tv Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown CNN December 25, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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as families gather for christmas today, some are being joined by new furry family members. two weeks ago, an adams county pennsylvania animal shelter was nearly at capacity. it's kennels filled with dogs looking for forever homes. for the first time in 50 years there are no dogs at the shelter every one was adopted and spending christmas with their new family. they classed 509 animals in new homes and reunited strays with their owners. sweet. a very merry christmas to you, thanks for spending time with us. anthony bourdain: parts unknown starts right now. [rousing music] [upbeat music] - boom.
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- so let's get rolling. ♪ - oh, my god. - what hurts? ♪ - yeah! - aww! - [laughs] ♪ [upbeat rock music] both: ♪ i took a walk through this ♪ ♪ beautiful world ♪ felt the cool rain on my shoulder ♪ ♪ found something good in this ♪ ♪ beautiful world ♪ i felt the rain getting colder ♪ - ♪ la, la -♪ sha la, la, la, la ♪ sha la, la, la, la - ♪ sha la, la, la - ♪ sha la, la, la, la ♪ sha la, la, la, la, la - what if we just get dino's, and go to edgefield,
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and then go to robert's? - i'd say dino's. - the only thing is edgefield closes at midnight. - you gotta see-- have you been to robert's? . >> what if i get a good edge, go to roberts. >> i'm not trying to. >> you're going to see that. >> that's the starter and that's it. >> so, the hotel. >> what do i know? >> [ [laughter]] . time e out. stopop. stop. stop. y you've nevever hung in nashvilllle? >> no. > you're e going to h have time. . >> i havave no dououbt. >> [laughterer] . >> n nashville, , if youou ha been there, , you p probably k it as what? a countrtry mumusic capital,l, the g grand ole opre anand it is, music city. and there'e's indedeed plenty itit country music, bototh genuine a fafake acts.s. itit's way f fo
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that. nasashville is s one of faststest metro arareas in a al ththe u.s.s. people who live sasays the statete is s in perp change. 8 80 0 to 100 new face move to o nashville e everyday. sosome things are coconstants, othersrs in flflux. even n wit the raradical cultltural shift, city stillll remainsns traradity soututhern for now, anyway. . becaususe, nasashville could j s soon b be calleded rock city, a you are just a as likekely to f ththe woword arteisnalal. as se inin the land d of m man buns i citities of the nortrth. soso, course, ththe chefs are comingn carpetet bagaggers seekingng a afaffordable businesess environ or just looking for a bebetter quality y of life. sosons and daughterers of thehe south looo
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toto honor thehe traditionons t grew up p with butut w with a m modern s sensibilityty. here a four chefs w who helped change things. w who were ininstrumen in statarting somemething new w innovatitive, bubut, becauause their mentororing, their earlyl exexamples is becomiming more a more accepteted practicece. ty brown n of capitalal gririll in hall. . t tammy wilson of city housuse. our r old friend, s brbrock and the diststinguishedh mark o of babarton's barbecue e. susundays spenent t here with f and fafamily kickingng back ana drdrinking beeeer over thehe fi pits. . all of these chefs pri ththemselves o on celebrbrating, seseasonal sououthern ingrgredi and d close relationonships wit farmers and fofood p producers the area. . t those a are 90-dd
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rib eyes from nearbyby bear cre farm a and they willll be totop with m mushrooms and b bourbon and runny eggsgs and gririts, w of coursrse. thesese arare cal greasysy b beans, prpressure c n sasalt water and i in pork fat. there's alalso home mamade rico servrved witith cold s sausage roasteted acorn squauash. >> very y good. . friend,d, because, i if you don'n't, you' screwed,d, man. >> i'm g going to sasay, every gets an egegg. eveverybody coo with that?t? >> h hell yeahah, it's a must >> i l love eaeating that. >> yeaeah, me too. >> oh, yeaeah, now w we're talking. thank you.u. > so, who ststarted inin th restaurantnt h hospitalityty bu in nashvilille f first? >> octobeber of '06. >> we starteted in 2003.
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>> whahat was it like in '0 whwhat did p people want to o e nanashville inin '03? >> steteak h houses. ththat' onlyly places toto e eat. >> the cusustomer or t the ch showowed up? > chefs showeded up. >> howow open n were they to shshifting? >> it's so progrgressive. it dodoesn't meanan that t take di know what ththey were tastining they wanteted it. >> who was herere originina > i am. > t that's it? > i thinknk so. >> s so, they werere all ca baggers in t this town? >> [ [laughter]] . > right? >> [lauaughter] > n nashville's's lowower fofor music row. it's what nashville'e's selllling and whwe totourists want. anand the hoh
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tonks thatat line ththe streree tend t to o lean m more totowar babands than s singer song w wr on the o one hanand, it employe lolot of mususicians whihich isd thining, on the otheher hand... > straighght from l lower brbroadway andnd you're bound t ststumble e upon a genuine dive. and nashshville's gogot some g ones. >> so, w what is thihis pla >> dininas? itit's a burger that's beeeen here foror a lono timeme. a lot o of country mus historory y is here.e. a lot o nashviville's hihistory is here when you seeee a l lot of nenew nanashville lilife. i can't't you u how many burgers that i'v had here that i dodon't remembm there's a picturure ofof it on phonone and it's's l like, oh, a burger at dino's. >> what t is t this? >> thehey call thihis hot fri
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soso, lilike, the flavor of hot chickeken but withth friries an velveeeeta. >> thihis is like country bobotine. ? > exactctly. man, , it's red neneck boutinene. >> t there are s so many stud mumusicians here. if yoyou're a bad as musicician n in the town you're notot going t to make i so, , everywherere that you go you'u're hearingng the most incrediblele plalayers t that y see e in the world. >> it't's not coununtry music >> toto me itit's not. >> butut, there'e's also so more t than country.y. yoyou k >> oh, man, people don't realizize that abobout n nashvi it's's not just cocountry music > if you're lookining for ic nanashville whwhat's bone-deepe lolocal, and eveven deeper t th dive barar culture, you wowould
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talklking about t a thing cacal meat and three. i it's a a cafefeteria typepe institutitio offeringng for a set pricece t choice of f meat and thrhree s > i've beenen thinknking a ththis all day. >> have e you? >> oh, yeaeah. >> here's. >> d downtown nashshville is suchch an n instititution. dn at 1 10:00 a.m. anand closose a 2:2:00 p.m. wiwith a rotatining seselection ofof a dozen l lunc staples,s, you're prpretty sure findnd what you cacame f for. >> what shouould i d do? >> okra.a. >> okay. >> thihis gentlemaman totoo, somewhat a an instititution. time grammy nominee,e, song wrir and prproducer a and c ceo of sovereign music grououp. >> thihis is a b big nashvill thing,g, the meaeat and threree >> absolutelely. you'u'll anyonene in here from truck drdrivers to m mothers to o law mumulticulturaral, everybobody'
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rereally comfofortable witith e other.r. it's likike e a mimicf whwhat nashvilille is likeke. > i t think mosost pepeopl haven't t been to nashshville, outstside lolooking in, they se nashville e and think countrtry musisic. >> e exactly. >> le witith, there's's a l lo country mumusic hehere. >> welell, we e have two stra of musicic e emerging g at the time histotorically. '5'50s a 0 east, we h had the heeeehaw and ninight train.n. >> ♪ >> you hahave the besest in th house,e, let's g get rollingng ststraight e entertainmement. >> night train wasas the blac t.v.v. show that hadad all t thr r and b arartists and locacal l artists, the same withth we had with "hee-haw"w" and the cououn
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artist. . and then you hahad jeffererson n street, , where t blacack artitists came to play, peoplele like jimi hendrix, area franklin a and rayay chaharles. of thehese peoplple playayed i nanashville on jeffeferson s st we had blacks anand whitites i innener city. w we didn't h ha brbroadway, wewe had jefefferso street. . back inin the d day,s the place e to go. >> the jefferson street district no longer resesembles it's hey dayay. like e a lot o hihistoric neieighborhood d in nashshville it's's beingng slow eaeaten n by the developopers t way for the shininy and new w t accommododate all the new arririvals. >> b but, whatat's left isis pretty a amazing m musical lega and one that's often overlooked or sometimes, simply forgotten.
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[u[upbeat rockck music] ["["impossiblele tracks" by thehe kills] - eveverybody's s moving to nashvhville. this c car, affectionanately refererredo as t the black s shark, did in 2 2012. >> eveverybody's movining tot nashshville, thihis car is actu rereferred to o as the blackck did in 2 2012 along with eight cylinders s of awewesomeness, c alallison a singnger song writi the baband, ththe kikills whici formeded 10 years ago.o. and m
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recently, lolocally based, the dead weather. straraight throuough a red l l. boomom. - she neededed someplalace toto park her r car, she s , [m[music] > straight througugh a red light. she needed a plalace to park herer car, she say, and nashville seememed r right. >> i livived in londndon fo riding a busus. i i reaeally wa mumuscle carar and needed a gar to p outut it inin. t there's that i c can be unhahappy with cacar. >> we ununderstand t this relatitionship. >> t this is accustotom made e challengnger, if it t hits you speeeed, it willll mess you u u babadly. >> i i love ththis car, i'm hg cacar envy. >> this is nashvillele h hot chicicken. if you ordrder it i it's h hottest i iteration, , i, wiwill mess you up, as i i came find outut. hot c chicken rece
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are notoriouously y kept sececr getting doububle dredged a and fried for a ththick, crist ppyp crusust. for ththat sought aft kickck, wiwith the wet, the e c mimix the hot spspices comes in oil-babase sauce o or paste thte chicken isis dipped inin or r c other cocooks coat thehe chihic withth a a blisterining blend o cacayenne, papaprika and other e toss f form m a fierery ououter if you comome herere to o the e boltlton's for h hot chickenen fish, , it canan in it's milder formrms, which a are still hot, delicicious. bubut, try thehe ststuff, and w watch out. . no reallyly, watch ouout .>. >> h how long hahave you beee nashshville? >> four years, maybe. i i wa workining here all thehe time, loveved itit. i thougught it w beautitiful. lots o of people knew w were e moving here, loto
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bands, l lots of r rock-n-rolll comiming to down. >> a real lolot. >> you know,w, when i i was totouring as a a teenageger, th a place to avovoid. if you'u'r a pupunk banand, don't play y nashvilllle, no onone willll co your s show. that's chahange the last 10 0 years whwhere susuddenly, people a are s show. >> a all rightht. >> f from left to riright. h medidium, mimild. and then n ye your f fish. spicy,y, or not. > okay.y. thank k you. > allllison's brotherer is profofessional c chef who movev here i in 2013 to o start a catg businessss. >> o oh, manan. >> >> the medium is reall hohot and it j just t keeps com
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>> you'r're alreready divivin the cocoal slalaw at a milillios an hour.r. >> yeahah. >> o oh, my gogosh. > are youou d done? >> yeah.h. this is s not goodo >> [lalaughter] . . >> w which one d did you get? >> i thihink medium,m, mild, whateverer it isis. > [ [laughter]] >> i'm g going in, do not resuscititate. oh, ththat hurt > oh, i feeeel a head s sp > oh, it't's like, , it ju keeps comiming and coming g and comiming. it's nonot going awa
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>> you got nothing on your's? >> i'm good ovover here. >> a littltle bit of musustar > there a appears to o be d on here, y yes. >> [laughterer] . >> >> > i justst expererien 12-hour r payback frfrom hot chickeken. and this wasas an a experienence where therere were moments s that i d didn't thini was s going to make e it. . th got to be betttter than that. it's onlnly three miminutes. >> i'll l take i it. >> t these are snacks inin t >> my friendnd plalay it isr and d key y notes for r queens ststoneage andnd p plays witithd weweather. and nashshville rest he trainins in marartial art. .e
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things hurt. they p punish t bobody and m make e bodies soro had a knknuckle hehead i idea, place to d do it, , cryo t ther the latetest in n muscle fititn basicalllly you u step into a a tube and s skilling itit down t minunus s 300 degrgrees. causir body to kick loose all sortsts emergencncy, life e sasaving, , antitiinflammatotory proroteins after whicich, you're susuppose feel betteter. ifif you'r're f and pepenis don't shshatter lil tumblele weeds. d did you noti
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that lasast 40 or 50 seconds of cocoldness? >> yeses. >> that't's what thihis sessi will b be like. >> go ininside here.e. >> t that's uncocomfortable.e >> youou're negagative 06. >> you can d do it. >> are you feeeeling all r >> no. it's good. i nen run frfrom my chicken.n. >> he'e's atat 10 secoconds i >> don't't tell me that.t. y get nenegative 30606 or 308. >> i'm not e even that. . >> youou're e not t even half. >> i'm'm notot that. oh. .
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>> i'm tryining to be e helpf but,t, i can't e even tatalk ri now.w. >> 10 seconds.s. >> r really? oh.h. >> wowow, you'u're done.e. >> t there's stitill a third level. >> levevel twowo? >> thehere's one more e level left. >> whahat's the lolongest you could gogo? ? >> three minuteses. > well, w we wanted t to k what it t was like to o have a o peninis. >> i i feel l crisispy. > that wawas kindnd of awe >> freshshly i invigorateded subzbzero o experiencece with n fofound d appetites to go wiwit new found cryo j jennicly inind supeper powers. . w we headad tammy y wilson's placece for pi >> would you s say, that wh you'u've seen herere wasas whah were expxpecting to o find? >> i l like itit here. it's friendly town.n. >> i it is friendly.y. i remr
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when w we first came down n here would gogo to ththe gas ststati peopople would s say "hello"o" would d be like, whohose that? >> it takekes gegetting ususe >> allisonon said d it was al about ththe car. shshe needede sosomeplace toto park k the car >> w why she moveded h here? >> i i totalally believeve it > she does s love thahat c >> i wouould never buy a musc car bebecause oncece i startrt, would nevever be s satisfied. . don't t want to bebe like jajay and own so manany cars, people will start to look at you and say, i'm sorry about your penis, there's something else going on here. [laughter]
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[upbeaeat rock mususic] [playingng country m music] - musisic is a $1010 billion a r economy y around herere, emplploying morere people thn anywhehere else inin the countn. > music i is a $1$10 billi year ecoconomy arounund hehere. emplploying morere people than anywhere e else in thehe countr it's p producers, , it's sessis arartists and even t the studid thememselves arere l legendary. you u could makeke it as a w wo musician i in n nashville where therere's anythihing about a shorortage and s standards higiu coululd d pretty mucuch make it anywherere. l lightning 1 100, isis jason in n the studioio wi totoday, nashvilille artrtist, wewe agree shehe's here to plal
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couple newew songs foror u us. >> t thanks for haviving m me >> one-2-2-3 ♪ >> margo pririce g grew up on fafamily's farm m in buffafalo e illinoisis. her famamily was sd to sell whenen s she was age 2 h is preretty dam cocountry alrea if you asksked me.e. asas a c mumusic tradititionalist she ststruggled toto finind her pla withthin nasashville's increrea pop scene and grgrowing g indy . in 2010,0, she lost one e of he twinin sons to a rare heart conditioion. self m medicate alcohohol and ended up with eve kind of proboblem. includuding proboblems o of the legagal kine poured herer heaeart in every y she had,d, recordingng an n alb justst three dayays s at the ley sun ststudios in mememphis, ses her car and her wewedding ring along g the way. ♪♪
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does i is hohow, on dedead end rows, ♪ ththey r remind me ♪♪ whwhere i amam ♪ ♪ and all l the e sins i i gavave♪ like, , got ththem back again ♪♪ . . pain has made me wise ♪ ♪ the wasteded tears to crcry ♪ ♪ so manany ththings youou neveve♪ but, y you tolold me w with you eyeses ♪ the alalbum, "midwdwest fafs daugughter" was rerejected 30 t by t the major labels whenen sh found d herself on thehe radara
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jackck white and his brilliaian enterpririse, third band record third d band's impmpact on theh nashviville music c scene cacan under stated w with a list of arartists, reueuse and obsessis they tililted ththe townwn's ac makingng n nashville the center nonot just countryry m music bu what? of coursrse, white has produceded a albums s for count mumusic legendnds like loretett. so, ththey're e reliably u unre of what cocomes nextxt. righth what cooks n next is margo pric who o is rececording in the thi baband's live mumusic roroom, ,e room. . t the recorording is a going didirectly to tatape. be digitatal and analalog t tape w usused. disisk k recording waw
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no e editing, , no ovever ducks thirird man has maststered a n of albums s like this, givining listeners asas closese to o a l sound as p possible. also, i realally cooool. >> thihis is the o only placa the e world wherere you coululd live to o tape recorording. >> ♪♪ some of i do i is s make somome land ♪ because i know what t i am ♪ know what i i have ♪ i want to buy baback the farm.m and brbring my ma'am ma a home wine ♪ turn b back k the clocock on thl hands of timime ♪ . >> > that album that was rerd 3030 times debebuted on billll s top coununtry charart at n numb
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on the o opening week k and d ws yeyear's numbeber one coununtry in the uk. margo'o's promomo tower inincludes performanances "saturday y night lilive" and c. heher husband anand base plalay the band, , jeremy prerepares business c cuts with pememento cheese a and baconon. alolong crustiny a and goat cheese. >> do o you all eaeat like th all l the time seth.h. >> he e cooks like thihis ala timeme. >> we'e've all been n in the restaurarant busininess. you,u you. >> he jujust got f fired f fr job over on the wewest side. > sorryry. >> [ [laughter]] . >> first ofof all, who here
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frfrom nashvilille? >> exaxactly. > this isis pretty mumuch ststory of my experienence here far, youou know,w, the town n h represesentation o of while e t arare so many y good musicician, does that t make it hardrder to break k out here a and ultimima what happepens if you suck here like, i meanan if you'u're plal countrtry western n and you'u'r gogood at yoyour instrtrument, u makeke a living hehere and s su > absolututely. > yeaeah. >> yeah. >> notot to say y like therer tons of bandnds that s suck or sosomething hehere, but, when ie here, i wawas not goodod e enou i wentnt out to some writer'r's rounds a and i learned q quickl that i h had to be a a better player, , i had toto be a bette singerer. i had t to be a bete writer. s so, you w work hard because e you're surroundeded b thatat. b because, yoyou're pl fofor a room of pickers and writiters, like, howow many nash
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nashvilllle musicianans does ite to change a light bubulb. 1 t o it andnd 20 to sayay, i can dod betttter than ththat. >> ♪♪ [m[music] > ♪♪ been drinknking whisisky like i water" thahat don't totouch then thatat you put on n me ♪ >> there seemems to be esestablished bands s that comee anand say, t they want to workr particularar professssionals or recocord at a particicular stud >> yeah. >> b but, , that's really kin a memetaphysicalal dececision, ththat particucular mimixing bo actually p possess m magical po ththat will make youour rerecor betterer? >> y you go into rcaca s stud where ththe e elvis s singles w cut. ththere's somemething spe abouout that r room. yeah. . , you u joke a around about ththe
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speciaial thing inin the boardr sometitimes there e is. >> [laugughter] . . ♪♪ i i put a hurtining on a bottlt♪ ♪♪ mamaybe now i'm blind enoughgh sesee e ♪ been drinknking whisky like it' wawater ♪♪ that don't't touch the paiain y put on m me ♪ ♪ [cheers anand applausese] all right,t, let's takake it h. ♪
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[upbpbeat rock m music] [lively y music] - sign of f the apocalalype or an n age of enlnlightenmen, you decicide. sisign o of the apocalypses an agege of enlightetenment? yo decide, , the craft cocktailil prograram has arrived d and iti sprereading fast. josh h habib cockcktail b bar, and it's 2 20 reststaurant catbibird seed hasn cacatering to ththe sosophistic palalate of f nashvilliaians si 2011. . joshes rorolled in frf chicicago as a p professionanal and has fifive restaururants ac
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the cicity. >> soso, do plalaces s like represesent t that the t town h changed d or that they chahangee totown? >> when we opened this, , i amazed by the susupport we g go from people. they wanteted t lilike it here. . >> reaeally? i thihink youou' takingng it from outut of town. kindnd of want to hate youou, w nonot the coldld-hearted t town peopople portrayay us to be,e, especicially if you'u're hot st somewhwhere else, yoyou're goio have a a real l steep climimb i york, wewe're hohoping that t yl failil. and it's not t like th here, , from what i undederstan car bebet bagging g interlrlopee welclcome hehere in a a way tha ththey're not in a l lot of oth placaces. whethther it's music restaurantnts or art, come h he and dodo c creative stuff. >> it's s a reallyly cool pla >> it't's a a little crumblyl
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well. >> you'u're looking a persoson the e eye and plating upup food ththere's no hiding.g. if theye itit, you sesee that. and if t don't lolove it, then, youou se that. >> s so, menu u changes eveve night? >> at t the whim o of poullet >> chef ryanan is a a new kid town, frfresh from chicacago, a veteteran of l little marketet, barsito. >> rightht, and d the e first servrving that w we have is s r risotto. we have paparmesan cheesese a and b butter r and d withth the ferermented s sun ch we u used d three didifferent c techniniques and one ingredieneo make thihis s thing. >> beaututiful. insanenely delicioious.
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>> n nothing abobout that descriptioion n sounded d partiy intereresting to m me. >> d delicious. . >> this s next coursrse is a onon a very y traditionanal iti dish, lilinguine, and d chili flakeses. we useded k kosher t represenent the chilly f flakes took slightltly smokoked scallln top. enenjoy. > man, , you're talkingng language h here. > that's ininsanely gooood wowould facece plant intnto o al of that. this w would be e goo rememember when tonyny s soprand come h home after a night of wh aring anand killing g people an ththey would be a cold leftotov
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[u[upbeat rockck music] ♪ - - welcome toto disgracele, alisonon's nashvilille hom. it's a h house partyty, soso there's g got to be f . - yoyou're just t doing a small seseries therere wewelcome to g graceland.. it's's a house pararty, so theh gogot to be fofood. [l[laughter] ♪ - and d as one musust at any reputatable house e par, live enterertainment.. deanan fertita,, jack lawawrence, mr. . jack whitete, anand alison m mosshart. knowown, i belieieve, as the deaead weather.r.
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- ♪ i never k know hohow to treatat you ♪ ♪ you say i i love youu but itit ain't trurue ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm walkiking away now - ♪ heyey - ♪ one step p forward ♪ andnd back two ♪ ♪ i like yoyou grab youou by thehe hair ♪ ♪ and h hang you upup from t the heavensns ♪ [c[cheering] - in thehe galley, m matthew i slslave over c celeriac, a a, and wawalnut saladad, frieied pork dumumplings, pupulled pork k with red c cabb, anand deviled d eggs, because itit ain't a p pary withthout devileled eggs, and brisisket. ♪ - ♪ o ooh ♪ ♪ i i want to g grab you by the h hair ♪ ♪ a and hang yoyou up frfrom the heaeavens ♪ ♪
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- ow! ♪ [c[cheers and d applause]] - thank yoyou. [cheers anand applausese] [u[upbeat rockck music] ♪ - - in anotherer part of t the , free p party favorors for r everyone.. pepermanent onones. choooose your tatattoo caref, my drunknken friendsds. choose welell. - oh, you u spelled "donald d trump" wrorong. [laughteter] - dadamn it! ♪ alalso on the e bill, the e .
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♪ - ♪ hollywoodod 2 a.m. ♪ oh ohoh oh oh oh h oh oh ohh ♪ questionining everyththing ♪ o oh oh oh ohoh oh oh oh h h ♪ - a tooth h tattoo inn someme cultures s means... actutually, i hahave no ida whatat it meanss untitil alison said s she chose i it because shshe liked itit and d it's for b biting. - uppeper hand. nicece. ♪ get t the visionn ♪ g get the visision ♪ get the v vision ♪ come e on ♪ get thehe vision ♪ get the visision ♪ get the v vision ♪ come e on ♪ [c[cheers and d applause]] [rock musisic] ♪ - i, on ththe other hahand, gave this s scorpion
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carefuful considereration after a a less carefefully considereded number ofof tequ. - yeah? - that l looks amazizing. - it benends, but..... - it's's sinister.r. - i lilike it. - totatally sinistster. - - just--yeahah. ♪ - ♪ nothing i is a colorr ♪ i croross the desesert ♪ nothing i is alive ♪ ♪ what dodoes the blalack top w ♪ that i i have not c cracked with my mimind ♪ ♪ n nothing is s a color ♪ g gray as thehe pill ♪ nobody crcries - i'i'm pretty p proud of tht. that came e out prettyty goo. - thanank you. - ♪ i i feel loveve both: ♪ every m million milils ♪ i i feel loveve ♪ evevery once inin a while ♪ i f feel love ♪ every milillion mileses - ♪ i feel lolove ♪ e every once e in a whilee
1:56 pm
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1:57 pm
wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. [u[upbeat rockck music] [light jazz music] - i'm still-- i'm still so drunk. - a drink'll help. ♪ - - man, good d party. - - yeah. - it was, , like, the e greate. as i was d driving herere, i jujust couldn'n't stop smimi. just r rememberingng, like, the thinings i can r remembe, which h is not allll of it, but there'e's a timeliline. - whwhat-- [l[laughs] - you,u, yeah. - [w[winces] - oh, my g god. - seseriously, i i have bitete . - no, , no, no wayay. - nono, i do, i'i've got-- - - who--who b bit you? - that's's a cigaretette. ththat's a bitite mark. - what's's that? - awesome.e. - - that's a b bruise. - what's t that? - therere's a timemeline her, people.. - the lalast i was g gonna ge. - let't's work it t out. [laughteter] i fefeel so compmplete. anand i-i was s gonna wearar t today, butut i-- - oh, my g goodness. - hey, g guys.
1:58 pm
- hi.. hey, a l little-- - - that guy w was wearingng a. soso i guess i it could bee worse e this mornining. i mean, i i could be..... [laughteter] ♪ - wowow, what's s that? ooh. - bloodydy mary. - - yeah. - appaparently we took k some casuaualties atlastst night's h house part. but for r every throrobbing s, everery unremembmbered blunt forcrce trauma,, there e is a cure:e: a blbloody mary,y, a mimos, or bototh, should d you prefe. pinewood s social. our r friend jososh's plac, whwhere naturaral allies, , a, hangngovers, andnd bowling coexisist peacefulully in an atmosphere of mutuaual respect.t. also fooood. - tony, hohow many timimes do y you eat a d day? [l[laughter] no, , because whwhen i watch that s show, i thihink about . i'm m like, "wowow, you've h , like, seseven mealss and itit's only 1:1:00." [laughter]r] [marargo price's's "this s town gets s around] ♪ - - who's up?? - you'u're up firsrst. - - i'm up? okokay. - yeyeah. ♪
1:59 pm
- oh. - going g well. - not a prpromising bebeginni. [laughs] - it canan only get t better. - - i don't ththink he's a ame. [both lalaugh] - ifif there's a any hustler, it wouould be l.j.j. you know?? - yeah.. - ththe unassumiming guy who just h happens to o show p after bebeing missining for r a little w while. - right. i can see e that. ♪ - [laughs]s] that m might have e been the quickekest gutterr of thehe day. [laughghter] ♪ - [l[laughs] ♪ - - oh! ♪ - - oh, yes. - yeah. [clappining] go dowown! - ohoh! [l[laughter] ♪
2:00 pm
- changege. - over t the line. - that's's the one!! ♪ ♪ - yes!s! - oh!! - - whoo! - - i was likeke... i was gogoing, okokay, get ininto charactct. [l[laughter] - inin a safer w world, all of u us here would bebe prohibiteted from hururling heavyvy objes in anyny directionon giveven our sorrrry states and our r general inineptness at thihis sport ofof kings. bubut that's n nashville f for . a wewelcoming plplace. a a forgiving g one. i feelel right at t home. ♪ - ♪ when i i first cameme heree streetets were pavaved with go♪ ♪ and y you can walalk that rd i've b been told ♪ ♪ b but i won't't put out or be cocontrolled ♪ ♪ i don't w write the s shit ththat gets bobought and s so♪ ♪ asksk any man ♪ he e might knowow ♪ w who used toto live on music rorow ♪ ♪ but that t was then and thisis is now ♪ ♪ and he e told me this town n gets arounund ♪ ♪ ♪ frorom what i'v've found ♪ this townwn gets arouound
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