ththat invo kekey but whicich had beenen d on for t three y years. wewe are f frustrated,d, can yo usus? i was s so concernrned abobout damamage that ththis mole cocou haveve inflictcted and wilill contininue to inflflict that i immedidiately calllled scott carmichaelel. he wasas head of o our investigatation siside. >> i love b being a spypy hu. i i love the chase. nothing would mamake you hapapp than for s someone to o say wel scott wewe k know espiononage i occurrining we have e thisis tw of infnformation w will you u h out? i esespecially loved w what was unsolvlved i investigatitions. those are e invevestigationsns yoyou have gooood reason t to b that espioionage is occurrining yoyou have absbsolutely nono i might be d doing it.t. the fbi i was tryingng to ident a a cuban spy y who was possssi
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the dc arerea and they knew ifi you wewere to it's's about theh bubut they hadad no idea o or w thisis person wawas or wherere person worork. wiwill that isis a problemem be what thehey were t talking abob a a possibilitity thatat there cuban agenent with c classified infoformation. cuba does s not pose a a credid mililitary threaeat to the u un stateses. the rereal danger r of cuban intetelligence operatitions is the intelligence is shared by cuba with other countries. he shares s informatioion with iran, chinina, russia a even venenezuela, nororth k korea. > what makes cububa imimpor is that t it is the e woworld's bibiggest intetelligence traffickerer. and i i say that i in the cocon of the salale of our s secrets one of t the cenentral agentnts the cuban econonomy whether r i polilitical secrcrets economomi secrcrets militatary s secrets
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countrtry has ininterest in n t united statates and cucuba, the abilility to steteal s secrets outperformrm almost evevery nat in thehe w world. ththe cucubans are s so good f seveveral reasonons. at thehe start of f the cold wa the russiaians and allll of the allies s saw the cubans as usef partnersrs that woululd not dra atattention lilike they would. ththe russssians. evevery servrvice in thehe w wo trained the cucubans. cucuba exploitited the perercep that thehey are not t a ththrea bebecause it l lowers the e cos espionage e and it gets the mor clientnts because sisituations woululd be hard d for chinesese russiaians to do cuban agegents coululd do easily.y. building a a nonstop c cases l putttting a pupuzzle togetether. the challelenge is you don't't
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whatat the puzzlzle looks lilik you dodon't know h how many pip there are.e. the fbi'i's case thehey had thr veryry distinct t pieces of f t puzzle as s they s share theiri puzzlele pieces s it turns o ou hahad the foururth puzzle e pie. that onene piece o of informati fit t perfectltly into what t t hahad just shahared and whwhen it all together r i told thehem thatat the fbi i is looking g i wrong place. becacause the e unsaid doioing threree things y you just shsha cocoupled withth the fourtrth p of the puzuzzle there e are probably 4 40 or 50 pepeople th could dodo what your u unsaid c do andnd in all likekelihood is woworking withthin the confines the dedefense inintelligencece evenen more narrrrowly the s sp momost certaininly in our buili. > what w was the i informat ththat the fbibi had? whwhat did it t show you?
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>> the informrmation that our colleaeagues sharered with u us remainins clclassified t to thi. becacause it wouould r reveal s our methodods that thehe cubana yeyet aware of. >> some of ththe methods and sysystems thatat the dia empmpl to colollect inforormation abou other r coununtries actitivitie so s sophisticatated and t that why esespionage isis so dadange bebecause if y you tell otother cocountries hehey, the uninited statates is ablele to do t this will then guarard against t tha. and of coursrse that degrarades abilility to colollect infororm that ourur war fighthters need the evevent go to o war with t cocountry and d that is a a pro. >> for mostst of the wordrdy workrked foror d di if anyonone engaging in esespionage inin th agency a and my watctch that wa affront t to me.
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i hahate that. i think k it is the e betrayal getsts me like h how dare you. >> one investstigative leave ththat the fbibi had was thahat spspying queuestion had d trava the navaval ststation at guanant?namo, cuba dururing a specifific time frame. ththat was the best t investiga leads.s. i knew people e that traveleled required p permission n to do s and ththey submit t their submisission by message e and i searchchable by keyword.d. it only y took me e moments tot submbmit my query and the syste producuced a hit f file a lists messssages aboutut 100 of f the mamatch the parametersrs of my search. so i startrted hittingng my funcnction key v very quicickly to see i if i would d recocogni nanames and d the 20th one -
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[laughter]r] how does s this so? it wasas very emototional. ththe momoment i sawaw her name knknew.
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> the e second i s saw her
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said oh. i knew that anna at that time was the queen of cuba.a. the sesenior analylyst in the e entirere u us and she e had mor invevested in ththe study ofof politicacal literaryry affairs regardining cuba t than anyonen else. honestly. her r clearance e was top-secre with accesess to specicial intetelligence.. this stutuff is so extraordrdinarily sesensitive t onlyly a handfulul of peoplele giveven access t to it. someone inin her pososition cou cacause exceptptionally grgrave damage t to our collectiveve securirity and shehe could do o in a momenent which means a a greater r possibibility that ou war fifighters whoho a are our and gigirls club will die. and that i is why ththis is not game.. i acactually wenent into shohoc. at t that moment i r realized t i amam the only y guy outsidide
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havanana that knew that ththis a major r spot. now, this s was nonot the firsr titime that i i have s seen thi name. i i hahad other interactions wi anna a and during g the course the inteteractions with her i i developed d a gut feeling ththa therere was someme wrong and sususpicious about this woman. so when i saw her name again i knew.. she was s the spy ththat they w lookoking for. fofour years earlierer in april 1996 o one of our r employees s toto me exprpressing concerns s ananna. he s said her acactions duririn specific incncident causused me grgreat concern. ladies a and gentlemenen i have just b been briefefed by the nanational sececurity advivisor the shooooting dowown today ofo
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american c civilian aiairplanes cuban mililitary airircraft. >> on februarary 24, 199696 militaryry s shutdown toto a ai opoperated by y a cuban imimmig group p called brotherers to th rescue. two civilian aircraft collated by a total of three amererican citizens w were shot down inin internatational airspapace. >> do you havave relativeves? >> our son. he w was in one e of the airplp. > it was t the murder r of americanan citizens. and in response e to the shootdown n the uniteded states governmentnt scramble e to figu out what had happened and how we might respond.. one of the firstst people that ththe pentagonon called inin as expertrt to advisese them was s montes.. and in that circumstance when the pentagon calls you in you must stay in place until you arare dismissed. it doeoesn't matteter how long.
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if you are in there for two months you stay there until our senior m military leaders s no longer h have a need foror your expertise. >> brown c called the pentagon shortly after 8 pm that ninight justst to ask ananna a question she left. and he thohought well l that is odd.d. reggie t thought thahat her act and leleaving the e pentagon e wawas suspicioious. so, ththe first ththing i did w took a a look atat our own reco. evererything thahat di has a personnel l insecuririty file.e. i reviewed our files on anna and what i found was an absolutely model employee. she had been working at dia sisince 1985 and she hadad neve committed a security violation. she rose through the rananks quicickly lived d modestly.. she was the kind of employee that supervisors hold up for
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others to emulate. so the assessmsment that s she mighght be a spy jusust didn't a lot of sense. nevertheless, , i decideded to interview her and shshe gave me great answers to most of my ququestions. then when i started d quesestio her abouout going homeme and di anybodody see you u her entirer dememeanor c changed. one e minute w we are joking a laugughing and h having a gogoo and ththe next mininute she isi scscared to death h that i knon sosomething ththat she did. and i hahad no idea a what it w. i had no i idea what w was goin but i i walked awaway from thah situation n with a g gut feelin that she wasas hiding sosome th from m me that wasas very impop to her and that gut feeling played a major role four yeaear later in s september 2 2000 100 name popopped up on n that scre.
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and so i i contactcted the fbib. i met with thehem and i totold look i havave an emploloyee who think is y your suspecect and t fbi had d additionalal data tha they were employing to measure suspects new infnformation w wh i i had not prpreviously pososs anand refer toto it as a templp. she did not match up against that template at all. the e fbi told m me that on n t basis s of this information alo i can eleliminate oror employee a sususpect in t the o obviousl a lolot of confifidence and d validity o of this n new infoformation. use it as s a trump cacard on m. from thehe time i left t the meeting g until the e time i to the elevator ridide downwnstair and i found myselflf lititerall out on the curb i knewew that ananna was at t work 3 mililes in o our heaeadquarters s buili. i i could pictcture her inin my
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eyeye because e that w woman wa my buildining pulling g this cr on my y watch placing our entir nation's f future at r risk. she e was going g to get thehe ouout of thehere. i neneeded the f fbi to makeke happen.. so what i did as i i said werer goining to persusuade the di th anna monontes was s the spy y t were l looking for. and i knew i had to attack the trump card. >> the e next morningng on a
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satuturday octoberer 14, 2000 0 could d not slsleep very w well. i wawas so u upset aboutut the card bececause what t i knew ab ananna did not matchch up agaga ththat new informatition at ala. but i i knew that shshe was the agent t they were e lolooking f. it was herer. i i never doububted my intntuit. the nenext day i spentnt most o the day y examinining the trtru card.. and i didiscover sometething. i i discoverered a pattern t th rerecognized f from sosomething i lelearned inin eighth grgrade statisticscs math class. i math i instructor r told us i you evever see thihis pattern n needed to undersrstand that the
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is i in.someone e is manipulula ththe data in n order to get th outcome yoyou are lookoking at i saw w a pattern ththat i knew could nenever occur r in a rana worlrld. it canannot happenen. it hadad to be thehe cububans. the e fbi was ususing the trtru card that t was being g manipulalated. and theyey didn't know it. and so, atat that t moment i realized t that i had d crackek trtrump card. i i wrote up an n eight pagege and the e next mornining i faxe that e eight page e memo over r the e fbi and anan hour later t guy case agent s steve mccoy, called me in the first thing he said was scott, i think we've gotten off on the wrong foot. i i think we a are going t to b working g together f for a whil and i i was relieveded. the ononly way we e were goingn bebe successfuful was to work totogether andnd it was atat th moment t that i knew that t we woululd be okay.y.
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one of t the thihings that the did d was to assigign a co-casa agagent by thehe name ofof pete. > the first t time i i he name wasas at a chchristmas pap in 2 2000 and i i knew the guyu gogotten the n name of assesess factct someoeone who migight ha matched onone of thehese cases.. i talkeded to steve e mccoy y t seninior casase agent anand i s hearar you are w working thihis. i i would loveve to work w with on this. he said yeyes sure i w would appreciatete your helplp and fr there wewe worked ththe entitir togegether. itit is importrtant to keeeep i thatat the fbibi has to prprove cases. wewe are the l lead counterintntelligence e agency the united states. the bureauau is going g to be t orgaganization t that bring g c for someonone inin and it's s a of pressssure on us s to get it
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righght knowing g that someoeon guguilty of esespionage is fundamentatally differerent tha provining that someone i is gui of espioionage. soso let's's validate e scott's that s she i is an agentnt of a foreign popower and inin fact t we arere looking f for and theh let's s try to catatch her in n act of c community e espionage.. nationalal security y letters a hugelyly importantnt tools foro fbi and d a nationalal security letter i is a letterer issued b the fbi i that compepels finina institutioions credit t institututions telelephone companies s to relinququish crcritical infnformation and on montes i is identifified as a suspect t we opened d a full investigatation on herer that alallows the o opportunityty to national s security. very sensisitive intelligegence thatat told us thahat the unknk susubject hahad purchasesed a spececific brand, mamake and mo
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computer a at a specifific peri of time e in 1996 frfrom a stor alexanandria no further r informatation. through h national security y letterers i identitified anna'a linene of creditit and frorom t knew that t she had mamake a pupurchase to compusa baback in october r so in april 200101 we servrved a natioional securirit compususa and askeked ththem we ididentify a s specific pupurch made here in o october 1996? anand they saiaid we keep p rec ththat are back k behind thehe and we only keepep them for r a fifive years.. this wasas april 2001 anand the recordrds were almlmost dedestr. so we pupulled out boxes a and ababout 20 mininutes afterer we started d the systemem manager compususa said i is this what y are lookining for and d in fact was the e purchase t that anna and d her nameme for the c comp that we could prprove the cubab
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tasksked her to o purchase b ba 191996. ththe sales rereceipt for r thi cocomputer pururchase provoved she e was in facact the spy. and so, , from aprilil 2001 i h no dououbt that shshe was a cub pipe butut the queststion was w she cucurrently spspying and c wewe catch herer in the act of community espipionage? we are gr
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last. >> the sales receipt for this
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computer purchase prproved that she e was in fact t the spy. anna montes s officially became the primime suspect t of the ununknown subjbject investstiga and now itit's just a a matter prproving her,r, catatching her the e act for r committingng espionage. >> we h have to getet her on f meeting somemeone uploadading inintelligencece. that i is the ultitimate thresh. coururt where ththe evidencece will cononvict a spy. soso, one of the firstst things did wawas request t physical survrveillance resouources on h. we hadad a lot to o do. the e fbi put cacameras in h he cubicle wiwith micicrophones a topper phohones and ththat sort thining. we started doingng sigignifican physical surveveillance onon mo
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identitifying her r patterns o behahavior, whatat was her r ro? >> so, wawatching annnna monte saw that shehe would leave h he homeme on sundays s at a precis timeme, go to ththe local memet on go o several stops, g get of walk stop p at locatioions wait seseconds go somewhehere else weightht 90 secondnds very methodicalal. things thahat a normalal person doesn't. so from ththis trade s standpoi you knknew somethihing was afoo. and her shoes seseemingly came untieded and she stoppeded to t but was s she really t tying he shshoe or was s she doing g cou survrveillance o or signalaling somemeone? overer the next t several momon ththe surveillllance team m tol we got a pattern. she is leaving work at particular times she is following a route here is the roroute she isis going i into drugugstores. but shshe doesn't come out with bag. so what is she doing in the stores? it turns o out she wasas using
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payphones.s. >> not t too long agogo we had paypyphones evererywhere andnd payphohones was nonot suspicioi but when you h have a cellll p anand you haveve a home phphone when you h have phphones at yoy office t the fact t that you g couplele blocks ofoff your n no route e to and frorom home to o payphonene that is suspicious. >> once we did the legal paperwork to get the rececord fromom the payphone wewe sawaw shshe was cacalling pagegers in york c city and those particicu nunumbers we k knew were assoco with cubanan espspionage. our suspicions were that she was punchihing in codedes three four d digits so we knew she wa communicating with a pager. she was sending signals. that told us she was still activeve. >> soso, we s saw her making a of these payphphone calls s the
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timing of which corresponded with encrypted high-frequency message bebeing transmsmitted t the dcdc area fromom cububa. even b before montntes was identifieded as a suspecect we the cucubans were e commununica to theirir agent viaia high-f-frequency messages s tha wowould have b been pickeded up a shortwavave radio. the cubans would send a message on a tuesday repeat it a again twice on thursdaday twice on sasaturday. we knew ththat communinicating the cucubans via t the highgh-frequencycy messages s requirired encryptption and decrcryption discs.. so, it's's not like they werere sendining a message out in the open airir, they werere encrcry memessages that nono one else e read unlnless you had the e matctching decryryption softftw ththat the cububans gave t to t agents. in order to catch her in the act we knew we needed to get into her home.
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we knew we were trying to find these discs. she lived in a 30 tenant ownershihip buildingng so that a huhuge challenenge to get int her apartment without being detected. our surveillance of her taught us thahat she had a boyfriend a her boyfyfriend liveved out of in f florida.and h her travelil toto visit herer boyfriendnds memoririal day weeeekend 2001 g us a a long opopportunity y to usus an oppoportunity toto get her apapartment covertly. so, when we went into her apartment i was absolutely nervous. it was hot. there was no air conditioning and although it was a small two bedroom apartment there was a lolot to look k through and the risk o of getting g caught doin ththis is trememendous andnd th last thing you want to do is compromise the investigation by someone coming home too early
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or someone watering plants and we you didn't plan on doing that. we started searching her apartmenent. the first thing g we f found wa the sony shortwaveve radio in n box out in the open underneath an open window. and then w we found a toshibiba laptop computer thatat the cuba had tasked h her to purchasese. so ourur computer r experts s m copy of ththe compututer. the hard drive so that we could forensicalally analyzeze i it a what wasas on it. so, , anna montetes as she h ha receceived and s sent reportrts toto the cubanans had trieied w was on herer computer but in th deleteted space ofof her comomp wewe found a almost 11 pagages singnglespaced text inin englis and spananish anand in that t t found natitional d defense
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information ththat montes s gav the cubansns that was s classif. ththat was a h hugely succesess covevert search h but we hadad found the e didiscs. if w we could fifind the disisc the cubansns had g given her w would d be able e to read heher encrypted d messages w while sh was getting g them and t then hopepefully knowow what the e messageses were bebetween her a the cubans. >> wewe had made e a copy a an
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founund the commmmunication n b her and ththe cubans o on the cocomputer. we found t the shortwawave radi saw her r making allll these payphohone calalls. we k knew we hadad a strong g c but we felelt we had t to find ththese discs.s. we r really neededed that concr proof that took away a any shad of dououbt from m anyone t that montntes is guguilty of esespio. >> the fbfbi spspeculated that perhaps s she was kekeeping thi dadata on her r person andnd th reasason we coululdn't find d i bebecause she e was carrrrying around witith her all l the tim perhapaps in her pursese. the objectctive was toto getet purse, seaearch it andnd get th peperson back k wiwithout eieit
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oror her coworkersrs havining suspicicion thatat somethingng unusual hahad occurrrred. >> we came e up with a a pla separatete herer from the e pur. we hadad insnsider accesess to montes's's life so w what occur to us isis that we c could crea fake meeting that shshe would have to attend.. >> we gave her a major r speakingng a assignment t which that she w would be vivisible t everybybody and psycychological it wouould not looook good foro toto have a person sititting on of her m material soso we sched a brbriefing foror 9 a am. becaususe we w wanted to m make that she w would have e time to settle in n at work by 8:00 ana put heher purse ininto a d draw secure i it anand she did. >> all ththe attendeeees were the meeting attendining to do a good h hour and hahalf discusss
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of t this very i important issu. the dooror was clolosed the fbf technicacal team undnder the gu of b being a maiaintenance c cr went intnto her cubicle anand t surroundnding area to o do rout mainintenance onon the faciliti. and have accesess to her purse. >> whilile she was s at the meeting g we had a s short peri of time to g go through h her pupurse. lookoking for ththe discscs. itit was a typypical womoman's it h had cosmemetic, wallelets lot of p purse type e stuff in there soso we lookeded and we surged in n and we c could not the e discs therere. >> soso, we cououldn't findnd exactltly what we e were lookik for r but wewe did find d somet. insidede anna's pupurse the fbi found a sheet wiwith a matririx whicich was crypypto materiaial
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anna employed when she commmmunicated w with the cucub papagers and t that's exacactly we were e for to d determine wh the memessage was s between heh cuban intelligigence. >> once w we have thohose code was sisimply a matatter of goio a phonone, p punching inin the sasame code and then we e would jujust match i it against t tht messagages that hahad been sent would d be sent t in the fututu knowow exactly w what she wawas tellining new york. it told usus that t she did non perceiveve herself i in danger it w was settingng up fututure meetetings to memeet with heher officecer or spy h handler whih was s every secocond w week. if w we could geget her meeteti with the s spy h handler we e k could get t her coconvicted ana heher imimprisoned.. she hahad the potetential toto of a america's most dangngerous spy.
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will. >> i was s sending bibilly sit in my bosssses office e a mile the e pepentagon whehen 9/11 ococcurred. we riviveted to ththe televivis screen.. we undererstood thisis was a teterrorist atattack and i it w significicant. i sasat in therere for anothere minunutes or so o and i saw w a of smokeke to my rigight and th puff o of smoke persrsisted and then tururned gray and beganan billllow in the e news coverage came outut about an n aircraftf hittining the pentntagon. i i didn't seeee the impact t b knknew what wawas happening.g. we had j just crossesed a ththr and the united states of america a was going g to formul someme sorort of a r response t woululd require e the assisista and d support ofof the defefens intetelligence agencncy.
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>> inin the afterermath of 9/1 dia assembmbled a tasksk fororc the pentntagon's fororthcoming operationsns in afghghanistan a montntes wasas one chosesen to the task forcece. >> onon saturdaday 22 septembm and d i was goining to be berea on the w war plan enenduring freeeedom the efeffort to rerem the tataliban fromom afghahanis. if annnna montes g gained acces informatioion about t our warpl shshe could gigive it to t the who o in turn woululd be happyp trtrade that infnformation o or simplyly share thahat informrma wiwith our adverersaries. popossibly incncluding thehe ta and inin that evenent all of o planans that we e executed d du ththe operatioion freedom m wou hahave been known to t the enem. i knew that our investigation with a anna was coming t to an . we r really wawanted to cacatch in the actct of espiononage wit her hahandler who o was handlin
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and receivining the classififie informatioion that we e knew th it was t too much risk andnd potentiaial damage to keep her dia at such a sensitive time when we were launching a war. it was timime to arresest monte for conspiraracy to commit espionage.
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peoplele who commimit espipiona
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placing g our r collectiveve se at risk. our boys and girlsls in uniform fighting for us are going g to e because sosomeone stababbed the ththe back.. that's whahat esespionage is, ,. that's's why guys s like me wor hahard to findnd these people. huntining for spies is hununtinr a ghost inin the fog. you hahave to believe they're therere, and youou have toto ha drdrive to keep lookoking. ♪


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