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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  November 26, 2023 2:00am-3:01am PST

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hello and welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and all around the world, i'm kim brunhuber with the latest in our continuing coverage of the israel/hamas war. it's 5:00 a.m. here in atlanta. noon in gaza. day three of a fragile planned four-day truce between israel and hamas. so far, the pause in the fighting has held. israel is now preparing to receive another group of hostages today. the government has their names and has informed their families. further details about today's exchange haven't yet been announced 13 israelis and four thai nationals released on saturday only after an hours' long delay threatened to up end the exchange. they range from 67 to 3 years of age. following preliminary checks
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they were taken to nearby hospitals for care and to reunite with families. they do show signs of extended captivity. qatar has been at the forefront in mediating this truce, and said difficulties like saturday's unexpected delay are to be expected and worked through. listen to this. >> i can tell you that even before the pause began, we were anticipating that this would not be an easy process. and we are in a war zone, and emotions are high on both side, and whether the discussions that we're seeing are unprecedented. and therefore, we shouldn't expect that the pause will be easily conducted and needs to be easily conducted and monitored. and there is progress and to come to eck as we saw this to begin taking place. we know that we still have two days in our negotiation continues in doha and efforts
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taken by all of the efficient here in doha to make sure that whenever we have an issue like this, we immediately jump in, we talk to all sides and get everybody upon board and we're able to understand the concerns on both sides. before the end of the day, you know, any reach to the pause, we have it settle and back on track likely. >> standing by in singapore, let's begin with ill yot got c elliott gotkin in london. >> kim, the hostages were expected to be free ed around 10:00 a.m. local time but it was seven hours in it actually happened. the reason for the delay, and for hamas, of course, which, of course, abducted these hostages as part of its murderous rampage
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was because israel was not allowing aid into the gaza trip and the number of years served by the palestinian prisoners who israel was going to be releasing from israeli prison. now, israel denied that and israel was concerned on the names of those due to be freed and ultimately freeze by hamas, did include hilla a 13-year-old girl but didn't include her mothers but said as pat of the agreement it was agreed that mothers would not be separated from their children and hamas has now breached that. it's worth noting we don't have the full text of this agreement painstakingly mediates by the qatar eyeis does provide the pro that children are not separated.and the those hostages
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were freed and 39 prisoners were released as planned and there's a hope and expectation that something similar will happen today. kim. >> eliot, what are we expecting as far as if the truce holds. >> right, this is day three of what is meant to be a four-day truce according to this deal, there's still a total 50 israeli captives and 150 prisoners due to be freed by israel. that is the plan. that means that there are, what, another something like 24 israelis due to be freed today and tomorrow. and an additional -- an additional 72 palestinians due to be freed from the israeli jail. the expect is this will happen again. the timing is supposed to be similar, 4:00 p.m. local time. so that is, what, 9:00 a.m. eastern time. that is when the things are
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supposed to happen. we don't know the identities yet of the hostages to be freed, we should really get them, kim, around the same time as they're actually being released. >> thanks so much. i want to go to the journaliist menisha tank in singapore. with regard to the families in thailand, take us to how they're doing? >> yes, more hostages released. the thai hostages, most are migrant workers. many of them go from this part of the world seeking better incomes. and they come from poor family communities mainly in thailand. there are tens of thousands of thai migrants in israel. many of them working in an agricultural belt with gaza, and have been swept up with all of this. yes, very pleased families. the thai foreign minister put
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out a tweet which he sends out his congratulations to those released, as well as to their families. and also said that they're preparing to return to thailand. those 14 thai nationals. there were sten tten that were released on friday and another four on saturday. he also expressed his elation they there be released as additional hostages. i do need to point out this is a separate agreement. this is something that the thais have been working with. the thai government expressing its thanks to you aof the parties involved in negotiating this particular aspect of the agreement. but as to their condition, they're described as stable. they're obviously healthy the thai prime minister earlier on social media saying they were in good health and none of them needing emergency care which is definitely good news. >> thank you so much. families of those who are
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believed to be still in hamas custody are holds out hope for their loved ones, ora levies were kidnapped. the brother of the hostage levy. thank you for being here. first, israel has received a list of hostages due to be released today. have you heard whether hope against hope, your brother might be on that list? >> yeah. unfortunately, he is not on that list. not included in this deal, unfortunately. >> yeah. that's the problem exactly. we've seen, you know, women and children released so far. no men. does it give you any hope that, you know, maybe in the next day, there's still one more day of the truce that they might start
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releasing people like your bro brother? or do you think it will be women and children that will be released? >> as far as i understand, you know, it's always there, obviously, we all want to get our loved ones as soon as possible. but my understanding is that this deal includes only women and children, and he's not going to be on it. at least on those four days. maybe after. >> yeah, we can only hope. two groups of hostages have been released. it must be sort of a jumble of different emotions, seeing them free, seeing the joy it brings to their families. but knowing that your brother still isn't coming home, at least not yet? >> i think you're exactly right. some of those families became my family.
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th thomas, their loved ones, some of them were released yesterday, became my family. i was so happy and thrilled to see emily and mia getting released. on the other hand, of course, all of the other hostages won't be released, the feeling won't be complete. >> it's still very early obviously, have you heard anything from the hostages were released about your brother's condition possibly? >> not yet, no. >> and the problem is, as well, the red cross still hasn't been given access to check on the hostages that haven't been released to give them medical checks to give them medication that they might need and so forth.
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how vital is this? >> for us, it's crucial. we don't know anything about my brother's condition. we're assuming he's injured, but we don't know anything for sure. and we want to know what his condition, whether he's getting treatment or not. and any kind of information about him is crucial to us. >> yeah. this tragedy is all the deeper for your family because your brother's wife was killed. a 2-year-old, their son, you know, calling for his mom and dad, and they're not there. what have you been telling the little one? how is he coping with this unimaginable loss? >> as you can probably imagine, there are no right words to say.
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there is no way to tell a 2-year-old son that he won't see his mother anymore. and that his father is somewhere held in the tunnels of gaza. he is looking for them all the time. he's calling for his mother. he's calling for his father, he wants to go home. you can tell, he's not himself. so, we are trying to do our best to show him love and support. but, obviously, it won't be the same as mom and dad. >> yeah. it's just unimaginably sad for a lot of people. this truce is almost over. what is your word to the prime minister of the israeli government?
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>> it's very simple. do whatever you need to do in order to get all of them back. that is simple. that whatever is needed, we -- we are behind you. just bring them back. >> yeah. let's hope that happens, and we wish you and your family all the best in this difficult time. michael levy. thank you so much for speaking with us. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. people living in northern gaza just received the largest aid convoy since the war began, but is it enough? that's just ahead. stay with us. ♪
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♪ >> translator: we are working in these conditions. it's like a mission impossible. we're working 12 hours, or maybe more, but we're facing difficulties with the road conditions. we want to deliver the aid to gaza city, but all of the roads there are closed and filled with rubble. that's our main problem right now. well, despite those conditions, humanitarian
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officials say they have delivered the largest aid convoy to gaza city and kenosha gaza since the war began. the u.n. and red cross confirmed 180 aid trucks made in saturday with food, water, fuel and medical supplies, 61 of those reached northern gaza, that's less than half promised which is why they delayed releasing hostages for hours on saturday. hamas accused manipulating names of of women and child prisoners to endanger the agreement. >> a spokesperson for the red cross joins us live from ramallah. thank you for being with us. so, as i said, it's the largest aid convoy to gaza city in the northern part of the strip. first, what difference concretely will that make to the palestinians who are getting that aid. >> good morning, thanks for having me. yesterday, the palestine red cross was able to deliver the largest convoy to gaza city and
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the north which has been under the compete and prevented complete access of humanitarian aid. they were able to deliver about 52 trucks for the palestinian red crescent and trucks from the west. the trucks have food, water, formula baby formulas, as well as medical items. this was a great opportunity to deliver aid to those in critical need of the humanitarian situation in gaza city. and the north and talking about thousands of people still trapped there, after 51 days of this continuous inexcursion without aid getting there. obviously, the aid doesn't function to the needs of all people. but it's just a glimpse of what we hope we will be able to
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deliver more aid to all gaza. and particularly, to the area of gaza city. and the north today also we are expecting to deliver around 50 trucks of humanitarian aid for gaza city and the north. >> yeah. i want to ask you about that, because we heard that clip there from the person who was saying, you know, there are so many challenges getting it to the north. how important is that aid do get through there as well? >> obviously. so, since the beginning of the escalation, our teams were prevented access to transport any aid from south of gaza to the north of gaza. this was the case at the beginning of escalation. unfortunately, none of the humanitarian agencies was able to deliver aid to gaza city and the north. and with this continuous bombardment and with the great challenges as was the fire
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situation in the air. even going. and now i think the aid is just alone and it doesn't fill the needs of hundreds of thothousan of civilians in the gaza city and the north. we were be able to deliver more aid but it's also an opportunity for the red crescent to supply our ambulances there with basic first aid supplies since the beginning of thes sescalation. we have 18 ambulances that work in the north. and because of bombardment, many ambulances went out of service because they were out of supplies. so we manage to support our balm plans, we still have only four. >> some of those ambulances and
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paramedics as i understand it still can't get access to the areas despite the truce, is that right? >> yes. that was one of the extreme challenges for us. because our group was, due to those four days, we were able to arrive to the areas which we were prevented access. unfortunately, this is the case, we are still denialed access to m areas where there are dozens of peel and dead bodies on the streets we're unable to reach out to them to transport them. or even those who were injured, they are still alive to try to save their lives. this is one of the major challenges over palestine they face on the ground. our teams work constantly around the clock. although they were facing great challenges. yesterday, i was speaking to one
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of our colleagues selma, who was working 24 hours at an operation, at the operation in gaza. i asked him why don't you go, just have a little rest in your room? and he shockeded me. to say to find our brother. and then seconds later, he said what he lost. in the case of him, it's just the case of every humanitarian and volunteers who have to continue through, and trying to work as much as they can, 24 hours to save other people's lives, although they're having constant losses for their family members, brothers, sisters and even children. >> and you've been hearing from people, you know, calling you personally for help as well when the ambulances and so forth can't get through, is that right? >> yes. you know, even the ims
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spokesperson, you can't imagine how, they start calling anyone who works for the palestine red crescent. a woman was in fear her brother's family. she had lost connection with them over two weeks, had a brother along with his wife and they have two children. up to this moment, she doesn't know if they are still alive or not. they are living in an area which should be closed to our hospital which has shut down because of escalation, in the area of gaza city. and unfortunately, up to this moment, even our teams are completely denied access to the area to determine whether there are dozens of people who are either killed or injured -- >> sorry, sorry, i want to jump in, denied access by the idf, is that right? by who? >> yes. that's right. many why many people are still
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missing and their families don't know if they're still alive or not. so, those four days, they were a hope for people, they want to just come back and check on family members or even their homes. unfortunately, as you know, even with those four days, people are completely denied access to gaza city and to the north, even as emergency medical service, we are still denied access to many areas in gaza city and the north. that's why we can't even check on those who have been trapped, to know their situation, if they are still alive or not. >> we'll have to leave it there. but wish the best for all of the emergency responders who are helping out there. nebal farsakh, thank you for speaking with us. if you you'd like information
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how you can help with humanitarian efforts, go to cnn/impact. you can find organizations that are vetted to provide ass assistance. the director of the al shifa hospital remains in custody. they obtained him last thursday and turned him over to the israeli security services for questioning. saying hamas was used the hospital as, quote, a bed of terrorism which hamas has denied. he said israel will make a decision regarding his release in due course. >> the number of journalists tilled in israel and gaza since the attack has increased to 57. that's after the committee to protect journalists conthird the deaths of four palestinian journalists on saturday. the advocacy group said 50 palestine and lebanese journalists lost their lives since the israel/hamas war began
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last month. i'm kim brunhuber, i'll have more news in just moments. for international viewers "tech for origami" is next.
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and welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states and canada. i'm kim km. i want to get back to our continuing coverage of the israel/hamas war. 13 israelis are back with their families following their release late saturday after seven weeks of captivity in gaza. >> thomas hand had believed his daughter emily had been killed on october 7th. you can just imagine what this moment was like for them. emily turned 9 while she was in gaza. israel is now preparing to receive another group of hostages later today. the government has their names and has notified their families. further details about today's exchange haven't yet been announced. besides the israelis, four thai nationals were released on saturday but only an after hour's long delay threatened to upend the exchange. none need urgent medical
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attention. they do show signs of extended captivity. a spokesperson said the intended truce between israel and hamas appeared to be on the rocks for a while. delayed the release and which palestinians the israelis were willing to release. listen to this. >> deal was definitely on the rocks for a while. and i have to say, we were not surprised with the delay. if you remember yesterday there was also a significant delay. this is, really, probably part of hamas' strategy. they are a cruel terrorist organization that never misses an opportunity to inflict emotional pain. you know, everybody was sitting on pins and needles. everyone in israel. certainly, those families waited nine hours for their children and their mothers to come out of captivity after 50 days. and this was just more and more
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delaying tactics. i wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. this is what we're up against. this is hamas. who else leaves a family in such a lurch along with an entire nation. they know our weakness. our weakness is how much we want these people to come home and theically l simply exploited it. we're dedicated to this framework on our side. we have e done all of the cocommitments ththat we committ to. the hamas has not fired on positions eveven though we knon hamas positions, w we hahave th noose arouound the neck of manyf ththe hamas terrorists. and we've held d down. we've taken a dedefensive e posn in o order t to enabable our ho to be freed. again, thihis isis a drop in th bucket. but i wouldn't put anythining b hamas. agaiain, these are the type of tactics.s. it's psychological wararfare, ty know they were basically take the israeli people hostage by dangling over our heads our hostages in the most cruel and pathetic way.
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and i wouldn't be surprised. >> meanwhile, families of israelis who are still in hamas custody are pushing for their release as well. and say they've also submitted proof that their loved ones are still alive. >> well, we have a sign of life from my father. we know he's alive. from other people, from the community, who are were released yesterday. it brings a lot of hope. and yet, together, we feel very urgent to let them all out. we don't know how much time they are going to be able to hold on here. >> i was very happy to hear from noam that they do have some sort of a time that her dad is still alive. unfortunately, i don't have that privilege. and the fact that we are still here, 50 days later, trying to
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convince and demand the community, israel and around the world, to come forth and help us bringing the pressure for everyone to be released is very important. >> president biden spoke with qatars near on saturday, trying to resolve the delay that happened early on the second day of the hostage release. that's according to the national security council. so far, no word on when any americans held by hamas will be released. cnn's white house correspondent arlette saenz is with the president in massachusetts. >> reporter: the white house is closely watching the coming hours, waiting to hear whether any american citizens will be part of the next group of hostages that are expected to be released on sunday. no american citizens were included on the first releases that occurred on friday and saturday. but the white house says they are hopeful that at least three
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americans will be out in the coming days. it's expected they will be part of the larger group negotiated to release 50 women and children. and the american citizen hoogs the officials are focused on are two women and also that young 4-year-old girl, avaigail i dan. it comes as president biden has been working the phones trying to assure the deal and implementation of the deal remains on track. on saturday, he spent some time on the phone speaking with qatar, and the prime minister. there were delays that the release might fall apart for saturday. the president spoke to them about the potential hurdles and also ways to overcome it. ultimately, around 1:30 p.m. on saturday, the white house got word that the deal was moving forward. the release is moving forward. and the red cross would soon retrieve those hostages. vice president kamala harris
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spoke to that in california. >> there were issues around implementation, president biden spoke with the i emir to resolv those issues, we're going to continue to be dill gant, doing all that we can in that regard, to assure there is humanitarian aid going in, hostages are going out and the highest priority is the american citizens being held. >> reporter: the white house is unable to pinpoint the exact day that the americans will be released but they are hopeful they will be released in the coming days. and there is also concern for other americans believed to be held by hamas. the president told reporters friday he did not know of their conditions. arlette saenz, cnn, traveling with the president in nantucket, massachusetts. >> former presidential candidate donald trump attended the palmetto bowl on saturday in south carolina. he fired off on the deal on social media.
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on truth social trump commented on the fact that no americans were released so far the reason is, quote, no respect for our country or our leadership. saying americans weren't expected to be part of the second wave of hostages saturday. emotions were pouring out as palestinian prisoners arrived home after being released by israel. still ahead, tearful family reunions in the west bank. stay with us.
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the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. ♪ ♪ street celebrations got under way in the west bank on saturday to welcome home 39 palestinian prisoners released by israel. they were freed on the second day of the truce between israel and hamas.
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the prisoners included 33 male teenagers and six woman. among them was this man woman serving a 13-year sentence. she suffered burns on most of her body after a car exploded at a checkpoint shehe'd b been awa from home so long, she could barelyly recogninize her son, lilisten. >> traranslator: my y son, he be a man, when he calls me my mom, i have him back as a small child in my eyes. >> cnn was on the ground on west bank while the celebrations were going on. our nada bashir got reaction from one of the released prisoners and his family. >> reporter: for yesterday another night, the crowds have gathered to show their support and welcome the release of palestinian prisoners and she had been released as part of of that truce with israel and
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hamas. 39 polrisoners and detainees released. many of them held under detention, noting that no charges were made against them, no legal ongoing legal process. we've seen families waiting anxiously to find out whether or not their loved ones would be listed in the 39 released on saturday. we managed to catch up with this family, waiting to find whether or not the 17-year-old would be released. and of course, we have now seen the utter relief to find out that their son has now been released after being held under this tension. >> translator: it's an indescribable thought, we praise god, it's a relief. praise be to god. >> translator: i can't describe how i feel. i seriously can't believe it. i'm in a dreams, my son is with me. praise be to god and god willing
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every mother will find my joy, god willing. i can't say any more, may god spread will to the palestinian people, may god grant them happiness. thank god. >> reporter: over the course of this four-day truce, we're expecting to see over 150 prisoners and detainees released with that agreement between israel and hamas. there are families hopeful they will see their loved ones part of this agreement. we've been spoking to many families, many locals here, that while they're happy and welcome the release of their loved ones and neighbors, their happiness is subdued. they've paid a heavy price referencing the war in gaza and the mounting civilian death toll that we've seen in the gasza strip. it's a very delicate and fluid
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wages and it remains to be whether or not the terms of that truce are upheld over the next few days. whether we will continue to see these palestinian prisoners and detainees released. and of course, whether we don't see the safe return of israeli hostages currently held captive by hamas in gaza. that nada bashir, cnn. major protests were held on sunday. dozens of demonstrators gathered in columbus circle in new york waving palestinian flags. tens of thousands descended in london calling for a permanent cease-fire in gaza. they marched towards the house parliament. and the scenes similar in germany where hundreds of protesters gathered in fra frankfurt. meanwhile, tens of thousands
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gathered in tel aviv. they held up signs and chanted calling for those held captive to be brought home. one woman said her son was kidnapped at the nova music festival. she said it's important to keep pushing. here she is. >> translator: we are here tonight because we are very happy for the people to come back with their families. but we have to keep going with our work, to bring them back, our efforts to bring them back. all of them. it's only the beginning. >> and we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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♪ i want to get to other headlines from around the world. he says the prisoner his client stabbed friday night is refusing to talk. he's serving a sentence for the murder of george floyd three years ago. his attorney said he found out about the stabbing on the news
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and haven't been able to verify anything despite calling the prison seven times. he said chauvin parents are getting the same treatment. chauvin believes many inmates in that prison want to make a name for themselves by killing him. the annual christmas tree lighting in georgia took on a special meaning with the passing of former first lady rosalynn carter, they would for many years light the town tree. her son chip was on hand to thank those gathered for her support. president biden ordered the flags at white house flown at half-staff to honor rosalynn carter's legacy. let's say u.s. shoppers broke a one-day holiday sales record on black friday. adobe analytics which tracks online shopping, a record $9.8 billion on sad. business was strong in brick and
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mortar stores and while online sales jumped 8.5%. that booming holiday business is expected to continue. analysts think cyber monday will be the biggest retail day of the year. today is expected to be the busiest travel day for americans as they return home from thanksgiving holiday visits. airports are preparing for nearly 3 million people flying across the u.s. and millions more are hitting the road. historically, the three busiest travel days of the year are the tuesday and wednesday before thanksgiving. and the sunday afterwards according to the transportation security administration. the u.s. is pointing a finger at iran, following an attack on an israeli-owned container ship. they say the vessel was hit by an indian drone. the ship took minor damage and were there were no injuries. it's owned by an israeli conbottom rid. one says, the israeli guard is
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likely behind the attack. now to russia's war on ukraine. moscow says it shot down at least 20 ukrainian drones in the past day including in the moscow region. and other drones reportedly crashed into the building south of the capital leaving one person with minor injuries. russian-appointed officials say there are power outs in ukraine's occupied donetsk region because of attacks. anna coren reports from kyiv. >> reporter: russia has launched the largest number of attack drones on the ukrainian capital ever since it launched its invasion on this country in february of last year. ukrainian president zelenskyy says this attack was a deliberate act of terror. in the early hours of saturday morning, loud explosions could be heard over kyiv.
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as the capital's air defense system worked in overdrive. just after 2:30 a.m. an unprecedented number of drones began to attack kyiv from multiple directions, terrorizing 3,000 residents. 75 shahid drones were launched by russia, authorities say 74 were shot down. debris from one of the downed drones hit this kindergarten, meters away, hundreds of apartments. it shows how close the war had come, too close for his woman and her two young daughters. >> translator: the sirens were there and we were waiting for this to pass as always. but then we heard a huge explosion. we thought our house was going to be destroyed.
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>> reporter: the residents here in kyiv are used to hearing the air ride sirens and the explosions of the air defense systems working overtime but nothing quite like this. for more than six hours there was a barrage of drones targeting the capital. this behind me is the example of one of those drones shot down. inside the kindergarten, one of the teachers is distraught. all of my life, i've worked here, look at the destruction, she cries. the her colleague says, everything is okay, we will clean this up, don't worry. thank god everyone is alive. this 5-year-old looks through the fence at a playground she would frequent every day. >> translator: i heard the music and dancing classes in this building. i feel sad the drone came and destroyed my school. >> reporter: her mother natalia in tears.
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thinking this was supposed to be a safe place for her only child. >> translator: it's very painful to see this. >> reporter: residents in kyiv and across the country have been expecting this. russia has spent mows stockpiling weapons, specifically aimed at targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure as temperatures plunge. and with winter now here, these people know this is just the beginning. >> translator: with what used to be there, i don't want to get used to it. >> reporter: falling drone debris damaged several residential buildings around kyiv. the commander in chief says this is war. back to you. >> before we go, i want to give you an update on our top story today. 13 israelis are back with their families safe following seven weeks of captivity in gaza. thomas hand had believed his
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daughter emily had been killed on october 7th. you can only imagine what this moment was like for them. emily turned 9 while she was in gaza. israel is now preparing to receive another group of hostages later today. the government has their names and has notified their families. further details about today's exchange haven't yet been announced. besides the israelis, four thai nationals were also released on saturday only an an hour's long delay threatened to up end the exchange. the doctors said no one so far are in need of medical attention but they do show signs of extended captivity. all right. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm kim brunhuber. "cnn thihis morning"g" contitin wiwith the completete cocoverag the israel/hamas w war.
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