tv Chowchilla CNN December 9, 2023 10:00pm-12:00am PST
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do, you'rere beautifulul. i alwaysys thought y you lookoked like ananne hathawa. elelena: oh nono, no, no!! emilily vanderwewerff: the f fe of the famamily sitctcom to e is most present in shows like one day at a time; telling stories about an america you don't always see on t television,n, elena: yeah!h! in ways s that are f funny, ad fresh,h, and invigigorating.. and if y you look atat the bet family sititcoms on tv right n , that's's what theyey're doin. elenena: anybodydy else wawants to knonow what's u ? this l latin amerirican familys heheaded to ththeir americican. patron: that is so c cool. annene hathaway just totalaly stooood up for t those mexici. [musicic playing]]
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speaker: a at the presesent ti, we know w that therere are 27 pe missing g since abouout 4:15 yesterday y afternoon.n. speaker: s still no brbreak inin that chowowchilla, californiaia, school bus kidnapapping. speakeker: 26 schohoolchildrend theieir bus driviver have vavan. vaninished yesteterday afteren nenear chowchihilla, calififo. speaker:r: presidentnt ford dird the e attorney g general to o ul availablble governmement resour. speaeaker: the c california a nl guard jojoined statete and lol police andnd the fbi in a giaiant searchh for r the childrdren and thehe . speakeker: it was s like sosomebody comome down froroms and d just took k them upup off the p planet. wawas it an ououtright kidnappingng, a psychohopath, or s sex maniac c on the looo? speaker: w whoever didid it pt a great dedeal of plananning and effortrt and we might eveven say mononey. there e may never r have been as anguiuishing a mymystery. speaeaker: it's s the worst kd of s story you c could tell. speaker:r: being bururied alive is our w worst fear.r. speaker: the chowchilla kids showed the world what t childhod
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trauma really does to a person. speaker: my childhood ended july 15, 1976. spspeaker: i w will never r t backck the kid t that i was. that k kid stayed d undergrou. thatat happened d for each and everery one of u us. [mususic playingng] chchowchilla i is in cecentral calilifornia. it was verery small totown us. chowchililla is a plplace whee time c can seem toto stand sti, but t there's alalways sosomething ththat needs toto be planteted or harvd as t the cycle o of life conont. ed b bates: by t the time i was there in 197970, it was m mainly cattle andnd farming.. they had a faiair and a rorod. speakeker: 12:46. ed batates: each y year they had a cattttle drive r right
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through ththe center o of tow. mike m marshall: m my dad wasa worlrld championon steer wrere. i was raraised rightht, realy to belieieve in god d and cowb. at an early age, i knew i wanted to be a rodeo cowboy like my dad and his friends. jennifer brown hyde: chohowchila was a wowonderful plplace to g grow up. we'd catchch frogs. we'd g go roller s skating dodown the hilills. we'd go play in n the mud in the i irrigation n ditche. ththe town hadad no crime,, no crimeme at all. larrrry park: itit's one off the few w towns in a america that hadad fewer barars than it t had churchches. [chuckles] as a child, gogod was vevery real toto me. spspeaker: by y the power of our living god. larry park: we had angels, demons.
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i could imagine satan's army. my dad said that we all have a guardian angel that keeps those demons at bay. you imprprint that o on a ththree-year-o-old's brainn and d there's just no doubt. lynda carrejo:o: at the titim, wewe were in s summer schoho. we didid arts andd craftsts, ceramicscs. we g got to go s swimming. i have a large family. i'm third youngest in a family of 11. ththat day, i i had three e sis on the b bus and twowo cousin. we were little innocent children. ed r ray: ok, loload up. chchild: load d up! eded ray: yeahah. chchild: wherere are we going-- - where are e we goin? eded ray: we'r're going hoho.
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take youou home. lynda a carrejo: e ed ray wawas the driviver that dad. he wasas a local f farmer. larry parkrk: you coululd tell s man n was buckining his own n. yet, he e was so kinind. glen ray: he knew all the kids by first name, knewew most of t their parene. there's nonot one of t them tt didn't w want to hugug his bak when they y got on thehe bus. mikeke marshall:l: i remembebem would comeme get me evevery dy at noon alall summer.. anand the day y before ththe kidnappiping, i got t into my momom's beer d trieied to make e some popcoc, almostst burnt thehe house. she walked in and said, ok, mike, well, your punishment is you're going to have to ridede the bus home tomorrow. [gunilla hutton,n, hot chowcwcha dust] (singing) ) bending over mililes of cotttton finally ruruined my dadaddy's b. as he e overcompenensated-- jennnnifer brownwn hyde: when we loaoaded up on n the bus,
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i wentnt to the vevery back, o thatat i could b be rowdy anank withth my friendnds. i i was a veryry outgoing,, outspokeken child, and d i was consnstantly getettn trouble onon the bus f for talk. (singing) ) --as he pupulled e through ththat hot chowchillala dust. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: my y br jeff wasas also on t the bus. he was onene year aheaead of mn schoolol, an honororable stude, basically, an all-american kid. lynda a carrejo: j jeff was rit in front of me, by the way. he w was a sweetetheart. hehe was my 1010-year-old d boy. (singiging) --as i i fall in t h that hot c chowchilla a dust. larry y park: as a a child, i was hyhyperactive.e. i i was such a a problem o on t. you couldndn't keep meme in a s. and me b being me, i i forgot to take e my meds ththat day. i wawas moving s seats, bugging ththis person,n, anand hitting g this persosond pulling ththis person'n's hai. my sisteter, andrea,a, was sisitting by m me on the b b.
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she would d get me to o rela. basically, she was my best friend. lynda carrejo: i remember a lot of the girls had a crush on the 14-year-old cowboy, michael marshall. hehe was definitely a handsomeme 14-year-o-old boy. larry papark: never r heard of . nevever really s seen him bebe. here's's this kid d who comes out of complete obscurityy for r the sole p purpose thahad knew what t was about t to hap. wewe were driviving home.. asas usual, wewe were dropopg kidsds off alongng the way.. wewe're in thehe middle off the orchchards and f fields. we tururn this cororner, anand ed ray s stopped.
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officer (on tape): i'd like you to tell me in your own wordrds first. when you'r're riding t the bu, just tell l me what yoyou remem. jennnnifer brownwn (on tape): there e was this w white van p d onon the road.d. and thenen-- two guyuys jumpmped out witith guns. anand one toldld him toto open his s door. so he e opened thehe door. and thenen, the guy y got in. he had a p pantyhose over hisis head. he told ededward to gogo to the b back of thehe bus. jenniferer brown hyde: i wawas scared,, so i duckeked under mymy sea. larrrry park: eded ray got u, and d he moved t to the back.
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i i went back k over to my sisteter, andrea.a. i heldld her hand.d. mimike marshalall: the guy with t the shotgunun-- hehe's staring at me witith his. mimike marshalall (on tapep: theyey told evererybody inin the firstst three seaeato go to the e back of ththe bu, and i wawas in the f fourth se. evererybody was s scared. lyndnda carrejo:o: they keptptr gun pointeted in the d directn of all o of us childldren. soso it was, t the whole t t, poininted at thehe children. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: even morere scary wasas the pantyte that t they had pulleded over theheir face. lalarry park: : they were e t, smashing t their nose e down. theieir eyes werere hollow.. it remininded me of f demons. mike m marshall: a and all of a suddenen, we're drdriving.
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i'm m trying to o figure out what's's going on.n. if i c can figure e out ththe why, thehen maybe i can figugure out a w way to interrupt t what's coming to comeme next. and d we drive a a little fufu, then the g guy runs ththe bus intoto a big slolough. lylynda carrejejo: it was a deepep incline.. wewe were joststled alall over thehe place. when we finally stopped, we saw another van. now, t there was a a white van and a a green van.n. larry y park: the e van drove et back to ththe door of f the b. and then, , they had a all te kids on ththe right-hahand sie gogo into the e white van.. jennifer b brown hyde:e: in ththat first g group of chchin was my brorother. he turned d and lookeded at me e down the a aisle. he gave e me that lolook of, you just n need to be e quie.
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mike m marshall: g going ththrough the e door, there's ananother guy y standg there lilike a statutue, pointingng his gun straightht through.. so youou had to gogo by him. theyey had plywowood all l inside thehe van, so that you couldn't see out or anything. jennifer brown hyde: and then, they backed the second van up to the busus. and the other kids, we gotot in that v van. i was scscared, becacause thee was absosolutely no o communican from t them on whehere we're gg oror what theyey're going g to wiwith us. lalarry park: and then,, they s shut the dodoors.
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carol marshall: i had fixed michael bacon-and-d-tomato sandwicheses for dinnener. and at a about 4:30,0, i stararted lookining for the e. it d didn't comeme. eded bates: inin 1976, thehe shs officece had one p patrol offir in c chowchilla.a. there wawas only onene little bitty ofoffice and o one phon. when t the call cacame in tht the bubus was missssing, i sa, whwhat do you u mean, missss? how w does a schchool bus, all paininted yellowow, in a s small countnty show u up missing?g?
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i i put out anan all-popoints bulleletin. cacarol marshahall: i wentnt ae way to t the school,l, looked n every ststreet. i knew s something w was wron. ththe parents s were congrgregg at the police statation. wowoman: we'rere trying too locate 2 26 lost chihildren, along wiwith their d driver. patricia c crews: nevever didi think somemething majojor like s could happppen in chowowchill. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: seeed lilike we werere driven arard for, l like, hoursrs upon hou. larry y park: it w was hot inin that van.n. itit was just t stifling.. jennifer b brown hyhyde: kids g got sick fromom the motioion of the vehicle, a and no foodod, no wa. i jujust felt lilike an animl beining taken toto slaughter. if y you, as a c child, can e throrown into ththe back of f n
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withouout any comfmforts-- they didn'n't care abobout u. jennnnifer brownwn (on tape)ei toldld a few of f my little e f, anand i told t them, be brbr, bebecause evererything's g gg to be all l right. mike marshshall (on tatape): e thought ththat they mimight be k there, k killing thehe guys in n the bus, becacause we dididn't know w t theyey were doining to 'em.. lynda a carrejo: i i was separd frfrom my threree sisters.. were thehey alive? did ththey get lefeft behind? larry y park: andrdrea and d i were togogether. i tookok her hand.d. there wawas some sececurity th. jennifer b brown hyde:e: we pra. wewe sang, "ifif you're hahappd you knowow it, clap p your han" nobody clalapped theirir hand. lylynda carrejejo: they wowout lelet us use t the restrooo. i held m myself all l day. i was inin tears, bebecause i i was in phyhysical paini.
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edwaward was verery quiet. i i think he c comprehendededt this was a a serious s situati. mike m marshall: t the kids were asksking me queuestions. one was, a are they gogoing o see their r mommies anand dadd? and d i think ththat they bebed that i wouould tell ththem the trututh. i told thehem, yes, yoyou wil. and i dididn't lie.. i i didn't telell them whaht lifefetime it mimight be. [sirens blblaring] ed b bates: we w were looking for r 'em everywywhere. dan n gudgel: mymy dad, r robert gudgdgel, was wellll known ass a local l aviator. anand he approroached dan n rt here to auaugment the e searc. dan n lawrence: : i remembererg off flyingng in the aiairplanet overer the [? asash ?] sloug, lookoking for ththe bus.
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dadan gudgel: : dad took [? brenda'a's ?] slougugh down e to thehe south, anand dad is the one ththat spotteded it. it w was difficucult to see from t the ground,d, becaususe the slououghs had quite a a bit of trerees. patricia c crews: theyey knew something g was terribibly wrwrong at thahat point whwn theyey found thehe empty bus. carol mamarshall: ii couldn't't understanand it. i i actually l looked up i in t. ufosos? what?? where are e the kids?? where'e's michael?l? ed bates: : this was a a major . i calllled governonor jerrrry brown's s office. i sasaid i want t every state agencycy that has s cars and r s in my ofoffice. he said,d, you got it. in t the meantimime, we set up roaoadblocks. mikeke marshall:l: we were driving g around foror-- seseemed like e hours and hours s and hours.s. untitil they fininally stoppp.
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larry y park: and d started hearing g sawing andnd hammeri. [sawining, hammeriring] mimike marshalall: and thehen, f a sudddden, the dodoor flies o. larry parkrk: they tooook ed r ray out firirst. mike marshshall: and t then, ththey grab onone of the k k. the door f flies shut t agai. jennifer b brown hyde:e: a few miminutes woululd go by. theyey'd reach in and grab another kid. mike mararshall: i f felt helpl. that, toto me, was one of t the scariesest, becacause now, w we're goingno fifind out whahat's going g . offificer (on tatape): when ny opopened the d doors, whatatd you sesee? jenniferer brown (onon tape):i saw it w was kind ofof like a t,
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but itit had threeee sides, and it h had [? roofofing. ?] larry y park: theyey had bubuilt this s structure and coverered it withh some k kind of a t tarp. anand they hadad backed ththen underneathth the strucucture, anand so it wawas enclosede. theyey asked me e my name. i couldndn't pronoununce my r, so i wasas "lae-wee e powk," and thatat's how they wrotete it down.. jennififer brown h hyde: they asked d me my nameme and my a, and they t took my shihirt. so at thatat point, itit was jt me andnd my pink f fuzzy swims. lynda a carrejo: t they took y pursrse, white l leather puru, whwhich had a a little addddres. and i ththought, arere you givg thesese guys whoho are pointng gunsns at you yoyour addresssd phonone number w where they y ct the rest o of your famamily?
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mimike marshalall: finanally, came e down to m me and thisis little momo. and she wawas four yeaears ol. hardest papart that sticks o out in my h head wawas i had toto either hand herer over to t them or l leave her t there. and i i couldn't h hand her ov. larry papark: they escorteded me to whehere there e was a holele in the grd wiwith a laddeder coming o o. i lolooked down n the ladder, and i i could see e ed ray. ththe kidnappepers gave him one e flashlightht. i i did not wawant to go d down. i knewew if i wentnt down thata, i was nevever coming b back o. timeme froze. and then, , ed ray grarabs my anankle and sasays, come o on i.
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yoyou couldn't't really cocompd at that t point wherere you we. i found mymy brother, , so i knewew that he w was alive.. lynda carrrrejo: my sisters s were therere. mike mararshall: whehen they let monicaca come downwn, i was relilieved. jennififer brown h hyde: some of the y younger chihildren were whimpmpering and d cryin. i rememberer jodi heffffingtn was one ofof the olderer girs who trieied to keepp the younunger kids cacalm, somewhwhat, and cocomp. some peoplple just had that p personalityty of an n older-sistster figure that wasas there to o help. larrrry park: i i look aroun. ththere are sosome mattresess anand some blalankets. for us t to use the e restroo, they had cut out h holes. mike m marshall: b but we were ok, a at least fofor no.
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we'r're ok. we're e all alive.e. we'r're all backck together. larry parkrk: suddenlyly, thy dropped, l like, a mananhole cr over the h hole. mimike marshalall: that's s n wewe started h hearing thahat . you u know, pshhhhh. wewe were beining covered d , buriried alive, , you know.. [dirirt falling]g] geororge osterkakamp: i was a younung news dirirector at k , the publicic televisioion stat. so the n news of thehe kidnappg cameme to me on n a wire macac. i realalized that t this was s a big storory. itit was probabably the ststof the decadede, possiblyly the sy of t the centuryry.
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itit was a grereat story f r repoporters, a t terrible evet for parerents. reporter: : good evenining. there e may never r have been as anguiuishing a mymystery. gegeorge ostererkamp: it was coverered everywhehere. rereporter: ththe bus hahas been fouound. there arare no signsns of viole, anand there arare only hororrd guesesses as to o what mamay have hapappened. george oststerkamp: itit led ththe newscaststs-- reporter: : still no b break inin that chowowchilla, califofornia, schohool bus kikidnapping.. geororge osterkakamp: it was internatationally cocovered. but in t those earlyly hours,f coursese, nobody k knew anythi. reporter: there e are lots of theorories as to o why. leroroy tatum: y you tell me what t the theorieies are. i willll select onone. we have e no theorieies at al. reporter: : what wouldld you y about the e possible m motive t? do you havave a ththeory as toto what-- ed bates: : no, i realally don. i i don't realally have ono. reportrter: sandy y zylstra ws the e last childld to be letef the e bus beforere it disapppp. had you evever seen anany cas following g the bus bebefore? sandy y zylstra: n no. reporterer: do you h have any idea whoho might havave done t? sasandy zylstrtra: no. repoporter: did d you see anang after the e bus let yoyou of? sasandy zylstrtra: no. patricia c crews: therere werere people cacalling in with conspspiracy theoeories.
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i rememember talkiking to one en going on a and on abouout the n of sam. ed b bates: must have receceivet least 1,1,000 calls s thinkingt was ththe zodiac k killer or moon upup in oregonon. womaman: i mean,n, in ththe last fewew years, we've bebecome used d to terrot actitivity in ththis country. unfortunatately so. reporterer: [inaudibible] popolitical acact? robert g gebhardt: t that's speculatioion, sir. yoyour guess i is as goodd as minine at this s point. jenniferer brown hydyde: you cd hear t these, likeke, exhaust t. anand if you w went to thehe s, you coululd feel airir coming . not t air-condititioned air, but wawarm air cirirculating. mimike marshalall: to me, , te was just v very littlele air. very harard to breatathe.
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jenniferer brown hydyde: afteter so many y hours, it jusust becomes s desperat. larry y park: ed r ray and mie marsrshall took k the flashlht and rereally startrted lookining around.. evevery crack k and every y cre- they'r're looking g at the wal. they're lolooking at t the cracacks in the e ceiling. mike mararshall (on n tape): oy way y we could g get out wasaso ththrough the e top. all the lilittle kids,s, they s started sayaying, try and momove it. edward dididn't want to, becacause he thouought we'd g get hurt ifify caught us s trying to o get o. lynda a carrejo: w we begged edward, , please tryry. you'veve got to trtry. we'r're going toto die in heh. yoyou've got t to get us o o. larry papark: ed rayay put hihis hands upup, and d he pushed d on it a l little bit.t. ed rayay is a stouout man, bt man, it was not moving. jennifer b brown hyde:e: and t, the babatteries onon whatever s ththey had goioing-- ththey just ststopped.
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larry y park: i reremember anda wawas sitting g by herselelf, prayingng. ed r ray got us s all to calalm. he h had all 26 6 of us takeke . i i don't knowow if it wasas th. but t i kept goioing backck to campining trips thatat i had hadad with my f f. i cocould see ththe water. waiting g for that m monster f. i cocould see usus gathering aroundnd the campfpfire. i could smsmell the smsmoke.
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lelenore c. teterr: in thehe , hallucinatations were e attribd toto viruses, , head injurur. but whwhat hadn't t been knowown before c chowchillaa is that pupure fright,t, getting g scared to o death, cocould make y you hallucicin. onone little c child saw riright througugh the ceililg of the h hole, rightht throughl the rorocks and ththe dirt thahd been p piled on, a and saw te scene e of kidnappppers sleepg above ththem. that was a a completee mirage, , and that cacame from bebeing traumamat. larry y park: whenen i woke up, someththing was wrwrong. dirt was c coming in, , and du. mikeke marshall:l: it made, , , a a little "krkr-krrck," l like.
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[creaking] what's going on? larry park: the only thing holding g the roof i in place were 4-b-by-4s, onee on the c ceiling, and then a post holding it up. you could hear the screeching of the metal. and the roof just gave. jenniferer brown hydyde: it w was terrifyfying. therere was dustst and dirtt that w was flying g everywher. lynda cacarrejo: i t thought e were g going to didie right th. ththat's when n we thoughthte woululd smother r to death..
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lynda carrejo: and then, it finally stopped. but anyone that touched that beam-- the sand w would trickckle i. so we couldn't move. we had to stay put wherever we were at. wewe knew we w wouldn't lalt muchch longer inin there. reportrter: good e evening. ththe californrnia nationanal d today jojoined statete and lol police and the fbi in a giant search for 26 c california a childre. there arare no real l clues, only an eeeerie silencnce in a a frightenining and d bizarre cacase.
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rereporter: ththroughout much of f this day,, parerents and otother family of the m missing chihildren cacame to the e command popost up in downwntown chowcwchill. glglen ray: atat that timem, therere was 100 0 people waiag for wordrd, and it w was scar. carol mamarshall: mymy husban, bob-- - he was in n canada at the c calgary statampede. he w was practicically in tears, t trying to g get hom. i was able to sleep for a while. bubut as soon n as i openened m, it wasas like a toton of brics hit meme. reportrter: i guesess now, a all we cann do is s to join wiwith the famas anand loved onones of thosoe involved a and pray, p pray hd for their r safe recovovery. lylynda carrejejo: we begggd edwaward, pleasese try. you'u've got to o try. wewe're going g to die in n h. you'veve got to geget us out. mimike marshalall: i remememberd sayingng that it l looked likee wewere going t to have to o y downwn there andnd kick the e b. jenniferer brown hydyde: edwards fefearful thatat his actioionsd
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cause e harm not o only toto him, but t to us. but t mike didn'n't have that sensnse of hopelelessness. mike m marshall: y you know,a littlele fear kindnd of hits y, but at thehe same timeme, it genenerates morore power. i wawas trying t to process s i. anand i thoughght to mysele, if w we're goingng to die, we're e going to d die gettig the hehell out of f here. you knknow, we'ree going g to die tryrying. jennififer brown h hyde: they starteted stackingng up mattres to getet to the totop. even a l lot of the e younger s took t turns doingng whatever rs that theirir young lilittle bodieies could dod. we'r're not goining to die.. thisis is not hohow we'r're going toto end. lyndnda carrejo:o: jodi's job was s to shine t the flashlilt whwhile michaeael went upp and, witith all his s might, gagave his cowowboy push.. mike mararshall: all the kikids are-- go on, mikike. you can dodo it, mike.e.
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and i don'n't feel it t move r see it movove, but allll the ki- i i just heardrd 'em say, , it ! it movoved! larry papark: for ththe first t time, i fefelt hope. i kind of f wondered if he wawas my angelel, mymy guardian n angel that dad t talked abouout. lynda a carrejo: a at that poioe said, edwaward, you hahave to p him. we got t to get out t of her. wewe're going g to die. we're e going to suffocatate in here.e. jejennifer brorown hyde: e edwas fearfuful that somomebody wasp there, jusust waiting.g. but t he finallyly went ovover and helelped. larry y park: ed r ray startd pushing g with everyrything he . theyey knew somemething was s , bubut we didn'n't know whahat i. and so he e pushed up,p, and het thatat manhole c cover up, m e ababout yay hihigh. and mikeke marshall l stuck his arm ththrough therere and stararted feelining aroud to see w what was onon top
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ofof the manhohole cover.. mike got h his hand inin thee and just s started doioing th. and togegether, theyey moved tt manhnhole cover r back just tr enouough that a a corner off a batterery could bebe seen. that's notot the babattery in y your car. ththese bus babatteries weweh ababout 125, 1 150 pounds.. had ed rayay slipped, , had eded ray lost t his grip,, mikeke marshall l would have lost t his arm. jenniferer brown hydyde: i reremember thehem saying,, watch ouout, and toooom! these e two huge b batteries were droropped downn on the statack of mattttresse. lalarry park: : and then,, ed ray h had a good d look. around t this hole, , they'd me a sqsquare box, , 3 feet hig,
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somethining like thahat. and d that was s so that ass they w were coveriring the vn with dirt,t, that theyey wouldndn't cover u up the hol. mimike marshalall (on tapep: edwaward squeezezes me througugh this halalf-foot ho. i geget on top o of it. i i start poununding on ththis. lalarry park: : all the seses wewere pretty y well connenec. mike saiaid, we needed someththing to pryry it with. mike marshshall: i keeeep the part of bobox spring m mattres and wawas using ththe wood. mimike marshalall (on tapepe)o robert gotot up there e with e for a whwhile, and w we startd hittining and poununding and d hitting anand pounding. lalarry park: : mike wouldld slt cornerer over and d over and o. it just seseemed imposossibl. mike mararshall: i s start digg undernrneath the p plywood. and d i realizeded after i do that t for a whilile,
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the mateterial rock k and stuf is falliling down ououtside ofof the plywowood into the holele i'm diggiging. i i thought, m maybe i couod get weweight off t the top. ththen i can p pull it outu, and i i can scoop p it down inside t the hole. larry y park: he w was kickig dirt, , throwing d dirt. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: i d t knknow how lonong he was u up . it wasas hours. larry y park: he k kept diggi. mike marshshall: i was drainened, tired.. my equililibrium wasas totally . thatat's when ededward startr, prpretty pleasase, don't h hur. i could hehear that inin my eaears, ringining over andnd , pretetty please,e, don't hurur. anand i'm stararting to bebele ththat they arare up therer. i trieied to see i if i could get anany weight o off the to. it m moved, likeke, just a c c, anand i lookeded through i .
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and plaiain as day, , i was going up, , and a dooror openi. and bebeyond that t was jujust pure dadarkness. anand you coululd tell thehers somebody i in that dararknes. i remember it vividly. lenore c. teterr: this w wasa hahallucinatioion that he e hag intoto no place,e, that theyeye still in h horrible trtroubl. mike marshshall: i takake a lilittle breakak there, but t then i saiaid to mymyself, you'u're cowboy.. you're g going to geget on ththat crazy-a-ass horse.. you're g going to dodo whatevr it is s you got toto do. i dididn't care e if theyey were up t there. i wasn't't going to o give u. fromom that poinint on, it didn't t matter. mike m marshall (o(on tape):i starteted hitting g stuff, hitg and d pounding a and hitttting and popounding.
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and i i pulled a c chip out. and then, , there was s a big c. i cracacked the ceceiling. anand then, i i almost gotot it. i jujust pulled d some moree and crcracked it a again. larry y park: it w was the mot beauautiful ray y of sunlight thatat i had evever seen. mimike marshalall: i just t rer the lighght and the e air, so much air a and cool aiair. not t knowing ifif they're u up, i kept t thinking, w we're getg
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going upup above thehe hole, id no r real sense e where it w . i see trees. and i fefelt like wewe were i in the moununtains. therere was nobobody there. larry park: i remember gettingg out and d looking around. off in the distance was a big, big buildlding. and i i was worried about that building, because maybe the kidnappers were over there. jejennifer brorown hyde: e edwat all the e kids togetether and s, we need d to be quieiet. and so likike a bunchh of littltle ducks, wewe're just w walking through ththe sand. mike mararshall: there werere 27 of us.s. and d if they arare around h , wewe're a pretetty easy tatat to see. larry parkrk: but thenen, we w someone e coming towoward us.
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and i did not know who it was or what they wanted. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: andne guguy's face w was just lili, oh my god! i i saw you onon the news.. where inin the helll did you come frorom? mike marshall: we turned out to be in a r rock quarry. and in no time, the klaxon started sounding. ththey had setet off theirir a. robebert gebhardrdt: the children h have been f found. theyey are in gogood shape.. the bus drdriver has b been fo. he is inin good shapape. there'e's no indicication of any hararm. bruce tetellardin: d detectie bernie [ [? serbie ? ?] and i werere the firstst two,s i recallll, to arrivive and me cocontact withth the bus driver a and the kidids. kids were e actually, , for ththe most parart, calm.
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they w were a littttle bit dirty-lookoking, obvioiously, because e they were burieded in the grground. larry y park: we w were inin this big g warehouse.. i remembmber they had a wawater coolerer. i would tatake my littttle cupd i woululd pour it t on my hea, and thenen i'd fill l it up and i'd popour it on m my hea, trying to o get the didirt off. carorol marshallll: that eveve, we had thehe televisioion on, anand i thoughght i heard d m sasay, kids frfrom chowchihia had been found. i ran in there, jumped over the coffee table, turned the tv up.. and sure e enough. and i was just so o thankful.. my son, , michael, i is 14, and he's alilive and welell, and he's c coming homeme. and i i can't waitit to see h. reporterer: what's t the last 2 24 hours bebeen like? carorol marshallll: not veryry. i woululdn't want t to have o go thrhrough 'em a again, eve.
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bruce tetellardin: w we had to decide e how we're e going to proceceed with ththe inteterviews andnd things, and we dececided it wawas besto get ththem to a sesecure locat. jenniferer brown hydyde: so e wrote justst a very shshort dise to a a prison. theyey sat us dodown at alall these lilittle desksk, and theyey had appleles and d cartons ofof milk. larry park: we were e given the inmatete jumpsuitsts, their whwhite jumpsuits, to wew. jennnnifer brownwn (on tape)e)l us little kids got i into 'em, and we had to o roll the pants up a about 10 fefeet. wewe're sittining there, flappingng our arms.s. we said,d, hey, we c can fly. and d we'd pretetend like we were e going to f fly. jenniferer brown hydyde: and t, the e police camame in and t td to us. reporter: what's thehe situation with the kids now? man: i would generally descrcrie ththem in veryry high spirir. repoporter: haveve they talked witith their paparent? man:n: we ask, w who wants to be tatalked to nenext? and theyey all put u up their hand, anand they're e very jov.
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lynda carrrrejo: afterer that, y got us loaded upup in a greyeyhd bus s to go homeme to chowchch. [applause, cheering] when w we got throrough chowchc, there werere lights eveverywhe, pepeople everyrywhere, just a seaea of peoplele. larrrry park: itit was just t . a a very nice e gentlemann carried d me off thehe bus-- paparent: is t that larry?? larry papark: --and d put meme in my momom's arms. (cryrying) and i i put my head on n her shouldlder. parent: itit's wonderfrful. you u can't say y enough wors to d describe hohow it feels, you u know. i'm jujust so happppy i could . [applaususe, cheerining] man: c come here, , mike. mike m marshall: r reporters a l over, askiking me whatat happe.
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and d i started d to talk toto, and then j just out ofof nowhe, prinincipal tatutum stepped d d said, why y don't we j just ge him a brbreak, boys?s? you know, , let him gogo home andnd get some e sleep. and so we got in the car r and left.. there was s my chance e to telle worlrld what hapappened to g gg out t and everytything, and i didndn't do it.. i i let the grgrownups do o . ed ray: 7 7 o'clock, we got dugug out. i handeded the kids s up to te other r boys, and d we got ou, and wewe all got h home safe. [a[applause] rereporter: asas miraculououy as t they had didisappeared, ththe childrenen of chowchcha rereturned to o their parere, due toto the heroioic efforts of theheir bus dririver, ed r. larry papark: we werere home, but the e kidnappersrs were stl out t there.
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[jet whirring, sirens blaring] ed batates: we hadad 100 agentnt there, folollowing leaeads on o mimight have d done this.. had d all the ststate. i hahad all the e fbi, and my own n people, ofof course, t . lynda cacarrejo: i was actutually stillll scarared of thosose kidnappep, whwhere they'r're at, whatt
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ththey're doining. are ththey followiwing us? they knonow where wewe live. they knonow our addrdresses. theyey know our r phone numbm. it was r really overwhelmiming for me.e. maman: a lot o of them aree scareded to let ththeir kids t of t the house.. i know my y wife's gotot a girlrlfriend acrcross town t t saysys she won't't let her kids outut of the hohouse. lalarry park: : we were inin a . wewe did not l like sleeeeping in ththe windows, and every sound sent us running. bruce tellllardin: thehe firt rereal breaks s in the casae came when n the formerer employeeee from the e quarry cacalled up anand said thahae hahad made nototes in a leler thatat they mainintained during theheir patrolsls-- thatat he had seseen men worog wiwith a cat b bulldozer.. and he alslso noted ththat the were two moving vavans parkedd on the sitite. one timeme, he said d he foud a young g man workining in oe
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of t the scrapyayard areas.. anand when he e confrontedd that indndividual, he f found his identifification, sasaid thatat he was frfrederick wowood he was t the son of f the own. geororge osterkakamp: one of the thihings we leaearned was that the woods family-- they weren't from the central valley. ththey were from the bay area, from the v very nicestst subus ofof the bay a area. inin fact, woooods has ann illuststrious doububle name-- frfrederick nenewhall woodo. jill klinge: when the gold rush was happening in california, henry newhall ended up amassing a great fortune-- 148,000 acres up and down the statate of calififornia. railroad towns were named after him. ed b bates: theyey owned magic mountatain. george oststerkamp: whwhy woud these pepeople be ininvolved? was itit a thrill l crime? duduane gull: : next day, , ands asked toto serve a s search wart
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on t the woods' ' estate. bruce tetellardin: t the plae was litterered, literarally, withth old vehicicles. duane gullll: it had a antiqe rolls-roycyces and benentley, all kindnds of milititary war-r-surplus-tytype jeeps.. it was reaeally someththing to . therere was a seseparate buiuig opposite t the mansionon. it w was a serieies of garaga. we had b been told t that frd slept abovove the gararages, and d we went upupstairs. bruce tetellardin: t the place e was full o of junk. you coululd barely walk acrcross the roroom. olold movie cacameras-- there wawas a bunch h of them all ovover the plalace. duduane gull: : and ththere was a desk. and that's where he had a kind of an envelope, like a m manila-typepe envelo. it h had the plalan, the actual plalan of how the sesequence of f the kidnapg was s supposed t to go down.
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bruce tellardin: and inside that, there was a jack-in-the-box bag that, on thehe back sidede of , had bebeen writtenen the nanames and ththe ages of f l of thehe children.n. but probabably the most telliling evidencnce wawas the ransnsom note thtt was s found in t that envelol. and at thahat point, i it starteted to gel a as to who was s responsiblble for this. ed batates: fred w woods, the suspecect's fatherer, was vevery cooperarative, totold me he t tried to gegt his son interested in the family business. his son got interested in these old cars. duduane gull: : he developod a bubusiness of f refurbishig old cars and s selling thehe. hehe had gone e into partntnep wiwith a frienend from high sch, named james schoenfeld.
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his brother, rick schoenfeld, was involved, but he was more of a hanger-on to the other two. ed bates: the brothers-- their father was a foot specialist. they were e upper-middddle-cla. arlene s storm: theyey were als veryry polite anand outgoing. and if w we saw themem outsid, they a always chatatted with . veryry friendly y boys. jenniferer brown hydyde: we we reallyly shocked t that these e three yoyoung men ththat came from verery affluentnt famili. i was s dumbstruckck. reporterer: why do y you suppe that t they would d do somethg like that?t? jejennifer brorown: i don'n't . they dididn't have e enough lo. carorol marshallll: fred wooood- whatat was he afafter money y? he hadad more moneney thanan the town n had. ed b bates: now,w, we know who thesese people a are. so w we just folollowed our r . reporterer: acting o on evidee discoverered at the e house, law enfoforcement authoritities have j just issueded an all-popoints bulle. reporterer: suspectsts are consnsidered armrmed and danang.
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arrest on probable cause. brucuce tellardidin: the investigatators workeded 24 hos a daday and founund out thatatd and james s schoenfeldld took . freded went to v vancouver.. he usesed a fake i id to get in, chececked into a a hotel. while wowoods is upp in canadada, he's writing g letters from a p post officece, askingng friends f for money. reportrter: good e evening. the e fbi is looooking all o ove country y tonight fofor frederk wowoods and jajames schoenenf, two of thehe three menen suspecected of kidnappingng 26 childrdren in calalifornia lalast week. ththe third maman, schoenfnfes yoyounger brotother, turned h himself in.n. reportrter: in oakakland, californiaia last nighght, richarard allen schoenfeldld, surrendedered. hehe walked ininto the alalaa cocounty distrtrict attornrns ofoffice, alonong with hiss fatherer and a lawawyer. ththe attorneyeys said richard susurrenderedd fofor his own n protectiono. reporterer: james scschoenfed was captptured at dadawn toda.
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his lawywyer said hehe'd gottenen tired of f running, hahad called a and said hehd turnrned himselflf in at 8:00 this mororning. popolice closesed in an hour befefore that.. reporterer: the thirird suspspect, fred d woods, was ararrested at t the main vancouvever post offffice after royayal canadianan mound police h had been titipped by t the fbi. theyey say the 2 24-year-oldld t was unararmed and didid not pup a fighght. he appeaeared nervouous, a lite cocky,y, but mostltly disintered in talkingng to reportrters. fred woodsds: no commement. reportrter: what d do you thik abouout the chararges againsns? fred w woods: no c comment. rereporter: anany concernsns t going to c california a at al? frfred woods: : would you?? [chuckleles] patricicia crews: : the kidnaps had d hit this t town rightt inin its heartrt by tataking thosese children.. dan gudgelel: the commmmunity took it ququite persononally. sasaying we'rere upset is very, v very mild..
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it was voioiced aroundnd town that, quotote, "all wewe need is a a good old-d-fashionedd streetet hanging,"," end quot. larry y park: thesese were three men who were so hated. ststationed onon top of the polilice stationon-- a a sniper. onon top of cicity hall--- a a sniper-- a all in thee means s of protectcting them. reporterer: inside, , both wowoods and jajames schoenend spoke e with a firirm voice,e, showing n no fear. theyey were ordedered held on $1 millllion bond e each. repoporter: the e biggest questionon in this b bizarre ce is stillll unanswerered. werere there pololitical motot? psycychological l motives? momotives of revenge? no one seems to know. duane e gull: when i interviewed fred, he said that he and his dad weren't very close. he wasn't doing what his dad expected him to do. they were always bickering about him dropping out of college, and hehe wanted hihis own money so h he didn't
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have to rerely on his s fathe. officer: t turn to youour lef. duane gugull: james s told me t they w were going g to make a ae to make e money, andnd that's how the e whole thining start. brbruce tellarardin: they y td ouout a movie e script calalledn reaction,"," and it wawas an amm of t the patty h hearst kidndng case, , the frenchch connecection, and d dirty har. harry: y you've got t to ask yourself o one questioion. do i i feel luckcky? wewell, do youou, punk? bruce tetellardin: a and it d didn't happppen. jijill klinge:e: during thts time, , they also o learned that thehe state hadad a surprplus of fununds. so they trtried to think of, , how can wewe get raransom from m the stat? so thehen, that leled them to kidnappiping a schooool bus, bebecause the e state runss the scschool systetem. brbruce tellarardin: againin,y were obvioiously influluenced by thehe originall dirty y harry movivie. haharry: row, , row, row y your! whatat's the matatter with y ! can'n't you singng! brucuce tellardidin: in thee final l scenes of f the movi, you hahad an indivividual who hijacks s a bus fullll of child,
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and they e end up in a rock k quarry. jillll klinge: f for 18 months, ththey were researching different targets. they had m maps, wherere they circled alall the schohools ty wewere considedering. they w were able t to get t identificacation and d different t names to p pue the thingsgs they neededed. they w went out toto the quary in thehe cover of f darkness to bury an entire transport van. they obtbtained weaponons, manyny, many weapons. to collect the ransom money, they wanted the government to flyly the ransosom money and dropop it at a l locatio. bruce e tellardin:n: they had intendnded to haveve an air dp over the s santa cruz z mounta. all the way through, they thought they had thought of everything. jill klingnge: but thehe night of the kidnanapping, they weren't able to call in their ransom demand, because the phone lines were so jammed. they d decided to o go home. fred woodsds had a latate-nigt dinner witith his parerents, like any other night.
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then, the news came out that the children had freed themselves. reporter: the childrdren are ho. jill klinge: rick and james schoenfeld came over to the property and planned their escape from therere. bruce tellardin: whehen the e children e escaped, that k kind of desestroyed thr whole plan rightht there.
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the gratateful townsnspeople ty hononored their r hometown h . jennififer brown h hyde: the ll popoliticians s decided ththae needed t to celebratate the e heroes thahat came fromom this horrrrendous evev. and so thehe town had d what theyey called eded ray day. jennifer b brown: me a and 25 s have s something t to give to . eded ray: thanank you. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: edwdd wawas a very h humble man.. he didn'n't ask forr the pupublicity, a and he didn't asksk for all t the attetention thatat came his s. the press s assumed that edwdward saved d us, and he, from that point on, was the hero. and that is trueue. edward kept us all togetether, anand edward helped us g get o. but edwardrd was nonot the onlyly hero. lalarry park: : i was tellllg peopople mike mamarshall dugug . itit was mike e that dug u us.
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but t nobody wasas listening. carol l marshall: : that day,i coululd see thatat michael ws really depepressed. mike marshshall: i rememember thinking t to myself, , why ai feeling lilike this? whatat's wrong w with me? hey, youou know whatat? who cacares? we a all got outut. we'r're all out.t. that's whahat matters.s. i fefelt guilty y for feelinin. jenniferer brown hydyde: mike s not t going to b boast aboututt he didid. ththat just wawasn't mike.. larry y park: that day was supposed to be the day of honoring us. ththey put a p plaque in t te wiwith all of f our names.. but t a lot of u us were still in t that hole.. jennifer brown hyde: when we got home, i thought life would be ok. evenen though ththe kidnappes were a actually arrested, it didn't stop my mind from going over what happened, what
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could have happened. i can remember having nightmares immediately. my mom tells me that i starteted sleepwalalking. anand i would d come intoo their r room, justst in shoc, anand tell thehem, theyey're killining me. joanan brown: wewe're drdriving downwn the road,, and therere happens s to be a van, whehether it's s a telephe cocompany or p ptne or jususa vehihicle besidede the road. gogo on past, , mama, don'n't . don't slowow down. larry park: i hated sleeping. i hated going to sleep, because every night, i was haviving nightmamares. i cocould hear a andrea screre. she could hear me screaming. mom! mom! mom! those demons were going to keep us forever.
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carol marshall: i knew michael was having trouble. he was also screaming and hollering in his sleep. mike marshall: i put myself back in there, thinking about how i was going to die. carol marshall: our family was just turned inside-out. didn't know how to fix it. didn't know who to talk to about it. we lefeft, went onon the roa. tried to f forget it, , get pas. and d the schoolol did not o r any y help to ththose kids,, likeke counselining, whateve. leroy tatatum: i canan't visisibly see anany problems. now, w whether or r not theres someme psychologogical scars, i cecertainly wowouldn't kno. bubut it's jusust kind of,, on thehe surface, , it-- i can't t pull anyththing ou. carol marsrshall: not t once. the e kids were e totally fofor. lenorere c. terr: : in 1976, te was s a word, "c"childhood t tr" ouout there.
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but t nobody knenew exactly what i it was. whenen one is trtraumatized,de sesense of basasic trust g g. whwhile i was s in traininig as a c child psychchiatrist, i wanted t to find outut what happens toto children n who gt frfrightened t to death and don'n't die. and thatat started t the chowchilla study. carol marshall: no one other than dr. terr was even trying to be helpful. she e told us riright up fror, she e was writing a paper for ththe americanan medical l journal. she e was intervrviewing thehe. she also listenened to them.. lenore c. . terr: by t the timeme i got outut there, 100% o of those kikids werere having prproblems. larry park: mom and dad were told not to come in when we have nightmares. they said that if they are going in when we have nightmares, ththat they are e rewardingg our bebehavior of f having the ninightmares, , and if thy stopop rewarding the behavavio,
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we'll stopop having ninightmar. anandrea becamame very intntrov. where she e had been outgoing b before, she preferred to hide in heher room. lelenore c. teterr: some o ofm became afrfraid to reaeally gt intimate with anybody. larry park: she would not hug me. i would tell her that i loved her, and she e would justst ignore it like e it was never said. lenore c. terr: the chowchilla children had the worst idea about their futures. in the unconscious, we are undestructible. wewe are goingng to live f for. after trauauma, that's's not t. yoyou buy it t that yoyou're goingng to die.
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plus, now through december 31st, eligible xfinity rewards members can get 25% off a storm ready wifi device. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. repoporter: in californrnia yesterdrday, three yoyoung men pleaded guguy toto the kidnanapping a yeyeao of 2 26 schoolchchildren and their r bus driverer. repoporter: the e men pled nt guililty to difffferent charas that carryry a life sentence w without pararole. prprosecutor d david minieier io tryingng to show t that there s far more b bodily harmrm inflid on thehe kidnappeded victims. david d minier: wewe have conditionsns of total l darkne, of not e enough foodod or wat, extrememely hot, c conditions of pananic among t the childr.
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ththat should d be enough ho constititute bodilily harm, evenen if you dodon't hahave broken n bones. edward m merrill: asas you gentn whwho have seeeen the trananst knknow, there'e's very litite physysical damagage at all.. anand practicacally, itit's nonexisistent. repoporter: whatat about the emotioional damagege that they y talked abobout? is thahat possiblele? edward mererrill: therere is no o case in cacalifornia that i i know of t that holds that emomotional damamage is bodidily injury.y. lenore c c. terr: ii couldndn't believeve it. the e mind and t the brain?? ththat's not b bodily harmr? what youou do to a p person's m, whwhat you do o to a youngng cs develoloping mind?d? rereporter: bubus driver e edy was among g the early y arrivs atat the alamemeda coununty courthohouse, closely y followed b by some f the chilildren who w were kidnad with him i in july of f last y. jill k klinge: so o the childn had d to be brouought in and hahad to testitify about e injujuries that t they sustata. theyey had to faface the kidnappersrs in that c courtro. jennifer b brown hyde:e: i can n remember m my mom sasaying that t the kidnapaps wowould be in n the room..
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i i was so scacared. reporterer: ed ray e explaind how he andnd the childldren wewere placed d in two airirs vavans and howow the childldret and d he feared d suffocatio. jodi heffifington fellll to tetears on thehe witness s sd as she attttempted to o tell heher story ofof the kidnanapg and beining entombeded undergro. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: whehey took me ininto the couourtroo, i can n remember s sitting inin the jury y box, anand i felt l like i coululd y see, bececause i wasas so litt. i reremember notot looking at the k kidnappers,s, lilike i'm goioing to do what i i got to do,o, and i'm gogoing to geget out of h here. i told thehem the harmrm that they causesed to us wawas becae of thehe conditionons thatat they put t us in. and as i i finished d and i wad out,t, i just ststarted bawlw. jill k klinge: it t was extrtremely bravave of themm to take e the stand.d. reportrter: do youou think thy shouldld ever be r released?
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ed rayay: no, i dodon't ththink they s should. reportrter: why? eded ray: did d you know t thee going toto come backck and rele us if wewe didn't geget out? wewe were buriried under the groundnd, man. reporter: : after 16 d days ofof grueling g testimony,, judge deegegan found all threree men guililty. deeganan-- "this w was an ordl of t terror, andnd that, to o, causeses sufferingng. suffffering is, , in itselflf, physicalal harm." jenniferer brown hydyde: findg out thatat my kidnapappers got e withouout the possibilitity of parolole was s exactly whwhat we h had hoped f for. jijill klinge:e: but just t n susurvivors fefelt that ththeyd find somome sort of f peace wit, ththe kidnappepers filed a app, and in 1 1980, the a appellae court agagreed and r reversed ththe sentencece. lenonore c. terrrr: the kidndns had plentyty of money y and ply of timime and a vevery good atay and said m mental harmrm isnt
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bodily hararm. larry y park: theyey could be out aftfter 25 yearars. we thohought we wewere safe, , you know.. jejennifer brorown hyde: that wasas and stillll is like e a slap in n the fac. reporter: : what was t the worsrst part of f it for you? jennnnifer brownwn: i reallyly t think we w were going g to get . my brotherer did, but t i didt think we w were going g to get . because i i didn't knonow wht was going g to happen n to us or i if they'd e ever let usus r if we'd d run out ofof food ore or whahat. i just f figured thahat was i. jennnnifer brownwn hyde: after the e trial was s done, i cocouldn't prorogress past the k kidnapping.g. my self-esteem took a large blow. i didn't want anybody knowing everything that i had been throuough. but t everybody y in chowchiha knknew about t the kidnapppp, so i h had a lot o of eyes watag me at thatat point in n time. and thenen, unfortununately for us, fifive years
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afafter the kikidnapping, , my r was inin an induststrial accidt with m my dad, andnd my brbrother was s killed. reporter: : about 300 peoplele attendedd jeff's's funeral, , many standg ououtside becacause the chchl wawas full. jennififer brown h hyde: i felo bebetrayed by y god that h he e ththrough the e kidnappingng, an took a away my beleloved broth. the e spotlight t was on us s . we had repeporters att our housuse all the e time. mymy small famamily at that pointnt crumbled.d. mymy parents d divorced. ththat small t town becamee so sufuffocating f for me thatat i couldn'n't go to school w without statares. i coululdn't go toto school wiwt people talalking behinind my b. i coululdn't go toto school wiwt sosomebody sayaying, i am m so .
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and mymy mom and i i made the decisision to leavave chowchil. i left dururing my jununior yeyear of highgh school. i was s a class ofofficer. i i was a cheeeerleader. i was ininvolved in n everythi. i gave it t all up, soso that we e could moveve away and i cocould be a n nobody. i i just wanteted to be nonob. lelenore c. teterr: when they getet to be adudults, childhood d trauma doesn't jujust go awayay. inin fact, somome of it gegets .
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mimike marshalall: i wawas about 1919 or 20, going g out and gegetting hahammered, blblackout drurk evevery singlele night. i jujust didn't t want to rerer anymore ababout the kikidnappi. i justst wanted itit to go aw. i didn't k know who i i was any. that cowboboy part ofof me went a away. i'i'm still alalive. i cacan still wawalk and tal. but stilill, the wayay i feel ie meme, what thehey'd done t to- they c could neverer feel what they y put us thrhrough.
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alcohohol helped w with ththat in a bibig way. carorol marshallll: over thehe , everythingng just ovoverwhelmed d him. he gotot more and d more in-- into the h hole. mike mararshall: i w was drininking and u using and all ththat, to thehe poit whwhere i'd bebeen to seveven r, was living in insanity. before thehe kidnappining, i cd see soso much lighght ahead of, see mymy future. bubut then, afafter the kikidna, i couldndn't see anynything. jill klilinge: the k kidnappes have beeeen having p parole heas since the early 1980s. many of the survivors wanted to participate in the process. jodi heffington attended almost every hearing,
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having to face each of the kidnappers every five years. jodi heffington medrano: they did a number of emotitional damagage to a all of us,, inclcluding ourr famililies, our paparents. ouour lives wewere never t e sameme after thahat, ever. jill klilinge: durining the kikidnapping,, jodidi heffingtoton was one of thehe older girirls who was lilike an oldeder sisr figure t to a lot ofof the ki. lenore c. . terr: she was ththe one kidd who o held a flalashlight the wholole time and d stood steaeady as anytyt. jejennifer brorown hyde: s she e one of o our strongegest advoca. heher and lyndnda carrejoo have g gotten in t the car and driviven hours t to the by area t to be therere in persn numerous t times. jojodi heffingngton medrdrano: what t they did-- theyey should ststay there.. matthew memedrano: itt was onon the victitims to f fight for t them to be e i. ifif they had d not been going toto parole hehearings, they'd h have been o out in prprobably 198980-somethini.
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larry y park: at o one hearin, theyey actually y shut me dod, because e i was so a angry. onone of the g guards led d me. it was one thing that they hurt me, but they completely shattered my family. andreaea had dissociated fromm the family and left chowchilla. my mom lost faith in my dad as a protector. i was surviving day to day. hated mymy life, hatated myse, and hahated everyoyone around . repoporter: parkrk has had t te with the l law, spent t some te in pririson. he's's doing betetter now, he saysys, but stilill strugglil. larry park: if they want me to believe that they're ready, they're gogoing to havave to l let me see e 'em cry. theyey're going g to have to let meme see 'em c cry for me and for r my sister r and my fa. matttthew medranano: when thy would d go to the e parole heae,
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it w would be ththe respsponsibilityty of the vivm to say whahat their ststory i. my mom t talked abouout how se didn't feel l safe arounund m, her depression, her struggled with addiction issues. what they don't tell you is that you're not just going to speak yourur piece onene time. ththey never g got rest. jill klingnge: the kididnappes were denenied parolele fofor many, mamany years.. itit wasn't ununtil after r 0 ththat there w was public c sut for themem. reporterer: a rally y was hed today inin san francncisco by supupporters dedemanding parole f for the kididnapper. jill k klinge: seveveral highgh-profile p politicians and famililies became e invold in advococating for r parole. this incluludes gavinn newsom's's father, who was s an appellalate judg. williaiam newsom: : nobody wawas physicalally injurede- huge factotor in the c case. jillll klinge: a and dale fore, whwho was partrt of t the investitigative team from m madera coununty when the chchowchilla kidnappiping case ococcurred.
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dale f fore: what't's right t is right.. how muchch time you u want ouout of thesese guys? lynda carrrrejo: he wawas one oe peoplele who assurured us thatae of t the kidnappppers wowould ever g get out. jillll klinge: h he'd started workrking for frfred woods' ' . hehe knew manyny of the susurv. and atat times, hehe approachd themem and offerered them momy to c come and susupport paroe and d to change e their posisi. lyndnda carrejo:o: he had ofofd me personanally, at onone poi, to makake some mononey. hehe wanted meme to writee letterers in suppoport of pararole for ththe kidnappe. and i lelet him knowow i was t the kikind of girlrl that coud be bouought. ththe next pararole hearini, one e of the kididnap victims showed up with dalee as her support person with letetters in support t of releasese. woman:n: don't asksk me nothi. mamatthew medrdrano: it was a cocomplete, lilike, betrtrayal to eveveryone.
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larrrry park: ovover the yeae, ththere was anan anger buiuilg in me ththat infesteted absoluy every y aspect of f my life. i was replplaying thee kidnapapping conststantly. i wawanted to totorture thosos. i woululd fantasizize about the difffferent waysys ththat we coululd get theme. i i was in a p prison of my own n making. and i dedecided to p pray. i said, , god forgivive 'em,m, because i i can't. god bless s 'em, becauause i ca. and i realized, god forgive 'em, because i won't. and d god, he sasaid, i cann work w with the trtruth. we canan move forwrward from h.
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jill klilinge: larryry park d decided to o go througugh the reststorative justice prprocess. and thatat's a procecess that assists s survivors s that choe to talk toto their offffendero come to o closure ifif it helplps them. larrrry park: soso i got to o . and i sasaid, i was s your vivictim for 3 36 hours. and for r the last 3 38 year, i've been n my own vicictim. i told them that i forgave them. but forgiving them wasn't e enough. i had spent my lifetime hating them. and so i a asked for their foforgiveness.s.
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morere than 35 years ago o is now freree. the california departmement of corrrrections released r richard schchoenfeldt nighght from a s san luis obisispo prison.n. inin 1976, he e kidnapped d6 chilildren-- a c crime that td the e nation witith great coco. lynda a carrejo: w when the youngestst kidnapperer got ou, that's whehen the paninic attatack starteded happening, and d the worry.y. all these e feelings c come up t you u hadn't felelt in so lol. i wawas nauseousus, and then very y tearful, becaususe first, i i think fifirst of othther childrer. jennififer brown h hyde: i i prepared m myself, because e i knew thahat his brbrother woululd be not t o soon a after that.t. rereporter: after nearlyly 40 yeaears behind d bars, jamemes schoenfefeld will sosoe out of pririson and onon paro. news of the latest release did not go over well withth the victitims. jodi h heffington medrano: l ls lelet all the e prisoners s wht somemeone and huhurt their families-- just, l let's let 'em all l go. lynda cacarrejo: jododi went ininto a huge e depressiono.
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she wowould say, l lynda, it'sl mymy fault. itit's all my y f, they're e getting ouout. it's allll my fault.t. and i s, we h have as mucuch responsisiy as y you do to k keep them i. matthew medrano: (crying) she couldn't get out of bed no more, and it was just-- she was so weak. because she was justst drinkiking so muchch, and she wowouldn't eatat, becacause she wawas so depress. and she e basically y just cocouldn't process life e the y she was supposed to. and my mom just did her best for as long as she could. and d it was theheir [bleleep] fault.t. [sighs] georgege osterkampmp: while the schohoenfelds inin prison seememed to behahave accordidio ththe rules, w woods was d diff. jillll klinge: i it was discscd that he wawas conductiting businesses, including a christmas tree farm,
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a a gold mine,e, and he contind to purchchase and collect cars while he was incarcerated. george osterkamp: he was able to acquire contraband cell phones anand use themem to condnduct the bubusinesses.. jill klingnge: the extxtent tt fred woooods involveved himsef in e every smallll detailil is staggeriring. auautomated vovoice (on tape: ththis is a prprepaid callll f- freded woods (onon tape): frf. automateted voice (o(on tape: --an inmnmate at thehe county cocorrectionalal facility.. fred woooods (on tapape): hey, . it's fred.d. whwhat's the d deal about t e gegenerator bebeing screwewed? listenen, i need a green n dot numberer. you'u're on thatat internrnational trtruck. i sure h hope you puput that cacalifornia l license plale on that [i[inaudible] ] truc. alalso, the tititle ofof that trucuck is-- geororge osterkakamp: one of the momore astonisishing thins is that fred woods has possessionon of the twtwo kikidnapped vavans that thte chilildren and t the bus drirr were t transporteded in, becauae thinks thehe value wilill incre because e of their n notoriet. it's's not any s sentimentalal . it's f fred's continuingng obsessionon,
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i would cacall it, witith mon. it's's amazing, , because he didn't't even needed the mone. the woods family set up a trust. they wanted to pass onon what ththey could t to their son. and it was estimated in one filing to be $100 million-- money y that woods, even ass an inmnmate, had a access to. lynda carrejo: the hearing came up pretty quick. it was really difficult, because we have just recently lost jododi. but the cocommunity cacame toger and d said, ok, we got to not just do it for, ourselves s do it for r jodi anand jeff andnd each otheh. woman: thihis is the 1 17th susubsequent l life parolee considideration hehearing for frederick woods.s. george osterkamp: only the inmate and his attorney
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were in the prison. everybody else was on remote. lynda carrejo: here we are, wondering if rehabilitation has occurred. is rehabilitation running businesses out of a jail cell, sneakily smuggling contraband such as cell phones in and out of prison without regard to rules, regulations, and authority? jennifer brown hyde: he should not be released. hihis mind is s still evil, and he is out to get what hehe wants with no regret for t the safety of oththers. mr. woods has nonot changed for the better in the 45-plus years he's been incarcerated. matthew medrano: he's g gotten the heal. anand my motheher was nevevr grananted that chance e from 16 toto when she e died two y year. george o osterkamp: the biggest quesestion the c commissionened was fromom the lead d commissio, whwho asked why woods wawas o fixateted on money. frfred woods: : i've always said i needed the money. well, i didn't need the money. i wanted the money. i've learned that in the last few years. that was a mistake on my part. i was totally wrong with this way of thinking.
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i've had a thinking change. jill klinge: i felt that he still wasn't wholly truthful and that he still showowed some of the same characacteristicss ththat he did d at the time he plplanned thisis. i wonder i if he undererstans that the t trauma, thehe physil and emototional trauauma, isis life-altetering.
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george osterkamp: the thing about this case that made it uniqueue was the c continuing gt of the cririme on the e childr. in 1976,6, we thoughght they would just g get over itit. but all wewere deeply y affect. drdr. terr oncnce called t e chilildren "littttle pioneers of medicine," because they so helped in ththe understatandig of childldhood traumuma. lenonore c. terrrr: they pavave way for us to undersrstand more contntemporary things. whatat happens when you force chchildren awaway from t their parenents at a bob? whatat happens t to childrenet sosome of thesese horriblee school s shootings?? larry parkrk: because e of the e chowchillala kidnappin, therere were couounselors at columbmbine after r the shooti. therere are coununselors att nightctclubs afterer shooting.
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lenonore c. terrrr: chowchila chilildren are h heroes, and theyey continue e to teachs whatat childhoodod trauma isis, 47, 4848, 50 yearsrs after theh. jenniferer brown hydyde: i'm thankful t to my parenents for encocouraging meme to tryo grow a and give baback to shw that this one event has not defined me. lynda carrejo: i focused on putting my energy towards positive t things in my life, so i chose education, and i wentnt back to c chowchia and taugught in chowowchilla at [ [inaudible]e] dairyland. and i takeke the respoponsibil. my eyes are always watching the children, makingng sure theyey are safe every y second in the classrsr. i chose mamaking a differencece that way.y.
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lalarry park: : for 34 yeaeari was nothining but a susurvivo. totoday, i am m a reverendn, a chchristian cocounselor, anand i am a f friend. i wake up in the morning, i say my rosary, and i step out in faith. i never gave up, not completely. because i was taught at six years old by a 14-year-old boy, you don'n't give up.p. you keep d digging. hohow are you?u? mimike marshalall: good. lalarry park: : 1977 is ththet time that t i saw mikeke marsh. (crying)g) do you knknow? i'm stananding with h my her. i can'n't believe e what he d. i ststill can't t believe it. mike mararshall: i appreciatete that. i do.
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larrrry park: ththank yoyou so much,h, mike. mike mararshall: i d didn't reae hohow much it t would helplpe toto understanand and to actuallyly hear one e of the ks tellll me that i i saved theheis and thatat they werere gratef. not veryry many peopople tha, you knowow, can relalate. whwhen i was a a kid, i wawanto be a rododeo cowboy y like my . i wowould see mymyself far i ie future, rorodeo for a a livin, bubut woke up p at about 4 48 s old withth a blurry y hangove. bubut then, gegetting sober is a amazing. it's to hahave a life e and o be gratefuful for everery da.
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it's's taken a w while to come baback and rododeo. but oncece you're a a cowboy, you're alwlways a cowbwboy, 'cause it's in your heart. soso i'm gonnana cowboy upup tow anand go to ththis ropin'' herere in chowchchilla and d stick someme steers. [chuckles]s] [truck w whirring loloudly] [annououncer speakaking inindistinctlyly] god has s a way of m making ts come f full circlele in his tit. [annououncer] mimike, you'rere up. ["chowchililla dust" p plays] ♪ tomorrow o on cnn. get ready to be inspired and honor some of humanity's best. this is amazing. a night where the stars meet with heroes. please join me in honoring cnn hero... cnn hero of the year...
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