tv Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown CNN December 25, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
8:00 pm
- who wowould you rarather see e in a speededo? wolf b blitzer, dr. sanjayay gupta, oror anderson n cooper? - [groanans] that's a t tough one.. - no. . no, actualally, therere's an easasy answer.. - none of f them. - really?? - inin a speedo?o? you u know what t is a speed? - - it's thosese bathing s su- - - it's a bananana hammocock. . - vevery narrow w bathing sus. - - oh! - it's a f french stylyle bathining suit. so if somemeone's runnnning in s slow motionon down the e bh in a sililver lamé s speedo, of thosese three, who would d you choosese? - - [laughs] i don't t know. - - come on, it's andererson cooperer. the guy, l like, worksks out. ththat's a gooood-looking g . - - does he? hehe works out? i don't knknow. - - you disappppoint me, éric, you reallyly do. [allll] cheers.. - ganbeiei. - gaganbei.
8:01 pm
wowow, you tooook it serio. - yoyou become me anand more chihinese. [a[all laughining] [upbeat music] - - ♪ ooh, , ooh, ooh,, ooh, o ooh, ooh ♪ [h[horns honkiking] ♪ yeah-h-eh ♪ herere we are,, arms a around eachch other♪ ♪ white scecene, prpretty lighthts all over♪ ♪ s snow is falalling and everyoyone seems i in lo♪ - [s[speaking nanative langug] ♪ - ♪ santa's s sleigh bellls riringing in t the distancn♪ ♪ i'm waiaiting for m my miste anand kisses ♪ - happppy new yearar. - ♪ i i'll remembmber this mt for the rerest of my l life ♪ ♪ - - early chriristmas, - oh, my g gosh.
8:02 pm
this is frfrom albert.t. - ♪ it't's christmamastime - wewe have a rerequest from thehe audience.e. [drumsmsticks clicicking rhrhythmicallyly] [u[upbeat rockck music] boboth: [singiging in a foreigign languagege] ♪ - ♪ s sha la, la,a, la, la ♪ sha la,a, la, la, l la - ♪ s sha la, la,a, la - ♪ sha la,a, la, la, l la ♪ s sha la, la,a, la, la, l a [seagulllls squawkining] [instrumumental versrsion f "g"god bless y ye merry gegentl] ♪
8:03 pm
bobourdain: 't'twas the wek bebefore chrisistmas, whwhen all thrhrough the h h, not a crcreature wasas stirr, not even a a mouse. [h[horns honkiking] actualally, that's's not true at a all. metrtro manila,, buststling, sprarawling, southeast t asian capipital of the phihilippines,, hohome to somemewhere betwtn 1212 to 20 milillion peopl, the worlrld's most d densey populated d city. - ♪ i i light a c candle, pt the e presents ' 'round the e♪ bourdainin: bubut it is chchristmas... - ♪ the soundnd of carolsls filllls the air r ♪ boururdain: a twtwinkly, festive e wonderlandnd where the e mostly catholicic populatioion take theirir holiday s season very sereriously. - hello. merry chriristmas. boururdain: because e filipinos s are, for reasonons i have y yet toto figure ouout, prprobably thehe most givig ofof all peoplple on the p p. - hellllo.
8:04 pm
bourdadain: thinkk i'm m talking shshit? keep watatching. [engngine revvining] - ♪ this timeme of year ♪ we kissssed beneathth the mimistle... ♪ [indisistinct chatatter] - - whoo. let't's go. lelet's go. lelet's go. - good aftfternoon, eveveryon. we a are the banand called k ke. [drurumsticks clclicking rhythmicalally] [upbeat t percussiveve music] [basass guitar e enters] ♪ [airplane e engine roaoaring] - [s[speaking inindistincty over p pa] - - bye-bye. bobourdain: "o"ofw" standsdr "overseas s filipino w worke" and they a are one off the phphilippine's's larget and mostst importantnt export: peopople.
8:05 pm
go abrbroad. make moneyey. imprprove the ququality of l e fofor the wholole family.. all overer the worldld, the philippipines sends s archit, doctctors, coconstructionon workers,, nunurses, housusekeepers, , n. the e entire phihilippine ececoy relies heaeavily on t the money s sent back by more ththan 10 millllion ofw, roughly y 30 billionon u.s.s. dollars a a year, oror about 10%0% of t the nation'n's gdp. ♪ untitil recentlyly, afafter domeststic workersr, ththe largest t category o os were m musicians..... ♪ lilike filipinino cover bab. ththey're evererywhere, on cruisise ships, in hototel lobbieses, barsrs, and, of f course, in mananila, whwhere the cocompetition n is e and d the penaltlties for nonot gettingg a bebeloved bikeker favorite, likeke--i don't t know, billy ididol--can bebe seve. ♪
8:06 pm
[playingng billy idodol's "whihite weddingng"] ♪ - ♪ hey littltle sist, what h have you dodon♪ ♪ ♪ h hey little e sister, who's ththe only onene? ♪ ♪ ♪ h hey little e sister, who's yoyour supermaman? ♪ ♪ heyey little sisister, who's the e one you wawant? ♪ ♪ heyey little sisister, shotn alall: ♪ i it's a nicece dy to s start againin ♪ ♪ come onon, it's a n nice dy for a whwhite weddining ♪
8:07 pm
- - ♪ it's s a nice dayay o - ♪ statart again ♪ come e on, it's a a nice dy for a a white wedddding ♪ ♪ yeaeah, it's's a nice daday to ♪ - - ♪ startrt again bobourdain: knknow this, pampereded rock-and-d-roll sta, at any g given momenent, somemewhere in t the philipppp, there isis at least t one pers, and prprobably manany more, who cacan step inn and do y your act betterer than youu and afteter only a c couple of hours p practice. ♪ - - [shouts inin native lalangu] [laughghter] all: [ [speaking i in native languagege] [horns hononking] [u[upbeat percrcussive musus] ♪ - hey,y, mon. jolly afteternoon. bourdain: : it is trueue that i i lie to mymy daughter and d tell her
8:08 pm
ththat ronald d mcdonald has bebeen implicacated inin the disapappearance of smamall childreren, that i i sneer at t fast fo, revile i it at everyry opportun. but i amam also a hyhypocri, becacause to me,e, fililipino chainin jollibeee is the wackiest, jolllliest place on earth.. - thank k you. - hi, , sir. jolllly afternoooon. - hehello. hi. - jolly y afternoon.n. - could d i have a j jolly spagi withth the hot d dogs on it,t, ? - yes, s sir. - okokay. alalso, chickekenjoy. thank you.u. - - thank you,u, sir. jolly afafternoon. - - [laughs] w welcome to o jol. there e are over 9 900 of thehese thingss all overer the 7,00000-plus philippinene islands and a wholole lot more interernationallyly wherever t there are homesickck filipinosos. there'e's a jollibibee in n new jersey,y, by the wa. - [singingng in nativeve lang] ♪
8:09 pm
- i hate m mascots. - hey, m m. jolllly afterno. - you knknow they fafart in thohose suits.. oh, yeahah, chicken n and spagh, anand not justst any spaghghe. i i think it's's, likeke, sweet, b banana, ketchuhup-y stuff f with hot d. ththat spaghetetti's deranan, yet t strangely y alluring.. [upbeat elelectronic m music] ohoh, it's notot a burger.. itit's rice. do i e eat it in a a piece? do i pour r sinister b brown sa? i don'n't know whahat it's fo. ♪ oh, thatat's awesomeme. that's's what you u do withth the brownwn stuff.
8:10 pm
ugh, i i hate myseself. - hey, monon. jolllly afternoooon. bourdain: : did i mentntion it's chrisistmas? the 7,000-0-plus islanands ththat make upup the phililis ranknk number onone, accordining toto internet t scienticiaia, when i it comes toto celebrag ththe jolliestst time of y . - [s[speaking inin native lalan] bourdainin: holiday y cheer begins a a full 100 0 days bebefore the 2 25th of decec, which h means therere's a lot to d do in this s town, esespecially i if you likeke crg other r people's p parties. - all l right. let the paparty start.t. all: [spspeaking indndistinct] boururdain: welclcome to thehn continenents travel l & tou' corpororate christstmas par, held in n the fabulolous babanquet roomom of the d downtown pearl l garden hototel. ououtstandi. [upbeat t music] - - ♪ deck k the hallss with bououghs of hololly ♪
8:11 pm
all: ♪ fa la l la la la la la lala la ♪ - ♪ 'titis the seasason all l be jolly ♪ all: ♪ fa lala la la laa la la a la la ♪ - soso cheers. - cheersrs, everybodody. - merrrry christmamas. - memerry christstmas. - vevery catholilic country? - very catatholic coununtry, ababout 80-somomething pererc. christmamas starts i in septem. - realally? septemember. - it statarts in sepeptember. you go to o the mall.. you start t hearing ththeir car, and ththen it endsds after-- - i i would losese my mind.. - yeah.. so a at 12:00 mimidnight ofof septemberer 1, everyone g greets "merry chrhristmas" onon faceb. - yeah.. - it's a a lechón on thehe menu, i b believe? [togetheher] yeyeah. - i hahave very fofond memoris ofof the last t time i had lelechón in ththe philipp. in fact, n not to kissss your , but it i is the finenest... - pig.g. - pig g i've ever r had. amazing. [l[light musicic fromom "the nutctcracker"] bobourdain: prproviding ththe babies to o holiday paparties is big b business, and ststandards hehere, where popork is kingng and te lechón thehe best in t the worl, vevery, very h high. ♪
8:12 pm
today y our littlele friend is preparered the old-d-school : turnrned slowly,y, slowly on a spit t over coalsls for ho. oh, delicicious, delicious s lechón. ♪ [upbeat t music] - you u know, during t this time o of the , therere's a lott of chrhristmas pararties, and the lelechón is alalways ththe star of f the party.. - - they gaugege how grand the e party is by the preresence of the l lechón, so if you u have two l lechón, you must b be a big shshot. - man, t that is gooood pig. ♪ - so, lilike, my n name is jimimmy bodesa. i am t the hr direre, and i'm alalso the hapappiness u of thehe philippini! all: whohoo! - so we e have to bebe happy because itit's time toto be jo! - yay. - [speaks s in native e langua] [upbpbeat music]c] ♪ - your tasaste of chriristma. ♪ dasashing throuough the snw in a a one-horsese open sleie♪
8:13 pm
bourdain: : as we all l know, one mustst at a holididay party,, drinink, then g get drunk and tetell off thehe boss. this i i expectedd and d was preparared to do,, but ththe games i i was a little s surprised b by. ladieses. [lauaughter] alall: ♪ j jingle belllls, jingngle bells ♪ ♪ j jingle all l the way ♪ oh, whahat fun it i is to re in a o one-horse o open sleig♪ ♪ - oh, , i don't hahate this. bourdain: : then, if i rememember correcectl, i tototally kickcked ass at te of drunknken musicalal chai. bubut i can't t be ababsolutely c certain. ♪ - ♪ j jingle belllls, jingngle bells ♪ ♪ jiningle all ththe way, oh what fufun ♪ boururdain: i totold them i i wb from accccounting. - ♪ j jingle belllls, jingngle bells ♪ - damn, , girl. bourdainin: when thehey find, ththings couldld get awkwawa. - ♪ oh, whwhat fun it t is to rided♪ ♪ in n a one-horsrse open sleh
8:14 pm
♪ all: ♪ jingle e bells, jingle belells ♪ ♪ jinglgle all the e way ♪ o oh, what fufun it is totoe in a one-h-horse open n sleig♪ ♪ h hey, jinglele bells, jingle b bells ♪ ♪ jingle alall the wayy ♪ oh, what t fun it is s to re alall: ♪ i in a one-hohorse opopen sleigh h ♪ - - whoo! - oh, my g go. [cheerers and laugughter]
8:18 pm
8:19 pm
- thanks s so much. thank yoyou, ladies.s. - thank k you, s. - - mmm, this s is wonderfrf. i dodon't even k know what h f ofof these ingngredients a a. i i mean, it's's deliciousu, but t how is it t made? whwhat's in itit? let't's find outut. [upbpbeat music]c] - - halo-halo!o! bourdainin: "halo-hahalo" means "mixix-mix." - - banana. bourdadain: and it is s delicious.s... - nata d de coco. monggo. - lookining good. bobourdain: anan icy, milk, tetechnicolor r concoction of sundrdry sweet mumung bean, candieied fruits, , and gelati. ♪ - swsweet coconunut. - ohoh, yeah. - mimilk. fifinish yoursrs. fininish yours.. ♪ - thisis is a wondnderful creae. mmm, it's got t that kind o of, li, after r you let ththe fruit loops mamarinate in n the mik fofor a while,e, the milk k d ofof tastes lilike this.
8:20 pm
8:21 pm
♪ we e wish you a merry y christmas s ♪ - [speakining in nativive langu] ♪ [dog b barks] - now sisisig. - all riright, the s sisig. whwhoa. all: [spspeaking natative langu] - this looooks really y good. bourdain:: nighght in metroro manila, anand i'm readady for my s se favoritete filipino o street , possibibly the besest thing you cocould ever e eat with a a cold beerer. i'm tatalking, of f course, about t sisig, hohot, sizzlining pig face with a a runny egggg on to, and,d, bitch, yoyou better ask sosomebody, because e nothing isis gettg in betetween me
8:22 pm
anand this spipicy, chewy, fatty y goodness.. - just m mix it up a and go? - exactly.y. - yes,s, right. - yes. - there's s a lot of sisig r restaurantsts her, but here's's one is ththe bes. - thisis is reallyly, really g. mmmmm. bourdadain: this e evening's d g cocompanions: : cover bandnd re. all: ♪ jinglgle bells, jingle b bells ♪ ♪ jiningle all ththe way bourdadain: you mamay rememberem from sucuch epic offifice christmtmas partis as lasast night's.s. [upbeaeat music] ♪ - ththis is the e christmas s s. a lot of c christmas p partie? - yeah. - therere's lot. - a lot ofof work? - yeyeah. - ththis is a bibig season.. - all ovover southeaeast asi, any hohotel lobby,y, any hohotel bar, there's s a filipinono . - exactly.y. - and d that is trtrue. - anand i've satat there dk and chchallenged b band after r. shirleley bassey, , no pro. all l of "dark s side of thehe " no probleme. alall of guns s n' r, no prorobl.
8:23 pm
- - and that i is true. boururdain: musisic anand signing g are a hugege t ofof life in t the philippppi. so m making it a as a cover r b, bebeing sent a abroad to p perf, is a a big deal.l. but one e thing remains ththe same alwlway, to sucucceed, you u better bee to pick upup new matererial f. - whitney y houston, celinene dion, toni braraxton, beatatles, and d elvis presesley. - - how many s s inin your repepert? araround how m many? - - like, thouousands alrere. - and ifif you don't't kno, you prettyty much can n fake t real quiuick. - yeah.. - yeah.. [i[instrumentatal guitar v vn of "o chchristmas trtree"] - five y years from m now, whwhere would d you like t to? where wowould you le to b be playi? - - that's a g good questition. [laughteter] like, , my biggestst dream iss to plalay in las v vegas, the . this i is my dreamam. - whenen we get to the dreream, you knknow, playaying at lasas vegas, we want toto play firsrst whenen we get ththere,
8:26 pm
8:27 pm
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8:28 pm
merry chchristmas. ho-h-ho-ho. hahappy christstmas. [bells jiningling] merrrry christmamas, everyon. [baby cryiying] ho-ho-o-ho! merrrry christmamas, everyon. happppy new yearar too. [funky mususic] bourdadain: despitite initial appepearances, the philipippines is n not l holiday y cheer, wararm hell, and dancining bugs. ♪ [p[plodding lilight music]
8:29 pm
♪ - - [singing i in native l la] bourdainin: the fililipino natil martial arart, kali, is amomong the mosost brutal, the most r remorselessss defefense systemems going. it w was developoped to del withth some veryry harsh reaes and d a very touough, very bloodody history.y. three e centuries s of brutl spanisish colonialal rule.. - - [singing i in native l la] bobourdain: invasision by the e japanese. near the e end of worlrld war , americican forces s bombed man, prpretty much h leveling t the. feferdinand anand imelda m ma' extrtravagantly y corrupt rere, martial lalaw. - [singingng in nativeve lang] ♪ boururdain: alththough the philipippines has s remad a dedemocracy sisince then, it can s seem, at titimes, frag. - [sininging in nanative lang]
8:30 pm
♪ - merry chchristmas, everybodody. [bell dingnging] merry y christmas.s. - - cheers. - cheersrs. - nonow, you're e both phphotojournalalists? - yep. - babased out ofof manila? - yeah, , me. mark livives in mindndanao. - mindndanao. - yep. - - now, does s a journt needed to cay a firearm m in this cocountr? - for meme, yes. [gununshot] boururdain: in t the philippppi, a press s badge is n no defen, particulularly in ththe south of thehe country,, where e mark novalales liveves and workrks. - mindanaoao has been n war-n for ththe last howow many ye? becacause of thehe radicalizizan of recenent years, ththis growingng specter of isis, mindanao i is fertile e ground fofor that. - - now, tradidition, the argugumt against jojournalistss armingng themselveves isis that joururnalists have alwlways been a able to p portray thehemss as non-c-combatan.
8:31 pm
- - yes. - ththere was sosome presumpn ththat they wowould not shshoo. - yeah. - but t these daysys, people sm toto not make e that distitinc. - yes, datating back to the mararcos years s even, y. - sincnce 1992, 77 journrnalists werere kille. boururdain: polilitics here can b be deadly.. [g[gunshot] jujust before e christmas s i, the maguguindanao mamassace clclaimed the e lives of 5 58 p, dozens of whom were journalists. it was the single deadliest event for journalists in history. mark was the first one on the scene with a camera. - - there is n no system of jusustice. there is no government attending to your needs. - nobody's coming to save you. is that what you're saying? - no one's coming to save you. [gununshots] - you u know, i hahave my famim. i have my y small kidsds. - - ye. - for r me, my lasast recoursese is to defefend myself.f.
8:32 pm
- it's's very muchch a do-i-it-yourselflf culture. you can n see that.. you sesee it in pepeople's homo, the waway they just t stackee on top of each other, built out using spare bits of metal. and it's l like, "nobobody ele is gononna give itit for me. i'i'll build i it." - - right. - - "i'll makeke it myselfl" - riright. - there'e's a lot of povererty in thisis cit. that is fofor sure. but t there's nonot a sense of hopopelessness s or rag. you know, , they decororat. you knknow, they m may not hahave much, b but they dedecor. - yes. - they s sweep the s stree. - there'e's still a a sense of humblble ownershihip in thehe sense of,f, "thihis is my hohome, "and it's s going to b be saf. it's g going to bebe fine." [laughter]r] - we're seseeing some e fores calllling for up to one e meter of r rai. thisis is a supeper typhoo, in facact, with s sustained w winds well le 200 kilomemeters per h hou. [instrumenental guitarar vern of "sisilent nightht"] - - [screa]
8:37 pm
[thundnder booming] [light mususic] - [s[singing in n native lana] ♪ bourdadain: in anyny metropo, yoyou find allll the goodd and the e bad in thehe world. maninila being b bigger thana, has plenenty of bothth. yet t this is a a nation of 7,00000 islands,, and i i really wananted to e at l least one m more of th. [horn n honks] but i lelearned abouout sosomething fifilipinos arare only toooo familiar r w, the typhphoon. so it lolooks like i it's gona be c christmas i in the city. [thuhunder boomiming] [singiging in natitive langu] ♪ [upbeat t rock musicic] ♪ - red alalert, red a alert. ♪
8:38 pm
- - thank you.u. cheers. [cheerers and applplause] [drumstiticks clickiking rhytythmically]] [playiying asia'ss "heat t of the momoment"] ♪ - ♪ i never m meant toto be so badad to you ♪ ♪ one thihing i saidd that i w would neverer do ♪ ♪ one look k from you and i wowould fall f from grac♪ ♪ and thahat would wiwipe the se righght from my y face ♪ ♪ 'caususe it's ththe heat of f the momentn♪ ♪ t telling mee what youour heart memeant ♪ ♪ the heat t of the momoment ♪ shone in n your eyess - the e name of ththe band ? - kekeystone. - keystonene. - yeyes.
8:39 pm
- how longng you beenn playaying togethther? - around f five years.s. - fiveve years? - fiveve years. - all riright, guys.s. - oh, , here we gogo. awesomome. - a dodouble's in n the hous. - yes.s. - lolooking pretetty. - ththank you. t thank you.. bourdain: : as one doeoes, i dragagooned the e band keystse in a lununch, assumiming corry as i it turned o out thatat one of ththese young g ps would knowow how to mamake a a good adobobo. - is thehere a singlgle authenentic adobo o recipe, or doeoes everyboy do i it differene? - - everyone w would stakeke clm toto having ththe best adodobo, but t the basic c ingredientnt, i ththink, will l remain thehe. so it's gagarlic, porkrk. wewe can now a add the chihic. vinegar,r, peppercororns, bay l, sosoy sauce. - mmm,m, this a adobo is amamazing. i meanan, it's reaeally, rereally good.d. - ohoh, man. thahank you. ththa. - oh, itit's delicioious. anand where didid you learn toto cook adobobo? - i learnened this frorom my mo. - so thehe answer, as alwayays, to w who makes t the best adado, mom makekes the...oko.
8:40 pm
- ththat would b be--that wowoe the safestst answer. - - all right.t. - mom.m. [lauaughter] - fifilipinos lilike feedingng . - yes,s, yes. - whwhat else dodo filipinosos? - fifilipinos arare hospitababl. - music.c. - evererybody knowows how to s. - everybodody knows hohow to s. - evererybody knowows how to s. - theyey don't nececessarily have to bebe in tune,, but ththey want toto sing; ththey like toto sing. - - we've beenen listeningng toc from, , like, a vevery young . - i'm ththe drummer r for the b, but i'm m not actualally formalally traineded. up to o this day,, i don't t even read d notes, but t i can memomorize a sonong. ifif you gave e it to me, , lik, inin a day, i coululd play thehe whole thih. - well, ththat's pretttty muh the stakeses. you haveve to, rig? i meana- - yeah. - you guguys have plplayed abr? - - no. - - no? - yeah, , so it's onone of the e goals, actctually. - five yeaears from nono, wherere would yoyou like to o? - well, hohopefully, w we get-- we get t to play fofor a biggerer crowd, yoyou k, 'causese i think t the fulfillt fofor me is actctually getttting more p e toto enjoy thehe music. ♪ all: ♪ heat ofof the momenent
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8:45 pm
[upbeat rorock music]] [light musicic fromom "the nutctcracker"] ♪ [b[birds chirprping] [upbeat music] ♪ oh,h, oh, oh ♪ - ♪ i waiteted for youu to c come back t to me ♪ ♪ i'm hopining you u make it hohome early♪ ♪ thehe scene is s all set for ththe evening g ♪ ♪ if santnta came dowown, wel, he'd n never be leleaving ♪ boururdain: fililipinos speak abouout home with i immense priride and l.
8:46 pm
and if youou're an oveverseas filipinono worker, l longing.. - good-looooking. bourdadain: especicially durig the e holidays.. - ♪ s so we can a all celelebrate chriristmas ♪ - oh, cocome in. cocome in. all:l: hello! merry y christmas.s. god blbless you. hi.. bourdain: : it's alwayays, alalways aboutut family in thehe philippinines, or a anywhere yoyou find filili. - - oh, god. bourdadain: for chchristma, of couourse, everyrybody-- those who o can, anywaway-- gegets togetheher, like familily matriarcrch aura and her dadaughter annnna lynn.. - okay, ananna ly, you're a a big he. bourdain: : and amy anand ru, her adadopted chilildren. - - amy, can y you hand mee that b bay leaf? - bay leleaf. - wow, it t smells so o good. bourdainin: also, cocousin, ninieces, nephphews, grandndchi, eveven some grgreat-grandcdchi. - [screamsms] - ♪ la la l la la la lala
8:47 pm
i love cooooking. i i really lovove cooking.. kakare kare isis one of ththe fe of the f filipino pepeople. and toto make karere kare, i use tripipes, and i put t the oxtailil on the p pressure cocooker. - whoa. . whoa. wow.w. - now ththe peanut b butter. - hehere are thehe peanut butter, momother. - peanut b butter, plel. no more.e. no morore. now the babanana blossssom. - - the eggplalant. - ththe eggplantnt. the eggplalant. ♪ oh, hololy night ♪ t the stars are brigightly shinining ♪ - [spepeaks indiststinctly] - - ♪ here e is the karare ke ♪ i hope e everybodyy will e enjoy this s ♪ okay, itit's time toto eat! [upbeat mumusic] ♪
8:48 pm
all: a about to rereceive from your r bounty. throrough christst, our lord. amen.. - i'm m hungry. alalthough we e always sayy it's l ladies firsrst, i think wewe'll serve e you. - it's o okay this t ? all riright, just t this onc. - [lauaug] so gooood. so how lonong have youou been bacack in phililippines? - in thehe philippin? threree yea. - - three yearars now. - - yeah. - whwhere have y you worked?d? hong konong for fiveve years. - fofor five yeaears, anand then i w went to amemer. i stayeded the fofor almost 3 30 y. bobourdain: auaurora is recentltly back in n mana afafter most o of her life spenent abroad.. what kinind of worork were youou doing? - i didid the housusekeeping, you knknow, and bababysittin. boururdain: the e money she t hohome put eveverybody here and manyny, many morore throrough schoolol, lifted t them up to o a moe comfortatable life..
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and d you had leleft famimily behind?d? - yeahah. - to go o out theree and makeke money. bourdainin: that's n never an easy dedecision, a papainful, paiainful choi. aurorora's childldren, nonow middle-a-aged, are e finally gegetting to know ththeir motherer. [thunderer booming]] [rain papattering] - okay. . okay. okayay. brining in the f food inside. [ligight music]] ♪ - manyny, many, many fililipino womemen like y, who had d to leave their famimilies, go a abroad. - yeahah, absolutetely this. - - her three e children.. - my c children. - my eldldest is abobout four ys now w in qatar.. ththen the othther one is s two. and then t the other o one is in n hong kong.g. bourdainin: working g condits for r ofws, particulularly in some g gulf stateses, can bebe punishingng at best, abusive, or woworse. - i'i'm a singlele mom wiwith my two o grandchildld.
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i rereally crieded a lot, especiallyly this holiliday sea. bourdain: : still, dueue to k of opporortunity at t home, mamany filipininos hahave little e choice but t to go somemewhere far r a, find a j job, money.y. - bubut hopefulllly, in a a few yearsrs, you thin, they'll cocome bac? - yes.s. - yeahah, i hope s so. - i reallyly ask them m to go h, becacause i'm nonot gettining younger r anymore. i neneed them wiwith my sidede. i tetell them seseveral timemes, they c call me up,p, "p"please get t home soon.n. i need y you." ♪
8:53 pm
here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ join the millions of people taking back♪ ♪eir privacy
8:54 pm
♪ ♪ [genentle instrurumental vern of "silentnt night"] ♪ bobourdain: anany filipinono wag willll recognizeze this immediatately, the e balikbayanan box, a christstmas traditition, a a way for ofofws toto show loveved ones, though sepeparated by y ocean, that y you miss ththem, thatat you're ststill out th. what's i in these boboxes? whatevever you canan send, little t things you'u'd casuy giveve to a loveved one if y you didn't t live on t the other s side of thehe . ththis facilitity alone soss thousands s of these b boxes y duringng the chrisistmas sea, just one o of hundredsds of f facilities s like it,
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sosome 5 to 7 7 million boxes s a year. thatat's a lot o of love. - soso how many y relatives su think yoyou have in n ameri? - - in americaca. oh, , my gosh. - - florida. - seattltle. califofornia. alalbert. - my ate, , my other s sist, is in cacalifornia.. - - in hong kokong, wewe have at l least ten.. - ten. - yeah.. - - and then d dubai around e, and qaqatar. - - qatar. bourdainin: i'm at t this chriss gagathering totoday becacause of onene of our directctors, erik k osterho. it w was aurora a who raiseded . for over 2 20 years, she cacared for and loloved eric a and his si, looked aftfter his whohole fa. - erik senent me a letetter talking ababout you. i wanteded to read u whatat he sa. "aurora a is sh an incredidible wom. "shehe has an ininfecs and loviving eney "thahat is so popowe. "i am 100%0% the man i i am toy
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"becauause this won liliterally raraise "from whwhen i was s six months, singnging to me,e, dancing w wi, "wiping g away my tet, cocooking for , "a"and making g me h at everyry tu. "unforortunate, like s so many fililip, "herer story is s not all smss anand love. "s"she had to o choose a l life awayay from her r daughter "and thoususands of mimiles awayay from her r family. "thehere are lititerally thohos of people e around thehe world- "thousandsds of peope aroundnd the worldld--me inclu, who have b been influeuenced byr endlesess kindnessss and lo" [lightht orchestraral musi] bobourdain: fifilipinos gie ofof themselveves, of their t time, theirir mone, their lolove to othehers. they do,o, and contitinue to, what n needs to bebe done to survivive. - ♪ edelweissss ♪ edelweissss ♪ every mororning ♪ i greetet you
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ooh, my gogosh. all: wow!! - - oh, oh, look at t that. ohoh, my gosh!h! - - ahh! - ahh, l look. therere, you canan have thatat. - - [speaks inindistinctlyl] - yeyes, yes. - mine. that's my y name. [l[laughter] - "i r really hopepe you enjy the simpmple gift. "i send anand i know t that my t is w with you alalways. "i l love you vevery much. albert." [upbeaeat music] ♪ - - ♪ joy t to the worlrld ♪ thehe lord has s come ♪ let eararth receiveve her kg ♪ let evevery heart
9:00 pm
♪ prepapare him roooom ♪ and h heaven and d nature sg ♪ and heaveven and natuture sing ♪ a and heaven n and heaven ♪ and natature sing ♪ he rurules the woworld ♪ with h truth and d grace ♪ and letets the natitions prove ♪ the gloriries of ♪ his righthteousness ♪ and wononders of hihis loe ♪ a and wondersrs of his loe ♪ andnd wonders,, wondnders ♪ ♪ of f his love
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