tv The Movies CNN December 25, 2023 11:00pm-1:00am PST
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-mererry christmtmas. -m-merry chrisistmas. [tim] watch a gogood christmts shshow, and itit doesn't m mr when i it was madede. and thatat's what mamakes thet ofof these chrhristmas shohot only accessible acroross cultur, but acacross genererations. mymy favorite e christmas s move isis love actctually. -miriracle on 3434th street.t. -it's s a wonderfuful life i i love watching itit's a wondederful life.e. a charlie e brown chriristm. chriristmas vacacation. homeme alone isis by far my favoritite christmamas movie. this is rereally clichché... whwhoa. i memean it's boboring but..... -it's s a wonderfuful life. of coursrse. the alastair sim -a-a christmtmas carol.. -charlie brown chrhristmas. -elf. -the f family stonone. -lovove actuallyly. -the apartrtment. it's probably -home alonone. -m-miracle on 34th strtreet. and i ststill like t to believeve in santata claus. [music]
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[gunshots]s] - as farar back as i coululd rememberer, i alalways wanteted toto be a gangngster. - "g"goodfellalas" is likek, "f"fasten yourur seatbeltst. "i'm gonna kick the shit out of you for 2 1/2 hours, and d you're gononna love it" [glass shahatters] [laughghter] - therere have beeeen soso many gangngster movieis and soso many mob b movies. is it t really posossible that in 191990 martin n scorse will be abable to makeke a gangr movie e that has s something t y
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thatat hasn't alalready beenen d a millioion times? - itit's gonna b be a good s s. [laughghter] - - and you wawatch the momo, anand you're l like, "yeaha" - ththank you, s sir. - - all right,t, see you l la. thanks.. - - what are y you doing?? you're l leaving youour car? - he watchches the carar for . - we t tried to cacapture the exububerance of f that w. it's's dangerousus and ththreatening,g, but theyey're havingng a wondnderful timeme. - henrnry, this isis with mrmr. tony ovever there. - wherere? - over thehere. - - oh, thanksks a lot, toto. - "goodfelellas" was t the nus and boltlts of the m mob. it was t the mob as s a job. - what d do you do?? - what?? - what d do you do?? - i'm m in construruction. - and d the balancnce ofof these twowo families, ofof your mob b family and your r real familyly and ththe way thatat the two start to b bleed into o each ot. - - here, hidede this. are you alall right? are you alall right? - - yeah. - huh? - - yeah. - "goodfdfellas" wasas basd on a booook called " "wise g" and d i read it,t, and i sa, "youou know whatat? what aboutut if i playay this , jimmy ththe chin?"?"
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are e you being g a f*#**in'' wise guyuy with me?? - i'm sosorry. - - what did i i tell you?? - i apolologize. - what didid i tell yoyou? what didid i tell yoyou? - i'i'm sorry. - you u don't buy y anything,, you hearar me? don'n't buy anytything. - it's a t true story,y, and is the nanature of ththat lifesty. - ah, , first pursrse. your s share. justst a little e taste. - [laughs]s] - - you have t to be clever enonough, let t alone haveve the audac, ththe discretition, but t also not b being afraid of thehe violence.e. [laughghter] - - f***ing a,a, right. i i couldn't b believe what i jusust heard. hehey, spider,r, here. here, thisis is for yoyou. atta boy.. [laughghter] - a dangererous enjoymyment o, where you u could be e enjoyi, and thenen suddenlyy somebodydy gets shotot in thehe chest. - what's's the worldld coming t? [gunshots]s] [items c clatter, glasses shshatter] - then it't's not funnnny. and d that therere is a price for r everythingng you do. - all righght, you alall know thehe drill. - - in the '9090s, therere's a hostst of movis in w which peoplple operatee outstside the sysystem.
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we lovove the ideaea of the ouo. it's o one of the e reasons we go toto the movieies. - - merry chriristmas. - merry chchristmas to you, ofofficer. - yoyou go to ththe movies t toe people v violate thehe mores and the e laws of sosociet. - alall right, n now take one of t those big e envelops and d put as manany 100s, 50, and 2020s as youou can pack k into it. - - in the '9090s, we werere ry rooting for criminals to get awaway with it.t. - would d you like a a cigaret, nickck? - we wananted the babad gus to be ththe good guyuys. it wasas really anan era when the anantihero wasas on the ri. [ice pick k chopping]] - you u have sometething agaiainst ice cucubes? - - [laughs] i like rouough edges.. - inin "basic ininstinct" the chcharacter's s a sociop, anand sociopataths are as s dans as thahat characteter is. whwhen i playeyed the part, i i needed to o understand the e sociopathihic mind, and thatat is a veryry scary th.
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- "the s silence of f the lambs" i i remember w waiting forort wiwith bated b breath to c com. nothing prprepared mee for r how jonaththan demme s t walkining to meett hannibibal lecter.r. - gogood morningng. - dr. lelecter, my name isis clarice s starling. mamay i speak k with you?? - this is s a horror f film that is s also anan actor's p piece... - closer. - - told by the close-e-up masterr of a all time. the tensnsion, it j just kept r rising and d r. - mostst serial kikillers keep some e sort of trtrophis from t their victitims. - i didn't't. - no. no, you ate yours. - "silencece of the lalambs" isis about thihis eerie dadae betwtween claricice starling and hahannibal lececter. - people w will say we're inin love. - it manages to o take elements o of the horrrror me
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and even the gogothic icononography and d put it intnto a rereal-world t thriller.. - you u still wakeke up someti, dodon't you? you wakeke up in the dark and d hear the s screaming of the lambs. - yes. - "silenence of the e lamb" becomes one of three films evevr to w win best pipicture, best actreress, best d direct, bebest adapteded screenplal, and ththen anthonyny hopkins wins b best actorr for plplaying hannnnibal lectr with m maybe 16 miminutes ofof screen titime. - - how come d darryl let t yo? - - 'cause i d didn't ask k him. - shit, , thelma. - [laughghs] - the thining i love s so muh about "thehelma and lolouise" is that itit's reallyy a love s story betweween two wo. that w was one of f the great femamale buddy m movies of all t time. - yeah!! - thesese two frieiends decide to o get away,, and thinings go off f the rais really, , really quiuickly. - shshut the f#*** up, yoyou hear me?e? shut u up! - plplease. pleaease, don't t hurt me, harlan. - you u let her gogo, you u f***ing asasshole,
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or i i'm gonna s splatter yoyouy face all o over this n nice car. - - i was driviving home one ninight, and the e idea just t hit me: two o women go o on a crime e . - good m morning, ladies a and gentlememen. this is s a robbery.y. - it wasasn't just t that ide. i kindnd of saw ththe whole moe inin one flashsh. - goddamn,n, you're a a bitc! - i i don't thinink he's g gonna apolologize. - nanah, i don't't think so.o. [gunshotots, man scrcreaming] [expxplosion] - it's an n odyssey ofof two wn on thehe last joururney. they w would not k know itit was the l last journe, and d therefore e the journey had d to be magngnificent. [l[low rumblining] [loud whirirring] - - a lot of w women looked at t this filmm and thoughght, "i c can relate e to those w w. "i k know what they're e going throrough. i ununderstand the choiceces they makake." - - let's keepep going. - what do o you mean?? - go.
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- they looooked at eacach oth, and theyey both knewew. - yoyou sure? - "it's s kind of the cuculminationn "of f both of ouour lives, "and w we have no o choice. lelet's go." [engine e revving] [uplplifting chohoral musi] i can't imimagine the e move would haveve had any p powr at all had we notot ended it t that w. - i hahave no enememies here. - nono? waitit a while.. - "s"shawshank r redemption" is thehe perfect p prison fil. for r a good pririson movie,u need a wararden who's s corr. - ned,d, i wouldn'n't worry too muchch about thihis contra. - - you need some clalaustrophobibia, righ? you wawant to makeke the audiee fefeel like ththey're trapap. [doooor clanks]] [lock k clicks] and then t there has to be hop. - - here, a lilittle parorole rejectition presentnt. - the auaudience hasas to he for sosomething bebetter for ththese characacters that they y fall for.. - it wasas such a grgreat lolove story b between twowon spendiding 20, 30 0 years in p n getting toto know eachch other.
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- the fufunny thing g is, onon the outsiside i i was an hononest man, straightht as an arrrrow. i had to c come to pririson toto be a crooook. - [laughghs] watchihing each otother's livs rotatete through t this syste. [paper r rustles] - - "shawshanknk redemptio" is a about seeking g justice in an n imperfect t world. anand when thehe convicts s , yoyou have a s sense of reref and that s somehow jusustice hahas been donone. - ♪ tryin' toto make it r rl compared t to what? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sock k it to me, , hey ♪ ♪ ♪ - inin vegas, eveverybody's a watch evererybody elsese. - six! - "casino"o" is the s story of the hubrisis of these e two m, joe's s characterr and d bob's chararacter... - lookok at this p place. itit's made ofof money. yoyou know whahat the bestst pa? nobodydy's gonna k know whwhat we're d doing. - anand poor shaharon, who's throrown inin the middldle of it. - whoo! yes!
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workrking for mamarty is a big t thing. he wasas very openen, susupportive, , encouragini, and so p present witith me. - - can i trusust you? answer me.e. can i trtrust you? - sharon stone iss in the g great tradidition of, you u know, crawawford anand the greaeat divas, and i i had to leaearn how w to bring o out whwhat i neededed through h . - - no! no! no!! with mararty, becaususe hihis films arare so darinig and the viviolence is s so vit and becacause everytything ththat you do o is so true, you have t to be really wililling to kikind of let yoyour guts cocome out. - jujust get outut of here.. - fine.. i'm takingng amy. - - you're notot taking ama. - i am. i'm wakiking her up p right n. - you'u're--you'rere stoned. you're a j junkie. get out t of here. - i am n not! she's s my daughteter too! - get out t of here. - goddamn n you! - - send my lalawyers a lelet. god f#***in' damn y you. - - ultimatelyly, ththey're giveven paradises, anand like adadam and eve,
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[triumphphant music]c] - wewe have liftftoff! - "a"apollo 13"" was a a real turnining poit fofor me and a an eye-openen. i leararned the popower of a a true storory. - - this is hohouston. say again,n, please? - houstoton, we haveve a probl. - - just belieieving in ththe y and nonot theatricicalizing i. my mantra a was, "justst show " - we'r're not gonnnna have enouough power l left toto get home.e. - we knonow ththey're gonnnna be savede, bubut the thining wewe care abouout is, how are e they gonna be s saved? whatat do these e people have to dodo to s save them??
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that is s what's riviveting. - the '9'90s broughtht us a new lolook at s some previoiously thouought to be e well-known stories.s. - come o on, jack, p pull thro. - fromom dallas--- - whwhen you looook at the f m "jfk," thehe movie is s about what we e can trustt and whwho we can t trust. - whwhy was kennnnedy killeded? who bebenefitted?? who has s the powerr to covover it up?? - anand what oliliver stonee is sayaying is yoyou can't trtrust anybodo. - ten.n. - ten.n. - - nine, eighght, seven.. - - "quiz showow" gogoes back toto the time en the nationon was captitivated by this s game show,w, anand it becomomes a story abouout truth and ththe perversision of truh in t the name ofof entertainin. - you'u're young.. you'rere clean-cutut. you're f from a promominent fam. - - kids wouldld run to dodo their hohomework toto be like c charles vanan do. - what abobout herbertrt stemp? - what a about him?? - herbrb? oh, i lolo--i love h. - we love e herbie. - people d don't like e him. kikids don't l look up to o . - yeyeah. wewell, if youou were a kikid, would d you want t to be an a annoying jejewish guy with a sididewall hairircut? - as a k kid, i liveved throuh that "ququiz show" p period. - i'i'll try foror three, three popoints. - i i wanted johohn turturo to p play herb s stempel,
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the guguy that wasas from a lower-r-class areaea, and he r rose to famame, and thn certrtain peoplele were beginnining to get t tired om 'cause h he wasn't that pleleasant to l look at, but nobodydy could beaeat the, he wasas so sharp.p. thatat's when they c came up witith the ide, "w"what if we e find somebeby that looksks good, and we'll l give him the answswers?" - yes, i k know his naname: halllleck. general l h.w. halleleck. - you are e our new chchampin with $20,0,000. - anand that cruruelty was someththing i wantnted to sho, the popower of money a and personanality. soso to me, ththat was a s sy ththat really y had to be e t. - we dididn't land on plymomouth rock.. plplymouth rocock landed o on . [cheers s and applauause] lalanded rightht on top ofof. - "malalcolm x" is spipike lee's e epic. it reaeally felt l like the fm thatat he was mamade to make, and i thinink he felt t a cecertain urgegency in makak. [crowd chahanting "we want j justice"] [indistincnct murmurining] [leaeather creakaks] - spspike had ththe good fore of castingng denzel wawashinn
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at thehe pinnaclee of hisis movie statardom. i i think it's's his bebest performrmance. - - denzel wasashington is one o of the all-l-time gre. what he dodoes in his s artist, paintiting a portrtrait of an individual,, it's aststounding. - if t the so-calllled negro in ameririca was s truly an a american cici, we wouldldn't have a racialal problem.. ifif the emancncipation proclamamation was a authenti, we wouldldn't have a race proroblem. [c[cheers and d applause]] - - watching a a guy like e l as malcocolm x, top of thehe game, intimidatiting in manyny way. - mrmr. beckett,t, come. - whwhen we madede "philaladelphia,"" he w was malcolmlm x already. that wasas like stararting a e wiwith marlon n brando and haviving just seseen "the g godfather"" ththe night bebefore. - whatat happened d to your faf? - - i have aidids. - - oh. oh, , i'm sorry.y. - "phihiladelphia"a" was s an importatant film. denzel wasashington rerepreses the audidience's apppprehensin
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with p people withth aids. - how'd d they find d out yoyou have thehe aids? - - one of thehe partners s nod a lesion o on my forehehead. - and soso as his chcharacter spends morore time with t tom hanks,, he's statarting to s see him as morore than hisis sexualiy or his d disease. - lelet's get itit out ofof the closeset, bebecause thisis case is n t just a about aids,s, is it? so let's talk about what this case is really all about, the gegeneral publblic's hatr, our r loathing,, our fearar of homosesexuals. - he c can bring t the audiene on thahat journey y to say, "we don't t need to fefear peo. "we dodon't need t to despise m oror stigmatizize them. - - my name e is forrestst, forrrrest gump.. - forrrrest gump.. crcrowd: gump!p! - itit's a very y rare thig for meme to read a a script and not bebe able to p put it d. [ccr's " "fortunate e son" plplaying] - "forrestst gump" is a mararvelous looook at how h history hapappens.
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- forresest gump, jojohn lennon. - - it's a delelightful plpy on thehe contingenency and accct that shahapes our woworld. - we were e the first t americas to v visit the l land of chia in, lilike, a millllion years or s something l like that.. somemebody said d world peace wawas in our h hands, but alall i did was plplay ping-popong. - that f film embodidies eveverything t that makess tom m great. he's a a fantasticic dramatatic actor.. he's a magagnificent comedydy actor. i can't t think of a anothr actor, l living or d dead, who cocould have e ever done that--yoyou know, ththat par. - by the 1 1990s, the e mediae of thehe people whwho servd in w world war i ii was arouo. they were e growing olold, and d they were e disappearir, and ththere was a a powerfl sense e of nostalglgia. wewe saw a lotot of retrospectctive looks s at ass of world w war ii. this wasas the timee whenen people ststarted talkining about the greatetest generatation.
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- "savining private e ryan" was a fifilm thatat i was gononna make someday y in my lifefe. [wave crcrashes] my d dad used toto have his d of brotherers from thehe air s come overr to thehe house evevery yea, and the e first timeme i ever heard d grown men n cry was at thehese reunionons. it wasas all aboutut the traua ththey had sufuffered inin world warar ii. - i'll seeee you on ththe bea. - i felt it wasas necessaryry for me to tell ththe experienence ofof veteranss anand what thehey had gonene h when t they were a littlele bit olderer than i w was at the e time. - [indisistinct screreaming] [gunfire]] [c[cannons booooming] - - when movieiegoers saww as thehe men disemembark, ththe bullets s were going throrough the wawater and hihitting themem in the w. ththere was a a powerful realism toto that. - it's s spielberg s sayin, "what doeses it feel l like
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to have gogone on thatat bea" yoyour nose isis pressed right intoto the savagagery. [c[cannons booooming] - no. nono. - steveven did grereat inin "private e ryan." ththe beginnining there, was likeke, fantastitic. [gunfire]] i wawas ill for r two weekss watchihing that. i coululdn't belieieve thatat he did ththat. - sisir, i just-t--i don't h e a a good feeliling about t thi. - when w was the lasast time you felt g good about t anythi? - this abibility to enentertan and rereach audienences more t than one waway withth the same e movie, "s"saving privivate ryan"" is a a great exaxample of tt becaususe it's excxciting, it's thrililling, it's sususpenseful,, bubut it also o is a remininr of the pririce of that kikind of warfrfar, the cost t to the soulul, and whwho winds upup livingng and dyingng and d bearing ththose scarss in thahat kind of f a conflic. - whwhat is thatat? is thahat silk?
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- ofof course. - yeyeah, it's---- there's s a nice shsheen about t it. - ththank you. - veryry nice. - - i'd say i'i'd get you u , but t the man whwho made it's probabably dead.. i don't knknow. - my famamily, when i wasas growing u up, talkeded about thehe holocaus, although t they neverr used t that word.. theyey used to c call it the great t murders. [indistincnct chatter]r] i shot t the whole f film very documumentary-stytyle. it was t the first f film i'i'd ever shohot like tha. anand it becamame less of f m and more of just t a life jouourney, a livingng learning g experie makiking that fifilm. we a all felt wewe were shoog inin a graveyayard, anand so the a amount of r reve ofof the crew w and the caca. [g[gunfire, pepeople screaeam] i cast l liam neesonon at the last m minute basesed on a ply i saw w him in on n broadway, and d i thought t he was the best p possible scschindlr i could d possibly f find, anand he was.. - he saveded my life.. - yes, he e did.
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- god d bless him.m. - yeah.. yeah. - - god bless s you. - oskakar schindleler wawas a deal m maker, and he d didn't realally cae that m much for hihis worke, bubut there wawas an i inevitable e metamorphohs basesed on the e encroachig hololocaust and whwhat he wass persononally witnenessing that unlnlocked his s empat. insteaead of beingng somemeone that j just gathers wewealth fofor his own n pleasure,, hehe started t to spend hihis y to save e lives. - i i could haveve got more e o. i cocould have g got more. i don't knknow. if i just-t-- - the e totality o of the meang ofof that filmlm, the fafact that itit creatd awareneness in thehe world about errarant historyry that h had been foforgotte, ththat it deninied the denes allowed usus to reallyly
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no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. - ♪ t then put your little e hd inin mine ♪ learn more today. - - "groundhogog day" was s ay chcharacter-drdriven comede.
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the e bill murraray character jujust keeps w waking up.... - - hey! phil?l? - and d having to o relive the same d day. - now,w, don't youou tell me you don'n't rememberer me, because i i sure asas heckfire e remember y y. - nonot a chancece. [laughghs] - ned! - usuaually when t there's soe kindnd of strangnge conventit, it's e explained.. - phphil connorsrs! i thouought that w was you. - you're i in a time m machin, or somebebody cast a a spell. - phphil connorsrs! i thouought-- whwhoa-ho-ho!! - but thisis just happppened, and nobodydy minded. - phil c connors! - - ned? [smamacks] - - the movie'e's perfect. it's's also so obvioususly for bilill. - philil? like t the groundhdhog phil? - yeah,, like thehe groundhogog phil. - [lauaughs] lolook out foror yourur shadow ththere, pal!! [laughter]r] - morons, yoyour bus is s leav. - it's h hard toto be a likekeable dickk and d then win t the audiencncr by the endnd.
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bill's reaeally good a at tha. - oh, ththank you, y young man.. - it's notothing, ma'a'am. i hahad the tirere and the j . just be e comfortablble, all ri? - to me, b bill murrayay is onone of the g great comededy s thatat has ever r been. - - how long w will you bebe sg with us, m mr. blum? - inindefinitelyly. i'i'm being susued for divivo. - he's p picky, which is p perfect because ththen he findnds his y ininto somebodody realally extraorordinary. - what's's the secreret, max? - ththe secret?? - yeah, , well, you u seem toto have it p pretty figugure. - sesecret. i don't knknow. i thinink you justst gotta find sometething you l love too and d then do itit for ththe rest of f your lif. - wes andederson, his s films arare like opepening a jewewelr, and yoyou can takeke out all l the littlele trinketss and lookok at them, , and theye spararkly, and t they're joyo. - now,w, what's gogoing on in n? - - it's so rarare whenen someone c comes alog and actutually creates ththeir own aeaesthe. wes s is truly u unique. - ♪ be walkining a lolong and lononely mile♪
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- i reallyly related to "rurushmore" inin terms of having b bad gradess and nonot being "g"good in sch" but haviving, like,, passioion for somemething. - all riright, next t scene. frank, youou enter statage rit with the b bag of cocacaine. - when "rurushmore" cacame o, i wrotote a fan leletter to . it was j just a perfrfect fil: laugh-h-out-loud h humor with actctual pathosos. - i lilike your nunurse's ununiform, guyuy. - - these are e or scrubs.s. - - oh, are ththey? - [snorts]s] - cocomedy in ththe '90s will be gigigantic. - shall l we shag nonow, or shahall we shagag later? - itit's going t to be over the t top, and it's's gonna filill the f. - why didndn't you jusust go h? that's's your homeme! arare you too o good for y your? answswer me! - and yoyou're gonnana get adam sandldler knococking out o one movie after ththe next. - cindy y and scottt are nenewlyweds. whwhoopity-doooo! - if y you look atat the scens ththat are mememorable
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fromom somethingng like " "wayne's woworld," they're bibig scenes.. they're ththe heads bobbining back andnd forth. [q[queen's "bobohemian rhahap" plays] they'r're not afraraid to do something g big to getet a laug. - smsmokin'! - anand then allll of a sudn one e day, this guyuy who is asas big as t the screen n shows up,, and it's j jim carrey.y. - - [chatterining indistininc] and d he turned d into a top hollllywood starar because e he is unafafraid toto be big..... [l[laughter] - [mimicics laughterer] - even a as he's doioing the ovover-the-topop things where you u think, "w"well, you k know, he's s tag through h his behindnd. i'm not gogonna watch h thi" - exexcuse me. i'd lilike to ass s you a fefew questionons. - and d yet there e you are. you're w watching, and you'u're laughining. - ♪ jusust like me e ♪ [l[liquid splalashing] ♪ they longng to be ♪ [r[record scraratches] - huh?h? - [gasasps] wawas he lookiking at you?? was he? ? was he? - - oh, no, i-i-- - "s"something a about mary" ththat's one o of those moms
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i dodon't think k we need tote totoo intellecectual aboutut. i justst laugh my y ass off. [zippeper zips] - ow! ah!! - and d part of itit was lik, "i canan't believeve they'r're doing ththat." - whatat's that bububble therer? - whatat do you ththink? it's's a-- - - well, how w the hell'd'd you get t the beans s above the e f? i mean, yoyou're--it's's just-- - - the farrelelly brotheres pupushed the r rules so fafr ththat they--t-that, you u can do thahat? - - "there's s something about t mary" is this s kind of ananarchic, off-the-e-wall comededy ththat also hahas this reaeay jojoyous heartrt to it. - you knknow, maybe e you shouould just, l like, move down n here and m marry me. [laughter]r] - - it introduduced cameroroz as the k kind of ultimatate cool girirl, anand it realllly kind of f gas the farrrrelly broththers. - i'll h have a decacaf coffe. - i'llll have a dedecaf espres. - i'llll have a double d decaf cappupuccin. - - do you havave any decacaffed coffeeee ice creamam? - morrisis, i'll havave a haf double-d-decaffeinatated half-f withth a twist o of lemon. - i'll havave a twist t of lem. - you hahad lots andnd lots of realllly funny, b bankable people d doing wondederful mov. - ahah! lookok at this..
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my f first day a as a woman, and i'i'm getting g hot flash. - - hello, peteter. what's's happeningng? um... i'm gonnnna need youou toto go aheadd and comeme in tomorrrrow. so if f you could d be here around 9:0:00, ththat would b be great, m mm-k? - "officice space" i is not as acclaimimed as it s should . it was n not a big h hit, but there's soso much modedern comey in thahat movie, it wasas wonderfulul. - corprporate accocounts payab, ninina speakining. justst a moment.t. - "offffice space"e" did susuch a greatat job in c completelyy lampoonining office e life. - piece e of shit. - techchnology hadad made these cucubicle landnds, anand "office e space" really capaptured thatat. - i'm m thinking i i might takae that n new chick f from logists. thingsgs go well, , i might bebe showing g her my o f face. ohoh, oh, oh.. you know w what i'i'm talking g about. oh. [laughs] - jenniferer aniston w was in , and she e worked atat a place l like tgif's'.
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- - we need toto talk about yourur flair. - - really? - being sosomebody who had d waitresseded, when youou had that t manager that's's like, "put thahat flair onon and shos whatat you're rereally like," and, likike, here's s my flai. - all righght? there'e's my flairir, okay? and this i is me exprpressing mysyself, okay? [piano m music] - ♪ t teacher's p pet ♪ ♪ i wannana be teacheher's pe♪ ♪ i wanna b be huddddled and cucuddled ♪ ♪ a as close toto you asas i can getet ♪ - christopopher guestt is cononsidered the master of the e mockumentat. he comomes up withth characts ththat are prorofoundly sis. [hip-h-hop music]] - - when we wewere on "snln" togegether, chriris did a mome wiwith marty a and harry c cad "synchroronized swimimming." - i'i've been didirecting "regionanal theater,r," "shakespeaeare in the e park" and if i e ever do thahat aga, i'm just g gonna, you u know, kill mysyself with a a veg-o-ma. - that's's where thehe characr in "waititing for guguffman"
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was sortrt of born.. - me, , you know,, right t out of thehe navy, yoyou know, frfresh off a a desr with a a dance belelt and a a tube of chchapstick, basicalllly, you knonow, not rereally much h to call mym, and thenen basicallyly being g slammed dodown for teten or so yeyears, you k k, ofoff-off-off-f-off-broadwdw, and thenen enough is enough,h, okay? i i get the jojoke. - - chris surrrrounds himsmsf wiwith great, , funny peopop, eugene, , fred willalard, catherine e o'hara. - - you're grereat. - - i'm so nerervous. - you're g gonna be grgreat, bubut just--anand if there's's an empty y space, just say a a line. - yeyeah. - thatat's what i i like to dod, even i if it's frorom another r. - - chris workrks in miniaiat. chris is v very much l like pepeter sellerers, susuch fine tataste, and whwhen it hitsts right, it's amamazing. - and d that's thehe w--thats the waway it is? ththen i just t hate you,, and i hahate your asass face!
11:39 pm
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11:40 pm
- i rememember cocoming out o of seeing,, "do the e right thining," and d that day i i went to m my, anand i starteted writingg "boyz z n the hoodod." - my mama a say a bullllet don't t have no naname on it.. - i ain'n't afraid t to get sho. - bothth my brothehers been sh, anand they stitill alive.. - some o of what i w was dog was ininspired by what trtruffaut didid withth "400 blowows," what i s saw rob reieiner o with "ststand by me,e,"
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but ththose movieses didn't spk toto where i w was coming g f. - - we got a c call of a burglaryry here. - yeyeah, that w was about an hour agago. - whoa, , we didn'tt ask yoyou that. - i decideded to havee a blblack cop bebe more vehet than t the white p partner in the scecenes wherere he's encncounteringg the blblack residedents. - somemething wronong? - - something g wrong? yeah. it's jusust too badd you dodon't know w what it i. - the sasame black c cop encocounters trere years latr whenen he's a teteenager, and profofiles him.. - i i didn't do o nothing. - - oh, you ththink you toto. you ththink you'rere tough, h? ohoh, he's scacared now. i lilike that. - singleleton was nonominated for twtwo academy y awards, best o original scscreenplay, ,d the yoyoungest pererson ever nominateted for bestst direct. - it w was a era when a a lot of pepeople
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were payining attentioion to b black film.m. there was s this famouous momt when "nenew york timimes" magae doeses this covever story. you u really hadad, fofor the firsrst time, a a large collllection of blackck filmmakerers dodocumenting g what was g goin in the cululture. - you gotttta be readydy to thrhrow down, stand up, , and die fofor that t like b blizzard didid if youou want someme juice. - blizzardrd? blizzardrd ain't ststicking up p to nothingng no. - - that's 'cacause we wasasn'te to back k him up! if w we was therere-- - if we wawas there, i it'd be e dead n niggers insnstead of ono! - - tupac wass a phphenomenal actor. we h had a simililar visionn of w what we wananted to doo as young m men coming into this w whole entetertainment t world togeget. my attttitude was,s, i got t my robert t de nir. i got ththe dude thahat i'm gona dodo multiple e movies witi. - ♪ s some peoplele say y i'm crazy y ♪ ♪ and they y think that i'm'm on crack k ♪ - peopople don't r realize how theaeatrical the gangstster rap thihing wa. - tupac,c, ice-t, icice cub, they w were also s storytell, and d so when itit came tie to g go to hollylywood, all l of them wewere veryry convincining on scree. - craig!g! craig! - hold u up.
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[heartrtbeat thumpmping] i cacan hear my y heartbeat. - man, thahat's what it's supupposed to d do. - "fririday" was one ofof those fililms that mamade me excicited aboutt being g in the fililm industr. - hi, you u guys. both: hey.y. - cubebe, at the t time, transisitioning frfrom musc into fililmmaking, the e way it gotot sold at sundadance. bothth: damn! - it wasas just a sosort of quintessenential indepependet cicinema cocoming to ththe mainstrere, and d then, of c course, it went onon to do so o well. - - ladies, laladies, ladidi. [l[laughter] i i know you'r're gonna bee in attttendance at thehe super defef throw-w-down jizzazam of the y. - - sharane, d did you heaear anythihing about a a party todo? - uh-uh,h, at least t not any y good ones.s. - "hououse party" " is just a , sisilly teen c comedy. - laladies, the e b-love's in the hououse. - ew, dragagon breath.h. - who o you talkining to? - - kid 'n plalay, whwho were a m musical duou, plplay two teeeenagers who arare just looooking to e a a fun time..
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dad's awaway. let's throrow a party.y. [hip-hopop music] both: ooh,h, scandalouous. - having a a movie likike tt premierere at sundanance reallyly showed ththe possibilis that indieie black fifilmmaking c could ha. - clintoton! - whatat? - don't t answer me,e, "what" turnrn the goddadamn tv off! - i'm watctching the k knick! - i dodon't care w what it i. no tv onon a school l night! - we talk k about the spikike lee filmlms, the e john singlgleton films, but also i it was a peperiod whwhere black k female fililmms are makingng some really intnteresting t thing. [women lauaughing and chattetering indisistinct] you hahave "daughthters of the dusust," julie e dash's fililm exexamining ththe gullah c c, black cuculture thatat hearkes backck several h hundred yeae, and d that movieie's beautifi. you alalso have a a movie le "just anotother girl on the i i.r.t," direrected by leleslie harrir- - whwhat's up, r red? - ohoh, you too o cute to b be a gentleleman, rightht? - comeme on. you u don't haveve to be likike. - yeah, , whatever, , whatever.. - - in itselff a "h"hood movie,e," but t it's a hooood movie
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from the p perspectiveve of a yououng girl. [hip-hop m music] - people t think of nenew blk realisism as the h hood gen, but acactually, ththere's a rae ofof socioecononomic expererie being showown in b black cinemema of the ' . - ♪ b bow-wow-wowow, yiyippie yo, y yippie yay y♪ - so whethther wewe're talkining about someme of the blblack romantic c comedies, family fililms like "s"soul f" oror films likike "w"waiting to o exhale" and d "how stelllla gogot her groooove back--" - good mororning. - thatat i think o of asas companionon films thatat celebratete sisterho, and that's's a whole other r element that hadn'n't really m made itsy into m mainstream m cinema. - hello.o. hello.o. - fromom the very y early ds of will smsmith's carereer, he wasas incrediblbly smart about fifiguring outut how to bececome the susuperstr he wananted to bececome, and he chohose the onene role he thougught nobodyy woululd expect h him to play: a gay huhustler in "six d degrees of f separati" - i i pick a namame. you tetell me everythingng about thehem: where ththey live, secrets,
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everythingng, and for evevery name,, you get t a piece ofof my close. - willll smith bececame sosort of a trtriple threa. there araren't manyy who cacan do action... - bitch!h! - drdrama, and c comedy. - - now, back , puput the gun n , and gigive me a pak of t tropical frfruit bubblili. - and willll smith is s that g. [helicopteter rotors w whirri] - i would d say that t tom ce is t the first p person to figigure out the popower of usising the ininternationanal box ofe to t turn yourseself intoto the biggegest star anyone h has ever seseen. will smithth looked atat that and saidid, "i"i'm gonna d do the sameme " whwhat translalates well a a? movieses with, likike, scsci-fi alienens, so t that is whahat he did.. [alien s screams] [smacks]s] - - welcome toto earth. - hehe becomeses so succesesl ththat the jululy 4th weekekd was blblocked outt for wiwill smith m movies. - you u know what t the differe isis between y you and me??
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- whwhat do you u want it toto ? vivivian. mymy name is v vivian. - vivivian. - i i remember m meeting garry mamarshall for r the first t time anand being soso nervous.. makingng this movivie with h him was hysysterical. [laughghs] we d didn't realally have a compmplete scripipt. i rememember one d day lookig at ricichard and s saying, "what are e we--what are we d doing? what scenene are we dodoing?" and hehe goes, "i don't r really knowow." i gogo, "gararry, what a are we doini" he goes,s, "be funnyny. actio" [applause]e] - wellll done. - well d done! whoooo! whoo! whwhoo! didid we thinknk it was gogone a a huge succecess? not t necessarilily. hi.. - hellllo. - do youou remember r me? - nono, i'm sorrrry. - i was inin here yeststerday. you wowouldn't waiait on me? - oh. - - you work o on commissisi, riright? - uhuh, yes. - big miststake. big, huge.e. i have t to go shopppping. - ♪ p pretty womaman ♪ - "pretttty woman" m makes jujulia robertrts a major r s:
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thatat smile, ththat interacn with richahard gere, that improrovised littttle tg with t the jewelryry box anand the peararls in it.. - garry y said, "jusust touch i. itit's the mosost amazing g tg you've e ever seen,"," and he saiaid to richahard, ju, like, , you know, , just-- ohoh! [lauaughs] - we falall for her,r, and we l likeke a ton of f bricks. [lououd commotioion, crowd g g] - ohoh, my god,, it's thehe bride andnd the won she'llll never livive up to. - - she rises s through ththee but thenen really enends it wiwith three m mega rom-coco. - oh.. - "my y best friend's w wedding"..... - lockck the doorsrs! - "runawayay bride," and "n"notting hilill." - um, cacan i help y you at a? - nono, thanks.. i'll j just look a around. ririchard curtrtis says hehe wrt with me e in mind, anand i love when wririters say t that. i i don't carere if it's t t. it's h hard to finind realy great, o original mamateril ththat hold ththe real pererfoe and the e comedy
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and the phphysical comomedy and d some threaead of lovee thatat you're trying t to accomplilish. i'm alsoso just a gigirl stananding in frfront of a b boy askingng him to lolove her. romanticic comedy is a genrere that i lolove. i thinink i just w was rereally luckyky that t they were m making a big reresurgence at a timime when i was at the ready. - the roromantic comomedy gets its j jumpstart,, and you hahave a numbeber of pee who arare especialally adept at the fororm of thehe romantic c comedy. you have s sandra bulllloc. you have h hugh grant.t. you u have meg r ryan, and d you have t tom hanks.. - shshe made eveveryg beautitif, and itit's--it's j just tough thisis time of y year, anand any kid d needs a momothe. - could d it be thatat you neneed someonene jujust as muchch as jonah h d?
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- yes.s. - nora ephron prepepared movieis like n no other director i've ever worked with. we would work for weeks prior to the beginning of shootingng. everery line wasas specificacy founund or writttten or perfrfe. - it was like-- - [sighs] magic. - magic. - nora ephron was unafraid to take something that felelt familiarar bubut then covover it inin unfamiliaiar territoro. - if youou get a newew wife, i guess s you'll havave sex wiwith her, huhuh? - i cecertainly hohope so. [b[both spit]] - willll she scratatch up yoyour back? - what? - in thehe movies, w women are e always scrcratching upup the men'n's back and screamaming and ststuff whenen they're h having sex.x. - hohow do you k know this?? - jed'd's got cablble. - - oh. - ththis movie i is abouout a widowewer. that, , i thought,t, was a a brave choioice. you sasaw people o on scren workining out a prproblem whwho weren't t necessarililm the tradititional amamerican famamily.
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- - i left herer by the teteles. - the great thing about nora is, when she was talking about the dynamics between memen and womemen who arare attracteted to each hr or need eaeach other o or arare searchining for eachchr anand don't rereally know w , shshe was a gegenius. [m[men gruntining loudly]] - i'm m the guy you dodon't usualllly see. i'm the e one behindnd the sc. i'm the spsports agentnt. - i wawanted to wrwrite a move that beginins wherere an '80s s movie ende. [phohones ringining] - hey,y, what's gogoing on? - theyey fired jererry maguir. did itit at croninin's. - the scscript wentt righght to tom c cruise. he c calls immedediately, "i love e this scripipt. i'i'll read itit with you,u, au tell me e if i'm rigight for i" - don'n't worry. don't woworry. i'm not t gonna do what youou all thinknk i'm m gonna do,, which isis just flipip out!
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- and d basically,y, i've b been geekining out over h his performrmance evever since.. - rod, rod, jerry y maguire. how you u doing? - jerry maguirire. - yeyeah, how yoyou doing? - how am i i doing? i'll t tell you hohow i'm doi. i'm m sweating, , dude! - cucuba and tomom just, lik, deliliriously hahappy actors. - - show me ththe money. oh-ho-hoho! - they w were just, , like, landing blblows on eacach oth. - jejerry, you b better yelll! - - show me ththe money! - - and that s scene jujust kind ofof exploded.. - hey! - uh! cocongratulatitions. yoyou're stillll my agent.. - thatat film realally spokoke to me soso deeply bebee it's's this younung single m with this s precociousus littlele kid. - jerry, d did you knonow the huhuman head w weighs 8 pou? - - and bringiging a guy into t that picturure. i loveve much camemeron believes i in romance.e. - i wawas so anxioious to d do one linene, "y"you completete me."
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ththere were t times that t i'd that in n the scriptpt and ththought, "fafantastic." ththere were o other timese, "is s this too c cheesy?" and d i told tomom that, and he s said, "just gigive me a shshot at i. ifif you don't't wanna uses, don't use e it." - - i love youou. yoyou... cocomplete me,e, and d i just--i i just-- - shut u up. - wh-- - just shuhut up. you had meme at hello.o. you had meme at hello. - i look around, and everybody's crying. grizzleded guys holdlding cabe are lilike-- [sniniffles] and i i was like,, "i thihink it's gogonna work" [lauaughs]
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- this is s guy is goioing thrh all ththe egg. look. this h has been gogoing on for 20 mininutes now.. - what's h he looking g for? - he saiaid he has t to find the perfecect dozen. - - the perfecect dozen? - yeah, , each egg has to b be perfect.t. - in thehe '90s, youou couldl ththis excitemement thatat there wasas something happenining here. therere started d to becomee a genunuine inindependent t film movemem, anand sundancece film feststi, sundancece institutete had evererything to o do with i. - the ididea of stararting sundance w was that i i felt
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that i'd'd grown up p being a t of t the major f film industy 'cause t that's all l there w, and i wawas very forortunate to be e part of ththat, but as timime went onn i became m more aware e of or storieies that couould be to. they couldld be told b by pee that werere less incnclined to b be commercicially attrar. they werere differenent. theyey were offbeat, but t they were e stories that i f felt shouldld be tol. - womemen are lonenely in the e. it's o our new phahase. wewe'll live.. - theyey weren't l looking at who mamade the movovies. ththey were lolooking at the movovies. they hadad a commitmtment to showingng films with v very specifific, authentic c voices. - there wawas a suddenen recogngnition because e of the sucuccess of filmsms that cameme out ofof that feststival, anand it droveve suchch a profounund change ininto mainlinine hollywooo. - say,y, m, yoyou got a joj? - uh, , no, not onon me, man. - [chuhuckles]
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it'd be e a lot coololer if y you did. - justst like, "americacan graffititi," "dazazed and cononfused" was thisis complete e euphoric l k atat young peoeople before thehey have to become e adults. - - air raid!! - there'e's other high s school movivies, there was s a million n of t, but ththere's veryry few that realllly gives yoyou an honest t depictionn of thahat time in n your lif. - - whoo! y'all readady to bust t some a? - - and then y you see all these e fantastic c actos who stararted out in "dazed d and confusused." - that's w what i loveve abot these highgh school gigirls, m: i get ololder, theyey stay the e same age.. [laughghter] - richarard linklateter cast all these e fabulous g girls. - seniorors. - those chcharacters, , i adore. they jusust felt likike realal girls to o me. - and lelet me tell l you thi. the ololder you dodo get, the momore rules t they're goa try y to get youou to follow.
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you just g gotta keepp livingng, man. l-i-v-v-i-n. - ththe beauty o of linklater is h his touch.. it's's the lighthtest touch. itit's lightnining in a bobot. - all righght, everybobody cougp some g green for t the little e. [paper r rustling] cocome on. ththrow in a b buck. - uh-uh.h. i don't t tip. - - you don't t tip? - no, i i don't belilieve in . - you u don't belilieve in tipi? - i was babanging arouound, tg to b be a a writer andnd a filmmakak, and d i read "rereservoir dod" and i i thought itit was clearly wrwritten by s someboy whwho was 67 y years old and d had kindaa gottenen out of jajail and wrwrote his lilife story. - haharvey keitetel was the ey ththat pushed d it throughgh t. it allllowed us toto discover quentitin tarantinino. - who careres what youour name? - yeyeah, that's's easy fofor you to s say. you're mr.r. white. you haveve a cool-sosounding n. all l right, looook, if i it's no bigig deal to be mr. . pink, you u wanna trad? - - hey, nobodody's tradinig withth anybody..
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ththis ain't a a goddamn f f*g cicity councilil meeting, , you? - it wasas clearly f focusd on violelence, which h was very p prevalent in our couountry. itit was realllly going too undersrscore it. for meme, that wasas kind of a breaktkthrough momoment. - - this is soso f***ing bab. is it bad?d? - - as opposeded to good?? - here vioiolence and brututal violencnce comes wiwith a heavyvy, at t times, dosese of comedy. - you knknow what ththey call a ququarter poununder withth cheese inin france? - no. - - tell him, , vincent. - royale w with cheesese. - a royalele with cheeeese. you u know why t they call i it? - - uh, becaususe of ththe metric s system? - chececk out the e big brainn on brad!d! - "pulp p fiction" w was this fever drdream of a s screenpl, and itit was ththe screenplplay itselff that was t this wild, , hairy. itit was like e a tarantulua onon the doorsrstop. you justst had to lolook at i,
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"my god,d, look at the size o of that thihing." - lelet's just f forget it.. - that's's an impossssibility. trying to o forget anynything as intriguguing as t this would d be an exexercise in f futility. - is t that a factct? - and lookok at what john t travolta dodoes. look at umuma thurman,n, bruce e willis. itit was slickck. it was f . it hadad no convenention toto it whatsosoever. itit just rewrwrote the rurus of the wayay you can m make . - didie, you mototherf*#**er! die! - - you constatantly havee to p pay attentition 'causese you havee all l these chararacters who o are somehohow connecte, and yoyou only statart to fige thatat out as ththe movie gogo. - i loveve you, pumpmpkin. - - i love youou, honeybununny. everybodody be cool!l! this i is a robberery! - - you know a a tarantinono m the minunute you seeee it. it's s such a fanfnfare ofof a new kinind of filmmmma. [j[jazzy musicic] ♪ ♪ - "swiwingers" camame out f this k kind of cococktail
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'50s nostatalgia cultuture in. ththat the peoeople who mae the e movie werere part of, and it k kinda bebecame a phehenomenon. - so, um,, what d do you guysys do? - well, , i'm a comemedian. - [lauaughs] - whenen i starteded writiting "swingngers," i dididn't knoww that i it was gonnnna be a a movie or a a full scriri. i was s just havining fun writg stufuff that i g got a kick k o, and d i just kepept going wiw. - whwhen you go o up to talk to her, , man, i i don't wantnt you to bebe ty in the p pg-13 movieie evereryone's reaeally hoping makes itit happen. i want y you to be l like the gy in thehe rated-r m movie, you u? the guy y you're notot sure whether oror not you l like y. yoyou're not s sure whwhere he's c coming fromom,? you're a b bad man. you're a a bad man.. you'u're a bad m man, a bad d. - - it was sorort of that t ie comedy senensibility,, and ofof course, we were e influenceded by kevevin smith a and tarano anand scorsesese. when t the movie f finally came outut, it hit the culturure in a bigig way. - - see, baby?y? it's n not that hahard. - 818?8? - 310. - ninice. - - oh, yeah..
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- anand that kicicked off a totatal revolutition in the a animation w world. - and nonow we invitite you to relax.. let t us pull upup a chair,, as thehe dining roroom prproudly presesents... your d dinner. - when a audiences s see thesese movies,, theyey haven't s seen animatan lilike this inin decades.. - - ♪ beef f ragout, cheese sououfflé ♪ ♪ pie andnd pudding e en flamb♪ ♪ we'llll prepare a and serve with flairir a culinarary cabar♪ ♪ y you're alonone-- ♪ - ththe disney studio reexamineses the templplats of "snowow white," " "pinocchi" "dumbo," " "bambi," anand in ththe process s of doing t tt retuturns the didisney animan to its funundamentals.s. - - [screams]] oy!! 10,0,000 years w will give yu such a c crick in ththe neck. - - and becaususe they're e e withth clevernesess and withth great usese of mu, which h disney spepecialized , theyey capture t the same mam.
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- ♪ the circlcle of life e♪ - - "the lion n king" is interesesting becauause itit's a very y old tale t ths been retolold in diffeferent w, but t it emergeded as s something s special and i i think becacame biggr thanan the sum o of its par. all: ♪ hakuna a matata ♪ ♪ hakakuna matatata ♪ ♪ hakuna a matata ♪ - - ♪ it memeans no wororrie♪ ♪ f for the resest of your r d♪ - itit just clicicked with the r right animamators, the riright directctors, the e right musisic. - - ♪ oh, i i just can'n't wt to be kingng ♪ - - people werere ready fofr ththat kind ofof story of that t kind of epepic scal. and thenen you can s see the beginnnnings of cgcg in thehe backgrounund fofor certain n things, like thehe stampede.e. itit's one of f those thins whwhere the ststars align, anand it hits s the culturue in a a way that't's impactfu.
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- pixar chchanged the e game. i meanan, i remembmber goining to see " "toy story," and d i went andnd saw it twt. - ththere seems s to be no s n ofof intelligegent life ananyw. - hello.o. - oh, , gah. - - [screams]] - the cocomedy wasn'n't talklking down t to kids. itit was for e everybody.. - lookok, we're alall very impressed d with andy'y's new . - totoy? - t-t-o-y, toy.. - - excuse me.e. i think k the word y you're searching g for is spapace ran. - - the word i i'm searchihg for r i can't sasay becaususe there'ss preschooool toys preresent. - gegetting kindnda tense, aren't y ya? - when i i saw "toy y story," i was jujust blown a away. - impressisive wingspapan, veryry good. - - and the tetechnology, , fo, was nicece and intereresting, bubut that wasasn't whwhat blew meme away. what blelew me away y was that here e were new c charac. - to infininity and bebeyond! - - the film w was contempmp.
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it was n not a musicical, and itit was done e with all f the e sincerity y of the walal. - do y you actualllly think you're t the buzz lilightyea? ohoh, all thisis time i i thought itit was an aca. hey, guys,s, look! it's the r real buzz l lighty! - yoyou're mockiking me, aren't youou? - - anybody wawanting to s y screenwrititing shouldld wah pipixar movieses. i i just thinknk they're e beautifulllly, beauautifully wrwritten. - well, ifif you knew w, yoyou'd undersrs. you sesee, andy's s a r-- - - let me gueuess. andy's's a real spspecial ki, and toto him, you'u're his bud, his bebest friend,d, and whenen andy playays with yo, itit's like eveven thoughh you'rere not movining, you feel l like you'rere alie 'cause thahat's how hehe sees . - you u absolutelyly believe these chararacters had an intnternal lifefe. itit felt likeke being a t ts a job ththat they wewere prou. ththat was jusust a a brilliant t premise, and it w was executeted perfec. - ♪ oh,h, somewherere deep inse of thehese bones ♪
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♪ an emptptiness begagan to gr♪ - - there's sosomething that's's so beautitiful about brbringing an inaninimate objecect to l. drawn ananimation'ss the sameme kind of t thing, bubut there's s somethingg about t stop motioion that's jusust so pure e and str. - ♪ w what's thisis? whatat's this? ♪ ♪ there's's cover eveverywher, what's t this? ♪ ♪ t there's whihite thingss in thehe air, whatat's this?♪ ♪ i canan't believeve my eye, i mustst be dreamiming ♪ ♪ wakake up, jackck, this i isn't fair!r! what's tht♪ - tim buburton has m managed o take t the most mamacabre this anand make thehem so fun a d so heaeartbreakingng and beautu. no one hasas that aeststhet. you don't t have to wowonder for r ten secondnds if it's s a tim burtrton fil. - - i have a p present foror . - "edwarard scissorhrhands" s kind of frfrankensteinin's stor. it's's vincent p price who p s his s "father," " who createtesy
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but dieses before he can p put his hanands o. - - edward scicissorhandss was s a characteter tim m had broughght to life throrough a concncept drawi. i'i've seen titim draw a c char with twowo strokes o of a bru, and you u knew who t they wer. - what's t that? - - a grand slslam for mararti- - look.. - to m make it a f five-run ing and d blow this s game to pipi. - i'llll be darneded. [cheheers and apapplause] - wiwith tim andnd his chararas there's alalways a a real connenection with him a and johnny y depp. - there'e's kind off a waway of speakaking without t speaking and cocommunicatining, which isis why he wawas ededward scissssorhands 'cause i it goes bacack to s silent movivies whwhere peoplele--you commmmune with your r eyes. i feel s some connecection to m or wininona ryder.r. ththere's somemething abouot ththe intensitity in the g ge that's----well, it's like e film actining. - so we e gonna be working g together?? reallyly? worst t film you e ever saw?
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wewell, my nexext one'll b be b. hello?o? - - "ed wood,"," it's sucuch a sweet t movie, anand yet it's's not at a all cloyingng. it's's just compmpletely cool and c crazy. - he's a a monster.. can you u imagine whwhat the y would d look like e in a movie? - - johnny depepp plays a a reae characacter, ed wowood, who is f famously knknown as t the worst f film directr of a all time. - hihis characteter is so pep. you u just love e him fofor his enththusiasm. - all riright, men,, preparare for scenene 32. - mr. . wood? whwhere's the e cockpit seset? - you're s standing inin it. placeses! - ed wooood, when hehe was makig "p"plan 9" thoughght he was m making "star wawars." we all feeeel that, yoyou kno? everery time youou s--embark on a m movie, it's gonnana be the grgreates, most amamazing thingng. - "e"ed wood" wawas not mae as a a joke. itit was loviningly made in appreciciation of w what that g guy had don. - these e actors arere artist. they r really loveve their ct anand that kinind of weird sosort of sensnse of familiy yoyou get in f film.
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- go! go home, t two-socks.. join the millions of people taking back their privacy - - [barks] - bad wowolf. bad wowolf. - when y you think o of the '90, you u do think o of actors in the d director's s chai. yoyou think ofof kevin cosost. you ththink of jododie fost. you thinink of mel g gibso, and d you think k of clint t eastwood,, who fifinally getsts his due in the ' '90s. [gunshot]] - "unfnforgiven" i is a miraculousus film in m many . ththe legacy, , in eastwooood's, of allll the spaghghetti westes and the e westerns and the e dirty harrrry films is landeded onon this momement of fraia. - did papa used to kill folks?s? - my agent calalled and sasay, "clilint eastwooood hahas made an n offer." "clintnt eastwood-d-eastwood" "yes. yoyou'll be hihis partnr in thihis western.n." "well, shuhucks. tetell him i'l'll think ababou" [laughs]s]
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i rememember therere was threen you u shot, willll, not two. - wellll, i ain't t like thatt no more,e, ned. i ain't nono crazy y killing fofool. - clint eaeastwood and morgrgan freemanan, who haveve been professisional killelers and are e sick of viviolence, they don't wanna do o it anymor, but ththey get dragged baback into itit. - i've k killed womemen and d children,, killed just t about evererythg that walksks or crawleled at onene time or a another, and i'm here to o kill you,, littlele bill, fofor what you did to nened. - clint isis maybe the bestst directorr i've evever worked w with. i i love the w way he doese. he's quiuick. he's decisisive. it's jusust beautifuful. [gunshotot] - ththere are directorss in t this periodod, like michahael mann, who arare the rebebels withthin the stutudio system, ththe guys whoho are justt doing g it differerently. - what a am i doing?g? talkining to an emempty teleph.
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- i i don't undederstand. - 'causese there wasas a dead n on t the other e end of t this f***ining line. - "heat"t" provides s us anan opportuninity to finalally see robobert de no and d al pacinoo onon screen totogether doing a a scene togegether. - whwhat do you u say i buy y yu a a cup of cofoffee? - - the scene e in the dinin, all three e of us, bobby,y, al, and m myself, wewe knew thatat there wass the nenexus of thehe whole fi. - yoyou know, i i chased dowown some c crew's guysys jujust lookingng to f*** u up. they b busted backck. that youo? - you mumust have woworked someme dipshit c crews. - - i worked a all kinds.. - it's onene of my favavorite scenes betetween thesese two g. they finalally come totogethe, anand i thinkk we didid a good jojob with i. i do what t i do best.t. i take s scores. you u do what yoyou do best,t, tryingng to stop g guys like . - they a are not takaking eyef eaeach other.. it's almosost reflexivive. - - i will notot hesitate,, not fofor a secondnd. - peoplele want to s see grgreat actorsrs
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tellining you the e truth. guysys like michchael mann woululd always punch yoyou in the g gut. they wouldld go make a a move that wouldld be counteter to everyrything eveveryone elslse is doingn, but it w would have e truth in. - you u want your r own wife kidnapped?d? - yeah. - i i think "farargo" is a perfect t movie in e every w. the screenenplay is peperfec. the executution of it t is perf. the perfrformances are ababsolutely p perfect. [phonene rings] - oh, jeezez. it w was writtenen for me. i got vevery exciteded. theyey said--joeoel, you kno, cameme home fromom work and d , "w"we started d working on somomething. there's a a part for y you" wewe got a shohooting. these folklks drive byby. therere's a highgh-speed purur, ends here,e, and d then thiss executution-type d deal. joel a and ethan's's scrips are publisishable works of l literature.e. for examplple, ththe scene inin "fargo" where marge is interrogating the two strippers. - - hey, they y said they y e gogoing to thehe twin citities. - - oh, yeah?? - yeahah, yeah. isis that usefeful to you?u?
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- - oh, you bebetcha, yeaha. - yeah.. - itit was punctctuated and writteten in the r rhythm that we e played it,t, and itit's--it's b beautiful. - and d the oscar r goes to etn anand joel coeoen for "farar" - the ososcar goes t to franances mcdormrmand, "fargr" - "f"fargo" is the c coen brothehers film ththat really y gets embrarad atat the acadedemy awards.. everyone l loves this s mov. so what t do they dodo? they d do somethining compmpletely dififferent. - somemetimes therere's a m. wellll, he's thehe man for his titime and plalace. - "thehe big lebowowski," one of m my favoritete stors isis how long g it took jeff bridgdges to agreree to do. itit was so gogood. jojoel and eththan wrote it for r him, sent t it to hi. he said, " "it's greatat. not t sure i canan do this" i just rememember, youou kn, them thihinking, "how couould he not?t?" [phone rinings] and obviouously he camame toto that concnclusion himims.
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- wellll, wait, lelet me--lete explplain someththing to you. um, , i am not m mr. lebowsk. you're mr.r. lebowski.i. i'm the dudude, so thahat's whwhat you calall me, you u k? uh, that o or, uh, hisis dudens or, uh, dududer or, uhuh, you k, el duderinino if you'r're not o the wholole brevity y thing. - it's t the only titime in my e whwhere i haveven't been a ae to l look an actctor in the ee becacause he wasas so funny. jeffrey.y. - maude? - love me. - that's m my ro. - "bigig lebowski"i" isis the most t quotable m me ofof my generaration. - that rugug really titied the e room togetether, did i i? - f#***ing a. - ththe coen brorothers arare subversisive filmmakak. they're rerevolutionarary bombmb throwers,s, but you kikind of are e pleasd ththat the bomomb landnded on yourur front poro. - ththey've keptpt control f ththeir films s from the b beg in a a way that t allowed tm toto really exexplore any y e
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thatat they wantnted to go i, and i ththink by exploriring the genenre, thenen they subvbverted it.. - jajack horner,r, filmmaker. - ohoh, yeah? - - yeah. i mamake adult f film, exotic picictures. - - where i grgrew up was s e porno capipital of thehe worl, in sanan fernando o valley, so i wouldld know whatat a regr film shohoot looked d like, and then i i would knonow what t the differerence was whenen it was, l like, a van. ththat's wherere "boogie n n" came frorom, a a world thatat i knew rerea, really w well, fufunny enoughgh. [chuhuckles] - - who's dirkrk diggler?? - that's a a new, goodod-lookg kid, eddddie at the e club. - gogood name. - yeah. - when i g got paul's s scrit for "boogigie nights,"," i calleded my agent;t; i sai, "are youou punking m me?" itit was an x-x-rated scriri, anand they saiaid, "no, it't's gonna bebe r," and d i said, "n"no, it's no. therere's copulalating in it" anand he said,d, "no, t that's the e contract" and d i said, "well, i i'm--i'm inin." - ♪ oh,h, what a lolonely boy♪ - i i used to arargue with p l ththat amber s should die..
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and hehe was like,e, "she canan't die," but i i was like, , "she woul. she e probably w would. i i don't knowow that she e wd have sururvived all l of that" - i'llll ask you i if you're my mom, , okay? and you u say yes, o okay? are e you my momom? - yes, h honey. yes.s. she kikind of assusumes the me of parentiting in thisis wor, but t i mean, shshe's not acacy taking carare of them.m. she's plplayacting.. - what w we're talkiking abou, then i is coming t to an agreet on thehe custody o of--of andr? - - yes. ththe thing ththat i reallllye ababout the scscene as she's k kinda fifighting foror custody,, the judge e turns to h her and d says, "maggie, h have you ever beeeen arresteded?" - whenen was the l last time you werere arrested,d, anand what wasas the chargrge? - [s[sobbing] cut to o outside and amber r sobbing, because e that's jusust it. she's somemebody who's's not respsponsible enenough to papar. [sobobbing] - you dodon't have t to be ininterested i in pornograray to b be intereststed in b broken peopople, and they'v've been rejejected by theirir family. ththey don't h have a famimi. the moral l center of f the e
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isis about allll these broken h humans trtrying to mamake themselels whole... - - i need helelp. - by f finding a stitcheded-together r famiy when t they don't t have an actual l family of f their. - - i'm sorry,y, man. - - paul thomamas anderson has s never madede the same movie twice. whenevever you seeee a paul t thomas andederson movi, likeke stanley k kubrick, you knknow it's a paulul thomas ananderson m. i'm m not sure t there's a higher c complimentt you can n pay to a d directo. his imprprint is on n his fil. - oh, comeme on, franknk. whwhat are you doing? - what am i doing? - yeah. - i'm quietly judging you.
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- - "the pianono" was ravivisg and alsoso uncompromomising. it's a reaeally viscereral mov. you fefeel ththe weightht of the fafabr, the e dampness o of the airr and ththe moss. - mamama! - anand it's so o inherentlyly. - janene campion i is a filmmamr from new z zealand who o shot thisis very intitimate movie in h her home cocountry starag hoholly hunterer, harvey k ke,
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and a a very youngng anna paquq. - those e kind of inintimacis that jane e pulled us s into asas an audienence, she has a a voice not to be e denied. [loud ththud] - it's m my mother's's piano. - it's's an extraoaordinary performamance and fifilm, and alalso holly i is a a very accomomplished pipi. [pianono music] it's one o of those peperfect rs for r the perfecect actor. - ththis movie establblished janene campion. she wowon the palmlme d'or at cannenes. she bebecame the s second womn to b be nominateted for an o r fofor directining. - - your fatheher's been w wou. - - [gasps, spspeaks indisisti] - - the '90s w was the beseste for r women direrectors. they infusused a a kind of a a sensibility ththat made itit really enenj. yoyou were hananging out with othther filmmakakers sayi, "wowow, how manyny movies can i mamake?
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how manyny women can i workrk with?" - you stilill haven't t figuredt whatat riding waws is allll about, hahave? it's a s state of mi. - they donon't want toto be acknowowledged as a femalale directoror. i've fouought my whohole careeo be ackcknowledged d as a filmmm, not a a black filmlmmaker. i'i'm sure a l lot of thosose n are sayiying, "don't't call me a femalele director.r. i'm m a directoror." - i'm a a bad therapapist. do y you hear meme? i i am a bad t therapist.. - - who am i g gonna bringng to your r wedding? - - i am makining thesese people w worse. - - "walking a and talkingn" was ininspired by y the time my--mymy best frieiend was s getting mamarried. - it's so o fake-lookiking. it l looks likee a barbrbie ring, f frank. - they w were a perfrfect mat. i loved d them both,h, but i fefelt very lolonely. - itit's not fakake. franank gave it t to me. - and i i thought ththat was fu. - we're e engaged. - yeah. - we're gogonna get mamarrie. - whoa.. [laughghs] - i i think of h her comedies as c comedies ofof embarrassss. her chcharacters
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want to bebe better pepeople, but they'r're just notot. - are e you crazy?y? i i had sex wiwith you two weeks s ago, and d now you'rere asking me why i i haven't rerented late? - i i don't knowow. i didndn't--i didndn't know what to o say. - i justst don't knonow anyoe who is b better at s setting upp thatat kind of s situation that makakes us all l squirm because ththey're so h human. - i i don't knowow why dionnns gogoing out wiwith a high schchool boy. they'r're like dogogs. you have t to clean ththem anand feed thehem, and ththey're justst, like, these e nervous crcreatures ththat jump anand slobberr all ovover you. ew, geget off of m me! ugh! as if! - - when i wasas writing "cluelesess," i i hung arounund beverly y hs high schooool a lot. there e was a teacacher there who o taught debebate, anand he let m me hang outt in hisis class, and soso you heardrd the vevernacular.. - and in c conclusion,n, may i plplease reminind you that it dodoes not sayay r.s.v. on thehe statue ofof liberty. [cheerers and applplause] thank k you very m much. - amy y heckerlingng is giviving these e girls
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their owown vocabulalary. - hehello, it wawas his s 50th birththday. - whateverer. - oh, mymy god, i'm totalllly bugging.g. - ththey're chananging the l ln of teeeen girls all overer the worldld. - do youou have any y idea whwhat you're e talking abab? - no. why, do o i sound lilike i d? - even t though cherer is th, likeke, heightenened, fantas, perfect, g gorgeous, aspiratitional creatation, i tk amy y heckerlingng still is se toto see her a as a real g g. she doesn'n't turn herer into j just a puncnchline. - can n i just seeee the beging agagain, folksks? - in "a a league of f their own" pennnny marshallll lookoks at the r role of womo, the changiging role ofof womn inin world warar ii. - girls cacan't play b ball! - babatting fiftfth and playay- - the men n were fighthting on the batattlefields,s, but there e was still l a hur for prprofessionalal baseba. - [gruntnts] - - "a league e of their o ows about womemen baseballll playe. - [gruntnts] - out! - - out, dottitie-- - itit's iconic,c, and the l s arare iconic,,
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and the e performancnces are e iconic. - we told d them it wawas theieir patriotitic duty toto get out o of the kitctcn and d go to workrk, and now w when the m men come b, we'll l send them m back to t the kitchenen. - what s should we d do, send thehe boys retuturning from war b back to thehe kitch? - "a"a league ofof their own" was a movivie abouout female e empowerment, how w powerful w women are when thehey unite, and d how many s stories we still h have to telell. - she's s under it.. [f[flash bulb b pops] uncle elelmore's sococks, whatat did she d do? whoooo-hoo!
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- - come with h me if y you want toto live. - - it's okay,y, mom. he's here e to help. it's okakay. - - it's got h heady ideas abouout time traravel and d about the spacace-time conontinuum, all l that kind d of what sos like fancycy sci-fi papalav, but itit's also a a story ababout being g relentlesss, and jim m as a filmmmmaker isis relentlesess. - - when jameses cameron got toto "t2," he was i interestedd in expananding his p palate, particicularly to o include these new w digital totools. it w was wildly y groundbreaeak. cameroron was workrking with induststrial lightht and magi. - hasta a la vista, , baby. - and ththey were rereally kif inventing g this procecess oi as thehey went. [l[low thuddining]
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- whenen you firstst heard tht stevenen spielbergrg woululd be makining a moviee about t a place where dinonosaurs were brorought back k to li, your firstst response e would , "i canan't wait toto see that" - [pantiting] where'e's the goatat? [gasps]] - itit's amazingng justst how long g it takes befofore the t-r-rex comes o . he m makes you w wait for iti. [sign n clatters]] and d wait for i it... [cabables twangiging] and d wait for i it. [metalallic creakiking] i dodon't know w what a dinonr realally looks l like in reaeal. i thinink it looksks like "jurassisic park." - - [roars] - boboy, i hate e being right all l the time.. - - what steveven spielbereg ininnately undnderstands is that didinosaurs arare awes. [brontntosaurus bebellowing]
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- it wasas the same e feeling that i h had as a teten-year-d watching " "jaws" for the fifirst time when youou see this brontntosaurus's s leap p to eatat the leaveves off f the tree.. [lououd thud] - wewe're gonna a make a foroe withth this placace. - i memean, that's's what spieig does as a filmmaker. he makes y you go-- [gasps] [loud crcrash] - - [roars] - a lolot of the e enthusiasm for r cgi comes s from filmms seseeing in "j"jurassic papa" what t that technonology couldo for r their stororytelling.. - "titanicic" is a thrhrowbk in so manyny ways to t the big blolockbusterss of thehe '50s and d '60s, not jujust in its s scope and in i its scale but alsoso that it was t talked abouout in thy thatat we talkeded about "cleopatatra." oh, , god, we'rere putting everythihing we haveve into t this giant t boat, and is it t going to s sin? - itits budget a at that pot
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hihit a then-u-unheard-off $200 m million. - - leo dicaprprio had donoe "whahat's eatingng gilbert g g" and hihis "romeo + + juliet" had not t come out y yet, so therere was some e nervousns on t the part ofof some studo exexecutives, , like, cacan leo dicacaprio do ththis ? - the ststudio thougught theye inin terrible,e, terrible e t. it wasas going to o be an e enormous didisaster, and it tururned out toto be the biggesest movie ofof all . - i'i'm the kingng of the wowor! whoooo! whoo! - "titanicic" really h had eveverything.. it wasas an epic,, old-fafashioned momovie... - icebererg right ahahead! - an actction movie.e. it alslso had a lolove stoy at thehe heart of f it. - i'm jackck dawson. - rose d dewitt bukakater. - - i'm gonna a have to geget yu toto write thahat one downw. - [laughghs] - itit was irresesistible, jack andnd rose, andnd it was s. leo was ababsolutely g gorge.
12:49 am
kate winslslet really y captud that indndependent w woman whwho would nonot be pinnened d. - - [gasps] - and theyey were justst this vivivien leigh-c-clark gabe kind o of pairing.g. - i'm m flying, jajack. - "tititanic" is t this momt wherere james cacameron is stradaddling these twtwo worlds:: the human n scale and a compmputer scalele, putting g them togetether. and from t this momentnt on, '9'97, the wororld goes cocomp. - yoyou have to o let it alll, neneo: fear, d dou, anand disbelieief. free y your mind.. - whwhoa. - "thehe matrix" changes s everythingng. you have t the embracece of eaeastern cinenema ininto westernrn canon,
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and d you've gotot them making t their actorors do thehe stunts ththemselves. [gunfifire] keananu reeves h had alreadydy e "point brereak." he'd a already donone "speed" but thisis is a difffferent levl of actction star that he'e's transfororming in. this wasas six x months of f training that e every actoror had d to go throrough, and one e of the thihings that you g get whenen you're hahaving the a acs do theirir own stuntnts, you u can film c close-ups of thehe face while a pupunch is beieing take, whilile a punch h is being t . the actition itselff becomemes storytelelling. - - as cgi getets better,, we become e a little b bit morere sophisticicated inin our tastetes when we e e cocomputer-genenerated effffs becaususe each yeaear, they gt so much h more realilistic and lifelilike. - how?w? - he i is the one.e.
12:53 am
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12:55 am
- i i remember i in '99 eveveryone i k knew, everyone in our crowd was s working onon something that felt t exciting and feltlt like it h had a a generationonal voice i in. - - i'm scareded to close e my. i'm scarared to openen them. - it wasas very cleaear that somomething was in thehe water thahat yea. - ♪ herere i come to save e the day ♪ - it felt t like the f finalm for ththe 20th cenentury. it's like, the bell's about to ring, and everybody's s trying to t their goodod thing inn beforere the centutury ends. you hadd thisis really ininterestingg combinination of youngng filmmakerers swingiging for thehe fences and d showing pepeople what they y could do as welll as m more establblished figugs like m michael manann wiwith "the ininsider" justst kind of f finding a new gegear. - i have t to put my f familys welfare e on the linine here, my frienend, and d what are y you puttingn? you're p putting up p words. - - words? whihile you've e been dickcking aroundnd with s some f***ining company golf t tournamentsts, i'i've been ouout in the w world giviving my wordrd and backcking it up p with act. - - i'd stack k '99 up agagainst any y year in americacan filmmakiking
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in tererms of a rereal cohort of grereat filmmakakers droppingng really significicant work.. - hehey, mr. mcacalli. - not t wasting anany time, are you, t tracy? - well, yoyou know what they sy about t the early y bird. - yeah, i do. - "election" is the second movie of alexander payne. it's's about thihis high schcl stududent councicil election in o omaha. reese withtherspoon'ss tracacy flick. she e is someone that you almost want to root for because of her passion and her drivive, and yet alalso she hasas a littlele bit too m much ambitit. - i i know this s country was bubuilt by peoeople just likike me who work v very hard and don't t have everyrything handeded to them on a s silver spoooon. - - what's bririlliant ababout "electction" is t that you'rere getting voiceovever frfrom, like, , three oror four difffferent persrspec. - whwho knew howow high she would d climb in life, how many p people woululd sur because e of her? i i had to stotop her. - alexexander paynyne mamade a very y american m mo, and d the perforormances inn "electioion" of matttthew brodek
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and rereese withererspoon are terrifific. - looks lilike you couould use e a cupcake.e. - it's a r remarkable e film. - whwho are you?u? - - "boys don'n't cry" isis based on n a true stoy ababout brandodon teena, a yoyoung man whwho was a trtrn living in n a small cocommuni. both: : ♪ left t me lonely ♪ - he fell l in love with a w woman. theyey had a relelationshi, and d other peopople discovevd thatat this was s a transman and d not a cis s man and sesey assaulted d and murderered hi. - "boys don't cry," just a phenomenal movie, like, no studio would have made that movie. it was a game-changer in terms of american cinema between whwhat was madade befe and whatat was made e afterwar. - 199999 was just t such a gt yeyear in indedependent cici. yoyou look at t that lineuep of fililms from "v"virgin suici" to " "three kingngs" toto "being jojohn malkoviv" - ththere's a titiny door in my ofoffice, maxixine. it's a porortal, and i it takesu insiside john mamalkovich.
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you see ththe world through h john malkokovich's e, anand then aftfter about 1 15 ms you'rere spit out t into a dih onon the sidee of thehe new jersesey turnpik. - "being j john malkovovich," it's a grereat combinanation: spike jonznze and charlie kaufman. [loud d whoosh, maman grunts] and they kind of remind people that movies cocould be so much more. - whatat happens w when a man s ththrough his s own portalal? - we'll sesee. - it's's a meta-fifictional e into literally the brain of john malklkovich, who isis in the momovie playaying himselelf. - - malkovich.h. malkovichc. - ♪ malkovivich ♪ ♪ malalkovich, mamalkovich ♪ - itit's one of f those movs ththat's imposossible to d de, and d it just sosounds likee you'u're piling g one absurdry upon anothther, but it somomehow all c cohes into j just this c crazy anand beautifuful film. - i wantnt you to dodo me a fa. - yeyeah, sur. - i wantnt you to hihit me as h hard as youou can. - whwhat?
12:59 am
- i wawant you to o hit me as hard asas you can.. - sosometimes a a piece of m mal finds a a filmmakerr who is u uniquely popossessd of thehe chops to o do it ri. ow! "f"fight club" was finchches "lawrence e of arabia"a" in a. like, i ththink it's hard to imaginene anybody who had a a better dnana than himim for that t film. - - the first t rule ofof fight clulub is, you do notot talk about fighght club. the e second rulule of figight club isis yoyou do not t talk ababout fight t club. - we were e doing the e kind ofof film we'd'd all hopeded t. trust me.. everytything's gononna be fin. [explolosions, mararla gasps] [the p pixies' "where i is my mind?d?" pla] i thoughght "fight c club" could be o one of thosose ths that becomomes a markeker fofor the way y we felt at a c certain timime. it cononnected rigight whee we wanteted it to coconnec, and d it's stillll growing,, and ththat's excititing. that's kinind of--for r me, ththat's the h highest aspspir.
1:00 am
- in the ' '90s, you g get thesese trends a and these m ms that a are gonna c carry on for the nenext few dececades. you have t this momentnt of ry promomising blacack filmmakeks who arare coming u up. you hahave women's's voices, you u know, comiming more to the fororefront inin that theyey're writining fs and, in cases, directing films. but you're also getting sort o of big blocockbusters,, as hollylywood will l always . - yes!s! - it s sort of layays the grgroundwork f for what we're e gonna seee for the e next 20 yeyears. - you wantnt answers?? - i thinink i'm entititled. - yoyou want ansnswers? - i want t the truth! - you u can't handndle the trur! hello and a warm welcome to ou
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