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tv   Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown  CNN  December 25, 2023 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

2:00 pm
gege. - over t the line. - that's's the one!! ♪ ♪ - yes!s! - oh!! - - whoo! - - i was likeke... i was gogoing, okokay, get ininto charactct. [l[laughter] - inin a safer w world, all of u us here would bebe prohibiteted from hururling heavyvy objes in anyny directionon giveven our sorrrry states and our r general inineptness at thihis sport ofof kings. bubut that's n nashville f for . a wewelcoming plplace. a a forgiving g one. i feelel right at t home. ♪ - ♪ when i i first cameme heree streetets were pavaved with go♪ ♪ and y you can walalk that rd i've b been told ♪ ♪ b but i won't't put out or be cocontrolled ♪ ♪ i don't w write the s shit ththat gets bobought and s so♪ ♪ asksk any man ♪ he e might knowow ♪ w who used toto live on music rorow ♪ ♪ but that t was then and thisis is now ♪ ♪ and he e told me this town n gets arounund ♪ ♪ ♪ frorom what i'v've found ♪ this townwn gets arouound
2:01 pm
♪ [broododing music]c] ♪ [high-h-pitched bebeeping] [static c buzzes] [e[electronic c tones whini] [electronic buzzining] [l[low electroronic warblili] [broododing music c continu] ♪ [upbeat rock music] both: ♪ i took k a walk through ththis ♪
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♪ beautififul world ♪ felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder ♪ ♪ fouound somethihing good in thihis ♪ ♪ b beautiful w world ♪ i felelt the rainin gettining colder ♪ -- ♪ la,a, la - ♪ sha l la, la, la,a, la ♪ shaha la, la, l la, la - ♪ sha la, l la, la - ♪ sha l la, la, la,a, la ♪ sha la, l la, la, la,a, la - hi, hohow are yo? - good m morning, mymy frien. how are e you? this minine? - yeyes. [metetallic squeueaking] [c[chains jingngle] ♪
2:03 pm
- i i start my d day; i i wake up atat 2:00, come to the gagarage arounund 3. geget ready toto go on m my way to t take ththe queensboboro bridge.. ♪ [brakes s squeal] ♪ [g[generator r rumbles] okayay. showtitime. [mysteterious musisic] - jujust across s the east rr frfrom manhattttan, where i lilive, just over r there, isis an enchananted wondererl, an intnternationalal crossro, a a stewpot ofof neighborhrs filllled with ththe languag, cucultures, tradititions, and d flavors of many y lands.
2:04 pm
hey, howow you doingng? - momorning. - mymy morning r ritual goes somomething likike this: regulalar coffee a and a doug; maybe a a cruller, i'm fefeeling wildld and craz. but t just acrososs the riv, the e options arare endles. [d[disjointed d music] [low eererie hummingng] ♪ - the e next stop p is court s . [eererie music c continues h hu] ♪ - ththe 7 trainn windnds over andnd through qs lilike a main n cable. evevery stop c can seem lie anotother countrtry, another reregion. ♪ get off atat rooseveltlt ave, and you arare gonna eaeat wl for surere.
2:05 pm
examample: this s cart sels ecuadodorian food.d. hornado:o: roast porork withth sublime c crispy skn straigight from heheaven. crunchch, cru--oh,h, that's te sounund of victotory right t t. - [l[laughs] - - morcilla: : blood saususe with potatato cakes. oh, , man. ththat's lookiking really y g. - grgracias. [t[train rumblbling, clatttte] - this i is a workining-class neighbororhood. peoplele coming toto and from m. - yep. - how ofoften do youou think the averagage person eaeats at one e of these t th? - lot ofof, like, the day y laborers,, a lolot of the m men that arare, they migight live inin thesese tiny apapartments with a t tiny shareded kitche. they canan't cook. - right. - ththey're not t gonna gogo into the e restaurantn. theyey don't havave time foror. so it't's--for thehem, it m might be eveven more ththat they'rere eating on the strtreets. - - sean basininski is thehe dir of t the street t vendor pror. prior to g going to lalaw sc, he b built a pusushcart anand sold bururritos on t the r of 5 52nd and papark. hehe founded s svp wiwith a smallll grant from yale e universityty law w school. he livives in a tetenement walap apapartment inin manhattann
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with a a bathtub i in the kit, yoyou know, lilike most lala. soso if we didid, likeke, a mile i in here. [trainin rumbling,g, clatteri] - yeahah. - - what wouldld my optionone natitionality-wiwis? - itit's incredidible. i memean, you cacan have tibiben ststreet food,d, and then n thes colombian n arepas. if youou go up intnto flushingn, anand then thehere is ththe chinese e barbecue c cart. i don't knknow of ananyplace in n new york,, maybe e even the w world or t the countryry, that youou can havee such diviversity on n the stree. - - matt shapipiro is anototr lalawyer who r representss ststreet vendodors whwhen they neneed legal h , whwhich in ourur nanny stae currrrent realitity is a all too oftften. now,w, generallyly spea, to o open up a c cart on thehe , you needed a licen? - - you have t to have a l licee fofor yourselflf, and then y you have toto have a a permit foror the cart t its. that's thehe problem.. - and d any spo? - gegenerally spspeaking, yeyes, althouough there's's lots ofof restrictitions. - - manhattan n is very mumh the,e, you know,w, "not i in my backykyard" neneighborhoodod in a lot t of. i meanan, for thisis reason, manhattatan, in my v view,
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is a lotot less inteteresting than queueens. - riright. - ththis is a wowonderland.. - - yeah. - i memean, look w what we goto. [f[funky musicic] - - you know, , they're trtryio change i it, though.h. and the e more it dodoes chan, the momore the venendors arare threatenened, you knkn? - therere's all ththis talk abt "cleleaning up" " roosevelt t a. you knknow what ththat means. - if y you get higigher rent, nicer bubuildings, theyey're not gogonna want a streetet cart out t in fron. - thatat's sometimimes the prors ththat vendorsrs face. even i if the spotot is complpletely legagal, and d we see it t all the titim, wherere there's s building m mas ththat come ouout and say,y, "hey, yoyou know, yoyou gotta momove; you u can't be h here." they e even call t the police.e. - so w what happenens if that- whenen that occucurs? - - when it wawas me, you u k, the young g kid out ofof colle, i wawas ready fofor that. - right. - but t if you're e an immigrt who o doesn't spspeak any enenh and isis realisticically scarer, and they t tell you toto mov, wewell, you'rere gonna movo. ♪ - in a a perfect w world, how y of t these wouldld there be? - i i think the e more divere strereet food we c could have,e, the bette. the e more pathwhways wewe can provivide for peoeoe
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toto come and d start a bubuss anand hopefulllly, you knon, after r five or teten years, maybe theyey'll have a a restau, righght? [trainin rumbling,g, clatteri] i mean, , we don't s say theree too o many restataurants, dodo? so why t too many fofood vendor? - - too many a affore restaurarants, goddadam. - [laughs]s] [train r rumbling, c clatteri] [distatant cheers s thunderin] [cheerers and applplause] - - hey, what't's up, new w yor? how y'all l doing? [cheerers and applplause] bothth: ♪ insnshallah, mamashh ♪ hopefullyly no martiaial lw ♪ hai a allah, yo y yallah ♪ l let's rock k a show in ramallalah ♪ ♪ kick k it with mymy homie whwhen i'm outut in haifa a♪ ♪ kick it w with muhammmmed when i i'm out in n jaffa ♪ all: ♪ oh, no,o, we're e in troublele ♪ ♪ tsa alwayays wanna burst t my bubble e ♪ ♪ a always get t a random c ck when i rocock the stububble ♪
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[liltingng mizmar mumusic] [m[man singingng in f foreign lananguage] ♪ [manan continueses singing in foreieign languagage] ♪ [singingng echoes anand fade] ♪ ♪
2:10 pm
- himamanshu surii is b better knowown as heems, half o of the rap p duo known as t the swet shshop b. he was bororn and raisised inin queens, a living, , breathing g exampe of t the gloriouous mash-upp that i is this bororough. ♪ so it t seems justst right thatat a first-g-generationn indidian dude takekes me to a a chinese dumplingng spot closose to his h hindu temp. yu garden n dumplings s is eveverything y you need inin. so bororn and raisised, queensn? - - yep. - - what neighghborhood? - most o of my le i've b been in glelens and bellererose, whichc, lilike, furtheher . - largelely or mostltly indian?? - our neneighborhd is mosostly punjai and then t there was c christis from kererala, malayaya, and pakikistan. those threr. - and d next non-i-indian neneighborhoodod over? - momore like guguya, still inindo-caribbebean. - riright. rightht. - anand tn the other r neighborho, lilike, whiterer but stillll i. so it's hahard to escacape us in queens,s, which is w why i like e it . ♪ - - spicy beefef and tripe:
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boiled pigig tongue anand trie marinanated in sugugar and so, seserved cold d with chilili . tradaditional inindian food d a? whwhat about outside thehe hous? - becacause the fofs so g good at ho, we donon't really y gt to eat indndian fo, 'cause it t would justst be mym going,g, "pss! i i could me betterer dal than n t" - right.t. - so.... i'i'm in new y york,; it wasas, like, lolon and pizzzza when we e weren't eating i indian foodod. - lion's's head meatatball: pork, giginger, soy.y. - so we usused to comeme to flug evenen when we m movet further eaet bebecause theyey didn'te grococery storeses t. my templple is over r h, and so eveven as we momoved furr out toto long islal, we alwayays end up c coming bk to herere or jackskson height, whicich are likeke these first placaces you comome. sosometimes i i joke, i memean,s is so o great and d so divers, but t it's also o 'cause the airpororts are herere. so i it's just l like you u get off ofof a 16-hourur t with no o money in y your poct from i india, anand you're l like, "whehere am i gogonna live?? wewell, i'm alalready herer. so let's's start witith this pl" ♪ - soup dumumplings: pipingng hot and fifilled with h ground pok anand near boioiling brotht.
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- - this is whwhy i come h h. - - yeah, thisis is dumplilings. - oh, yeah. - so w when you wewere growing, what was the ethno-o-national b breakdown ofof a typicalal class in n sch? - - my high scschool wawas a publicic high schoho, but itit was maybebe% eaeast and sououth a, momostly chinenese and koror. and all ththose ks end up goioing to harvr. alall those ks end d up going t tu and d those typepes of sch. and,d, you kno, if the a american drdream is al, i think itit's ale in placeces like queu. - what d do you meanan by that?? - that t there stillll are peoe comiming here wiwith nothg and mamaking sometething out o . and d as i kind d of lose hoe in thehe idea of,, like, , diversityy as a p positive ththing oror the idea a of americaa as an n open placece, i ththink in a p place with h sh race andnd diversityty, it gets s in the wayay less he than i it does in n other plac. - - will ameririca as a whwholk sooner o or later lilike quee? - i guesess 2042 is s the yer that peoeople of cololr becomeme the majory in t this count.
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- - yep. - seemems le a long, lolong time aw. but t yeah, thatat is the .
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[upbeat rorock music]] [delicatate music] ♪
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[man spepeaking korerean] [delicicate music c continu] [manan speaking g korean] ♪ - get lolost in flusushing for a whilile, and behohold the awewesomenes. [sparkrkling revererent chol musisic] ♪ [sparkliling reverenent chol music cocontinues]
2:18 pm
♪ [faint e energetic p pop musi] ♪ [haunting electronic music] ♪ - if youou're lookining for amazing g chinese fofood or korean n just like e home, wewell, flushihing is the e . ♪ ththis joint i is high on n the, geo o si gi. chcheers. - - [indistincnct]. - jojosh smookleler anand cosme agaguilar arare both chehefs anand restaurarateurs operatating in queueens. joshsh, a koreanan man whwho was adopopted and d raised by y a jewish f fay
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owns the w wildly popupular longng island cicity restaurut mu ramen.. did d it take ofoff right awa? it wasas successfuful right aw? - yes,s, pretty mumuch immediai. you knknow, i was s cog out of my y hou. then we e were transnsporting l to t this bagel l shop. we serveved from 7:0:00 to 9:, ten seseats at a t ti. it was me e in the kititchen; mymy wife out t in the froront. and d one day, s somebody tetex, goes, "conongratulatioions." i go, "f"for what?"" they go,o, "pete welells justst gave youu nunumber one r ramen inin new york k city." - so "new w york timeses" loves. - - and i saw w the articlc, and d i started d crying. ♪ - cosme isis the ownerer of casasa enrique,e, also in lolong island d city. it's thehe only mexican n restaurantnt in newk withth a michelilin star. yoyou didn't e even do ththe smart ththing. ththe smart ththing, of cocours, wowould be to o make shititty mexicanan food because wewe know thatat ameris willll always bubuy shittyty mexican f food. you stararted makingng really s sophisticatated, reallyly interestiting mexicana. well, whwhy? - my brothtr comeme up with t thea to open a a mexican rerestaura. and i toldld my brotheher, "com,
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i'll neverer cook mexixican fo, like, fofor restauraran" so i i started c cooking fox montnths at homeme every sining, trying t to do diffeferent thi, and finanally wewe open a memexican reststau. - but ththen you gotot a michelelin star. - yeah. for threree years inin a . - nice.. both are f fantastic,, but t tonight we're e eating kororean. gamja a tang: porkrk neck bonenp with rice e cakes, porork be, kimchihi, and spicicy radis. and d kimchi andnd oysters.. - - so this didish right h h, the e gamja tangng, was ththe dish i h, lilike, three e years. it lititerally traransplantede backck to korea.a. - yeahah, but how w old were y u when y you left? - - when i camame to ameriri, i i was six. - werere you raisesed observana? - orthodoxox, yeah. - orth-- you u were raisesed orthodox. yoyou still wiwith the prorog? - no, nonot at all.. i'm m eating porork right no. [laughghs] - yeyeah, that's's tough. i meanan, 'cause, , you know, koreans s are pork c crazy. - kokorean food,d, where e i didn't h have much ot growing upup at all--- in facact, kimchi i was, lik, shununned from o our househod because e it stunkp the whwhole hou. - well, itit's just nonot koshsher too.
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- - and it's n not kosher r ei, so they-y-- - wiwith the shehellfish in n . - - yeah. but t now i stilill make kokorean-stylele ramen anand then i h have a mamatzo ball r ramen. beining raised j jewish, can't helplp it. i ththink as cooooks, we alwlwo gravitate e to what ouour dna . - so when n are you opopening a korean r restaurant?t? - i don'n't know anynything about korerean food. [l[laughter] i jujust know i i like it. i gravititate totowards thosose flavors.. ♪ - galbi:i: short ribibs mamarinated inin soy, garlic, anand sesame o oil. then g grilled. meatat candy. ♪ yoyou ever invnvestigate other neigighborhoods?s? the e number of f immigrants all ovover the wororld, i mean, , is, you knknow, exextraordinarary. - - this funnyny thing. i was-- i i have caucacasians working ththe line. - yeahah. - and d then the a asians come, theyey go, "oh,h, this isn'n't good. yoyou got a bubunch of whihite " i'm like, , "wha" - i'm m racist likike that to. - realally? - - yeah, i'm m totally lilike. ifif i walk ininto a sushshi restaurarant,
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i i make racisist assumptitions abouout the placace if t they're notot japanese. - do youou do the sasame thig when youou go to a r restaurat and yoyou see, likike, let't's say a kokorean restata, and ifif you only y see whwhite peoplele, then what t do you thihink, it's's not legitit? - eaeating at the korerean restaururant? - yeyeah. - - you want t the truth?? - yeah.. [laughghter] of c course i wawant the trur. [dreamy elelectronic m music] ♪ [d[dreamy chororal music]] ♪ [leaves rurustling] - i'm anan usher nowow for the e metro chriristian cen. [melanchcholic strining mus]
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♪ - - some peoplple say it's the m most famousus plae you'veve never heaeard of. that's w where we arare. well, when you start getting out to the detail of it, this is historic neir's tavern.. - backck in the 181820s, whenen queens was ststill mostlyly farmland and d livestockk rathther than ththe 7 trainn was whatat rumbled d down what becamame jamaica a avenu, the mamanager of a a racetrk calleded the unionon course opopened a neaearby tavernn to a accommodatete the gamblbs and layabobouts who frequeuented his t track. it w was calledd the e blue pump p room. inin later iteterations it becamame the old d abbe, the e union coururse taver, and d finally neneir's tave. the neir f family, german émimigrés, addeded a bowlining alley, a ballroroom, and a a hotel
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afafter the raracetrack clcd inin 1898 anand renamed d the placee neirir's social l hall. today itit's owned b by this ma, lieutetenant loy g gordon of the f fdny. you were b born in jamama? - ththat's a fununny th. i'm from t the island d of jama, and i moveved to jamaiaica, que. - why, uh-h--why jamaiaica que? - well, , my mom wasas here. - what didid your momo for r a livi? whwhat kind ofof work was s she? - - you know, , she was--- didn't't have alall the educucation in the wororld. uh, so y you just hahad to do odds andnd ends, hahad to cleanan floors and, uh, j just do whatever s she had to o do to g get things s going. i think itit's prettyy much t the similarar story of immigigrants thatat come t to the unitited state. they comome and workrk hard bece itit's the lanand of opporortu, anand they finind a way toto kf make it ouout of the r rut. - yey. - or at leleast using g that platatform to hahave sosomeone likeke me-- like theirir offspringng become a a little bibit more, right, t than they w were. ♪
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- ordidinarily, ththe story i, "i'm a regegular beer r drinkr at this s joint, "a"and the thohought of itit disappeaearing "is,s, like, unbnbearable toto . where e am i gonnana drink nowo" but t you're notot th- that's n not your sts. - i knknew that ththis place s impoportant, youou kn? i jujust felt sosomething spsp. and beining somee that's's from quee, somemething thatat's specialal like t this shouldldn't disapp. ♪ it was three days from closing down when i walked into the place. - wow. - - the way itit's locateded, someonone has s to tell yoyou about t neir's tavavern. someone e has to sayay, you kn, "it's s around thehe corner, to the l left, to ththe right" anand if somee tellll you aboutu, i i think theyey k yoyou're worththy enough t to dr susuch a histotoric, you k k, cocool little e plac. - - now, it's s historic for a lot t of reasonsns, nonot least, i in my mind,d, because e the greatetest americican film evever made wawas shot herere. [swawaggering brbrass music c b] a lot of i it was shotot her. i mean, , it was-- - about t 15%. - okay, soso what was s shot- which scenenes were shshot he? - it w was a very y pivotal mot ofof the movi.
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- okokay, that's's the-- - [indistitinct speechch] - wait, wawait, wait, , wait. lelet me--let t me-- let t me remembeber it. he's--isis he right t there or is he r right here?e? - wherere you're s sitting. - he's r right here.e. and hehe just lookoks over at morririe, and yoyou know he'e's decided morrrrie's goingng. - - and if mororrie's goin, mimight as welellt knock evererybody els- - - well, no, , morrie wasas a m from thehe beginningng. i thinink any reasasonable bubusinessman n would haveve-- you knowow, here's a a questiont has s nothing toto do with a an. yoyou're workiking for thehe , and you'veve been havivig some d disagreemenes withth your busisiness partnt. why wowould you evever get inin the frontnt passengeret when s somebody elelse is sititting in ththe back? i i mean, paululie made thte mimistake in " "the godfata" it's alwayays like, yoyou k, "that's s a bad seatat to sit " - yeahah.
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2:29 pm
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join the millions of people tak [upbeaeat rock mususic] [ethereal music] ♪ - [spepeaking spananish]
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[laughs]s] [machineryry whirring]g] [speakaking spanisish] [plainintive strining musi] ♪
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[blender w whirring] [plaintitive music c continue] ♪ [fununky pop mususic] ♪ [wooden plplatforms clclatte] ♪
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[train rumumbling, clalatteri] ♪ - - it is tempmpting to tht, when r reflecting g on jackckson heighthts, of indiaia. but t queens is s always chah, always in n flux, a a landing spspot for peoee frfrom all ovever the worl; new arririvals from m tibet being anan example.. ♪ sasandwiched b between two cell p phone storeres and a coupuple of jewewelry shos isis lhasa fasast food. - this particular neighborhood we're in now, jackson heights, has histororically beeeen the ft stop f for the newewest immigrg. it's a b big latino o neighborh, but the sosouth asian n communis presesence is prpretty well l . and itit's, i thinink, very fifg that now t this huge t tibetn community,y, which is s very n, looking g for a homeme; wherere they gononna go? they're gogonna go nenear the indndians, righg? - so y you guys grew up totogether? - yeah, wewe grew up t togethr in queenens.
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- i rememember we wewee in t the same lilittle leagu. - whwhat positioion did you u py in l little leagague? - oh, ththey pute in thehe outfiel. i was s terribl. - whwhich outfieield? thatat matters.. - - oh, yeah, usualllly the righght side or. - righght field? - what do o they call l it? okay, , see, i donon't know. i don't t know. - heemems joins meme for dinnr alalong with h his friendd and d neighborhohood advoca, ali najmjmi. - - right now w i'd like t to cp a close e friend of f mine, mr. ali nanajmi. - ththank you. [cheers s and applauause] i'm rereally invololved in polo, locacal electionons, empopowering newew voters. - mm-hmm.. - and d then advococating for particulular issues s that come. mr. . president,t, i know yoyout too goodod at listenening. but you'rere gonna have to hehear us now.w. [cheerers and applplause] muslimim americansns are not t going anywywhere. [cheheers and apapplause] latitino americacans are nonot going ananywhere. [cheers anand applausese] and we conontribute to this cocountry. it tururns out, wewe pay more es than you d do. [cheers anand applausese] - - why give a a [...]? - i have a a see ofof what i ththink is t
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and what n needs to bebe don. and i can'n't sit backck and t people whoho are beingng undersd contininue to be u underserve. - you'rere gonna havave your wk cut ouout for you ththe next fouour years. - we arere, but you u know wh? dude, wewe have to o organiz. there'e's no otherer way to do. america a wouldn't b be as g great as itit is right tw if people e didn't orgrganiz. it's b both uniqueue and distutg that you'r're also frorom quee. [laughteter] becacause the vavalues ththat you havave been rununnin are nonot the queeeens values we know.w. anand i guaranantee you onone : we, alall of us, w will make se you dodon't forgetet where e you came f from. [cheers anand applausese] - - how much t traction arareu getting wiwithin the c communi? is thehere a hungeger for tht or is itit taking sosome convin? - there e are defininitely a lof pepeople who a are just--- becacause it's s such a nenew communitity, theyey're just t trying to make itit in americica. they'r're trying t to maximie whatevever they hahave, even spacece. "we e have a celell phone sts, a a phone cardrd store. "we hahave a littltle bit of s ; let's put t a restaurarant hee and maxiximize everyrything we "
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but thenen there arere other pee ththat get i, that belelieve inin the promimise of amerer; they belelieve in ththeir righ. ♪ - thenenthuk: handnd-torn nooe soup w with chilieies and gingn. ♪ i mean, dodo you thinknk it's onlnly a matterer of time till y you're replplaced by yeyt eitherer another i incoming grgp or, , you know,, uh, hihipster apococalypse? - - look, i memean, ththe story ofof new yorkk is t that the neneighborhoods are coconstantly c changing. and eveverything's's in flux. nothining is statitic. and even a all our comommunits that havave come in,n, yoyou know, wewe've transfsfod these neigighborhoodss ththat we've m moved into.. - it's's hard to m make a clam for owownership whwhen my parerents moved d her, you knkno? so t there is ththat constan, like,, "i"i don't wanant this neieighbd to be e gentrifie, but amam i gentrififying " - - shaptra, o or chili frfried: thin pananes of beefef withth chili oilil and d soy anand sichuan n peppercorn. shsha momo: ststeamed dumpmpls stuffed d with beef.f. ♪
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fofor a lot ofof people, you see ththis communinity, but t for them, , it's likee the nighghtmare scenenario. what's thehe best thinings about queens othther than didiversity, justst as an eveveryday practical l matter? - yoyou wake upp every y day in queueens, anand you're a allowed to oe who o you are. you can't t say tt about evevery pla; maybe e not even t the places our paparents comeme from.
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[upbeaeat rock mususic] [d[dreamy musisic] ♪ - furtheher out in q queen, the somemewhat forlolorn loog but t still beauautiful rockc. [brorooding bassss music] ♪ - this i is rockawayay park. further dodown, yoyou'd call i it far rockcka. ththere's alsoso rockaway y. that's's why they y cat the rockckaws
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and not t just rockakaway somet. - righght. - there's s a lotf differenent parts ofo. - jojosmar trujijillo, a writer a and local a activ. yoyou from queueens originina? - i i was raiseded in the , but i i lived in q qus for most o of my adultlt life . - and rorockaway nowow? - nono, so i lefefte a little-- ababout a yr after r hurricane e s, 'cause t the way sanandt and the way it kind d of shook p people out of thehe way they y were, and you u didn't wanao puput your famy through h that aga, the e risk of th. - how babad it get h hit out h? - thisis was, likeke, somemething out t of a movie. - - hurricane e sandy popounded the e east coastst in, anand many comommunities s su. but the e rockaways s were t with p particular r ferocit. how was the response? - oh, you know, the response from eveveryday peopople was g. like, , onef the best t things abt whatat happened d right afteted was the waway a lot ofof peoe came togogether who o lived he, but alalso how a l lot of peoe kindnd of came i , pitched inin, brought t food, brought gegenerators.. but, youou know, offfficially, , lilike, governrn, the sesemi-governmnmental grou,
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they droropped the b . - whatat was the p problem, tht? - they wereren't readydy fo. the rorockaways, b by design s never r been a plale where therere was a lolf gogood investmt oror infrastruructure ay to b begin wi. - whwhy? lookok. this is whwhat you wouould call prime oceaeanfront proroperty not fafar from newew york cityt. whatat's going o on? - ththis was a p place histotory where ththe ciy and robertrt moses in n particr really u used as, lilike, a dumg grground for u undesirablele s that thehe city didndn't necessy wawant to dealal . - baback in the e day, the rockawaways were a a summer desestination for mimiddle-classss new yors ununtil betterer roads and an i improved rarail systm lured ththem to the e beaches of lonong island.. - theyey threw a b bunch of public houousing projejects in . theyey sent a lolot of the low-incocome people e of the cy out herere, and d it just wawasn't a plae that hisistoricallyy the cicity ever totook serious. yoyou know, sisince then,, we've alalways had a lot ofof working-c-class whis move i in, into m more kind o of the wewestern end,d, and d so you've e kind of sen in thehe rockawaysys
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just kind d of shape o ot alonong race andnd class lini. and the e one dynamimc thatat's changeded after sany was that a a lot more,e, l, yoyoung urban n professiononal , like, , were realllly coming t herere, you know, maybe lookokg intetentionally y ot to, likeke, brooooklynify ththe rockaway. - riright. - or g gentrify ththe rocka. rockawaway's callele, likeke, the brooooklyn riviea or thehe williamsbsburg riv. - whwho gets thehe shaft in a situauation like e that? - if you'r're a pern who's s not a homemeo; if you'r're a persn that's's strugglining to pay r, the plans s are generar, histstory has totol, gonna a leave you u beh. it's i interestg becaususe i don't t k a lot ofof people ththought tt that w would happepen he. whenen you're onon rockaway,y, d this kinind of sensese of secuy ththat you kinind of we out inin this lazyzy beach to. and,d, like, i w would love e te out here a and walk onon the be, and it'd'd be just m e and d maybe two o other peope fofor miles anand m, and that w was grea. where yoyou won't hahave that anymore. whwhere there e t be a placece in the cy fofor you to b be able to o hav. you u know, some peoplple may be f for i, and ththen i thinkk that m might be shshortsighte, 'causese i think t that this m , uhuh, not nececessay invovolve the se peoplele who are h . - it nevever does. [languid m music]
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♪ what's's a perfectct day in t the rockawaways? - oh, a peperfect da? obviously,y, hit the b beach, but you dodon't want t to fifind a placece where theher, you know, , no sand. you know? - riright. - - you want t to find a p pe that's's kindf off the bebeaten pa. grab a b bite to e. you mamaybe, you k , haveve a couple e of drinks s at anand watch ththe waves crcr. we're nearar the airpop, soso you watchch some of t the s fly ovove. anand it's jusust, you , it's's a differerent . yoyou don't fefeel like yoyou'n new yorkrk when you'u're out h. ♪ when i firirst came hehere, i w- i wawas a city k kid. i was useded to livingng with the hustlele and bustltle of the city y that neverer sle. when i gotot he, ththere's, likike, this trtranq. there's s this feell that y you're not t in the ci, and it's's great, because e it makes y you feel e you u can sit baback and d be with yoyour thought. you knowow, as a citity kid, itit gave me a a lot of pepersp. so anytitime you canan come oute anand kind of f be away frfromf anand kind of f be, you knkn, wiwith the watater, with y your thoughghts, is a a great dayay.
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[upbpbeat rock m music] [t[thrumming e electronic c ] [cheerers and applplause] [elelectronic mumusic continues s thrumming]g] ♪ [cheers and applause]] [thrumming music continues]] ♪
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[cheerers and applplause] [thrhrumming conontinues] ♪ [faiaint cheers s and applaua] [cheers and applause roar] - is t that a $10000 bill? - yeah. i fefeel dead ininside, lauru. ththis is gonnnna bring g me around.d. - kekeep tellingng yourself f t. - - hi. - - [indistincnct speech]] - uh, , all of it t on number o toto win firstst. - all of i it? - yeahah. [distant t trumpet fananfare] thank k you. gogotta be in n it to win n , laururie. - all riright. cacan i get $5$5 on numberer e toto win, pleaease? - it's t the middle e of win, anand there arare only a fw hahardcore racacing enthususis here; alalso me and d friend andnd aur laurieie woolever.r. - here thehey come. [men shohouting and chattetering indisistinct] - and a wiwinner. all right,t, you won n your firstst race.
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- yoyou know, yoyou didn't win anytything, but-t-- - not quitite good enon. ♪ i i love this s place: the poponies, the e beer, ththe looming g sense of d despr and melalancholy. did i mentntion they h have jamaican b beef pattieies? - so p people likeke it here b e you can geget your emomotional fefeel for thehe horses and you cacan look dowown intoto the paddodock, and pepeople like e to sort off see hohow the horsrse is behav. - all righg. i smelell victo. oror is that h horse? ♪ fourth r race, numbeber two to . [cheers anand applausese] - come on,n, number twtwo! come on!n! ♪ - ohoh, n! [g[groans] smsmoked. ♪ i needed to n in a lonong shot n. i neneed to get t . i gotta cocome bac. ♪ buililt near thehe site of a forormer conduiuit for the e brooklyn w waterwors thatat brought w water fromom eastern l long island to t the ridgewowood reservov,
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aqueueduct racetetrack opopened in 181894. the e glory daysys of horse eg are longng gone, but t for those e few proudd remamaining degegenerate gams with a a few bucksks and a drer, aqueduct i is still ththere. it's a jududgment-freeee zone h, thoughgh. - totatally. - it's kinind of a "cocome as u are" s situation. - - i think ththat's true e of s in genereral. and you cacan kind of f fy ununder the raradar, you k k? yoyou have notot been hararad totoo much tododay, righ? - no, a guguy came up p to m. he sayays, "hey, y you look le anthonony bourdaini" i saidid, "i w wish i had d his money." and he s said, "yeahah, righ. that asssshole." [bototh laugh] it was g great. it w was le the perfrfect encounu. - yeah. that's queueens. nobodydy gives a s s. [gentltle music] ♪ - oh! - all righght. - - two, rightht up on topo.
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- yes.s. - - come on, n number two.. keep it.t. keep i it. ♪ - itit's a closese r. - close e it up. - it's a a nail-biteter. [men s shouting inindistinctl] [groanans] dropped lilike a stonene. - waway to suck.k. so proromising. - nono bras for my l little gi. - [lauaughs] it's n not over. there's s always anonother r.
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2:55 pm
the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem.
2:56 pm
introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. [u[upbeat rockck music] [dreamamy music] - - i'm ray. i'm fromom guyana ororiginall. my father r raced birdrds, so i e end up withth the same e. it's c called birdrd racing. insteaead of, likeke, a runnnning race,, itit's like a a singing rara, yoyou know? the firsrst bird to o chirp to0 won n the prize.e. ♪ it's w worth a lotot of mon. and if he e become a c champ, he winin a couple e of races, the e price goeses up. $10,0,000, $8,00000. [birird chirps]] ♪ ♪
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gogotta be as s gentle as s pos. ♪ so i i just holdld it in my ha. if y you hit bumumps, i rarattle him, , you know?? i wawant him to o be as c calm as posossible. we'll fifind a parkiking as clos popossible to o where we g gg so the birirds don't b be expod to thehe cold weatather. ♪ right now w we trying g to warmrm up the bibirds. and sometitimes you u bring a bibird today,, and he's n not in the e mood. nonothing happppens. wewe just gotttta another r . [lauaughs] all righght, you reaeady? [s[soothing mumusic] ♪
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[bird chirirps] [s[soothing mumusic contini] ♪ - the e whole worlrld is in quq, and likeke the worldld as a w, itit is constatantly changn. ♪ ♪ here i in ththe jamaica a neighborhoho, a grgrowing numbmber of immims from afrfrica put dodown roo, anand with thehem, restaurus catering t to their tataste. like here e at africanana rerestaurant.. - how yourur day? [lauaughs] mymy name is b blessing osose. i comeme from nigegeria. anand this onene a nigegerian restataurant. we s started in n 2000. ththe first ththree years s e rereally, realally tough.. but thanank god we■r■re still a, we're herere and we'r're [indistitinct]. ♪ my motother had a a restaurat in nigigeria for 20 y years beforore i came . i love to o cook. when you c come in herere, you u feel at hohome. it feel l like the m mother's l, yoyou know. ♪
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- mmm!m! this f food is reaeally good. - it i is very gooood. anand she was s worried ababot being too o spicy. i don't ththink it's t too spi. - oh, , no. nevever a problelem for me.. sasara khan hahas made itt her r mission toto find and d write abouout sosome of thesese great lile off-the-grgrid placess throroughout thehe borough.. you're s studying ththe intersen bebetween foodod and cultutu. how did d you get toto that po? - so i k kind of cobobbled toger a way to t travel, learn langnguages, andnd eat. - do youou ever worrrry thatat by celebrbrating these e communitieies, you arare helping g to destroyo? - ohoh, absolute. ababsolute. - i worry y about it.. - but t you know, those e stories neneed to be td through whwhat they dodo, throrough how ththey survive. ♪ - [speakaking foreigign langua] ♪ - everery meal, every y dish has a a story, ofteten a very p personal o. often a a story of h hardsh, separaration, difffficult ti.
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but whenen somebody y cooks r you, thehey are sayiying someth. ththey are telelling you someththing about t themselve, where theyey come fromom, whwho they arere, what m makes them m happy. - [speakaking koreanan] - a whole e hell of a a lotf people i in queens,, the peoplele who make the b borough whahat it, who make i it such a g great e to e eat and expxplore are very f far from ththe pls they o once calleded home. [train rumumbling, clalatteri] ♪ but ququeens is hohome now. [trainin rumbling,g, clatteri] [easygoioing music]] ♪


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