tv CNN News Central CNN January 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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as i was typing that my seatmate said put that up. he said you are out of time. that is a sentence that hit me like a ton of bricks. i was like, really? at 37? i'm out of time? i'm not going to be the mother of the bride. i am not going to see my youngest son, i'm not a perfect mother but i am their mother. to think that i would not finish raising them was pretty hard. >> and all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper airs sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only here on cnn. make sure you tune into that. that will be incredible. >> thank you for joining us for jake takes up our coverage of the president's speech right now
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. welcome to the lead. we start this hour with breaking news. at any moment we expect president biden to deliver the first major speech of this campaign year, 2024, he intends to warren the american people what he says are the dangers of the trump presidency. this speech comes ahead of tomorrow's somber anniversary, it will be three years since that horrific deadly insurrection at the u.s. capitol fueled by then president donald trump's lies about a stolen election. the location of today's speech is in blue bell, pennsylvania, which is near the historic war site of valley forge pennsylvania. that is where general george washington and his forces survived a brutal winter to train and fight the british. the british wanted to deny the birth of american democracy. before his speech president
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biden did lay a wreath at the arch and did visit the former headquarters of then general washington, soon to be president washington, the location and the words of the first president are said to be essential part of today's speech. the first part, donald trump is on his way back to iowa where he will conduct two events. he is trying to convince republicans to hand him a commanding victory when they caucus and cast the first ballots in the presidential primary election. the caucus is in just 10 days. the very first contest of the 2024 presidential letter election year. we are going to start with, traveling with the president at the site of resident biden's address. we have some excerpts from his prepared remarks. what is expected to say? >> president biden's advisors say they really view this speech
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as a chance for him to lay out the foundational argument of his reelection campaign. the president will warn that a threat to democracy does exist and former president donald trump is a major reason why. they have chosen january 6 to deliver this message because they believe this is a potent political issue, but they also want to make sure americans do not forget what happened that day three years ago. the president will speak in certain terms about what transpired and what he sees the former president's role in that event is. he is expected to draw the symbolism of valley forge. george washington commanded his troops through a very long winter. the president will borrow from a phrase george washington used to describe the mission of his team saying it was a sacred cause to defend democracy. the president says today we are here to answer the most important of questions, is democracy still the sacred cause? whether democracy is america
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sacred causes the most urgent message of our time it is what the 2024 election is about. the biden campaign is eager to draw contrasts with the former president and they believe the issue of democracy and the issue of january 6 will be a moment of reckoning headed into the 2024 election. one of the challenges is if they can make this sink into the american psyche at a time when there are other issues with the economy at the top of many list. >> what do we know about president biden's campaign schedule moving forward? >> this event really kick starts the 2024 process. on monday he's slated to travel down to charleston south carolina where he will speak up mother emanuel ame church. it was there where nine black prisoners were shot in a mass shooting back in 2015, that is another opportunity for the president to talk about political violence, and what he is talking about today.
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his team says that they will ramp up the travel over the course of the next two months. they have not outlined how frequently he will be out on the trail but they expect that he and vice president harris are starting to pick up the campaign activity now that the 2024 year is getting underway and as republican primary contests are about to kick off. >> thank you so much. let's talk about this with our panel as we wait for president biden to begin. the biden campaign sees this as the kickoff for the 2024 strategy and they are seeing saying it is not just joe biden but it is democracy. what will you be listening for him to say? >> clearly they are putting this at the very front of the 2024 conversation that the president intends to have with the american people. i am listening for a couple of things, one they are going to draw a contrast with trump, that is where they believe the
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key component of a successful biden election effort in 2024. in talking to senior campaign officials, one thing that surprised me is that they believe in their universe of targeted voters that they can determine the election, like 3/4 of them do not believe donald trump is back on the scene and is likely to be the nominee. we all pay attention to this like he is going to be the nominee, but for a large swath of their targeted voters, they have not dialed into think that donald trump is on the scene. part of what he is doing is not only dealing with this issue with democracy and freedom, he is trying to force the contrast between -- before donald trump is the nominee to start reminding these folks he really is back and he really has a chance of being back in the oval office and we have to start fortifying against that. >> do what do you attribute
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that the voters are where of the fact that donald trump will likely be the nominee. is it that donald trump is campaigning in such a way as to really focus on the base right now and the targeted voters are not watching newsmax? >> i think that is some of it. i also think at a higher level voters are not dialed into politics. not in the way we are and not the way most of the cnn audience are. most are not thinking about the presidential election. some of it i think is that trump is not campaigning in a robust way. most of it is that they are thinking about their own lives, they are not thinking about campaigning. for president biden and the biden campaign we have two key pieces of this message. one is the fierce intensity with which president biden fuels this as someone who lost
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his campaign in 2019. he was motivated by what he saw in charlottesville, the motion of trump stoking the violence is something he feels passionate about. they are always going to talk about things that they feel motivated about. this doesn't appeal to the democratic base, it fires them up but it also appeals to democratic voters. there is a poll that 80% of people are concerned about medical violence in this country. >> i think that same pole was saying 56% of independent voters believe donald trump had something to do with the insurrection, either somewhat or a great deal. i think that also is who joe biden is playing to pay it he is losing a lot of constituencies as we have all talked about. one constituency that i believe or they believe they can really get back, or keep is
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independent voters and this is the one issue that will keep them. >> just for folks, charlie dent former republican congressman, biden is expect to say this, when the attacks of january 6th happened there was no doubt about the truth rate at the time republican members of congress even fox news publicly and privately condemned the attack. trump's behavior was embarrassing and militating for the country. now, as time has gone on, politics, fear and money have intervened and the >> megan: voices have abandoned the truth and abandoned the democracy. they have made their choice now the rest of us, democrats, independents, mainstream republicans have to make our choice. what are your thoughts? honestly, you are one of the people he is talking to, mainstream republicans.
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>> what is happening here i think joe biden's campaign is taking a page out of josh shapiro's playbook. he ran against, and shapiro hammered hard on extremism, insurrection and abortion rights. that was a very effective issue for him and shapiro was successful in getting a lot of republicans to vote for him as well is independents and he won by a substantial margin. he won by a very big margin. i think the biden people are looking at that, the shapiro model in pennsylvania. i think that is a piece of this. the biden campaign needs to reach out to swing an independent voters. for a lot of them right now this is just another partisan issue, it is kind of baked in.
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i think biden is trying to speak to that swing audience the same way that shapiro did. >> on that note, we are expecting him to not only talk about freedom with regards to democracy, but also abortion- rights. >> it is key to the campaign. abortion-rights is a freedom issue for democrats and election after election and poll after poll it is their strongest issue, not only with suburban women, but it seems to be men and everyone else in this country overwhelmingly believe or disagree with the supreme court ruling. i think biden would be foolish not to mention it. it is part of this whole rubric which is freedom. personal freedom and democracy and abortion-rights fit right into
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that. >> congressman dean phillips, democrat of minnesota is challenging biden for the democratic presidential nomination who cannot get a debate and is having trouble getting onto ballots, he thinks it is hypocritical of president biden. he says joe biden was a talk about democracy when it benefits him but he is not interested when it does not. >> that is a ludicrous statement. dean phillips is running a longshot campaign. he has not organized enough support if you're working through party requirements, he has not earned enough support. there are a lot of logistical reasons that we can talk about why he has not hit a threshold that would trigger a debate. it is unfortunate to see someone who claims to be himself and advocate for democracy using this opportunity to try to tear down the president in order to promote himself. i think joe biden has been very clear about the need for us to
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protect democracy, it has been a core central message, he is running, presumably, we will see what happens in a couple of weeks, he is running against donald trump, someone who has effectively violently try to overturn the outcome of an election. i don't think anyone has been more direct about protecting democracy like joe biden. it is frustrating to see someone like joe phillips trying to get his moment. >> we will talk about this more later right now president biden in his first speech of 2024. he is near valley forge we will be back in a moment.
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breaking political news. we are awaiting president biden's first campaign speech of 2024. he will speak about what he sees as the threat of democracy posed by donald trump. joining me now to discuss is a former congressman adam kinzinger. i want to ask you about president biden speech, but what is going through your mind as we approach three years since the insurrection, a grim memorial that we will note tomorrow. three years, what is going through your mind? >> first off it feels like yesterday. it is a little bit of sadness or a lot of sadness, on january
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7, 2021, if you would have told me that not only donald trump be running for president i would not have believed you, and that he would be the front runner i would not have believed you, and there is a good chance that he will be elected i would not have believed you. i think i am mourning the death of truth and the tribalism that is holding people this cult so strongly that they are unwilling to see what is before their eyes because that means that will lose their status as part of the tribe. that is what we have to break. that will be a fight for the next year or so. >> he is but a mortal man. to what do you attribute this? why is he able to keep this hold on not just voters, but on the likes of fox that lost $787 billion, or $5 million because they were adhering to his lies and all the republican leaders and members of congress that were friends and colleagues of
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yours? >> i think we have underestimated the desire of people to own the left in his base. when he comes along and says these things that are so completely outrageous, by the way, we become numb to it. we spent a lot of time, as we should, talk about nikki haley and the civil war but donald trump left her in a week saying stuff that we have become numb to. i think there is a side of that tribal belonging on the right that just loves that. the references damaging and they do not care. my former colleagues all they care about is being in the tribe. the biggest followers that exist and in a position that requires leaders in leadership, when nobody believes it is easy to take liz cheney, me, mitt romney and cast us out and say we are an aberration. unfortunately we are aberrations at this moment. that is all done to keep the rest of the people from doing
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the same thing because they want to stay in the tribe. there has to be an alliance between the same right and center in the left. we have these differences and we will have those if we get through november and that is the number one goal. >> as a member of the january 6 select house committee, you have seen evidence, videos, you sat in on the interviews, what do you say to a voter who is undecided? >> simply this. do you believe in democracy and self-governance or don't you? i get it, you might be upset about the border, we all have issues that we do not agree with with this administration, if donald trump gets in he will not put people who defend the constitution around him, he will put people around him who defend him and he has such low self-esteem he has to have his cup filled with praise every day. you see that from the videos he puts out from mar-a-lago. he will have people around him
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who will say, i am not going to worry about the constitution, i will do whatever you want me to do. the guardrails of democracy, the guardrails of democracy are people holding to their oath. this guy has shown he does not care about his oath and he will put people around him who do not care. if you want to leave your kids a country that is better off than the one you inherited, fight for functioning political system, do not put trump back in. you will destroy the future of self-governance in this country and i believe that. >> for those watching right now, on the right side of your screen that is county commissioner joseph douglas, or justin douglas who is introducing president biden. when president biden start speaking we will bring that to you. congressman kinzinger, do you think donald trump is a threat to democracy? if so, how is he a threat to democracy itself? >> i think he is whenever you violate norms in democracy you
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never get that back. donald trump has said clearly sometimes you have to ignore the constitution or suspend the constitution. when? not in defense of the country but in defense of him. he is not running to make america strong or a fierce nation, he is running to be petro people's retribution. he has turned americans into the chief enemy. when you have that set up and people embracing liberalism and embracing authoritarianism not ashamed of that, self- government cannot survive because of the basis of self- governance is that we know we can vote and the vote counts in the winter winds. he sullied that and destroy people's faith with that very basic compact that we have to have when you convince the country that the election was stolen. if you believe the election system does not work and you truly believe that, you cannot have a self-governing system because you believe your voice
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is being stifled. it is a lie, but alike to benefit one man, donald trump, because he is afraid he will be put in jail. >> if it ends up being a biden, trump rematch, and we do not know yet the first votes will be cast in a few days, if it ends up being trump versus biden, who do you think wins? >> i think it is close, unfortunately i think there are real issues overwriting the issue of democracy of the border is one. the democrats have to quit attending like they are blowing the border out of proportion. they have in the past but this is serious. it will be close. any black swan event can happen pretty we have the trials coming up -- >> here comes president biden and the first lady pre-thank you for joining us. we are going to listen in to his speech right now live from montgomery county, pennsylvania.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you very, very much. today the topic of my speech today is deadly serious. i think it needs to be made at the outset of this campaign. the winner winter of 1777 was harsh and cold as the continental army marched to valley forge. general george washington knew he faced the most daunting of
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tasks, to fight and win a war against the most powerful empire that existed in the world at the time. his mission was clear, liberty. not conquest. freedom, not domination. national independence, not individual glory. america made a vow, never again will we bow down to a king. the months ahead will be incredibly difficult. general washington knew something in his bones, something about the spirit of the troops he was leading, something, something about the soul of the nation that he was struggling to be born. in his order he predicted, and i quote, with one heart and one mind, with fortitude and with patients, they would overcome
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every difficulty, the troops he was leading and they did. they did. this army that lacked blankets, food, clothing and shoes, this army marched with bloodied barefoot prints in the snow, this ragtag army made up of ordinary people. their mission, george washington declared was nothing less than a sacred cause. that was the phrase he used, sacred cause. freedom, liberty, democracy. american democracy. i just visited the grounds of valley forge. i have been there a number of times since i was a boy scout. it is a very site that i think every american should visit. it tells the story of the pain, suffering and true patriotism that it took to make america. today we gather in a new year, some 246 years later, just one day before january 6th. a day
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forever shared in our memory because it was on that day that we nearly lost america. nearly lost it all. today we are here to answer the most important question, is democracy still america's sacred cause? i mean it. this is not rhetorical academic or hypothetical, is democracy still america's sacred cause? is the most urgent question of our time. that is what the 2024 election is all about. the choice is clear, donald trump's campaign is about him, not america, not you. donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. he is willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power , our campaign is different.
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for me it is about america, it is about every background that occupied this country. it is about the future that we will continue to build together. our campaign is about preserving and strengthening our american democracy. three years ago tomorrow, we saw with our own eyes the violent mob stormed the united states capitol. it was almost in disbelief as you turn on the television. for the first time in our history insurrectionist came to stop the peaceful transfer of power in america. the first time. smashing windows, shattering doors and attacking the police. outside gallows were erected as the crowd chanted haying mike pence. inside they hunted for speaker pelosi, the house was chanting and they went through
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and smashed windows and set where's nancy. over 140 police officers were injured. we attended the funerals of the police officers who died as a result of the events that day. because of donald trump's lies, they died because this lie brought a mob to washington. he promised it would be wild and it was he told the crowd to fight like and all was unleashed. he promised he would write to them, everything he did he would be side-by-side with them. and as usual, he left the dirty work to others. he retreated to the white house as america was attacked from within, donald trump watched on tv in a private small room off the oval office. the entire nation watched in horror. the whole world watched
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in disbelief and trump did nothing. members of his staff, members of his family, republican leaders who were under attack at that very moment pled with him, act, call off the mom. imagine if he had gone out and said stop. still, trump did nothing. it was among the worst dereliction of duty by a president in american history. and attempt to overturn a fair election by force or violence. a record 81 million people voted for my candidacy and to end his presidency. trump lost the popular vote by 7 million. trumps claims about the 2020 election never could stand up in court. trump lost 60 four cases, 60. trump lost republican- controlled states, trump lost before a trump appointed judge,
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and then judges. trump lost before the united states supreme court. trump lost recount after recount after recount and state after state. in desperation and weakness trump and his maga followers when after election officials who ensure that your powers of citizen will be hurt. these public servants had their lives upended by attacks and death threats for simply doing their jobs. in atlanta georgia, a brave black mother and their daughter ruby freeman and shay moss were doing their jobs as election workers until donald trump and his mega followers targeted to threaten memo forcing them from their homes and unleashing on them. trumps personal lawyer, rudy
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giuliani was hit with a $148 million judgment for cruelty and defamation that he inflicted against them. other state and local elected rituals across the country faced similar personal attacks. in addition, fox news agreed to pay a record eight to $780 million for the lies that they told about voter fraud. let's be clear about the 2020 election, trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election, everyone. the legal path just took trump back to the truth. i won the election and he was the loser. >> knowing how his mind works,
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he had one act left, one desperate act available violence of january 6th. since that day more than 1200 people have been charged for assaulting the capital, over 900 have been convicted or pled guilty, collectively to date they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison. what has trump done? instead of calling them criminals, he is calling these insurrectionist patriots. they are patriots. he promised to pardon them if he returns the office. trump said there was a lot of love on january 6. the rest of the nation, including law enforcement saw a lot of hate
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and violence. one capitol police officer called it a medieval battle. that same officer was called violent racist names. he said he was more afraid of the capital of the united states of america then when he was fighting as a soldier in the war in iraq he said he was more afraid inside the halls of congress than fighting the war in iraq. trying to rewrite the facts of january 6th, trump is trying to steal history the same way he steals the election. but we knew the truth because we start with our own eyes. it was not a historic story, it was on television repeatedly. trumps mob was not a peaceful protest, it was a violent assault. they were insurrectionist, not
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patriots, they were not there to uphold the constitution, they were there to destroy the constitution. trump will not do what an american president must do he refuses to denounce political violence. hear me clearly, i will say what donald trump won't, political violence is never acceptable to the united states political system, never, never. it has no place in democracy, none. you can't be pro- insurrectionist and fellow american priest and his supporters not only embraced political violence but they left about it. he jokes about an intruder whiffed up by the trump line he took a hammer and hit paul pelosi's goal.
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he kept asking where's nancy and he thought it was funny he laughed about it what a sick --. i think it is despicable not just for the president but for any person to the whole world listening. trumps assault and democracy is not just part of his past, it's when he is promising for the future. he is not hiding the ball his first rally through the 2024 campaign would acquire the january 6th insurrectionist singing from prison on a cell phone. images of the january 6th riot played on the big screen behind him at his rally. can you believe that this is
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like something out of a fairytale, bad fairytale. trump began his 2024 campaign by glorifying the failed violent insurrection on our capital. the guy who claims law and order sows lawlessness and disorder. trump is not concerned about your future, i promise you. trump is now promising a full scale of the campaign and retribution, in his words, for some years to come. those were his words. he went on to say he would be a dictator on day one. if i was writing a book of fiction, the american president said that, not in just he called it and i quote, this is a quote, the termination of all the rules, regulation and articles, even those found in the u.s. constitution.
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it should be terminated if it is his will. it is hard to believe, even found in the constitution he can terminate? he has threatened the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff with the death penalty saying he should be put to death because the chairman put his oath in the constitution ahead of his personal loyalty to trump. this coming from a president who visited his cemetery called dead soldiers suckers and losers. sometimes i am really happy that
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can't be seen. it was right around the time that i was at, how dare he who in god's name does he think he is? with former aides trump plans to invoke the insurrection act which will allow him to deploy. it will allow him to deploy u.s. military forces on the streets of america. he calls those who oppose him vermin. he talks about the blood of america as being poison, echoing the same exact language used in germany . he proudly post on social media the words that best describe his 2024 campaign, quote, revenge, quote, power, quote,
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dictatorship. there is no confusion about who trump is or what he intends to do. i place my hand on our family bible and i swore an oath on the very same steps of the capital just 14 days after the attack on january 6th. as i looked out over the capital city, the streets were lined with national guard to prevent another attack and i saw an american pushed through the brink. america that was pushed to the brink. but i felt enormous pride not in winning but i felt enormous pride in america. american democracy had been tested. american democracy had held together. trump can see
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weakness in our democracy and continues to talk about it, i saw strength, your strength, not hyperbole, your strength, your integrity, america's strength and integrity. ordinary citizens state election officials, the american judicial system put the constitution first and sometimes at their peril. at their peril. because of them, because of you , the will of the people prevail. not the anger or the mob or the appetite of one man. when the attack on january 6 happened, there was no doubt about the truth. at the time, even republican members of congress and fox news commentators publicly and privately condemned the attack. as one republican senator said, trump's behavior was embarrassing and humiliating for the country.
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now that same senator and those same people have changed their tune for it as time has gone on, politics, fear money all intervened and now these maga voices who know the troop truth about january 6 have abandoned democracy. they made the choice. the rest of us, democrats, independents, mainstream republicans, we have to make our choice. i know mine. and i believe i know america's. we will defend the truth not given to the big lie. we will embrace the constitution of the declaration and not abandon it. we will honor the sacred cause of democracy and not walk away from it. today i make this sacred pledge to you defense, protection and
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preservation of american democracy it will remain as it has been the central cause of my presidency. america, as we begin this election year we must declare democracy is on the ballot, your freedom is on the ballot. yes, we will be voting on many issues, and the freedom to vote and have your vote counted, freedom of choice, freedom of a fair shot, freedom from fear and we will debate and disagree without democracy. no progress is impossible inc. about it. the term democracy is dictatorship. the rule of one, not we the people.
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that is with the soldiers at valley forge understood we have to understand this as well. we have been blessed so long with a strong stable democracy. it is easy to forget why so many before us risk their lives and strengthen democracy. what would our lives be without it? democracy means having the freedom to speak your mind, to be who you are, to be who you want to be. democracy is about being able to bring about peaceful change. mocker see, democracy is how we open the doors of opportunity wider and wider, notwithstanding mistakes. if democracy falls we will lose that freedom we will lose the power of freedom to create our
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destiny if you dealt with me, look around the world, travel with me as i meet with heads of states. look at the authority of dictators that trump says he admires. remember how he refers to what he calls love letter exchanges between he and the dictator of north korea those women and men out there in the audience who ever fought for the american military, have you ever heard a president say something like that? his admiration for putin. i can go on. look at what these autocrats are doing to win freedom in their countries. they limited freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, lgbtq
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writes, women are going to jail and more. american history is not a fairytale, every stride forward in america has been met with backlash many times from those who fear progress and for those who exploit that fear for their own personal gain. for those lies have been told for power and profit, for those words been told by grievance thing grip, consumed by conspiracy and victimhood and those who seek to bury history and ban books. have you been to a political event where they talk about banning? the choice and contest between those forces, those competing forces between solidarity and division is perennial. this time it is so different. you cannot have a contest, you cannot have a contest if you
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see politics as an all out war as a way to resolve our differences. all out war is what trump wants. that is why he does not understand the most fundamental truth about this country. unlike other nations on earth, america is not built on ethnicity, religion, geography, we are the only nation in the history of the world built on an idea. not hyperbole, built on an idea. we hold these truths to be self- evident that all men and women are created equal, it's an idea declared in the declaration, created in a way that viewed everyone is equal and should be treated equal throughout their lives. we have never fully lived up to that, we have a long way to go, but we never walked away from the idea we never have walked away from it. i promise you, i will not let
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donald trump andy maga republicans force us -- >> [ applause ] >> we live in an era where a determined minorities doing everything in the power to try to destroy our democracy for their own agenda. they are standing in the breach. remember in 2020, more americans voted than any other in history. americans saw the threat posed to the country and they voted him out. in 2022, historic midterm election, state after state and election after election, the election deniers were defeated. now in 2024 trump is the denier in chief, the election deniers
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in chief. once again he said he will not honor the results of the election if he loses. trump says he does not understand. he still does not understand the basic truth that is you cannot love your country only when you win. >> [ applause ] >> i will keep my commitment to be president for all of america, whether you voted for me are not. we have done it for the last three years and i will continue to do it. together we can prove america is still a country that believes in decency, dignity, honesty, honor, truth. we still believe that no one, not even the president is above the law. >> [ applause ] >> the vast majority of us believe that everyone deserves
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a fair shot of making it. we are still a nation that gives hate no safe harbor. i can tell you from my experience and working with leaders from around the world, i mean this sincerely, not a joke, america is still viewed as a beacon of democracy for the world. i cannot tell you how many, how many world leaders, and i know all of them, virtually all of them, they grabbed my arm in privacy and say you. my country will be at risk. think of how many countries that you know who are on the edge. imagine. we still believe in we the people. that includes all of us, not some of us. let me close with this. in the cold winter of 1777 , george washington and his american troops of valley forge waged a battle
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that everyday people with the vast majority of you, not a king or dictator, everyday people can govern themselves without the king. or dictator, the rotunda of the capital, present and painting, general george washington, president washington, and he is resigning his commission, as commander-in-chief of the continental army. the european king at the time said after the revolution, now it is time for him to declare his kingship. but instead, the mob that attacked the capital, waving trump flags and confederate flags stormed right past the portrait, the image of george washington, gave him no pause, it should have, the orders to have that, he said it was
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quote, one of the highest moral lessons ever given to the world. end of quote. george washington was at the height of his power, having just defeated the most powerful umpire on earth. he could've held onto power as long as he wanted. he could have made himself not a future president but future monarch in effect. and by the way, when elected president, he could've stayed for two or three or 45 terms until he died. but that wasn't the america he and the troops at valley forge had fought for. an america, genuine leaders, democratic leaders with a small d don't hold onto power relentlessly. our leaders return power to the people and they do it willingly, because that is the deal.
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you do your duty, you serve your country, and ours is a country worthy of service, as many republican presidents and democratic presidents have shown over the years. we are not perfect, but at our best we face head-on the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are. we look in the mirror. and ultimately never pretend that we are something that we are not. that's what great nations do, we are the greatest nation on the face of the earth, we really are.>> [ applause ] that is the america i see in our future. we get up, we carry-on, we never bow and never been, we
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speak of possibilities, not carnage. we don't foster fear, we don't walk around as victims, we take charge of our destiny, with the people that we find in america. who find their place in a changing world and dream and build a future, not only they would all people deserve a shot at. that if you believe america's feeling, that is american patriotism. not winning because of joe biden, is winning, the first national election since january 6 instruction placed a dagger the throat of american democracy since that moment, we all know who donald trump is,
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the question we have to answer is who are we? that is what is at stake. and as you talk to family and friends and castor ballots, the power is in your hands. for all we have been through from independence to civil war to two world wars in a pandemic and insurrection, i refuse to believe that in 2024 we americans will choose to walk away from what has made us the greatest nation in the history of the world, freedom, liberty, democracy is still a sacred cause. and there is no country in the world better positioned to lead the world that america! >> [ applause ] >> that's why i've never been more optimistic about her future and i've been doing this for a long time. just remember who we are.
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with patience and fortitude and one heart, we are the united states of america for god's sake. i mean it. there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity if we act together and decently with one another, nothing, nothing, i mean it. the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than when we went into the crisis. and that was true yesterday, it is true today. and i guarantee that it will be true tomorrow, god bless you all and may god protect our troops! >> [ applause ] [ cheering ]♪ ♪ you been listening to president biden deliver his
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very first campaign speech of election year 2024, there is the first lady, dr. joe biden, the speech comes on the eve of the solemn anniversary of three years since the january 6 insurrection. is thinking the crowd in pennsylvania not far from valley forge, the battleground that he invoked, he called his presidential campaign one that is about america, trying to contrast donald trump's campaign is one that is instead about trump and someone who is obsessed about the passes in the future, you use another historic site on monday, in charleston, south carolina where he will speak at mother emmanuel church, the historic black church were nine people were killed after a racist gun man opened fire on a bible study group into the.-- 2015 . david, big picture, what you make of the speech?
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figure much like we talked going into it, he is very effective on this, you can see the president feels it in the bones, makes it a better speech moment. i think two things were really interesting to watch going forward. after he did the litany of the anniversary, commemorating the anniversary, he said it's not just about the past, this is what donald trump is promising to do again is president, making about this campaign, not just generally sixth but the choice with voters here in promising to do many of these things again, that's going to be a constant theme. and donald trump once all out war. and that's going to force joe biden, that's how donald trump plays, about to enter the
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election season, and preferring all-out war what comes of this, and the can see before, and the twist and turn of it, you can ignore somebody and invite you to the all-out war, a big speech and connects to the fundamental values, about the country, going to require the hand-to-hand combat, it was really personal. and you and god's name does he think he is, instill history, what a sick blank he called
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him, and you know, you can tell he feels it in his bones, this is the reason he is running again, and i found it to be more personal about donald trump than i have ever heard him in the past.>> he certainly did not shy away from calling donald trump out, i do think though he was really making an aggressive art with about how donald trump's actions are dangerous and threatening, yet the ad lib. moment when he said with a sick you know, and what was the word he was going to use? the four letter one? [ laughter ] >> how would i know quick >> anyway keep going. >> it reflects how strongly he feels about it, and how a lot of americans feel about donald trump, the religion effective job of
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