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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 4, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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on the first day back, from
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christmas break, a shooting at an iowa high school. multiple people hurt. break down the latest details. we are also following rising tensions in the middle east. ice is now claiming responsibility for a twin deadly explosion in iran. the u.s. targets pro arana militia operating in baghdad. covering all the angles in the religion -- >> iowa voters asked nikki haley and ron desantis the tough questions in back-to-back cnn's town halls. we're tracking the candidates and what they have to do for second place. following major developing stories and many more, coming into news central. hello i'm brianna keilar here with boris sanchez in washington. we are not even a week into the
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new year and already a school shooting devastating one midwest community. there are multiple gunshot victims at paris high school in iowa, according to the dallas county sheriff. it is not clear how severe the injuries are or if any victims have died. >> to area medical facilities say they are treating multiple patients from the shooting. a law enforcement source tells the cnn that the shooter is dead. cnn producer erin pella is live at the scene in paris, iowa. the sheriff making clear that it took place before the classes kicked off before the day started. what happened? >> that's right, boris, at 7:37, just before classes started this morning, law enforcement got an alert that there was a shooting at perry high schools, just behind me. now, we have learned that the des moines area hospitals, des moines is about 45 minutes from, here are treating multiple gunshot victims from the
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incident here at the high school. cnn is also learning, as you mentioned, that the shooter at this incident is dead. now there are obviously many families in this community who are shaken and who are rattled by this incident. let's take a listen to one woman who is a stepmother of a student here at perry high school who spoke to our affiliate, kcci in des moines about the incident. a bullet grazed her stepdaughter. let's take a listen. >> it was a text message this morning from my daughter and it was absolutely horrifying. my goodness. one of the worst moments of my entire life [crying] the best moment i got was saying that they were okay. >> reporter: now, we don't know much else about what happened here but we do expect to learn more later today at 4:00 eastern, 3:00 local time. law enforcement will be briefing the media with more
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details. the iowa governor, kim reynolds, will be attending the briefing. boris? erin, thank you, we will be waiting for those details. certainly we think it will be -- antony blinken is about to leave for the middle east in a multi nation diplomatic push. it's actually his fourth trip. he has been heading there so often, his fourth trip to the region here since the attacks on october 7th by hamas in israel. this may be his most critical visit yet. today, the terror group, i.s.i.s., claiming responsibility for the deadliest attack in iran in nearly 45 years. two explosions killing more than 80 people and injuring nearly 300 on wednesday at a memorial for military commander, soleimani. >> israel's defense minister tells u.s. officials that the window is closing for a diplomatic solution with hezbollah on its northern border with lebanon. in the meantime, in iraq, drone strike today killed the commander of an iraq-backed militia that was operating in
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baghdad. the defense official tells cnn that the member of the iranian proxy group with, quote, u.s. blood on its hands was targeted. cnn chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt, joins us now. alex, first break down this claim from i.s.i.s. that they are responsible for the twin blasts in iran. >> hi boris and breonna. after this attack happened yesterday, u.s. officials had told us that it had all the hallmarks of an i.s.i.s. attack, in terms of how it was carried out with the explosives and the high civilian death toll. now we have this claim of responsibility by i.s.i.s.. they say it was carried out by two suicide bombers using suicide vests. in fact, they say the bombers were brothers themselves. the statement by i.s.i.s., this claim saying that it was directed at what they called polytheists near the grave of their dead leader, qassem soleimani, of course iran's most powerful military leader. it was the fourth anniversary
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of his death yesterday. you had all these mourners gathering of his grave site. this was really a classic sectarian i.s.i.s. attack. this was a major target of opportunity with so many people gathered at soleimani's grave site. highly symbolic, directed by this sunni terror group against this most powerful shiite country in the region. soleimani symbolized more than anybody, perhaps, the military power of iran. he was backing and supporting iranian-backed groups all across the region. in fact, he would often fight with i.s.i.s. and other affiliate groups there in the region. this does have all the hallmarks of an i.s.i.s. attack. the u.s. very quickly yesterday saying that the u.s. had no responsibility and that israel had no responsibility. iran is always quick to blame israel. given the high tension in the region, the u.s. want to make clear that israel did not have any responsibility.
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>> alex marquardt. thank you for that report. let's bring in cnn,'s jeremy diamond, live for us from tel aviv. jeremy, what more can you tell us about this warning from the israeli defense minister on escalating tensions on the border with lebanon? >> well, there have been continued skirmishes between the israeli military and hezbollah forces on the lebanese side of the border. and amid all of, that there has been an intense round of diplomacy, american diplomacy where they are trying to prevent the skirmishes from turning into a wider conflict between israel and hezbollah. also to try to search for a longer term solution. that is indeed the message that israeli officials delivered to this envoy for president biden who arrived in israel today for these meetings to try to de-escalate the situation, both the defense minister as well as the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, both telling hochstein that they
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want to find a diplomatic solution to prevent the situation from -- they will see the return of those 80,000 israeli civilians which had to be displaced from the northern part of israel from that border with lebanon to allow them to return to their homes and to have a situation where there are not these constant exchanges of fire across the border. those 80,000 people have been bringing to bear a lot of pressure on the israeli government to allow them to return to their homes and to allow them to return to their jobs and their economic activity in that area. but for now that is impossible because of the fact that we are continuing to see not only these exchanges of fire but also, of course, as israel appears to have taken this targeted strike in the suburbs of beirut against a senior hamas leader in recent days, risking the possibility of some kind of escalation. for now, the escalation does not seem to be in -- we've seen the regular
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exchanges of fire continue but nothing broader. so now the defense minister saying that the window of time for that diplomacy to take effect, to be able to achieve some kind of a longer lasting security and peace across the border, that that window of time is closing. and netanyahu telling hawk scene, according to the israeli prime minister's office, that whether through diplomacy or another way that those civilians will eventually return to those areas -- that israel will reestablish some sense of security for those individuals. of course a lot of bluster there and very much hinting at the possibility of a military solution to this problem if diplomacy fails. >> jeremy diamond, live for us in tel aviv. thank you so much. let's take you now to the pentagon with cnn's natasha bertrand. natasha, you are learning more about the u.s. drone strike that killed the iranian-backed commander in iran. >> yes, boris. adding to all of these tensions that were just laid out there across the middle east, the u.s. has confirmed, according
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to three defense officials, that the u.s. conducted a strike on a vehicle inside baghdad that was killed airing a commander of a iran-backed militia group as well as another member of the militia group. both were killed according to officials. this is the second time in just over a week that the u.s. has conducted these kinds of strikes inside iraq, targeting these iran-backed militants. the iraqi government has expressed extreme displeasure with the u.s. strikes, saying they violate iraq's sovereignty. it's unclear whether the u.s. consulted with the iraqi government before carrying out the strike. it shows you how determined the u.s. is to retaliate against all of the attacks we are seeing by these iran-backed groups on u.s. and coalition forces across iraq and syria. despite the protest from iraqi government, they have moved forward with the strike saying, quote, the u.s. is taking action to protect our forces in iraq and syria by addressing the threats that they face. to provide some context here,
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there have been over 115 hacks by these iran-backed proxy militias across iraq and syria against u.s. and coalition forces. just as october 17th it over the last two months or so. these attacks have shown no signs of abating. just last week the u.s. retaliated against an iran-backed strike that heard u.s. service members and left one in critical condition. the u.s. now, of course, continuing to say that they are going to keep weighing these positions strikes. keep retaliate-ing and trying to deter these groups from launching additional attacks in the future. so far the threats and retaliations have not worked. >> we will see if there is further escalation. natasha bertrand, thank you for the report. still ahead on cnn news central, 11 days and counting until the iowa caucuses. we are now just hours away from back to back town halls with governor, ron desantis inductee haley. more on the battle for second place. >> plus, can former president trump be disqualified from running for president?
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he is urging the supreme court to settle the matter once and for all. will the high court take the case? how quickly will this move? senate digging in on what to do at the u.s. southern border. are lawmakers getting closer to a deal? the house gop is insisting we included and what they do if they don't get it.
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in 11 days, we will eventually know they are come of the first contest in the 2024 republican primary campaign, the iowa caucuses. former president trump maintaining a senior in late in the hawkeye state. recent polls show a significant majority of. report counteroffensives and nikki haley are working very hard, trying to trim on that margin. tonight they will take center stage at a pair of cnn town hall, taking questions stray from iowa caucus goers, making their pitches face to face. >> let's go there live now a cnn steve bitterest. eve, haley and desantis really laying into one another with just days left in the race, more so than attacking front-runner, donald trump. break down the thinking here for these two campaigns. >> boris and bring on of the thinking is there are 11 days until the first republicans are gonna weigh in on this nominating fight. we still do not have a clear
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alternative to donald trump. there are still persuadable people at this point. the hope is by going at each other they might be other get enough support documentary will that they are that alternative. you are going to hear from some of those undecided and persuadable republican tonight. they will have a chance to directly ask ron desantis in the key haley some of their concerns. for haley and desantis, there are competing goals out of tonight. and out of iowa, in general. rhonda santa test data lot of his campaign on getting strong outcome here. nikki haley has put a lot more effort into new hampshire. doesn't necessarily need a big result next monday in iowa. in fact, she said the quiet part out loud at a new hampshire town hall yesterday. take a listen to what she said. >> we have an opportunity to get this right. i know we will get it right. i trust you. i trust every single one of you. you know how to do this.
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you know iowa starts. you know you correct it. you know you continue -- [laughter] [applause] >> and then my sweet state of south carolina brings at home. that is what we do! >> reporter: desantis took issue with this description of iowa caucus goers. listen to what he said this morning on iowa radio station. >> i think she is trying to provide an excuse for not doing well. her allies in her has been huge amounts of money here. a lot of this money is coming from the liberal donors on wall street, and california. these are people who have supported liberal democrats in the past. they are gravitating towards nikki haley because they know she's not gonna change anything. >> desantis talked about the money spent in the three.
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$115 million in iowa alone on. abdullah them have been negative against desantis from nikki have people in trump people. desantis has been on the airwaves with negative ads about haley, as well. the super pac seven spending quite a bit here. that is not going to change over the next 11 days. boris and breonna? >> we look forward to hearing from both of them. steve guitar, no thank you very much. another friendly reminder, governor round status and nikki haley will take questions directly from voters and back-to-back events night. the cnn presidential town halls, moderated by kaitlan collins in erin burnett, live nine eastern right here on cnn. as trump's rivals going offense in iowa, the former presidents launching a new legal offensive. he is asking in federal judge in his election subversion case to hold special counsel jack smith in contempt. it cases on hold pending appeals. trump's defense lawyers argued that smith has violated up caused by submitting more filings. cnn chief legal affairs
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correspondent, paula reid, joining us now. walk us through this readiest -- , paula. >> hear trump to your team is objecting to the fact the prosecutors continue for motions and do things in this case even though it is on hold. they are doing a lot. they worked through the holidays. they were making filings. trying to limit defenses trump could put on. they tried to submit discovery. some defense attorneys might say, okay, great i will get a preview of what you're going to be up to. they are not seeing like. this they see this political. they are accusing the special counsel trying to score cheap political points. turning the case into an arm of the biden campaign by making these arguments, many of which are very critical former president trump. judge chutkan who oversees this case has put all substantive proceedings on hold. it is unclear on how they want to respond to this. she might say it's fine if they want to slip -- but jack smith's said he's
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doing this because he wants this case to go to trial before 2024. this may be on pause, they were resolve large questions in the court of appeals they hope that it will be resolved in his favor when it's over he wants everything lined up so you can push this forward as quickly as possible. >> on another legal front for the former resident he's looking for relief on the supreme court on the colorado supreme court decision to remove him the primary ballot. what kind of timeline are looking at for resolution. ? the >> supreme court does what it wants when it wants. the one thing that everyone involved in this case agrees on his time is of the essence. you have the colorado republican party, trump lawyers, the voters who brought a challenge agree native sieging quickly. particularly the voters who filed the challenge. they have asked the supreme court to make a decision on friday at the regular conference about whether they are going to take this up or not. and then how long does it take them to make a decision? see my previous comment. they do what they want, when they won. there is an open question about when they will schedule oral arguments.
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notably the trump lawyers in their petition did not ask for or argument, they asked for a quick review. for them to just overturn the call out of supreme court. it is unclear how long it will take to hear them case, to consider. what they decide? they can go 12 doorways. let me tell you, this is certainly the biggest test of chief justice john roberts career. these two petitions from the colorado republican party for trump's arriving at a core that is still reeling from scandals, some controversial decisions including overturning roe. he is gonna be under enormous pressure not just to take this case but to try to build consensus and come up with some sort of narrow ruling that doesn't look partisan but also doesn't look like they are favoring trump. it is an enormous task. we do not know when they are going to tell us what they're doing. that is just how they roll. >> that is going to stick in my brain. the way you said the. they do what they want when they won. >> story of my life.
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>> the coda back. that, politic you so much for taking to. that let's bring in this former senior adviser for the trump 2020 campaign, jason osborne. and former communication director for vice president harris, jamal simmons. none of these legal issue seems to have affected trump primary polling so far. he is really using all of this to his advantage. it is his campaign, or should it be, worried that it will have an effect on the general election? >> for sure. for a couple of reasons. one is, how much money are they spending to actually defend themselves from these cases? and then two, when are we gonna start seeing some movement in terms of judgments? i don't know if we will see any of that before the election? there is enough going on right now in each of these cases that there is a little bit of truth that trump can point to. this is conspiratorial. this is election interference. but it is giving his base, at least, enough pause voters say, wait until everything is settled.
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right now we are gonna stay with him. >> jason, staying with you, iowa and 11 days. new hampshire governor chris sununu predicted that nikki haley would shock everyone insecure second place there. do you see that happening? >> actually i was just up in new hampshire yesterday. not for a campaign but it seems to me this she certainly has the momentum in new hampshire. her comments last night in that town hall debate or not inaccurate. if you look at the last three caucus votes in iowa the winner there did not win in new hampshire. it probably wasn't the best time to make that statement but i certainly see the momentum going her way in new hampshire. i think in iowa, i still believe that desantis has the organization on the ground to be able to pull off some pretty big numbers there. certainly i think donald trump is in the league in both cases. >> jamal, here we are just
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ahead of the third anniversary of january 6th. president biden will be delivering a speech on american democracy. he has been running these ads that position trump to a threat to democracy. do you think that is the strongest opening argument for him? >> it is absolutely the strongest opening argument. for the most part because it is the argument that joe biden made when he announced he was running for president way back in 2019. one thing that we know about presidential candidates that are successful is they tend to make the same argument throughout their career. think about barack obama. he made a speech at the 2004 democratic convention that was race similar to the way he carried his presidency for the rest of the time he was in office. when you talk about hope, you talk about the democracy being at stake, this conversation about donald trump, perhaps, getting a monument. some by call them bribes. it is a very fundamental thing. when i was at the white house, we got so many trainings about
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what was acceptable, was not was acceptable. what you could take, what the gift limit words. the president didn't seem very conscious of it, at all. i've heard from people from outside the white house during the trump years of people believe that the president was very aware of who is staying at its hotels and he wasn't. it might not be that they were necessarily getting a full-on favor staying at a hotel. imagine if you didn't stay at the hotel in one of your opponents did. it is sort of like a presidential tip jar. you can give the bouncer huddles underway in the door, you might not get a good seat. >> we also wanted to ask about former speaker, nancy pelosi. she spoke with dana bash earlier today regarding the democracy argument. i'm wondering from your perspective, jamal, she says that argument needs to be connected to kitchen table issues. how does the biden camp to that exactly? so many people don't believe the economy is working for them. >> i think people will begin to
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see some things in the economy over the course of this year that are gonna be different. for instance, from much of 2021, 2022, inflation was outpacing wages. now we are seeing wages are outpacing inflation. people are going to have a little bit more money in their hands and they did before. we are seeing some targeted relief in terms of student loans. i talk to someone yesterday who had $100,000 relieved by president biden in some of the targeted student loan relief. gas prices are also going down. it just takes time for these things to work through the system. i think that is what the menstruation is trying to do. the advertising campaign? we are going to hear a lot more from people in their own voices that having a politician say you are doing okay. hearing from friends and neighbors that they are doing okay you probably are too. >> jason, what do you think biden's most effective messaging against trump's? >> i think this election is
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gonna come down, quite frankly, to the economy there is no question about it. today what we have seen from this administration, to what jamal saying if people are telling us how they are doing individually. that doesn't necessarily work because the economy affects everybody individually right? if someone else is telling the consumer that the economy is great but they are not feeling it then they are not gonna believe it and i think the deletes the message he missed ration is putting out. if what jamal the saying is true and people start feeling that they are able to spend a little more money, or they are able to save a little more money than i think they are going to stir gravitating back towards biden trump, if he is the nominee, needs to confront ahead on and go back to you, during his term, how good the economy was. >> jason osborne, jamal simmons, we will have to leave the conversation there. >> excuse me, before we go. one more thing. democracy and abortion are
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going to be on this ballot. we saw in 2022 very compelling issues for the electorate. >> all right. jamal simmons, it's not. warren thanks again. >> still plenty more news to come on new central. health republicans threatening a government shutdown if their demands on the border are not met. what they are demanding as a budget themselves.
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to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs
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and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. the biden administration in suing texas over a controversial new immigration law that gives local offered spent the authority to arrest people they suspect being migrants. it also gives judges the ability to remove them to mexico. >> justice department argues that this law undercuts the federal government. live for us at the white house. priscilla the measure is set to take effect rate in march. what is next for this? >> all of this is going to play
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out in the courts now. the justice department asked the court to block this measure from taking effect at all. for some history here, the justice department threatened suit texas last week if they didn't back down from this measure. that did not happen. just yesterday the justice department sued texas over this controversial immigration law. their argument here is that the federal government is charged with enforcing immigration law. that is not an authority that estate holds. they go on to say pretty bluntly that texas cannot run into an immigration system. they go on to say in this complaint, quote, it efforts through as before, that is the name of the measure, and on the federal government's exclusive authority to regulate the entrance and removal of non citizens. and proceeds with u.s. foreign relations sb-4 must be invalid and must be adjoined. the justice department asking
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the courts to step in to block this measure. zooming out this is part of an ongoing to people tween president biden and texas governor, greg abbott, who launched his own border mission at the launch of president biden's administration. it has caused alarm here at the white house as i have seen the governor take on immigration actions, many of which are controversial, along the state 's shared border with mexico. just this week, this is the second legal action the justice department has taken against texas. earlier this week they want to the supreme court and asked them to step in to allow the administration to cut razor wire, which texas have put in place, and border agents say have been discovering their own operations on the ground. all of this continuing to unfold between the president and the republican governor. now this dispute is going to play out in the courts. >> priscilla alvarez live from the white house. thank you so much. we want to pivot to capitol hill now. house republicans are saying that they will shut down the federal government if their
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demands are not met on a border deal. right now, of course, a bipartisan group of senators is trying to find middle ground. republican hard-liners would say they only accepted a deal that looks like a deal that passed the chamber last year. hr to, also known as the secure the border. rack >> it includes beefing up border patrol staffing, restricting use of humanitarian parole programs, continuing border wall development, and the stripping of funding from nonprofits to care for migrants. let's go to manu raju. money, where does this stand now? >> really in a period of uncertainty. huge consequences looming. there is a negotiation happening right now in the senate to try to come up with some sort of middle ground among a handful senators in the immigration to see if they could get a deal that could actually pass the senate and move through the house. get signed into law. of course, republicans are insisting that the border
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security provision must be dealt with first before they will agree to greenlight aid to ukraine even at the immigration is sounding the alarm and demanding that aid to ukraine be approved immediately. warning that the countries aid in the future could be in danger. there's a big problem. the senate has yet to produce a deal. even if there was a deal, many republicans say they simply will not accept it because it is not expected to go as far as that house bill, hr-2. i spoke to several other key senators who are negotiating this plan. whether or not they would accept hr-2 as part of the negotiation. they pushed back. >> if you are serious about getting results, you have to be working across the aisle. my impression is speaker johnson has not spent one minute trying to work across the aisle trying to get a deal on immigration. we are trying to work across the aisle in the senate to try to get a bipartisan deal on the
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supplemental. >> is that practical? hr-2? >> i don't think that is a question for me. what we are building is building a practical and reasonable solution. >> he still how trilogy something. we can trust you nothing. we can't get everything in hr-2, so we're gonna do nothing. >> reporter: that last comment comes from james lankford, the republican who is negotiating. to say simply there is a democratic senate democrat in the white house in a republican planted white house, while he supports, it simply will not become law giving the opposition among democrats. you have seen the divide really play out. not just between the republican party but between two chambers, between the house in the senate. huge questions about whether anything needs to get done. or whether this will fall apart next week when they come back into session. what will happen in the future of ukraine? as well as israel aid. all waiting on these critical negotiations play out over immigration. >> the backdrop, manu, over the senate deal that includes
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protections for the border, aid ukraine in israel. it is the broader fight over government funding. you've learned that congressional leaders are inching closer towards an agreement to set overall funding levels for the government, right? >> that is right. but it will not avert a government shutdown. we've been told according to numerous sources that congressional leaders, speaker of the house by johnson, as well as senate majority leader, chuck schumer, a close to agreement on the overall spending levels for the rest of this current fiscal year that and since of timber. they stop to make a decision on program by program decisions on how to fund the rest of the government. what to fund and whatnot to fund. that is whether the complicated matters come in, including dealing with issues of the border, as well as immigration, as we are hearing. calls from these republican hard-liners, in particular, demanding stricter border security measures in that government funding bill. some of them say, shut down the government. if they will not shut down the border. that is going to be part of the dynamic as they come back to
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washington with very little time next week. the first government funding deadline is january 19th. the next one is february. second wheel concerns about a government shutdown because of those sharp disagreements. even if there is an overall agreement on funding, what will they do about those overall programs? will that lead to a broader government shutdown? big questions in the weeks ahead? >> manu, we'll be tracking that with you. thank you so much, live for us from capitol hill. still ahead, how big is it in countries? a record drop and murder numbers, we will have that i had.
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major cities across the united states are actually reporting a stunning drop in homicides. this is according to new data from the fbi and local law enforcement. just take a look at some of these numbers. murders falling sharply in chicago, also down in san francisco, down significantly in atlanta, and many other american cities. >> it's not just murder either.
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if there were significant drops in nearly every other category of violent and property crime, including break-ins and muggings. cnn's morales has been looking in this. what does the data tell you? >> these are pretty significant declines. the numbers are fascinating. they really give you a snapshot of what is going on right now. i wanted to quickly run through some of these numbers and some of these major cities we are looking at. new york city down 12% as far as murders go. detroit down 18%. l.a. down 15%. phoenix down 14%. philadelphia down 20%. there is a lot going on here. it -- you always have durham ember that with these numbers coming back down from a spike. the pandemic really affect things. they really affected the way police operated during the pandemic as far as crime was
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concerned. also in terms of how the court system is operating. while these numbers are declining, we are coming back down from a spike. we still have a lot more to go. for instance, you look at new york city, their numbers are down for this year. that is still up compared to where we were in 2019. the same goes for philadelphia. the numbers this year for 2023, this past year, they are down. still up from where we were in 2019 when the pandemic started. >> that's great news. just that the trajectory is in the right direction, even if it hasn't come back down. it is not the case for every city though. somewhere crime is sharply higher still. washington d.c., new haven, connecticut among them. explain that to us. >> this is where a lot of the announces still needs to be done. on forsman points to the ability to have the courts back working again.
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they point to crime intervention strategies. they point to everything working in lockstep, even having more patrol. that is not always the case for every city. the d.c. numbers, for instance, they might have numbers working with the core system. there's still a lot more work that needs to be done to get a lot of these numbers significantly under back to where they were before. for some of these other city save unable to manage so far. >> mark morales, thank you so much for the reporting. we appreciate. it still ahead, google is disabling cookies for some 30 million phone ears are. we will break down how the company is tracking you online.
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more privacy online. today, google is beginning a media diet, restricting the technology that allows advertisers to track your activity, those cookies. google is starting by disabling cookies for 1% of its chrome users, it says by the end of the year, cookies are going to be eliminated from chrome entirely. joining us with more on this is thomas jermaine, a senior reporter at gizmodo. this is a big deal, the online ad business is a $600 billion a year industry according to the wall street journal, so why is google now eliminating them? >> what we are talking about is one of the biggest changes not just in the history of the internet but in the entire business model of the tech industry. so cookies, are one of the primary ways that consumers are tracked online for targeted
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advertising purposes, but the walls have been closing in when it comes to privacy as government and the public wake up to issues about our data. a couple of years ago, google saw the writing on the wall and realized they needed to make a change because if they didn't do something about privacy, the government was going to do it for them and that's not what they wanted, so they announce this new initiative to get rid of cookies and replace them with a new technology that still tracks you and allows advertisers to target you with ads but it works a little better when it comes to your privacy. >> when you say it works a little better, there's an aspect to cookies that are actually beneficial because we could be talking about waffles or slippers and then your phone just like knows that you are looking to buy something and it pops up ads for you. so how is the new system going to work? >> it's phenomenally complicated when you get down
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into the technical details but what will happen on a basic level is chrome itself, your own browser will be the one tracking instead of these files floating all over the internet and chrome is going to collect data about what you are doing on different websites but it stores the data on your device, google and everyone else doesn't get to see it. instead, chrome is going to sort you into these different cohorts of people who are interested in different topics and websites and advertisers will be able to ask chrome which cohort is this person interested in and they won't get to know exactly who you are or learn anything about your browsing history. that's better for your privacy than the status quo. at the same time, there are other browsers like dr. go and firefox that don't track you at all. so, it's not perfect. >> i'm wondering how businesses are reacting to this. i know some of them are concerned that google is moving
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too fast and they haven't had a chance to adjust. >> yeah, google is concerned about the problem because at the same time, there are regulators breathing down there next, accusing him of being a monopoly and it doesn't want to do something that will hurt the competitors. so it's been working hard to try and please the advertising industry and give it a technology that doesn't and if it google more than anyone else and allows advertisers to continue the targeted advertising status quo, so it's a delicate talents. some companies feel like google is writing the rules of the internet and it kind of is in some ways where this will advantage the company and hurt others but for the most part, they're really concerned about working together with the industry to find a solution that will please everyone. >> quickly, is there actually going to be a noticeable difference when you use chrome? >> i think for consumers, you probably not are going to feel any different, you will see a pop-up that lets you know the change has happened but for the most part, it'll be the same internet although it'll be a lot of different things happening under the, we are talking about an earthquake happenining underneaeath.
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>> i i appreciatate your expere cnn n news centralal returu justst a moment. stay with h us.
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thank you for joining us this afternoon. in less than an hour, urgent questions may be answered about a shooting with multiple gunshot victims at perry high school in iowa. a press conference is set for 4:00 easte


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