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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 31, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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next one. >> my wish is for peace. here's to hoping for peace in 2024. >> thanks to our guests. thank you for watching. on behalf of everyone at "anderson cooper 360" and the cnn family worldwide, i'm tom foreman wishing you all of the best and none of the worst in 2024 . live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada,
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and all around the world. i'm kim bruin hibber. this is "cnn newsroom." unexpected missile strikes hit ukraine, russia hits back with more attacks on ukraine. > israel's prime minister says the war will continue on for months. the 2023 economy turned out better than most had reason to expect. what could 2024 have in store? moscow has fired the latest shot in a wave of cross-border attacks and counterattacks between russia and ukraine. it came sunday morning when ukraine reported a russian drone strike on its second-largest city, kharkiv. several apartment buildings were hit. hours before ukraine says russian missiles pummeled the same city, wounding 26 people.
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those strikes damaged residential buildings, hospitals, businesses, and government offices. >> translator: this is our new year. what a present russia gave us this new year. they are black souls. simply black souls. they bomb residential areas. there are people here. how can one do such a thing? >> the second attack on kharkiv followed a ukrainian strike in the heart of the russian city of belgorod. russia says at least 21 were killed and more than 100 others injured. nic robertson reports on the aftermath. >> reporter: in the middle of the russian city belgorod -- the fiery aftermath of a suspected ukrainian rocket attack. russian officials claiming it was a massive assault using ukrainian and czech-made ammunition fired from a multi-barreled rocket launcher,
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some of which they claim to have intercepted. >> translator: the kyiv regime, by carrying out indiscriminate attacks on squares and committing this crime, is trying to divert attention from defeats at the front, as well as provoke us to similar actions. >> reporter: the death toll, including children, climbing through the day. it comes the day after russia launched its biggest air assault on ukraine in almost two years of war, at least 40 people killed. more than 150 injured. the ukrainian strike on belgorod, barely 20 miles from its border, saturday is its deadliest known cross-border attack of the war according to belgorod's governor. putin dispatched his health minister and an emergency team three months out from his upcoming election. the chaos dents his carefully created image of a war going
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well. >> it's unclear if this war's ukrainian revenge, ukrainian officials don't routinely comment about this deep of attack. but the uptempo does seem to speak to frustrations, fears even. and a determination in ukraine that be a sent the financial support they need from their allies, they can still land blows and this wart putin's aggression. >> reporter: russia's u.n. spokesperson called for an emergency u.n. security council session to censure ukraine, much as russia was the previous night for their massive air assault. russia's defense ministry says the attack will not go unpunished. by late saturday, russia attacked ukraine in kharkiv with drones. more deaths can be expected.
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>> the u.n. security meeting is interesting. there's been a lot of backlash against russia, calling this an attack by ukraine, unprovoked. you know, we've got some sound from this. let's listen first to what the russian representative to the u.n. said and then let's hear what the ukrainian representative to the u.n. said. >> translator: russia does not target civilian ukrainian citizens, no matter how much you talk about it. some of you know that you are aiming only at the military infrastructure of ukraine. and even more so, we do not purposefully direct weapons against civilians. >> translator: as ukraine is still recovering from yesterday's horrendous strike, new waves of russian terror persist. just hours ago, as was mentioned
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by assistant secretary-general, russia again terrorized kharkiv with s-300 missiles, hitting at residential buildings and a hotel. since this morning, a number of citizen villages in ukraine have come under russian fire. >> kim, when you listen to this, this sort of propaganda almost, this back and forth, two years into the war, things are just getting deadlier. we were talking earlier about the sort of lack of support and the sort of hiccups in continuing support from both united states and the european union. i think what we're seeing on the ground right now, that this war is nowhere near ending any time soon. kim? >> all right, barbie nadeau in rome, that you can. president biden is turning up pressure on lawmakers to approve more aid for ukraine. more than $60 billion in military aid is stalled in congress as western officials warn ukrainian forces will face an uphill battle without more
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assistance. kevin liptak has more. >> reporter: president biden is sharply condemning russia's attack on ukraine, calling it the most serious since the war broke out. and really using it to remind americans of the continued war on the ground there, saying that russian president vladimir putin's intentions have not changed in the two years since this war broke out. he's also using this as a moment to call on congress to pass new assistance for ukraine and really telling the lawmakers that the defensive systems that have been passed already, the patriot missile batteries, other defensive systems, have saved lives on the ground there, including just this week. but that if those systems aren't provided in the future, the ukrainians will essentially be left defenseless. in a statement, the president saying, unless congress takes urgent action in the new year, we will not be able to continue sending the weapons and vital air defense systems ukraine needs. we cannot let our allies and partners down.
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history will judge harshly those who fail to answer freedom's call. but remember this new funding for ukraine is tied up in this debate back in washington between democrats and republicans over immigration, over tightening the rules at the border. and it remains to be seen whether this new air assault will do anything to change the minds of skeptical republicans who at the end of the day really just don't support new funding for ukraine. they don't believe that it is in america's best interests. just this last week, the white house said that it had approved the final amount of money that was left in the existing authorization, $250 million in assistance to ukraine. but essentially saying that that was the bottom of the barrel, that no new funding would be going forward unless it is passed by congress. so president biden really hoping to use this moment to convince these lawmakers that that assistance is necessary going forward. and as he returns to washington next week, that will certainly be at the top of his agenda as
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the war in ukraine continues to rage on. kevin liptak, cnn, traveling with the president in st. croix. u.s. special counsel jack submit is pushing back against former president donald trump's claims of presidential immunity in his 2020 election interference case. smith's claims in a new court filing on saturday say that trump's sweeping assertion, quote, threatens presidents to commit crimes to remain in office. he made an unusual request for the appeals court to implement its ruling quickly. that could fast track the case ahead of the 2024 election. cnn's zachary cohen has more from washington. >> reporter: special counsel jack smith is arguing that the former president, donald trump, is wrong in claiming he should have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution in the federal election subversion case. he's asking a federal appeals court to move quickly in hopes of preventing the march 4th trial date being delayed. this is a new court filing in
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which he says the claim of absolute community threatens to allow presidents to commit crimes to remain in office. warning that granting trump's broad community, quote, threatens the democratic and constitutional foundation of our republic. this filing is ahead of oral arguments set to begin in washington on january 9th. the trial was initially scheduled to begin on march 4th but trump has been trying to delay that in his fight over the community claim underscoring those efforts. if the appeals court moves quickly, it could keep the original trial date from sliding. with the almosting presidential campaign months away, timing is critical for both sides in this case. no end in sight to the fighting in gaza. palestinians who have already pled are facing food shortages and disease outbreaks. we'll have a look at the miserable conditions they're forced to endure ahead. north korea rejects reunification with south korea
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as it launches more satellites and steps up war preparations. details ahead.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war against hamas will continue for months. he claims that israel's military has the upper hand right now and that it has killed more than 8,000 terrorists since the war began. >> translator: the war is at its height. we are fighting on all of the fronts. we have huge success, but we also have painful cases. achieving victory will require time as the chief of staff has said. the war will continue for many more months.
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>> the hamas-run ministry of health says the majority of victims in gaza are children and women. they put the latest death toll at nearly 22,000, more than 56,000 wounded. cnn can't independently confirm information from the ministry. displaced palestinians trying to survive in rafah tell cnn they're struggling with overcrowding and sky-high food prices. elliott gotkine is in tel aviv with the latest. >> reporter: rather than lowering the intensity of the fighting, israel is, if anything, ratcheting up the pressure on hamas. they said on saturday that battles were continuing to the northern part of the enclave, while at the same time it was expanding its operations in the central and southern parts of the gaza strip. at the same time, this means that many palestinians are being displaced yet again, and what tends to happen is they seem to be gravitating towards rafah in the southern part of the strip which is becoming overcrowded. there is a scarcity of food. there are outbreaks of diarrhea,
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respiratory diseases, and other diseases as well. and prices for basic goods like flour and salt are skyrocketing at the same time. meanwhile, on israel's border with lebanon, there were around 15 launches fired from hezbollah -- this is the iranian proxy in southern lebanon -- towards israeli territory. there was no report of damages or any fatalities, but israel responded in kind. now 15, that is more than were launched towards israel on friday when there were ten. but far fewer than the 50 that were launched towards israel on thursday. so this war that isn't yet officially a war is still simmering, it's yet to boil over. there are still concerns that at some point, it might. here in tel aviv, meanwhile, thousands of people gathered in hostages square to again put more pressure to keep up the pressure on the government to do all it can to bring the 100-plus
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hostages still being held in gaza after being abducted october 7th by hamas and other groups, keep up the pressure on the government to bring all hostages home. on the other side of the road at the defense ministry headquarters, prime minister netanyahu was holding a press conference. he said that he was determined to bring all those hostages home and fulfill the other key war objective of destroying hamas, even if it takes month, even in the face of international pressure. he thanked the united states for the provision of weapons and for its support at the united nations security council, but he said that the fighting would continue until it's mission accomplished. an israeli french woman who spent over 50 days in hamas captivity is sharing her story to shine a light on the horrors that the remaining hostages are facing right now in gaza. mia schem was kidnapped from the nova music festival october 7th after a gunshot wound to her
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arm. she describes receiving surgery in gaza without pain medicine. she spent much of the time in a house with a hamas member, his wife and children, but no one treated her with kindness. then she was taken to the tunnels. >> translator: i met other hostages. 6 people, seven people in a room of 2 by 2 meters, one on top of another, in a engage, one pita a day with no air. this is why i didn't digest my return home. i cannot make peace with it because there are more people there, and i know what it's like to be there, and it's in my head all day, every day. it doesn't leave me. >> you're seeing mia's emotional reunion with her family. mia said while in captivity she saw her mother on tv and drew strength from her mother's strength. north korean leader kim jong-un says his country will no
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longer seek reconciliation and reunification with neighboring south korea. state media reports kim said it would be a mistake to deal with people who consider his nation, quote, the main enemy. it comes as kim instructed his army to accelerate war preparations in response to what he called confrontation moves by the u.s. north korea also says it will launch additional spy satellites next year. cnn's mark stewart looks at what it can mean for the country's missile program, which has been banned by the u.n. security council. >> reporter: in a forceful statement, north korea announced plans to launch three spooi spy satellites in 2024. experts feel this is significant because this technology could help advance its long-range missile program. the remarks were made during the ruling workers' party meeting to set state goals for the next year. north korea successfully launched a spy satellite in recent months after two known failures. this comes as the international
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atomic energy agency expressed concern after detecting signs of a new reactor operating at the nation's main nuclear complex. that potential raises concern, as it could allow north korea to produce nuclear components at a faster pace. recently, state media reported that north korean leader kim jong-un instructed the country's army, the weapons industry, and others to accelerate war preparations in response to, quote, confrontation moves by the u.s. some context, these remarks by kim jong-un come amid perceptions by north korea of a strengthening alliance between the united states and south korea. this as north korea and russia could possibly solidify their own relationship in the year ahead. mark stewart, cnn, seoul. if there's one thing that can be said about the u.s. economy in 2023, it's that things weren't as bad as we were told to expect. this time last year the storm
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clouds were building. inflation was sky high, markets were shaky at best, recession seemed inevitable. while the fed did raise rates pretty consistently through the year, it never really led to a downturn in the economy. inflation is still stubbornly high and a problem for millions of american households, but it's continuing to recede toward the 2% target the fed wants to see. job growth has been solid over the past year, which has helped keep the unemployment rate below 4%. markets, the main indices each closed out the year with double-digit percentage point gains. joining me is ryan patella, seen i don't fellow at the drucker school of management at clairmont graduate university. so good to see you given. what to make of the year that passed? many thought that the fight against inflation would lead to a recession, but that didn't happen. why did so many experts get so many things wrong? >> i think it was bazillions. the economic conditions, they
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could not believe the inflation would stay high with unemployment needing to actually increase. unemployment stayed low. i think the other thing too, many businesses have become more resilient during covid, and part of that, we see people plan out to that degree. consumer spending was actually -- didn't decrease very much, either. i think that kind of shocked some of the numbers. but obviously we're still not out of the woods, but definitely, when you talk about 2023 and double-digit growth for the market, that is not something that many would predict. it turns out to be a good year for those in the market, and still through all the instability, you know. it's a win. >> yeah. throughout all these so-called bad times, it didn't stop people from spending, that's for sure. last time you and i spoke, i think it was in the wake of those bank failures. three of the four largest bank failures in history happened last year, an extraordinary sequence of events that seemed, to me at least, like it was so long ago.
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are we out of the woods on that front? >> i love how you brought that up. because people forget that. financial crisis, we're not out of the woods when it comes to having good balance sheets. 2024, interest rates are going to probably drop, but not that much. maybe 50 to 75 basis points in the u.s. the fed is looking at. what does that mean? when you have interest rates so high this whole year, you're going to start feeling that next year. so when those that haven't -- bankruptcies, companies being acquired more, some stability of those balance sheets are not there. we may see some of that from the banking sector. so i don't want to say, you know, the big banks are going to fr frail. i think banking needs to pay attention, continue to tighten their balance sheets. >> interesting. all right. so beyond what we talked about inflation, recession, banks, was there an economic story in 2022 that really stood out to you? maybe the fact that wages are
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finally going up for so many people? >> yeah, i think there was a couple. you mentioned the banks. i have to mention that you think about ipos. there are less ipos this year, only 100, compared to 2021, 1,000 ipos. that's kind of the insecurity in the industry when it comes to next year. this year,r, i belelieve thehe polititical tensioion is s some that -- - it's clear t that t w gogoing to seeee more e of that year. and how ththe e markets react, compananies react t gives you a blblueprint fofor the e next a . the other thing that really stands out to me, that really drove this year, was tech companies. big seven, the magnificent seven. a.i. being the -- leading the markets in these companies. i think next year -- when i say a.i., i'm not saying chatgpt. i'm talking about all a.i. integration. i think industries are going to evolutionize next year and have to be able to use that. that doesn't mean laying off people. meaning how to use people and ction i. to give it max profit
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and be more efficient. i think we'll see an evolution next year for those companies who want to survive and strive. >> it will be interesting to see how that shakes out for so many people. despite all the good news that i spoke of this the intro, the market's high, plenty of job growth, lower inwhen people still don't feel great about the economy. why all the pessimism? what's it going to take to get people smiling again? >> it's because people don't like unpredictability. and i think you and i, you mentioned to me about why did analysts get it so wrong? they thought one domino would fall and the rest of it would then go down, people would stop spending. i think that's where savings are lower. credit risks are a little bit higher. debt is starting to increase. i think that also lets -- layoffs haven't stopped in certain places, even though unemployment is low. that kind of provides uneasiness. i think what people really want, to be really safe in these things, maybe less geopolitical
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tensions, a little more understanding what the future lays out toward, a little more security i think is the word. i think that starts with trust. i think also means that consumers and people who are employers feel that they can start spending more capital and seeing that. i think people need to see that. >> we would all take less turmoil across the globe in 2024, that's for sure. let's pivot to the future. let's look ahead. christmas is a good economic indicator. what are you looking for over the holidays to set the table for 2024? then big picture, next year, will it be a less turbulent year? what do you think we can expect? >> i think we're not going to get the same growth as we did this year. that's not a negative. that just means we're going to see a little slower growth. we've seen numbers from global gdp around 2%. that's not a bad thing. just means in 2025, look up the ramp-up period, that's what i'm looking at is how can you ramp up by 2025 to get into a higher growth perspective?
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next year, it would be a win for the markets to get 8 to 10% growth. that's a win in any year. especially next year. even though this year it was more. the way i look at next year, do i think it's going to be smooth sailing? absolutely not. >> never is. >> i think we'll see similar something to what we've seen this year. the reason i say that, tensions, geopolitical aren't going anywhere. i think china is a big factor, how their economy does, where they fit into this. a bit of a roller coaster, but at the end of the day you think of resiliency, you see what happened this year, you would hope trade and many other governments getting involved will provide some stability, what we need to have a good year that sets up for 2025. >> absolutely. hope indeed. looking forward to tracking and dissecting all of this with you next year, ryan patel, thank you so much for joining us.
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up next, an update on the storm system that's been pummeling the california coasts, spawning monster waves and causing piers, beaches, and coastal parks to close. u.s. airports are busy with holiday travelers, but no sign of the chaos seen this time last year. we'll have a report from the country's busiest airport after the e break.
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. ♪ welcome back to all of you watching here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is "cnn newsroom." evacuation warning has been lifted for some residents in ventura county, california,
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north of los angeles. an offshore storm has been pummeling the area with high waves and coastal flooding for days. have a look. an incredible moment caught on video thursday when two beachgoers pulled a lifeguard to safety after the lifeguard rescued a person near the ventura pier. despite the evacuation order being lifted, beaches and coastal parks remain closed through new year's eve. cnn's camila bernal reports from manhattan beach near los angeles. plenty of onlookers have been watching the hazardous surf. >> reporter: we've consistently seen waves of maybe five to ten feet here in manhattan beach throughout the day. authorities are telling people to be extremely careful. at the moment, the pier here in manhattan beach is closed. we are seeing a lot of people coming to take a look at these waves. authorities saying, yes, they may be beautiful, but they are also extremely dangerous.
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you're seeing closures when it comes to the piers all up and down the california coasts. not just here in manhattan beach. according to the national weather service, we expected waves between 15 and 20 feet in the central coast of california. and then here in manhattan beach where i am, los angeles county and santa barbara county and ventura county, waves of 10 to 15 feet. ventura county was the hardest hilt. that's where we saw those dramatic videos of these monster waves and people running from the ocean. unfortunately, in ventura county, at least eight people were taken to the hospital because of this. that's where we saw some of the road closures and some of the evacuations. authorities saying there is still the risk of flooding, especially in those areas that normally flood in the lower areas. so again, people being told to be extreme ly careful, to never turn their back to the ocean. i'm doing that now, but i have a
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team ready to tell me in case we need to make a run for it. hopefully that is not the case. again, authorities telling people to continue to be very careful, and a lot of the closures you're going to see through sunday. many travelers in the u.s. are flying to new locations to celebrate the new year, while others are headed back home after the christmas holidays. it adds up to a hectic time in airports across the country, but not as busy as the record-setting post-thanksgiving period. cnn's rafael romo has that. >> reporter: christmas has come and gone. it's time to go home. for travelers at hartsfield-jackson airport, they have one less thing to be sad about, which is no long lines, no congestion, traffic is moving swiftly here. but make no mistake about it, the number of travelers around this holiday weekend is going to continue to be high.they were e asany as 2.6 million travelers
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on friday. slhtly less for saturday, but still a lot of people trying to get home. the main challenge, according to officials, was going to be the number of plights with as many as 48,000 expected on saturday as compared to 43,000 the day before. we talked to different travelers here at the airport, and they said that in spite of the many people they saw here, they were pleased about how things were moving. >> busy but controlled and managed well. everybody's friendly, everybody's nice, helpful. it is a massive airport, though. got to be on your ps and qs when you're walking around so you don't get lost. >> we just prepare. it's busy, but i don't think it's too bad. this airport is usually really quick. it's not too bad. >> reporter: the old-time record for thnuer of travelers was set on the sunday after thanksgiving with 2.9 million people traveling that day. we're not expecting to see that kind of number this weekend, but
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still a lot of people going through airports across the country. that traveler said something that is key, be prepared. you need to have your i.d. ready, in your hand, preferably when you're going through that screening line. have your bags ready with no prohibited items in them. also, arrive with plenty of time to park or to get to transportation if necessarily. people have been racing to dominate the final frontier for decades. in 2023, there was a renewed spotlight on the race to the moon. we'll have the latest on that after the break.
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♪ in 2023, we saw renewed space race to the moon. there were some historic successes and epic failures. efforts to perfect a new lunar landing system. here's cnn's kristin fisher. >> we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> reporter: more than 60 years after those famous words, it was full steam ahead for a new space race in 2023. space agencies from around the world are once again competing to get to the moon. and this time, they're hoping to stay for good. leaving more than just flags and footprints. in 2023, india's space program took a giant leap forward.
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successfully landing its uncrewed robotic command reian 3 spacecraft on the lunar surface in august, only the fourth country to do it after the united states, the former soviet union, and china. but so far, india is the only one to reach the south pole of the moon, where water in the form of ice has been detected. >> india's success is not just india's alone. this success belongs to all of humanity. >> reporter: russia tried to beat them to it, but 2023 wasn't its year. its first lunar mission in nearly 50 years ended in failure after the luna 25 spacecraft crashed into the moon. nasa has ambitious plans to land astronauts on the moon again and eventually create a lunar base camp. but first it has to perfect the technology for a new crewed landing, which is set for the
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artemis 3 mission in 2025. 2023 was all about the lunar landing system that will help them get there. spacex continuing to test its star ship spacecraft that will carry the crew on that last leg of their jouourney to the surfa of the moon. the first two test flights ended in explosions. >> and as you can see, the super-heavy booster has just experienced a rapid, unscheduled disassembly. >> reporter: but spacex says that's part of the process lessons were learned with each attempt, and valuable data was gathered to refine designs. though there's still widespread speculation that artemis 3 will be delayed. >> and liftoff of starlink. go, falcon. go, starlink. >> reporter: it's not just lunar landers. spacex sent satellites into space in rapid-fire succession in 2023. launching on average once every four days.
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and in 2024, it's aiming even higher, shooting for launches 12 times per month. the goal is to expand its starlink internet system and blanket the globe with high-speed wi-fi. >> you see the reaction there. just moments ago they got that sample back on the ground. >> reporter: there were big cheers when a capsule full of rocks and dust parachuted back down to earth. the osiris rex mission marked the first time nasa brought samples from an asteroid back to earth. nasa hopes the particles from the metal-rich asteroid benu will help answer some of humankind's most existential questions. >> why are we doing this? because at nasa, we are trying to find out who we are, what we are, where we came from, what is our place in this vastness called the universe? >> reporter: kristin fisher,
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cnn, washington. when we come back, police are on high alert to keep new year's eve revelers safe across the globe. how new york is preparing for the famous ball drop in times square just ahead.
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♪ oscar-nominated actor tom
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wilkinson has died. a statement from his family said he passed away suddenly at home at 75 are, wife and loved ones on his side. he was a character actor with an everyman quality and a broad range. he played an unemployed steelworker who joined his down and out mates to stage a strip tease act in "the full monty." he was a lawyer who suffered a breakdown in "michael clayton," garnering a academy award nomination. his first oscar nod was for "in the bedroom." he won an emmy, a golden globe, and a bafta award in the uk. law enforcement agencies around the world are ramping up security ahead of new year's eve celebrations. new york is deploying thousands of officers with 1 million people expected to gather in times square to ring in the new year. cnn's polo sandoval is in new york with more. >> reporter: security's always extra tight here in times square ahead of new year's eve celebrations. this year authorities will be operating with a heightened alert. according to a security analysis
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obtained by cnn, a collection of law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal level including fbi, department of homeland security, nypd, saying that in light of the israel/hamas conflict, that's created a so-calalled d heatene threat environonment. specififically, u.u.s. intellil officicials are grgrowing g incrcreasingly cononcerned aboue ththreat posed by these difficu to predict lone wolf attacks. these are very simple, unsophisticated attacks similar to what we saw play out new year's eve last year, which is when an individual that would later be described by law enforcement officials as a homegrown violent extremist attacks one of those checkpoints in place, one of the reasons why they are increasing those security measures this year, according to the nypd. >> so lone wolf attacks are very tough. like you saw last year, unfortunately we had a lone wolf attack about 10:00 at night. our cops were aware of their surroundings. they reacted quickly. it's imperative that our cops be
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aware of surroundings, stand tall, and react quickly to their training. that's what we did last year. >> reporter: similar to two years past, nypd rolling out a long list of prohibited items to folks who plan to spend new year's eve in times square. items like umbrellas, large bags prohibited. mayor adams saying this year the security zone will be expanded, creating a sort of buffer zone. this in light of some concerns about possible disruptions caused by protests we've seen break out almost on an everyday basis here in new york city since the october 7th attacks. so time and time again we keep hearing from authorities who are emphasizing that there is no credible threat at the moment. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. >> you can join us new year's eve for live coverage around the clock as the world rings in the new year. special coverage begins just before midnight in sydney, australia, which is midday in london and morning in new york. it carries on throughout the day and night. the detroit pistons and
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their fans are finally breathing easier after they squeezed out a win and ended a historic 28-game losing streak. it wasn't by much, but detroit edged the toronto raptors 129-127. the pistons were in danger of having the longest losing streak in nba history. their 28-game skid tied a record set by the philadelphia 76ers. another pistons loss would have matched the longest losing streak set by the nfl chicago cardinals in the 1940s. one detroit player said he's happy to be part of a group that didn't quit. the powerball jackpot is still up for grabs in the u.s. after nobody won the massive prize in saturday's drawing. the jackpot has grown to an estimated $810 million and will likely go higher. the next drawing is set for monday, new year's day. it's been more than two months since anyone won the grand prize. that jackpot worth $1.76 billion.
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still hasn't been claimed. that wraps up this hour of "cnn newsroom. i'm kim brunhuber. please stay with us.
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1:00 am
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