tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 21, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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. cnn getting a rare look at the iceland volcano from above. our fred pleitgen got a ride on a helicopter to see the extensive lava field. look at this. >> this is an amazing thing to be witnessing from up here. we can see just how active the volcanic zone still is. you can see the lava. you can smell the magma. you can feel the power that our planet is unleashing. >> it's incredible for fred to have seen that and shared it with us. officials warning any tourist to do that obviously to stay away. but thank goodness for fred and
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that incredible reporting. thanks so much to all of you for being with us. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. anderson is off tonight. and we begin with breaking news. a new window into just how far the former president went to overturn the election that he lost. we've already heard the phone call of him pressuring georgia officials to find him votes that he was not entitled to, not to mention his phone call to arizona governor doug ducey to overturn the election results in arizona. and now the detroit news is reporting on recordings they've reviewed in which he is pressuring detroit area election officials to do the same. cnn's marsha cohen joins us now with more. marshal, there's cleary a pattern emerging here. >> one state after another. trump trying to dip into the local state of affairs and influence the results, interfere with the results. i want to be clear, we have not heard this tape for ourselves, but the details were reported by
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the detroit news. this is november 2020. trump lost in michigan. he lost by more than 100,000 votes. it's time for the election canvassers in detroit to do their job and certify the results so that the election can be finalized. on the day or around the time of the certification, trump calls these local officials, republicans trying to twist their arms to convince them not to certify. and according to the detroit news, here is some of what he said. quote, we can't let these people take our country away from us. quote, everyone knows detroit is crooked as hell. that's where he started. there's also ronna mcdaniel. she was on the phone. she is the chairwoman of the rnc. she told them do not sign it, we will get you attorneys. do not sign the certification. trump says, "we'll take care of that." incredible revelations. how could anybody sign something when there's so many more voters
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than people. that's a false claim that dead voters cast ballots in detroit, so he was pedaling false claims trying to twist their arms and convince them not to certify. it worked. they tried to take back their votes to decertify, but it was too late. they had already set the certification process into motion. and of course trump couldn't undo it once he lost. >> and again, you know this is looking back at 2020 but let's not forget trump is running for presidency again, right, and could lose. and so what does this tell us about potential tactics? how does this fit into the ongoing criminal cases against the former president? >> yeah, he's feeling pretty good about his standing in the polls now, but he could lose. and if he does lose, he might try to overturn it again. but for the criminal cases with jack smith, it's not clear if jack smith has this tape. he probably does or he might because he had such a wide reaching investigation. but it's clearly powerful evidence. trump's own voice.
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and it fits a pattern. as you mentioned in the top, pam, georgia, arizona, michigan, one state after another trying to twist people's arms, pressure them to break their oaths to the constitution. pressure them to overturn results of a lawful election. in jack smith's words, trump tried to disenfranchise millions of voters by doing things just like this. >> yeah. and for context for our viewers, trump would have had to have three states flip. three states that had voted for biden legally, he would have had to have three states flip in order for him to actually win unlawfully. so that's important context as you look at the pattern around these phone calls in these various states. has the former president or ronna mcdaniel responded to this reporting? >> you know, it's pretty incredible they put out a response so quickly. clearly this is something that has rattled them. yes, the trump campaign put out a statement. i'll read it for you. they said, quote, all of
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president trump's actions were taken in furktance of his duty as president of the united states to faithfully take care of the laws and ensure election integrity. but, pam, it is hard to take that statement at face value that this was part of his official duties as president. the jack smith indictment says very clearly that these were not his -- this was not his job. this was actually the opposite of his responsibility. this was a defrauding of the united states and an attempt to overturn an election. according to jack smith, but of course, you know, trump has pleaded not guilty and denies any wrongdoing. >> right. but we know the facts. we see the evidence, some of that evidence emerging you just laid out with this reporting. again, we want to note cnn has not heard. we're basing it on the reporting between these two local officials and the rnc. marshall cohen, stay with us. i want to bring in the atlantic
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reporter george conway. this gets at the heart of the case jack smith is building that he actively conspired to overturn the 2020 election. how big of a deal is this? help us put this into context. >> well, it's thoroughly consistent with the criminal conspiracies that have been alleged by the department of justice by jack smith in washington, d.c. federal case and by fani willis in the georgia fulton county prosecution. and it's very much reminiscent of the phone call that you mentioned that had -- where president trump attempted to coerce and bully secretary of state in georgia raffensperger to stop his -- to interfere with his duties in certifying an election. and the same thing here. i mean, there is no factual basis given for the claim there was fraud, and there was intimidation involved. and according to the detroit
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news article it's suggested by a former elections official there that in essence what was happening here, he suggests, is that they were being induced by the -- by the promise of legal protection, by the promise of getting attorneys for them to violate their official duties, which potentially could be an additional crime under michigan law. i think an interesting question would be whether the michigan attorney general, dana nessel has this tape or aware of this tape. certainly the details of the call were not known publicly. dana nessel, the attorney general of michigan has charged the fake electors there as we know. the question there is i think it's not necessary for jack smith to add this to his case, but it's certainly consistent with his case. and the real question is whether or not authorities in michigan will seek to prosecute ms. mcdaniel or mr. trump. >> so i want to follow up on
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that. you say you don't think it's necessary for jack smith to add those to his case, but he's trying to build out what appears to be a pattern, a conspiracy, right, of trump trying to overturn the election results. >> oh, absolutely. >> in the georgia case that was 11,000 votes where he said go find 11,000 -- i can't remember the exact number. in this case president biden won beating donald trump to 222,000 votes in wayne county. why would this not be critical? >> i'm not minimizing it. i just think the case jack smith has already built based upon, you know, the electoral certifications and his conduct on january 6th and his overall efforts of what he did in the white house as he, you know, watcheded the insurrection and basically cheered it on, i mean i think the case is just strong enough as it is. i think this is consistent with the case.
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i think it's what lawyers call evidence of his criminal intent. and i think it's certainly something smith will want to look at and may want to put into his trial plan. he's got a pretty good case already. >> and we don't know whether he has this recording or not, but it's certainly interesting. marshall cohen, i want to bring you back. as we saw in 2020 time and time again our system is built by doing people doing the right thing, withstanding pressure. even though these two local officials tried to rescind their call to certify votes for trump they were unsuccessful. how can be look ahead to trump's potential tactics if he loses again, and how do we ensure these officials don't cave? >> looking ahead to next year there's good news and bad news. the bad news is lot of professional election officials across the country have walked away under the threats, the intimidation, the violence. and it's not really a good line of work anymore these days
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because you could get doxed. you could have someone like donald trump attack you on social media. it could ruin your life as we saw with ruby freeman and shaye moss down in atlanta who were defamed by giuliani and others. but here's the good news. last year 2022 there were key elections for secretary of state offices and other election officials across the country. a lot of election deniers were running to run elections next year. many of them lost in places like michigan, arizona. people who did not want to follow the law were trying to run, trying to get into those positions of power, and they were often beaten by people who have made it a part of their campaign to say you know what? even if you don't like the results of the election, i will follow the law, i will certify the results. i'm not going to try to meddle because of someone pressuring me from the outside. >> i think that's really important context for assure. george, bringing you back in.
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is it significant to you the president allegedly tried to provide lawyers for these canvassers if they went along with his plan to reject the certification? >> yeah. and as i said the election official in michigan, the former election official quoted in the detroit news article said that's potentially an inducement to someone to violate their official duties. and, you know -- in other words, potentially bribery. i think we'd have to know more facts, exactly what they were intending to do in order to determine whether it's a case worth bringing. but it's certainly very corrupt. >> george conway, marshall cohen, thank you so much. more now on one of those criminal cases we mentioned a moment ago, namely jack smith's answer to the former president's on his claims of presidential immunity. cnn's evan perez joins us with that. what is the special counsel asking for in his latest filing? >> well, he's pushing back on the former president's effort to basically delay this. trump has basically said, you
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know, you should let the appeals court first hear this and then take this up after that, right? that's a play to the delay, delay, which is part of his overall strategy. here jack smith is saying -- i'll read you just a part of the filing. the public interest in the prompt resolution of this case favors an immediate definitive decision by this court. the charges here are of the utmost gravity. of course no president -- no former president has ever been put on trial on criminal charges before. so jack smith points out that this case is like nothing we've ever had in our history. he does cite the 1974 nixon case, right, and points out that, you know, this perhaps is even bigger than that because you were talking about criminal charges against a former president. >> yeah, so let's talk about the u.s. versus nixon case and just the details of that and how that is relevant here. >> well, so that's 1974 and nixon was trying to use
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executive privilege, claiming executive privilege to with hold recordings from the white house, the nixon tapes. and in that case the supreme court hopscotches and leapfrogs the appellate courts and took up the case. two months after the petition was filed, they rendered a decision. 16 days after they had oral argument, they had a decision. so that's what smith is asking here. he's asking for similar treatment, pointing out that, look, this is a trial that's scheduled for march, right? and donald trump when he was asked for a trial date actually asked for 2026. so he has no interest in getting this adjudicated anytime soon. >> certainly not. so is there any sense when the supreme court may respond here? >> well, look, i do think that it is -- it has already shown a lot of interest in this case. they already asked for briefs obviously in fact trump had to respond yesterday is an
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indicator they are paying attention very closely. the appeals court, by the way, has also gotten a message. they've scheduled a -- oral arguments for the case -- the same case on january 9th. so all the courts seem to be getting the message that there's a criticism, right, that the courts take too long. you and i have heard this over the years, that the courts take way too long to see these things. so they seem to be on the same page we can do this and do it quickly. we don't know how long it'll take for them to take it up. obviously voting begins in the next few weeks so that's what people are paying attention to. >> i know you'll keep an eye on it. evan perez, thank you. and as we talked about a good deal of the precedent on this case in both sides involves u.s. v. nixon and another case, nixon v. fitzgerald. we're joined now by former watergate whis blower john dean. who better to give us perspective than you, john.
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this latest filing from the special council once again cites u.s. v. nixon as precedent for a swift decision. as evan pointed out saying, quote, here the stakes are high if not higher. do you agree with that assessment? >> i think they are higher actually than u.s. vuvs. nixon. what we're seeking in the nixon case were 64 secretly recorded conversations with aides. there were about a half a dozen defendants who were about ready to go to trial, and the prosecutor wanted that set of tapes, 64 tapes to use in the trial. he had no knowledge that, for example, it would force nixon to resign when the information was released in those tapes. but he was just preparing for trial and went directly to supreme court as evan mentioned, and got a ruling 60 days later. so it was a -- it is a powerful precedent. and smith is relying on it. >> in your view is the supreme
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court likely to get jack smith's request here? >> i think they will. it would be very telling politically if for some reason they didn't. they theoretically could wait until the court of appeals acted, saying they wanted it fully briefed and they wanted today see what the court of appeals where they came out on it. but i think that delay so plays into trump's hand. and it's so conspicuous to all of us now that trump's m.o. is to indeed delay, delay, delay. it'll be telling politically if they are influenced at all by trump. and pam, they have not been to date. >> i'm just wondering for context because at the time of u.s. v. nixon it was seen as a big gamble for the prosecutor to skip over the appeals court and go straight to supreme court for a decision. has that changed in terms of a strategy? is it more typical now to skip over appeals courts and go straight to the supreme court? just help us understand the
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context there. >> it is more common today than it was. when leon juwarsky did it in '74 in the nixon case, it had been way back to the truman administration in a case called youngtown vs. sawyer where they jumped in and did outside examinations of the outcome. the president had seized the steel mills and that's why they wanted to act quickly. it was a very out of pace action by jawarsky. but now as i said it's much more common today. there have probably been five or six cases in the last few years. >> so i want to go back to that comparison again because the issue at the heart of the u.s. v. nixon was whether a president has privilege in a subpoena fight, not this question of presidential immunity jack smith
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is asking to consider. is there a meaningful distinction here? just help us understand that. >> well, the distinction is nixon was not personally exposed in the criminal proceeding at that point. he was an unindicted coconspiratorter but had no criminal liability. no one knew what he was really hiding, which was the fact that he had indeed very early in the watergate cover-up given instructions to his top chief of staff and other aides to use the fbi to block the cia, which was pure cover-up language. not well-understood at the time. months and months and months after the cover-up had been undertaken and the court was looking at this, excuse me, nixon was really hiding one tape in that 64 and indeed when the tape surfaced, it would force him to resign because it would put to lie all of his claims he
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was not involved in the cover-up. >> john dean, as always thank you for coming onto offer your very important perspective. and now the latest in rudy giuliani's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. just a day after the judge in his defamation case said shaye moss and ruby freeman could start trying to collect their nearly $150 million award, he declared bankruptcy. cnn's kaitlan polance joins us now with details of the filing. we know he claimed he was bankrupt. now he has this filing. tell us about this. >> pam, rudy giuliani has a lot of debts. $150 million in this verdict that came in last week in the defamation case brought by these two georgia election workers. that's a lot of money. that's far more than what he ever would have likely needed to pay or could pay. and then on top of that with this bankruptcy filing today, we're learning that there are a lot of other people he owed money to already including the irs and new york state's tax authorities.
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almost $1 million in income taxes he owes. and so that's one of the things that he's putting in that bankruptcy filing. $30,000 he owns in back phone bills. he at one point owed much more than that, about double that. so perhaps he paid some of it down. but that's just a glimpse of it. there's lawyers he owes. there's financial consultant, and there's other lawsuits out there. and so now that's all in the bankruptcy filing. it's an incredible portrait of a man who at one point was not only one of the most famous people but really was a leader in a very rich city, new york city. >> just the fall from grace you can't even comprehend it to see a fall-like this. all right, so you laid out his debts and so forth. what about his assets? >> the assets is still a big question. in this bankruptcy filing he checks a box that says he has assets between $1 million and $10 million. that is significant wealth to be over $1 million, but it's a pretty wide range. and one of the things that came
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out in the defamation case from ruby freeman and shaye moss is that he wasn't responding to their requests for information including about his net worth. and so they weren't able to get a full picture of what kind of income he had coming in, what sort of assets he had. there are some known properties he has in new york and florida, has bank accounts. he's a person, though, that took a private plane to his own arraignment in georgia whenever he was charged with a crime there. he has a legal defense fund out there. he has spokespeople. he has lawyers -- lots and lots of lawyers. there's a lot of cases. and so we really don't have the full picture of the money that giuliani has at this time that's all going to be tucked into this bankruptcy proceeding. >> yeah, the judge point out you're paying a spokesperson, you should be able to pay these two women. thank you so much. up next one of the former president's challengers on how the attention on all the trump legal cases is making it hard to compete. also, the latest in prague,
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keeping the focus on trump and not the challengers including himself. >> i would say if i could have one thing changed i wish trump hadn't been indicted on any of this stuff. i mean honestly i think that from alvin bragg on, i've criticized the cases, but i also think it distorted the primary. it's both that but then it also is crowded out i think so much other stuff, and it's sucked out a lot of oxygen. >> joining us now two cnn political commentators. democratic strategist paul begalla and with me here republican strategist alice stewart. are you surprised what he said about former president trump and his indictments? >> no, because it's actually true. i spoke to him on the radio this morning and he reiterated what he said in the past that he views this latest ruling out of colorado and many of these indictments -- many view these as weaponization of the doj and using the system to go against
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political adversaries. and he views the colorado ruling just as many of these others. and unfortunately for him and these other candidates, this is getting so much attention by the media, and this is what's dominating the coverage. but he also said it's encouraging when he goes out to iowa, new hampshire, and speaking with voters, they're not concerned about legal woes of donald trump. they're looking at legal woes and financial woes for themselves. how are they going to put food on the table, and how are they going to keep their kids safe and educated. they're really focusing on the campaign trail about issues important to the american people and the heartland. it is unfortunate donald trump is getting a lot of the earned media and media attention based. it's not hurting his base, they're supporting him and certainly helping him in fund-raising. he's using these legal issues as a way to boost support and fund raise. >> you have to wonder if it was any other candidate whether it would have that effect.
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has it sucked the oxygen from the primary race, and is it on desantis and other candidates to do something about that rather than just complain about it? >> i have to say i was listening to alice, and she is 1,000 times better at this than ron desantis. this is why her candidate won iowa when she was working for ted cruz. desantis just 24 days ago in the iowa caucuses, 24 days, and the only thing he should be talking about is how i can make your life better. instead he's wining that his lucky opponent, oh, he's so lucky because he got indicted four times on 91 charges. this is free advice. i used to charge a lot of money for this. talk about the voters' lives, not your life, not mr. trump's life. talk about their lives. alice is exactly right. people think there's a lot of pain, a lot of strain. they're looking for a leader who can help them.
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and who's going to sit in a tunnel, herald and ethyl,atory sitting in a tunnel and go desantis is right how the media is socking the oxygen out of the room. alice is right. >> i love the answer herald and e ethel, that's so cute. let's go to nikki haley and play something she said today in exchange with an iowa voter. let's take a listen. >> to me our former president is just a grave danger to the country and to the christian church. and my concern is that by people not saying that out loud, we're making it seem like it's okay and that it's normal for people to talk to like he talks. so while i want to support you, i also want to hear from you that you also think they're in danger here. >> i wouldn't be wrong if i
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didn't think that he's not the right person at the right time. i have said multiple times i don't think it's good for the country for donald trump to become president again. i've made that very clear. the problem is what i have faced anti-trumpers think i don't hate him enough. pro-trumpers think i don't love him enough. the reality is i just call it like i see it. it's not personal for me. >> of course she stopped short of agreeing that voter that trump is a danger to the country. i'm wondering to you, alice, do you think haley would be able to break through any bigger way if she answered questions like that more head on than sort of dance around it? >> again, i go back to what i said before. that is a unique question. i've been to countless rallies and town halls even against donald trump. most voters are not asking please pick apart the last stupid thing that donald trump says. please tell me how wrong trump is. they're not asking about that.
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they're asking about the economy, safety and jobs. and those are unique and rare questions, and i think it's important for nikki haley, desantis, chris christie, all of them to pivot back to the issues important to herald and ethel at the machine shed in iowa eating a chicken fried steak and they're concerned about the economy and not these dumb things that donald trump says. look, that one person i'm sure he was asking about this latest stupid thing donald trumpicides about immigrants into this country, poisoning the blood of this country. that is a ridiculous thing to say, and instead we should be talking about the concerns republicans do have for legal immigration and making sure that we control the border, secure the border, we stop the influx of fentanyl into this country and also human trafficking. those are the issues we need to be talking ability, not disgusting comments from a former president. >> thank you so much. great to see you both. >> thanks, pam. >> all right, and send ethel and
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probe i should say into harvard into their plagiarism allegations. cnn's danny freeman has the details. >> reporter: harvard university's president, claudine gay, back in the hot seat. >> thank you, congresswoman. >> reporter: after the elite school said it found two more instances of embattled citation in the former president's reading. it'll also look at the plagiarism allegations. in a new letter to harvard's highest governing body the committee chair cites the honor code that states members of the committee must commit themselves to prugsing academic work of integrity and asks does harvard hold its faculty and academic leadership to the same standards. last week gay submitted corrections to a pair of papers she wrote as an academic but a cnn analysis of writings documented other examples of
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plagiarism from the '90s when she was studying for her ph.d. at harvard. almost verbatim from another source without citation. jonathan bailee is a plagiarism expert. what troubles you about the specific dissertations allegations more than others? >> that paragraph showed a length of text that cleary could have produced any other way than through copying and was not clearly cited in the papers. >> reporter: a harvard spokesperson told cnn in a statement thursday the university reviewed more of her writings and gave plans to update her 1997 work to correct these instances. harvard said these instances were regrettable but not research misconduct. in a previous statement about the earlier allegations gay defended her work saying i standby the integrity of my scholarship. throughout my career, i have worked to ensure my scholarship adhere tuesday the highest academic standards. the latest development coming a week after harvard's top
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governing board unanimously stood behind gay following intense calls for her to resign over her congressional testimony on anti-semitism on college campuses. >> so the answer is yes, that calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct. correct? >> again, it depends on the context. >> reporter: the allegations against gay, who was the first black woman to serve as president of harvard, have largely originated from conservative activists. but the question persists. is the school holding its president to the same standard as its students? >> plagiarism really exists on a spectrum between completely original writing and completely copied and posted and trying to pass off someone else's work. and right now the best we have on claudine gay is sitting somewhere in the middle between the two. >> reporter: now, pamela, it may be unusual for a president of a university to face plagiarism allegations but it's not
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unprecedented. in fact, back in 2021 the president of the university of south carolina resigned over plagiarism allegations. and that was because of his commencement speech. meanwhile, as to what comes next at this point harvard is still standing by president gay, but that house committee, it is still moving along. they've requested troves of documents. so while these new corrections are going to be made, this story likely not over yet. pamela? >> all right, danny freeman, thank you so much. and just ahead shock and trauma in the czech republic tonight. 14 people killed and dozens more wounded in a mass shooting at a university in prague. what we know about the massacre and the suspected shooter up next.
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well, this saturday the day before christmas eve, the czech republic will observe a day of mourning to remember those killed thin mass shooting in prague. 14 people were murdered and another 25 wound at charles university. officials also say the shooter is dead. and the attack came as a shock to the european nation where mass shootings are relatively rare. tonight we're learning more disturbing details about the suspected gunman. cnn's melissa bell has more. >> reporter: terror on the streets of prague. students risking their lives to escape a gunman's bullets that killed more than a dozen on thursday afternoon. more than 20 were injured, ten
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severely in the shooting at prague's charles university before the gunman, an enrolled philosophy student, was eliminated, police said. it's an attack that has rocked the czech republic. >> translator: there is absolutely no explanation, no justification for this. like many of you, i'm feeling a deep sorrow and disgust over this incomprehensible and brutal violence. >> reporter: as night fell on prague, details emerged about the 24-year-old suspect. before the deadly shooting in the capital police said the shooter left his home village where his father was found dead. intent on further bloodshed, he made his way to the czech capital. tipped off, police forces rushed to evacuate the building where the shooter was due to attend a lecture, but he struck elsewhere. forcing students to barricade themselves inside classrooms,
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later evacuated en masse. their preparation for end of year exams brutally shattered by the country's deadliest shooting in decades. no indication of a link to international terrorism, the czech interior minister confirmed. but tonight a city in shock on a continent where mass shootings are few and far between. >> and melissa bell joins us now. melissa, what more are you learning about the investigation tonight? >> reporter: for the time being, czech authorities are being very tight-lipped about the identity of the victims, but we are learning more about what they found out through a search of this young man's home where they found his father killed. they believe that he was responsible for that. they also say that they found evidence that he was possibly linked to a double homicide committed last week just on the outskirts of prague. it involved the killing -- the murder of a man and a young child described as a baby. and that had had -- that was a case that had no leads in it.
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they now believe this young man may have been involved. but apart from that -- and again, that was the result of a search of his home after this terrible tragedy this afternoon at charles university in central prague. there was nothing to suggest this young man would go on the rampage. his firearms were owned legally. he had permits for them. he was an enrolled philosophy student, and he had no criminal record. so nothing to suggest that he should be been keeping -- kept an eye on. and yet scenes of such tremendous violence again on a continent where we don't tend to see mass shootings very often. their fairly few and far between. scenes of huge violence where we saw those students scurrying for cover, many of them sadly not getting out of harms way in time. pam? >> very sad. melissa bell, thank you. well, up next an update on the expected u.n. vote on a resolution calling for a sus suspension in fighting in gaza. plus chef jose andres on the crisis there and how his world
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the aid is certainly needed. today a u.n. backed report revealed more than half 1 million people 1-4 households are facing catastrophic hunger and starvation. the report warned the roughly 2.2 million residents of gaza could face famine in the months ahead if the current environment continues without enough access to food. joining us tonight is chef jose andres . for years now he and his world central kitchen staff have been in gaza. he is also coauthor of the world central cookbook leaving humanity, eating whole. chef andres, thank you for joining us. first off describe what you witnessed in gaza. >> well, i was able to go there with team members of world central kitchen.
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you have to imagine rafah which is south of gaza is an area where hundreds of thousands have moved from the north, even the biggest city, gaza city. escaping from all of the horrors. what you see is very much a population that is increasing by the hour. i was able to visit the qatari hospital, an unfinished hospital in its bare-bones. every single floor and every single meter is occupied with these made up tents where families are able to keep going with their daily lives.
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the story is not really in rafah . obviously it is needed, but all of the humanitarian aid, that is where it is crossing through. even there the situation is tense. the true story are the stories you are hearing from the north of traffic the, places like gaza city. places that were really not getting enough information, but the need of food, of water and medicine israel. >> you posted this video showing some of the security measures that your team in partnership with the u.n. have used to safely deliver meal kits. what is that like? >> everybody obviously tries to be helpful. there you see some of the security people.
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they are dressed in black, but those are people making sure the entire thing goes without incident. making sure they keep everybody under control and everything organized. you want to make sure nobody is running and all of a sudden we have an accident of people running over children because of a stampede. i would say it is kind of tense. but if people know they are going to be receiving their food kit, it is the moment there is a question mark as to when they will get the next meal. the main need is north of traffic stands right now all indications are whatever food we bring is not going to be enough. we need to increase dramatically the flow of food to every single community. >> the bottom line is you and
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your teams have been to so many places ravaged by war or natural disaster, how does gaza compare in terms of sheer desperation you witness where you are or where you were, and what you've heard from your team members who did go up further north? >> the people of gaza have nowhere else to go. to the north and to the east is surrounded by israel. they cannot move. this is one of the main issues. ukraine at least they can always move and be safe or whatever war that is going on. again, we are not a hunger organization. we are an
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emergency food organization. we believe this is an emergency in the same way it has been an emergency in lebanon. the same in another part of haiti or in israel. as we know, many families in the surrounding areas of gaza after the terrorist attacks still have missiles falling bear. they are really under stress. we make sure buddha water is something the people -- food and water is something people will not miss. >> thank you to you and your team for everything you're doing to help those in need in these dire circumstances. we will be right back.
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