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tv   The Amanpour Hour  CNN  December 16, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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the drugs like ozempic, that help people lose weight. i myself have used one of those drugs. and i think it is a real key moment, because there's been a lot of stigma about these weight loss drugs there,'s been a lot of discussion in the media, and elsewhere, really excoriating celebrities for using them, and her coming out and saying i have no shame, i'm glad i did it, i think it will change the debate. >> and we should point out she said she uses the drug and she takes long hikes and drinks a gallon of water and eats her last meal at 4:00 in the afternoon, and boy, if that's all that you need to get slim, i'm in real trouble. >> thank you all for being here again this week. and thank you for spending part of your day with us. we'll see you right back here, next week. hello, everyone.
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i'm christiane amanpour in london. welcome to the a history anpour hour. in the next 60 minutes we will take you around the world to ask the tough questions and tackle the big problems and let history be our guide. here is where we're headed this week. >> who is banking on the united states failing to deliver. >> ukraine watches the clock run out as military aid stalls in congress. former national security official and russia expert, fiona hill calls it the winning point for putin. >> this is the ticking point where the united states and ukraine and europe and everybody loses. >> former cop president who cried tears of regret when he tried to ween the cold off coal and reacts to the new climate deal off of dubai. >> i certainly think this does spell the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era. >> also ahead, an afghan family fights for their teenaged daughter's life, after taliban rule drove her, like so many other girls to total despair. and finally, from the
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archive, as "vogue" magazine turns 131, my conversation with its power house editor, anna winter. >> there is something sitting with a magazine and luxuriating in it that is very special. welcome to the program, everyone. i'm christiane amanpour in london. u.s. intelligence revealed this week that russia has lost a staggering 87% of its active duty ground troops, and two-thirds of its tanks, since the full scale invasion of ukraine began almost two years ago. it is a very heavy toll. but perhaps what is even more significant is that despite all this, russian president vladimir putin seems more emboldened and more upbeat. with republicans in congress holding ukraine support for ransom over border politics at home, president biden has warned that putin is watching and waiting. quite a prediction. putin delivered in his first
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press conference with journalists since launching the war, reassuring russians that the west pipeline of aid to ukraine is sputtering. >> ukraine is almost something. they get everything. excuse the bad manners for free. and this freebie may end some day and apparently it is ending. >> this week, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy came to washington in a bid to persuade holdouts in congress. and the fate of his nation was also the fate of the free world. so was putin right to wait out the west? it looks like it. i turn to the world renowned russia expert fiona hill for some answers. she knows putin and how he operates and a senior national security adviser at the white house. if russia wins, the u.s. loses and so does democracy and our way of life. fiona hill, welcome back to the
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program. >> thank you. great to be with you. >> if you were what you were before, an adviser in the national security apparatus to the president, what would you be advising this president now about ukraine and about fulfilling the -- because the big picture obviously is president biden and his allies, pledging to defend democracy on the ukrainian battle field and quote, supporting ukraine for as long as it takes. >> yeah, look. i mean we're in the same kind of inflection point, at the same juncture as we were in world war ii. now, you know, we kind of want to do a counter look, look back into history of pearl harbor, in 1941, and japan's attack, having brought the united states into the war, what the hell would everybody have done with great britain? would we have left churchill and the u.k. out to dry? and that's that kind of question that we're being asked right now. biden gets this, the administration gets this, a lot of people in congress and the
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senate, irrespective of political party get this, obviously in europe, the same, and the same is happening, but the focus in the united states, as in many other european countries, is really about domestic politics, about their own elections, their own constituencies and we have to find a way of breaking through that log jam. because right now vladimir putin thinks that he's got the winning ticket here, the winning edge, and he is already, as we speak, sending out feelers, to try to gauge whether the united states and european countries are ready to capitulate, give up ukraine, and actually push forward on negotiations. he is sending emissaries out, lots of people are getting approached now, putin thinks that this is the propitious time for him, with adversity, to declare a cease-fire, and partition ukraine. that's the moment we're in. >> that is really interesting. that is very interesting information. i hadn't realized that he was serious, because up until now,
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we have heard that pute. -- putin doesn't want to negotiate. he thinks time is on his side. >> he didn't actually, in many respects want to negotiate. what he wants to do is basically lay out the terms of ukraine's surrender. so the negotiation is a bit of a misnomer here. when he says he is ready to negotiate, he is basically saying are you ready to give it up and we will negotiate those terms, my terms, which is not giving up ukrainian territory. >> so we have a deterrence problem, you know, across the horizon here. russia will maintain a major force, it will replenish its depleted stocks, and of course, you know, putin thinks that he has an unlimited supply of man power, when he's pulling people out of jails, and you know, out of remote areas of russia. >> so this will be on russia's terms. that's not a negotiation. that's a capitulation. >> and precisely, i'm glad you corrected me, because i was going to then say, he's got some willing, i don't know what to call them, willing believers in the u.s. congress, senator jd
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vance said, it is time now for ukraine essentially to give up territory. >> well yes, and not just in the u.s. congress. it is kind of globally at this point. i mean now that we have this absolute disaster in the middle east, a lot of people are saying, look, we got to focus on what is happening there, you know, we've already had two years of coming up to two years of discomfort in ukraine, and that's not the main issue anymore. >> can i ask you bluntly, do you think if this continues, that putin could win, ukraine could lose, and if so, what does that mean for europe and the united states? >> well, in answer to the first two points, of course, putin, you know, a win for putin, it doesn't matter how many men he's lost, i mean there's more than 300,000 russian casualties, including people who have died or been seriously injured. putin doesn't care about that. that is beside the point. he doesn't care about the fact that he has had to distort his own economy to a war economy, for now, the russian economy is
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adapted, and is doing reasonably well over the long term, this is very detrimental to putin, but he is not thinking about the long term. he thinks over the long term, he will win. and right now, this is the tipping point where the united states and ukraine and europe and everybody loses. and he turns everything to his advantage. right now, that's what he is thinking. and so what does that do to all of us in the long term? i think that that actually, you know, shows that the west incapable of sticking to its ground, and there will be a detern effect after this. and i want to explain that in a moment. putin will be emboldened. it doesn't mean he's necessarily going to send tanks into the baltic states tomorrow. it just is that he will now know that the united states and west, and nato as well have no sticking power. he will turn around and say we defeated nato. not because nato was directly involved in ukraine. but because nato member countries have been involved in supporting ukraine. he always said, and he said
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before, when he looking at the west promises much to partners and never delivers and it will have a chilling effect of every ally of the united states and the west, japan, south korea. i remember, north korea was also involved in supporting putin here. so it will be a win for north korea and iran and it will bleed over into every other arena that we're concerned about at this moment. this will not solve a problem. it will just create a host of other problems. and american and western leadership will be greatly diminished by this. >> the entire effort of europe and the united states has been to weaken putin through sanctions, through all of these things, for the last many, many years, particularly since the full scale invasion of ukraine. but we are hearing, and you alluded to it, that the domestic economy is ramping up, that even there's a construction boom, rising real estate prices, and we have an exiled writer, writing in the "washington
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post." business leaders, officials, and ordinary people, telling me that the economy has stabilized. defying the western sanctions that were once expected to have a devastating effect. putin's regime, they say, looks more stable than at any other time in the past two years. the soviet union's cold war isolation is not repeated itself. putin's russia can get many of the supplies it needs from china. so how worrying is that? >> well, it's very worrying because again, this is a short to medium term perspective, and the writer is absolutely right. one of the effects of sanctioning, and sanctioning business people and oligarchs is to bring all of their capital from outside of europe and back into russia, or to basically put it into the middle east, uae, for example, and as putin would probably say, like the old crypt goes over, we're all dead, he doesn't care about that, he cares about the short to medium term, his own election next year in 2024, which seems like a
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pretty sure thing to be president again until at least 2036. so that is what he is preparing for. and niko is right and the others call the alarm. the only way putin changes his mind is when he feels pressure from a very large number of actors and that's not what he is getting right now, there is no pressure in the middle east and he was in the uae and saudi arabia and not feeling pressure from china and other players in the world system to end this war. in fact all of the pressure is on the united states and on europe, not on russia at all. >> putin doesn't get scrutiny from his own press. he is basically scott-free right now. and that should be something that people should be contemplating. every time that we step out there, in search of a critical way, about american players, irrespective of our parties and position, we're handing again another opening to vladimir putin to mess in our domestic politics. we have victor orban, the prime
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minister of hungary, messing in our domestic politics as well. america has now become a playground for other interests. and in ways that we have not seen for a very long time in our political history. this should be a real concern for people, thinking about how vulnerable and fragile u.s. politics and the system has become to outside interference. >> i would like to you stand by. this brings us to a huge potential extra problem, given what he thinks about u.s. and nato, that is president trump, if he gets a second term. we'll be back with that question after a break.
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welcome back to the program,
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where we continue our conversation with fiona hill, the former u.s. visor on national security and especially on russia and president putin about the debacle that is happening right now with the u.s. congress refusing to send ukraine the aid it desperately needs. fiona hill, we were talking about all of the things that could go wrong, and not just for ukraine but for the united states. and i asked you, what would happen to this war if donald trump were to be re-elected. so i want to play a sound bite of what he said about nato and the alliance. >> we're not going to protect you any longer. and i remember the head of a country stood up, does that mean if russia attacks my country, you will not be there. that's right. that's what it means. i will not protect you. >> so how sure were you, or was that par for the course, fiona hill, he is basically explaining in a speech why i thinks the u.s. will not do that and his aides are saying, he might each,
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if there was a second term, pull the united states out of nato all together. >> this is par for the course. right from the very beginning of his presidency, trump made it very clear that he saw nato as really a very costly u.s. protection of countries, and if they were not going to pay their due, the 2% of their gdp, their defense, and also contributions, you know to nato more broadly, he didn't see why the united states should be stepping up, because this was just basically a ripoff of the united states for protection. >> yes, but he is saying, fiona -- >> and what president trump -- >> what he is saying is different, is he is willing to pull out of nato. and he has made that clear. that's not what any other president has said before. >> and to abandon the whole principle. let's not forget the article five was to be invoked was on bee haflt united states after 1. that's a fact. >> that's not something that he would even, you know,
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acknowledge and in fact, he doesn't acknowledge so there is a very serious step here, but the larger point that europeans have to really think about this, it stays and what i would advise at this moment, given the fact that he telegraphed this so clearly is, that european countries need to be already thinking about, you know, plan b, and plan c, and how they are going to manage, you know, what could be, you know, an extraordinary rupture between the united states and the rest of the trans-atlantic alliance. he is serious when he says that. >> i want to add one more layer on and ask you what you yourself have written about, the other war that has broken out, that the u.s. is heavily involved in, of course, the war of israel and hamas. you have written, these could be global system-shifting wars. something like world war one and world war ii, which reflected and produced major changes in the international order. in a sense, the hamas attack on israel was a kind of pearl harbor moment. it opened a second front. >> yes, i mean this is obviously
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an attack on israel, hamas on october 7th. i just want to, for the record, as a little point of interest, october 7th is vapz's birthday, this is just -- vladimir putin's birthday, this is just conesle but it is still worth noting this and when that date is reflected upon, there will be all kinds of different i don't mentions ton as well and it is very close to the whole anniversary of pearl harbor in any case. because in many respects, the united states is in jeopardy in three different arenas, where many of the same players are very active. and the whole perspective is one of proxy war against the united states. against the united states as a global and regional one, and we're seeing the united states being put in the spotlight, by russia, by china, obviously north korea, iran and many other countries, as really being the cause of all of this turmoil. and the united states is getting blamed for what is happening in israel and gaza, and just as much as it is in ukraine, and
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there's now a push by russia and other countries to isolate the united states. the united states, i would suggest right now, is on the back foot here. putin is obviously going to take every advantage of this. and so will china. a world where three major fires, two, you know, fully combustible in ukraine and in the middle east, and one that is, you know, still simmering and smoldering, smoldering, looking kind of like it also, it might also be ignited in the indo-pacific region as well. we have to keep an eye on all of these fronts at the same time. the united states global position is really challenged here. >> i was going to ask you, what is the antidote to this, and does the action by congress simply put the u.s. in more danger? >> it does put the united states in more danger. if we want to have any kind of leadership, in any role, and in shaping the system that comes out, instead of -- this is done on china's terms with russia and
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being heavily involved, we will have a very different world, one that will be much more difficult for the united states and the western alliance to play in. there is a great desire in all around the world now, for more say in world affairs, for having the united states taken down, not seeing russia weakened, and don't necessarily want to see china as the dominant power but there is no real desire to esee the united states on top. that uni-polar moment for the united states is long gone and this is what is playing out the last moments of this. and sub factors that are not being fully recognized here in the united states and elsewhere. it is one of those really pivotal moments and if we want to step up, this is the moment to do so and if we want to see how this plays out, again, not necessarily to our benefit, then you know, we just sort of sit back. >> fiona hill, thank you so much for putting that all out for everybody to hear. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. and the other even bigger
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existential struggle of our times, climate change. and for a change, some good news, as cop 28 wraps up in due b dubai, alex sharma and why he thinks we e have reached t the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era.
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welcome back. for the first time, a climate summit has explicitly called on countries to transition away from fossil fuels. there was applause and lots of happy faces as cop 28 in dubai issued its final communique this week. this year has racked up record temperatures and wildfires and floods and so many global leaders and activists are praising the agreement as a turning point. take a listen to u.s. climate envoy john kerry.
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>> we have to obviously push but i will tell you what will make the greatest difference in my judgment, the whole world will be moving harder to try to make this happen. >> after the summit wrapped up, i asked alom sharma, the u.k. cop 26 president two years ago in glasgow to tally up the pluses and minuses of what transpired in dubai and to assess humanity's chances of survival now. . alok sharma, welcome back to the program. >> thank you very much. >> after the very, very tense negotiation, i would like to hear your verdict. the u.n. climate chief said this is the climate lifeline, not the finish line. so, vital but not all that we wanted. >> we made significant progress at cop 28, and if i just go back to cop 26, it was the first time in 26 cops we got the language for the first time on phasedown of coal, and here we went further and got language on the transition away from all fossil
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fuels. of course, many of us would have liked that language, very clear language on phase-out of fossil fuels but i certainly think that this does spell the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era. and i would just make this one point, which is that whichever cop you talk about, these are just words on a page. and for them to have real meaning, it now needs countries and companies to step forward and deliver with real action. and so the proof in the pudding would be, if in a year from now, we're sitting here and discussing the progress that is made, or if in fact people will just disregard the international commitments that they have made. >> give me just a sense of what it is like for you, in glasgow, two years ago, what it is like to look like you're coming against the precipice and then manage to, you know, crawl back, at least something? >> well, ux ae faced a number of question marks, going into cop, and frankly every presidency
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faces question marks and at the end of the day and i said this at this time, in the uae as a petro state was in a you meek position to bring the oil and gas sect together, and i can tell you, at the time ark lot of people said to me, going into the cop discussions, do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, and i can tell you, in those final few hours, at cop 26, i absolutely felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. >> and very famously, you had tears in your eyes. what was going through your mind then? >> we had concluded on the language that was a compromise, so rather than phase out coal, we had phase-down of coal. the thing i was most frustrated at was that we would had been ae had been consistent and transparent and in the final few hours it looks a little opaque about how that deal had emerged but nevertheless, it was the first time in 26 cops, we got language on fossil fuels on phase-down for coal.
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>> secretary of state john kerry is president biden's climate czar and he had incredible contacts and spoke directly with the saudi energy minister, with the chinese counterpart that he has on, they said the saudi and opec countries were threatening not even to talk about this transition. how important is it for america, not just to be at the table, but to really throw its weight behind this? >> i have talked to john kerry over the past few years, i'm a huge fan of john's and he was incredibly helpful at cop 26 and i'm sure he will play a critical role at cop 28 as well, but what ultimately matters is what countries do. what does the u.s. do in terms of its policies, its domestic policies? what does the u.k. do? what does china do? and there is tl int for me. until and unless countries are prepared to act, we will not see the progress that we need. and one of the things that all of us want to see is to keep alive the prospect of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
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we're not there yet. we're not there yet. we need to see much faster progress. >> the island nations for instance were very worried. we heard them say at one point that this agreement, as good as everybody else thinks it is, it is still a death warrant, because they see the seas rising. and they have nowhere to go. how much, how can one mitigate what they are going through, because clearly, as you say, the final, you know, most important result, probably won't be achieved in time to save them. >> well, i think back to my friend from barbados at cop 26, that a 2 degree world is a death sentence for her country and that is the same for very many climate vulnerable countries on the front line of climate change. and you are absolutely right. i mean the latest science shows that unless we accelerate action, we are going to blow through that 1.5 degree target. and therefore, what we need to
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do is to support developing countries, take part in that, that transition, which is so vital. >> you're a father. you have two children. what keeps you awake at night, regarding their future? >> well, i think a lot about this. and in fact, when i took on the cop world between then and now, i think my outlook has definitely changed. it has affected me. and do you think that this is about what we do, not just for our generation, but for future generations. my children's generation, the generations that come afterwards, and so the question that i think has to be asked at every single cop by world leaders is have we done enough? are we on the right or the wrong side of history? and frankly, we can't afford to fail. >> well, we know, where are we now, right or wrong side? >> i think we're making progress but it is just not fast enough. >> alok sharma, thank you very much. >> indeed, a year from now, those benchmarks will have to be accounted for. either they be met, or they haven't. coming up next, on the
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program, a heartbreaking story. the surging number of desperate afghan women and girls being driven to suicide under taliban rule.
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welcome back to the program. a heart-breaking consequence of the taliban's misogynistic grip on afghanistan since the u.s. abandoned it more than two years ago is the rising number of girls turning to suicide out of their despair. our correspondent introduces us now to 15-year-old azo, who was once a care-free and fun-loving teen. now she's fighting for her life, after drinking battery acid to escape her harsh reality.
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>> in a small dimly-lit room in the outer suburbs of karachi, pakistan, a 15-year-old girl lays on a cot. with eyes closed, she slowly inhales. any action causes pain and an enormous amount of difficulty. >> don't worry. you'll be fine, says her brother kissing her hand. we are with you always. her oldest siblings who asked not to be identified for security reasons smuggled her in from neighboring afghanistan five months ago. following a series of events that would irrevocably change the course of their lives. >> translator: we don't try to force her to remember what happened, she says, and when i asked her, she replied crying saying she was tired and had given up all hope. >> but she did not always feel
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this way. seen here in pink, dancing on cell phone footage, the teenager was happy, studious and had big dreams to one day become a doctor. but that all changed in august, 2021. when the taliban re-took control of afghanistan, after the u.s. withdrawal, following the 20-year war. and one of the first edicts the taliban enforced was a ban on female secondary education. she would say, i have to be removed from this place. she would say. i don't want to be here. there is no education. over the following months, her mood darkened but nothing that alarmed her family, until one day, in july, this year. she came into the room, and i saw her eyes were abnormal, she says, i asked her what had happened, and she said she drunk acid. i didn't believe her, so i put my fingers in her mouth and she vomited up blood.
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her sister says she had drunk battery acid in her home in an attempted suicide. a trend that is spiking among teenaged girls across afghanistan, according to health professionals and human rights groups. a doctor spoke to us anonymously fearing retribution from the taliban and he sasshas seen a 5 rise in girls at the clinic who have considered suicide the past two years. of these cases, at least 10% have taken their own lives, drinking chemicals and overdose on pain medications and even consuming rat poison. he related this is the direct result of the education ban and other draconian restrictions that have been placed on girls. >> translator: i try to give them hope, that education will start again. but they don't see any good future for anyone in this country. everything is in a very dark situation. >> reporter: from her home in a remote afghan province, she was
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rushed to a clinic, but doctors say there was nothing they could do. so in a desperate attempt to save her life, her family decided to smuggle her into pakistan. azo has since had three operations at a private hospital in karachi. as doctors try to repair her severely-damaged esophagus and stomach. but so far, it's not working. weighing a mere 25 kilograms, or a 5 pounds, azo is slowly wasting away. -- she's ped a nutritional drink, and juice four times a day by a tube in her stomach but she is not gaining weight, which may jeopardize her next operation, scheduled in a matter of weeks. adding to the family's worries is pakistan's recent decision to expel afghans living illegally in their country. her siblings fear, if they're forced to return to afghanistan, azo will die.
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>> i don't cry in front of her but when i kiss her at night while she's sleeping, i will cry, he says. i'm so worried for her future and treatment and if she will be able to survive. a daily anguish for these siblings, doing everything they can with what little means they have, to keep their sister alive. >> it is a real tragedy. and despite international pleas and pressure, there is no sign that the taliban intends to lift its iron grip on women and girls in afghanistan. now, if you or anyone you know needs help, in the united states, you can call or text 988 to reach the suicide and crisis lifeline. and outside the united states, the international association for suicide prevention has a host of organizations that can help. we'll be right back with much more of the show. right after this.
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welcome back. it's a happy birthday to "vogue" magazine, a titan of global publishing, its very first issue came out 131 years ago this weekend. evolving dramatically over the years, it has spent a quarter of its lifespan under the successful and watch of editor in chief anna winter, a woman whose sunglasses and blunt bob have become almost as iconic as the magazine itself. so now we look back into the archives for a rare interview with winter. i spoke to her in new york, in 2019. just as she was planning for her annual grand society event, the
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met gala. and in this excerpt, we speak about "vogue's" commitment to women's right and the focus of first ladies who have taken a stand, even through their fashion. >> anna winter, welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> look, can i just address the elephant in the room? you're wearing your dark glasses. i'm not sure that i expected you to wear them during the interview, but i know that you do wear them inside. i just want to know and everybody wants to know. >> today, i will be brutally frank, i've been unbelievably ill all week and i just had eye surgery, so those are the real reasons i'm wearing them today. otherwise, i would bravely be without them. >> are they an in scrutable protection? you wear them in the front row of fashion as well. sitting next to the queen. >> they're incredibly useful, because you avoid people knowing what you're thinking about, and they help me when i'm feeling a bit tired or sleepy, and they have just become a crutch and
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part of who i am. but today, i really did need them. >> your magazine, the most important fashion bible in the world, does profile some very, very important women who are in politics. tell me about that. i mean you're overtly political in your profiles and in what you stand for. >> i think one has to be fair, one has to look at all sides, but wrong it is a moment not to take a stand. but i don't think it is a moment to the to take a in the stand that they're taking on issues. we support them in the fact that we feel that they are leaders, that particularly after the defeat of secretary clinton in 2016, that we intend to support them. >> i was really interested to hear that, i believe, secretary
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clinton, when she was first lady was the first first lady to be on the cover of "vogue". >> she was. >> not even jacqueline kennedy was on the cover of "vogue". >> she was photographed many times within the magazine with her husband and children and her sister, iconic pictures. she behaved in a very brave way. slings and arrows of misfortune, yes. we felt it was a time to support her and to stand up for women. we were very honored that she agreed to be our cover at that time. we were also very honored, honestly that mrs. obama was on the cover three times while she was in the white house.
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i think mrs. obama redefined what it meant to be first lady. she was so open to everybody. she made the white house a place for everyone. she was just so, i think, inspiring to so many women and obviously on a very selfish note, speaking as the editor in chief of "vogue," she did wonders for fashion. she loved fashion. she mixed high and low. she supported designers that one had never heard of. we had always had the tradition of photographing first ladies when they first came into office, some extraordinary, wonderful women. it was an honor to photograph them. but they were always super cautious about what they wanted to wear and the image they wanted to present, nearly always a jacket, maybe some pearls if you were mrs. bush, but mrs. obama, she was fearless. she was just a joy for all of us that work in fashion. >> "vogue" is situation a
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culture bible, a touchstone. and yet online is way overtaking print. >> i think to have so many different channels to speak to our audiences, if you go back to when i was a young girl growing up in britain and i went for my first job and it was considered a great thing if you reached an audience of 90,000 people with a monthly magazine. now we have 22 million follows on instagram alone at vogue u.s. we are talking to men, women all over the world in a way that we couldn't possibly have imagined even ten years ago, 15 years ago. >> do you think the magazine will last, will stay? >> i do, i do. i feel that there is an engagement with a glossy, rich magazine like "vogue." that experience, it isn't the
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same when you look at something online. i mean, it peaks in a day, it trends in a day. it's great, the news gets out there, and we're so excited to see it. but there's something about sitting with magazine and lux your luxuriating in it that is very special. >> the style queen, never underdressed or uncoifed.
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now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. ♪ welcome back. in our complicated world, clarity is more important than
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ever, which is why i'm taking your questions about the events today that shape tomorrow. let's find out what's on your mind this week. >> i wanted to ask you if there was ever a time in your career as a foreign correspondent when you were really scared or frightened. it seems to me that you must be used to these kind of situations, which can turn bad at a moment's notice. >> so the answer is an u unequivocal yes. there were many, many moments where i got very afraid and continue to be, like all sensible foreign correspondents. the issue is trying to manage the fear of doing the work of being the eyes and ears of our viewers, for those who need to know what's going on in the world. bosnia, where i tstarted with te first war where journalists were
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targets, we were wounded, we were killed, many of our colleagues, in huge numbers. just to remind everybody, more than 60 yujournalists and media workers have been killed in gaza in just over two months in trying to get the story out. scan the qr code to ask questions. i'm christiane amanpour in london. thank you for watching. i'll see you all again next week. ♪ ♪ hello, everyone. thank you so much for joinin


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