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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 4, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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all right. 11 days and counting until iowa, and we are now just hours away from back-to-back town halls with governor ron desantis and nikki haley, but are they vying for just second place? donald trump asking the supreme court to review the ruling that removed him from the ballot in colorado, and how quickly could that happen? and several negotiators are getting closer to a deal on the border, but it is on a road to potentially nowhere. what the gop is insisting that has to be included that the dems probably won't go for. i'm sara sidner with john berman and kate is off. this is cnn "news central." all right. so nikki haley and ron desantis will be back-to-back town halls in iowa, and as you know, there is something called the caucus about to happen there, and have both of them been making the
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pitches to iowa voters that they are the better alternative to the republican frontrunner donald trump who is way ahead in the polls, but less than two weeks with the first of the nation iowa caucuses, does the former president pretty much loom large in the hawkeye state? jeff zeleny is live in des moines for us at the site of the town hall. what do you know? >> sara, no question that former president donald trump looms large in this case. he is back campaigning in iowa tomorrow, but in the absence, rivals have been campaigning aggressively and particularly f governor ron desantis, and what we are hearing from voters that are undecided and yes, there are still some undecided voters out there, is that donald trump is not playing by the rules by not participating in debates. this is what some voters said
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and ron desantis said last night. >> he is not willing to debate, and he is not willing to get on the stage and answer questions, and he is in mar-a-lago, and so, yes, show up and debate. he is basically making a mockery of this whole process by not showing up and answering people's questions. he doesn't think that he needs t to. >> reporter: and so they are clearly trying to make the case to the iowa voters that donald trump is not putting in as many hours or answering questions that the voters have, and of course, he has spent quite a bit of time here in iowa and back again tomorrow for events and events throughout the weekend, but those are trump big rallies and not meeting the voters one-on-one or taking questions from the voters and the question is if any of it matters. he has a commanding race, but it is the race to be the trump alternative and ron desantis and nikki haley are in a furious scramble. and 11 days to go and the
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undecided voters do exist out there, and we ran into several of them yesterday who said they are making up their minds out there between haley and desantis, and the trump voteer are locked in, and that why the town halls tonight will be so, so important. sara. >> jeff zeleny, we always love to see you, and thank you so much, and we will be checking in throughout the week. >> all right. with me now harry enten, and harry, how did iowa get to be such a big deal? >> well, how did iowa get to be such a big deal, and i love this question. because every four years and it is iowa, iowa, iowa, and this is the reason we care about iowa, because these are the folks who trail in the national polls, but they won the national nomination. jimmy carter won iowa and won the nomination. >> came out of nowhere. >> yes. and john kerry in 2004 and who could forget barack obama who
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trailed hillary clinton in 2008. >> this is explaining why it is a big deal, but every person on the screen is a democrat, and we are talking about the republican caucuses here. >> yes, we are talking about the republican caucuses, and the big gop frontrunners who lost the republican caucuses. ronald reagan, and george bush in 1980, and i was not alive for those campaigns, but you do remember them, and you can recall that these folks got scared and then new hampshire was a real race afterwards. >> in a way, the republican side, the story is who has not won or who didn't win in iowa, correct? >> correct. so if we are just generally sort of talk about iowa caucuses and how predictive they are, the iowa caucuses become the gop nominee and twice, bob dole in
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'96 and george bush in 2000 and the rest of the folks on the screen, there are a lot more who did not go on to become the nominee after winning the iowa caucuses, and ted cruz won in 2016, and donald trump didn't win iowa, but he still went on to become the nominee, so more often than not, the iowa winner on the gop side, does not in fact go on to be the nominee. >> what is donald trump's position now for the polls in iowa, and if we are looking at the historical precedent, what can we learn? >> donald trump's lead as jeff was getting to is huge. it is not only huge, it is getting bigger. so take a look here. donald trump was at 43% in october, and he is up to 51% now. he is up over 30 points ahead of the competition. there has not been an iowa frontrunner who has been in such a strong position as trump is at this point. if we are looking historically, and even the folks anywhere close to trump's position polled at 45% or greater at this point
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in the iowa caucuses walter monday, george bush, al gore, and hillary clinton and all of them went on the win the nomination, and the fact is that at this particular point, donald trump is in a strong position, and it is a position that is historically speaking, it is one who has gone on to win the nomination. guys. >> thank you for the history lesson, harry enten, and thank you for reminding everybody that i remember the 1980 caucuses. and now, joining for the bureau chief for the "boston globe" jackie kucinich and jerry hall our political correspondent, and what can nikki haley and ron desantis do to get the momentum they need? >> well, neither will get the momentum they need to go on to be the winner, but they can get the momentum to be second place.
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and the stakes are that ron desantis if he comes in third in iowa, his political career maybe not totally over, but it is going to be in a deep freeze coma. if nikki haley comes in second place, then it is going to open up what is the narrowest of paths to go into new hampshire with some momentum and that is a state that is tailor-made, and maybe the only state tailor-made for someone other than trump to prevail or at least get close to trump, and that would allow her to go into her home state of south carolina with some wind at her back, but however, south carolina is not as friendly as you'd think to the previous governor and still much more of a trump state. i don't actually see a path for either of them, but they are fighting for second place, because trump is so dominating the race and continues to dominate. in fact, i did a focus group with the iowa voters this week, and i asked them if there is anything that would turn them off of donald trump, and one said, well, if he did something
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extreme like died or murdered somebody, and this is the only thing that would make them not vote for him and one of the other candidates and everyone in the group was more or less for donald trump, and they more or less believed that donald trump would be the nominee coming out of iowa. >> and so, jackie kucinich, you are hearing something that sara said there that, yes, he is maybe fighting for second place, but ron desantis is maybe fighting for his political future here. there is the "time's" article that came out talking about hospice care and you want to keep the patient comfortable, and how much does he need to be concerned about what happens to him even if he does not win the nomination? >> yeah, you don't want quotes like that particularly if you are running for president and a couple of week before iowa, but certainly, john, ron desantis has positioned himself particularly coming into the race as the next big thing when it comes to republican politics. he wanted to be the leader of
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the party, the uk is ses sor to donald trump, and it just has not worked out that way for him. so going forward, if you do lose, yes, we have seen people run for president again later, but it is just, really, he has put so much on this, and particularly in iowa, he has spent so much time, and so much money, and presented this monstrosity of the campaign apparatus going in that it is somewhere that he absolutely has to come in second, like sara said, just to keep going forward. and frankly to keep his reputation intact within the republican party. >> sara, you said that you have been doing focus groups, and this is going to be the town halls will have questions from the iowa voter, and what are some of the questions that actually matter to the republican voter right now? >> well, on ron desantis, when i was listening to the iowa voters, one thing that seemed like ron desantis had given up
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and like he was depressed and too far behind and it is brutal for him. but what i think is that the voters care about and the two issues that i hear the most is economy and immigration, and what is tough for the other candidates is that on the two issues, the republican voters and especially the primary voters they believe that trump did a good job on those two issues. they like that he bucked the establishment. and republican voteers have changed a lot over the last decade. they both were changing and donald trump captured something, and then he accelerated that change. one of the difficulties for nikki haley and ron desantis is that the voters view them as sort of establishment candidates, and so they are sort of distrustful of them in a way that when they are looking at trump, they know what they are getting, and they like his record, and while for me, personally, i look at him and say, boy, this guy did a coup last time and existential threat to democracy and more or less
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the voters say, fate de compli, and he did a good job, and i will vote for him again. >> and they are criticizing him for not debating, jackie, and it is not debating him for the core of issues that sarah was bringing up, but chris christie is spending money with his campaign in new hampshire with that issue, and listen to this ad from chris christie. >> i have an admission to make, eight years ago when i decided to endorse donald trump for president, i did it, because he was winning and i thought that i could make him a better candidate and president, and well, i was wrong, i made a mistake. >> it is interesting to hear that kind of message and whether or not you think that chris christie has a chance there, you don't normally hear something like that from a political candidate. >> it is true, and he has been saying that in the interviews, and the fact that he has been saying that -- >> jackie and sarah, please
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standby, and we have been talking about iowa, but we have breaking news out of iowa. there are reports of a shooting at perry high school in perry, iowa, about 20 miles northwest of des moines, and a 40-minute drive and the reports are coming from the "des moines register" and the associated press, and veronica miracle is watching developments for us. veronica, what are you learning? >> still very few details confirmed, but what we can say is that right now the des moines area community college put out a statement saying it is aware of an active violent situation that occurred at perry high school this morning. the statement saying that the perry center, of course, the nearby center is closed for classes. what we know about this small community district is that it serves about 1,800 students, and about 25 miles northwest of des moines.
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today was the first day back after the holiday break. we are still waiting to confirm details as we await more. back to you. >> all right. veronica miracle, again, we are watching this develop. it would have been the first day back at school for students in perry, iowa. obviously, a great deal of focus on iowa right now, because of the caucuses, but this is going to turn i think that focus elsewhere as we are seeing all of the police activity in perry, about 20, 25 miles northwest of des moines. we are getting new details in h here. as we get more information and waiting for official word from the police there and the school officials as we are waiting for official word, and we will get it to as soon as we get it there. again, reports of a shooting at a high school in perry, iowa. our coverage continues right after this.
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just as a lot of the candidates are there for the town halls and the caucuses, breaking news out of iowa. there are reports of a shooting at perry high school out of
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perry, iowa, and that is coming from the associated press and the des moines register. the sheriff's facebook page is reporting that multiple law enforcement and medical staff are on sitement and you can see the law enforcement for yourself. there is a high number of officers there, and the site is secured and the dallas county -- which is the county and not city -- and that is releasing more information as available, but right now, this is active scene. you are seeing the video from a few minutes ago. cnn and i think that we will be hearing from a police officer -- correct? is that what you told me? >> we have sound from a police officer on the ground. >> we will do the best to get you something at 10:00, if you can be patient, and as soon as the sargent and i can get any information or somebody over here, we will get it to you. thank you. >> obviously, that is about an
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hour ago, and so we are expecting to hear from them very, very shortly and at this point in time, we don't know about injuries, and we do not know exactly what happened just yet, but there is a reported shooting on the first day of school. and over to cnn law enforcement analyst charles ramsey, and nevermind all of the accolades as an officer and chief, but thank you for being here, charles. charles, when you are hearing first of all a huge police presence outside of the school, and secondly, there has been a shooting, and this is first day of high school back there in perry, iowa, what are your thoughts? >> well, obviously, it is not the way to start the new year for sure, and it is, again, it is very troubling. you know, you get a sick feeling whenever you hear that sort of thing that you have children that, you know, the safest place they should have is actually a school setting, but the reality in today's world, that is no
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longer the case, and hopefully we don't have serious injuries in that case, and you can see the mass presence and the police are not denying some shooting took place, but the question is to what extent are the injuries and how many people are affected. so we will find out as soon as they can give us information, but, again, it is always troubling when you see something like this. >> what we do know is that law enforcement is going to hold a news conference at 11:00 eastern and 10:00 central, and that is about 40 minutes from now, and that is when we could learn new details from perry high school, and the facebook page of the county, and they say that the high school is secured, chief. what are you reading into that, again, as we are seeing the enormous police presence there, and we hear that there was a shooting. >> if the school is considered to be secured, that means either that person who is responsible for the shooting is either in custody or deceased.
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one or the other. they gave no information that the community at large was at risk, because the individual fled the location. so that statement alone tells me that you have either have a personal live in custody or dead on the scene. >> again, as i noted the police department there will hold a news conference at 11:00 eastern time, and in less than an hour, we will have much more information as we were discussing there, they do say that the high school is secured which means that it is not an active situation. that is all we know right now. >> that is the one bit of good news here, and there is a lot of things that we don't know, and we don't know if it is inside the school or outside of the school, and we do know a huge presence there with the police, and we will hear a lot more details at 11:00. i do want to ask you when you are looking at this scene, and you know that it is the first day of school, and about this potential shooter and what their thought process might have been knowing that this is the first
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day of school, and it is like somebody potentially waited to do whatever damage they want to do at the school. >> well, i mean, it is difficult to say, and you don't want to speculate too much on something like this, and if it is a student, and if it is an outsider or if it is a member of the staff that is involved in this at all, and until we get more information, it is going to be very, very difficult, and clearly, if in fact, there was a situation in the school that was an incident that was in the school, they waited for the first day, because that is when the people would be active at the scene. so it is looking like targeted and not random, and so, you know, someone intended to do this on the first day of school, and again, that is speculation, and we don't have very much information at all right now. >> walk us through, chief, what should or does happen after law enforcement gets first reports of a shooting at a school like
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this. >> well, with the current active shooter training, officers are trained to immediately enter school. to try to minimize the number of people seriously injured as a result of the shooting. localize the shooter and neutralize the threat, and that is how they are trained now. that happened after columbine, and where the procedures for the police changed dramatically and you no longer wait for the swat teams to arrive and you have to take immediate action and in the meantime, other responding officers will secure the scene, establish a perimeter, evacuate individuals from the school. you always have to be careful to make sure that shooter is not among those leaving the school, but get the kids and the faculty to safety as soon as they can. and someone is setting up a reunification center someplace, so that the parents once they hear this, they will be flooding
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the area, and that i can have a location to reunite with the children. so you have a lot of things going on right now, but the most important thing is to neutralize the shooter, if this is in fact a active shooter situation, and nothing more important than that, and render aid to anyone who is injured as result of the shooting. >> we have learned that the school has canceled the classes for the rest of the day, which is the normal course of events time and time again as we see in this country as to school shootings, whether they were injured or not, the trauma goes on here. this is a small town. it is a town of about 7,800 people. it is 40 minutes or so drive from des moines, iowa, the big city. and when you have something happen in a smaller place, and i know that you from a large city,
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yourself, but it does have a wide-reaching impact, doesn't it, not just the student, and the staff and the families, but also on law enforcement. >> well, it does. everyone knows everyone else. some of the officers responding may very well have children who attend that high school. so, a small town like that, no doubt, this is something that has a huge impact, and it is going to have able pact on a community large or small, but in a small community, more people directly impacted by the shooting than in a big city perhaps. one other thing about the school in addition to canceling classes, you have to remember that this is a crime scene if in fact a shooting took place, and so that scene has to be secured and that school would be shutdown until the officers at the crime scene operators released the scene. >> chief, standby, if you will for a minute. senior producer erin ellish is
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there, and providing live shot here, and we will hear aaron's voice as he continues to film this, and will you please describe the scene there of what you are seeing. >> yeah, hey, john, it is a very calm scene -- and here in perry, and orderly evacuation, and what appears to be some staff, and by the time i arrived on the scene, it seemed to be secure as we have reported. lots of law enforcement personnel. as i came over here, i was coming to an event in perry where there is an event going on in the community, but as i was driving up, we saw the law enforcement personnel, and emergency medical personnel and multiple, and dozens and dozens
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of cars from west des moines, and polk county, and dallas county, and numerous nearby counties responding to perry, iowa, and you will see urbandale police as i pan the shot over responding to the scene, and that is a suburb of des moines. this town is, as sara mentioned a moment ago, it is a small town. so the amount of law enforcement personnel responding to the scene and being pulled from other places, is about 45 minutes from des moines. the scale here is of law enforcement is pretty significant, but in terms of the at fear, it seems to be pretty stable, and pretty calm at the moment, and they seem to have a good handle on things, john. >> aaron, any medical personnel that you are seeing, and any signs of victims, helicopters
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and the like? >> no. no helicopters, and no ambulances or emt personnel on the scene. i have seen at the site since i have gotten here, but on the way to the scene, i saw a couple of ambulances driving the other way, and one from dallas county, and one from greene county with ambulances driving, and obviously having been in the area, in the high school or i should say driving away from the scene. we have seen that. but as of now, you can see my shot here, and we are not seeing that here. >> and we were talking to chief ramsey, and when law enforcement says -- what was it? >> secured.
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>> and that the likelihood is that the shooter or shooters have been taken into custody or have been neutralized or have been killed. so we will try to get more information and we will try to get it in the next 30 minutes now, and around 11:00, there will be a press conference. i am curious, because i am seeing the police sort of walking very calmly, which gives you sense that things are not heightened. that is looking like officers from all over the place, and they were heavily, heavily armed. can you, can you tell us again what they have there, because it seems they have pulled in law enforcement from all over the place. >> yes, many of the cars are well equipped and many of the cars are official local police departments, and i will show you the urbandale police car parked in front of me, and some
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officers being done in the police clear, and you will see the police officers in commando or camo, and the shot is right next to the iowa national guard building, and so there is some iowa national guard folks as well who were in the area responding. i am seeing is some mill ing an you will see the officers in my shot walk around, and well quipped but there does not seem to be some weapons there obviously, too. it does not seem over ly seem t be overly aggressive from what i can see. >> this is adaron pellish who i
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at the high school. and so what we know there has been a shooting at the perry high school in perry, iowa, on the first day back in class. with the time difference, it seems that the shooting happened before classes began, and whoever did the shooting opened fire as people were arriving. it happened pretty early. we also know or were told by officials there that the situation is now secure. as sara pointed out and as chief ramsey pointed out, it means one two things, that the shooter or shooters are in custody or the shooter or shooters have been neutralized. so this is no longer looking like an active situation though very much a crime scene. aaron pellish who is on the ground there, our producer, says it seems controlled and there is no medical personnel that he can see in view, and this is important on the way there, he did see the ambulances traveling
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in the other direction, and so very, very possible that victim or victims are being transported to local hospitals now. that is the breaking news. chief charles ramsey is still with us now. and chief, you were listening to aaron pellish describe the situation there and what he is seeing before him, and what is that all telling you? >> well, looking at the posture of the officers, the threat is clearly no longer present at the scene, and you can tell that in the way they are acting and the fact that you had a couple of ambulances leaving the scene, and again, as you mentioned, you can assume that they are carrying injured individuals to a hospital. we don't know if the person responsible for the shooting is one of the persons, but if that is the case, you would have seen the police vehicles following
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ambulances, and we don't know much right now, and i am sure there is a unified command set up, and lot of agencies responding, and in that way, you are coordinating what needs to take place from this point on, but it is kind of looking like the situation has pretty much resolved and now it is just finding out what took place. >> according to the gun archive this is now the fourth gun incident violence at a school, and i can't believe that it is -- this year, january 4th. four. it is confounding that we have to deal with this and these poor students and families and teachers and staff every single year, and usually at least every almost everyday. but i want to ask you about what we heard from aaron pellish talking about the agencies coming together, and because this is a small town, it must not surprise you that there is a lot of mutual aid, and how does that work?
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there has to be a ton of coordination, isn't there? >> there is a lot of coordination, and agencies have memorandum agreements that they sign, and they train together, so they know exactly, you know, what the policies and procedures are. you never know which jurisdictions specifically are going to be the one impacted directly by an event like this. and so all of the other agencies are going to be prepared to respond wherever they need. and when you have small towns like this, they do not have a large police department, and so it is not realistic to believe they could respond by themselves and handle an entire serious scene. that is why it is very important that the agencies have mutual aid agreements and that they train together and that they have the right equipment and policies in place to be able to deal with anything that they need to deal with. that is also including the emergency medical as well. they probably have similar moas
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in place, and so if there is a large number of ambulances needed, they would be available, and any hospital in the area, and i don't know if they have any level i trauma centers nearby, but certainly, they plan and train as well. they know the surge capacity of each hospital, so that if you had multiple injuries how many people any one facility could handle. there is a lot of things that goes into these things, and regular drills that take place. and unfortunately, the kids in school just like they had fire drills in our time, they have active shooter drills. it is ridiculous. >> yeah, it is. and i have seen some of those, and it is terrifying. that is just part of going to school now. thank you so much, charles ramsey. thank you to aaron pellish our producer shooting all of the pictures live this morning, and we wanted to reiterate there has been a shooting in and or around
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perry high school which is a 40 minutes drive from des moines. you can see it there. and we are waiting to see what the status of the shooter and the students and the faculty and the community is. we will be hearing in the nex 209 or so minutes there from the police. we will be back with many more details as soon as we get them. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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have really surrounded the school. they have been very calm in the last hour or so. we are told that the situation has been secured, which likely means according to all of the analysts that the shooter has been neutralized or has been taken into custody. so we don't know if it is one or two or how many, but we know that a shooting has occurred on the very first day of school there in perry, iowa, and the high school parents, and the staff are now dealing with that. now, the school is going to be closed for rest of the day, because it is also a school day. >> and now, also, we are learning that china has spent $5.4 million at donald trump properties while he was in office, and this is stemming from a investigation of whether or not he profited from the time in office which is a no-no.
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we bring in zachary cohen, and the report just came down, and can you give us the details that you found, and what stood out to you? >> yes, this report is based on documents from trump's former accounting firm that show that his properties, the properties that he owns and did not divest before taking office received payments in the millions of dollars from 20 different foreign countries, and the largest total amount of payments came from the chinese government and state-owned chinese companies, and that totaled to $5.5 million over the course of trump's tenure as president. and this is raising concern that the payments were an attempt to influence the trump administration's foreign policy, and actually an article in the constitution, or a section of the constitution and that is specific to prevent that from happening, and donald trump bucked the trend, and bucked the norms of the office, and so the
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democratic office has been investigating him for seven years now, and they have been pointing to a number of, not coincidences, but drawing a link of the timing of the payments and certain foreign-policy decisions that ran counter to what republicans were urging trump to do at the time. >> zachary cohen thank you for bringing us the break news, and we will check in with you and more of the information that you get. breaking news on the legal front of donald trump. they are asking the judge to sanction jack smith by not responding to filings, and what is going on here, paula reid? >> here the trump team is asking for jack smith to be sanctioned
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about the case, and asked that any immunity be infused throughout the trialment and in the past, she has halted any substantive proceedings, continue to make the filings, and how certain defenses trump used, or should have worked without pause, and one to reasons that this is happening is because jack smith wants to bring this case to trial before the election, and while it is on pause is baht and then they can go to trial, but that is not how the trump team sees it. they say it is political, and
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that the smith team is trying to score some cheap political fuel. they they are try turn the docket into an arm of the biden campaign. i don't know how she bants this and so, this is one to watch. >> all right. paula, we will. and paula, keep us posted here. again, breaking news this morning. again, a shooting in perry high school in perry, iowa, 20 miles northwest of des moines, and you are looking at the law enforcement and we are waiting word on perhaps if there were victims, and if so, how many. we arere awawaiting a prpress conferenence in a a few minunutd our breakiking news inin just
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all right. the breaking news a shooting at perry high school in perry, iowa, and that information is coming from the "des moines register" and the associated
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press. dallas county is where perry, iowa is. the facebook page is reporting that multiple law enforcement and medical staff are on site. we can see that. a huge law enforcement presence there, and the facebook page says that the site has been secured. that is important. the site has been secured. we are expecting a news conference ten minutes from now. of course, we are bring it to you live the minute it happens. >> and we should mention this is about 40 miles or a 40-minute drive from des moines, iowa, and this is where the closest trauma one center was, and it is the local mau center to get that kind of care. we should also mention that certainly everyone and let's go town to the senior law
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enforcement analyst and i believe we have juliette kayyen with us, and oh, we have just andrew mccabe with us. and so this is going to be the fourth mass shooting at a school this year according to the archives ark and it is january 4th. we have been through this before, and looking at the scene and which it is looking like now, filled with police cars, and pandemonium, and hearing that it is secured, what does tell you has happened here likely? >> sure. i am sure that many of the cnn viewers have picked up on the clues already, because we have the experience of watching these mass shooter incidents here and around the country. what you are seeing here is the backend, the peak of activity and concern and of threats has
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passed. we know that, because there are not additional vehicles pulling up to the scene. you don't see the law enforcement officers hopping out of the vehicles and arming themselves and putting on the body armor and running into the scene. you don't see a whole stream of ambulances coming in and out at this point, and that may have happened earlier. so, it very much seems that the scene and intensive investigation which of course begins with collecting evidence and preserving the ed at the scene. that is what i suspect is going on at the site of the shooting inside of the school. >> and again, a press conference here just a few minutes away where we could get some information from the possible victims ark and you can imagine that the families are standing
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on edge wanting to learn anything about this. and there is a fet and what can you el us? >> is this all or what is the best way to look at this? >> yes, that is the best way the describe it. here in washington, and when you have a huge prolease from multiple agencies is that one of the main things is that the officers dispatch to the scene, and it blocks to access for things like ambulances and rescue crews and things of that nature, but it is not the case here, because it is almostm and law enforcement fears that is
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what is happening now, and i feel that after having been with the fbi, i know that the law enforcement teams have a ton of experience in responding to mass shootings in localities across the country, and they can collect the evidence, and do these 360-degree photographs and analysis of bullet trajectories and positions of victims and officials, and that adoes not seem to be the case here, and of course we don't know. the shooter may be dead on the scene, but there is a lot of investigation going on, and the authorities are offering technology and personnel to
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assist that. >> yeah, and looking at the scene right now, i think that all of us as we have been watching this, us americans, and us people who have been out there on the scenes, and john, you have been out there on the scenes as well as myself and you, too, andrew, things are looking calm. they are looking very abnormal, because it is surrounded by police, but there is a calmness that you are seeing where the officers are very much where i saw an officer take off a gun, and put it in the back of his car, and they have been told, stand down. now, there are other important work happening, but the active shooter idea is neutralized, is over. but there is a lot more work to do, and what is and you can understand how it is getting out, but the texting, and the contact between parents is daunting, and it hans so many times in our country, and do you see a moment when we do something about it.
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i know, i know, but i just plooe it is so hard to see this happen again four days into this year, 2024. >> yeah, i mean, you are absolutely right, sara, and there is that moment of quiet that settles over the people at the scene once the immediate threat of the shooting has passed, but it is also a moment of solemnity and those officers are realizing that maybe it is the first scene like this or maybe the sixth or the tenth or whatever it may be, and it is an awful place to be. it takes you are right to and as far as the threat today in america, and the threat is that every single one of us in this country, you have to consider that you might be in a mass shooting, a shooting of some sort any time you go to the grocery, so hospital, the
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synagogue, send your places that you go to meet your friends, and it does happen anywhere. the majority of americans support common sense gun safety laws, but the members of congress will not, and have not and show no willingness to take this important issue up, and until they do, we will do nothing, and we'll keep meeting on here at cnn and other outlets and discussing the next mass shooting. >> andy, stick around. in a few moments, we will be hearing from the law enforcement from perry, iowa. the situation there is now secure. much more information after the
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