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tv   Mc Million  CNN  December 2, 2023 5:00pm-6:16pm PST

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and something that didn't necessarily need treatment. we have coughing and sneezing. with. the to cases, we're seeing a lot more nasal discharge. big snotty noses. if you have a little coughing, a little sneezing, maybe a slightly runny nose, stay home and monitor. if they're really tired, not wanting to eat well, lots of productive mucus, should you call your vet and try to get them in. if they really don't want to get up, that will be your emergency situation. if your dog is sick, keep your dog away from other dogs. >> great advice. and have some doggie chicken noodle assume on standby. i don't even know if duke will show up on camera. he's so cute. he's pretty well behaved, for the most part. good to see you. >> thank you. >> take care of those doggies out there. thank you for joining me. see you tomorrow night starting
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at 5:00 eastern. [bright totone] - i want some! - it's the monopoly game, only at mcdonald's! with over 50 million prizes, it's supersized excitement... - mononopoly. do not p pass "go."" gogo directly y to mcdonala. - ifif you were e around back in n the '90s..... - nonow at mcdononald's, momonopoly is s more than n a g! yoyou can playay it... - you u heard it e everywhe. - - the game m monopoly is bacack at mcdononald's, bigger and better ththan eve. - - this year,r, there's more p prizes thanan . - - mcdonald's's ran the monopopoly game for year. - hey,y, collect the righght game pieieces.. - and win $2 millionon. - - [gasps] - but no o one... knew t the truth a about the game b being playeyed.
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no one.. ["been c caught steaealing" by jane'e's addictioion] ♪ - peopople everywhwhere arare winning g big! - ♪ i've bebeen cacaught stealaling ♪ ♪ once whenen i was fivive ♪ i enjoy s stealing - the mcdodonald's pririzes cocould be carars, boatats, $100,00000 upup to the mimillion dolll. - ♪ when i i want sosomething, m man ♪ ♪ i i don't wananna pay forort - but t from 1989 9 to 2001. - ♪ hey! - i wowon a dodge e viper! there werere almost nono legititimate winneners. of the higigh value gagame piecs in the mcdcdonald's monopolyly game. i mean, hohow crazy bullshit is that? [laughing]g] - - ♪ it's s mine [dramamatic music]c] ♪
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[waves crashing] [e[eerie music] ♪
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- - jacksonvnville fbi h d a a little bitit of a repupun of being a a sleepy hohollw retirementnt office. therere was a slslower atattitude thehere. very undndersized. yoyou know, a a fraction of a m miami or anan atlanta or somethihing like ththat, spread, yoyou know-- spread v very thin.. [l[light suspepenseful musus] ♪ at the time, in 2001, i i superviseded a squad of apppproximatelyly 12 ages chararged with i investigatg white-collllar crime,, banknk fraud, healthcacare fraud,, publblic corruptption. evenen before i i got there, i keptpt hearing a about ththis legendadary guy, rick d, mid-d-career senenior agentt and d his partnener doug mat, a newly asassigned agegent to t the divisioion. - i'm spspecial agenent math. when y you pull jajacksonvile as an ofoffice you'r're going t, i know whahat i heard d wa, "good luckck with thatat." fofor big caseses, man, yoyou - you're l like duct-t-taping stf
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togetherer just 'cauause you u wanna makeke it happen. that's thehe type ofof division n you were in. i was luckcky to linink up wiwith rick dedent early on and hahave him as s the old g, you know, , my trainining ag. he's a a mathematitician andns ababout as mucuch personalaly as thihis piece ofof wood right herere. veryry matter ofof fact. and soso he and i i were kindnd of opposisites there. you knowow, i'm alwaways loog for r another fufun ride, ri? if youou guys get t to rick ded, i'm tetelling youu he's gononna be... "yes." "no.o." "don't recall." ♪ [lightht music] ththe priorityty for the f i at that particicular junctctue was healththcare fraud. ♪ we'r're working g a one- to three-y-year type c cas.
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ththat's a lonong time. sometimemes i have t that add tg of the s shinier objbject oror whatever.r. soso i see thihis note inin the cornener part of f his, and all l i saw wass "mcdononald's mononopoly frau" wiwith a queststion mark.. and d i go, "whahat is that?" 'cause i i'm bored t to death of this s healthcarere garbag, right?t? it's imporortant, but i was s ready to m move o. i go, "i"is this thehe mcdons momonopoly gamame?" he w was like, " "yeah. evenentually i w was gonna get arouound to it."." ♪ so what t he told meme was ththat there w was an indidivl who had called in and had thisis story thatat the monopopoly game was fixexed. ♪ that w was pretty y much i. i go,, "givive me that t damn thing. i'm gonna a go check t this out" i'm seseeing the f fun meter r with that.t. like, ththat's gottata be morere fun than n this shitt that i'm'm looking a at. dent t thought it t was jujust some bsbs story....
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so, "pfffff, this--y-yeah, he. run with t this for a a little , younung man." i i contacted d the source of t this call,, anand the soururce gaveve me three e names that werere previous millllion-dollarar winners and sasaid, "i know ththis is fixexed bee "thesese people arare relate. "they're o on the fafamily tree e somehow. wiwith all dififferent nama" and the peperson who's contntrolling ththis was thisis nebulous s name ofof uncle jererry. ♪ so i come e back, likeke, i'm m excited riright? i got t the biggesest case ever, riright? and i saidid, "look, all mimillion-dollllar winner. "we neneed to be o on this. screw w that healtlth--" i thk i prprobably saiaid that. "screw t that healththcare sht we're e working, r right?" oror somethingng like thata. [laughghs] i don't-t--rick, i don't knknow if thatat was , or i know w you wouldd never r agree withth that. bubut like anyny senior agagt gogoes-- and d this happepens even i in today's s bureau. the nenew young guguy goes t
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and findnds a nice p piece ofof gold. ththe old agenent goes, "g"give me thahat back, and let t me look atat this." [laughining] that's's about howow it was. - truth h be told, i was s a little s skeptical. you knknow, fast f food, promotionanal game fraraud was s not makingng any listt of p priorities s anywhere.. i dodon't think k anybody had realally even seseen anythg likeke this befofore, so.... there'e's always a risk thati turn these guys loose e on th, anand it turnsns out it's not t true anand that i'v've expended resosources, but you knknow, i think we all realilized... if thihis is true,e, this is, you knknow--this i is big. - what ricick did wass immedidiately get t in touh with thehe u.s. attotorneys office a and mark dedeverea, 'cause if f you don't t have anan interest t from a prorose, yoyou're wastiting your titi. [f[funky music] ♪ deverereaux was ththe go-to gy that p prosecutedd all l of our whihite-collar r.
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- - if there's's a chancee thisis thing canan be indictc, prosecuted, even if f it's a dififficult , he's gononna be the e guy to t becaususe he's thehe guy behind thehe wheel. ♪ - that part of the sell, to get that prosecutor on was-- thatat was a bigig deal. i don't knknow if devevereaux knew what t monopoly g game w. i have n no idea. you know, , i think he was a a burger king guy. i don't knowow. ♪ -- my name'e's mark devevere, assistant t u.s. attororney for almomost 30 years. in this case, it was, you know, i don't know if this is real, or don't know if it't's just somomebody trying to get familyly members somehohow intervieiewed and get 'em inin trouble.. [draramatic musisic] but lo a and behold.d... when w we receiveded a lilist of all l the winne,
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we werere able to o show, through h different t databa, thatat these indndividuals were r related. they had f family connnnectios in thehe local jacksonvnville area.a. in my worlrld, you u don't believeve in c coincidenceces very muc. and the chance of having numerous family members and relatitives win ththe ge was justst astronomimical. ♪ babasically, y you've gott lessss of a chanance than yoo of getetting strucuck by l lightning i in florid. [t[thunderclapap] atat that poinint in time,, we knenew there wawas a probl. how w big was ththat problem? we hadad no idea. - the e informatioion ththat we werere compiling is t that their r contest had bebeen infecteted years befofore we becacame awa. - i meanan, we're tatalking, you know, , altogether, potentialllly hundredsds of m millions ofof dollars
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of thesese prizes. wellll, how muchch of that is fraudud? ♪ - ononce devereaeaux said, " "y, i'm inteterested in n this," he's on fofor everythihing. all l the stratetegy session. some prosesecutors, you sesee that spapace, you . devereauaux, you gotot no sp. right alall up in ththere with you.. ♪ - so we e start withth whee could ththere be thehe opporty to steteal the gamame piec? - we wereren't suree if t there was s somebody ine with mcdononald's, where thatat person wawas, how w many, and how fafar that wenent. - hohow many sususpects do we hahave? we have toto figure ouout whwho makes ththe cups, who makes s the fry bobox, whwho makes ththese game p pis that youou would pulull off-- how w many peoplple arare in this s chain? - therere's all kinds of p possibilitities.
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thisis could be e the driver, the e delivery p people, people i in the factctory, or even, y you know, somemebody in cocorporate at mcdononald's. - we dididn't close e out anyo. ♪ - soso there reaeached a pot whwhere there e was a tonn of queststions, but t it was, i mean, , very diffificult to p pursue thatat further w wt putting some action n to it. there wasnsn't a lot o of, li, let me j just, you k know, at t the time geget on ththe internetet and do some- ththere wasn't't a lot of f t. ♪ - we clelearly had to statart somewhehere, bubut withoutt compmpromising t the case. ♪ so w we needed a a source of inforormation on n the insi. - there e was a big g decisn to be e made, and d that wa: do we contntact mcdonanald's? becacause we jusust ran into a deaead end. - - i was sitttting back g go, "don't l let 'em knonow.
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i don't t want them m involved . waway too soonon." but thatat's me. and i was-s--that was s just e littttle tiny vovoice, and i mn tiny when n i say thatat. - ofof course ththere's a possibibility thatat someboy in mcdonald's is involved or knows about this and is looooking the other r way, but that w was a riskk we werere willing g to, you knknow, ultimamately willlling to takake.
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♪ - we didn't want to alert too many people e at mcdonald', so w we contacted their head of f global security, rob b holm, and d told him t, "it woululd probablyly be bestr you u to come toto jacksonvivi" didn't tell him why. jujust told hihim, "y"you have toto come and d s" that t this was need-t-to-know onlnly.
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do n not tell ananybody you're c coming to s see the, to keep itit quiet. mcmcdonald's s sent three e e and i persrsonally picicked m up here e in jacksononvill, anand we droveve over to t ti office i in the mornrning. mostlyly it was jujust, "welcome t to jacksonvnvill" ththis and thahat. didn't eveven explainn to thehem what we e had. ♪ we got t to the fbi i office.. ♪ tookok 'em up to thehe conferencnce room... ♪ - you knknow, you'rere evalug ththeir body l language or w whether thehey're twitctch. are they g genuine? are theyey legitimatate? or is ththere--you k know, is te sosomething elelse going o on ? - at t that point,t, we didid not know if mcdonalald's was ininvolve. evevery organinization can have a a bad applele. ♪
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- this parart ofof the invesestigation wawas extremelely boring t to. like, i i don't wantnt anythihing to do w with this. "c"call me whehen it's ovever, " right?t? and-d--which wasas sort of my m.o.o. a lot of f time. itit's way toooo slow for me, but i was-s--"no, you u gotta be here fofor that." anand i so i t think i shohowe. i might't've had a g gold suit. [brassy mumusic] ♪ i had it i in the clososet, and i i thought, "this isis a great o opportuni, when it's s like a gololden frfry suit," r right? maman, when i i wore thatt in t there, markrk devereaux, if he cocould've ripipped it f with h his hands, , he would h. he goeoes, "are yoyou kidding " but t i had a whwhite shirirt on, righght? so i thougught i was s safe. [lauaughs] i i wasn't. - doug hasas quite a a wardr, and d there he i is sitting g. and lo andnd behold, he looksks like he's's a managerer of a mcdodon. ♪ - theyey thought i it was coo. [laughing]g] i'm kikidding. soso when you'u're there in that t meeting, v very ten.
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- i wentnt up to a w whiteboad and stararted puttining names d. [d[dramatic mumusic] and d i asked, "do you rerecognize ththe names" - "no,o, sir." "all thesese people are winnerers on yourr promototional gamemes." ♪ and thenen i starteded drawawing liness of familily connectitions and relatitionships. ♪ - dedevereaux's s putting it right t on the whihiteboard th. "w"well, did y you know thth? dodo you know w this?" brbrothers, sisisters, couous, a a mother-dauaughter, that type e thing. - this pererson is mararried toto this persrson's daughgh. anand the namemes, the lasast, were a all differerent. and i reremember it t was liliterally jajaws on the e t. they just could not believe it. - even though we had, it looked like, our r corporate e victim here of mcmcdonald's,,
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are theyey truly a v victim? i mean, ththere's alwaways th. ♪ and soso, there wawas morere informatition there than i wouould've prprobably putut out therer. certainlnly enough for them t to see, "wow, , yeah, we h have an iss" - everybybody agreeded that we needed d to keep ththis cire of indndividuals that had t this knowledge to the a absolute minimum. - you u know, devevereaux was doining most thehe talkg as he e usually dodoes, and d it just seseemed likee this meeeeting just t took fore. i don'n't even knonow if i w was hungry;y; i might'veve been hungngry twicice in that t meeting. - proving g this casee histstorically,, which is w what we traraditioy did d in white-c-collar cass whenen you rely y on paperwow, you rerely on witness s interviewsws, you relyly on bank s statemen, was gogonna be verery difficu. i mean, , almost mononumenta. so we woululd, in thisis cas, have to think outsidide the bo. and thenen we find o out ththat they wewere on the ep
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of rununning anothther gam. it w was kind ofof a perfectt bebecause we w were looking to d doing sometething proacact, essentntially catctch people in the a act. - we tolold them thehe only wy toto identify y this criminal e enterprise e was to havave them runun a game knowing g that therere's frad somewherere involveded in thi. ♪ - we havave this. we're e going forwrward. we w want your h help. if the a answer is n no... nothing hahappens. ♪ - - my name isis rob holm, didirector of f global sececuy for mcdodonald's.
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ouour brand isis, throroughout thehe world, 37,00000 restauranants in 120 couountries. so it's--i-it's a bigg responsisibility. [l[light music] ♪ when i firirst learneded abouout our mononopoly gamee being compmpromised, i was shshocked. i was s utterly shshocked. how w in the wororld coululd this havave happened? more imporortantly, wawas anyby from mcdcdonald's a a part of t? ♪ the fbfbi wanted to runun the promomotion knknowing thatat it was ririg. i wawas hesitantnt to do tha, obviouously concererned that ifif this gameme is rigged, customerers are nott even gononna get a c chance to w win the milillion dollal. - i think k we were nanaive toto think thahat they wououlde right ththen and thehere and, you know, we'd be off to, you know, off--offff and runnin. these promotions were... ofof everything mcdonaldld's, one e of the briright spots.
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yoyou know, i i remember the mamad cow, andnd at that , mcdodonald's wasas, you know, struggggling withh someme image things. - concern over britain's so-called mad cow disease spread late todayy to m mcdonald's s restauran. - first t mad cow, n now thi. - ♪ mcdcdonald's anand you ♪ mcdonald'd's and you,u, shararing good t times ♪ - the momost importatant thg for mcmcdonald's is t their brandnd name. they'r're a familyly restaurat ththat can be e trusted. their gogolden archehes arare a part o of america. - ♪ r remember ththere's only onene mcdonald'd's ♪ ♪ and therere's only onone you - they h have to prorotect t. - ♪ mcdcdonald's anand you - anand so, if i it's on thehe 0 news andnd the natioional nes thatat mcdonald'd's gagames are a a fraud, theyey could sufuffer irreparablble damage to t their good d name. i wasn't't in their meetings,, bubut i would d bet dollars toto doughnuts that there were a few people that said, "we can't do this.
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shut it off," and nobody ever finds out about this. - they wanted this big meeting. and so we went out there to illinois, at theheir headquauarters. they gotot, like, ththis... great cocoffee insidide to-- yoyou know, when youou walk in t their ple anand you're w waiting on n t. so a anyway, i k know thatat's a--asidide. - and d at that titime, wewe weren't s sure which waway they werere gonna g. ththat was a h heck of a d dec. ththere were s so many "whwha" what i if it's somomebody within o our own comompany? a traiaitor? we've gogot a problelem. theyey needed toto find thatat , because e if they hahad jut shut down, it may h have contininued. - lolook, how mamany people been p playing thihis thin? and they'r're gonna fifind t we didn'n't help bururn this . mcdonanald's kneww they h had a tickiking bom. [elevator r dings]
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- makingng that callll was s something g that wewe took seririously. our worrrry all alonong was that this s could be leakeded out publilically. so it t was not anan easy decic, but ultimately, we owewed it to ouour customes to do the e right thining, whwhich is to o run the gage one more time.e. - we absololutely knewew tht if we dididn't get t this ri, we're nonot getting another opportununity. itit's not likike, "don't wor. wewe'll run ththis again next mononth." we knew w that, at b best, we had t this one shotot toto move our r investigata. - ♪ this isis how we dodo it - from that point, it was lititerally, "mcdononald's, telell us how this progrgram works."." but mcdodonald's makes frfrench frieses and hahamburgers and mimilkshakes a and apple . ththey don't m make markete. theyey outsourceced it. they h hired a mararketing company,y, simon mararketing. - ♪ this is h how we do i it
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- sisimon marketeting actuay prproduced andnd came up w h ththe happy memeal toys back i in the '80s0s. - your kidids will lovove mcdodonald's hapappy meal. itit's food anand fun in a a . - ththe happy memeal is gonna inincrease youour businesss, but it's's for the c childr. - i've gotot a happy m meal! - theyey wanted a promomotion for r the adu. - ♪ likike mcdonaldld's can - i'm richchard white,e, started at s simon markeketig in 1981. - the game monopoly has come to life at mcdonald's. - the e monopoly g game, we designened that gamame and itit was runnining ononce a year.r. - a $2$2 million g grand priz! play m monopoly. - it w was a ridiciculous amount o of increasese in mcdcdonald's bubusiness. like, 4040% when we e ran the g. peopople love cocollecting. - the e monopoly p promotin is much h like the " "monopol" game y you would h have at ho. customerers try to match g game pieceses, like boardrdwalk and p park p. - theyey had theirir cards, and itit'd be fullll, bubut they'd b be missing g a e and a pipiece and a a piece.. anand a piece e and a piecec- 'c'cause thosese were
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the winnnning pieceses. - and therere was low-w-value pieces thahat you coululd win fofood items, , beverages, and ththen some of thehe high-valulue pieces: homes, vehehicles, and the mimillion dollllar. - [gasps] boardwalk. all: boardwalalk? - so they y were afterer that million-dodollar winnener. you know, , people like chahance games.s. any y game we didid for mcdods alwaways increasased theieir businessss. wewe actually y did scrabble o one year. got t to where t they started doining it twicece a year. how are wewe gonna get our sasales back up? let's run monopoly againin. - - ♪ this s is how we e do t ♪ all h hands up inin the ar - there wewere very specificic rules fofor how you u could obtain t the game pipiece. one ofof the ways s was ththat you couould just wawaln and asask, for freree, to get a gamame piece. because otherwisee it was g gambling. how else c can you get the gagame piece?? you coululd go in and bubuy a food p product, anand you coululd geget the gameme piece out of somome of the m magazine. nonowhere in t the game rules s does it sasay, "i"i can get a a game piecee fromom uncle jererry."
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- ♪ this is h how we do i it [tenense music]] ♪ - with a significant case, an undercover operation or something that involves a lot of people, you could give it a name. so we had a contest to come up with a name among--among the s squad. some of f the names,s, uh.. operatation unhappppy meal, fallen a arches. i think ththere were a a fw playing onon the hambuburgl, something g about stalale fr. i don't t think we sent ththat one upp to headquauarters for r approv. i ththink calmerer, morere rational l minds prevev. the new w promotionanal gameme was calleled, "whoho wants to be a mimillionaire?e?" to matatch up withth the tv shs. - playay the "who o wants to be a a millionairire" game at t mcdonald's's. - if y you remembeber the e tv show, t they aske, "is thatat your finanal answ" - finanal answer? - - final answswer. - so t that ultimately became the name of this operation. ♪ gameme time. kickofoff has stararted, anand we're inin the game.. ♪
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- at t the time, i was alalways lookiking fr an undercocover angle,e, even t though i wawas being to, "y"you don't w want that.. you dodon't want t that." you know, , i was alwaways ask, "w"what about t this one?? what a about this s one?" go get t the bad guyuy, righ? i i wanna burnrn down ththe criminalal enterprisi. - maybe itit's the-- the accocountant in n him oror this waltlter mitty complex,x, bubut this wasas the oppororty to, you u know, be an undedercover agegent even beforore we couldld articuculate the n need toto do any kikind of undercov- that thehere was alwlways thi, you know, , somehow, s some w, we g gotta do an undercover in t this thing. ♪ - - every singngle meetingn, i'i'm the one e over therere, "undndercover ininvestigati, unundercover i investigatit" i dididn't thinknk anybybody was lilistening. as a matteter of fact,t, i think k a couple o of them started ouout with, "m"mathew, i don't t wanna hearar anythig "abobout an undedercover investigatation. jujust sit ovever there and listenen."
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rick alwayays coined t that i i was the gegeorge costataa 'c'cause "seininfeld" was big baback then. [l[laughter] - all riright, that't's it for. tatake care, e everybody.. - i'd comeme in and i'i'd s, "undercocover," and d i'm gone, , i was ou. - you coululd kind of f let hm run withth things a a little t and then b bring him b back toto reality.. okay, "yeah, t that's great, doug. "by the way, i s still needd that f fd-302 you u promised , "so why y don't youu go getet that donene, and ththen we'll t talk abouout undercovover work."" [phohone ringingng] so we get t the callll fromom mcdonald'd's that thih, mimichael hoovover, a winnnn, had claimemed the latetest p. so we hahad the advavantage of knowiwing this peperson's , and we're e able to dodo a lite bit ofof preliminanary backgro. [dramatic c music] ththink he wororked as a p pit s at a c casino. so i guessss he would'd've bebeen familiaiar with gambling a and sweepststakes anand whatnot.t.
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- rick wanted to t try toto do the wiwiretap. it's a a called a a title iii invevestigation,n, and it's-- the wireretap ininvestigatioion got up.. and, youou know, you're sititting-- you're notot really doing g anything,, and d that's a boringng situationon for . i i don't knowow how mamany poems i i can writee on a piecece of paperr to getet through i it. so i s said, "lookok, whwhat do you u think abouout" when you w win, part of yoyour signingng up as a winnener is to sasay, "h"hey, i'm okokay with ususg my f face in thehe big chec" oror whatever r it is for fufuture promomotions. so i saw that as an opportunity. let's use that as a platform for usus. ♪ i i said, "i t think thiss is a a great opppportunity "for an n undercoverer invevestigation n where we do "this tvtv commerciaial ofof the winneners "l"like publisishers clclearing hououse. "jumumping up, t telling uss how w they won t these "andnd what theyey did with h, that kind d of thing.. "so wewe could doo thatat with hoovover. "youou know, we'e're the prproduction c company. that's's how this s could rol" he's likike, "mathewews, whwho's gonna a do this?
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you u gonna do i it? 'cauause i'm notot doing it." and i i said, "y"yeah, i'm g gonna do iti" he goes,s, "well, yoyou don't know anynything abouout that" and i i said, "i'm gonnana be the didirecto. "because thehey don't dodo sh. "and thehen i'm gonnnna get mcdonaldld's to give me their publblic relatioions" that's a all i said.d. anand rick goeoes, "wait a a . "if we'r're going to do o anything,, we're gonnnna need sac authorority." ♪ - i'm tom kneir. i was the special agent in charge of the jacksonville office of the fbi. inin each offifice, you hae the e sac for ththe office. that's their special agent in charge. and then you have squads. mostst of the cocontact is u uy with the s squad supererviso. but this was--this was a particular case that, you u know, i hahad a lolot of handsds-on with chs and evererybody thatat worked on that c case.
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doug was almost brand new at the t time, anand he's beeeen given a badge,e, a gun, and someme credentiaials, and nonow he's gotot a supeperman's capape, right? [laughining] and d away he gogoes. - - so the nexext day, i think i i was calleded. and hehe said, "hehey, yoyou need to o come up heh" when y you hear yoyour nam, "mathehews to t the sac's o office," never goodod. nenever, ever r good. and d everybody y knows. it's likike the walklk of sh. to thehe elevatorsrs, whateve. "oh, s shit, mathehews. i hope youou still have a payaycheck." 'causese they all l know it's . and d so i come e in and d it's sac k kneir, cd, ththe chief didivision cououn, rick denent, graham,m, inin this roomom about this size,e, so small.l. ♪ and ththey all, lilike, turd to l look at me,e, and i'm l . and i go, "i'm sorry." that's allll i said. and rick g goes, "you know, i think k this mightht work.
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and he's gonna do it." and that r right then was probably--if i was ever, like, concerned about, "i don't know, man. this might get somewhere--" you know, whatever, be careful what you ask for, thing? maybe that was the moment for me, but t it quicklyly passed and i wawas back in.n. ♪ - we dididn't have a lot t of undercocover ages in j jacksonvilllle. you u know, you u could call headququarters andnd say, "hey, , you know, wewe need a undercover agentnt down here" "welell, he's nonot available for r three weekeks," and,d, you know.w. and so we--we'd d just kind of rolled thehe dice and said, , "you know w what? doug is s a little bit ofof an actor r anyway," so i gueuess that'ss when m my hair tururned whit. [laughs]s] no. - being g an undercocover ag, it's n not just sosomething you raraise your h hand and decidede to do. you knowow, there'ss a ststringent prprocess, a s , tetesting, allll these thihis thatat didn't exexactly mesh wiwith doug's s concept of beingng undercovever. you knknow, he wanted to.... wanted to o get rightt up there on stagage. ♪
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- he was n not a a certified d undercovere, bubut for a spspecific cas, yoyou can get t what theyey call sac c authorityy to do undedercover worork, and d that's whahat doug matas did just for thahat spececific case.e. my namame's janet t pellicciot, anand i was a a special agagt fofor the fbi i in the jacksonville division. i was our undercover coordinator also, and i i tried to g get him to become e an undercocover agt becacause he was just-- he wasas a naturalal. undercoverer was like e actin, only..... itit's real. you knowow, you sit t there and there'e's a real t threa, and somemebody couldld harm y. they could really harm you. - - the jacksosonville divisi, if you talk toto agent pelellicciotti,, is a a small divivision that didn't do o a lot of t this. - - right, so o i got to do all l the fun and nonot have to o go throh all l the bullshshit. yeah, , just make e it happe. that's's what it w was. "h"hey, mathewews, justst make it happen." and i'm m thinking t to myself. and d then two i is... [jazzyzy music]
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- he wanteted to be ththron into the l lion's den,n, and hehe wouldn't t have gotn itit if the sasac did not tl he couldld handle hihimself. soso they got t some undercoverers, you knonow, to act as s a film crerew. - my name isis jan garvivin, and i i was videogographer. when i answewered his call, , he said, "you're gogonna love t this." nonot, "hey, j jan, how'w's it goingng? let's s go, you knknow-- hohow was the e trip?" you u know, it w was like, "you're e gonna loveve this." and afafter he expxplained what it wawas, it was s like.. and..... ♪ - we n needed to p put togethr whwhat appearsrs to be a legititimate productionon company.. a videdeo person,, an aududio person,n, a directctor and a---- an intererviewer. - i go, "y"yeah, i neeeed onone just to o act like "they'rere the lighthting person or r whatever.. "nobodody needs toto see ththat you're e bureau, riri? "so give m me somebodydy thats not stupupid, 'causese, you u know, we d don't knknow jack, r right?" in m my mind i j just though, you knknow, just g get on the ee
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and evererything wilill be fi; you'll j just roll r right thro. ♪ - wiwith any proroduction cocomy and d any good undercovover operatition, you need a a good nameme and inin this casese, wewe came up w with shshamrock productionsns. ♪ whwhich is gooood, bubut i alwaysys liked thehe , "'cacause you'rere just luckc" - that was----that was g goo. ♪ - we t thought abobout haviving everybobody in this undercoverer operatation be fbibi personne. they l legitimatelely tried to make e that happepen. it just--the way that this scenario had to runun, you needed somebody inside mcdonald's with that t backgroundnd. ththat would b be hard to o f. [lightht music] ♪ - - my name's s amy murraya.
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i've beeeen with mcdcdonald's for 22 y years. ♪ the fbi i investigatation happened 1 17 years agago, and it's's been yearars sincnce i've talalked to anyn, so, in f fact, i donon't realy tell thehe story thahat much bebecause, youou know, hohow do you d drop ininto conversrsation thatt you're p part of a an fbi invevestigation? ♪ back in 2001, i was in the communications department. i had only been working on monopoly and games for about six months. my boss's s boss called me io his s office andnd he was lil, "amy, the fbi has contacted us. "they've told us that the game pieces are being stolen "and that the entire game may be compromised by a crimiminal ring." and if you can imagine, i was completely shocked. you knknow, i feltlt sick to my stomomach. to break t that trustt was jujust devastatating.
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how w could thisis possibly hap? i ststarted thininking backk to allll the answewers that i'v've heard frfrom monopoly winnersrs in the past, and itit did seem like they were e almost scrcripte. hindsight't's 20/20,0, and i i started toto realie that it t did seem l like there was s a pattern.n. yoyou know, i i used that t , "patternrn" and i ththink tt was whwhen the fbibi really sa, "it would d be great to talk toto amy direcectly, since e she has soso much contnt with the w winners." ♪ - for a civilian to participate in an undercover operation doesn't happen much at all, for obvious reasons, right? it's's--if sometething happep, you want people who o are prprofessionalals that aree used to bebeing in s situations s like that. - i wawas a littlele concerne, becacause i wantnted to make se that her safety and security was first and foremost. they s said, "rob,b, don't wor. shshe will be e safe." ♪
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- we really didn't know how far we would have to go to help the e fbi get evevidenc, and yes, there wewere nerves s involve, and i i was nervouous. but i i was all-inin. you know, , i wanted t to mae itit right as s fast as popossi. so i wouldld be talkining to thehe fbi sometetimes everyr, sometimemes twice a a day. pepeople were e intrigued,d, , "what's ththis specialal proje" i just c couldn't tatalk abouout this, nonot to my fafa, not t to my clososest friend, not evenen to coworkrkers. - we told d a couple p people in m mcdonald's s and then our teteam; that's's it. 'cauause we stilill didn't k , yoyou gotta reremember-- likeke, this invnvestigation- we s still didn'n't know if anybobody was infnfected througugh corporatate, righght, or who.o. - - so we set t up a time e r shamrorock productctions to gop and vivisit mr. hohoover. - hehe had alreaeady been in conontact with h amy, and hehe was very y amenabe to us cocoming by toto film
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this commemercial thatat we w were puttining together. - i'll n never forgeget shshowing up a at an airpopo, and a a white van n pulled p withth all of ththe fbi ages anand, you knonow, they'rere , you know, , "hi, amy."." and i was s introduceded to all o of them. you knknow, i realally had d to talk toto doug abou, "this isis what a producerer would do;o; this is whwhat the cacameraman wowould do." and i i was just p playing mys. - soso the firstst time we're gogoing out ththere, i think i i had, like, a gogolf shirt o on. i lookeded like maybybe i'd d played ninine holes or somomething likike that. ththat's what t amy told m e whatat a directotor looks lil- lookoks like somomebody thats justst come off f the golf c c. [l[laughs] so i'm excxcited, righght? but t i have a l lot of a apprehensioion as wel. it's t the first o one. you want i it to be seseamles, anand you don'n't know whwhat to expepect. - as an n agent, youou kno, you wannnna carry a a gun and wearar a bulletptproof v. but inin a situatition like tht, an undercocover operatation, that mayay be too mumuch ri. you can wewear an anklkle holsr and ththen, you knknow,
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and thenen you sit d down inin a chair,, anand somebodydy sees it, , s. - yoyou had thatat little exea antenna gogoing up to o makee you don't t say anythihing oror do anythihing that w would trigggger theieir suspect t to look atau crcrossways anand go, "oh,h, h" - i had d butterflieies inin my stomacach. i was s nervous ababout not wreckingng the invesestigatio. you u know, i rereally wanted to m make sure i i did a goooo, that i w wasn't causing anany suspicioion. it's a an adrenaliline that happens s through yoyour syst. yoyou know, yoyou feel fully awakake and alivive. ♪ - she e was very n nervous, and i'm m like, "youou talk to t these people all l the time, , right?" "well, yeaeah, but t not like t this." and i i go, "thehere's not l like this.. "y"you don't k know anythihg about t our investstigation. they don't't either, so forgeget about ththat." she'e's laughingng, like, "h"how am i susupposed to o ft about thatat?", right?t? and i sasaid, "you g got toto forget ababout that and jujust do whatat you u normally d do." "we're v very closose to the . we know whwhere it is.s. "just ststay as closose as yon 'c'cause i donon't know what to o expect."
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- any cicivilian thahat you g inin, you're g gonna tell l t, "we hahave a team.m. therere's alwaysys a team ouo. ♪ "if anytything happepens, they'll bebe there immmmediay to makake sure yoyou're safe e and securer" - wewe have diststress calls, ththings like e that. so if f the undercrcover agt saysys a certainin word, youo, "i feel lilike a teterrible flulu is comingng" somemething's rereally gone e ; we got a p problem. [knonocking] - and so they went to his home. they camame in... and d so you havave the fbi i a, unbeknowownst to mr.r. hoove, with t the camerasas on theheir shouldeder. - if we wewere set up p to recod prettyty much anytything, we d hit the rerecord buttoton. you never r know whwhat you're e gonna captpt. always golold when they don't't know it.. - the greaeatest thingng in thehe world abobout all ths is whahat? we had a a camera rorolling. ♪
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[i[indistinct t chatter] - [lauaughs] - whwhat was thahat? - yoyou think yoyou could d take thatt to your lolocal bank t to cas? - i dodoubt it. [laughs]s] i doubt i it. - [indisistinct] we'll do t this at thehe end. - - amy, she, , you know,, workrked her mcdcdonald's ma, and d she had alall this confetti p popper stufuff anand the big g check. wewe never knonow wheneverr we getet a call frfrom amy sort of f where we'r're gonna- it's a always goodod to find t whwhere she alalways takesess toto a differerent area. - a goodod surprise.e. - yeah, , that's defefinitely childproroof. - [laughghs] - - i mean, itit's big chehe. i think k it was talaller ththan her, acactually. - - everythingng had toto seem veryry natural.. it h had to seemem like we hd donene this a mimillion time. we made e sure thatt i alwaways called d doug, "do" and d not "agentnt mathews," becacause it wouould have been reaeally bad ifif suddeny i was s like, "uh,h, agent mata, can you gogo do this?"?" - amy y was reallyly nervous, the e whole timeme. [lauaughs] soso--which wawas good. it wasas healthy t to be that , 'cause i t told her i i was t, and i wasnsn't--you knknow, i wasnsn't lying t to her.
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shshe's used t to this; i'i'm. even thougugh i said,, "oh, i g got this," " right? she had d no idea ththat i had d never donene this befof, but i i loved it.. - therere's mr. momonopoly. - there e he is! all l right. - - it's gottata be sinkining i. - nonow it's offfficial, roronald mcdononald, the officicial signatuture. - dougug mathews c could talko a wallll and get i it to respop. you u know, he's's got thatt littlele bit of a a southern dl and evererybody sort of lilikes him. he's the,, "oh, g gosh darn, , you won." - there wawas no riskk ththat somebodody's gonna a , "well, t this guy isis an fbibi agent, and this i is an u undercover r operation." i mean, nonobody-- [l[laughs] nono fbi agentnt laughs as much h as this guguy does. - i i go, "wow, , this really lolooks like t there's-- it's had a womaman's touch h here." i mean, itit was all this plalaid--just, , this sh. [lauaughs] whicich is probabably why i i d. [l[laughing] and, y you know, i i said all kinds ofof stuff, i i was-- agaiain, i was t trying to,, you knowow, move thihis out, make eveverybody seeeem real c comfortablele
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with uncomomfortable t thing, which is w what i'm gogood a. ♪ - tellll us the ststory about how w you won at t the monopololy game, everythihing like ththat, in y your own wowords. - okokay. um... day starteted out prpretty peaceceful. it w was a day o off, and i wentnt to the bebeach fofor a while.e. i ended d up actualllly falllling asleepep at the beb. and whwhen i woke e up, ththe wind hadad come up anand i was cocovered withth s- not a lot,t, but a a little bitit of sand- and d i picked u up my belonon, and i headaded down to the watater there to kind d of wash mymy legs of wiwith the sanand, and d i was a lilittle klutz. the "p"people" magagazine... [clears ththroat] and my towowel fellll out of ththe backpack, fell into o the water,r, and got t all wet. i enended up, uhuh... ththrowing thohose away on t the way to o the car, anand then aftfter... i i was comingng home, i decided d to stop anand get provisisions for d dinner. so i stopppped at t the mcquadede's supermamt and pipicked up a a few thing,
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anand i had nenever got a a ce to read ththe magazinene. and d they--therere it w was right t there at t the checkouout stand, so i boughght one. and whwhen i got h home, i i was leafining through h , and we hadad the mcmcdonald's m monopoly ga, and it h had instantnt prize e winners onon it-- or t they had ththe quick pip, whwhatever youou call 'em.. i don'n't know what they'y're called.d. uh, and ththe first onone i peeleled off, i i believe, was pepennsylvaniaia avenue. and ththe second o one i peelelf was a mimillion-dollllar inststant prize e winner, and it wasas like, "w"wow, is thihis for reala" and then i i, uh... followed t the directitions and mamade the calalls and tald toto the peoplple, and, uhuh. it was f for real. - amamy's just u used toto getting t the story.. but t for me, i'm putttting legs t to that. and hehe was mentitioning se grococery story,y, and so i , "which o one? isis it right t here?" "h"hey, can yoyou take us s the" he goeoes, "sure."." you know, , he's feediding off f the energygy part. no, i wasnsn't abouout to stop p that. ththat was grereat. itit's a fieldld trip, rigig? [engine e revving]
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i'm gegetting calllls, "thehe f*** are y you doing?" "i mean, w why are youou--wh" this i is, like, "are y you adlibbibing?" and i'd gogo, "hey, jajan." my camerera guy, rigight? can you u get this?"?" "y"yeah, i canan get it."" [t[tires screeeech] - dougug struck meme as one of thehe new breeded of ages who thinksks outside the box,x, if you wiwill. but he wasas gung-ho from the g get-go.
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- thisis is where e i got the, uh, " "people" mamagazin. and d inside we e had ththe monopolyly game with thehe instant $1 millilion winner,r, anand it was g great; itit's fantaststic! - - great! - - got it, okokay. - he's t telling us s how hen the e prize, allll the bs. his was s a magazinene-type thing whicich, at the e tie i didndn't even knknow. i'm lookining over, i i go, "really? i i thought y you gogot this offff the packakag" - and amy's lilike, "didid you read d any of that shitit i sent yoyou?" riright, and i i go, "o"of course i i did."
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whicich i may hahave glosseded. so i i go, "hey,y, what'd you dodo with the e money?" whwhy? becacause i wantnt to go seize thatat stuff, riright? and he's l like, "i'm buyining a boat."." and so i go, "what name would you have on the back of your boat?" and he was like, "ruthless scoundrel." - one, two, three! - - thanks, mcmcdonald's.. hey! [laughs] - so i'm'm reenactining ththat, right,t, and i go, "so, m michael, you wewere on the e beach?" "y"yes, and itit's right h h. itit's this bebeach." and i i go, "realllly? take u us to it."" and i dididn't care e what tt meanant to my cacamera guy, ,? he's like,e, "are you-u--f**, are you kikidding me?? i gotta--t-the damn bebeach?" - - there's alalways somebeby ththat could r respond tacticalally, if neeeeded. but if s something w went sou, betwtween the titime something wentnt south and the titime they gogot ther. [dramatic musisic] ♪ don'n't do anyththing stupid.
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♪ - doug, yoyou know, he was a a professioional, but hehe also didd like t to have funun. so h he loved toto tease mee and d kept me onon my toes.. - thisis is what makes mymy fun meterer go. amy's backck there goioing, "look at t these shoeses i h" anand i'm not t looking at shihit like thahat. i meanan, "take yoyour high heh- why are yoyou wearingg high heelsls anyway?"" and she's s like, "arere you-" you knowow, she wass getting g on to me a about, "heyey, can you u plan ththis better?r?" but t i didn't k know. - can yoyou get enouough sound if he tetells the e story one e more time?e? - yoyou need it?t? we could t try it. - - okay. - [chuckleles] - ananybody notiticing you y ? - - not reallyly. - gogood. - when d doug's at t the hous, it w was a contrtrolled environmnment. whwhen you're e out inin the real l world, there's nonothing contntrolle. you're always a little worried ththe operatioion and the ee could be c compromiseded. - uh, thisis is where e i lot my "peoplele" magazinene. i'm gladad that afteter the e beach i ststopped and pipicked up ananother one becaususe when i d did,
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i found ththe mcdonaldld's mononopoly game,e, $1 millionon instanant prize wiwinner. - great. okay, gogood. - obviouslsly, you knonow, ththis was dououg's very f t unundercover, , and so youd wawanna try toto keep himm under contntrol, kekeep him sededated, so to spspeak. they donon't make itit eas. - so i i'm like, "man, i i got plentyty. i got enenough." - can i do a a couple of artsy t things, okokay, real q quick? - hey.y. [laughghs] - you knowow, he'd statand ththere smilining, and youou, you're doioing all l this artsysy stuff, and ththen some kikid ran up and grababbed the chcheck. to runun away withth it. - like, i'i'm gonna a let ththis evidencnce just wal? no w way. and i'm m trucking down t the beach..... - and it's's like, "d"dude, it's s not real."" - it w was bad newews. thatat's not a g good problem toto have, bebeing an undndercover agag. - - and this g guy is hammmme. fofortunately,y, he's runnn, like, in a z zigzag, soso it's easy to catch.
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this kid, he was, , like, full of f sand in hihis mouth and crap a and i'm likike, "dudude..." [stammerers] "i donon't know whwhat i'm goa do witith all thisis sand." and he's's like, "m"man, i justst saw, likek, "all those zereros and thohough. i'm just gonna go take it." anand i can't t even remememr where he wandered off,f, but he wasas out of ththere; we n never saw h him again.. [bomombastic mususic] - somemetimes on a a case, beining lucky isis better than beingng good. - - no asics, , no nothingn, and d we still c caught thatat, ofof course, h he was hammmme, anand we were e not. and we didid get the c check b. ♪ [enginine turns ovover] itit worked grgreat. amamy was phenenomenal. and d i'm like, , "man, unundercover i is awesome.e" [laughing] turned outut it reallyly tickckled our wiwire up.
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michael hohoover would be o on the phonones whwhich is grereat, bebecause thenen we were l lisg to thahat and recocording it. you knknow, again,n, it got h him comfortrtable. it actctually workrked. yoyou know, alall that woror. [dramatic c music] ♪ - atat that timeme, i i was here i in jacksonvne inin the-- what we e call wire e room. we w were listenening in for whatat we hoped d to be a tetelephone cacall toto this unclcle jerry. and d immediatelely therere's a phonone call byby mr. hoovever to mr. g gb dodown in soututh florida.. ♪ - we were e up on three or f four phoneses. onone was thisis guy, andrew glolomb. i mean, , andrew glolomb ws the guy y with a cheheckered . he had prereviously coconvictd for someme drug chararges on the f federal sidide withth the dea.. ♪ - he had b been in a d drug traffickining thing. he w was a fugititive for a a, eventuallyly got arreseste, and he didid some timeme. anand so, mr. . hoover had calleded mr. glombmb. - ring, riring. ring, ring.
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"hello?" "yeah, andy." that's andy glomb. "andy, they were here. they belieieved everytything. "e"everything g i told them ababout the wiwinning the e t on thahat 'people'e' magazine" - "and i i was telliling th, 'i didid this, andnd i did th" and d at the verery same tim, i'm m on my cellll phone talklking to dououg mathewss and tellining him, "listen n to this."" ♪ - ththe feeling g from him on the p phone call l was, "m"man, i got t them snowed, theyey bel--" you know, , it was that-- it was thahat-- i memean, it wasas perfect.. it's exaxactly what t you're af. he's talalking, "manan, yoyou're not g gonna belieie. "thihis directoror asked about ththe name of f my boat and d i said, 'ruthlhless scoundndrel.'" and they'r're just lauaughing on the phohone, how mumuch--how fufunny that s to t them becaususe they knew they hadad lied and d had ston this m money from m mcdonald'. - - in that cacall, effectctiy what he'e's doing isis config bebeyond any d doubt that,, you knknow, he dididn't win i. ♪
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- it jusust doesn't t get anany better t than that.. it's likike high fivives. - that wasas why you g get up on thesese wiretaps.s. soso we're heaearing how w they did i it. ♪ atat the time,e, we didn'tt know h how big thihis was. we k knew of somome, but t we didn't t know it al. it wasas amazing t to me how w little we e did know..
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[phonenes ringing] ♪ ththe spider w web of all-l- likeke, we hadad this unclcle . evererything wasas very geneneral, nebubulous. we stitill didn't t know, you got t to remembeber, li, we stillll didn't knknow whwho this jererry person n, if therere even was s a jer. soso all of ththe newer agage, we were e on the wiriretaps
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to find d out more a about the depthshs of this s sche. - back t then i was s a new a, and mymy first assssignment when i w was broughtht in was to worork the wirere. the title e iii has toto be monitored d full-time,e, 24. you hear t the phone c cal, you grab y your headseset, yoyou put it o on, yoyou listen t to the calll. - wewe're listenening inin the wire e room and i'i'm hearing,g, you kn, the e name unclele jerry thrownwn around onon the phon. "uncle jererry, uncle e jer. you u don't wannnna make uncle jejerry upset.t." - well, , i do rememember clearly fefeeling likeke i wawas in new y york and i is lilistening toto a mobsterr talking ababout runnining his s mafia empipire, some m mafia don, , 'cause thas kikind of how w this guy c cam. ♪ - so we e had to find ununcle jerry.y. i i mean, how w do you do o t? ♪ - - we did an n analysis
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of phonene records from p past winnerers. you lookok for that commomon number.. - we knew w when they y won ththe prizes, , what year,, and we c could probabably cordt off f to a monthth, so i thih- i i think we b backed up t o and d went forwaward two. ♪ and we wenent and pulllled ththe phone nunumbers comiminn and gogoing out for thisis period ofof tim. ♪ - lo andnd behold, each of f their phonone numbes wewere callingng common nunum. - - we saw thehe activityy heavy y coming in n right befe the prize e was awardeded or c claimed, and ththen heavy r right after, anand then notothing. and ththen none of them m were relatated; theyey didn't knknow each oto. all wewere hittingng that numb. ♪ - all thesese phone cacalls ininclude one e person....
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♪ jerorome jacobsoson. alalso known a as... jerry jacocobson. ththe absolutete head of s secy for simomon marketining. ♪ [brighght tone] [d[dramatic mumusic]


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